Pièce 202000941 - Interview with Svend Littauer1988

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Interview with Svend Littauer1988


  • 2013 (Création/Production)

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Interview with Svend Littauer – 1988
Svend came to St David’s in 1984, standard 6, he had just returned from being a few years
in Denmark and started school during the mid-term. It is never easy to try and integrate
when everyone already has their group of friends but he was made welcome by having a
designated person to look after him who he proudly still can call a friend 30 years later.
He always generally enjoyed school as an opportunity to be social and if the curriculum was
engaging enough it ensured that he was interested. Unfortunately during his time at St
David’s there were some “scandals” relating to the headmaster which meant that there was
no strong leadership in place. The reputation of the school suffered and the loss of the
brothers took away the specialness of the school.
Svend did not enjoy prefects’ teas – the thought that someone 17 years old had the authority
over you and, depending on their character, what punishment they could inflict.
Svend played tennis, rugby, hockey and cannot recall which team but he was briefly in the
rugby team before injured knees meant he had to swap to hockey..
The teachers that he remembers are Ms Joseph who was a fun Art teacher, Mrs De Wit and
Mr De Souza; Svend enjoyed their commitment to teaching.
One year the matrics apparently bounced the mini belonging to the Biology teacher up to the
first floor but as Svend wasn’t a witness he was not sure whether this was an urban legend.
Of his last day Svend remembers that it was with an element of sadness as it was where he
had spent the past 5 years however with it being the final year before embarking on the next
journey it was fairly exciting. He was with a number of boys going to St John’s to complete
their A’levels, during the uncertain times when they weren’t sure what the future in SA held.
After matriculating Svend went on to St John’s to write A level’s then onto RAU where he
studied for a BCom Law from 1992 – 94 and then Economics Hons in 1995. He is a fellow of
ICSA and is currently head of corporate legal and HR, Goodwille Ltd., St James House, 13
Kensington Square, London W8 5HD.
Svend had no sons who attended St David’s and visited St David’s 10 years ago but is still in
contact with George Neville Griffin, Stephen Klein, Beau Nicholas White and Edric von
JLE July 2013

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