Pièce 202000788 - Interview with George Manolios 1975 - 1982 Staff

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000788


Interview with George Manolios 1975 - 1982 Staff


  • 2012 (Création/Production)

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A4 page of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with George Manolios – 1975 – 82 Staff
George Manolios was appointed principal of the St David’s College Junior School in April
1975 after having served as head of department of English at Bryanston High School
It was a huge challenge for him having to deal with primary school boys, his main experience
until then being with only high school boys and girls. The fact that he was a product of
ecclesiastical education himself however did not make the change too difficult.
As with any new member of staff in an established environment, he was regarded with some
scepticism and wary interest, mostly by the teachers.
In his first year at the college and in subsequent years he took the senior boys on History
tours to Natal and showed them places of interest involving the British, the Boers and the
Zulu in conflict with one another. Another highlight was when his under 13 rugby team
played in a curtain raiser for a provincial match involving the Natal provincial rugby team.
Other memories included sleeping under the stars on prefect camps.
The boys themselves, as with pupils in most schools will always be remembered and many
of those featured in the school magazines are today top businessmen, doctors and
physicians. Unfortunately there was also the pupil who featured later, as an adult, in a highly
publicised assault case.
George will always remember teachers and boys who were contemporaries during his years
at the College and he would like to believe that he contributed in some small way to making
St David’s College a college of choice.
JLE July 2013

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