Item 202000864 - Interview with Nicholas Robinson 1974

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000864


Interview with Nicholas Robinson 1974


  • 2013 (Produção)

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A4 transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Nicholas Robinson – 1974
Nick’s first memories of St David’s were rather daunting. He is English and his family moved from Sri Lanka
where he attended boarding school and was put into a class with boys 2 years older than he was.
Nick loved the sport and theatre but didn’t enjoy the academics and hated the work. He didn’t really get on
with authority. However he liked teachers like Br Aquinas, Br Mario and Mr Zacharawicz was really super.
He played the role of Thomas Cromwell ,the nemesis to Angelo Haggiyannis’s Thomas More in ”A Man for
all Seasons” put on at the Rosebank Convent. He had a wonderful few months rehearsing and presenting
that play, maybe the best time at Marist.
He played rugby and the final two years in the 2ndXV were wonderful fun.
Nick didn’t receive any medals or awards.
Nick attended two matric dances, first in standard 9 as a guest and matric with his girlfriend Claire who he
subsequently married and they are still together 40 years later.
Nick matriculated in 1974 and was in 10A. After school he went to tech for a year which was miserable,
then joined a small trading company in Johannesburg as a sort of “gofer” and spent some years travelling
around the world learning the trade. One thing led to another and he was offered the opportunity to work in
the UK in 1986 and he and his wife decided – why not? They went for 3 years and stayed rather longer. He
is currently a commodity trader. Their two sons were born in SA and the family returns to SA 3 – 4 times a
year including 3 weeks in Plett. The sons visit Cape Town and the bush with friends – Nick’s friends’
children and his children are really good pals spending christmas together.
He saw Angelo on a few occasions and was kept in the picture regarding his illness and subsequent death
in September 2013.
JE October 2013

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