Pièce 202000715 - Interview with Bonny Pooley - Parent 1996-2005

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Interview with Bonny Pooley - Parent 1996-2005


  • 2012 (Création/Production)

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Interview with Bonny Pooley 1996 – 2005
Bonny first became involved with St David’s when her son Gilbert started high school in grade 8
in 1996, and she continued to be so for about ten years even after Gilbert had left.
Bonny assisted in reviving MOBS and established the first contact lists. She was very involved
with the MOBs aspect of the PTA golf day and organised the MOBS annual dinner for two
She also played a big role in the teaching of Religious Education in the high school and helped
Rev Bruce until he left and took over in the interim until Br Mario joined the staff. Whilst Gilbert
was still at the school, she also assisted with the teaching of RE in the prep school for at least
one term.
Bonny also worked for four years with the boys towards their confirmation. Bonny organised the
boys’ retreat hiring a bus to take them to their destination in the Hartbeespoort dam area
together with Father Michael and another teacher. Working together with Chris Busschau she
was responsible for the fact that St David’s ran the programme for the Catholic schools in the
Bonny recalled a special Mass when Father Paul Saggie, a young priest celebrated the Mass in
the middle of Champagnat hall. This had a tremendous impact on the boys and gave them their
first taste of a modern celebration of Mass. Bonny felt that the time she spent with Father
Saggie was very special.
Belinda Marais assisted with the SMILE programme and with a trip to the Baragwanath
oncology unit.
Bonny was class mother all the time Gilbert was at St David’s and helped with the organisation
of various functions especially the school plays when she was in charge of front of house. In
addition she was very involved with the tuck shop helping Mary von Guilliame. She was on the
ladies committee organising the annual mothers’ luncheon at the Bryanston Country Club and
was in charge of the rosta list. For sporting events such as hockey, Bonny was responsible for
the catering for both home and away matches and the annual dinners.
Bonny’s husband Gil was also active within the school and helped with chess as an extra-mural
together with Martie Andrew.
Bonny felt that Paul Edey brought out the best in her son and in fact all the boys during his time
at St David’s winning their admiration and respect.
Some of her son Gilbert’s contemporaries were Damien Tucker; Michael Rands who is currently
in Japan and has published two books; Brendan Murray and his brother Michael who resides in
Australia; Gareth Reece; Paul Slabolepski; Ashton Hayes, David Dias.
Other families Bonny felt made a mark on the school and should be contacted were:
Marsay family
Kevin Brewer and his son Craig “84
The Busschau family
Flascannaro – Luke’98
Gonsalves’ 2002
Gore Vincent and Kevin one is a member of parliament and disabled – the 90’s
Maraschin family
Mitri – the father organised the firework display for Bonfire Night
Peel – 3 brothers ’66, ’70 and ’78 – John, Kevin and Michael- they were farmers in Mpumalanga
Rugani, Vito – son Ivor’ 76 together with Darko and the older Von Guilleame was responsible fot
the MOBS bursary
Schoombie family – Mark, Paul and Sean
Simaan, Andrew, Antoine and Gaby
JE March 2012

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