Item 202000824 - Interview with Karl Shoemaker 1980

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000824


Interview with Karl Shoemaker 1980


  • 2010 (Produção)

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A4 page of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Karl Schoemaker - 1980
Karl came to St David’s from Hong Kong in 1974, standard 1. On his first day, everything was
new and overwhelming and he recalls that his shoes were very uncomfortable and that when he
saw his art teacher he thinks he may have fallen in love. Funnily enough she eventually married
one of his classmates. On his last day he was just glad to be out of there. The school was not
what it used to be and was overrun by tyrants and bullies. He is so glad to see the school as it is
today, a world class institution of education, with a name he can be proud of.
He enjoyed primary school the most, the teachers were really great (except for Mrs Knesovitch
–shudder and nipple twister Mr Knotze). Mr Habberton made a good impression on him and he
used to visit at his house near the cricket oval for tea, he was cool. He also liked Miss Joseph.
Karl had quite a close relationship with Br Bernard and is most probably a professional
photographer today due to his influence. In hindsight he thought he should have been a bit more
careful when he accepted photo shoots with him. All innocent, but one never knows?
He remembered that when the new pool was built the old pool was drained and the boys used
to sneak in and play in the empty carcass.
He didn’t enjoy high school as much, the staff turnover was high, the teaching staff were riddled
with sadists, and bullies were given the freedom of the school, it was for him a very miserable
time in his life. He recalls Br Timothy shouting “hands” at every boy trying to keep them warm in
their pockets during the icy winters and “Simon” his cane!
He was friends with and is still in contact with Johnathan and Simon Clegg.
On the sporting front, Karl played 3rd team rugby and swam.
On leaving St David’s, Karl went to St John’s as a boarder, then onto Rhodes University where
he competed his honours degree in Fine Arts. He is currently working as a commercial and
industrial photographer.
Karl has not visited the school for a number of years.

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