Old Boys



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Old Boys

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Interview with Peter Scott 1970

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000880
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Peter Scott- 1970
Peter came to St David’s in 1969 as a day boy having moved up from Durban where he had
attended Northlands Boys’ High and had been streamed to study Maths.
Peter had an interview with Br Anthony who made a place for him. Peter’s father was employed
by Barclays Bank as was Angus Band’s father and Peter spent a week’s holiday with Angus
before starting at Marist Inanda. It was quite a change coming from a government school into a
private one, he was no longer just a number, everyone knew you and Peter enjoyed the
friendship and the smaller classes; for Biology there only 8 of them in a class.
Peter recalled that Br Anthony was a wonderful man whom he respected, he was strict but fair.
He had a saying that all roads lead to Damelin and as a form of discipline every time a boy
committed a misdemeanour he would first add their name to a transfer card. Next would come
the address and so on until the card was complete and the boy was then out of St David’s.
Br Timothy taught Biology in a didactic manner; Br Bosco (Mario) Science, he was a great
teacher who gave classes after school for the more advanced pupils. Br Patrick – English; Br
Andrew (Drac) who was very strict; Br Michael – Maths and Mr Kalifi, an electrical engineer
turned teacher who taught Maths and Applied Maths. Lex Fernhead was the Biology teacher in
standard 9 and taught the boys as if they were at university level. He gained a Phd, ran the
Durban aquarium and then started the Two Oceans in Cape Town.
Fellow pupils were Kevin McPherson who became an architect, was very good at drawing
caricatures and drew one of Br Mario on the blackboard. Peter Elliot, Alec Chemaly (both
cyclists); Keith Shaw who was head boy, now living in Cape Town and involved in tv work
having done an excellent series for the BBC on Mandela. Kim Small, a good ruby player is now
farming in KwaZulu Natal. Peter often works together with another MOB, Greg Boyes-Varley
and Francis Gibbons and he were best man at each other’s wedding and still keep in touch
Peter wore his hair as long as he could, the maximum allowed, which led Br Anthony to
comment at a prize giving – “grow it, you might lose it one day!” In those days the prize giving
was held under the trees on the south side of the school.
Socially the boys would meet up with the girls from Rosebank Convent and Parktown Convent
with the girls coming to the rugby matches. There was also a coffee club on Friday nights at the
Rosebank Catholic church for teenagers aged 14 to 16 with dancing and socialising but no
alcohol. Peter got quite involved with this and used to organise the music until he was in his
second year at university.
On the sporting front Peter was a runner together with John Williams, his best being the 400m,
however Willy Castle was a better runner. He was a member of the 5th team rugby in standard 9
and in the 3rd team in matric. There was a good spirit and Peter enjoyed the rugby, playing
against CBC Boksburg and CBC Springs which was quite a journey taking two or more hours in
the school buses. Peter remembered a controversial match against St John’s, where everyone
believed that the referee was biased and the Marist boys chased the St John’s team up to the
bell tower. St David’s didn’t play against St John’s for a number of years after that incident.
Peter was also a student officer in the cadets. The drill team came second in the
championships. Mrs Moni organised all the uniforms and the boys had to travel standing up so
as not to crease them before the competition.
Peter recalled a weekend in Henley on Klip for school leavers prior to their matric study week.
They were allowed to drink beer and John Moni was rather bleary eyed on the bus trip home.
There was a three week marine biology trip to Chidenguele, Mozambique where the boys had
an amazing time.
Peter participated in the “Business Game” with his team doing well coming second that year
when Michaelhouse won. Other members of the team Kevin Ryan and Richard Collier went to
do well in business.
The matric dance had the theme of Venice and was catered by Fattis and Monis with the after
party held at John Moni’s home.
Academically, Peter did well and achieved 3 distinctions for his JMB matric. He walked away
with all the prizes with the exception of Afrikaans.
After matriculating Peter went to Wits university to study Medicine, delaying his stint in the army
when he did his two years military service as a doctor on the Angolan border and in mission
hospitals in Natal. He studied Medicine and a BSc Hons in Bio Chemistry simultaneously,
graduating in 1978 doing his housemanship at the Johannesburg hospital. He lectured in
Anatomy for a year with Philip Tobias then started his career and did 6 months as a senior
house officer in plastic surgery and then specialised in general surgery and plastic surgery up
until 1986 when he graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. He then
underwent 2 years as a consultant at the Johannesburg hospital and began his own private
practice in 1988. He is still heavily involved with teaching and is on the executive committee of
the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of South Africa and is a member of the
world body of plastic surgeons which involves a lot of travelling and teaching.
On a personal level he is interested in archaeology as a result of his friendship with Philip
Tobias and is a keen cyclist. Peter is married with three children, two daughters and a son who
went to St John’s – his wife, who is a teacher chose the schools and Peter selected the doctors!
One of his daughters is likely to follow him into the field of Medicine.
JLE April 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Nick Mavrodaris 1970

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000865
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Nick Mavrodaris – 1970
Nick was born in Springs and was enrolled as a pupil at St David’s, as a boarder in 1965.
Springs High School was in decline; also Nick’s father had brought 35 children to South
Africa from Greece and wanted a better education for his son.
He remembers his first day arriving and his parents helping him unpack. The pranks the
other boys played on their first day telling the new boys to go to one of the brothers and ask
where the crows were – unbeknown to them the brothers were nicknamed the “Crows”.
Nick was a boarder and loved it; he enjoyed the sport and joined in all the school activities.
The discipline was good and it was only years afterwards he appreciated that aspect of
school life and the influence it had on him. The discipline involved getting up early to study,
then school work, then sport and homework periods at the end of the day. Nick did however
regret missing out on family life especially as his father died when Nick was only 3 years into
He was a member of the U13, U14,U15 A and B rugby teams, in standard 9 was a member
of the 3rd team and in matric the 1st team until he injured his knee and required surgery. He
participated in cricket, tennis although he wasn’t that good, volleyball and diving. He also
went to Cape Town to St Joseph’s to celebrate the Marist’s 100 year anniversary.
The brothers he remembers are Br Anthony, Br Andrew “Drac”, whom he visited when he
went to Barcelona for the soccer world cup in 1982. Br Andrew taught Geography and at his
first lesson he told the boys to study the map of the Transvaal. The next day he brought a
very large map into the classroom and asked the boys the location of various towns etc
which of course they hadn’t learnt. In standard 9 he had a Jewish Maths teacher and James
Harrywyn took advantage of the fact that he didn’t understand what was to happen when the
Angelus bell rang and carried on praying and saying Hail Mary’s for 15 minutes until Br
Anthony walked past the classroom and saw everyone laughing. There was Br Patrick, an
Irishman who said “what do you expect from a pig but a grunt”, he taught English and Nick
remembers the opening lines of “The Tale of Two Cities” “it was the best of times and the
worst of times”. Br Aidan the bursar, Br Bosco “Boeing” who taught matric Science and
finished the syllabus by April. There was another brother from Mexico who didn’t understand
English. The boys nicknamed him “Gringo” and took advantage of him during study periods.
He remembers pupils such as Jonny Stavros, a Greek from Zambia, John Williamson, Alec
Chemaly, Patrick Quarmby, Lee McGregor, a Springbok swimmer and Keith Shaw, head
The boys were always playing jokes on one another and Nick remembered an occasion
when the priest didn’t turn up for confession and James Harrywyn took it upon himself to
stand in for him. He listened to all the confessions and sent the boys to the chapel to pray for
their sins – all evening!
Mickey Joseph was a walking pantry and carried all sorts of sauces in his blazers’ inside
pockets. The food was monotonous and Nick recalls one evening when the boys were
served spinach. Nick got hold of some olive oil and lemon juice and soon everyone was
tucking in.
The boys were not allowed to have radios at school but, in 1966 Nick acquired a mini radio
which he hid in his blazer and ran the wires for the earphones up his sleeve so that he could
listen to the soccer world cup scores.
Nick also remembers planting grass for the school rugby and cricket fields.
Nick’s father had a grocery store and worked long hours. When Nick went home for the
holidays he had to help as a packer which he hated at the time. His father trained them so
well that he went away on holiday and left his sons to run the business.
Nick recalled that for his matric dance he took a Greek girl from Germiston as his partner as
he really didn’t know many girls at that time.
When Nick left St David’s he joined the commandoes which entailed basic training in the
January and July 1971 and being called up to camps for 3 weeks over 16 years. Nick did 3
months border duty but didn’t see any action. He studied law at Wits University but realised
after 3 ½ years he wasn’t going anywhere. He had been regularly helping out at the grocery
store then got a job with the nearby Elegance Jewellers working every Saturday and during
varsity holidays for R2.50 per day. He had to travel by train to Johannesburg leaving home
at 6.10am to catch the 6.20 train arriving in Johannesburg at 7.30am. In all that time he only
missed 3 lectures. In 1974 he joined Elegance full time and eventually bought a half share
then the full, shares in the business. He had one shop in Springs then expanded further.
This year Nick consolidated the business from 5 stores to 2 and now enjoys some more
quality time with his family.
Nick’s sons didn’t attend St David’s as it was too far to travel from Benoni which has an
excellent high school. Also if they had become boarders they would have missed out on
family life which is very important.
JLE August 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Mark Di Pasquale 2002

