Item 202000728 - Interview with Bryce Wray 2005

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ZA ZAR STDS 202000728


Interview with Bryce Wray 2005


  • 2014 (Produção)

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A4 pages of transcript in MSWord Pdf file

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Interview with Bryce Wray – 2005
Bryce came to St David’s in grade 8. Bryce was formerly a pupil at King Edwards School being the third
generation of his family who attended KES and the school pavilion is named after Bryce’s uncle. Bryce
elected to attend St David’s for high school as he had already befriended Justin Rodrigues and Sibelo
Sithebe at junior city council. Also Paul Edey was the headmaster who had taught Bryce’s uncle and other
family members at KES and was highly regarded.
On his first day Bryce was fortunate, already knowing many of the St David’s boys from playing primary
school sport and James Morrison also accompanied him from KES. In spite of this Bryce was nervous and
concerned about the change from a government to a private school. His first camp was at Glenmore and he
recalls Mr Rod Smith making the boys stand outside in the rain.
Bryce was a member of The Bishop’s with Simon Fry as his housemaster. Bryce regarded him as a great
housemaster and History teacher who developed his passion for the subject. He recalls that Mrs Van der
Merwe was particularly good as his English teacher in matric and Mrs Kennedy for Maths. He also held
Alex Gitlin in high esteem through his contact with him playing hockey and still keeps in touch with him.
Bryce also coached 1st team hockey after leaving school.
Bryce always wanted to play hockey and initially Mr MacMillan was more pro rugby than hockey but this did
not stop Bryce playing hockey in grade 8 without having to play rugby. Bryce put a lot of time into his
hockey more so than academics. At that time pupils did not need to get such high matric marks to study law
at university although that is no longer the case. He played provincial hockey U18 until 2010 and was in the
Gauteng U21 side from 2006 to 2008 and was in the men’s Gauteng hockey team from 2009 until 2010.
Unfortunately currently pressure of work does not allow him to be as involved.
Bryce was fortunate to go on the hockey tour to Malaysia which was a great experience travelling with other
boys and experiencing a different culture. Bryce still plays hockey for Old Eds in the premier league with
Mark de Jager.
Bryce also participated in the school plays and public speaking and in inter-house debating in grade 8 and
9 and in grade 10 and 11 was involved with the SMILE programme.
Bryce decided from grade 8 that he wanted to become a lawyer. He believed the judiciary to be
independent and wanted to be part of such a legal system which is formulated on Roman Dutch law and
now influenced by the constitution. It intrigued him the fact that law ultimately influences everything.
Bryce received honours for hockey, was vice-captain of 1st team hockey and was a house prefect.
After he matriculated , Bryce attended..................................................University for a degree.
Bryce worked for his articles in 2010 until the end of 2011 with Hogan Lovells and then was retained as an
associate. He resigned in 2012 to pursue an opportunity to work in the commercial field. However he
decided that it wasn’t for him and Hogan Lovells gladly took him back. He now specialises in commercial
litigation for the construction industry and administrative law.
For Bryce the camaraderie with his grade was great and the loyalty they had for each other. He still meets
up with 8 friends from his year once a month and they are all very proud to be St David’s boys.
JLE September 2014

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