Pièce 202000748 - Interview with Cynthia Hildyard 1970 - 1985 Staff

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000748


Interview with Cynthia Hildyard 1970 - 1985 Staff


  • 2010 (Création/Production)

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A4 page of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Cynthia Hildyard - Staff 1970 – 1985
Cynthia taught grade 2 while at St D’s. Those were the days of ITA spelling which did not work
well and was later dropped. It was a very different school while boarders were here. Lunches
consisted mainly of roasts and vegetables. Matron Buckley-Jones had her room next to the old
library (now the Music centre).
Brothers she knew whilst she was teaching were Br Anthony the headmaster, Br Bosco (Mario),
Br Aidan, the bursar, a very quiet man, Br Andrew (Dracula), Br Bernard – excellent at
photography and art, Br Ronald who left very quietly, Br Mario a Mexican brother taught Maths
but the boys found it very difficult to understand him.
Old Boys she remembered were Kevin Carter who was with Ken Oostebroek when he was
killed while photographing the riots, Alexis Apostolides who had growth behind the eye and went
to America for treatment, the Slaven brothers Andrew, John and Jeffrey.
Cynthia has two sons who attended St David’s. John matriculated in 1974 and Mark in 1978.
Interview: Monday 11 October 2010 GA

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