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000838
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Mark Di Pasquale –2002
Mark came to St David’s in 1998 and being a new kid on the block knew no one which he found
uncomfortable especially with so many of the boys coming up from the prep school. However he
ended up being friends with the prep boys as opposed to those who came from other feeder
schools. Living just down the road meant he could walk to school which was a big plus and he
could attend other extra mural activities outside of school.
Mark enjoyed the sports and all the facilities, was in the 1st team for hockey and A team
swimming and was captain of the swimming and hockey teams. He was selected for the
Gauteng provincial team for swimming and hockey.. He also enjoyed athletics and water polo.
He enjoyed his time at St David’s but didn’t feel it really prepared him for life as a resident at
university with no formal homework sessions that boarders have which mirror tuts at university.
Although programmes in Maths were available he did not take them although he now realises
that this would have been helpful. He felt there wasn’t as much camaraderie as there would
have been at a boarding school.
Mark was a prefect and was awarded specific honours for modern biathlon. His memory of his
last day at St David’s was being excited as the school had provided him with the confidence to
go out and contribute to society and to be recognised as an adult.
After matriculating with a distinction in Accounting,, Mark went on to study at the University of
Johannesburg, B Comm (Hons) Accounting, he then qualified as a CA (Sa) and is a CFA
(Chartered Financial Analyst). He is currently working as the chief financial officer for a listed
property fund.
He is still friends with Steven Cory and is a member of MOBS.
JLE May 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Neville Dent 1961

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000861
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Neville Dent – 1961
Memories of Boarding School, 1952 to 1961 by Neville (Tommy) Dent
Pupils travelled from far and wide to board and attend school at St Davids. Some of my best pals came
from the copper mines in Northern Rhodesia and the Congo. Most of us came from middle class families
and although most of the boys were Catholics a fair number were Protestants and Jews. I recall that
travelling home by train for Brian (Congo) Roberts took up to a week. He went “on hols” only once a year in
July. The rest of the time he was obliged to stay at school.
Initiation into the school was tough: “We use the cane here and if need be your boy will get a caning”.
Some tough words spoken by Brother Edwin to my father. In the 10 years I was at St Davids I never recall
him using the cane. However I did get canings from my teachers for a variety of reasons. In those days it
was fashionable. As a protestant in a catholic school I had special privileges like going to “St Martin’s in the
Veld” anglican church on Sunday mornings when the other lads were at mass. An added incentive to go to
church was the freshly baked sausage rolls we got after the service and helped fortify us for the 1 1/2 mile
walk back to the school for breakfast. With the blessing of the brothers I was confirmed by the Bishop of
Johannesburg on November 7, 1956.
Routine as a boarder meant getting up at 6.00 o’clock followed by prep while the catholics went to mass.
Breakfast was at 8.00. After school it was playing sport followed by prep, dinner, more prep and then in
bed by 9.00pm. Sometimes we got to listen to the radio in bed until 9.30pm. Sunday nights were special
because we were allowed to listen to the “LM Hit Parades” presented by David Davies being broadcast
from Mozambique.
My first memory of the class room was of Mrs Batten our Std 3 teacher and her dreaded cabbage juice
which was administered as punishment. I hated the cabbage juice but failure to drink it meant a visit to the
principal’s office which was worse. Std 5 had many happy memories foremost of which was our
introduction to literature by Mr Bishop. In his distinct clear voice he read to us from “Chaka Zulu” for half an
hour every day. During the reading there wasn’t a murmur in the class as we all sat spell bound and I
became determined to read more books. Mr Bishop was forced to re-read the book twice. He also took
charge of the scripture reading class for the Protestants and Jews who were barred from attending
catechism. It was endless reading the bible from cover-to-cover for 10 years and to this day I’m unsure it
strengthened my christian faith. Arguably the best teacher in the school was Brother Lewis who in our junior
cert year moulded us into a sharp academic unit. His methods might have been harsh but we all
appreciated him when we ended up with the most distinctions and 1st class passes in the Joint Matriculation
exam in South Africa.
In the late 50’s the school played host to homeless refugee children from Hungary and I remember them as
being talented acrobats and musicians. The school was thoroughly entertained by these strange people
who couldn’t speak English. One 12 year old lad could play Liszt on the piano like a concert pianist and I
was able to get my first delightful taste of the piano.
My most embarrassing moment at school was in my junior cert year when at assembly one day Br.
Anthony, who was then principal, told me to report to his office for a caning because of a misdemeanour
and then changed his mind and still at assembly in front of my mates told me not to bother as I looked
scared. This was the one and only time I ever craved for a caning.
My happiest memories were Saturday mornings when it would be up early and down to the tennis courts for
a game before breakfast. After breakfast it would be cricket or rugby followed by lunch and then the
freedom to go to the Wanderers Club to watch sport. I have many fond memories of watching great players
like Peter May, Dennis Compton, Neil Adcock, Don Bradman and our own Graham Pollack and Hugh
Tayfield play cricket. Occasionally we were also allowed to go to Ellis Park and I recall attending the test
between the Springboks and the All Blacks in the late 50’s with my school pal and 110 000 other rugby fans
which I think was a record attendance. We were ecstatic to see Hennie van Zyl (handsome Hennie as he
was known) score South Africa’s one and only try.
Saturday evenings would be movie time and Brother Dennis would set up the 16mm projector in the dining
hall. One of the boarders father was a big shot in African Consolidated Theatres and he made sure we got
nothing but the best movies to watch. The boarder mentioned was John Stodel a Jewish student also in my
Talking of Ellis Park it would be amiss not to tell how my name was changed from Neville to Tommy. Going
to the grounds meant catching a double-decker bus outside the school into the centre of Johannesburg and
then walking to the stadium. On this particular Saturday afternoon a pal and I were walking back from a
game towards the bus terminal off Commissioner street when we walked past a man waving at an empty
bus shouting:”Hello Tommy, Hello Tommy” over and over again. We could see he wasn’t too steady on his
feet and mimicking him back at school became the joke of the year. Whenever we greeted each other it
became “Hello Tommy”. It was this that the led to the name catching on.
Sundays were different from Saturdays. After church and breakfast we would go to prep at 11.00 am to
carry out parental letter writing until lunch time. As we filed out we had to hand our letters in for posting.
Many parents found excuses not to reply to letters and for many of us letter writing became distasteful.
Many afternoons were devoted to walks, the old Maristonian club being the favourite. It meant crossing the
Klein Jukskei bridge and walking up the steep hill to the Pretoria road by which time we were famished. I
remember the meat pies being amongst the most delicious I had ever tasted.
The Sunday night meal would be cold meats and salads as most of the kitchen staff were off.
I didn’t shape too well in sport but managed the 1st hockey team in my senior year. In the inter-schools
league we would come midway in the rankings. Likewise with rugby and cricket, St Stithians and
Observatory were considered Derby marches and were must-wins. Here again it was 50/50. Home games
for the 1st XV rugby team were big occasions and would draw large crowds. Not to be outdone I became
school cheer-leader in my senior year and donned my top hat and tails. We had a good repertoire of songs
to sing and being a small school got time off during classes to practice. I had many happy memories
cheering not only the rugby team but the athletic teams as well. Observatory matches were a little different
in that they would try to “borrow” my top hat and therefore a couple of the bigger lads would stay close by
to scare off the would- be culprits.
Brother Dennis was one of our sports masters and he would think nothing of tucking the hem of his cassock
into his belt and playing rugby with us. He loved playing in the back line as a centre and we loved tackling
him as hard as we could but he was always very gentle. It was great fun and we loved playing with him. He
must have been a good hurler when he was young and after much deliberation agreed to show the hockey
lads how to play hurling. The uninhibited rules of hurling were refreshing after hockey but my participation
ended prematurely when I got a crack above the eye with a hockey stick. The school matron and doctor
were summoned and I had to have stitches.
Like the brothers many boarders considered the school to be their home. For some of us it was home to
home so it was natural that we looked to the brothers as family figures. The head-masters throughout my
schooling took the job seriously and ensured we weren’t bullied. We were also taught social decorum. One
Sunday night I recall Brother Edwin laying a table place in the prep room and showing us how to eat as
gentlemen and the difference between spooning soup and desserts. On another occasion he ordered an
older student to give me his tuck box full of sweets and chocolates as punishment for bullying me. I also
remember the night when we refused to eat the cabbage because of worms. Brother Edwin promptly had a
place set in the dining room and proceeded to eat a full plate of cabbage and then standing up said: “If I
can eat it so can you” and walked out.
My saddest day at school was the day of the Sharpeville massacre on March 21, 1960. I was in Std 9 and
was troubled for many months by the events of that day.
Final year was full of surprises. We spent a lot of time doing past papers as preparation for the JMB exams
and were left pretty well alone. Then came the matric Farewell. To prepare us for this Parktown Convent
girls were invited over for combined dancing lessons. This was my first experience of dancing. My poor
partner must have been put off dancing for life. This was followed by a “Beano”, a traditional end of year
feast for boarders in the dining hall.
The last day of school was full of mixed emotions. I was saying goodbye to my beloved family probably for
the last time and I was also starting a new journey. My schooling had been an ideal preparation for me. I
had become resourceful, academically qualified and had learnt the art of getting on with people. On the
other hand I had lived for10 years in an environment where I was denied the right to make my own
decisions. This posed a new challenge for me and one which I knew I was going to enjoy.
In 1995, 34 years later, we had a class re-union at the Balalaika hotel with our wives and partners and it
was amazing to see old faces and hear how my old friends had progressed in life. My class had done very
well and amongst us were medical doctors and specialists, business owners, academics, engineers and
directors of companies. I became sure then that my parents had sent me to the right school.
After leaving St David’s, Neville earned a B.SC (Hons) degree at Rhodes University. For a short time
afterwards he worked at the CSIR as a scientist until leaving for a more challenging position in industry. In
1986 he graduated with an MBA from Wits Business School. In 1990 after spending 21 years mostly in
senior managerial positions with Boart International, an AMIC subsidiary, he moved into small business
becoming a director of companies. In 2000 Neville moved to Ireland with his wife and youngest daughter
working as a business mentor.
He finally retired in February 2013. He also has daughters in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Dubai and
one grandson.
JLE January 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gordon Tonetti

