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Interview with Gregory Murphy 2006

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000799
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Gregory Murphy – 2006
Gregory recalls his first day at St David’s in grade 1,1995 meeting Mr Castle who was a scary
and shouting man. He also remembered Mr Castle screaming “Run fruit salads” during athletics
in the primary school.
Gregory enjoyed his time at St David’s and loved the sports, catholic culture and the high
standard of teaching from the likes of Paul Edey, Stuart Foulds, Julie Roman and Father Brewer
who was an exceptional man. Other teachers who made a lasting impression on him were Mr
Castle, Mrs Ansell, Mr Van den Berg and Mrs Kennedy.
He enjoyed the family aspect of the school and was involved in swimming and was the B team
captain, water polo 2nd team U\14 to |U\16 A’s, he played rugby and was a member of the 2nd
and 3rd teams U\14 – U\16A’s. Sports days were always memorable whether it were an interhouse
or inter-school event. He didn’t enjoy the prevalence of bullying and non-action against
notorious bullies by management and teachers. He also didn’t especially like the heavy parent
presence which he felt influenced the school culture.
He has good memories of the annual fireworks event, receiving his honours blazer in assembly
with Mr Williams and his parents.The final assembly in matric and leading the Kalamazumba
from the front of the hall.
Some unhappy memories were when he got into trouble and had to do detention and losing his
library monitor badge. He was not really a fan of academics although he excelled in spite of the
occasional poor teacher and classes. Despite this, Gregory was awarded an honours blazer for
academics and the Lynn Stuart Memorial Trophy for Academic Achievement and the Gian-
Paolo Pera Accounting Prize..
During the final days of matric he recalled the boys bringing farm animals to roam the squad but
he was very emotional about leaving the school and a large part of his life behind.
After matriculating with distinctions in Maths, Biology, Physical Science, Additional Maths,
Accounting and Advanced Maths, he went on to study at Wits University studying for a Bachelor
of Accounting Science and B Comm. Honours in Finance and went on to complete his
Chartered Accounting qualification. He received entrance into the Golden Key Society at Wits.
He felt that school had prepared him for university with the Additional Maths and Advanced
Maths which really helped with the Maths and Statistics he did in the first year at varsity. The
Accounting he learnt at school also helped him in his first year.
Gregory is currently employed as an accountant at Price Waterhouse Coopers.
He made many friends at St David’s and is in touch with many of them the majority of whom are
members of MOBS.
JLE 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Greg Boyes-Varley 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000796
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Greg Boyes-Varley 1973
Greg and his two brothers were day boys at St David’s living as they did behind the school in
Second Avenue. The family lived in Cape Town and Zimbabwe until 1966 when Greg joined the
school in march in standard 2. Coming from Zimbabwe Greg didn’t understand Afrikaans and
his teacher, Mrs Michael organised extra lessons for Greg with Mrs.Kenesovitch. Brother
Anthony was head of the high school and other Brothers such as Br Andrew, Br Aidan (bursar),
Br Bosco (Mario), Br Timothy, Br Dennis, Br Ronald and Br Ezekiel were still teaching.Br
Ezekiel was a brilliant Maths teacher and taught extra Maths on a Sunday declaring that that
was more important than going to Mass.
Greg had a tough time at school and was teased, because of a speech impediment and injury to
his face. He was playing on a trampoline when his leg got caught and his face was badly
damaged by a broken coke bottle. Mr Owen-Smith a plastic and maxillo- facial surgeon
operated on Greg and due to this he was determined to become a maxillo-facial surgeon
himself. Greg went to the Wits Speech and Hearing Therapy unit and eventually overcame his
speech impediment and now speaks at conventions and deals with patients confidently.
Greg recalled Nassey Simaan, the popular rugby coach who had no favourites and chose his
teams by selecting the boys he felt had guts. To be selected Greg had to tackle one of the boys
and he chose a big boy from standard 5 who always teased him. He flattened him and when
Nassy asked him to show the other boys how to tackle he selected the same boy again and
annihilated him once more. The boy never teased Greg again after that.
Greg’s father was a very active member of the St David’s community, was on the PTA, was
chairman and helped commission the building of the McGregor oval. He also used to organise
all the fathers and sons cricket matches and arranged for some English cricketers, Don Williams
and Peter Stringer to come and coach cricket at the school.
Greg remembered a day at the end of standard 8 during Nuffield week when he was playing at
leg slip and was hit squarely on the head with the cricket ball. The other boys made him get up
and he carried on taking 8 wickets. Patrick Quarmby was particularly kind and supportive.
The new Science lab has just been built and Greg remembers some experiments which blew
holes in the ceiling.
There was an African compound next to the white house where Mr Scott lived and the boys
used to buys cigarettes from the staff.
Anthony Bartlett (now living in Belgium) was the DJ for all the parties they organised with each
boy taking a turn to have a party on saturday night. Legally the boys couldn’t drink, even when
they went to university as they were all 17.
Academically Greg did well, became a prefect, got his university pass for matric and went on to
study Dentistry at Wits University. It was the last year of the JMB matric.
Greg remembers St David’s as being a great school where he made some good friends and in
his subsequent dealings with boys from local schools he thinks the St David’s boys are the most
He feels that it was a big mistake to close the boarding and then to replace the JMB matric with
the TED version. That was when a large number of boys left the school and went mainly to St
Greg would have liked his son to go to St David’s but the family left to go the UK from 1994 until

  1. When they returned Oliver was in standard 1 and when they applied the then principal of
    the prep Mr Royce’s secretary was extremely rude and said there was no place for him. Oliver
    then went to St John’s and then on to Michaelhouse. Rees Carr’s father Ronnie who was
    coaching cricket intervened but by then it was too late. Greg was very sorry that his son didn’t
    go to St David’s but the experience he and his wife had in the UK was very good and he learnt a
    lot whilst at King’s hospital. Greg now practises at the Morningside Clinic and often lectures
    overseas and has written a number of articles. He is currently mentoring Etienne Raffner (2003)
    a dentist,doing a 5th year.
    Greg has been to two MOB’s dinners pre 1994 and is on the mailing list.
    Greg would like to get involved in an advisory capacity especially with boys who would like to go
    into medicine.
    He is touch with many of his old colleagues and remarked on the fact that St David’s has
    produced many doctors.
    Paul Sutej – Professor of Rheumatology in the US.
    Ian Jones – Dentist
    Bruce Potgieter – son in Matric 2011
    Etienne Raffner -2003 – dentist
    Daniel Shepherd – intern at Bara
    Glen Jones
    Peter Rossini
    Desmond Schatz
    Paul Sutej
    Michael Ross – vet Kyalami
    JE – July 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gordon Tonetti

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000793
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Gordon Tonetti – 1986
Gordon came to St David’s in 1974 going into grade 1 in the same classroom where Carol Ansell now
teaches. Carol taught him together with Heather Joseph, Willy Castle, Mrs Schaafsma and Mrs Napier. Mrs
Napier who taught him in standard 2 to 3 would throw her blackboard duster at you if you talked in class.
Gordon admits to belonging to a naughty crowd, didn’t do much studying and was often jacked by Willy
Castle and Terry O’Mahoney. In fact the boys used to compete to see who got the most jacks! Mr Murphy
was the headmaster in standard 6 but didn’t last long and Br Anthony came back for a term before Mr
Frielick was appointed. Gordon’s group was the smallest matric group in years.
Gordon’s father was a former pupil of St David’s and vice head boy matriculating in 1954, and Gordon’s
grandfather attended a Marist school overseas. His father recalled when at the age of 6, he was put on a
train in Barberton and was told he would be met by one of the Brothers at the Johannesburg station. He
arrived but no-one was there to meet him, eventually a policeman spotted him and asked him why he was
there alone. The policeman called his family in Barberton who then contacted the school and at long last
one of the Brothers arrived to collect him.
Gordon was a good sportsman and was awarded 5 scrolls for athletics and rugby and captained a few
teams . He played 1st team rugby throughout his high school career and was a member of the A and B
swimming teams, but didn’t play cricket. In standard 5 the school had a strong rugby team but sadly many
of its members left and went to St John’s whilst Br Timothy was headmaster. Gordon loved the athletics
and the long distance running, he held the long distance record in his time and regrets not having been
pushed further as he could have done a lot better. He has started running again recently.
Mark Reeves’s sister was a swimming coach, a tough battleaxe and Mrs Mah, another coach would see a
storm coming up but wouldn’t let the boys leave the pool. On one occasion lightening struck where the
clock tower now stands, hitting a line of wattle trees, a third of one tree was split and came crashing down.
Mrs Mah screamed like crazy to get the boys out of the pool.
He recalled that if a fight started in the playground during break the boys would move the fight to the 1st
team rugby field but as soon as the boys saw any teachers they all disappeared.
When sport finished Gordon would use the tickey (phone) box, call his home and just say “pick up”, put the
phone down immediately and thus had the call for free. The schooling was different back then and Gordon
wasn’t awarded an honours blazer but was given an open scroll for athletics in standard 9.
Sondiwe Nyirenda and his brother were enrolled in 1975 as the first black boys in the school. A good
sportsman, he and Gordon became good friends but they sadly lost touch after he left in standard 5.
Gordon’s younger brother Trevor was sent from St David’s to CBC Pretoria as Gordon had a run in with
Trudy Elliott.
Gordon was academically average but enjoyed his school career. In high school Gordon was taught by P.
Collier, Ms Howard, Mr Moore, Mr Kaliphy, Mr McFadden and Br Ephrem taught Science. Father Brewer
was the chaplain, a very nice man who was very involved with the boys.
Gordon remembers an Afrikaans camp in standard 4 and a camp at Golden Gate in standard 5. In standard
9 there was the religious camp but because of problems with the non-catholic camp at Hartbeespoort the
catholic boys camp was very controlled and not much fun.
Gordon regrets the fact that corporal punishment is no longer allowed and felt that it played a significant
role in the discipline of the boys.
As it was an all boy’s school the boys had no contact with girls except for every two years when they
participated in a school play with St Teresa’s. Nowadays the boys aren’t as awkward around girls as they
were then.
After matriculating, Gordon attended the technikon for a diploma in engineering, which involved studying for
6 months and working for 6 months. After gaining his diploma he did his military service and then went
overseas for a couple of years. On his return he bought his business from his father. It was a very shaky
period for the business at the time but he pulled it through and the company did well.
Gordon is married to Helen and his son Liam attends St David’s, currently in grade 5. Gordon wasn’t too
sure about the school but Rick Wilson convinced him it was the school for his sons. The school has
changed a lot for the better from the time Gordon was a pupil.
Gordon is a member of MOBS and is currently a member of the MOBS committee.
JLE November 2014
NB Gordon has photos from his father’s time at the school in the 50’s

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Glynn O'Leary 1969

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000792
  • Item
  • 2010

Interview with Glynn O’Leary 1969 1960 – 1969 Standard 1 to Matric
Glynn did not enjoy the first few days of each school year as the family always went to the coast
for the long holidays and he hated leaving the sea behind (living in Glencairn now he sees the
sea all the time!)
He was a day boy and clearly remembers Mrs Januscz, Mrs Knezovich and Mrs Kempster. His
parents separated when he was in standard 4 and finally divorced in standard 6. His academics
took a dip as a result. Br Anthony sent for him and asked him if he was happy at St David’s to
which he answered yes. His father had contacted the school to withdraw Glynn from the school
stating that he could not afford to keep him at St David’s due to financial reasons. From that day
on his mother never had to pay school fees and he received all his books and school uniform
from the Brothers.
Glynn played 1st Team cricket and played in the 13th Marist cricket week held at St David’s as
wicket keeper. On the very first day of the competition a ball split his lip open while keeping
wicket which put paid to him playing again in the event. He also played 2nd Team rugby.
Brothers were strict and one evening Br Andrew (Dracula) caught the boys painting the other
boys with black boot polish as part of the initiation of new boys. Errol McCawley was caught and
was told to go back and fetch all the other boys who were involved. Errol did not enjoy this as Br
Andrew gave the boys cuts with a chain.
Glynn’s father never watched him play sport at school and that is why he and his wife Gill have
made sure that they have been there to support their 3 children as far as humanly possible.
The Marist Brothers have always played an important part in his life and he was made an
honorary Marist Brother in 2009 which was a great honour for him.
He has been involved with the Marist Brothers since 1957 and was chairman of the Marist old
boys in 1983 and served on the St David’s board of governors from 1985 to 1986. He has been
a member of the Marist School’s Council since 1997 and is chairman of St Joseph’s Marist
College in Rondebosch at present.
While at school Glynn was friendly with Dave Bergman and his brother Clive (better known as
Clive Bruce).
As regards Br Mario – we need to find out from him what happened when Br went horse
Interview: 13 October 2010

Anderson, Glenda

Interview with George Daras 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000786
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with George Daras – 1980
George was initially a pupil at Yeoville Boys Primary and came to St David’s in standard 1. His
brother Chris was 4 years ahead of him and a boarder whereas George was a day boarder. At
the time there were a lot of pupils who came from Zaire, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and from
outlying areas of South Africa and, as a result the school was very strong in sport, sadly when
the boarding closed this was no longer true.
Mrs Watson was his first teacher in the primary school and in the high school he remembers
Mrs Elliott the English teacher who was involved in the running of the school and the matrics. In
standard 6 and 7 he had Mr Maritz who taught History, everyone was terrified of him and didn’t
dare talk in his class. Other teachers were too soft and the boys took advantage were very
naughty and used to chase teachers into a corner with their desks. Mrs Richardson was very
attractive and everyone wanted to be in her class. The teachers were generally very good and
the boys learnt a lot, in fact Damelin poached many of the teachers from St David’s. Damelin
had a good reputation and was renowned for getting good marks. Mr Lipschitz who was a
superb Maths teacher eventually went to Damelin, he was so good that even boys who didn’t
like the subject grew to love it and many ended up as engineers. Mr Lipshitz introduced
basketball to the school as he was a former Springbok. There were few Brothers still at the
school, Br Bernard who was still teaching, Br Aidan the bursar and Br Timothy the headmaster.
George recalls that only one boy at the time wanted to become a Brother.
St David’s was the first school to admit black children in 1975, this was previously unheard of.
George enjoyed sport at the school, it was compulsory in the high school but not so rigorously
enforced in the prep. In the winter the sport was rugby and in the summer athletics, swimming
and cricket, there was no hockey or soccer in those days. Tennis was an additional sport as
was water polo. In standard 4 the boys started to play rugby and played for the U13’s as the C
team which also helped them integrate with the high school boys. The coach, Mr Stringer was
an Englishman and very strict and, in their first game against KES, St David’s beat them 42-0.
They were a very strong team but when they went into high school things changed as they
didn’t have the coaching required although Br Timothy felt that sport was very important and
good for the school’s reputation.
George was captain of the 1st rugby team, also the 2nd team and led the first team ever to go on
tour to Durban to compete against St Henrys’ and St Charles and was awarded an honours
blazer for rugby, merit and study. One of the boy’s fathers worked for BP and organised an
outside rugby coach, a former Springbok and the boys benefitted from the different mind-set. He
led the first team in 6 or 7 years to win more than 4 games in one year. He recalls that the
traditional rivalry with Obs was very strong.
St David’s battled against the bigger schools especially in rugby and George, as head boy in his
matric year took up the matter with Br Timothy when he returned from Australia. The boys felt
demoralised as they were always losing to the bigger schools. Mrs Elliott got involved and
wanted to establish a kind of students representative council to improve communication
between the boys and staff. During the first 6 months of 1980, whilst Br Timothy was away,
George found it difficult to control the matrics as he didn’t have Br Timothy’s back-up. Br
Timothy used to walk around with a cane but allowed the matric boys for the first time to remove
their ties in the summer.
Traditionally, if you were in trouble you were invited to the prefects tea where they would decide
on the appropriate discipline for the crime. When George first arrived at St David’s the younger
boys were terrified of the prefects and punches were dished out freely by them.
George’s matric dance was the first year that the standards 9’s prepared the decorating of the
hall and were invited to attend. The theme was of a gangster/mafia type. Movies were run on a
Friday night to raise funds for the dance and were very popular. Parents came to collect the
boys after the movies and, whilst they were waiting to be collected they were often quite rowdy
and disturbed the Brothers sleep.
Academically George did well and throughout his school career came first or second in his
George achieved the matric results he was aiming for and was admitted to Wits University
where he studied engineering and graduated with a masters degree in industrial engineering.
He enjoyed working with his father making radios and stayed in the same environment and now
owns his own factory undertaking contract work in aircraft design.
George is the father of 3 daughters who are pupils at the Saheti school. He has not attended
any MOBS events but was a member of the audience of the prep school play covering the
history of St David’s in 2011. His brother Chris’s two sons are pupils at St David’s.
Geoorge remembers that there were a number of big families with children at St David’s, the
Lebos, Kourie and Saad families and contemporaries such as Costa Pantelias now living in
Greece, Mark Nicholas, Robert Hartman of Hartman and Keppler; Garth Japhet who went into
medicine and now heads an NGO in Gauteng; Brian Muller a doctor in Jhb; Enrico Maraschin a
gynaecologist at Morningside Clinic; Peter Wharton-Hood, a director of Standard Bank and a
number of other SA companies and Jeffrey Slavin.
George would definitely buy a copy of the book when it is published and would be willing to
make a pledge towards the cost. He also felt it would be fantastic to have the yearbooks
available on the school’s website.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Geoffrey Sater 1949

