Pièce 202000784 - Interview with Genny Carvalho 1991 - 2007 Staff

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000784


Interview with Genny Carvalho 1991 - 2007 Staff


  • 2012 (Création/Production)

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A4 pages of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Genny Carvalho – 1991 – 2007
Genny initially worked for Malcolm Smit who was the bursar at that time. Malcolm’s office was
where Rick Wilson’s office is now, Mike Greef’s office was the reception area. The staff working
in the bursar’s office was divorced from the rest of the school dealing only with the accounts.
The staff at the time were Malcolm Smit, Audrey Williams and Genny, they started work at
8.30am and were usually finished by 1.30/2.00pm, as the school was very much smaller then
with fewer accounts.
Genny remembers that, in the early 2000’s the school lost a number of pupils and a teacher to
Crawford College when it opened and also because of the increased traffic on the Nicol
In those day the school used to take cash payments for fees and the beginning of term was
usually “pay day” and one term an armed robbery took place and R25 000 in cash was taken.
Although no member of staff was badly hurt, they were most definitely shaken.
Once the school started to build up it did so rather quickly especially when Paul Edey was
appointed headmaster in 1995. Paul Edey, together with Kevin Brewer started an extensive
building programme and Paul made the staff feel valued for the first time. Genny also liked Greg
Royce and felt he was an excellent prep school headmaster.
Genny enjoyed working for Malcom Smit, all the books were done in long hand and she used a
manual Underwood typewriter. Malcolm did all the books and wrote out all the cheques for the
staff wages, put them into envelopes and drew a special, appropriate drawing on each one. He
used to draw mushrooms on Genny’s envelope as he said she was completely in the dark about
accounts and what she knew about figures was dangerous. On matron’s envelope he drew a
nurse in uniform.
Willem van der Merwe was very close to Malcolm and viewed him as a father. When Malcolm
wanted tea, in a loud voice he would say “It’s like a desert in here”. He was firm and could be
quite cutting but never rude. Formerly an auditor, he was retired when he came to St David’s.
The offices changed again later when Mike Forder was appointed. Mike’s office was originally
where Dave Smith’s office is now and the main office is where Malcolm Williams now resides
and Genny sat where Pam Groenewald does now. They eventually moved upstairs which was a
much better environment for them all. Di Clark was very kind to Genny and helped her with her
Genny had very little to do with the children and as her job increased in volume, very little to do
with parents unless they had a problem. However she does remember the mother of Steve
Bailey who passed away in his sleep in 2010 and a “Mrs Honeysuckle”, not her real name who
had had three husbands and children from each, her son was the most beautiful boy and she
was quite a stunner too. Her son matriculated in the mid 90’s and she organised a lovely lunch
and mother and son fashion show in what is now the library.
Because of Genny’s involvement with St David’s, her husband Michael got interested in schools
and, together with Mark Henning decided that there was a gap and began publishing
“Independent Education” for the private schools.

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