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000793
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Gordon Tonetti – 1986
Gordon came to St David’s in 1974 going into grade 1 in the same classroom where Carol Ansell now
teaches. Carol taught him together with Heather Joseph, Willy Castle, Mrs Schaafsma and Mrs Napier. Mrs
Napier who taught him in standard 2 to 3 would throw her blackboard duster at you if you talked in class.
Gordon admits to belonging to a naughty crowd, didn’t do much studying and was often jacked by Willy
Castle and Terry O’Mahoney. In fact the boys used to compete to see who got the most jacks! Mr Murphy
was the headmaster in standard 6 but didn’t last long and Br Anthony came back for a term before Mr
Frielick was appointed. Gordon’s group was the smallest matric group in years.
Gordon’s father was a former pupil of St David’s and vice head boy matriculating in 1954, and Gordon’s
grandfather attended a Marist school overseas. His father recalled when at the age of 6, he was put on a
train in Barberton and was told he would be met by one of the Brothers at the Johannesburg station. He
arrived but no-one was there to meet him, eventually a policeman spotted him and asked him why he was
there alone. The policeman called his family in Barberton who then contacted the school and at long last
one of the Brothers arrived to collect him.
Gordon was a good sportsman and was awarded 5 scrolls for athletics and rugby and captained a few
teams . He played 1st team rugby throughout his high school career and was a member of the A and B
swimming teams, but didn’t play cricket. In standard 5 the school had a strong rugby team but sadly many
of its members left and went to St John’s whilst Br Timothy was headmaster. Gordon loved the athletics
and the long distance running, he held the long distance record in his time and regrets not having been
pushed further as he could have done a lot better. He has started running again recently.
Mark Reeves’s sister was a swimming coach, a tough battleaxe and Mrs Mah, another coach would see a
storm coming up but wouldn’t let the boys leave the pool. On one occasion lightening struck where the
clock tower now stands, hitting a line of wattle trees, a third of one tree was split and came crashing down.
Mrs Mah screamed like crazy to get the boys out of the pool.
He recalled that if a fight started in the playground during break the boys would move the fight to the 1st
team rugby field but as soon as the boys saw any teachers they all disappeared.
When sport finished Gordon would use the tickey (phone) box, call his home and just say “pick up”, put the
phone down immediately and thus had the call for free. The schooling was different back then and Gordon
wasn’t awarded an honours blazer but was given an open scroll for athletics in standard 9.
Sondiwe Nyirenda and his brother were enrolled in 1975 as the first black boys in the school. A good
sportsman, he and Gordon became good friends but they sadly lost touch after he left in standard 5.
Gordon’s younger brother Trevor was sent from St David’s to CBC Pretoria as Gordon had a run in with
Trudy Elliott.
Gordon was academically average but enjoyed his school career. In high school Gordon was taught by P.
Collier, Ms Howard, Mr Moore, Mr Kaliphy, Mr McFadden and Br Ephrem taught Science. Father Brewer
was the chaplain, a very nice man who was very involved with the boys.
Gordon remembers an Afrikaans camp in standard 4 and a camp at Golden Gate in standard 5. In standard
9 there was the religious camp but because of problems with the non-catholic camp at Hartbeespoort the
catholic boys camp was very controlled and not much fun.
Gordon regrets the fact that corporal punishment is no longer allowed and felt that it played a significant
role in the discipline of the boys.
As it was an all boy’s school the boys had no contact with girls except for every two years when they
participated in a school play with St Teresa’s. Nowadays the boys aren’t as awkward around girls as they
were then.
After matriculating, Gordon attended the technikon for a diploma in engineering, which involved studying for
6 months and working for 6 months. After gaining his diploma he did his military service and then went
overseas for a couple of years. On his return he bought his business from his father. It was a very shaky
period for the business at the time but he pulled it through and the company did well.
Gordon is married to Helen and his son Liam attends St David’s, currently in grade 5. Gordon wasn’t too
sure about the school but Rick Wilson convinced him it was the school for his sons. The school has
changed a lot for the better from the time Gordon was a pupil.
Gordon is a member of MOBS and is currently a member of the MOBS committee.
JLE November 2014
NB Gordon has photos from his father’s time at the school in the 50’s