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000785
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Geoffrey Sater – 1949 23 May 2011
Geoffrey and his wife Sandra are friends of Tony Chappel, former chair of the board of
Geoffrey came to St David’s in 1943 from Saxonwold Primary and went into Std 4. He was a
day boy living near the Zoo opposite the Westwater family. Johnny Westwater was a jockey and
a Catholic and his boys went to St David’s. Geoffrey’s parents decided it would be a good idea
to send their son there too even though they weren’t catholic. They used to catch a bus to
Dunkeld and the school transport (Chevrolet?) picked them up from there. Eventually he used to
cycle via Fricker Road.
Br Urban was the headmaster, Br Celestine taught him Latin and Maths, Br Alban – Afrikaans.
Geoff remembers him getting rather inebriated at the matric dance!
Pupils he remembers:
Malcolm Rowe whose father was principal of the Technical College in Johannesburg., retired to
a farm in Mooi River;Mark Madeyski – reugees from Eastern Europe, his father was a coal
miner and became a mining engineer in SA; Hugh Gearing - his grandfather developed
windmills to draw water. Lived in Northcliff and came to school on a motorbike;
Harry Grisdale – studied medicine and worked at Marianhill Mission station all his life;
Socrates Vartos – Greek whose parents ran a tearoom in Rosebank corner of Tyrwhitt and
Oxford; Terence Smyth (Deceased)– lived in Sunninghill , all fruit farms, they were in contact
with Sally Smyth; Boris Babaya – parents ran a butchery north of Johannesburg station;
Core Seeling – parents had a seedling business. Sandra is in touch with the family.
Stan Barale (Deceased) - was head prefect and rugby captain
The following boys came from Portugese East Africa and used to get the train to Joubert Park
and walk to Koch St. Where they would get transport to the school by Chevrolet. Carlos
Almeida, Louis Da Cruz, Danta de Nobrega
There were some Lebanese boys who were refugees from Lebanon. They didn’t play rugby or
football, were very restrained, had been persecuted. One of them he remembers is Assad.
Asher Swede– Bookmaker who donated trophy and equipment
Awards: He was awarded a prefects scroll and was the school Dux.
Sport: He was a in the rugby 1st 1V, swam in swimming galas, played cricket 1st II, although he
didn’t regard himself as being particularly good. The sports fields were being laid out at the time
and boxing with Harry Best as Coach, was popular.
He studied Mining Geology at Wits where he met his wife. He worked in the then Northern
Rhodesia, where David Livingstone died. He went onto Canada working for the Quebec
Geological Survey having studied French at Wits. Then went onto McGill University where he
did his MSc. Came back to SA and to his future wife and eventually worked for Alcan Aluminium
in Maritzburg. Later he joined the government who sent him to London as the Minerals and
Energy representative for SA. His children, two sons and a daughter spent some time growing
up there and are all now living in the UK
JE May 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gavin Muller 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000783
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Gavin Muller – 1987
Gavin, Billy Forsmann, Jan van den Handel and Jeremy Carr were together in the first grade 0
class. Gavin remembers that on his first day he was very traumatised and cried, wanting to
escape but by the second day he had accepted school as the way it had to be. His classroom
was where the original swimming pool was and where the current after care is now located.
Miss Busschau was his teacher and a relative of his mother who was also a Busschau.
Gavin enjoyed the sport in junior school playing soccer, he was a member of the swimming
team and couldn’t wait to start playing rugby in standard 5.
Academically he was very much middle of the road and the classes were defined by marks but
fortunately for him he made it into the bottom tier of the clever class. He remembered the
pressure and fear every exam time and not wanting to fail and be relegated to the B class. On
the cultural front, Gavin was a member of the cast in the production of Hamlet.
There were only about 300 boys in the school at the time and Mr Manolius was head of the
junior school and Brothers Bernhard and Timothy (who left the brotherhood and married a nun)
were still at the school. A teacher who had a great impact on him was Tim Kotze who taught
English and Afrikaans, he had a particularly high standard with regard to spelling and if you got
less than 15 out of 20 you were caned. Gavin spells well to this day! In standard 6 Mrs
Bulterman was the French teacher, very attractive, quite gorgeous in fact and, before she came
to the school none of the boys chose French. Needless to say that situation changed and whilst
she was there all the boys signed up for French! Cedric Finlayson was a brutal, most violent
man who taught History and Physical Education and was the rugby coach. Gavin was physically
beaten up by him on more than one occasion but he still didn’t mind him that much. Gavin
enjoyed Trudy Elliott, English teacher and recalled that Tom Macfaden taught the wrong History
syllabus in matric and when this was discovered, all the boys had to cram for the last 3 to 4
weeks. There was no control over the teachers, they did what they wanted to and there was no
The teaching of Religious Education was split into Catholics and non-Catholics about 50/50.
There was a class every day, mass was held once a week and confessions regularly. The boys
used to make up confessions to check that Father Plestus was still awake. A big scandal at the
time was the non-catholic boys RE retreat to Hartbeespoort was a disaster when the boys
absconded and many were caught with alcohol.
Gavin played 1st team rugby, was captain of the swimming team and played water polo and is
still friends with his team members to this day. The best thing Gavin took from high school was
the camaraderie amongst the boys. They often used to play both A and B team rugby matches
back to back. The bonds were strong between the friends of that era due to the lack of adult
leadership. Gavin became a prefect and Billy Forsmann, head boy.
For the matric dance, which was great fun, the standard 9’s did all the art work and decorations
and were the waiters who used to make money by smuggling alcohol into the venue. On their
last day he recalls that the boys had a big party that night.
It was a disastrous and unstable time for the high school with leadership issues following the
appointment of Mr Murphy as headmaster of the high school followed shortly by Mr Freilick then
Mr Boswell.
Gavin matriculated with a university entrance and studied building science at Wits University.
He then did a post graduate course at the University of Pretoria followed by the UCT Graduate
School of Business but ended up working in the banking environment for 12 years. He then
went into property and has run his own business for the past 3 years.
He is the father of 3 daughters who attended Brescia House.
He hasn’t really kept in touch with the school at all although his father was a member of the
board of governors, and a member of MOBS as were his brothers Brian(80) and Graham (82)
who subsequently emigrated.
Gavin would buy a copy of the book and would be willing to pledge a contribution beforehand.
JLE May 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gavin Muller 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000783
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Gavin Muller – 1987
Gavin, Billy Forsmann, Jan van den Handel and Jeremy Carr were together in the first grade 0
class. Gavin remembers that on his first day he was very traumatised and cried, wanting to
escape but by the second day he had accepted school as the way it had to be. His classroom
was where the original swimming pool was and where the current after care is now located.
Miss Busschau was his teacher and a relative of his mother who was also a Busschau.
Gavin enjoyed the sport in junior school playing soccer, he was a member of the swimming
team and couldn’t wait to start playing rugby in standard 5.
Academically he was very much middle of the road and the classes were defined by marks but
fortunately for him he made it into the bottom tier of the clever class. He remembered the
pressure and fear every exam time and not wanting to fail and be relegated to the B class. On
the cultural front, Gavin was a member of the cast in the production of Hamlet.
There were only about 300 boys in the school at the time and Mr Manolius was head of the
junior school and Brothers Bernhard and Timothy (who left the brotherhood and married a nun)
were still at the school. A teacher who had a great impact on him was Tim Kotze who taught
English and Afrikaans, he had a particularly high standard with regard to spelling and if you got
less than 15 out of 20 you were caned. Gavin spells well to this day! In standard 6 Mrs
Bulterman was the French teacher, very attractive, quite gorgeous in fact and, before she came
to the school none of the boys chose French. Needless to say that situation changed and whilst
she was there all the boys signed up for French! Cedric Finlayson was a brutal, most violent
man who taught History and Physical Education and was the rugby coach. Gavin was physically
beaten up by him on more than one occasion but he still didn’t mind him that much. Gavin
enjoyed Trudy Elliott, English teacher and recalled that Tom Macfaden taught the wrong History
syllabus in matric and when this was discovered, all the boys had to cram for the last 3 to 4
weeks. There was no control over the teachers, they did what they wanted to and there was no
The teaching of Religious Education was split into Catholics and non-Catholics about 50/50.
There was a class every day, mass was held once a week and confessions regularly. The boys
used to make up confessions to check that Father Plestus was still awake. A big scandal at the
time was the non-catholic boys RE retreat to Hartbeespoort was a disaster when the boys
absconded and many were caught with alcohol.
Gavin played 1st team rugby, was captain of the swimming team and played water polo and is
still friends with his team members to this day. The best thing Gavin took from high school was
the camaraderie amongst the boys. They often used to play both A and B team rugby matches
back to back. The bonds were strong between the friends of that era due to the lack of adult
leadership. Gavin became a prefect and Billy Forsmann, head boy.
For the matric dance, which was great fun, the standard 9’s did all the art work and decorations
and were the waiters who used to make money by smuggling alcohol into the venue. On their
last day he recalls that the boys had a big party that night.
It was a disastrous and unstable time for the high school with leadership issues following the
appointment of Mr Murphy as headmaster of the high school followed shortly by Mr Freilick then
Mr Boswell.
Gavin matriculated with a university entrance and studied building science at Wits University.
He then did a post graduate course at the University of Pretoria followed by the UCT Graduate
School of Business but ended up working in the banking environment for 12 years. He then
went into property and has run his own business for the past 3 years.
He is the father of 3 daughters who attended Brescia House.
He hasn’t really kept in touch with the school at all although his father was a member of the
board of governors, and a member of MOBS as were his brothers Brian(80) and Graham (82)
who subsequently emigrated.
Gavin would buy a copy of the book and would be willing to pledge a contribution beforehand.
JLE May 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gareth Shippen 1996

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000781
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  • 2012

Interview: Gareth Shippen (1992 – 1996)
Gareth attended St David’s from grade 8 until matric and says he enjoyed his time at school. He enjoyed sport
and played cricket and hockey where he played for the 1st XI. He enjoyed the tours in sport especially the tour
to Zimbabwe with Mr McMillan and Fr Brewer – a great time was had by all!
Gareth was not the greatest scholar (his own words) but he liked the teachers. He was not good at Maths and
the school suggested that he move down to standard grade but with the help of Mr Nick Davies he managed to
write Maths on the higher grade and get a good result. He enjoyed Richard Girdwood’s English lessons, the
boys used to sidetrack the lesson and most times Mr Girdwood fell for it! He remembers Mr Lambe, Mrs
Marais, Mr Norton and of course Mr McMillan and Fr Brewer fondly as good teachers and mentors.
Sadly Gareth’s Dad passed away on the day he was meant to write his matric Biology paper. Gareth wasn’t
sure what he wanted to do, so his Mom suggested that he try the hotel industry. After attending Wits
Technikon his first posting was to the Protea Hotel Kruger Park where he spent two years before moving to the
Protea Hotel Wilderness.
Gareth now manages The Gannet restaurant in Mossel Bay which is attached to the Protea Hotel. He is
happily married and his wife helps him in the business and he has now started an events business to run in
conjunction with the restaurant. Although the hours are long, Gareth enjoys the creative side of his work and
has lived in Mossel Bay for the past six years.
Gareth has seen Mark Conyers, who manages an upmarket guest house in Knysna recently but otherwise he
reads the old boy’s mail etc to keep up to date with St David’s.
Gareth’s brother Mark, matric 2001, moved to Australia recently and is working in the computer industry.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000780
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  • 2014

Interview with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh – 2003
Gareth came to St David’s in 1999 from Rembrandt Park Primary School. Gareth’s father was a devout
catholic and Gareth had had experience of the school when it hosted various primary school sporting
events, and he liked what he saw.
He remembers that on his first day he was collected from the “Thatch” by prefects and taken to the
amphitheatre, he was overwhelmed by both the size of the prefects and that of the school. As he was the
only pupil coming from Rembrandt Park he didn’t know anyone but by the end of the day he began to fit it.
The grade 8 camp was a great ice breaker and initiative where he got to know everyone. After three days
the grade 8 boys went off to camp during their second week at St David’s. Belonging to a specific house
gave you an immediate identity and Gareth was selected for Osmond.
Initially the jump in academics was quite a shock but the teachers helped to make it manageable. It was at
first strange coming from a co-ed environment into a monastic one but by the end of the first term Gareth
was enjoying the change. He now firmly believes it to be a good thing to be in an all boys environment
during high school. He grew not only academically but learnt how to be a man in today’s society which he
appreciated enormously.
The teachers he remembers in particular are Shane Gaffney, Graeme McMillan who was at times quite
scary, Rod Smith, Colleen Kennedy and Paul Edey. They were good role models and one of the reasons
why Gareth has chosen teaching as his profession.
His last year as head boy was an unbelievable year as far as the sport was concerned. St David’s won the
Johnny Waite Cricket, had an unbeaten soccer side, and the rugby team beat KES and Jeppe on their
home territories for the first time. Gareth believes that, especially in a boys school, if the sport is going well
then the general school vibe reflects that and is good and positive.
Gareth had heard that the position of head boy was a lonely one, however he had massive support from his
peer group and, so far it was the most enjoyable year of his life. He had a good relationship with Paul Edey
and Malcolm Williams who took over the headship in 2003.
Gareth was captain of soccer and cricket teams and was awarded honours for soccer, cricket and general
He played provincial cricket U17 and U19 and had a professional contract with Wits University for one year
in 2003.
Academically, Gareth did very well and earned 3 A’s and 3 B’s in his matric. Dave Smith helped him to
catch up on the Geography syllabus in the matric year as Gareth needed the subject to enable him entry to
the USA. The teaching staff was always willing to go the extra mile for the boys. Gareth was awarded a
Champagnat Medal and won the Brother Edwin Award for Cricketer of the Year; the St David’s Marist old
Boys Soccer Trophy; the Desmond Schatz Trophy for Sportsman of the Year; the Old Boys Trophy for
Leadership and Promotion of the Marist Spirit and the Osmond Cup for study, sport and leadership.
After matriculating, Gareth went on a soccer scholarship to the US to Gannon University in Pennsylvania
for three and half years. He studied for a BA English and PGCE or Postgraduate Certificate in Education,
graduating Suma Cum Laude.. He was tempted to stay in the US but his family was still here in South
Africa and in the US the educational system is different and teachers don’t coach sport. He returned to
South Africa and taught English in the high school from 2008 -9 and went on to KES in 2010 and became
head of English there in 2012. He was appointed deputy head of the primary school at St David’s in 2014,
is learning a lot from Willy Castle with good systems in place.
Gareth was also instrumental in getting soccer up and running in the high school together with Shane
Gaffney in 2002 into 2003.
Gareth is an active member of MOBS .
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gareth Beaver 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000779
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  • 2012

Interview with Gareth Beaver – 1987
Gareth only joined St David’s in 1985 coming from Jeppe Boys where he was a boarder. When
his family moved to Johannesburg they decided that he no longer needed to board and it would
be better for Gareth to attend St David’s. Gareth was a keen cricketer and sportsman and
enjoyed Jeppe where the focus was very much on sporting activities. When he first arrived at St
David’s, Gareth floundered academically as there was a better balance at St David’s between
academics and sport. The classes were smaller with 2 classes of 21 boys compared to 6
classes of 30 boys at Jeppe. However his mother recognised the problem and Gareth had to
endure some extra tuition after school to get him up to par. With hindsight Gareth now realises
that more of his contemporaries at St David’s went to university and now have successful
careers in comparison with his former classmates at Jeppe. St David’s maintained a healthy
balance, it wasn’t top in sport but being such a small school everyone got involved.
At Jeppe, Gareth played rugby and was even a member of the A team but was more involved
with hockey as he found it more skilful. At that time St David’s had no hockey involvement but,
together with Mike McCreedie Gareth initiated hockey at the school. Rugby was compulsory,
however but a senior Geography teacher became involved and they started a hockey team from
all the guys who had “sick notes”, absolving them from rugby. Willy Castle was very supportive
and found them a hockey coach, Craig who was also a member of Hilson Park. Gareth became
team captain and continued after leaving school to coach and started an annual trip to Hilton,
Michaelhouse and took the boys on a few other trips. Gareth was also a very keen golfer
The headmaster of the school at that time was Mr Freilich followed by Mr Boswell and Gareth
remembers that the teachers used to smoke, unheard of today. Mr Macfaden – History used to
smoke Lucky Strike, Mr Moore – Science, smoked John Player Special and smelt terrible. Mrs
Trudie Elliott was also a very heavy smoker. Other teachers he recalled were Cedric Finlayson
who was an ex-Zimbabwean and the Sports master, Mrs De Wet – Afrikaaans and when a new
Geography teacher arrived in 1986 they became an item, Mrs Thomas – Biology who was fresh
from college and the boys used to embarrass her horribly.
Gareth remembers that there were a handful of black children at St David’s but absolutely none
at Jeppe.
One incident that stands out was the “Retreat” for non-catholic boys at Hartbeespoort in 1985
when several boys lost their honours blazers. It was a recipe for disaster with the Doyle brothers
supervising.They had no control and their RE classes used to turn into mayhem. Gareth recalls
that there wasn’t any form of proper control, no programme and the boys were left to just sit
around the camp and pool. One of the senior boys’ parents owned a yacht on the dam and
some of the boys had a driving license and drove their own cars to the venue. Most of the
matrics went and spent the weekend on the boat. When they returned to school Mr Finlayson
and Mr Collier called them to the area where the auditorium now stands and asked the boys to
own up if they drank – most of the boys admitted to this and were caned and subsequently
stripped of their honours and blazers. The feeling was that it hadn’t been well thought through,
was badly organised and the punishment was therefore too severe.
Gareth received a hockey tie in his matric year.
Academically Gareth had to do a big “catch up” arriving in standard 8 and being very much
behind in some of the basics which is why his mother sent him for extra lessons. However he
fared quite well and achieved a university exemption for a JMB matric. He then went on to study
for a BCom at Wits and went on to be a qualified accountant at Ernst and Young as an auditor.
He has been in the insurance industry since 1996 and with Centriq Insurance Holdings for the
past 3 ½ years and is now the CEO.
Gareth avoided doing army service by going to university and then doing his CA and fortunately
for him, compulsory army service ended in 1993 or 4.
Gareth has one son at the school in grade 5 and next year his youngest son will begin in grade
Gareth’s company is involved with Education Africa which contributes towards educating
children at certain designated schools.
Gareth would be very interested in acquiring school yearbooks and would be supportive of an
“Old boys’ home” as there is a definite need for a suitable venue in the Sandton area which
would also accommodate the children. Gareth would also be willing to participate in the matric
rite of passage but would need adequate notice because of his heavy work schedule.
Gareth still sees some of his former classmates on a regular basis – Gavin Muller, Ross Alcock,
Richard Burr, Billy Forsmann and is part of the St David’s network. He feels that as Marist old
boys, there is a common thread of humility or modesty which sets them apart from other
JE August 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gabriel Simaan 1997

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  • 2013

Interview with Gabriel Simaan – 1967
Gabriel began his career at St David’s in grade 1, 1956 as a day boy becoming a boarder in

  1. He remembers crying all day and his teacher, Mrs Brick sat him next to Derek
    Schoombie. Gabriel was the first of Nassey Simaan’s sons at the school. He also recalled
    his brother Antoinne killing all the fish in the fish pond. Gabriel took a bus to Corlet Drive
    then walked to school most days and with his brothers delivered milk on the way.
    All the boys were scared of Mrs Kenesovitch. Br Andrew was in charge of sport. When in
    boarding school the boys could work out when Br Andrew was in his room and on one
    accession George Da Matto, David Palmer and Geoff Price went off for a smoke on the
    lower field. Br Andrew got wind of this, put on his habit and went out with his torch and
    caught them. The matric boys sat at the head table in the dining room and Br Andrew walked
    up and down using a chain to hit boys if they misbehaved. Gabriel put books in his pants
    when he was sent to Br Anthony for caning. Other Brothers were Br Vincent and Br Bosco
    Gabriel enjoyed the sports days and athletics events were very special. Gabriel didn’t play
    soccer but went instead into the U12 rugby team at the age of eleven. The boys were only
    allowed to play rugby once they reached high school. He didn’t play cricket but played tennis
    and participated in athletics. Gabriel was a good rugby player in the high school with Nassey
    being the rugby coach. Gabriel was captain of the U13A but was eventually dropped as
    captain because he was too naughty. His team U13, U14 and U15 won almost all their
    Although Gabriel loved athletics he always had to compete with Terence Lavery who held
    the world record for U17 sprint. In high school, Lavery had to drop out of rugby and
    concentrate on running and as a consequence their rugby team was no longer so strong and
    began to lose games. The Marist weekend in Cape Town was a phenomenal experience.
    The boys planted the new cricket fields, knocking on doors in the area for donations and
    were very successful. In standard 9 they were sometimes allowed out of school in the
    evenings. One of the boys, George Da Matta’s father owned a fish and chip shop, and he
    lent the boys his truck to transport the grass which they collected from nearby Gabriel’s
    home in Buccleuch and planted up the rugby and cricket fields. Br Anthony was not aware of
    the boys trips to the fish and chip shop in Melville.
    Gabriel made some good friends which included Jo Stravino, Anthony Reswick, Peter De
    Kock, Kevin Hussey, Johnny Williamson and Johnny Miranda.
    Gabriel was appointed prefect in his matric year, was awarded his honours blazer, scrolls for
    merit and rugby and was also captain of the army rugby side, Roodepoort. He was selected
    for the Transvaaal U20 rugby team but injured his hand and stopped playing although his
    father, Nassey maintained it was because he discovered women! Nassey was always
    disappointed that Gabriel didn’t become a provincial Transvaal rugby player.
    On leaving St David’s, Gabriel went into the army followed by 5 years studying pharmacy at
    the Johannesburg Technical College. He then opened his own pharmacy and
    pharmaceutical companies together with his brother Andrew and currently owns Eurolab. He
    was awarded the Healthcare IMS award in 1996.
    Eurolab opened 18 months ago and is currently the second biggest supplier of generic
    oncology drugs only marketing drugs which have been approved by the US Federal Drug
    Agency and the MCC in Europe.
    Gabriel supports a settlement nearby his game lodge establishing a community centre, a
    store to sell goods.
    JLE July 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gabriel Simaan 1986 (Standard 6)

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  • 2013

Interview with Gabriel Simaan – 1986 (Std 6)
Gaby began his school career at Boskop Primary and came to St David’s in standard 2. His first
teacher was Mrs Hurley. He enjoyed his time at St David’s and has very happy memories of his
time there and friends he made. It was a close family orientated type of school. You were made
to feel you were someone at St David’s and were made to feel part of the school.
Gaby enjoyed the sport and participated in soccer, cricket, tennis, cross country, athletics,
swimming and was in A team rugby in the high school. He was also involved in public speaking
and debating and in the inter-house plays in standard 6. Being a small school everyone got the
opportunity to try everything. The mix was also good with both rich and poor parents sending
their sons there. There was also a lot of involvement with MOBS and the sons of MOBS, an
important status.
One person he will never forget is Willy Castle who made him absolutely love sport.
Willy ran soccer clinics which he enjoyed even though all the boys were so scared of him.
By the time Gaby attended the school there were no longer any brothers teaching. Sadly, as the
school was going through a bad patch with several changes of headmaster, Gaby’s parents
decided to move him to St Stithians for a better infrastructure and academic tuition. Gaby
battled with the change and rebelled which affected both his sport and school work. He didn’t
have a good relationship with most of his teachers. There were 5 or 6 other boys from St
David’s at St Stithians at the time. Gaby only managed to get into the B team rugby and didn’t
participate in many of the things he had done at St David’s. The competition was tough and only
the best were accepted both for sport and public speaking and debating. He always regretted
leaving St David’s and his grandfather, Nassey showed his disappointment with Gaby’s parents
decision by no longer supporting him at any rugby matches. Gaby recalled a match between the
two schools where his father turned up wearing his St David’s honours blazer. St David’s won
the match as a former St David’s boy playing for St Stithians missed a kick by miles. Gaby’s
father ran onto the field and hugged him!
After matriculating, Gaby went to Wits University to study for a BComm and then started off in
the pharmaceutical industry and is now managing director of Trinity Pharmaceuticals. Gaby’s
father is a pharmacist.
Gaby still has close ties with the school and his son is enrolled to start in Gr00 in 2016.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gabriel Ally 2010. In addition his speech as Head Boy 2010

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000776
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  • 2013

