Pièce 202000926 - Tonetti's of Marist Brothers - 2020 Rugby Tour

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000926


Tonetti's of Marist Brothers - 2020 Rugby Tour


  • 2020 (Création/Production)

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A4 transcript in MSWord Pdf file from the Tonetti family

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Tonetti’s of Marist Brothers Liam and Conor Tonetti are fourth generation Marist Brothers scholars. Their great grandfather, Mario Tonetti was schooled at a Marist Brothers school in Italy, their grandfather James Tonetti matriculated from St David’s in 1954 and their father, Gordon matriculated from St David’s in 1986. A family of sportsmen, rugby players and engineers. The family is featured in a book titled: “Pioneers of the Lowveld” - Hans Bornman. The book discusses the Italian community of the early 1900’s. The Tonetti farm called Brusnengo, situated near Kaapmuiden is named after the town in Italy from which the family originate. The Catholic family built a church which was completed in 1935. During the final construction of the little church, the scaffolding used by the painters, fell on Giacomo Tonetti who died later from his injuries. A local school in the area is named “Tonetti” as well as a village named after the family. Mario Tonetti was instrumental in developing the Midrand area and road “Tonetti” in the centre of Midrand was named in honour of his contribution.
The love of sport and rugby follows a long line of family tradition. James Tonetti, in 1954 Vice Captained the 1st Rugby team, set numerous athletic records in the 400 m and 800 m and high jump, received a first class matric and was awarded an honours blazer. The “Tonetti trophy” is in circulation at St David’s Prep athletics and was donated to the school in honour of James’ contribution to sport at the school. James Tonetti was a founding member of the Marist Old Boys and shared many stories of his time at St David’s, of being taught by the Brothers and his many years at the Boarding House. He would have been very proud of his two grandson’s contribution to the school and their rugby abilities.
Gordon Tonetti matriculated in 1986 set numerous athletic records and was renowned for his 1500m and open road abilities. He played 1st team rugby two years running and was awarded scrolls for his contribution to athletics and rugby. Choice of schooling was never up for discussion in the Tonetti household and the we are delighted that the family tradition of sportsmanship both on and off the rugby field has been carried through the generations. Liam and Conor have both played A team rugby both in prep school and high school. The family are delighted that both boys have been selected for this international tour and will represent their school as brothers and teammates. Their great-grandfather and grandfather would be very proud of their dedication and commitment to this fabulous national sport.

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Content within this entry but First 15 Rugby 1953 and 1986 to be found in the yearbooks.

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