Item 202000939 - Interview with Steven Giuricih 1994

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000939


Interview with Steven Giuricih 1994


  • 2012 (Produção)

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A4 transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Steven Giuricich – 1994
Steven began his career at St David’s in Gr0 until he matriculated as head boy in1994. On his
first day he was dropped off by his mother, his teacher was Mrs Walton and he was befriended
by Dale Forssmann.
The teaching was of a good standard and he remembers that Mrs Snyman was an institution at
the school, very strict and a tough cookie. Willy Castle also stands out in his memory, also strict
but many boys respected him and still do to this day. Mr Brownlee taught Geography and was
housemaster for Osmond, Mr Cotze, standard 5 was quite fearsome, Mr Girdwood, English, Mr
Lamb married Antoinette von Guilleaume who taught Afrikaans. Mr Davies was the headmaster
of the high school, was respected and regarded as a good leader. Father Brewer was a great
man always there to talk to and very helpful. He was very involved with the school and the
sporting activities.
Steven enjoyed the sport and participated in swimming, soccer, cricket and athletics. He wasn’t
really much of a sportsman in the prep but came into his own in the high school with rugby,
swimming and water polo and made the 1st rugby team. He went on the swimming and a water
polo tour to St Henry’s followed by Midmar. He also went on rugby tour to St Charles.
Academically he was just above average and was in a small matric class of about 38 – 40 boys.
He enjoyed the drama and was a member of the backstage team. There was no outreach that
he recalls.
The matric dance was held at Oakfields Farm and had a medieval theme but the 1993 matric
dance was held in the old school hall.
After he matriculated he went to study BSc Building Science at Wits University. He then started
his own business in residential housing and renovations but joined the family business in 2008.
He is married with a son Danillo who will start grade 00 in 2013 and a daughter Valentina who
will be going to St Mary’s for grade 000 in 2013.
Steven is a member of MOBS and is still in touch with Kerry Gibson, Clifford Kopstave, Andrew
Harris and Robert Laing.
JLE October 2012

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