Interview with Gabriel Ally – 2010
Gabriel came to St David’s from Sacred Heart in grade 8. He felt that his years from grade 0
to grade7 at Sacred Heart laid the foundation for his success at St David’s and in general.
The emphasis at Sacred Heart was on the Marist education with brothers still living on the
property at the time. Brother Anthony was his headmaster in grade 1 1968 – 9 and he had
an older brother and sister at the school. The primary school went up to grade 6 with a
middle school approach in grade 7 which prepared him for high school. Tony Williams was at
Sacred Heart during this time, was the prep headmaster and also coached soccer
Gabriel initially looked at St John’s and Michaelhouse but eventually decided that St David’s
was the high school for him after meeting Mr Williams. Initially he was rebellious but went
onto the straight and narrow from grade 10. He remembered John Edward Ferreira asking
him who was going to be head boy, and laughing incredulously when Gabriel replied “Me”.
When he first arrived he came with an open shirt and had to borrow a tie from lost property
as Sacred Heart boys didn’t wear ties in summer. After one week at school all the grade 8’s
went on camp with Mr Busscheau, Mr Dugmore, Mr Smith and Mr Williams.
All the boys lobbied for the prefects to also attend the camp and in matric Gabriel organised
that and the prefects went along, got to know the boys and were therefore better able to
profile them selecting appropriate mentors. This was the big success of his year as head
prefect and improved the mentoring system. In his first year all the naughty boys were given
prefects as their mentors and Gabriel’s mentor was Kunda Nyatsaambo, deputy head
prefect 2006 and head of house, College.
Gabriel played 1st team rugby, cricket, some soccer, participated in athletics and inter-house
swimming. He was also a member of the book quiz team in grade 12. He participated in
SMILE and was involved with some projects facilitated by Mr Martins. He enjoyed interhouse
music but didn’t get involved with drama as he didn’t have the courage. However
once he got to university he developed a passion for drama and was involved in two
university productions.
Teachers who made an impact on him were Mrs Roman, his tutor from grade 8 to matric, Mr
Williams especially in his matric year and his favourite teacher was Mrs Khanyile who taught
Gabriel was mayor of the junior city council from 2009 – 2010, this was then the private
organisation separate from the city council. As Mayor he endeavoured to contribute to
society in the areas of environment and welfare as much as possible and worked with other
NPO’s to achieve that goal. Mrs D Webb was the co-ordinator at St David’s and other boys
that participated before him were Sean Jamieson and Antimo Osato.
As head prefect Gabriel instituted a new punishment for boys who failed the new boys test –
they had to write an essay about why they loved St David’s. The results were interesting with
the feeling of brotherhood, brother’s keeper and involvement which emerged. Gabriel
wanted to instil a sense of tradition, discipline and spirit, setting goals in matric.
Gabriel also spoke at Mr Selima’s farewell where all the support staff were invited, saying a
few words in Zulu. He got chatting to Richard Lubisi and became friendly with him and
stayed in contact whilst he was at UCT. When Gabriel started doing some consultancy work
for his brother and needed to go and visit squatter camps, Richard took him to ivory Park
which is the reason that Gabriel now has the job he has. Richard is also now working for
Gabriel’s brother.
Steve Bailey died during Gabriel’s matric year. His death affected every boy in matric and he
was sorely missed.
Gabriel was awarded full colours for academics, service, leadership and general honours. a
Marcellin Champagnat medal and a special award, the Rotary Club Award for service
beyond self. Gabriel recalls the good feeling when Tyson Sithole was awarded an honours
blazer and how supportive all the other boys were.
The matric dance was very special and he remembers the opening song was “Kiss of a
Rose”. Mrs Greensill taught Gabriel and Chad White, deputy head how to waltz.
On leaving school Gabriel went to UCT to study philosophy and economics on an Allan Gray
Orbis Foundation Scholarship for Entrepreneurship and Leadership. After two years he
decided to take a break from his studies and return to Johannesburg to pursue his goal of
becoming a social entrepreneur. He was an apprentice in a small business and gained
valuable experience and knowledge on how to start and run a business in 2013. This
opportunity gave him the courage to start his own recycling and advertising venture. He is
currently working to support this initiative and plans to launch his own in 2014.
Gabriel is still involved with St David’s and is assisting Mrs Voorendyck in Life Orientation in
term three with the matrics and will be guest speaking at the prize giving in January 2014.
JLE September 2013
The Challenge – Final Address – Gabriel Ally - 2010
Good Evening.
“Gabriel enjoys taking part in group activities, he is popular and a leader amongst his peers.
Occasionally he acts impulsively and upsets someone, but these incidents are few and far
between. It has been a pleasure to teach Gabriel, I wish him luck for grade One and I know
he will enjoy the challenge.” ….In 12 years, not much has changed has it?
I still find myself leading and, on occasion, being impulsive. I sure hope I’m still popular and
a pleasure to teach, and I’m sure there are a few people sitting here tonight whom I have
upset along the way. Of all these words however, the biggest truism lies in the observation
that “he will enjoy the challenge”; a challenge that has been riddled with dreams,
responsibility, tears, elation and honour; a challenge that is still in its infancy and one that will
continue unto death. This challenge is life. A challenge that I have had the esteem of sharing
with a brotherhood, a challenge that has been blessed by the presence of family and one
that has been made easier by its path through St David’s.
A year ago I embarked on a challenge set forth by you; the challenge of following in the
footsteps of St Marchelin Champagnat, Michael Carey, Graeme Gallow, Kylo Molefe and
James Rawson. In doing so, I have been humbled by the opportunity to represent this
amazing band of brothers, this family, this way of life that represents far more than an
education. I stand before you today as a product of St David’s, as a man, as a disciple of an
institution that is far greater than any one individual.
As I look out at the boys sitting before me, I am comforted by the knowledge that what we
have achieved as the matric class of 2010 will be forever ingrained in their character. It is
true that it takes a village to raise a child and a community to spawn a man, and I can say
with confidence that when you leave St David’s you can say, “I have the courage to be that
man.” Until that day however, never shy away from the challenge of Confortare-Esto-Vir.
As some of you may have seen, the Marist flag is flying at half-mast today in remembrance
of Brother Anthony who passed away this week. Brother Anthony bid farewell to St David’s
long before our time here, but his affiliation to the Marist Brotherhood never faltered. This is
true of all Marist boys. This is true of our brother Steve Bailey. Tonight we are graced with
his spirit and I know each one of you sitting here, particularly the matrics, will understand the
severity of my words when I say that: “life is too short, to say life is too short”. I thank Mr and
Mrs Bailey for joining us this evening and for blessing the Marist family with a man whose
impact and maturity extended far beyond his 18 years of life. Steve, we miss you and we
love you.
Every oak tree was once an acorn. Now I’m aware that I am well over 6 feet tall, a massive
acorn, but I still have a lot of growth to do, as do we all. There is a common trend that when
Marist boys find their niche in the world, they tend to tower over forests of men with humility,
simplicity and modesty. When I think of a Marist boy who is defined by these traits, I think of
my brother and companion Chaid White. Chaidy, it has been an honour to have served
alongside you. You were never afraid to step aside when I needed to lead, or to step in when
I needed to follow. That applies to the entire prefect group. To Brad, Matt, Trist and Bazza,
our friendships has been cemented by the trials we have overcome on the sports fields and
in the corridors, thank you.
The best part of being able to stand up here tonight is that I have an opportunity to publicly
express my appreciation to the staff of St David’s. I won’t miss Shakespeare or pythagoras,
but I am certain I will miss our loving and supportive teachers. Not only are we blessed with
an exceptional education, but we are blessed with role models and friends. To Mr Van den
Berg, Mr Williams and Mrs Roman, I thank you for your undying support and guidance
throughout my life at St David’s and I applaud you for the work you do behind the scenes to
ensure that every boy sitting here has an opportunity to flourish.
The motherly urge, alongside hunger and thirst, is known to be one of the strongest natural
urges of human beings. Every son and husband sitting here will know that mom is always
right. We are here tonight not only as products of St David’s, but as products of our parents.
I have been blessed with a father who has never faltered in wanting the absolute best for his
son and a mother who has successfully seen three children through matric. Tonight marks
the end of my mother’s 21 year stint of packing lunches, labelling school books, answering
matron’s phone calls and buying enough raffle tickets for 10 people. Mom and Dad, thank
you for guiding me through this challenge with such love and care. We must all acknowledge
that without the support of our parents and the greater St David’s community, our lives would
not be as blessed as they are.
A young lad was auditioning with his classmates for the annual school play. His mother knew
that he had set his heart on being in the play – just like all the other children hoped to - and
she feared how he would react if he wasn’t chosen. On the day the parts were awarded, the
young lad’s mother went to the school gates to collect her son. He rushed up to her, eyes
gleaming with pride and excitement. “Guess what mum!” he shouted, “I have been chosen to
clap and cheer.”
These words provide a lesson to us all. To my successor and his men, who will take on the
challenge of leading this school: Do not be fooled into thinking that leadership is position?
Each one of you has a role to fulfil, a role that will be defined by your attitude and goals for
St David’s. Being a Marist boy is an honour, but beyond that it is a responsibility. You have a
responsibility to maintain the standard set by the generations of men who hang on these
walls, a responsibility to build on the foundation laid before you and a responsibility to
become a solid platform for the boys who will clap and cheer for you along the way.
It has been an honour and a blessing. I thank you all for this challenge.
Gabriel Ally
Head prefect

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Frederick Barnard 1989

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000775
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  • 2014

Interview with Frederick Barnard – 1989
Frederick first came to St David’s in 1985, midway into standard 5 as his mother had moved to
Johannesburg from Cape Town. The religious aspect of a Catholic school was completely new to him
coming from SACHS, a large government school. The classes were much smaller, the boys had to line up
in the prep school quadrangle, it was mid-winter and very cold.
The teachers he recalled were Trudy Elliot, acting head between Boswell and Davies, she was a strong
teacher who Frederick liked and inspired him. She retired at the end of 1988. Also in the high school there
was Brian Webster who taught Science and Biology and who was the water-polo coach; Mr Hall; and
Father Brewer was very influential, everyone appreciated him as a fantastic human being. Frederick came
to his funeral in 1999. A number of the boys’ parents lived and worked on the school premises such as
Father Brewer, Brian Webster, Mr Finlayson, Mr Castle, the headmasters and the estate manager. Having
the teachers around was a good thing.
Another big influence in Frederick’s life was FatherTom Nicolson, based in Cape Town who led him through
his first holy communion, married him and has baptised Frederick’s children.
Frederick found that he thrived in a smaller community together with boys from different backgrounds which
included black children too. It was the first time that Frederick had encountered boys from other
backgrounds and different economic environments such as Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. The country
was not very stable during the late 80’s and some of the boys had problems getting to school and Fredrick
remembered offering Sophiso Ngwenya (the first black head boy) to stay with him. It was a family
community which was strong throughout his childhood years and even later on. It was such an influential
time in a child’s life and left a lasting impression on Frederick when he was trying to figure out who he was
and what he wanted in life. Frederick is still in close contact with many of the friends he made during this
In retrospect, the religious aspect of the school also influenced and affected Frederick in different ways.
Some teachers also had the ability to inspire and motivate him. Frederick’s parents were not very much
involved with the school and some of his teachers became role models, which is very important in a child’s
As the numbers were low, there were only two classes in matric, everyone participated no matter how good
they were. The school was very liberal in its approach and as to what was right and wrong. During the time
of the riots the school took the stance in what was believed to be fair and not along government lines.
In those days the school did retreats and socials at the Rosebank Convent and, whilst Frederick was in
standard 5, prefects’ tea still existed. There was huge respect for the older boys and all the boys underwent
an initiation in standard 6.
There were outreach activities in the prep school, in the high school, Frederick participated in debating, the
Stock Exchange Investment Game, was vice captain of Benedict house with Wayne Muller as captain, was
a member of the 1st team water-polo. He was awarded academic colours and received an Art prize in
standard 8, Heather Joseph was his Art teacher. In standard 9, Frederick remembers that receiving his
honours blazer from Trudy Elliott in assembly was very special and being made a prefect.
Frederick helped prepare for and attended the matric dance in standard 9 and again in his matric year. It
was a highlight and was held in the school hall which was decorated by the standard 9’s.
After matriculating, Frederick went to Wits University to study for a BComm Law and Business Finance. He
was also awarded a CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst (USA) which he did by correspondence. He then
went overseas and did an internship with UBS in Zurich and London. On his return to South Africa he
started to work in finance and now has offices in Switzerland and Johannesburg with his company Avance-
Suisse which was established in 2001.
All in all Frederick felt that the time he spent at St David’s was hugely influential and if he was living here he
would send his son to the school without any hesitation. Frederick instituted the MOBS water-polo team
first playing at the Wanderers and then St David’s.
JLE November 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Frank Cattich 1969

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000774
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Frank Cattich – 1969
Frank came as a boarder to St David’s in standard 8, 1966. He had previously been a pupil at St
Aidan’s in Grahamstown and had a bond with Br Aidan having been a pupil of his. St Aidan’s
was Jesuit and extremely strict so it was a relief to appreciate that St David’s was not quite so
rigid and more relaxed. It was also great to be closer to home as his parents lived in
Frank’s mother was an orphan who grew up with nuns in Rome and Frank remembers staying
in the grounds of the Vatican as a child. His mother sought out her mother in South Africa as
she wanted to know why she had abandoned her. Unfortunately this didn’t have a happy ending
as her mother a widow, her husband having been the owner of Valenti Construction, didn’t want
to know her daughter. She established that her father was an Italian prisoner of war and
eventually got to know Margo Moni and others with whom she lived together in the youth hostel.
He recalls his first encounter with Anthony Stanley was with a punch up on the rugby field and
they have been firm friends ever since. Mike Denopolius built the castle at Kyalami, now lives in
Marbella and his daughter recently married Chemaly’s son
Trevor Corie was a boarder who slept near Frank and about twice a month they would stuff their
beds with cushions, climb out the window onto the roof and through a chapel window en route to
the kitchen. They would raid the kitchen and, after midnight bring back the loot, cases of cool
drink, biscuits and sweets. There were a couple of dobermans that roamed around the school
but they never barked at them and Br Bosco used to patrol the dorms with his torch but never
caught them out. On one occasion they were in the kitchen, heard footsteps, one of the Brothers
had come down to make a cup of tea, all the lights went on and the boys hid behind the stove.
Trevor started to giggle and Frank’s heart stopped, thinking they were going to be caught, it
seemed like an eternity but they got away with it. Later the brothers put a padlock on the fridge
but undeterred the boys removed the pins from the hinges and still got in. During these raids the
boys accumulated hundreds of empty bottles which they stacked on the roof and only years
later were they found.
The boarders were used to plant the fields on the McGill- Love farm at the weekends.
Br Mario was unique and always seemed to be in conflict with the boys behaving rather like a
prison warden. He wasn’t unfair but the boys just didn’t like him. He once ordered Frank and
Trevor to bend over and Trevor refused, they weren’t guilty on this occasion. Br Mario just didn’t
know how to deal with them. Br Andrew “Drac”was very hard and Frank recalls being lashed on
his first day at lunchtime following a fist fight. One of the boys, Simon had been tormenting the
new boy Frank, shooting at him with a peashooter, Frank identified the culprit and let him have it
on the landing, unfortunately witnessed by Br Andrew. Br Michael was the rugby coach. Br
Anthony had a short memory and awarded Frank his honours blazer, which he never received
as his father refused to pay for it. He was awarded scrolls for athletics, rugby and merit; three
scrolls were required for honours, three months later Br Anthony, obviously wondering why
Frank wasn’t wearing an honours blazer re-awarded him his scrolls.
Frank played rugby and was 1st team captain in 1969 and recalls there was a blood feud
between Observatory and St David’s and there were some tough games. On one occasion he
remembers a painful experience playing against Jeppe when he was about to score, was ankle
tackled and fell a metre short of the line. Frank didn’t board for his last year but rode to and from
school on his motorcycle. He remembered that his brother had an operation to reconstruct his
nose which cost R10 000. Being fair his father offered him the same option but Frank decided to
keep his nose and save the money.
Frank was a November child and he believes that this contributed to him repeating his matric
year in 1969, together with Willy Castle. However, Frank was not good academically, was
motivated by material things and didn’t achieve a university pass. On leaving school Frank went
into the army and afterwards went to Europe where he met a German girl, a dental assistant. He
stayed with the family for four years before returning to South Africa and joined his father’s
company dealing in civil construction, earthworks and pipelines. He was an apprentice for 6 -7
years. His father didn’t believe in spoiling his children and Frank was the black sheep of the
family, with his brother and sister going on to university .Frank speaks fluent German and Italian
and has always been in business for himself spending 7 years in Switzerland and then he got
involved with a contract in Iraq which was a huge and exciting challenge. He was established in
Cyprus and all was going well until 9/11 when, due to sanctions nothing was allowed in or out of
Iraq. Following this disaster, Frank came back to South Africa and together with Investec Bank
launched Velocity, a company with technology imported from the UK to upgrade and maintain
the deteriorating roads in South Africa.
He is married to Sheena and is the father of three children, a son Maximillian, a pupil at St
David’s in grade 0 and twins a boy and girl.
Frank is an active member of MOBS.
JLE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Franco Lambiase 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000773
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Franco Lambiase – 1976
Franco came to St David’s as a day boy in 1970 from Bramley Primary School after his family
had emigrated back to South Africa from 18 months in Italy. Arriving in standard 6 he found St
David’s to be a very strict school with mainly brothers teaching. Having come from a nonconformist
environment Franco found St David’s to be regimental and it was difficult for him to
Brother Anthony was the headmaster until 1975 when Brother Timothy took over. The brothers
he remembers include Br Bosco (Mario); Br Bernard; Br Aquinas, Br Timothy, Br Aidan the
bursar; Br Ronald and Br Andrew (Drac). Of the lay teachers he remembered Mr Saunders -
Afrikaans, Mrs Zent the librarian who gave him writing lessons and Heather Joseph was friendly
with William Carew (Bubbles), Trudy Elliott, - English with whom he kept in touch.
Franco wasn’t very sporty but played 3rd team rugby and hated swimming. He was there when
the new Science wing and auditorium were opened in 1972. Franco was quite artistic and was
awarded a trophy for Art and also did the decorations for the matric dance – a medieval theme.
Academically Franco did not excel but managed to pass his matric.
After matriculating, Franco went on to Wits University where he studied Pharmacy. He ran a
pharmacy until 1993 when he finally gave this up to become a confectioner and now runs his
own business making specialty cakes. He makes cakes for magazines, wedding expos and is a
member of the Cake Decorators Guild. He judges for Angela Day the mince pies, hot cross
buns and Christmas cakes.
Franco is not a member of MOBS but participated in last year’s St David’s Christmas market.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni 1966

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000769
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni -1966 & Rohan Erleigh – 1967
Both Eric and Rohan were boarders. Eric’s two half brothers Edward Barale and Italo Barale
also boarded and Rohan had two brothers follow him. They knew each other through the
boarding and played in the same rugby, cricket and athletics teams. Goodenough, a kitchen
hand could outstrip every athlete and broke the school record running barefoot. The highpoint in
cricket was when professional, English cricketers came to the school, Ken Palmer and Peter
Stringer who lived at the school and Donald Wilson who got married here and lived above the
chapel. On Saturdays if any major cricket team was playing, the boys had to dress up in full
uniform and walk to Wanderers wearing straw bashers..
They recalled an American field scholar, Philp Marsden who could throw a tennis ball higher
than the tennis captain could with his racket. Julio Cesneros’s father was the Spanish
ambassador, who assisted in bringing the Spanish football team, Real Madrid to South Africa.
The Springbok, Ray Bischoff swam against the Dutch and broke a South African record. The
cycling team was started with Deon and Brett Sacks and Rohan remembers his bike breaking
down near Gilooley’s Farm. There was also a model airplane club, all the planes took off and
then crashed! A Tiger Moth was donated.
Cadets were also started in their time and Eric was one of the first five cadet student officers.
There was a Southern Transvaal Schools Drummer competition and the school won the bass
and tenor drums section beating 700 other schools – who weren’t there!!!
The drama society was initiated together with Parktown Convent and was oversubscribed!
There was a debating society with Dave Lyons, Pat Noble and Andrew Lindiker and debates
were always held on a Sunday at the convent. There was also a dark room where some of the
boys developed their photos.
Gertie the 3 ton utility truck used to convey pupils to various sports events and was eventually
sold and replaced with a new school bus that was painted blue and was involved in an accident
after the first three weeks, the driver being Zebron.
Mrs Buckley-Jones was the much loved matron who however made them write tests whilst in
the sick bay. Mr Drummon-Bell was the Music teacher who produced the “Pirates of Penzance”.
Eric remembered a teacher called Mrs Cane, at Marist Borthers Koch Street Johannesburg, (the
primary school to both Marist Brothers and Inanda) who used it (the cane) with gay abandon.
The first lay teachers in the high school were Mrs Buchan – English, very English, unattractive
but kind, Mrs Pretorius – Afrikaans, she was good looking but unfriendly, Mr Ward – Maths, Mr
Hewitson – Art. Eric remembered a pupil from Greece who chatted in class and when Mrs
Pretorius asked him what he had said Eric told him to say “Ek is jou lief”!
There was a Science lab but when they left it was replaced by a newer one and Eric’s two
brothers – Orcellis – donated two glass windows.
For two years during the mid 1960’s, the brothers hired a catering manager and his wife, the
Coopers. They had a corgi which started off thin but ended up as a blimp! The boys used to
regularly raid the kitchen. Flat bed trolleys were used to carry food, boxes etc and the boys used
to pile onto them and ride down the inclines resulting in quite a few stitches.
Eric was designated, together with George Da Matta to act as cinematographers for the film
every Saturday night. Someone had to collect the 16mm films and they were given pocket
money to get the bus, however George’s father would fetch them and take them to his café to
gorge on fish and chips etc and then after to collect the films in the centre of Johannesburg.
They then caught the bus back to Dunkeld and had to lug the box of 16mm films to school.
The first Spur restaurant opened in Rosebank and several boys were caught bunking in the
Spur and in Ken Rosewall’s snooker saloon. They recall that disputes were resolved between
the boys behind the games room next to the tennis courts.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Champagnat they made the great trek to Cape Town, all
the buses broke down and all the schools ended up at St Joseph’s.
They remember the land bought by the school and the boys of 1966 planted the grass on the
rugby field and cricket pitch.
There was no real communication then, only the telephone and radio. They had vague
memories of the assassination of Kennedy and the attempted and actual assassination of
Verwoed. They had a day off school due to the “Bay of Pigs”. They did remember the stance
taken by the Catholic schools with regard to admitting black children which wasn’t popular with
the government.
Both Eric and Rohan have been back to St David’s for a 40 year reunion and would be
interested in supporting the publication of the book.
Individual memories of Eric Ambrosioni:
Eric’s mother died then his father and in Standard 8 his step brothers came to an arrangement
with the school to enable him to stay there. He had no bad experiences although Brother
Ignatius would lash you for no treason.
Joe Mulaneu lived at the bottom of the bottom field and Eric lived opposite him. He remembers
fooling around with him and hitting him with a metal rod, subsequently their parents banned
them from seeing each other. They later became good buddies and Joe became a
After the Saturday cinema one night he raided the kitchen, realising a brother was there he tried
to get rid of the evidence and a paw paw rolled down the hall and he was caught by Brother
He also remembers going home in the first term and crying about being bullied. His brother
advised him to put a shoe in his pillowcase and wait until the bully fell asleep and then whack
him with it. The bullying stopped after he tried that out.
When he finished school he wanted to go to varsity but, having no family to support him, he
ended up in a bank and was then balloted into the army in which he stayed for three years. He
then went into the oil industry and was seconded to the UK and his company was bought out by
BP. He was repatriated and offered a package in 2004, bought a pasta machine and became a
pasta maker his wife having bought an Italian deli. He made pasta for the deli and sold to other
delis and shops in the Cape Peninsula. He sold the pasta machine at the beginning of the year
to his nephew, another Marist old boy Ted Barale who owns Piccolino in Fourways. He is
married to Louise and is the father to two daughters.
Eric’s brother Italo (1953) married Myrna Morgan whose brothers went to Inanda, Harold and
Ronny who became a Marist Brother.
Individual Memories of Rohan Erleigh:
His parents lost everything they had in business but insisted he went to a private school. They
had an old car, a 1947 Plymouth and he was so embarrassed he told them to meet him outside.
Rohan was an altar boy.
After finishing school Rohan went gold mining outside Sabi, gold was then at $25 per ounce. He
subsequently went into the navy for his national service and made a naval career. He studied
for a BSc at Stellenbosch, rose to the heights of naval captain becoming a military attaché and
retired in 2000 after a final posting as officer commanding the navy’s training base on the west
coast. He spent time on the maritime border during the war in Angola.
He married a Morgan girl and is father to two sons and a daughter. The Morgan boys all went to
St David’s and Ronnie Morgan became a Brother.
Old Boys they are still in contact with:
Jo Stravino, Dereck Schoombie, Peter Moni, Eddie Assad (orthodontist) Peter Struthers
(maxillofacial surgeon) Michael Ford, Clive Bergman (singer), Tony Walker brother of Jeff
Walker (Master of the John Ross), Strati Malamoglou (Dyna Chem), Steve Taylor (sub-ed
Times ltd), Charlie Platt, Patrick Nobe, Brian Jarvis, Kevin Peel, Terry O’Mahoney, Emilio
Iglauer, Anthony Barale (doctor in Canada).
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Earl Morais 1989