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Andrew Kirkland 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000701
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Andrew Kirkland – 2005
Andrew came to St David’s from Bryandale Primary in 2000, he was accompanied by three other boys
including Sean Howell; Curtis Montgomery. He had to jockey for position amongst the majority of boys who
had graduated from the prep school and who already knew each other, however he made friends quite
The Glenmore camp was a big introduction for him, helping him to settle down into the school and Osmond
He found it to be very different from a co-ed school, with a lot more direction and team building and with
hindsight the camp was pretty good.
The main reason he wanted to attend St David’s was because of the sport and his keen interest in cricket,
having played provincial cricket at primary school level. St David’s had a more personal side to its sporting
activities. Andrew played A team cricket all the way through high school. He was always the smallest boy in
the team and at the age of 15 and 16 he struggled. In another school Andrew believes he wouldn’t have
had the same opportunities. After grade 9, Andrew went through a slump in his cricket then picked up again
and did well. He was the top run scorer in the 2004 Beckwith week and subsequently got selected for the
U17A Gauteng team. He followed that up with the second leading run scorer in the 2-05 Beckwith week
and selected for the Gauteng U19B.
Highlights were the Australian Tour in 2003, when he was in grade 10 playing in the Marist Schools festival
in Bunbury in Perth, winning every game and beating St Josephs, the top Marist cricket school in Australia.
In the final game they played against St Gregory’s and lost by 1 run. The boys on the tour became very
close and still keep in touch. The highlight was winning the Beckwith week as leading run scorer and
achieving his specific honours for cricket in grade 11.
Andrew played B team rugby in grade 8, but it wasn’t the sport for him and in grade 9 he made the change
to hockey and played 1st team from grade 10. Through hockey he became friends with Kelsey Stewart and
Bryce Wray and attended provincial training camps in 2004. Alex Gitlin was very involved with the hockey
and was a good but very tough coach culminating in a successful Malaysian hockey tour and peaking at the
independent schools tournament at St Andrews in Grahamstown for their centenary anniversary where St
David’s won all their games. Andrew remains friends with Alex today.
Andrew was awarded an honours blazer, full colours for cricket and hockey, winning cricketer of the year in
2004 and 2005 and was sportsman of the year in 2005.
Andrew recalls his matric dance as being a bit of a disaster, he didn’t get the date he wanted and he was in
charge of the limo’s for the evening. They got there alright but the limo didn’t come to fetch them until the
early hours of the morning so they missed the after party.
Academically Andrew did alright but sport took first place and only when he reached varsity did he realise
what studying was all about.
The teachers he remembers most are Mr R Smith, housemaster and English –also taught the boys life
lessons; Mrs D. King another excellent English teacher; Mr D. Smith – Geography; Simon Holderness -
Maths, he organised the Malaysian hockey tour in 2004 and Mr Gitlin – hockey. Paul Edey was the most
well respected headmaster and an incredible guy, when he spoke the boys listened.
After matriculating, Andrew acquired enough points to be accepted to study for a BSc Construction and
BSc Hons at Wits University. Andrew also played cricket at Wits and originally wanted to play cricket for
Hampshire, England but there were many delays and he ended up studying at Wits for 5 years which
turned out to be better for him in the long run. During his first year there he felt he had a definite advantage
coming from St David’s as much of the work in the first year was covered, especially Maths that he had
done before. He did well in his thesis coming first. It was the first academic prize he had ever won and his
father teased him about it. It was quite hard going through university as he was also working for his father.
Andrew was involved with the organisation of old boys versus Ist team cricket eleven in August this year
with the old boys the victors. He also participated in the One Touch soccer events for the past two years.
Andrew currently works in the family business Spiral Engineering, specialising in structural steel
architectural steel and spiral staircases, winning the steel award for the Malapa Beetle Project in the Cradle
of Humankind in 2014 in conjunction with Wits University. Andrew is project manager having graduated
from small accounts to larger ones. He was involved with numerous steel projects such as Soccer City,
Wits building rejuvenation, Standard Bank, Rosebank but unfortunately, with the labour problems
experienced of late the company has been forced to limit their projects. The company is involved with
community projects such as the Cosmo City Creche, the Malapa Beetle Project in the Cradle of
Andrew is a Member of MOBS and any son of his would definitely come to St David’s.
JE October 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000780
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh – 2003
Gareth came to St David’s in 1999 from Rembrandt Park Primary School. Gareth’s father was a devout
catholic and Gareth had had experience of the school when it hosted various primary school sporting
events, and he liked what he saw.
He remembers that on his first day he was collected from the “Thatch” by prefects and taken to the
amphitheatre, he was overwhelmed by both the size of the prefects and that of the school. As he was the
only pupil coming from Rembrandt Park he didn’t know anyone but by the end of the day he began to fit it.
The grade 8 camp was a great ice breaker and initiative where he got to know everyone. After three days
the grade 8 boys went off to camp during their second week at St David’s. Belonging to a specific house
gave you an immediate identity and Gareth was selected for Osmond.
Initially the jump in academics was quite a shock but the teachers helped to make it manageable. It was at
first strange coming from a co-ed environment into a monastic one but by the end of the first term Gareth
was enjoying the change. He now firmly believes it to be a good thing to be in an all boys environment
during high school. He grew not only academically but learnt how to be a man in today’s society which he
appreciated enormously.
The teachers he remembers in particular are Shane Gaffney, Graeme McMillan who was at times quite
scary, Rod Smith, Colleen Kennedy and Paul Edey. They were good role models and one of the reasons
why Gareth has chosen teaching as his profession.
His last year as head boy was an unbelievable year as far as the sport was concerned. St David’s won the
Johnny Waite Cricket, had an unbeaten soccer side, and the rugby team beat KES and Jeppe on their
home territories for the first time. Gareth believes that, especially in a boys school, if the sport is going well
then the general school vibe reflects that and is good and positive.
Gareth had heard that the position of head boy was a lonely one, however he had massive support from his
peer group and, so far it was the most enjoyable year of his life. He had a good relationship with Paul Edey
and Malcolm Williams who took over the headship in 2003.
Gareth was captain of soccer and cricket teams and was awarded honours for soccer, cricket and general
He played provincial cricket U17 and U19 and had a professional contract with Wits University for one year
in 2003.
Academically, Gareth did very well and earned 3 A’s and 3 B’s in his matric. Dave Smith helped him to
catch up on the Geography syllabus in the matric year as Gareth needed the subject to enable him entry to
the USA. The teaching staff was always willing to go the extra mile for the boys. Gareth was awarded a
Champagnat Medal and won the Brother Edwin Award for Cricketer of the Year; the St David’s Marist old
Boys Soccer Trophy; the Desmond Schatz Trophy for Sportsman of the Year; the Old Boys Trophy for
Leadership and Promotion of the Marist Spirit and the Osmond Cup for study, sport and leadership.
After matriculating, Gareth went on a soccer scholarship to the US to Gannon University in Pennsylvania
for three and half years. He studied for a BA English and PGCE or Postgraduate Certificate in Education,
graduating Suma Cum Laude.. He was tempted to stay in the US but his family was still here in South
Africa and in the US the educational system is different and teachers don’t coach sport. He returned to
South Africa and taught English in the high school from 2008 -9 and went on to KES in 2010 and became
head of English there in 2012. He was appointed deputy head of the primary school at St David’s in 2014,
is learning a lot from Willy Castle with good systems in place.
Gareth was also instrumental in getting soccer up and running in the high school together with Shane
Gaffney in 2002 into 2003.
Gareth is an active member of MOBS .
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Roman 2004

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000745
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Craig Roman – 2004
Craig first came to St David’s from the Arthur Matthews primary school in Maraisburg into grade 6 in 1998
when his mother Julie was appointed as a teacher here. His brother Rodney also joined the school and
matriculated in 1999.
His recalled that his first impressions were one of awe in terms of the facilities and in the ways things were
run and organised. There were similarities with his previous school but expressed in an entirely different
When Craig arrived the new hall was being built and the ablution blocks were still in what is now the main
quadrangle and Strevino Park was still in existence.
Craig fitted in easily as everyone was very caring and friendly. His first room teacher was Bev Geldenhuys
who assigned Richard Ramsden as his mentor. Craig already knew Bradley Marais as they had grown up
together. He recalled Mr Castle as being awesome and in spite of him, he survived the prep!. He relished
the sport and found the staff to be very involved and soccer in the prep school was always fun and
competitive. He went on some school tours and remembered one with Mr Midgely in grade 7. The general
camaraderie was good and the boys all worked together. Craig participated in cricket, soccer and athletics
and was involved with club soccer after school.
When Craig moved up to the high school, rugby took over as his main sport, a change which he enjoyed.
standard 6 or grade 8 was awesome but scarey with the matrics towering over one like giants. The
transition from the prep to the high school went academically well but, after being the cream of the crop and
now finding oneself at the bottom of the ladder was a rude awakening.
Craig went on the annual grade 8 camp to Glenmore led by Rod Smith which was great fun with all the
team building exercises. Craig played 2nd team cricket, was rugby captain of the U14 team in standard 6
and 7 and for the U15 and U16 teams. He also enjoyed mostly field sports in athletics. He also participated
in other extra murals such as SMILE, debating for a short time and inter-house plays.
Of his teachers, Mrs Marias was always a second mother to him; Mrs Nagy made Maths fun; Ms Nolan was
very supportive; Ms Voorendyk was always there when he needed someone to talk to , she was very
supportive, but realistic with her advice. He learnt a lot from Mr Ireland; Mr R Smith; Mr Macmillan, Mr
Thompson and Mr Buys especially with regard to rugby. Craig played provincial rugby for the Gauteng
Lions U16 and U18 and also in the primary section U10, U11 and Johannesburg 11.
Being appointed head boy was an auspicious occasion and presented new challenges for Craig. The
position itself, which he regarded with awe, the expectations everyone had of him plus the fact that he was
a year younger than his peers. He found it to be his most challenging year and in spite of personal
problems, he found he could focus on his role as head boy and it allowed him to concentrate on the small
daily victories. He was obliged to attend numerous functions including sporting events representing St
David’s and enjoyed the interaction with pupils and staff. There were some very pleasant aspects attached
to his position and he attended a number of matric dances and was involved with the prefect exchange with
St Teresa’s and Kingsmead.
Craig was awarded general honours and his honours blazer, and won the Buckley-Jones Trophy for
Mr Edey was headmaster and Craig enjoyed a good relationship with him. Mr Edey gave an amazing input
into his life which Craig can’t put a value to. Everyone had a tremendous respect for Mr Edey, for his
enthusiasm, support and caring, he motivated everybody.
After matriculating, Craig went on to study for a BSc Mech. Eng which was a very different time in his life.
He admits to losing focus during his first year and during his third year he was excluded and went to work in
the business environment. He was involved with ER24 services for schools and also in the manufacture of
smart carbon. He learnt a lot from this experience and initiation into the world of business. He dealt with
various individuals such as leading businessmen and government officials. Unfortunately at a year-end
function there was an accident with a gas explosion and Craig injured his leg which led to him to go back to
university to complete his degree. After finishing his degree, he went on to start up a pest control company,
“Bugs Away “with a friend and his father. The company is still going strong but again personal circumstance
led Craig to rethink his life strategy. Envestpro offered him a position as a financial advisor in the company,
he hasn’t looked back since and enjoys his new role.
Reflecting on his life so far, Craig has realised that throughout his entire childhood he led a very busy,
structured existence, learning life lessons along the way. How to lose but keep his dignity, it opened his
eyes to different aspects of life, gave him confidence and affirmed his personal values. Craig is grateful for
the time he spent at St David’s and would like to send his sons to the school.
Craig is now married, has two sons and is keen to become an active member of MOBS. JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Ronnie Morgan 1958

