Item 202000850 - Interview with Michael Wickins 1994

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000850


Interview with Michael Wickins 1994


  • 2010 (Produção)

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A4 transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Michael Wickins – 1994
Michael began his career at St David’s in grade1, 1983 and recalls how proud he was of his
brown suitcase.
The teachers he remembers are Mr Kotze standard 5, Mrs Marais, Afrikaans, high school and
Mr Girdwood standard 8 -10.
Michael loved the camaraderie, especially on the sports field, the pride in the school and
knowing how fortunate we were to be Marist boys, to be part of that family and culture. One
thing he did not enjoy was being made to swim in his jocks by Mr Castle!
He has good memories and every day was a good laugh at some point but he specifically
remembers the tours and “veld schools” as being particularly amusing. On one particular tour
they were staying at a place called Moholoholo (which due to its appalling conditions they soon
dubbed “Shitoholoholo) which had 5 open air toilets lined up in the bush. One of them had
literally spawned on its own eco-sysytem in the bowl, so one of his classmates lit and threw a
cherry bomb into it. The toilet was blown to smithereens. His abiding memory is of the whole
class lined up to get jacked as a result but it was really worth it!
Michael captained the 2nd XI cricket, with occasional guest appearances in the 1st XI and 1st
team hockey.
Michael remembered the valedictory mass and being made a prefect but probably more than
any other event he remembers his father presenting him with the same honours blazer that he
had worn some thirty years before
On his last day the boys tried, unsuccessfully to throw Mr Girdwood into the pool and he recalls
looking at his classmates and believing beyond any shadow of doubt that they would be friends
forever. He is still in touch with Rakesh Parbhoo and Simon Denny and is a member of MOBS.
After leaving school, Michael gained a BComm and LLB from Wits University and an H.Dip Tax
from RAU.
He is currently principal, investment banking at Nedbank Capital specialising in renewable
energy project finance.
Michael has a stepson Thomas Weeden in grade 5 and his son Luke is enrolled for 2016 and
visits the school on a regular basis.

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