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000767
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Earl Morais – 1989
Earl came to St David’s with his brother in 1980 as their parents wanted them to have a good education. As
far as he is aware they were the first coloured boys to be admitted to the school. His brother Kurt started in
grade 0 and Earl in standard 2 with Mrs Hayley as his first teacher. The boys both started a week late after
the school term had begun and were interviewed by Mr Manolios.
It was quite a culture shock for Earl with only one black pupil, Siphiso, in his class having come from a coeducational
environment into a monastic one. Compared to his previous school, he found St David’s to be
very competitive from a sporting perspective. Earl couldn’t swim a stroke and Willy Castle, his Physical
Education teacher told him to just get into the pool and I will teach you how to swim. Earl was an
accomplished swimmer by the time he left St David’s.
The teachers he remembers are of course Willy Castle to whom he feels he owes a lot; Mrs Anderson, a
strict Afrikaans teacher; Mrs Bowles, standard 3; Mr Buchanan, standard 4. Mr Kotze, standard 5 ; Ms
Joseph –Art ; Mr Bronkhorst – Sport and in the high school he recalls Mrs De Wet, standard 8 ; Mr De
Sousa, standard 9; Mr Hill; Mr Van Rooyen, standard 7; Mrs Marais, standard 10; Mr Webster, standard 6 ;
Mr Finlayson, high school sport(rugby) and Mrs Trudy Elliott who was a magnificent English teacher. Br
Ephraim was a disciplinarian but very popular.
The paddock was where the Mini-Marist is now based and George the tractor driver working with Willy Van
De Merwe kept the fields in pristine condition. Willy was a mechanic, builder, canoeist and runner. Mr
Norton was also a canoeist and Willy Castle encouraged Willy to run.
The retreats were an eye opener and often quite difficult but the teachers handled the situation well. Movies
were always organised by Willy Castle on the last day of school and soccer clinics during the school
holidays which his sons now attend. Mass was held every Friday but that didn’t mean that Earl and his
brother didn’t have to attend church on Sundays as well.
Earl remembers the RAPS plays and that Mrs Elliott had a personal relationship with Atholl Fugard which
resulted in the boys performing one of his plays set as if the audience and cast were in church. The boys
won their round of the competition but were not allowed to go to Grahamstown because of the deemed
racist content of the play.
Earl also has fond memories of a “Can-Can” show in standard 3 where the boys dressed up as girls and
thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Earl was a member of Osmond House, became vice-captain and played basketball with the courts situated
where the Champagnat hall now stands.
The matric dance was held in the school hall with the standard 9’s and 10’s. Earl is still friends with many of
his contemporaries and they intend to celebrate their 25 year reunion this year.
Earl’s biggest love was boxing from an early age but he still had to participate in other sport whilst at St
David’s. After leaving school he went to the University of Durban-Westville to study for a BSc for a year
until the family experienced financial difficulties. He went on to become a professional boxer and became
the South African National Cruiserweight Champion from 2000 to 2004 and the World Boxing Association
Champion from 2002 to 2003. He attributes his success to his upbringing at St David’s with teachers like
Willy Castle instilling the motivation and pride required. “Confortare esto vir” Take courage and be a man.
Seeing it as a means to an end, Earl retired from boxing in 2008. He is involved with auto-gas, refitting
taxis to use gas as a fuel and now owns his own company, Greennovation making buildings more energy
efficient and is involved with various government departments,
Earl’s father always dreamt that his grandsons would attend St David’s and Earl’s two sons are in grade 0
and grade 7 with a daughter who attends, Auckland Park Preparatory School carrying on the tradition set
by his parents.
His brother Kurt intends sending his boys to St David’s as well when they return from abroad. He currently
works at the World Bank head office in Washington.
JLE May 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Duncan Hunter 2006

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000766
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Duncan Hunter – 2006
Duncan’s first day at St David’s was in grade 4 and he remembers it as being completely different from his
previous school in that there was a feeling that excellence was important along with discipline. He found it
to be a rather overwhelming experience.
The best part of school for Duncan was having his mates with him most of the time, in class, during breaks
and then playing sport in the afternoons together. Duncan is still in contact with them and even now, almost
ten years later they all miss sitting on their specific bench in the quad during breaks. Other aspects he
enjoyed were all the sport on offer and the fact that his whole year was very much planned in advance by
somebody else. There was a lot less to worry about back then!
As with most boys, Duncan did not enjoy the homework and the studying for exams.
An occasion that stands out was the new boys “initiation” and prefects’ test that they did when they arrived
in the high school. Having to remember all the prefects’ names and various other random facts about the
school was, looking back, quite funny. Another weekly event the boys had when they were in matric was
the prefects’ assembly. Duncan can remember some of what was said being hysterical and probably not
repeatable! Another event which stood out was the time the boys travelled down to Durban for the Westville
gala over the Midmar weekend in 2002. They were quite out-classed at the time, but the schools’ swimming
went from strength to strength after they had seen the level they needed to be at to compete across the
One of the funniest things the boys used to do at break at one stage during high school was to play an
interesting variation of soccer. The person who scored used to have to try to run away from everyone as
the aim was to all “pile on” the scorer. It made no sense then and still doesn’t but most of the grade used to
get involved. They also played various other versions of rugby and soccer throughout their time, most of
which were banned very quickly.
There were many teachers over the years that made lasting impressions. That is one of the qualities of the
staff at St David’s; they take a genuine interest in the boys they are teaching. In the prep school, Mrs
Everson made a lasting impression in terms of her guidance and some of the perspectives she shared. In
high school, Mrs Kennedy taught Duncan’s Maths class for three years and he ended up in her matric
class. She got to know the boys over the years and on top of being an excellent teacher she supported
them and gave them guidance when needed. On a personal level, Duncan was involved in tutoring Maths
classes during university which he felt was due to Mrs Kennedy.
Duncan swam and was in the A team swimming throughout prep and high school. He played water polo for
the 2nd team, rugby for the 2nd team and thought that the annual Midmar trip with the swimming team was
always memorable. The Ken Short Shield under 14 water polo tournament played in East London was also
a great trip. On a provincial level, Duncan was selected for the Gauteng lifesaving team.
Duncan was a prefect and deputy head of College house in 2006 and his twin brother was also prefect, so
two out of twelve wasn’t bad going for the Hunter family. Duncan received specific honours for academics
as well as general honours and also won various academic subject prizes over the years, the last being the
Maths prize in matric. He also received team awards for swimming and water polo.
Duncan remembers the last day of school quite clearly. He and the matrics organised a braai in the
morning in the quad to celebrate. One of the guys ended up bringing a whole bunch of chickens with him
that they let run around during the day. This was a great source of entertainment for all the boys. The same
day his twin brother, Malcolm climbed out of the window of Mrs Kennedy’s 2nd storey Maths classroom and
climbed down the side of the building. Mrs Kennedy got quite a surprise when Malcolm came back up and
knocked on the door asking to be let in!
After matriculating, Duncan went on to study Bachelor of Accounting Science at Wits University and then
completed the requirements for CA (SA) in 2013. He is currently a manager at PWC London in the
assurance practice.
Duncan is a member of MOBS and visits the school when he can.
JLE March 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dr Theo van den Handel 1982

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000765
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Dr Theo van den Handel - 1982
Theo is one of 4 van den Handel brothers – Alan matriculated as deputy head boy in 1974, Rik
matriculated as head boy in 1976, Theo matriculated as head boy in 1982 and Jan Willem matriculated
as a prefect in 1987.
Theo remembers his early years at St David’s as great years, however, he was just an ordinary boy in the
prep taking part in all the sports but never really shining. But he blossomed in the high school and loved
school and being a member of St David’s.
Theo feels that St David’s has always been a good school because it was smaller in numbers and the
boys were treated as individuals. Sport was a huge factor at school as it served to bind the boys together.
St David’s did well on the sports field despite our small numbers and when we were defeated we knew
how to take the defeat. The boys always bounced back. Theo feels that although the school has grown in
numbers today the same still holds today whereby the boys still love their sport and give it their all.
Theo started at St David’s in 1971 in grade 1 and felt at home as his two older brothers were already at
school there. He remembers teachers like Mrs Hildyard, Ms Joseph, Mrs Knezovich, Mrs Anderson and
Mrs Walsh. In standard 7 he and Jan Willem left St David’s to live in Holland with their Mom. After just a
year there they returned to South Africa and the two youngest boys returned to St David’s.
He entered standard 8 on his return and felt as if he had never been away. He enjoyed his sport
especially athletics, swimming, water polo and rugby. Theo still maintains that sport being compulsory at
St David’s is an excellent idea and does give the school a wonderful spirit. Theo was appointed head boy
in 1982. This was a significant year in the school’s history as it was the first year that the school had a
lay headmaster. Mr G Murphy was the first lay headmaster and Theo remembers him well saying that the
boys liked Mr Murphy mainly because he was very into the sporting side of the school and encouraged
the boys especially in rugby. He says he got on well with Mr Murphy and followed his advice.
Theo enjoyed his years in the high school and felt that with teachers like Mrs Elliott, Mr Colia, Mr
McFadden and Mr Boswell the boys were given a good sound education.
As mentioned Theo is one of 4 boys in the van den Handel family. The eldest is Alan who runs his own
construction business in Plettenburg Bay. He is married and his son Nicholas now works with his dad in
the business. Rik lives in Dallas and is an chemical scientist. He is married and has a son Ryan. The
youngest brother is Jan Willem who is married and in the process of moving back to Johannesburg from
Cape Town for business reasons. He has a little daughter.
Theo is still in touch with Graham Muller who is a GP in the UK.
Theo and his wife Sian have moved to Plettenburg Bay where they have set up a practise together, Sian
as a dermatologist and Theo as a medical practioner. Theo has taken a great interest in HIV and while
living in Johannesburg he worked on a regular basis at Baragwanath Hospital. He is now is provincial
programme manager of the Western Cape branch of Right to Care which specialises in HIV and TB.
Theo has 37 doctors working under him and he himself travels to Beaufort West and the surrounding
area for 2 to 3 days each week running clinics and educating the public and also the people working in
this very important programme.
Mrs van den Handel has moved down to Plettenburg Bay to be near the family and they are now able to
spend quality time with their two sons Rhys and Luc, both of whom were at St David’s while living in
Johannesburg. Since the move both boys are enjoying their new school Oakhill in Knysna, but they still
miss their friends at St David’s
Interview: 13 May 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Doug Wickins 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000764
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Doug Wickins 1962
Doug started at St David’s in Std 3 in 1955. He originally went to St Peter’s in Merrivale and
moved to Parkhurst where he spent 1 year in Std 2 at the local primary school. His mother was
a devout Catholic with 3 sons, Doug being the eldest. He and Anthony started in 1955 and Barry
a year or two later. Doug was happy at Parkhurst and didn’t want to leave and his introduction to
the school was delayed, as he and his brothers contracted scarlet fever, and were quarantined
for 3 weeks. Br Edmond, the principal introduced him to Alf Smith and Michael Fine (“Savage”)
and took him to Mrs Batten – standard 3. Mrs Batten was a real toughie, told him to sit where
she could see him. She sat on the teaching platform, teachers had a leather strap and he can
remember her whacking all the boys in her class. In spite of this introduction he thoroughly
enjoyed his schooling. At the end of standard 6 his father died, his uncle came to stay in the
house; accommodation was limited so in standard 7 arrangements were made for him to go into
boarding. This he regards as the best thing that ever happened to him. He spent 4 years
boarding and really enjoyed it.
There were 16 brothers then, all quite young, many in their twenties and Br Anthony was about

  1. They played sport together. There were 60 pupils in a class but by matric the number had
    reduced to 17 with other pupils either failing or being expelled. One of the problems was that Br
    John was Spanish and Br Charles, French-Canadian and understanding them was rather
    difficult. The language was an issue and there was insufficient opportunity to interface with the
    brothers individually.
    Doug loved boarding and enjoyed school even more because of it and regards the school as his
    Alma Mater rather than university.
    Doug was in a very spirited class with 8 boarders, the remainder being day boys. Among them
    were Darko Vidas, Alex Quail, Alec Smith, John Dayley. Br Edwin (Jack Bones) was principal
    until 1956 and then Br Benedict (The Beak) until 1959 followed by Br Anthony in 1960. He was
    terrified of Br Edwin who was related to the MCGurk family, but revered and respected him, he
    had arthritis but in spite of this he trained boys in rugby. He was eventually promoted to Brother
    Provincial. Br Benedict loved rugby and cricket. Br Anthony was, in his opinion, the best
    principal the school ever had.
    Br Anthony’s nickname was Aungess – Oranges which he could never pronounce properly. His
    favourite sayings were”nothing without work” and “he who plays hard, works hard”. Initially he
    appeared arrogant because of his demeanour but once everyone got to know him, his popularity
    soared. He had a great sense of Christianity hence Slough, and was a teaching principal,
    teaching Science and Maths. There were 450 boys in the school at the time and, although there
    was a bursar, he ran the entire school.
    Mrs Kempster taught under Br Edwin Standard 4, she used the stick and became the first
    headmistress of the junior school succeeded by Mr Manolios, then Mrs Schaafsma. Mrs
    Janusch, a scot married to a Hungarian was an absolute tyrant. He remembers boys such as
    Congo Brian Roberts who came from the Belgian Congo, Doc Livingstone – Rhodesia, Chicken
    Venter, Brian Emerick. The school’s reputation was well established with 180 boarders with 4
    Doug once lead a boycott of sausages in the dining room, Br Dennis was on duty that particular
    evening and Br Michael wanted to kick him out but Br Anthony saved him. Four boys were
    expelled. Two brothers Peter and Jeremy Forder, Warrington and Hartman decided to run away.
    They got out and went to Sandton, however they were rounded up and expelled.
    A barber used to come to cut the boys hair, The boarders had lunch 12.45 to 1.15, then again
    out of class 2.45 for tea followed by sports practice, shower, study, 6.30 – 7.15 supper, study
    until 8.15 and lights and radios off by 9.15.
    Doug participated in all sport, played cricket but he preferred swimming, played rugby, hockey,
    and athletics and joined in debating. There was tremendous competition between St David’s
    and Observatory. The cinder track, now prep playing fields was regarded as the best in the
    country for the Catholic inter-high athletics. Doug was also made a prefect. Doug recalled an
    incident during an athletics event when Br Charles was measuring the distance that a javelin
    had been thrown when another landed immediately behind him fortunately just missing him.
    People often used to stop at the side of the road to watch the cricket. A sad incident occurred
    when Paul Barrenbrook was killed, in a freak accident whilst he was standing on the bicycle
    wheel of the ice cream cart which was hit by a passing car.
    The school had a good relationship with Parktown Convent rather than Rosebank and often had
    joint functions.
    He helped build a stage and got the wood. The stage was very, very heavy. Technical drawing
    was a subject and because of this they were allowed to use the workroom. There was very
    nearly a nasty accident when Darko got his tie caught up in the planing machine. It took all, his
    strength to keep his head away until someone could switch the machine off.
    Doug recalled President Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962 and listening to
    a radio that Darko had, as they all waited to find out if the world was going to be plunged into
    the first nuclear war.
    He remembers his last day at St David’s, it was in December and there were 4 or 5 boys left
    writing their last matric exam. His 17th birthday was on 29 November and he wrote his first
    matric paper, English 1. He felt that he never left the school and attended many rugby matches,
    swimming galas and athletics meetings. A number of them went to Wits and kept in touch. They
    always had the idea of forming MOBS. Tonetti, Mike von Guilleaume, Steve Muller, Trevor Blow
    (first chairman MOBS, a lawyer).
    He recalls the appointment of Murphy who was welcomed with open arms and was given a lot
    of support by the old boys. That was until he appeared on TV as a wrestler and then it was
    revealed that his credentials were not based on fact as they were presented. Steve Muller, Br
    Jude and Br Timothy originally interviewed him.
    He remembers Darryl Boswell as a good head and Gary Norton as deputy. He was also fond of
    Br Edwin, Quinas and Tometti.
    He studied for a Bachelor of Commerce at Wits and went into marketing and advertising. He
    was interested in investments and on retirement became more involved and now thoroughly
    enjoys it,
    Both Doug’s sons, Gregory and Michael, were pupils at St David’s and in class with Mike von
    Gulleaume’s children. His grandson Thomas Weedon has just joined the school. Greg’s
    youngest son is registered to come here. Vito Rugani founder member of MOBS had three sons
    Forming MOBS there was tremendous argument between them over what was then known as a
    federation of Marist old boys. St David’s was seen to be better, with young upstarts and elitist.
    Initially they set up the old boys for St David’s only and refused old boys from other
    Johannesburg Marist schools. Now anyone can join if they have been to a Marist school. There
    was a special badge for the federation emanating from St Charles Durban. A group of them
    went down to a number of conferences.
    Doug was chairman of the old boys, chairman of the PTA and vice-chairman of the board of
    governors. Steve Muller was the first chairman of the board of governors and MOBS was
    formed in 1965.He worked together with Kevin Brewer fighting to get subsidies from the
    government. St David’s was the first independent school to admit blacks.
    He remembers Darryl Boswell as a good head and Gary Norton as deputy.
    JE June 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Derek Schoombie 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000763
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Derrick Schoombie – 1967
Derrick came to St David’s in grade 1 as a day boy living just down the road with his family. On his first day
he sat next to Gabriel Simaan and Peter Wright with whom he is still friends. Mrs Brick was their grade 1
teacher. He remembers Br Mario; Br Vincemt; Br Andrew “Drac” – all the boys were scared of him but
loved him and he drove the school bus to all the sporting events; Mrs Knesovitch who had three sons at the
school; Mrs Buckle who taught English and Mrs Hartmann who all the boys were in love with.
St David’s was a small school with about 300 pupils and Derrick knew everyone at the school. Br Anthony
was the headmaster for most of Derrick’s school life who was a strict but lovely man who really changed
the school for the better.
Derrick loved his sport and was an active sportsman playing 1st team rugby and cricket and hockey from
standard 8 and played for the Transvaal B and Sub Union rugby team once he left school. He participated
in three SA Marist school cricket tours and was chosen for the Marist side for two of the three years
attended. He knew Willy Castle who was also a member of the 1st team rugby and in a class below him. In
his final year, Derrick was captain of 1st rugby; vice-captain 1st cricket and vice-captain 1st hockey and a
member of the schools swimming team.
Derrick recalled the school musical “Pirates of Penzance” produced by Mr Drummond-Bell. Derrick
participated although he was not a good singer. He took Val Jackson as his partner to his matric dance.
Derrick was very happy at school, became a prefect with Peter De Kock as head boy in his matric year. He
was vice-captain of Benedict house, was awarded an honours blazer and received scrolls for prefect, rugby
and cricket and was awarded the Victor Ludorum in his final year at the school for study, sport and
After achieving a university pass for matric, Derrick spent 9 months in the army and then went on to Wits
University, where he studied for a BComm degree, and thereafter completed his CA and a Diploma in
Taxation. After completing his BComm he was articled to Vaughan, Key and Payne which is now Price
Waterhouse Coopers and after qualifying as a CA, Derrick and his wife travelled around the UK and Europe
in a VW combi for 16 months living on $10 per day. On his return to SA, Derrick and his brother Clive joined
their father in a small auditing practise until 1983 where after he and Gabe Simaan formed a small
pharmaceutical company called Garec (a combination of the names of Gabe and Derrick) which company
was later acquired by SA Druggists and now forms part f the Aspen stable. Derrick now works for Actavis
Inc, part of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Derrick will retire in July this year.
Derrick is a member of MOBS but has no sons at the school having fathered three daughters (with one of
them now teaching at St David’s; however his two grandsons will become pupils at St David’s. Derrick’s
younger brother Clive matriculated in 1968 and died in 2011 having fathered three sons who all attended St
David’s for their entire school life.
JLE May 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Derek Mandy 1963

