Pièce 202000867 - Interview with Nicolas Harding 2003

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000867


Interview with Nicolas Harding 2003


  • 2014 (Création/Production)

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A4 transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Nicolas Harding – 2003
Nicolas came to St David’s in standard 6 – grade 8 . He and his brother had attended Rosebank Primary
School, originally coming from Belgium. Nicolas’s mother is French and met her Welsh husband in
Belgium. Nicolas recalls being quite apprehensive on his first day with the transition from a small coeducational
environment to a large monastic one. It was a big eye opener and a huge step up for him.
At the grade 8 camp he got to know some of the other boys including Gianluca Tucci, Danilo Giacovazzi,
Ciro De Siena, Anthony Koury, Kyle Biller and Chris Marsay. Nicolas wasn’t particularly good at sport but
enjoyed cricket and still plays at Zoo Lake in 8 a side T20, LMS cricket together with Carl Van Zyl. He
wasn’t in the 1st cricket team, didn’t enjoy rugby and played hockey instead.
Academically Nicolas did well being listed in the top ten a couple of times, was awarded academic ties and
a prize for Business Economics. He participated in the Smile programme but wasn’t involved with any
cultural extra murals.
The teachers he remembers are Mrs Nagy, Miss Nolan, Mrs Shumyn, Mr Buys, Mr Fry, Mr Smith and Mrs
Marais who helped him with Afrikaans which he found very difficult only encountering the language on his
arrival in South Africa.
Of his matric dance he has memories mainly of the after party. On his last day he remembers feeling rather
sad that he wouldn’t be seeing some of the guys again but also happy to be embarking on the next stage of
his life. He joined some of the other boys for a drink at a local pub.
After matriculating with distinction in French (his mother taught both himself and his brother) Nicolas went
on to study for a degree in Mathematics and Finance at Wits University. Six months after graduating he
was employed by Standard Bank to work on the “Calypso System”. From that he gained a good knowledge
of business and is now working on market risk mainly in Africa and has visited Swaziland, Lesotho,
Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, the DRC, Uganda, Ghana and Mauritius. He enjoys his job, the
economic rationale and involvement with other african countries.
Nicolas loves Africa and the bush visiting the Kruger Park at least once a year. He joined in the 2003
reunion weekend last year and enjoyed meeting up with some of his contemporaries but isn’t really in close
contact with anyone from his year. He is a member of MOBS and is looking forward to a tour of the school
when he returns from an overseas holiday in May.
JLE April 2014

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