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000897
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview withRonald Morgan 1948 – 1958
In January of 1948, as a very small, sports mad boy, I arrived at the splendid college set in
the rural, leafy suburb of Inanda, surrounded by a few houses and a horse-loving
On my first day I was accompanied by my brother, Harold, proudly dressed in my new blue
and gold uniform. I wore a cap and a tie. Hailing from Parktown North in Johannesburg, I
came from a devout Catholic family of six children. Times were difficult and, although we
were not rich, my parents somehow managed to provide a good education for my brother
and I, as well as for my four sisters. We were all educated by nuns and brothers. I was
proud of my school and of my family.
In 1948 many of the roads were still untarred.Aided by lift clubs from Mrs Swanson and Mrs
Funston, we were transported to the college. As we got older we cycled to school, a distance
of 10kms, and on occasion I used to walk home armed with my books and sporting
What memorable and unforgettable times they were! I was delighted and privileged to be
able to attend a school that had such dedicated teachers. I was passionate about sport,
particularly ball games, with cricket, soccer, tennis and hockey being my favourites.
I recall being taught by Mrs Brick in grade 0. She was a small and soft-spoken teacher who
taught me how to read. My grade 6 teacher was the legendary Mrs. V. Kempster. She was
head mistress for many years. A strict disciplinarian, she ruled with an iron fist. I will never
forget the leather strap she wielded! Our hands would be so cold on those freezing winter
mornings and one really felt the sting. Nevertheless, I received my best marks that year!
On the sports field I excelled, often scoring over 50 runs in a match. I won three cricket bats
and a pair of gloves. As the U12 soccer captain, I scored many goals as a striker. My family
were all sports orientated and my dad, brother and brother-in-laws all encouraged me to
practise hard and to be, above all else, a good sportsman.
My high school memories will always remain obtaining colours for cricket, rugby and tennis,
being captain of the Cricket 1st X1 and couse Captain of Bishops.
Over the years I have returned periodically to visit my family and the school. I have seen the
school grow and can see that the good work started by the Marist Brothers has continued.
The teachers appear to be dedicated and the learners polite and neatly dressed. I am
pleased to see that the christian values that were instilled in me still exist. The new
buildings, the Chapel and the large hall are all recent acquisitions and are very impressive.
How I wish I had been able to play hockey on the school’s Astroturf!
My family has been part of the school’s history since 1942: The Morgans, the Barales, the
Peels and the Broccos are all proud Marist boys. Today the Trudas continue this tradition.
We, as a family, have been honoured to be part of the Marist family.
In 1963 I qualified as a teacher and have taught in Cape Town, Kwa-Zulu Natal and, for a
short period, in Malawi. My last 20 years were spent teaching poor, rural African boys and
girls. I have now retired at the age of 75 after almost 50 years of teaching. During my travels
I met many Marist old boys who all remembered their school days with pride.
May the school continue to grow in love, friendship and under God’s guidance!
Confortore Esto Vir - Take courage, you will need it, and be a man!
I owe a deep sense of gratitude to the brothers, Br. Edwin (Principal), Br. Ralph (my first high
chool teacher), Br. Benedict, Br. Walter, Br. Anthony, Br. Ephrena and Br. Bonaventurer, and
many more.
During my 50 years of teaching in the various schools I tried to carry on the Marist ethos of
brotherhood, respect for others and dedication to my duties as an educator. In the process
of teaching I achieved merit awards and led many good citizens. I am grateful to all who
inspired me to be a good teacher through their encouragement and sound advice. Lastly I
thank God for his many blessings bestowed upon me. The future of the school is in His
Appendix: Our Family’s Achievements.
Harold Morgan (1942 –1948) – an excellent soccer player who played on the right wing for
the Marist old boys club. A qualified quantity surveyor, he was instrumental in drawing up
the plans for the new Br Urban Science lab.
Stan Barale (1946 - ) – was the first head boy of the college.
Frank Barale (1946 – 1954) – received colours for rugby and athletics and later played
scrum-half for the Natal U/20 team.
Lorenzo Brocco (1963) – a man for all seasons, he was head boy of the day scholars,
captain of cricket and rugby, head of the Sodality and captain of Bishops house. He became
president of the old boys society and served on the PTA for several years.
The Peel Family: Kevin (1960 – 1975), John (1967 – 1977) and Michael (1965 – 1975) all
contributed. John was an excellent cricketer and rugby player. Whilst in the army he
represented the SA defence force at hockey. Michael was head boy of the school in 1975,
played cricket for the Transvaal Nuffield team at the age of 16. He captained the 1st XV
rugby team and the 1st X1 cricket team. Today he is a respected nature conservationist in
the Kruger National Park advising the game farms on what grasses to grow and how many
animals to include.
Ronald Morgan – Captain of Bishops, cricket X1 captain, colours for cricket, rugby and
tennis. Represented Transvaal at hockey whilst still at school. Was chosen in 1958 to
represent the Transvaal Nuffield team but withdrew in order to study in Australia at the
Marist Noviciate. After leaving the Order, represented the Western Province rugby union as
a selection (U/13). Whilst living in Cape Town, he served for 10 years on the primary school
committee as a selector and a coach. In 1984 he managed the W.P primary schools cricket
team captained by Gary Kirsten. Spent many years coaching African boys and was part of
sports development for years.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Earl Morais 1989

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000767
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Earl Morais – 1989
Earl came to St David’s with his brother in 1980 as their parents wanted them to have a good education. As
far as he is aware they were the first coloured boys to be admitted to the school. His brother Kurt started in
grade 0 and Earl in standard 2 with Mrs Hayley as his first teacher. The boys both started a week late after
the school term had begun and were interviewed by Mr Manolios.
It was quite a culture shock for Earl with only one black pupil, Siphiso, in his class having come from a coeducational
environment into a monastic one. Compared to his previous school, he found St David’s to be
very competitive from a sporting perspective. Earl couldn’t swim a stroke and Willy Castle, his Physical
Education teacher told him to just get into the pool and I will teach you how to swim. Earl was an
accomplished swimmer by the time he left St David’s.
The teachers he remembers are of course Willy Castle to whom he feels he owes a lot; Mrs Anderson, a
strict Afrikaans teacher; Mrs Bowles, standard 3; Mr Buchanan, standard 4. Mr Kotze, standard 5 ; Ms
Joseph –Art ; Mr Bronkhorst – Sport and in the high school he recalls Mrs De Wet, standard 8 ; Mr De
Sousa, standard 9; Mr Hill; Mr Van Rooyen, standard 7; Mrs Marais, standard 10; Mr Webster, standard 6 ;
Mr Finlayson, high school sport(rugby) and Mrs Trudy Elliott who was a magnificent English teacher. Br
Ephraim was a disciplinarian but very popular.
The paddock was where the Mini-Marist is now based and George the tractor driver working with Willy Van
De Merwe kept the fields in pristine condition. Willy was a mechanic, builder, canoeist and runner. Mr
Norton was also a canoeist and Willy Castle encouraged Willy to run.
The retreats were an eye opener and often quite difficult but the teachers handled the situation well. Movies
were always organised by Willy Castle on the last day of school and soccer clinics during the school
holidays which his sons now attend. Mass was held every Friday but that didn’t mean that Earl and his
brother didn’t have to attend church on Sundays as well.
Earl remembers the RAPS plays and that Mrs Elliott had a personal relationship with Atholl Fugard which
resulted in the boys performing one of his plays set as if the audience and cast were in church. The boys
won their round of the competition but were not allowed to go to Grahamstown because of the deemed
racist content of the play.
Earl also has fond memories of a “Can-Can” show in standard 3 where the boys dressed up as girls and
thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Earl was a member of Osmond House, became vice-captain and played basketball with the courts situated
where the Champagnat hall now stands.
The matric dance was held in the school hall with the standard 9’s and 10’s. Earl is still friends with many of
his contemporaries and they intend to celebrate their 25 year reunion this year.
Earl’s biggest love was boxing from an early age but he still had to participate in other sport whilst at St
David’s. After leaving school he went to the University of Durban-Westville to study for a BSc for a year
until the family experienced financial difficulties. He went on to become a professional boxer and became
the South African National Cruiserweight Champion from 2000 to 2004 and the World Boxing Association
Champion from 2002 to 2003. He attributes his success to his upbringing at St David’s with teachers like
Willy Castle instilling the motivation and pride required. “Confortare esto vir” Take courage and be a man.
Seeing it as a means to an end, Earl retired from boxing in 2008. He is involved with auto-gas, refitting
taxis to use gas as a fuel and now owns his own company, Greennovation making buildings more energy
efficient and is involved with various government departments,
Earl’s father always dreamt that his grandsons would attend St David’s and Earl’s two sons are in grade 0
and grade 7 with a daughter who attends, Auckland Park Preparatory School carrying on the tradition set
by his parents.
His brother Kurt intends sending his boys to St David’s as well when they return from abroad. He currently
works at the World Bank head office in Washington.
JLE May 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Nicolas Harding 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000867
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Nicolas Harding – 2003
Nicolas came to St David’s in standard 6 – grade 8 . He and his brother had attended Rosebank Primary
School, originally coming from Belgium. Nicolas’s mother is French and met her Welsh husband in
Belgium. Nicolas recalls being quite apprehensive on his first day with the transition from a small coeducational
environment to a large monastic one. It was a big eye opener and a huge step up for him.
At the grade 8 camp he got to know some of the other boys including Gianluca Tucci, Danilo Giacovazzi,
Ciro De Siena, Anthony Koury, Kyle Biller and Chris Marsay. Nicolas wasn’t particularly good at sport but
enjoyed cricket and still plays at Zoo Lake in 8 a side T20, LMS cricket together with Carl Van Zyl. He
wasn’t in the 1st cricket team, didn’t enjoy rugby and played hockey instead.
Academically Nicolas did well being listed in the top ten a couple of times, was awarded academic ties and
a prize for Business Economics. He participated in the Smile programme but wasn’t involved with any
cultural extra murals.
The teachers he remembers are Mrs Nagy, Miss Nolan, Mrs Shumyn, Mr Buys, Mr Fry, Mr Smith and Mrs
Marais who helped him with Afrikaans which he found very difficult only encountering the language on his
arrival in South Africa.
Of his matric dance he has memories mainly of the after party. On his last day he remembers feeling rather
sad that he wouldn’t be seeing some of the guys again but also happy to be embarking on the next stage of
his life. He joined some of the other boys for a drink at a local pub.
After matriculating with distinction in French (his mother taught both himself and his brother) Nicolas went
on to study for a degree in Mathematics and Finance at Wits University. Six months after graduating he
was employed by Standard Bank to work on the “Calypso System”. From that he gained a good knowledge
of business and is now working on market risk mainly in Africa and has visited Swaziland, Lesotho,
Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, the DRC, Uganda, Ghana and Mauritius. He enjoys his job, the
economic rationale and involvement with other african countries.
Nicolas loves Africa and the bush visiting the Kruger Park at least once a year. He joined in the 2003
reunion weekend last year and enjoyed meeting up with some of his contemporaries but isn’t really in close
contact with anyone from his year. He is a member of MOBS and is looking forward to a tour of the school
when he returns from an overseas holiday in May.
JLE April 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Steve Duley 1975