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000762
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Derek Mandy – 1963
Derek thought that school was one of the best things that ever happened to him and enjoyed his
time as a boarder at Inanda. His parents lived in Brakpan, hence he was a boarder from
standard 5 but was at CBC Boksburg before. His parents wanted him to participate more at
school. He felt that it was all pro’s regarding boarding – companionship, structured study, food
wasn’t too bad, sport at weekends and he played rugby and was vice- captain first rugby,
hockey, soccer, volleyball, athletics and received the open 880yds trophy. The only con was
the dorms – 40 beds in each. In standard 8 his brother Dudley was prefect of Derek’s dorm. His
main complaint was that there was a total lack of privacy, they were noisy and no radio was
allowed after lights out. The brothers had a room in the corner.
He was reasonably good at sport and was generally in the A team.
Academically he achieved a second class JMB matric, he wasn’t a boff but didn’t struggle, with
the exception of Maths due to the brothers teaching and a university student eventually helped
him with the subject. He received the SA Marist award in 1963 and was head prefect and house
captain for Benedict, vice-captain first rugby, secretary of Sodality and chairman of the MDC.
Derek, as were many of the other boys, was unaware of what was happening in South Africa,
they were apolitical and had no knowledge of apartheid. It had no bearing on their lives. He
does however recall that the government were not too happy to allow new brothers into the
He remembers his first day or two and was initially homesick but soon settled in and it helped
having an older brother there. He remembers Brother Anthony, “Oranges” as being quite a
His older brother Dudley was head boy in 1961 and who is now living in Texas. One day he was
called out of class and in front of the school, with the matrics in a semi-circle, they were told that
his brother was going down to Natal to become a Brother, this was just prior to writing matric.
Having written matric, Dudley gave it all up and reunited with his girlfriend.
His last day was a happy one it was time to move on even though he was unsure whether he
had been accepted at university. He also had originally wanted to become an American field
student but he couldn’t do that and study in the US, he eventually went to UCT to study
psychology but ended up studying law. Derek is the father of two sons who went to Bishops and
a daughter who attended Herschel. Had he been living in Johannesburg he would have sent his
sons to St David’s. He served Bishops Council for 10 years and was chairman of the parents
association during this time. Derek has competed in 27 Cape Argus events and is a keen
mountain biker. He has recently retired and is looking into getting involved in some charity work.
Due to his location, he lost contact with his contemporaries. He did attend two reunions, one
after 25 years with a number of old boys from Johannesburg who had not seen each other since
matric. The next one after 30 years, he was the only old boy not living in Johannesburg who
attended. He felt that perhaps the reunions should be less structured with more time, not like the
dinners of the past. He would be interested in the book and would be prepared to pledge/buy a
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dennis Adams

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000761
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Dennis Adams – 1959
With a great start to his school career Dennis missed the first day of school in 1948 as his
mother was mixed up about the dates. His father was a KES old boy but as the family lived
down the road from the school it was an obvious choice. Initially he was taken to school but later
rode his bicycle for most of his school life – up what is now Rivonia Road – the school being
7/10 of a mile away! The family had many friends with children at the school and his mother
served on the ladies committee for most of his school life.
The school had expansive grounds, but was running out of space and Dennis remembers that
the big break for the school was acquiring the neighbouring land from the McGill-Love’s on their
deaths. He recalled McGill-Love driving a rather large and expensive black car, an Armstrong
Sidley (he thinks), which impressed him no end.
Dennis enjoyed the junior school and the teachers included Mrs Brophy, Mrs Stirton and Mrs
Batten, none of whom took any nonsense from the boys in their charge. One, they nicknamed
“turtle dove.” In his opinion Mrs Kempster who was his teacher in standard 4, was the best
teacher, very strict with a pen in one hand and a strap in the other. However, she got the best
results and paved the way for high school for Dennis and many of the boys. The brothers took
over from standard 6. He remembers (could he ever forget!) Br Urban, Br Edwin, Br Benedict,
Br Gerald, Br Anthony who taught Maths and Br Bonaventure who was a fun guy who loved
sport. The best was Brother James who had just arrived after teaching for 20 years in China
and, if any lesson became boring, the boys just had to ask a question on China and the time
Dennis was mostly involved with swimming and life-saving which was introduced in 1958. He
avoided rugby by becoming a linesman. He remembers many trips in Gertie, the school bus,
which accommodated one team at a time - no seat belts in those days!
Dennis recalled the polio epidemic in the early 1950’s. School continued there was at lot of
pressure about all children being inoculated but a number of children including Dennis and his
siblings were not inoculated.
On the cultural front, he was part of the chorus in “HMS Pinafore” and the “Pirates of
Penzance”.In 1953 he was in the choir that went to Selbourne Hall where they were the first
boys’ school to sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” with Mr Drummond-Bell conducting.
Dennis achieved a high academic standard throughout and was first each year until standard 4
when he slipped back a bit. From standard 7 until standard 9, competing with other Marist
schools, he won prizes for Scripture and a few other subjects. In 1958 the matric results had
been very poor, no-one really knew why but it was endemic in many of the private schools.
Because of that, Dennis studied Bookkeeping at home as a 7th subject to clinch the first class
matric which he achieved with a distinction in Maths. The minimum marks required were 1250
for 6 subjects and 1350 for 7. Dennis’s brother and sister didn’t fare too well academically and
were transferred to Damelin to complete their matric.
Dennis became a prefect, captained Osmond and was awarded full colours.
Dennis remembered his matric dance which was held in the boarders’ dining room, the boys
wearing their school blazers and the boys had decorated the room themselves. He had an
arrangement with a girl he swam with and they used to accompany each other to various school
functions. There was a band and punch which he recalls (or probably hoped) was laced. It was
good fun.
Dennis didn’t really expect too much out of school, it was something that one just had to do. The
best thing is that you were all in it together, there were small classes and he was unaware of
any bullying but teasing, yes. The most important thing that he was aware of was that if you
didn’t do it yourself then it didn’t get done. There was no special motivation and one stuck to the
syllabus and text book without any huge incentives, but “we all seemed to do OK in later life”
On leaving St David’s, Dennis went to Rhodes where he studied for a B Com CTA. Afterwards
he completed 9 months in the army and then went on to complete his CA(SA) and was articled
with Whiteley Brothers which is now part of Deloittes. He ended up with Barclays in 1968 then
Nedbank from 1970, initially in their investment bank, Nefic and later in Nedbank Group as chief
accountant and from 1997 he became the financial controller. At retirement he was then
involved with the restructuring of the group’s pension funds and is still a trustee. He, Peter
Loffell and David Hartman (MOBS) all worked for Nedbank and retired on the same day.
Dennis’s grandson is a pupil at Hyde Park High, his granddaughters are at De La Salle and
Parkview Senior. He is in close contact with a number of people he met whilst at Rhodes. He
met his wife, Jenny there. They were in adjacent residences, Botha and Olive Schreiner and his
mother and Jenny’s aunt were good friends. After a six year courtship and 46 years’ of marriage
by 2012.They are still going strong.
Dennis has been actively involved with the Parktown & Westcliff Heritage Trust since 1984. He
gave up History in standard 5 as he found it boring, but eventually woke up to the fact that
having lost 3 parents in 2 years he had missed all the history he could have gleaned from them.
He started joining some tours of the area, which awakened an interest in the history of his part
of Johannesburg. He became a guide and researcher and has published a couple of books on
the subject and is involved with a weekly radio programme, together with Flo Bird on Radio
JLE 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with David Phillips 1960

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000760
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with David Phillips – 1960
David lived in Hyde Park and started at St David’s in grade 1 in 1948. Hyde Park was very
agricultural in those days and only underwent development from about 1954. He was a day boy
and used to cycle to school on the dirt roads.
David skipped grade 2 but then failed standard 9. He was absolutely devastated to fail but in
retrospect there was good reason for that as there were family problems at the time which he
could not handle.
He recalls Mrs Kempster in standard 4, she was an institution in herself and one didn’t mess
around with her. From then on school became a bit more serious and he remembers the strap
was used in punishment. The brother he remembers as being his favourite was Br.
Bonaventure. He saw Br Anthony at a function at the school about 30 years after he, David had
left and was so impressed that Br Anthony remembered him by name.
If there was any advantage to being a day boy he recalled that the boarders always seemed to
be hungry and were always around when the sandwiches were taken out. He enjoyed being
able to go and talk to the brothers about anything and everything. Coming from a home with an
older father who was 67 when he was born the age gap came into play and he related more to
the brothers especially with matters such as career guidance.
He hated homework with a passion. There was only one negative experience that he could
recall and that was when he was about 13, 14 drinking from one of the water fountains when a
Bulgarian pupil (Thomas Munnick) pushed his head down and he broke his two front teeth with
which he has had problems to this day.
He was an athlete and very much into running and came second in the mile. He has been a
runner ever since until about 2 years ago when his knees started to give him problems. He also
played rugby for the 3rd XV.
He was very happy at school and only cried on the first and last day. The school was a haven to
him, he had no worries and thought that the brothers were really good guys and that had all
come to an end. He then went to Wits to study a BA but ended up studying for an LLB and
became a lawyer specialising in litigation and property. He began his articles in 1964 and retired
in March 2011. When he has the time his hobbies are fishing and hunting and looks forward to
spending quality time with his grandchildren.
He was involved with a class reunion in October 2009. Harry Rosmarin is the one who keeps
them all in touch. He sees Tony McLaughlin who is sadly not interested in the old boys. He is a
member of MOBS and would be willing to participate in any pledges or donations towards the
publication of the history of St David’s.
JE January 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with David Braun 1972

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000759
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with David Braun – 1972
David attended St David’s from 1967 to 1972 and his brother Jamie until 1974 and some of the
track records he set were unbroken for several years after he left. His father, Max Braun was
chairman of the PTA at one time.
David was a day boy apart from a stint at boarding in 1970. He remembers brothers such as Br
Patrick his class teacher in standard 5, Br Andrew who taught him Maths, Br Ezekiel also
Maths, Br Bosco\Mario – Science, Br Timothy – Biology and Catholic Doctrine, Br Bernard –
housemaster, Br Anthony – headmaster, Br Aidan – Latin and bursar. David was grateful for the
education he received at St David’s, especially the Brothers, but also some amazing lay
teachers. Br Timothy’s Biology classes inspired him to become very interested in the natural
world and he subsequently has ended up doing working for National Geographic.
He appreciated the liberal aspects of his education, especially from the brothers and other
teachers who openly questioned the morality of separate development and who taught the boys
to understand and appreciate History, Geography and Science all of which has served him well.
He regarded himself as having received a strong education at St David’s and various South
Africa universities.
David was not much of an athlete at school, he tried swimming in his earlier years and the last
rugby match he played was for the U15 C team and vividly remembered a match played against
St John’s as being particularly dirty in the scrum. He was a prop and received several injuries in
that game, including a bite and a very hard blow to the groin. It was only after he left school that
he found enjoyment in running and completed 12 marathons including the Two Oceans twice.
He recalls other boys and in particular Robert Tine who left to attend a fashionable school in
Swaziland and became a famous novelist of stories based on popular movies. David and Robert
were members of their own secret society in 1969, complete with covert awards and medals
which they used to wear on the underside of their blazer lapels. The society’s only function was
to mock the more obnoxious teachers and prefects. It was an amusement during the breaks.
On leaving school, David did his national service with a couple of Marist boys at 3SAI in
Potchefstroom and then was transferred to the military police in Wonderboom and
Voortrekkerhoogte and didn’t do any camps after basic training. He then enrolled at RAU for a
BA in Political Science and International Politics,doing his studies in Afrikaans, his second
language. He completed two years then dropped out to become a journalist. He later completed
his BA via Unisa. He added a post-graduate diploma in strategic marketing from Unisa and
some credits for an MBA at the Wits Business School.
David’s student career was marked by political activism, first as a member of the Young South
Africans of the United Party then as a young Prog chairman and deputy chairman of the
Southern Witwatersrand region of the Young Progs. He also served on the federal executive of
the Young Progs under the chairmanship of Bobby Godsell who later on became chairman of
the SA Chamber of Mines and CEO of AngloGold.
In 1976 he joined Argus Newspapers as a cadet journalist on Pretoria News and worked for
some 17 years for the newspaper group now Independent Newspapers, becoming political
correspondent of The Star when he was 29 and Washington bureau chief when he was 34. He
returned to SA as an executive editor on a couple of Durban newspapers and then emmigrated
with his family to the US in 1995. He has been with National Geographic for more than 15 years,
the last 5 of which he has been VP editor in chief for National Geographic digital media.
David is a dual citizen of the United States and South Africa and is married to Caroline Melhliss,
also a journalist on the Pretoria News. They have a daughter, a psychologist and a son who
works on web development for the army small business unit at the Pentagon.
David has travelled widely in his career and privately but notably he travelled with four SA
Presidents, P W Botha to Zaire, Ivory Coast and several countries in Europe; De Klerk to the
US, Mandela on his North American tour and Mbeki to the UN in New York. He also travelled
with President Clinton to four African countries and Mexico a few years before he left office. He
has been to more than 80 countries, more than 50 as a working journalist. He has taught
journalism in South Africa, the U.S. and Russia. He has published two books and has solid
plans for three more and intends to be very active in his retirement.
JLE November 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with David Baker 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000758
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with David Baker – 1967 Standard 8
David came to St David’s in 1956 from the Loretta Convent in Pretoria. His father worked for Greatermans
and was transferred to Johannesburg. David is a Catholic and was one of 5 children.
As a grade 2 pupil the school appeared to David to be very grand, holy and very orderly. Br Anthony took
over as headmaster in 1960.
David’s family lived in Rivonia and his father dropped him off in the morning together with his bicycle which
he rode home in the late afternoon. David was predominantly interested in the sport and couldn’t wait to get
out onto the sports field every day. He enjoyed athletics and rugby most of all and remembers being told of
the assassination of Hendrik Verwoerd during rugby practice. (6 September 1966). David was not
academically the best student.
The sports fields were where the swimming pool and the prep playing fields are now until the farm
Zyferfontein was purchased and new fields were laid out. One of the teachers had a Pekenese dog which
she brought into class where it sat on her lap.
There were no school camps in those days but Champagnat day was celebrated. There was a chapel
upstairs, David was a member of the school choir and on one occasion, together with another boy, had to
sing a solo at the big cathedral in town.
He has memories of the brothers in their cassocks carrying an air of Catholicism and religion with them
outnumbering the teachers and David remembered the soft and serene matron Mrs Buckley-Jones with
affection. David has fond memories of his schooldays at St David’s, was sad to move and regarded his
upbringing at a school of the calibre of St David’s very highly.
After matriculating, David went to Simonstown, joining the navy for a year where he received hi s military
training. He then joined Nestle as a trainee representative and worked his way up the sales ladder, studied
marketing and earned his diploma from the Institute of Marketing Management. He then moved on to the
head office and became product manager for Milo, Nescafe, Hot Chocolate and core brands for Nestle SA
working there for 10 years. In the meantime, his father who was running a printing business, Multiprint
Studio, asked him to join him and, on the third occasion David accepted. Coming from Nestle David had a
superb grounding for starting out on his own but initially disliked his new role in downtown Doornfontein, a
far cry from his plush corporate offices in Randburg.
However, in the past 35 years the company has developed into one of the best printings companies in
South Africa winning 15 Sappi Printer of the Year Awards including the double gold, achievement award
covering the whole of Africa. It has evolved into a wonderful journey culminating in winning the “Oscar”
equivalent award in the printing industry.
David is married with two daughters and 5 grandchildren. He said that one didn’t realise until much later
how much grounding one was given at a wonderful institution like St David’s and he is very grateful for the
time spent at both St David’s and Nestle.
JLE May 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dave Lyons 1965

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000756
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Dave Lyons – 1965
Dave was a boarder and his headmaster was Brother Anthony. Brother Aidan, the only South
African brother was the bursar and 50% of the teachers were lay teachers. Dave came from a
farming community in White River with Middleburg High being the only high school in the area.
He initially went to a primary school in White River and then came to Marist Inanda. His father
had been a pupil at Observatory and his grandfather, Koch Street.
There was only one other local boy, John Davis and he was aged 12 when he became a
boarder. He arrived not quite knowing what to expect of boarding school, he was confronted by
city boys who were street-wise and the discipline was quite extraordinary and extreme. In his
first year, Std 6, Brother Conrad was a very good teacher and empathic man but most of the
other brothers were quite hard and mean. He had Brother Vincent the following year,he recalls
Brother Liam and Brother Andrew was his boarding housemaster and Geography teacher. All
the brothers carried canes, some were quite vindictive and could victimise a pupil, and
remembers being caned in his pyjamas holding onto some taps. The biggest thing you could get
caught for was smoking a texan by the change rooms, aids, drugs were not around. There was
alcohol but none of them were really interested, the boarders made their own entertainment and
The study routine was very heavy and the programme was as follows: up at 6.00am; study 6.30
– 8.00; breakfast 8.00 – 8.30 followed by school and sport and then more study.
All the boarders used to latch onto day boys for sandwiches at break time and Peter Foden had
particularly nice sandwiches! Boarding school food was the norm and it was great to go home
for some good home cooking. There were 80 – 90 senior boarders and some juniors. They used
to sit 6 - 8 per table for army style food. A big thing was the pat of fresh butter in the mornings
and each boy took it in turn to cut it into equal amounts. The one who cut the butter was last in
line so he didn’t cheat. There was rice pudding and bread and butter pudding and on special
occasions (sports day, rugby match) they had a “beano” with roast beef, roast spuds and cool
He participated in rugby but due to chronic back problems he had to stop and then played
cricket, hockey and squash. He joined the debating society which he eventually headed up.
Naturally they chose only to debate against girl’s schools such as St Mary’s and Rosebank
A highlight in Std 8 was M’Frau Pretorius who was very well endowed and, needless to say he
loved Afrikaans and a glimpse of a genuine female figure. They had lay teachers for most
subjects but the boarding masters were all brothers, 13 – 14 of them and they all lived on site.
He recalls that the school had taken ownership of the property next door the year he left and
Dennis Tomacelli, head boy lived in a house with a swimming pool on the school boundary.
Dave failed matric but passed Latin, Geography and English, he was not an academic. He has
an indifferent memory of Brother Anthony although he thought he managed the school with a
He has no fond memories of the school and regards those years as an episode in his life which
he got through quite well. It was a type of schooling he didn’t respond well to, it was too
disciplined and regimental and the only real benefit was being taught to be self-disciplined.
Being at boarding school, meant that you grew away from home and were forced to become
independent. He finished his matric and moved on and is not involved with the school at all. He
was a small chap when he left but grew after leaving school.
Dave didn’t qualify for university and there were no jobs in White River or on the farm. He did
military training after school in 1966 and was a member of the Citizen Force until 1976, serving
in Angola where he became an officer and eventually finished in 1980 as a major. A
contemporary of his from St David’s,Fred Klippen servbd in the same regiment. They used to do
3 months camps and 3 months development training and he only started to become aware of
politics after P.W. Botha once came and addressed the troops and was unaware of apartheid
until in business in the 80’s.
He sold Callguard Security 10 years ago and is now known as Group 4. In the final years Rand
Merchant Bank had 20% stake in the company and only two people had degrees in the entire
company, being the financial director and the HR director. He employed 6000 staff and all his
managers and directors benefited from the sale of the company. He is now involved with Lupo
Bakery providing specialist bread to companies such as Mugg & Bean, Spur, Spar and Burger
King. He found in the mid 2000’s that he had a very quick and easy adaption to business, and
still enjoys sharing and mentoring staff believing that you should empower people on every
level. Recognition,respect and reward being his motto. Although Dave and his wife Janet are
not involved in any charity they do actively support a number of child orientated charities such
as the St Joseph’s Home and SOS Village. He and his wife travel extensively and his most
recent trip was motoring through Europe with his E-type Jaguar. His passion is motor sport and
he probably has one of the biggest specialist car collections in the world.
JLE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dave Clark 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000755
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Dave Clark – 1980
Dave first came to St David’s in 1968 and then left in standard 2 for Montrose and then, aged eleven to go
to Treverton, a boarding school in Natal. He returned to St David’s in 1978 as his parents did not like the
idea of him boarding at what was to become a co-educational school.
He remembers Mrs Schaafsma and her strict discipline and use of a ruler. Otherwise the teachers were all
ok and no-one in particular stands out. He passed his matric but considered himself average academically.
On his return to St David’s, Dave had no problem settling in again and met up with the boys he knew from
grade 1. He used to see them when he came home on holiday so it was pretty easy to integrate again and
he is still friends with them forty years later. Brent Alcock, Grant Catthrall, Michael Nicholas and Wayne
Alcock, Alfonso De Chaud, Deon Joubert who now owns the Mugg and Bean in Durbanville and Fotis
Rionos, now living in Greece. Facebook also helps in keeping the friendships going.
Dave enjoyed school, loved the sport and was a member of 1st team rugby, 1st team cricket in standard 9
and matric.
Dave recalled an occasion when he nearly got expelled when Br Timothy kept him, Brent, Grant and
Michael in after school for not tying their ties correctly. Dave and Brent walked as their choice was to write
out the log book or leave, Brent and Dave chose the latter. Dave and Brent drove across the cricket pitch
on Dave’s motorbike with Br Timothy chasing them. They came back to school the next day and didn’t get
expelled. The four of them still have a very close relationship and are as close as they were in grade 1,
even on a business level supporting each other where they can.
After matriculating, Dave worked for Standard Bank for six months and then completed two years army
service still being paid by the bank. He continued to work for the bank for another two years and then joined
Xerox for two years. Then he and his brother went to London and returned to South Africa in 1981. After
various jobs in the copier industry, he joined Minolta in April 1991. Dave transferred to Cape Town in
August 1994 and returned to Johannesburg in May 2011 to take up the position as MD of Oce Sa, also a
Bidvest company.
On returning to Johannesburg , Dave and family visited St David’s to take up the Guy Fawkes night
together with Mike and Grant. He also came to St David’s for the 2013 old boys reunion weekend to watch
the rugby. Dave also sponsored one of the T20 team last year.
Dave is married with two children, a daughter of fifteen and a son, twelve who attend Maragon private
school in Ruimsig.
Dave’s company together with Konica Minolta is involved in assisting with the Rhino campaign, food
parcels for various charities as well as their copying needs.
JLE November 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darryn Haltmann 2008

