Stuk 202000868 - Interview with Nigel Sloane 1980


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ZA ZAR STDS 202000868


Interview with Nigel Sloane 1980


  • 2011 (Vervaardig)



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Nigel Sloane Gr 1 1969 to matric 1980
Nigel began his school career in 1969 at St David’s in Mrs Schaafsma’s grade 1 class of 36 boys. He admits
that he was petrified of his teacher as well as the headmistress, Mrs Kempster. Other teachers who Nigel
remembers are Mrs Hildyard in standard 1, Mrs Napier in standard 2, Mrs Geddes in standard 3, Mrs
Barenbrug in standard 4 and finally Mrs Knezovich in standard 5 to complete his prep school teachers.
Nigel enjoyed his prep school years mainly because of the sport which he loved. When he was in grade 2 he
was selected to play for the U/10 cricket team. This was unheard of, a 7/8 year old playing with boys turning
10! One aspect which he did not like was when incense was used as this made him faint. He fondly
remembers Matron Buckley-Jones looking after him when he was not feeling well.
Nigel continued to enjoy his sport in the high school and in matric he was appointed captain of the 1st cricket
team. Here Nigel clashed with Br Timothy, the headmaster, as he asked if the 1st cricket team’s gear could be
blessed as was done for the 1st rugby team. Br Timothy refused. Just before the matric exams Br Timothy
would not allow Nigel to captain or play in the cricket team stating that he should be at home studying for the
exams. Br Timothy finally relented as Mrs Sloane intimated that there might be no tea provided for the match!!
Mrs Sloane as the captain’s mother was in charge of the teas.
Nigel did not enjoy high school as he was continually compared to his older brother, Christopher, who was
academically minded and achieved excellent results. Most of the staff thought that Nigel should follow in his
brother’s footsteps. This has left a lasting impression on Nigel and he is always very conscious of not
comparing the siblings he teaches.
While Mrs Sloane was very active with the catering committee, Mr Sloane sat on the PTA for a number of
years and was very involved in the design and building of the swimming pool as he was an engineer. Nigel
remembers Brs Anthony and Aquinas coming to the house for dinner.
Nigel wrote matric in 1980 and went off to the army. He returned for the prize giving in March 1981 to receive
the cricketer of the year award. Once the army was behind him he went to Rhodes where he achieved a BA
honours and teaching diploma. His first teaching post was at Redhill for one term before leaving for England
where he was head of sport at Downs School near Bristol. On his return to South Africa he decided to try the
corporate world. He worked for Woolworths for a short period but loathed the corporate life and decided to
return to teaching, his first love.
He taught at St David’s from 1994 to 1997. Here he taught Zulu, of which he knew very little, amongst a
variety of subjects. He was promoted to head of department senior primary by Mr Spence in 1996. Nigel was
introduced to his future wife Monica by Pat Milne who also taught at St David’s. Nigel and Monica left for
Uplands Prep where Nigel was deputy head for 7 years from 1998 to 2004.
Nigel then moved to Thomas More College as headmaster of the prep school from 2005 to 2008. In 2009
Nigel took up the post as prep headmaster of St Peter’s Prep with Greg Royce as the rector.
Nigel is still in contact with Brian Muller who lives in Australia and he, Monica and the children are happy living
at Pecanwood primary where Nigel is the current headmaster.
January 2011

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