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000937
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Steve Duley – 1975
Steve was born in 1958 and first went to school in the UK whilst living in Lincolnshire near Skegness. The
family returned to South Africa in 1963 and Steve was then a pupil at Craighall Primary and moved to St
David’s in 1965, into standard 2. David, his younger brother by two years, was also a pupil of St David’s but
eventually left and went to Hyde Park High School.
Br Anthony was the headmaster and Steve recalls Br Bosco (Mario) “Boeing”, Br Bernard who taught Latin,
Br Timothy who taught Maths and became the Headmaster in 1975, Br Aquinas – English, Trudy Elliot –
English, Badenhorst – Afrikaans, Hartman – Geography and in the junior school Mrs Kenezovitch in
standard 5 and Mrs Kempster who was head of the junior school and the librarian.
Steve was not a Catholic but has recently adopted the faith. The non-Catholics did not attend the Religious
Education classes. As his family lived in Dunkeld, Steve cycled or walked to school. He also recalls
walking to the Rosebank Catholic Church every Ash Wednesday.
Steve was a day boy and found the discipline to be incredible with the boys having to wear caps and
doffing them when greeting people, they had to wear their blazers properly and exercise good manners.
This went down well with Steve’s father who was ex Royal Navy and very strict himself.
There was a good balance between academics and sport and all the boys had no option but to take part in
sport. The teachers were good but the discipline was always heavy, with boys receiving caning for doing
stupid things. Steve had his share but generally managed to keep out of trouble.
Steve played cricket, enjoyed running, long distance and played rugby for the 3rds as fly half. The school
didn’t offer hockey as a sport but Steve played outside of school from the age of 12, he was accepted for
the junior board but didn’t go. So he played rugby during the week at school and hockey over the
weekends. There were no camps only bus trips to play rugby at Observatory, Linmeyer, St Albans Pretoria
and schools such as St John’s.
Fulton-Allem’s father donated tractors to the school when developing the playing fields. Fulton’s father, a
farmer from Viljoenskroon used to fetch him at the end of every term in the rolls royce. In those days there
were horses on the property and Steve’s sister rode at the school on a few occasions.
St Teresa’s was the sister school and a highlight was the disco on Friday nights at Immaculata Hall in
In his Matric year they played a rugby match against the girls from St Teresa’s, Steve said the girls didn’t
hold back in the scrum and went for every weakness. It was the toughest game the boys had played.
For his matric dance he remembers his partner was Anthony Robinson’s sister. He met his wife Rose
through his brother, she needed a partner for her matric dance at Hyde Park High and they are still together
30 years later. They have four children, two girls and two boys who attended Fourways High School.
Steve received a studies scroll and after matriculating, went to Wits Univerity to study Aeronautical
Engineering and finished his degree in 1981 sticking to his programme of four years academics and two
years socialising. He completed his masters in1986 and started to work at CSIR for the National Institute of
Aeronautics. Much later he completed his MBA in 2006. Steve was involved in test flight engineering
(flutter) in the defence environment, unmanned aid vehicle design and manufacture, managing an aircraft
maintenance company, then moved into the airline industry 15 years ago. Steve worked for Comair and
was involved with setting up the first low cost airline in Africa – Kululah.com, his specialty being IT. He is
currently with Sabre Airline Solutions and is responsible for sales in Africa and the Indian Oceans islands.
Steve also runs his own company Aviaquest Consultancy and is a non executive director of a high
technology aircraft engine manufacturer in South Africa.
JLE January 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with "Sbu"" Sibonelo Mbongwe 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000932
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with “Sbo” Sibonelo Mbongwe – 2011
Sbo first came to St David’s from Montrose Primary and joined grade 8. He remembers the grade 8 camp
and camping at the top of a big hill. Mr Rod Smith, Mr Lotter and Mr Williams were there with the boys and
Mr Williams joined the boys on a hike.
Sbo joined “The Bishops” house. His teachers, Mrs Russell - Maths in grade 8, very helpful and patient; Mr
Lotter – Accounts, Mrs Khanyile – isiZulu, a stern motherly figure, Mr Smith – English and Ms Cambitzis
who taught him in grade 11 and 12, he recalled that she gave them an insight into the life ahead of them
and continued to help him with his English when she moved to Kingsmead to teach there.
Sbo participated in sport, 2nd team water-polo; B team swimming and 2nd team rugby. He enjoyed drama
and was in the cast of “The Little Shop of Horrors” in 2008. He was very nervous on the opening night but
said it was a great experience. He participated in the house plays and wrote the script for the house play in
grade 11. Sbo was appointed head of culturals of The Bishops in his matric year and also received scrolls,
full colours for leadership and service, half colours for drama, a team award for music and was a peer
As a part of a community outreach project, Sbo and other boys went to Addo with Mr Fry and repainted a
school giving out beanies and scarves to the pupils. Sbo did this because he enjoyed it and it cemented the
need in him to give. The school motto is also very important to him “Comfortare Esto Vir” – take courage
and be a man.
Sbo remembered his matric dance and the before party with a couple of friends, the dance was held at the
Wanderers. Sbo was a member of the matric dance committee in grade 11 and assisted in the preparation
of a masked ball.
Sbo says that he enjoyed being so silly whilst at school, it was great fun with lots of laughter and jokes and
his grade are very close.
After matricualting, Sbo enrolled with UNISA and studied for a BA Accounting Sciences and is currently
attending lectures at the Edge Business School. He will complete his degree this year followed by a post
graduate year in 2016. He is a member of the MOBS committee and attended this year’s matric rite of
passage which he thought was perfect being held at St David’s. He would definitely send a son of his own
to St David’s.
JLE August 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Jock Loseby 1951