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000754
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Darryn Haltman – 2008
Darryn Haltmann came to St David’s in grade 4 and remembers the anxieties and excitement of
walking into the school leaving his mother and meeting his soon to be friends.
The teachers he remembers are Mr Rod Smith, Mrs Glanville, Mr Reichart, Mrs Fleming and
Mrs Marais.
He enjoyed the sport and played 1st team rugby and cricket and was involved with soccer and
He was most unhappy when they lost any of their sports fixtures, but thoroughly enjoyed the
rugby tour to New Zealand and Australia.
Darryn participated in the Advanced Maths programme and felt it was especially helpful for both
1st and 2nd year Maths and Stats at university.
He is still in touch with a number of his school friends and they are all members of MOBS.
He is currently studying for a Bachelor of Business Science: finance and accounting at UCT. He
was awarded a faculty scholarship and has appeared on the Dean’s list and received the
Kopano award for academic excellence.
JE May 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darryl Jago 2006

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000753
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Darryl Jago – 2006
Darryl came to St David’s from Montrose primary school in 2000 going into grade 6. His older brother was
already at St David’s.
Initially he found the classrooms were much bigger than the ones he had been used to and they had a
strange platform which the teachers used. His first class teacher was Mrs Whitfield. The tuck-shop had a
wider variety of food and he found it interesting to be in a monastic set-up as opposed to the co-educational
environment of Montrose.
Darryl found it easy to make friends especially as Sebastian Ridley and Karabo Mooki had been assigned
the task of looking after him. Church was a very big thing especially coming from a school with no strong
religious affiliations and it became quite interesting. Darryl’s father was Protestant and his mother came
from an Anglican background.
Darryl loved the sport and participated in cricket, soccer, athletics – the 1500m. He also tried swimming but
soon acquired the nickname “Rocky” as he always sank to the bottom!
In grade 8 all the boys had to wear massive name tags, carry a rock around with them and perform different
drills until they passed the new boys exam. On reaching high school Darryl became a keen hockey player
and was a member of the U14A - captain, U15A - captain, U16A and 1st teams. He currently plays premier
league hockey and coached 1st prep school hockey and 2nd team high hockey whilst at university and whilst
teaching at St David’s. He also played cricket. He recalled that Alex Gitlin, master in charge of hockey was
tough to get on with but once Darryl understood his purpose he then related well to him. He was an
incredible geography teacher and the best school boy hockey coach around. Darryl will always remember
the excitement of being the first year to play on the Astro turf and wearing the white scarf of the 1st team.
Darryl also enjoyed the cultural aspect of the school and participated in the inter-house plays and being
involved with the likes of Kalil, Schneider, Lambert and Roszinski. He also enjoyed debating, played a role
in the school parliament. Champagnat Day was always special, so too being able to walk on the grass in
Deanne King developed Darryl’s passion for English and he enjoyed her classes, Willy Castle was
fantastic, and made him pick up litter even when he had a broken toe and couldn’t participate in athletics.
Paul Edey had a huge persona; he was an incredible man teaching History and guidance with fire and
passion. He commanded respect from the boys with ease. Darryl remembered the night bus ride to the
grade 8 camp at Glenmore and getting to know everyone. On that camp were Rod Smith, Graeme
Mcmillan, and Phil Andrew who made all the boys line up in the pouring rain. Rod Smith was one of the
best teachers Darryl ever had and recalls his enthusiastic rendering of the “Best of Bosman”.
Academically Darryl did well in the prep school being a year younger than his peers having come from
Natal where schooling starts earlier. However in the high school he really only began to focus again in
matric. Darryl saw the teachers in a different light towards the end of his matric year.
The matric dance had a “Troy” theme and was held at the Wanderers with the traditional after party and
many stories followed. The last day the boys organised a goat and tried to create a zoo, they also stole the
doorknobs of the downstairs classrooms, there was toilet paper everywhere and the inevitable waterballoons.
After the shirt signing, they all met at Cobblestones at Montecasino to celebrate. The following
week many of the boys were back asking for revision lessons to help with the exams.
After matriculating, Darryl began studying a BComm but soon recognised that he had a passion for the law
and transfered to the University of South Africa where he completed his LLB. He was then unsure which
career path to take and, whilst he was coaching at the prep school, Rick Wilson encouraged him to become
a teacher. In 2012 he embarked on a teaching internship with Lisa Hatfield and taught Life Orientation,
History and coached various sports in the senior primary.
He was then approached by a representative of Total with an offer of a legal internship which he couldn’t
refuse. He is being retained for one year as an advisor in the legal department and currently provides direct
legal support to the head of legal and the expatriate office. He is dealing with competition law matters,
general litigation, compliance projects and contract management. He is now signed up to join a big law firm
next year to go into private practice with Hogan Lovells. Law is constantly changing and Darryl finds the
situation both challenging and competitive.
Darryl has completed two post-graduate qualifications at the University of the Witwatersrand and will
complete four more this year, eventually converting these into a Masters degree. He will be specialising in
competition law, company law and labour law respectively.
Darryl feels that the time he spent at St David’s teaching helped him mature, refine his interpersonal skills,
improve his command of the English language. Without this he doubts that he would have had this
opportunity and potential for the future.
Darryl is still involved with MOBS and is passionate about his school although he probably won’t be able to
devote as much time to it as he would like in the future.
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darrell Caister 1986

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000751
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Darrell Caister – 1986
Darrell remembers his first day at St David’s . He came from the Waldorf school and was placed
In grade 4 although unbeknown to his teacher, he couldn’t read or write, and didn’t know the
alphabet. He spent a week in his class before being caught out, he watched the other boys and
turned the correct pages etc but one day he was asked to read out loud by his History teacher,
Mrs Napier. He refused and was caned. He was then sent back to grade 1, the second term
grade 2 and eventually managed to get back into grade 4. Because of this he was bullied and
picked on, however in standard 3 he was awarded the highest marks for Maths. He will never
forget that History book or Mrs Napier who was eccentric and used to allow a group of 3 or 4
boys to jump on the bonnet of her car when she arrived in the morning. She would then scream
around the U turn (next to Mike Greeff’s house), then brake hard by the fence next to Rivonia
Road and all the boys would fall off. This was of course great fun.
Mr Manolios was loved by everyone. Mr Cotze the standard 5 teacher was feared by the boys
but he was always fair. Mr Findlayson taught History and during an incident in class he threw
the blackboard duster at one of the boys, missed and it hit another boy and cut his head. The
boy in question was enraged and big; he picked up Mr Findlayson and threw him out of the
classroom. Br Ephraim taught JP Maths, Br Timothy had just left – he used to click his fingers
loudly and pointed. When he jacked a boy he would put their head under his desk and when he
used the cane the boy would automatically bring his head up and thereby receive a double
whammy. Willy Castle was his class teacher in standard 4 and Darrell used to get caned for
being naughty.
Mr Murphy was one of the headmasters during his time and he was well liked and admired by
the boys. He built up camaraderie between the matrics and the sports teams; he was a strong
man and a leader.
There was a high turnover of teachers in the high school apart from Trudy Elliott and Mrs Collier
both head of department. The appointment of Darryl Boswell as headmaster was very
contentious as there was a lot of support for Trudy Elliott especially from the boys. The boys
nicknamed Mr Boswell “little Darryl” and during a photo shoot, Darrell was standing behind him
and nudged him causing his toupé to move! In spite of this he still became head boy. Despite of
the turnaround in the number of headmasters, there was a good spirit and, many of the boys he
was at school with then get together every Thursday.
Darrell was involved with water-polo, swimming, athletics, and rugby until standard 9 when he
was badly concussed. He was also a member of the junior town council. Darrell never needed
an alarm clock as he lived across the road from the school and every morning awoke to the
rugby team running past with Willy Castle singing war cries.
He remembers first becoming aware of apartheid and its implications when he and a group of
boys including Vusi Shongwe (whose boys are at St David’s now) went to the movies. Vusi was
refused admission because he was black and all the boys refused to go in. No government
school was multi-racial in those days and he thinks that one of the reasons he became a
conscientious objector and didn’t serve in the army was because he attended a multi-racial
His class in matric was small with about 40 boys as many boys had left. He recalled that that
was the year that hockey was first introduced as a sport. His last day was particularly sad as he
was suffering from meningitis and spent the day in Father Brewer’s bed trying to write an exam.
He was accepted by Natal University and studied law, then started his own business becoming
an entrepreneur. He ran 5 companies, sold them and went into something different again. When
he first moved back to Johannesburg he tried to get his son Dominic into St David’s but was told
he had applied too late. However Father Brewer, who was a delightful, compassionate man,
intervened and insisted that he be admitted. That was the catalyst for Darrell getting involved
with MOBS. He was chairman of MOBS for 4 years and remembers the building of the pub in
the pavilion when the PTA eventually had to bail MOBS out. His other son Grant is currently a
pupil at St David’s and he has a daughter, Bernice.
Darrell has a farm in Mpumalanga, near Pilgrims Rest which houses a school originally built by
German missionaries. He has helped to rebuild the school and supports it on an annual basis. It
is in an informal settlement and whereas before they had to rely on volunteer teachers they now
have 2 permanent teachers supplied by the government.
Darrell has in his possession a rugby jersey blessed by the Pope.
JE February 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darko Vidas 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000750
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Darko Vidas 1962
Darko joined St David’s in 1960 after living in Namibia. His mother had died and eventually his
father decided to move to Johannesburg hoping for a better life for his children. Darko was a
boarder and found the first year to be very hard; it was difficult to get acquainted with everyone
and everything, plus the fact that he went overseas for two months to Europe and Croatia to
meet his family there.
Darko was quite a rebellious child and initially found the discipline at St David’s to be a difficult
change from life as he knew it. Brother Anthony had just been appointed headmaster and he
began by reading the boys the riot act as he was determined to change the ethos of the school
and behaviour of the boys. Darko thought he would get thrown out of the school!
His first day was quite horrific. Getting organised, classrooms, teachers and books he needed. It
was a very different environment from Namibia where he went to a much poorer, dual medium –
English and Afrikaans school and discipline was a big issue. His English was never very good
as he had been brought up in his mother tongue of Croatian until he went to school and he
battled with the language.
He now speaks Croatian, English, Afrikaans, German and a little Zulu and firmly believes in
introducing other languages to children as it gives them a greater vista and an advantage.
He also remembers serving at mass in Namibia, if you did this the nuns gave you breakfast
which included delicious rye bread and polony.
He really enjoyed his time at St David’s, making good friends, with whom he really bonded.
They shared everything, which was a great experience; he mixed with boys from different walks
of life – richer and poorer than himself – having compassion for one another. The brothers
showed love and compassion even though they were disciplinarians. As far as he was
concerned there were no cons to boarding school life at St David’s, for him it became his home
and haven as he no longer had a mother at home. He also remembered that the food was very
Some of the Old Boys he is still in touch with and some he remembers:
Alec Quail Steven Muller
Doug Wickins Mike von Guilleaume
John Daly Rugani - deceased
Alf Smith Tonetti - deceased
The last day he can’t remember which exam he wrote. He remembers that he wasn’t happy
about leaving and knew he would always be back. It was the end of an era and he was sad
about it.
The boys were made to play sport and he played 1st team rugby and was vice –captain of 1st
rugby team, although he had never played before. He was also a good athlete. His record with
cricket was rather ignominious as, during net practice he disgraced himself and managed to
injure one of the school’s best batsmen. Needless to say he wasn’t encouraged to continue. He
was nicknamed “Bull”, was rugby prop and was injured in a match against KES. Whilst he was
in hospital, Br Anthony told the boys to go to church and pray for Bulls recovery.
His class was the smallest matric class ever, just 17 of them, but they played against all the top
schools and beat Observatory for the first time in 1961 away (3-0) 1962 at home (6-8).
As teachers, he didn’t think the brothers were particularly good but they were certainly always
encouraging and supportive. The brothers at the time were Br Anthony, Br. Gerard, Br Liam, Br
Dennis who coached rugby and Br Ignatius and there were some lay teachers in the junior
school. Br Gerard was kind, compassionate and a dedicated teacher who helped him a lot with
his English and gave him extra lessons at no charge. He put up a stage production of “Hamlet”.
All the boys had to learn the roles and not only learn the words but understand and interpret the
meaning. He was also the senior master for the boarders and used to feed them extra food in
the form of cakes from the brother’s fridge.
The brothers were a family in themselves and motivated all the pupils and taught them to be
innovative and to think laterally. They taught them to understand what they were trying to do
and not just to learn another formula.
He remembers that he and some of the other boys built a stage for a production of “Swan Lake”.
They took Gertie, the school bus to collect wood from some of the boys. However that didn’t
come to anything and eventually the wood was donated. When it was finished it had to be
transported from the wood workshop to the school hall (now the library) and all the boarders
mucked in and helped.
Alex Quail and Darko shared a big trunk in which they kept their books and punishment for
some of the younger boarders was to carry this trunk from their classroom back to the study.
Once, a couple of boys dropped the trunk, which then went sliding down the stairs nearly wiping
out Brother Anthony. The poor boys even got caned, an additional punishment however Brother
Anthony didn’t cane hard as he really didn’t believe in caning.
Another time the boarders went on strike protesting about the food and one boy even sang a
“Sausage in the morning, sausage in the evening sausage at super time”. Brother Gerard who
was in charge of the boarders had a soft heart and often used to open the brothers fridge and
hand out some food.
An incident, where he got into trouble after complaining about an English test, led him to be
disciplined by Br Anthony. He was not allowed to wear his honours blazer for 3 months. It was
very hard for him but he learnt the true meaning of the school motto “Comfortare esto vir - Take
courage and be a man”. Br Anthony was the cornerstone of his life, always there to listen and
offer advice and was a guest at Darko’s wedding.
Darko was vice captain of Osmond house and a prefect.
Darko’s first girlfriend, who was with him at his matric dance, much to his horror, became a nun,
however they kept in touch until she died.
When he left school he went into the navy. He volunteered together with Doug Wickins.
Afterwards he started an apprenticeship with Eskom as an electrician but he decided this
wouldn’t get him very far and studied electrical engineering at night at the Wits technikon. When
qualified he joined Siemens where he stayed for 41 years until he retired.
He brought his future wife to St David’s and remembers telling her that any sons of his would be
pupils at the school. He continued to be an active member of the school community and served
several terms on the PTA from and on the board of governors as a well as on the old boys
committee and the old boy’s bursary fund, but hastened to add that many of his compatriots did
likewise. Darko was also good friends with the now infamous headmaster John Murphy. Darko
being a boxer had something in common with him. Darko was at that time chairman of MOBS
and was on the board of governors. He was distressed to here of Murphy’s wrestling exploits
but agreed he had to go when his falsification of qualifications also came to light.
JE May 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Daniel Shepherd 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000749
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Daniel Shepherd – 2005
Daniel came to St David’s from Craighall primary and admits to finding it quite scary at first,
seeing all the new faces and finding himself in a much larger better equipped school
environment. He came together with Kelsey Stewart and Ryan King so wasn’t entirely alone. He
really enjoyed the Glenmore orientation camp in grade 8 led by Rod Smith and made new
Daniel recalled that his class of 22 pupils was quite extraordinary and they gained 88 out of 112
distinctions in their matric year.
He enjoyed sport and played hockey for which he received half colours, played tennis and did
some recreational swimming. Daniel believes that his life was much richer for the experience of
meeting different people, through the sport which was compulsory he was forced to mix with
people he otherwise would never have known giving him a different perspective of life.
Daniel enjoyed assisting with the Science programme tutoring pupils from Alex high school and
also participated in the Smile programme.
He just missed being awarded an honours blazer for academics but was awarded half colours
for hockey and service.
The teachers he remembers are Reyno Reichert who really motivated all the boys to do well in
Maths and in fact many of them eventually took 3 Maths subjects. Deanne King also helped him
to do well in matric.
He achieved 5 distinctions in matric, writing 8 subjects and then went on to Wits Medical School.
He is currently doing a two year internship at Baragwanath Hospital. It’s hard work and very
long hours but he is gaining experience in many disciplines which is invaluable. There are other
St David’s boys with him such as Jonty Kourie, Matthew Barendse and Warren Meir. Kelsey
Stewart (deputy head boy for 2005) is doing his internship in Pietermaritzburg.
Daniel’s brother Michael is currently in grade 10 at St David’s. Daniel believes that if he has a
son he would send him to St David’s or another Marist school.
JE August 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Wallington 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000747
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Craig Wallington – 2007
Craig began his career at St David’s in 1995 at the age of 6 in grade 0. In his matric year, he
recalled that there were more boys than in previous years who had completed 13 years at
the school.
Craig’s first teacher was Mrs Sternberg and she left at the end of his year as did his teachers
for grade1, 2 and 3 but he felt redeemed when Mrs Jones in grade 4 stayed on! He has fond
memories of his grade 0 class with prayers before lunch. One of the boys accused another
of having his eyes open during prayers to which Mrs Sternberg replied “How do you know”?
Craig particularly enjoyed grade 4 with Heather Joseph as his Art teacher. He enjoyed the
sport and was the vice captain of cricket in grade 5 and swimming in grade 7. He played
tennis and hockey. At St David’s you got to do everything and, although not a phenomenal
sports person, he played sport every term.
Craig was a member of “The Bishops” from grade 0 to grade 9 but when he chose to study
Zulu instead of Afrikaans he had to move to “Osmond”. Zulu was very new to St David’s with
Mrs Ntombeni the teacher. Eventually Craig decided to go back to Afrikaans at the beginning
of the third term in grade 10. He set his mind to mastering the subject and was awarded the
subject prize in matric.
Teachers who made an impression on him were Mr McIver in grade 5 and 6, Mr Midgley
who taught Maths in grade 7 and Mrs Everson, English. In the high school all the teachers
were really good and Craig couldn’t really point out anyone in particular but Ms D King was
very helpful, also Simon Holderness who taught Maths and was his tutor. Mrs Nagy was
brilliant and Craig believed that her class dynamics were really good. The standard was high
and Craig started study groups with the grade 8’s in the library for the final exams. Craig
achieved academically throughout his time at St David’s.
Craig was involved with public speaking, debating, chess- captain, junior city council where
he met his current girlfriend, annual book quizzes and study groups. Anything you wanted to
achieve was possible and even more so now with Music and Art. He was involved with the
SMILE programme which he found to be an amazing experience. Craig enjoyed St David’s
as there were so many different ways in which one could excel. He was recognised for his
achievements in an environment where academics are recognised and sport did not override
As for the school camps the only one he really enjoyed was the grade 4 Bush Pigs camp.
The grade 9 camp was also super with good leadership experience and a great spirit of
adventure. Craig learnt a lot about himself, although it was a terrifying experience most of
the time. In grade 10 they went hiking in the Drakensberg which he felt was madness and
ended up often hiking alone. The grade 11 camp he recalls was wet and very muddy, it
poured with rain the whole time. They had to cross a bridge to get into the camp and their
shoes were absolutely caked with mud.
Although most of his experiences at St David’s were generally good he does remember that
in grade 9, all the boys were punished when only a few didn’t attend the inter house Music
competition. The matric group that year wasn’t great.
His closest friends were also with him from grade 0, Gianluca Sacco, Connor Williams,
Duncan Otridge and Daniel Chappel, they are now even better friends than they were at
school. He also remembers Benjamin Ndimurukundu in grade 11 with whom he played
doubles, tennis and working together with Tyson Sithole,
Craig felt that St David’s fosters a learning attitude with the influences the teachers had, they
were so accommodating especial when Craig decided to take Accounts as an extra subject.
However a school cannot prepare you for everything and at university one had more
responsibility for one’s self.
Craig became a prefect was awarded honours for academics and (general academics,
cultural and leadership).
On a personal level Craig remembers bumping into Paul Edey when he was in grade 6, Paul
saying “I hear you are the next Daniel Wright”. Craig always studied since grade 8 and
always worked on something beyond his immediate objective and received continuous
positive reinforcement. His goal in matric was to come first in Afrikaans which he achieved,
winning the Buckley-Jones trophy for Afrikaans. Craig was always winning prizes throughout
his school career and in grade 12 was awarded the BR Hunt Trophy for Dux of the school
and the following trophies:
Walter Cronje Trophy for Additional Mathematics; the Phillimore Trophy for English; the
Matric 1991 Trophy for Biology; Thomas McFadden Trophy for History; Mayat Trophy for
Computer Studies; Ryder Bowl for Academic Achievement and the Gian-Paolo Pera
Accounting Prize.
The matric Dance was very special with the grade 11’s organising an amazing event “Cirque
De Soleil”. Marc Neto was head of the MDC and Graham Gallow gave his speech
acknowledging the fact that everyone was there and being a very close knit group.
On leaving St David’s Craig studied for a B Acc Science and was in the top twenty on four
occasions. He completed his honours and in his 2nd year Account articles but is in his first
year at PWC.
Craig is a member of MOBs and would definitely send any sons to St David’s.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Sagar 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000746
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Craig Sagar – 1973
Craig doesn’t remember his first day at St David’s but enjoyed the sport and the interaction with the
teachers. Teachers who left a lasting impression were Mrs Schaafsma and Br Andrew (Drac) and in
particular his Maths lessons.
He played rugby, cricket and participated in the hurdles event in athletics. He also got a mention for
achieving Springbok Scout level and then the Chief Scout Award.
On leaving school he studied for an degree in agriculture at the University of Pietermaritzburg and then
went on to obtain a CA(SA) and qualified in 1985. He is married with two sons who attended St Charles
College a former Marist school. He is currently a partner with Deloitte & Touche, Audit, KZN living in
Craig last visited St David’s in 1975 to play tennis and is in touch with MOBS.
J.E. October 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Roman 2004

