Item 202000799 - Interview with Gregory Murphy 2006

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000799


Interview with Gregory Murphy 2006


  • 2013 (Produção)

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A4 pages of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Gregory Murphy – 2006
Gregory recalls his first day at St David’s in grade 1,1995 meeting Mr Castle who was a scary
and shouting man. He also remembered Mr Castle screaming “Run fruit salads” during athletics
in the primary school.
Gregory enjoyed his time at St David’s and loved the sports, catholic culture and the high
standard of teaching from the likes of Paul Edey, Stuart Foulds, Julie Roman and Father Brewer
who was an exceptional man. Other teachers who made a lasting impression on him were Mr
Castle, Mrs Ansell, Mr Van den Berg and Mrs Kennedy.
He enjoyed the family aspect of the school and was involved in swimming and was the B team
captain, water polo 2nd team U\14 to |U\16 A’s, he played rugby and was a member of the 2nd
and 3rd teams U\14 – U\16A’s. Sports days were always memorable whether it were an interhouse
or inter-school event. He didn’t enjoy the prevalence of bullying and non-action against
notorious bullies by management and teachers. He also didn’t especially like the heavy parent
presence which he felt influenced the school culture.
He has good memories of the annual fireworks event, receiving his honours blazer in assembly
with Mr Williams and his parents.The final assembly in matric and leading the Kalamazumba
from the front of the hall.
Some unhappy memories were when he got into trouble and had to do detention and losing his
library monitor badge. He was not really a fan of academics although he excelled in spite of the
occasional poor teacher and classes. Despite this, Gregory was awarded an honours blazer for
academics and the Lynn Stuart Memorial Trophy for Academic Achievement and the Gian-
Paolo Pera Accounting Prize..
During the final days of matric he recalled the boys bringing farm animals to roam the squad but
he was very emotional about leaving the school and a large part of his life behind.
After matriculating with distinctions in Maths, Biology, Physical Science, Additional Maths,
Accounting and Advanced Maths, he went on to study at Wits University studying for a Bachelor
of Accounting Science and B Comm. Honours in Finance and went on to complete his
Chartered Accounting qualification. He received entrance into the Golden Key Society at Wits.
He felt that school had prepared him for university with the Additional Maths and Advanced
Maths which really helped with the Maths and Statistics he did in the first year at varsity. The
Accounting he learnt at school also helped him in his first year.
Gregory is currently employed as an accountant at Price Waterhouse Coopers.
He made many friends at St David’s and is in touch with many of them the majority of whom are
members of MOBS.
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