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000813
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview with Jock Loseby 1951
On a mild August day in 1946 I came to St. David’s (SD) for the first time. Not only
was I to attend school there – I was also to be a boarder as where we stayed, on a
timber farm near Sabie, was about 6 hours drive away.
Attending school was quite a pleasure. I moved into Mrs Stirton’s grade 2 class
immediately. The rage of the day there was the percussion band with triangles, bells,
drums, clappers and goodness knows what. We even attended an Eistetford at the
city hall and were highly commended. My part was, with others, to ring our bells at
the right time.
Mrs Brophy, in standard 1, almost immediately passed me on to Mrs Walsh in
standard 2. I felt most comfortable with Mrs Walsh and prospered under her watchful
eye. She was also my teacher in standard 3 where I managed 100% at year end for
Arithmetic – the best in all the South African Marists. I got a similar prize, in standard
4, for Afrikaans under Mrs Kempster – a very disciplined and kind person .
Mr Bishop, my standard 5 teacher, was the hero of many – he managed the under 11
and under 12 soccer sides!
Mr Hoare, in standard 6, was a perfect gentleman.When we did something silly, he
would press his index finger on our temples, saying “dear me boy”. For more serious
offences, we got strapped on our behinds, in private, in the classroom, during the
lunch break. When we thanked him for the strapping, he seemed confused.
In standard 6 Brother Joseph was our Latin teacher. It was rumoured that he used to
be a Spanish wrestler – so we generally learnt our Latin grammar!
Boarding was of course, something new. I was immediately allocated to the most
junior dormitory. Brother Michael was the dormitory master.
He used to read to us each night, in the dormitory, before bed. We listened to the
Hardy Boys and Biggles et al and even got a sweet each half way through the
I was the 2nd smallest in the dormitory, (and probably in the school) the smallest boy
slept next to me and sometime later he became my brother – in – law.
We had to keep our clothes lockers neat. After locker inspection, we received one
strap (cut) for each untidy item of clothing. We also had to send our dirty clothes to
the laundry. When my mother heard that I had been criticised for sending too many
clothes to the laundry, I was told to tell the brother – in – charge that “cleanliness is
next to godliness” I did not obey this instruction!
We also had to polish our shoes every evening – monitors inspected our efforts.
Sport played a big part in our lives – even at primary school.Cricket and soccer were
the main sports with swimming not far behind.
We had PT during class hours – probably up to standard 1 or 2.We sometimes had
boxing during PT and at other times there were adhoc tournaments. I hated boxing
especially being hit on the head and even more so if it was the smallest boy in the
school doing the hitting (my now brother – in – law). Harry Best was our PT
supervisor and he was also Johnny Arthur’s boxing trainer. JA was the South African
heavyweight boxing champion.
When I arrived at SD there were sand fields on the right of the entrance gate (as you
entered). On these both juniors and seniors played cricket (on matting wickets) and
soccer. In ca 1947, a grass rugby cum cricket field was built below the tennis courts
and in 1949, the old cricket/soccer fields were replaced by 2 grass rugby fields with a
turf wicket – between them I think. There were still some sand fields for cricket and
soccer on a piece of land that may have been acquired (or was it just left over)while
the grass fields were being constructed – these fields bordered the grass fields but
were further away from the school complex.
So with the grass fields rugby began in earnest. In 1950 or 1951 I played rugby at
scrumhalf for the lowest team in the school – under 13B. In our first game we lost to
KES 15-0.
The turf wicket was also a great improvement. I watched a senior school practice
where Brother Benedict hit many straight sixes.
I was lucky enough to captain the U13 cricket team.
At this stage Brother Urban had been replaced by Brother Edwin as principal.
During the school féte held at about this time Vickie Toweel defeated Manuel Ortiz to
become Bantamweight champion of the world and also
 Leon Norgarb and Eric Sturgess played an exhibition tennis match (Mrs
Strauss, our coach, often told us how she had played tennis with these
 Sid Brews hit some towering drives on the upper grass fields and also
amused us with some trick shots and
 We could win money by scoring goals past Phil Snoynan, the SA goalkeeper
And now something about the food.
There was no white bread in the first year or two I was at St David’s and sometimes
for tea we were given thick brown bread sandwiches with peanut butter in them.
Many times the day boys gave us some of their lunch. Enrico Giglioli, the Italian
ambassador’s son, was particularly generous to me in this regard.
Some interesting parts of our menu were
 Frogs eggs – particularly sticky sago pudding
 Army biscuits with weevils in them and
 Lumpy porridge.
But before our longer holidays we had beanos – lovely food, ice cream cool drinks
and sweets.
Of course, I did have some heroes:
Brother Urban, a charismatic, dynamic person.
Brother Edwin, a deep person
Brother Benedict, a man’s man
Michael Clarke, a friend of Cor? Vermeulen, played first team cricket, got 6B’s in
matric, became a schoolteacher on leaving school.
Ian Irvine and Grisdale, prominent athletes
Roy Gibson, good boxer, flyhalf for first rugby team
Setti? Risi, scrumhalf for first rugby team
Johnny Westwater, very dynamic, eventually became a champion jockey
Bobby Perinho, hit 5 fours in one over
Rosmarin made a century for the first team
Buffa, a good high jumper and
Asher Swede, a generous patron of the school.
Our religious upbringing was taken very seriously.
Catholics had Mass about 3 times per week including Sunday, Confessions were on
Thursdays, there were daily? RD lessons and we were prepared for 1st communion
and confirmation – I was confirmed by Bishop Whelan at the Rosebank Parish in
My non catholic friends were encouraged to be committed in their specific faiths.
What an unforgettable and happy experience I had at St David’s!
Jock Loseby
28 April 2007

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Glynn O'Leary 1969

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000792
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview with Glynn O’Leary 1969 1960 – 1969 Standard 1 to Matric
Glynn did not enjoy the first few days of each school year as the family always went to the coast
for the long holidays and he hated leaving the sea behind (living in Glencairn now he sees the
sea all the time!)
He was a day boy and clearly remembers Mrs Januscz, Mrs Knezovich and Mrs Kempster. His
parents separated when he was in standard 4 and finally divorced in standard 6. His academics
took a dip as a result. Br Anthony sent for him and asked him if he was happy at St David’s to
which he answered yes. His father had contacted the school to withdraw Glynn from the school
stating that he could not afford to keep him at St David’s due to financial reasons. From that day
on his mother never had to pay school fees and he received all his books and school uniform
from the Brothers.
Glynn played 1st Team cricket and played in the 13th Marist cricket week held at St David’s as
wicket keeper. On the very first day of the competition a ball split his lip open while keeping
wicket which put paid to him playing again in the event. He also played 2nd Team rugby.
Brothers were strict and one evening Br Andrew (Dracula) caught the boys painting the other
boys with black boot polish as part of the initiation of new boys. Errol McCawley was caught and
was told to go back and fetch all the other boys who were involved. Errol did not enjoy this as Br
Andrew gave the boys cuts with a chain.
Glynn’s father never watched him play sport at school and that is why he and his wife Gill have
made sure that they have been there to support their 3 children as far as humanly possible.
The Marist Brothers have always played an important part in his life and he was made an
honorary Marist Brother in 2009 which was a great honour for him.
He has been involved with the Marist Brothers since 1957 and was chairman of the Marist old
boys in 1983 and served on the St David’s board of governors from 1985 to 1986. He has been
a member of the Marist School’s Council since 1997 and is chairman of St Joseph’s Marist
College in Rondebosch at present.
While at school Glynn was friendly with Dave Bergman and his brother Clive (better known as
Clive Bruce).
As regards Br Mario – we need to find out from him what happened when Br went horse
Interview: 13 October 2010

Anderson, Glenda

Tonetti's of Marist Brothers - 2020 Rugby Tour

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000926
  • Pièce
  • 2020

Tonetti’s of Marist Brothers Liam and Conor Tonetti are fourth generation Marist Brothers scholars. Their great grandfather, Mario Tonetti was schooled at a Marist Brothers school in Italy, their grandfather James Tonetti matriculated from St David’s in 1954 and their father, Gordon matriculated from St David’s in 1986. A family of sportsmen, rugby players and engineers. The family is featured in a book titled: “Pioneers of the Lowveld” - Hans Bornman. The book discusses the Italian community of the early 1900’s. The Tonetti farm called Brusnengo, situated near Kaapmuiden is named after the town in Italy from which the family originate. The Catholic family built a church which was completed in 1935. During the final construction of the little church, the scaffolding used by the painters, fell on Giacomo Tonetti who died later from his injuries. A local school in the area is named “Tonetti” as well as a village named after the family. Mario Tonetti was instrumental in developing the Midrand area and road “Tonetti” in the centre of Midrand was named in honour of his contribution.
The love of sport and rugby follows a long line of family tradition. James Tonetti, in 1954 Vice Captained the 1st Rugby team, set numerous athletic records in the 400 m and 800 m and high jump, received a first class matric and was awarded an honours blazer. The “Tonetti trophy” is in circulation at St David’s Prep athletics and was donated to the school in honour of James’ contribution to sport at the school. James Tonetti was a founding member of the Marist Old Boys and shared many stories of his time at St David’s, of being taught by the Brothers and his many years at the Boarding House. He would have been very proud of his two grandson’s contribution to the school and their rugby abilities.
Gordon Tonetti matriculated in 1986 set numerous athletic records and was renowned for his 1500m and open road abilities. He played 1st team rugby two years running and was awarded scrolls for his contribution to athletics and rugby. Choice of schooling was never up for discussion in the Tonetti household and the we are delighted that the family tradition of sportsmanship both on and off the rugby field has been carried through the generations. Liam and Conor have both played A team rugby both in prep school and high school. The family are delighted that both boys have been selected for this international tour and will represent their school as brothers and teammates. Their great-grandfather and grandfather would be very proud of their dedication and commitment to this fabulous national sport.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Chris Busschau 1965