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000745
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Craig Roman – 2004
Craig first came to St David’s from the Arthur Matthews primary school in Maraisburg into grade 6 in 1998
when his mother Julie was appointed as a teacher here. His brother Rodney also joined the school and
matriculated in 1999.
His recalled that his first impressions were one of awe in terms of the facilities and in the ways things were
run and organised. There were similarities with his previous school but expressed in an entirely different
When Craig arrived the new hall was being built and the ablution blocks were still in what is now the main
quadrangle and Strevino Park was still in existence.
Craig fitted in easily as everyone was very caring and friendly. His first room teacher was Bev Geldenhuys
who assigned Richard Ramsden as his mentor. Craig already knew Bradley Marais as they had grown up
together. He recalled Mr Castle as being awesome and in spite of him, he survived the prep!. He relished
the sport and found the staff to be very involved and soccer in the prep school was always fun and
competitive. He went on some school tours and remembered one with Mr Midgely in grade 7. The general
camaraderie was good and the boys all worked together. Craig participated in cricket, soccer and athletics
and was involved with club soccer after school.
When Craig moved up to the high school, rugby took over as his main sport, a change which he enjoyed.
standard 6 or grade 8 was awesome but scarey with the matrics towering over one like giants. The
transition from the prep to the high school went academically well but, after being the cream of the crop and
now finding oneself at the bottom of the ladder was a rude awakening.
Craig went on the annual grade 8 camp to Glenmore led by Rod Smith which was great fun with all the
team building exercises. Craig played 2nd team cricket, was rugby captain of the U14 team in standard 6
and 7 and for the U15 and U16 teams. He also enjoyed mostly field sports in athletics. He also participated
in other extra murals such as SMILE, debating for a short time and inter-house plays.
Of his teachers, Mrs Marias was always a second mother to him; Mrs Nagy made Maths fun; Ms Nolan was
very supportive; Ms Voorendyk was always there when he needed someone to talk to , she was very
supportive, but realistic with her advice. He learnt a lot from Mr Ireland; Mr R Smith; Mr Macmillan, Mr
Thompson and Mr Buys especially with regard to rugby. Craig played provincial rugby for the Gauteng
Lions U16 and U18 and also in the primary section U10, U11 and Johannesburg 11.
Being appointed head boy was an auspicious occasion and presented new challenges for Craig. The
position itself, which he regarded with awe, the expectations everyone had of him plus the fact that he was
a year younger than his peers. He found it to be his most challenging year and in spite of personal
problems, he found he could focus on his role as head boy and it allowed him to concentrate on the small
daily victories. He was obliged to attend numerous functions including sporting events representing St
David’s and enjoyed the interaction with pupils and staff. There were some very pleasant aspects attached
to his position and he attended a number of matric dances and was involved with the prefect exchange with
St Teresa’s and Kingsmead.
Craig was awarded general honours and his honours blazer, and won the Buckley-Jones Trophy for
Mr Edey was headmaster and Craig enjoyed a good relationship with him. Mr Edey gave an amazing input
into his life which Craig can’t put a value to. Everyone had a tremendous respect for Mr Edey, for his
enthusiasm, support and caring, he motivated everybody.
After matriculating, Craig went on to study for a BSc Mech. Eng which was a very different time in his life.
He admits to losing focus during his first year and during his third year he was excluded and went to work in
the business environment. He was involved with ER24 services for schools and also in the manufacture of
smart carbon. He learnt a lot from this experience and initiation into the world of business. He dealt with
various individuals such as leading businessmen and government officials. Unfortunately at a year-end
function there was an accident with a gas explosion and Craig injured his leg which led to him to go back to
university to complete his degree. After finishing his degree, he went on to start up a pest control company,
“Bugs Away “with a friend and his father. The company is still going strong but again personal circumstance
led Craig to rethink his life strategy. Envestpro offered him a position as a financial advisor in the company,
he hasn’t looked back since and enjoys his new role.
Reflecting on his life so far, Craig has realised that throughout his entire childhood he led a very busy,
structured existence, learning life lessons along the way. How to lose but keep his dignity, it opened his
eyes to different aspects of life, gave him confidence and affirmed his personal values. Craig is grateful for
the time he spent at St David’s and would like to send his sons to the school.
Craig is now married, has two sons and is keen to become an active member of MOBS. JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Costa John 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000744
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Costa John – 1973
Costa remembers his first day with the fish pond at the entrance to the junior school which
seemed like a mystical treasure.
He enjoyed his school days, the structure and deep teacher engagement. As a day boy he
went home every day but felt that the boarders seemed to bond better.
Anne Buchan was a teacher who was caring, articulate, highly structured and inspirational.
He didn’t enjoy the corporal punishment which he felt was a troubling practice all the way to
He remembers an unhappy moment, confronting the school over incidents where his
brother’s poor Geography grade was made his problem, the next year, and later when his
younger brother was unfairly singled out for punishment.
A good memory was when he set a new school sprint record as an 11 year old when South
Africa went metric and all records were being set for the first time.
Costa enjoyed the sport and played soccer, cricket, rugby and was an athlete. There weren’t
any sports camps in those days. Costa was a member of C.L.G., the debating society,
Science club and 3rd team rugby.
The matric dance was a proud moment with beautiful decor, wonderful catering and was still
a black and white formal event. There was an all-night after party that ended the next
morning with many of the boys enjoying breakfast in Rosebank, still in tuxedos and evening
Costa was elected head prefect in his matric year, received his honours blazer and scrolls
for Merit, Studies, and Debating and was awarded the victor ludorum..
His last day was poignant and he realised he would sorely miss the rich mosaic of academic,
sport, faith-based activities and the maturing phase from a child to a young man in the army..
After matriculating, Costa went into the army for a year then studied for a BCom and MCom
at Wits University followed by a Phd in the USA.
He is currently CFO of a San Franciso software company. He is a member of the Red Cross
disaster response team with service at Ground Zero (Terror attack) 2001, Katrina
(Hurricane) 2005, Joplin (Tornado) 2011.
Costa last visited St David’s in 2013 when he addressed a high school assembly.
JLE July 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Conor MacFadden 1991

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000743
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Conor MacFadden – 1991
Conor began his career at St David’s in grade 0 in 1979.His first classroom was where the old swimming
pool used to be and Mrs Walton was his teacher. He was also taught by current teachers Willy Castle,
Carol Ansell, Heather Joseph and Belinda Marais.
The clergy still played a major role in the school at the time with Father Plestus being exceptionally kind
and caring. Father Brewer was also very special, a mentor and very close to many of the boys. He stood up
for the boys and operated in his own area within the school which meant he wasn’t always popular with the
teaching staff.
Conor was a member of The Bishops and his housemaster, who taught History was Mr Howarth.
The most significant memory he has is of the soccer tour to Belgium in 1985 with two teams, the U10’s and
U12’s. South Africa, because of apartheid was a pariah country and it was unusual to play any sport with a
foreign country. It was an amazing experience touring Belgium for 2 to 3 weeks and a very significant one
for the boys. Because of the rarity of such tours at the time, the SABC decided to do an insert on one of its
programmes Video 2. Martin Bailey was the host and came on the tour with the boys. Conor has a copy of
the broadcasted footage.
Conor also participated in cricket and rugby as well as soccer. He was the junior school cricket captain and
played rugby in high school. Other pupils such as Ivor Rugani played provincial cricket and Brad Rains
provincial rubgy in 1991. They both have sons at St David’s as does Conor. Conor also played golf at the
Wanderers. There certainly wasn’t the variety of sports that are available to the boys today and everybody
had to participate. Hockey had been introduced but was quite contentious at the time.
Conor remembers being a co-worker and was part of a group who visited Brother Anthony’s mission in
The boys attended the matric dance from standard 9 and it was held in the school dining room. It was much
lower key than today with the boys decorating the venue themselves.
After matriculating, Conor studied law at Wits University and joined Bell Dewar and Hall which recently
merged with the Canadian firm of Faskin Martineau. Conor, a partner is involved with corporate and tax
Conor has a son Liam at St David’s who is currently in grade 1 and is happy to see the Marist tradition
being carried through to the next generation.
Conor is a trustee of the St David’s Foundation and is a member of MOBS.
JLE September 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Christopher Stanley 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000741
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Christopher Stanley – 1973
Chris joined St David’s in 1968, standard 6 as a boarder. He remembers his first day vividly with
his mum and dad unpacking his things and making up his bed in the rather large dormitory. It
was quite daunting not knowing anybody other than his four other brothers also joined the
school, with his younger brothers becoming day boys as the boarding closed after 1972.
Some of the teachers and brothers he remembers are Mrs Haines, Mrs Hartman, Br Bosco, Br
Anthony, Br Aidan, Br Timothy, Br Andrew and Br Bernard. They were all good teachers and he
recalled that everyone was terrified of Br Andrew nicknamed “Drac” who was a good Maths
Chris enjoyed his time at St David’s and being a boarder meant that he was able to really
participate in the sport playing 2nd team rugby and cricket. He also swam in the inter-house
swimming gala but wasn’t in the team. The boys sometimes used to play golf at the Wanderers
on a Wednesday and one of Chris’s memorable moments was when he beat Fulton Allem.
Discipline was strict but even so some boys used to bunk out regularly. The boy in the next bed,
Mark Agar used to jump out of the window after lights out and returned at about 2am and never
got caught. The boys only got one weekend off a term and had some visiting Sundays. The food
wasn’t too bad but rather predictable. Chris also enjoyed mowing the school lawns with the
He remembered doing a skit with some of the boys at the Sandown civic centre.
Academically Chris did very well until standard 8 when he became lazy and as a consequence
didn’t get a very good matric.He initially went into the navy and did his year’s national service
before going to Wits University to study for a BComm. He didn’t complete his degree and got
married in 1977 and went to work in Secunda on the Sasol 2 Project. With hindsight he regrets
not completing his degree. He now runs his own business selling printing, stationery and office
Chris has one child a daughter now aged 15 who attends Fourways high school. He often visits
the St David’s to watch the rugby and has been to several MOBS dinners and will be attending
the 1972 reunion in November this year.
He is still in touch with many of his contemporaries – Billy Cotton , Harry Curtis and Terry van
Heerden who all came from Zambia, George Nichas, Trevor Maher, Ross and Gary Hunter,
Nolan Springer, Trevor Maher, John Williamson, Martin Rumpelt, Mike Mac Farlane and Vince
JLE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Christopher Emmanuel 1994

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000740
  • Item
  • 2010

Interview with Christopher Emmanuel - 1994
Chris feels that school was the best and worst time of his life. He left St David’s as rather
insecure. The one thing that St David’s did not do is discover his singing talent - he is about to
release his first disc. He feels the brothers did well in introducing children of colour into the
school. He enjoyed having black children in his class from grade 0.
St David’s has helped him to where he is today and he feels that the boys leaving school now
are far more emancipated, more free, than his class was when they left St David’s. He feels that
the reunions are an excellent idea and it is a good way of integrating the older old boys with
those who have just left.
Chris was a prefect and head of The Bishops in Matric. On teachers through the years:
Mr Kotze – very strict and used to use the ruler often.
Mrs Schaafsma – he will never forget her
Ms Henning – she was inspirational and a wonderful person
Mr Rankin – Maths corporal
Mr Girdwood – was a brilliant English teacher
Mr Lambe – The Bishops housemaster
Mrs Marais – a lovely person
Mr Norton – the best teacher he had at school
Interview: 13 October 2010 GA

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Chris Daras 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000738
  • Item
  • 2012

Chris Daras – 1976
Chris was a boarder at St David’s from standard 1 in 1967. In standard 6, 1972 the boarding
was closed down completely. Chris’s brother George was already a day boy and their parents
lived on the corner of Bompas Road and Jan Smuts Avenue.
Chris hated boarding, only being allowed home for one weekend a month so he was quite
pleased to become a day boy. Whilst he was a boarder he was fortunate to have a friend,
Andrew McCartney who used to invite him for Sunday breakfast. Andrew’s father was one of the
first ophthalmologists in South Africa and took Chris to work with him, it was then that Chris
decided on ophthalmology as a career.
Because of the boarding facility there were many boys from the Congo, Mozambique and other
parts of Southern Africa but when it closed many of those boys went to St John’s College and
boarded there.
Chris recalled the dining room and the kitchen where the tuck shop is now and remembers that
they were given an avocado once a week at breakfast.
On his first day Chris made friends with Neil Jacobs, now a cardiologist in Sydney; Les Pullman
who is chief financial officer for Nandos, with whom he is still in touch, the Lebos brothers,
Martin Gill, Roberto Berti, Mark Otto qualified as a dentist and then became a professional wind
surfer, John Lawrenson – professor of paediatric cardiology, Children’s Hospital C.T., John
Hazkins and Tim Parr who formed a band called “Elemental”, he was good at English and once
someone upset him in class and he just stood on a desk and kicked him. There was a golfer,
Fulton Allem who was a friend of the Kouries and Lebos families, he used to practise on the
rugby fields and ended up winning the Million Dollar Golf at Sun City. All in Chris’s group did
pretty well but some sadly have since passed away - Mark Meyer, Basil Sopas and Nick
The school has changed enormously. The pool was built during Chris’s time and the boys used
to play war games where the tennis courts are now. A sculptor, Baldinelli or Villa lived in the
house nearby and used to scream at the boys to be quiet and they retaliated by throwing stones
at the metal sculptures.
Of the teachers he remembers Bill Karoo who taught Biology in the high school and Chris went
with him and Heather Joseph on a trip to Europe, George Maritz, a ducktail with brylcreamed
hair and pointed shoes.
Brother Anthony was the initial headmaster followed by Br. Timothy. The dormitories were
above what is now Willy Castle’s office and Chris can remember listening to the radio broadcast
of the first landing on the moon one Sunday. He recalls Br Mario and Br Aidan and saw Br
Bernard carve the statue that now stands outside the chapel. The brothers used to make the
boarders weed the playing fields on a Saturday to keep them busy. The school did well with
horse riding with the paddocks where the grade 00 block now stands. The team won the
national schools jumping competition at Hickstead in England. Bishop Tutu came to speak to
the boys in the auditorium and began by saying he wasn’t there to make a political speech and
then proceeded to do just that. He made a big impact on many of the boys
Chris’s matric year was the year that one of the brothers took the boys out to a movie followed
by supper.
There was a rumour in his matric year that there were going to be attacks on white schools and
unbeknown to the teachers, many of the boys took guns to school. Chris was a prefect, vicecaptain
of College house and was awarded his honours blazer for studies, merit and athletics.
Chris was a runner, played rugby and sometimes captained the 2nd rugby team and was a
member of the B swimming team..
Although many of the boys didn’t realise it at the time, St David’s carried a lot of prestige with
the institutions of higher learning. St David’s also went against what the government of the day
stood for and school was important for that reason. The first black children were admitted as
pupils in 1975. That ethos came through and with many of the old boys that thinking has not
Chris didn’t do well academically but passed matric and went on to Wits University where he
studied for 5 degrees – Initially a BSc Hons in neuro-chemistry for 6 years followed by yeast
technology at Stellenbosch and then eventually he went into ophthalmology. Whilst at Wits he
joined a student march and met Philip Tobias. Chris had some money and decided to study until
the money ran out; also it was a way of avoiding the army. If you registered for under-graduate
courses you were not called up. However, in 1989 the army caught up with him and he ended
up as serving for a year as an eye doctor stationed in Pretoria with an office next door to Wouter
Chris has two sons who are currently pupils at St David’s and he is a member of MOBS.
JLE June 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Chris Busschau 1965

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000737
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Chris Busschau – 1965
The Busschau family association with St David’s and the Marist schools began in 1889 when
Peter Busschau was the first boy to arrive at the Marist School at Koch Street, Johannesburg. In
those days Johannesburg was a mining town and Peter Busschau lived, like most of the
inhabitants, in a tent. Peter was the third of three sons and the older boys went to CBC in
Kimberly whilst the family was living there. When his father was transferred back to
Johannesburg, Peter went first to the End Street Convent until Koch Street was opened.
Later Observatory, now Sacred Heart was opened as an off-site campus and his father went
there as did Peter’s four sons. St David’s initially was not a separate school but rather an
extension of Observatory and Koch Street which closed in 1964.
Chris only attended St David’s for two years as his father was based in Port Elizabeth and he
went to the Marist school in PE. When father was transferred to Johannesburg and Chris came
to St David’s he was at the outset very intimidated coming from St Patrick’s, a poor relation to St
David’s. St David’s was regarded as a vastly superior and wealthy school, with a very high
standard both academically and on the sports field. At that time all the Marist boys in standard 6
wrote the Marist school exams and St David’s always had a disproportionately high number of
boys who achieved high marks.
On Chris’s first day, aged 16, his parents dropped him off at the main gate. He made his way
into the school and ended up next to the auditorium and was asked by Terry Ray if he was a
new boy and chatted to him about the class he was going to. This was quite a coincidence as
Brother Vincent had previously suggested that he meet up with him and a number of other boys
including Terry Rosenberg, Drummond Robinson and Tony Wickens. Chris’s fears were
immediately dissipated and he settled in very quickly. Now years later he is still in touch with
Terry Ray, now living in Toronto and Terry Rosenberg living in Durban, and he regularly sees
Tony and Drummond.
The head of the school was Brother Anthony who was very much the king during that era. Br
Anthony had formerly been the head of the prep school in PE and was a strong leader, very
astute and had the skill of being able to harness both educational and administrative skills. He
had the firm commitment from the parent body and others outside of the school and of course
the boys too. His nickname was “Aunges” because of his Scottish pronunciation of oranges.
Chris a day boy, played cricket, was very keen, a member of the first team. He went on to play
serious cricket when he left school. Due to a knee injury he did not participate in rugby but
played hockey and tennis, ran the mile and represented the school in cross-country but was not
a good swimmer. He recalled a chap in his class Roy Hutton who gained Springbok colours for
swimming. Chris was steady academically and achieved a first class matric, B level.
The main events that stand out, were the mass on the closing of Koch Street and the launch of
Marion College. Several thousand pupils wearing the Marist uniforms and what seemed like
hundreds of brothers were around, and photos of the event were carried in the local press. The
Mass was held in the Catholic Cathedral near to Koch Street.
In 1964 he recalls the first St David’s Old Boy to be ordained as a priest – Michael Linden who
celebrated his first mass in the old chapel.
Chris Terreblanche was the head boy in 1964, he became a doctor and died tragically on a run
5 years ago (2006). He was an extraordinary boy and man, handsome, charismatic,
intellectually gifted and a great athlete, sprinter. He recalled him beating against all odds, Paul
Nash, the glamour sprinter from Michaelhouse, at nationals.
In standard 9 he remembers a guest speaker at prize giving, Prof Bozzolli who was then the
vice-chancellor of Wits University. He made a powerful speech in which he said that the word
school is a collective noun as a school is made up of pupils, teachers, ground staff etc. This
speech probably coloured Chris’s attitude and loyalty to St David’s.
On leaving St David’s he went into the army, completed his army service and went on to study
economics at Wits University. His first job was with Anglo American as a junior economist. At
that time he was involved in politics, Zac De Beer being his boss, who later became a member
of parliament for the Progressive party. Chris stood as a candidate and experienced problems
with the security police spending a night in police custody. Much to his relief he was released
the following morning, unlike many other hapless individuals who were held for much longer
periods. Later he worked as a financial journalist and met his wife Pam who was a ballet dancer
with Pact, as was his sister Ann. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters. He ended up in the financial
world with the Standard Bank Group for many years and now does consultancy work for the
financial services board. All his 3 sons taught at St David’s at some stage in their careers and
currently Ian is still teaching here. His grandchild, Owen is registered to start in grade 00 and
will carry on the Busschau tradition now 5th generation.
Chris has continued to be involved with the school and was a member of the old boys on
leaving. There was a monthly pub night at the old Balalaika Hotel, stag dinners, dinner dances
and he watched the rugby matches and attended some of the athletic meetings. He became
more involved when Patrick started at the school. The infamous John Murphy was head when
he started in the prep school. Chris eventually was invited onto various committees and was
involved with fund raising activities and the Busschau family traditionally ran the hamburger
stand. He was eventually elected onto the PTA in 1989 until 1999. He was
vice-chairman for 5 -6 years and then became chairman from 1995 to 1999 and, as result also
served on the board of governors. He has been a member of the old boys committee for the
past 10 years.
Chris is also a member of the Liturgical Executive of the SA Catholic Bishops Conference, and a
member of the finance committee that handles justice and peace programmes. He is also
chairman of the board of Radio Veritas.
Other items of interest:
Br Edwin, head from 1950 until 1957, had family connections with Neil McGurk, who is now
living in Durban. Neil was extremely talented, an SA schools cricketer who became a brother.
He has doctorate in nuclear physics and used to fly to Harvard every year and oversee a final
programme for the students there.
In the old boy’s Magazine, about 3-4 years ago is an article about the legendary matrics who
stole exam papers.
Darryl Boswell had a nervous breakdown and couldn’t cope and hence Trudy Elliot was
appointed Acting Head for the final term in 1988
JE August 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Charles Rowlinson 1972

