Pièce 202000801 - Interview with Harry Rosmarin 1960

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Interview with Harry Rosmarin 1960


  • 2012 (Création/Production)

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A4 pages of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Harry Rosmarin – 1960
Harry’s family attended Marist Brothers from 1912 until 1964 when his cousin left, both Harry,
his brother and cousin John were all at Inanda. He remembers Piet the cook who also cooked
for his father at Marist Brothers, Koch Street.
Harry started at St David’s in 1952 as a boarder. There were 44 boys in the dormitories; it was
an open house with absolutely no privacy. There was great discipline and lights were out by
9.00pm each evening. Being a boarder was quite an adventure at times, if you needed to go to
the doctor or dentist or to go into town, you first had to walk to Oxford Road or Corlett Drive and
get a bus to get into town. Transport to sporting events was on the back of the school truck and
all the boys got soaked when it rained.
He enjoyed it, found it to be great fun and is still in contact a number of old boys from that time –
Dave Phillips, Chris Bischoff who now lives in London and is the Ruperts financial advisor, Mike
Lakovsky. All the boys in the matric photo of that year have done well individually.There is no
photo on display in the hall as with all the other matric classes as they didn’t have an official
photo. There were 26 boys in matric and 180 boarders. There were no vacancies and there
were waiting lists for the school, 40% of which were boarders.
In 1957, Harry’s father’s farm in Standerton went downhill and the family had to move to
Johannesburg. Parents didn’t discuss such issues with their children and Harry only found out
when he and his father had an appointment with Br Edwin. Harry was surprised to hear that the
family farm was in liquidation and that his father could no longer afford to keep him at Marist
Brothers. Br Edwin’s response to this was that the farm was Mr Rosmarin’s business but Harry
was his and therefore Harry would continue as a pupil at St David’s.
Harry was involved with sport, played cricket continuing until he was 50. In matric he captained
the cricket team, he also played 1st team tennis, 1st team rugby and started a hockey section.
He used to play tennis on fridays at Ellis Park and a pupil from King David’s asked why they
didn’t play hockey which is how it all started. The Marist Cricket week began whilst he was at
Inanda. He remembers the boarders were often taken out over a weekend, sometimes to
Wanderers to watch rugby and cricket at the old Maristonian Club which was in the Eastgate
area of Wynberg.
Harry did well academically in the high school, was in the debating team, gained top spot in his
matric year and was the dux for 1960 narrowly beating Les Berman. There were seven Jewish
boys in matric that year, the only contenders for head boy being two Jewish boys. Harry was
eventually appointed head boy.
He recalled the matric dance, all the boys were in uniform and it was held in the dining room.
His date was Carol Dakes who’s brother Basil matriculated in 1959. He is still in touch with her
Brother Anthony was a teacher at Inanda in 1958, left for PE and returned as principal in 1960.
He saw him again at the memorial service for Robert Amato.
Br Dennis was the best English and History teacher, he was young and outstanding; Br
Benedict was a disciplinarian; Br Lawrence his standard 6 class teacher and he had a great
respect for Br Edwin.
Robert Bailey matriculated in 1961 and he believes he became a priest.
Harry thought that his school years were the best of his life although he was sometimes a bit
homesick but he was always happy to be back at school and made life-long friends with a group
that gets together regularly. At one of their get-togethers in 1999 he managed to get Br Anthony
to join them, unaware that it was an informal reunion. They lunched at La Rustica and he joked
with Br Anthony saying that he seemed to work in places so dry that the dogs ran after the
trees. Br Anthony was an absolute gentleman with a wicked sense of humour which failed him
Late one morning when everyone was tired and sleepy, Norman Schwab was holding a fire
cracker which accidentally exploded in his hand, entirely an accident, none the less Br Anthony
was furious and from then on Norman became the scapegoat.
On leaving school, the final day being tinged with sadness with a party at David Butler’s home,
he went on to Wits to study accountancy. At university he joined Highlands North Old Boys
playing cricket and hockey as Marist old boys ceased to exist. He is a CA by profession but only
practised for a year after qualifying and then went into the family steel business.
He didn’t send his two sons to St David’s, society was different and they went to Highlands
North. He also has a daughter, a doctor working in London.
Currently semi-retired Harry has a business together with his eldest son selling food hampers,
corporate gifts, and clothing.
JE January 2012

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