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000735
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Charles Rowlinson – 1972
Charles was a day boy and one of four children, his two younger brothers attending Marist and an elder sister
attending Parktown Convent, with a mother who was involved with catholics all her life. Charles’ mother joined
the Holy Convent Sisters as a young graduate teacher and ended up as headmistress of Parktown Convent.
Charles actually attended grade 1 and 2 at Parktown Convent before starting standard 1 at St David’s, Marist
Some teachers he recalled from prep school days were Mrs Scaafsma - standard 2, Mrs Janusch -standard 4,
Mrs Kenesovitch – standard 5 and high school, Andre Malan – Afrikaans in standard 7 -8, Bob Blyth – Maths,
Mr. Zach from Eastern Europe who taught History and was a great character and Mauve Hartman who taught
Charles got on well with the Brothers – Anthony, Mario, Aidan, Andrew, Vincent, and Timothy, most of whom
also taught him at some stage in his 10 years at Inanda.
Charles recalls how he and his younger brothers, Greg and Anthony cycled to school from Craighall Park. He
states that many of the boys cycled to school and Charles remembered the bicycle shed which housed around
500 bicycles. Parents didn’t play such a big role in the school in those days and the boys were in fact very
independent and self-reliant. Charles and his brothers got to school very early each day playing soccer before
school. He recalls always busy with some sport or other during breaks. There was a very good and healthy
school ethic.
Charles thoroughly enjoyed Inanda and participated in most sports, rugby, playing in the 2nd and 3rd team,
tennis – 2nd’s and athletics he ran the 800m and long distance events. He recalled that 1972, his matric year
was actually a great year for the school, it was a top rugby school winning every game but one when they drew
with KES. He recalls the game very well, as the sun was setting. George Nichas, an outstanding rugby player
missed a rather simple kick to put Marist in the lead and win this game. The school also did very well in
swimming, athletics and tennis. Besides being well recognised as a very strong sporting school in this era, it
also produced outstanding academic results.
Having a boarding school meant than many boys came from the far reaches of South Africa and from
neighbouring countries.
Charles said it was great watching the 1st team rugby play and other special events. Nolan Springer was a
great sprinter, one of the greatest in Marist history. He was outstanding and broke every record.
Academically Charles was usually in the top ten. Charles feels that he was very privileged to have attended
such a school and is pleased that it is still today such a great school.
After acquiring a JMB matric, Charles went to Wits University on a part-time basis while doing his articles at
Ernst & Young, to study accountancy and after qualifying as a chartered accountant, undertook an MBA.
Charles’ own children 3 sons and a daughter didn’t attend St David’s as the school was going through a tough
patch at the time his eldest son was ready for school in the post Br Anthony period, so his sons went to St
John’s, Hilton and St Stithian’s. Charles was a long serving member of the St.Stithian’s council and became
chairman of the inaugural St Stithian’s foundation. He was very close to David Wilde the schools headmaster
and later school rector. He had contact with Paul Edey when he was setting up the St David’s foundation.
Charles has a background as an entrepreneur and is currently executive chairman of WIZZIT Bank, banking
for the unbanked which led to the creation of the globally recognised WIZZIT model which utilises cell phone
banking in reaching unbanked markets. Formerly he built up his own group from the age of 29, Renwick
Group, which became part of the listed group EDUCOR, where Charles was CEO and chairman. When
Charles left, after the group delisted in the early 2000’s he felt that he wanted to put something back and
wearing a social entrepreneurs hat, together with his partner, formed WIZZIT. He has also been C
chairman of the Rosebank Catholic church finance committee for the past 32 years and a member of the
archdiocese finance committee advising the Archbishop on financial, administrative and property matters for
the past 20 years.
Charles is a member of MOBS but is not as involved as he would have been had he been a parent at the
school, however he has been actively involved in organising reunions for 10, 20, 25, 30 years and now 40
years. He is pleased that 30 boys will be attending with 6 coming from overseas.
JLE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Charles Robinson 1981

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000734
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Charles Robinson – 1981
Charles first came to St David’s in 1973 as a day boy although he had boarded in the UK at the age of 5
and then again at Michaelhouse. He preferred day school as he spent more time with his family.
Charles enjoyed the sport and was captain of the 1st tennis team; captain of 2nd cricket XI; 3rd rugby XV; a
member of the athletics and swimming teams and was awarded a scroll for tennis. He recalls winning the
inaugural school golf championships at the Wanderers.
Charles remembers Trudy Elliott trying so hard. He remembers being initially told that he wouldn’t have to
learn Afrikaans as he had arrived from the UK, only to be told in standard 8 that he would need it for matric.
Charles hated exams. He enjoyed watching Br Timothy rant and rave.
He took a girl called Angela to his matric dance which was a low key event. He recalls being quite excited
on his last day at St David’s even though he still had no idea of what he was going to do.
On matriculating, Charles was exempt from army service as he was from the UK and studied for a National
Diploma in Hotel Management and at the Institute for Financial Studies. Charles is currently self employed
as a financial consultant and lives in Natal. He is married with two sons aged 17 and 14. He is involved with
church community projects.
He last visited St David’s this year for the first time since he left whilst he was in Johannesburg attending a
reunion organised by Sven Arp.
JLE November 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Charles Fontaine 1966 (Standard 8)

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000733
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Charles Fontaine – 1966 (Standard 8)
Charles first came to St David’s in 1953 into grade 1 at the age of 5. He was a day boy and was living in
temporary accommodation with his family in the Rondavels on the corner of Boundary and Fricker Roads.
Charles’s father was Catholic and his mother Anglican.
He recalled his first day walking with his mother to school and an hour and half later running back home.
Needless to say he had to return and was very happy after that initial hiccup. Miss Brick was his grade 1
teacher and was extremely strict. Charles also remembers Mrs Kempster who also taught him. Mrs
Janusch was a dragon who was also extremely strict and rapped the boys on the knuckles with a ruler if
they displeased her.
Charles has memories of Brother Pius who looked after the really beautiful and magnificent gardens. Br
Edwin was the headmaster and Br Anthony from 1960. Charles was also taught by Br Timothy and Br
Vincent. Charles enjoyed Arithmetic as it was made very interesting. He has fond memories of matron
Buckley-Jones who was so sympathetic and kind to all the boys.
In the prep, Charles enjoyed the sport playing cricket, soccer, was involved with athletics, swimming and
bicycle polo during the holidays! The boarders’ dormitories overlooked the school swimming pool and the
boarders sometimes jumped into the pool from the windows on the first floor.
Athletics meetings were sometimes embarrassing especially if you were running last in full view of all the
boys and their parents. On one occasion Charles was training for the hurdles, wearing Mike Larkin’s spikes,
hurdled the wrong way and broke his arm. Mike and John Larkin were also pupils at the school; Mike had
poor eyesight and couldn’t drive because of this. He was in the law faculty at Wits University at one stage
and thereafter at UCT. Sadly he was murdered in Cape Town in the vicinity of UCT.
Mass was held regularly and, on special occasions like Champagnat Day, in the chapel which was very
homely with beautiful statues. Charles was also part of the choir in the production of “HMS Pinafore”.
Most of the day boys parked their bikes at the large bicycle shed which was reconstructed in 1955.
Charles’s worst moment at the school when he was involved in a fight on the slope near the tennis courts
with other boys around egging them on. He had never been involved in any other fights and didn’t enjoy
this one.
Charles was amongst the boys of the first standard 6 class to occupy the new block of classrooms next to
the new chapel. He moved into the other wing where Br Anthony’s office was when he was promoted to
high school. He liked Br Anthony whom he regarded as an incredible person. Charles was very impressed
when, at the 20th anniversary reunion, Br Anthony remembered both himself and his brother by name..
Sadly, in 1962 Charles had to leave to go to St Aidan’s, Grahamstown as his father felt that there were too
many non-Catholics at St David’s. Charles didn’t want to leave but his father had made the decision and he
had to adhere to his father’s wishes.
After matriculating, Charles went into the Navy to complete his military service based with the Naval
Gymnasium at Saldhana Bay in 1967. In 1968 he enrolled for a BComm at Wits University and qualified as
a chartered accountant with a post-graduate diploma in Business Information Systems.. He is currently a
partner with Harris, Dowden and Fontaine, having previously been a partner at Price Waterhouse and
manages the audit for St David’s and a number of schools. Charles is married to Elizabeth and they have
three sons, James, Christopher and Peter.
Charles is a member of MOBS
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Cecil Thokoane 1985

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000731
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Cecil Thokoane – 1985
Cecil came to St David’s in June 1982 at the age of 12 into standard 7 and matriculated in 1985
age 16. Cecil was born in Soweto and went to a government school for his primary schooling. In
standard 3 his teacher thought he was too smart and he was promoted to standard 4. Cecil’s
mother wanted him to go to a Catholic school either Holy Cross or St Matthews, run by the
nuns. In May 1982 Sister Michael gave him a letter in which he was awarded a scholarship by
British Petroleum for tuition at St David’s. Fortunately his school colours were the same and he
got the rest of his school uniform from the swop shop. It was quite an experience, not knowing
who, where or what but he was made to feel welcome and at home. Even so it was quite a
transition and, since his mother had taken him to school by tram which stopped at Dunkeld he
had to find his own way home and got lost walking back. Eventually he used to ride in a Combi
with much younger boys to school but as he had to stay later for sport he had to use public
transport to get home. He used to have to get up at 5.00am and spend an hour travelling to
school and when he had sport it would take him even longer to get home.
He remembers meeting Mr Murphy and being mobbed the first lunch hour and given a crash
course in rugby. He went into Osmond house and when he finally settled in was able to excel
academically. He learnt to play rugby, becoming quite a good player making the A team. He
also performed well at athletics and collected a number of accolades including being awarded
the Sandton Mayorial Trophy two years in a row and breaking the record for the 800m.
Cecil was not a member of the swimming team and tells the story of how he nearly drowned
earning the wrath of Willy Castle. He had been at the school a couple of months, it was the
beginning of the summer/spring season and PT shifted to the swimming pool where the boys
were going to play water-polo. Being just 12 he thought he could just swim and got into the pool
at the deep end and promptly proceeded to sink. Fortunately one of his class mates, Steve the
American, spotted him and rescued him. By lunch time the whole school knew that he had
nearly drowned and he only started taking lessons two years ago in 2009 overcoming his fear.
Cecil enjoyed playing rugby and gradually improved becoming quite a good kicker. His first
rugby game was quite funny as he had literally been given a week’s classroom tutorial about the
game. He went in as a sub and when he first saw this mean faced, spitting, fuming guy from
Parktown Boys barrelling down on him and, even though it was his first game ever, he sensed
that if he were to let him go past he would score and right royally embarrass him. He caught him
with a high tackle, he didn’t score, they were penalised but didn’t lose any points. This was his
debut into 4 years of sweat, pain and fun as well.
He remembered a particular rugby game. It was during an U14 game and St David’s was trailing
9-11. He thought they had lost the game, in front of a full crowd waiting to watch the 1st team
match against Marist Observatory, the match of the season and compulsory. There were literally
a few minutes left to the last whistle and as fullback he was lounging under the poles and then
they were awarded a penalty 10 or so metres into their half. He thought that the front would run
the ball and attempt a try. Next thing he heard his name being called, the team wanted him to
kick for goal and earn 3 points. He told them it was too far and they shouted that he had made
those kind of kicks during practise. So all of a sudden everyone was looking at him, the whole
place was quiet. He went up, made a nice sand mound and started taking his back-step, only
this time he went back at least 20 metres; all the while saying his Hail Marys. He took what felt
like a long slow motion run and kicked that ball with all his might. His kick was dead straight
and, from his vantage point it looked as if the ball had fallen short. Next thing the whole stadium
erupted with jubilation. It took seconds for him to realise that he had scored the penalty from
that distance and had also won the school the game. His moment of glory! The first team went
on to win their match and on monday he had the pleasure of the whole episode being recounted
to the school at assembly.
Another game he remembered was an U14 away game at Parktown Boys, the ref was a 1st year
student from Wits and half the guys were bigger than Cecil. They had been having a bad
season so the game deteriorated pretty quickly and the ref completely lost control with full on
brawls on the field. The game was abandoned and Cecil was in a bit of a fix because he
planned to walk from Parktown Boys into town to catch his bus home. After the fight he was the
only blue and yellow rugby shirt in a sea of black and red. In the spirit of sportsmanship they
chuckled about the fights during the game as he made his way to the gate – the year of living
Most rugby games were a mixture of excitement and fear. There simply weren’t many black
children playing rugby and a lot of times Cecil could see the other team marking him up as he
got off the bus in all cases to try and make his game a misery. However he was lightning fast
and they couldn’t catch him most of the time and his Marist brothers and team mates were
always close by to bring woe unto whoever felt the urge to harm him outside the normal rules of
the game. Unfortunately because the riots were so bad, he stopped playing rugby in Matric and
he didn’t make the 1st team.
The teachers he remembered were Mrs Evans for making him feel welcome when he first
arrived at St David’s. Mrs Evans caused an explosion during a Chemistry class. She was
showing how sodium, he thought, reacted with water. The boys started to urge her to throw in
larger chunks and a large explosion followed which the boys thought was awesome but left Mrs
Evans very red-faced.
Mr Boswell understood where he came from and found a family, the Hoffmeyers for him to stay
with during the Matric exams literally saving his life as the Combi he normally travelled in was
attacked and he would have been targeted. Mr Colia was always cold and hard but made him
want to really prove himself at Maths. Mr Farrel,for enabling him to enjoy History, his only
distinction in Matric and Mrs Elliot for teaching him to love Shakespeare. He shocked her by
getting a first class English pass for Matric, so much so that she wrote him a card expressing
her joy.
Cecil was awarded scrolls for History and Biology. He couldn’t participate in school plays etc
because the travelling was so difficult. He used to get nervous doing orals in front of the class
and remembers talking about his then hobby ballroom dancing which caused some hilarity. On
his last day he wrote Afrikaans and stayed with the Hoffmeyers going home the following
weekend. He was sad to leave St David’s where he had grown up intellectually and as a person.
He had an awesome time and came into an environment where he became good at sport and
was given the opportunity to reach new heights.
After school Cecil went to Wits to study mining engineering which was a disaster as he realised
he was not mechanically inclined. He then went to the University of the Western Cape where he
studied for a BSc majoring in Maths and Physics and his minors were in Computer Science and
Applied Maths with dreams of working as a nuclear physicist. Later he also completed an MBL
through Unisa. Although he was sponsored by BP he was recruited by Engen when his career
in IT began. He also worked for the stock exchange, IBM and a start up company for 3 years
which failed. He then went on to Dimension Data and worked with Jason Goodall, an Old Boy of
the same year, as chief technical officer for Middle and East Africa. Jason is currently the MD of
Dimension Data. Cecil is now running his own company; Galeboe Professional Services which
has grown 300 – 400%.He is a finalist in the Finance Week competition for entrepreneurs.
Cecil is also vice-chairperson of the Unisa Alumni Committee and a non-executive director of
the Unisa School of Business Leadership. He has three daughters Jade 13, Tyler 11 and Eisha
6 all pupils at St Teresa’s where his wife went to school.
He is a member of MOBS and is in touch with a number of old boys such as Jason Goodall,
Branden Aab, Solly Maponya, Walter Cronje, Jeremy Franklin, Eugene Taylor, Paul Johnston
and Rees Carr.
JLE June 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Byron King 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000729
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Byron King – 2007
Byron came to St David’s mid-year 1998, grade 3. Byron’s family had relocated from Cape
Town, where he had attended a small government school, to Johannesburg. Debbi Zambon
was his teacher and he recalls that it quite an intense and overwhelming experience for him.
The sport was much more competitive, the buildings formidable and it was very cold.
Johannesburg was very different and he didn’t have as much freedom as he had in the
Cape. His mother Cheryl started working at the school and therefore, Byron spent most of
his time at the school.
Willy Castle ruled the prep with an iron fist, but Byron used to see him at school and
afterwards in a social capacity together with his parents. Byron’s passion was his guitar and
was encouraged and influenced greatly by Rick Wilson the prep school headmaster. He
participated in sport with swimming, soccer, and athletics but he never featured in any top
Byron though that Ron Thackwell, Mandy Everson and Craig Sinclair were excellent
teachers with Craig having an incredible general knowledge which he imparted to the boys.
Roger McIver was his grade 7 English teacher and although he loved English, he fought him
all the time but now they are the best of friends and Roger is one of his mentors. The prep
boys love to hear the story of how Mr King and Mr McIver didn’t get on. Byron remembers
well the grade 7 lunches with food from Steers when Rick Wilson made a speech and
mentioned every boy in grade 7.
Byron felt more integrated in the high school but wasn’t a member of the main groups. He
became friendly with Dino Zuccolo who was very driven, worked extremely hard and in spite
of that always came second. Boys grew up quickly in high school. In grade 7 you tend to
think you are invincible until the grade 8 camp with guys you had never seen or met before
and of course new teachers. The older boys seemed enormous and the entire grade 8’s
were scared of them. Initiation was fierce and the matrics were vicious with the grade 8’s in
Byron’s year, but the boys respected them. They had a great 1st team rugby and when they
mentored the boys one on one gave them guidance..
By grade 9 the boys became a bit cockier with hormones, girls, cell phones and the
accompaniments of the teenage youth. His class was a close knit group and became more
so after the death from cancer of Justin Bessler which brought them together again after
leaving school.
Byron took sport more seriously in high school and did well in swimming, water polo, and A
and B team rugby. He lived for sport and no longer played his guitar until he reached first
year at varsity. Byron was captain of the B swimming team and captain for one or two rugby
Special events, Byron recalled the New Zealand and Australian rugby tour in his matric year.
The team consisted of 25 boys including 5 from grade 11. Boys on tour generally become
very close and this tour was no exception. His fondest memory is of the 1st team rugby
beating St Stithians at home in 2007. The stands were packed Byron was on the bench the
atmosphere was electric. From a social point of view there was quite a bit of tension as
many of the St David’s boys were friendly with St Stithian’s girls. He also recalled the time in
grade 8 and 9 when St David’s beat KES.
Byron was line-up monitor, but didn’t receive a leadership scroll. Rod Smith told him it was
his sloppy dress and behavioural issues that let him down. Mr Smith was his favourite
teacher teaching English but also covered Life Skills. He always came late by 10 or 15
minutes to start a lesson, although he was very strict on discipline. He was housemaster of
Osmond house which always did well, the theory being that he selected the boys for his
house whilst they were at the grade 8 camp.
Byron also studied Art and found Anneke Carter to be a great teacher and made the subject
so interesting. Once, the boys went with her to the Carlton Centre to draw the Johannesburg
skyline. She allowed the boys some freedom for 40 minutes and many of them wandered off
with the result that they arrived back at school late and missed several other lessons. In his
matric Byron achieved a distinction in Art with several other boys, he didn’t struggle with the
history of Art and spent many Saturday afternoons doing pracs in the Art room.
Walter Thompson was the boys’ rugby coach from grade 8 to grade 10 and taught Maths.
The boys really enjoyed him, he treated them well but they understood the line they
shouldn’t cross. He treated the boys like adults on the rugby tour and they rewarded him with
the U16 rugby team winning all their matches. Then for some reason things changed and the
boys became demotivated and lost the drive to win.
Marius Buys was an interesting teacher coaching rugby and teaching Afrikaans and
Byron was awarded scrolls for U16A rugby, U14A rugby. He did help out with the SMILE
programme once but unfortunately didn’t have time to participate more than that. He
performed in house plays in grade 11, auditioned for the school play but wasn’t selected.
Byron respected the ethos of St David’s and realised it was a privilege to have received a
Marist education with its focus on modesty, humility and simplicity.
After Matric, Byron took a gap year and together with Cameron McLullich went to St
Augustine’s a Marist school in Cairns, Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. The school
uniform was different but the ethos was very similar. A top boy’s school it was run by Marist
brothers in their 40’s upwards, living on the premises. The head brother Michael was aged
about 55 and Byron enjoyed the Brothers innovative and modern approach to Marist
education, It influenced his eventual decision to become a teacher. He visited 3 Marist
schools whilst in Australia – St Josephine’s in Sydney, Marist Ashgrove in Brisbane. All, the
schools offered boarding and were absolutely phenomenal. Two Australian Brothers are
starting a Marist organisation and members will be recognised as an official Marist educator.
On his return to South Africa, Byron went to Stellenbosch to study for a BComm but
absolutely hated it and decided to return to Johannesburg and study to become a teacher.
He started working and studying through Unisa simultaneously and regards himself as
extremely fortunate to have Rick Wilson as his guide and mentor. Teaching is very different
now with the use of Ipads, laptops and smart boards etc.
Byron is currently an intern at St David’s and believes he is fortunate to have guidance from
Rick Wilson and other prep school teachers.
JLE August 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Bryce Wray 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000728
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Bryce Wray – 2005
Bryce came to St David’s in grade 8. Bryce was formerly a pupil at King Edwards School being the third
generation of his family who attended KES and the school pavilion is named after Bryce’s uncle. Bryce
elected to attend St David’s for high school as he had already befriended Justin Rodrigues and Sibelo
Sithebe at junior city council. Also Paul Edey was the headmaster who had taught Bryce’s uncle and other
family members at KES and was highly regarded.
On his first day Bryce was fortunate, already knowing many of the St David’s boys from playing primary
school sport and James Morrison also accompanied him from KES. In spite of this Bryce was nervous and
concerned about the change from a government to a private school. His first camp was at Glenmore and he
recalls Mr Rod Smith making the boys stand outside in the rain.
Bryce was a member of The Bishop’s with Simon Fry as his housemaster. Bryce regarded him as a great
housemaster and History teacher who developed his passion for the subject. He recalls that Mrs Van der
Merwe was particularly good as his English teacher in matric and Mrs Kennedy for Maths. He also held
Alex Gitlin in high esteem through his contact with him playing hockey and still keeps in touch with him.
Bryce also coached 1st team hockey after leaving school.
Bryce always wanted to play hockey and initially Mr MacMillan was more pro rugby than hockey but this did
not stop Bryce playing hockey in grade 8 without having to play rugby. Bryce put a lot of time into his
hockey more so than academics. At that time pupils did not need to get such high matric marks to study law
at university although that is no longer the case. He played provincial hockey U18 until 2010 and was in the
Gauteng U21 side from 2006 to 2008 and was in the men’s Gauteng hockey team from 2009 until 2010.
Unfortunately currently pressure of work does not allow him to be as involved.
Bryce was fortunate to go on the hockey tour to Malaysia which was a great experience travelling with other
boys and experiencing a different culture. Bryce still plays hockey for Old Eds in the premier league with
Mark de Jager.
Bryce also participated in the school plays and public speaking and in inter-house debating in grade 8 and
9 and in grade 10 and 11 was involved with the SMILE programme.
Bryce decided from grade 8 that he wanted to become a lawyer. He believed the judiciary to be
independent and wanted to be part of such a legal system which is formulated on Roman Dutch law and
now influenced by the constitution. It intrigued him the fact that law ultimately influences everything.
Bryce received honours for hockey, was vice-captain of 1st team hockey and was a house prefect.
After he matriculated , Bryce attended..................................................University for a degree.
Bryce worked for his articles in 2010 until the end of 2011 with Hogan Lovells and then was retained as an
associate. He resigned in 2012 to pursue an opportunity to work in the commercial field. However he
decided that it wasn’t for him and Hogan Lovells gladly took him back. He now specialises in commercial
litigation for the construction industry and administrative law.
For Bryce the camaraderie with his grade was great and the loyalty they had for each other. He still meets
up with 8 friends from his year once a month and they are all very proud to be St David’s boys.
JLE September 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Results 101 to 150 of 252