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000737
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Chris Busschau – 1965
The Busschau family association with St David’s and the Marist schools began in 1889 when
Peter Busschau was the first boy to arrive at the Marist School at Koch Street, Johannesburg. In
those days Johannesburg was a mining town and Peter Busschau lived, like most of the
inhabitants, in a tent. Peter was the third of three sons and the older boys went to CBC in
Kimberly whilst the family was living there. When his father was transferred back to
Johannesburg, Peter went first to the End Street Convent until Koch Street was opened.
Later Observatory, now Sacred Heart was opened as an off-site campus and his father went
there as did Peter’s four sons. St David’s initially was not a separate school but rather an
extension of Observatory and Koch Street which closed in 1964.
Chris only attended St David’s for two years as his father was based in Port Elizabeth and he
went to the Marist school in PE. When father was transferred to Johannesburg and Chris came
to St David’s he was at the outset very intimidated coming from St Patrick’s, a poor relation to St
David’s. St David’s was regarded as a vastly superior and wealthy school, with a very high
standard both academically and on the sports field. At that time all the Marist boys in standard 6
wrote the Marist school exams and St David’s always had a disproportionately high number of
boys who achieved high marks.
On Chris’s first day, aged 16, his parents dropped him off at the main gate. He made his way
into the school and ended up next to the auditorium and was asked by Terry Ray if he was a
new boy and chatted to him about the class he was going to. This was quite a coincidence as
Brother Vincent had previously suggested that he meet up with him and a number of other boys
including Terry Rosenberg, Drummond Robinson and Tony Wickens. Chris’s fears were
immediately dissipated and he settled in very quickly. Now years later he is still in touch with
Terry Ray, now living in Toronto and Terry Rosenberg living in Durban, and he regularly sees
Tony and Drummond.
The head of the school was Brother Anthony who was very much the king during that era. Br
Anthony had formerly been the head of the prep school in PE and was a strong leader, very
astute and had the skill of being able to harness both educational and administrative skills. He
had the firm commitment from the parent body and others outside of the school and of course
the boys too. His nickname was “Aunges” because of his Scottish pronunciation of oranges.
Chris a day boy, played cricket, was very keen, a member of the first team. He went on to play
serious cricket when he left school. Due to a knee injury he did not participate in rugby but
played hockey and tennis, ran the mile and represented the school in cross-country but was not
a good swimmer. He recalled a chap in his class Roy Hutton who gained Springbok colours for
swimming. Chris was steady academically and achieved a first class matric, B level.
The main events that stand out, were the mass on the closing of Koch Street and the launch of
Marion College. Several thousand pupils wearing the Marist uniforms and what seemed like
hundreds of brothers were around, and photos of the event were carried in the local press. The
Mass was held in the Catholic Cathedral near to Koch Street.
In 1964 he recalls the first St David’s Old Boy to be ordained as a priest – Michael Linden who
celebrated his first mass in the old chapel.
Chris Terreblanche was the head boy in 1964, he became a doctor and died tragically on a run
5 years ago (2006). He was an extraordinary boy and man, handsome, charismatic,
intellectually gifted and a great athlete, sprinter. He recalled him beating against all odds, Paul
Nash, the glamour sprinter from Michaelhouse, at nationals.
In standard 9 he remembers a guest speaker at prize giving, Prof Bozzolli who was then the
vice-chancellor of Wits University. He made a powerful speech in which he said that the word
school is a collective noun as a school is made up of pupils, teachers, ground staff etc. This
speech probably coloured Chris’s attitude and loyalty to St David’s.
On leaving St David’s he went into the army, completed his army service and went on to study
economics at Wits University. His first job was with Anglo American as a junior economist. At
that time he was involved in politics, Zac De Beer being his boss, who later became a member
of parliament for the Progressive party. Chris stood as a candidate and experienced problems
with the security police spending a night in police custody. Much to his relief he was released
the following morning, unlike many other hapless individuals who were held for much longer
periods. Later he worked as a financial journalist and met his wife Pam who was a ballet dancer
with Pact, as was his sister Ann. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters. He ended up in the financial
world with the Standard Bank Group for many years and now does consultancy work for the
financial services board. All his 3 sons taught at St David’s at some stage in their careers and
currently Ian is still teaching here. His grandchild, Owen is registered to start in grade 00 and
will carry on the Busschau tradition now 5th generation.
Chris has continued to be involved with the school and was a member of the old boys on
leaving. There was a monthly pub night at the old Balalaika Hotel, stag dinners, dinner dances
and he watched the rugby matches and attended some of the athletic meetings. He became
more involved when Patrick started at the school. The infamous John Murphy was head when
he started in the prep school. Chris eventually was invited onto various committees and was
involved with fund raising activities and the Busschau family traditionally ran the hamburger
stand. He was eventually elected onto the PTA in 1989 until 1999. He was
vice-chairman for 5 -6 years and then became chairman from 1995 to 1999 and, as result also
served on the board of governors. He has been a member of the old boys committee for the
past 10 years.
Chris is also a member of the Liturgical Executive of the SA Catholic Bishops Conference, and a
member of the finance committee that handles justice and peace programmes. He is also
chairman of the board of Radio Veritas.
Other items of interest:
Br Edwin, head from 1950 until 1957, had family connections with Neil McGurk, who is now
living in Durban. Neil was extremely talented, an SA schools cricketer who became a brother.
He has doctorate in nuclear physics and used to fly to Harvard every year and oversee a final
programme for the students there.
In the old boy’s Magazine, about 3-4 years ago is an article about the legendary matrics who
stole exam papers.
Darryl Boswell had a nervous breakdown and couldn’t cope and hence Trudy Elliot was
appointed Acting Head for the final term in 1988
JE August 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Rowan Erleigh 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000770
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni -1966 & Rohan Erleigh – 1967
Both Eric and Rohan were boarders. Eric’s two half brothers Edward Barale and Italo Barale
also boarded and Rohan had two brothers follow him. They knew each other through the
boarding and played in the same rugby, cricket and athletics teams. Goodenough, a kitchen
hand could outstrip every athlete and broke the school record running barefoot. The highpoint in
cricket was when professional, English cricketers came to the school, Ken Palmer and Peter
Stringer who lived at the school and Donald Wilson who got married here and lived above the
chapel. On Saturdays if any major cricket team was playing, the boys had to dress up in full
uniform and walk to Wanderers wearing straw bashers..
They recalled an American field scholar, Philp Marsden who could throw a tennis ball higher
than the tennis captain could with his racket. Julio Cesneros’s father was the Spanish
ambassador, who assisted in bringing the Spanish football team, Real Madrid to South Africa.
The Springbok, Ray Bischoff swam against the Dutch and broke a South African record. The
cycling team was started with Deon and Brett Sacks and Rohan remembers his bike breaking
down near Gilooley’s Farm. There was also a model airplane club, all the planes took off and
then crashed! A Tiger Moth was donated.
Cadets were also started in their time and Eric was one of the first five cadet student officers.
There was a Southern Transvaal Schools Drummer competition and the school won the bass
and tenor drums section beating 700 other schools – who weren’t there!!!
The drama society was initiated together with Parktown Convent and was oversubscribed!
There was a debating society with Dave Lyons, Pat Noble and Andrew Lindiker and debates
were always held on a Sunday at the convent. There was also a dark room where some of the
boys developed their photos.
Gertie the 3 ton utility truck used to convey pupils to various sports events and was eventually
sold and replaced with a new school bus that was painted blue and was involved in an accident
after the first three weeks, the driver being Zebron.
Mrs Buckley-Jones was the much loved matron who however made them write tests whilst in
the sick bay. Mr Drummon-Bell was the Music teacher who produced the “Pirates of Penzance”.
Eric remembered a teacher called Mrs Cane, at Marist Borthers Koch Street Johannesburg, (the
primary school to both Marist Brothers and Inanda) who used it (the cane) with gay abandon.
The first lay teachers in the high school were Mrs Buchan – English, very English, unattractive
but kind, Mrs Pretorius – Afrikaans, she was good looking but unfriendly, Mr Ward – Maths, Mr
Hewitson – Art. Eric remembered a pupil from Greece who chatted in class and when Mrs
Pretorius asked him what he had said Eric told him to say “Ek is jou lief”!
There was a Science lab but when they left it was replaced by a newer one and Eric’s two
brothers – Orcellis – donated two glass windows.
For two years during the mid 1960’s, the brothers hired a catering manager and his wife, the
Coopers. They had a corgi which started off thin but ended up as a blimp! The boys used to
regularly raid the kitchen. Flat bed trolleys were used to carry food, boxes etc and the boys used
to pile onto them and ride down the inclines resulting in quite a few stitches.
Eric was designated, together with George Da Matta to act as cinematographers for the film
every Saturday night. Someone had to collect the 16mm films and they were given pocket
money to get the bus, however George’s father would fetch them and take them to his café to
gorge on fish and chips etc and then after to collect the films in the centre of Johannesburg.
They then caught the bus back to Dunkeld and had to lug the box of 16mm films to school.
The first Spur restaurant opened in Rosebank and several boys were caught bunking in the
Spur and in Ken Rosewall’s snooker saloon. They recall that disputes were resolved between
the boys behind the games room next to the tennis courts.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Champagnat they made the great trek to Cape Town, all
the buses broke down and all the schools ended up at St Joseph’s.
They remember the land bought by the school and the boys of 1966 planted the grass on the
rugby field and cricket pitch.
There was no real communication then, only the telephone and radio. They had vague
memories of the assassination of Kennedy and the attempted and actual assassination of
Verwoed. They had a day off school due to the “Bay of Pigs”. They did remember the stance
taken by the Catholic schools with regard to admitting black children which wasn’t popular with
the government.
Both Eric and Rohan have been back to St David’s for a 40 year reunion and would be
interested in supporting the publication of the book.
Individual memories of Eric Ambrosioni:
Eric’s mother died then his father and in Standard 8 his step brothers came to an arrangement
with the school to enable him to stay there. He had no bad experiences although Brother
Ignatius would lash you for no treason.
Joe Mulaneu lived at the bottom of the bottom field and Eric lived opposite him. He remembers
fooling around with him and hitting him with a metal rod, subsequently their parents banned
them from seeing each other. They later became good buddies and Joe became a
After the Saturday cinema one night he raided the kitchen, realising a brother was there he tried
to get rid of the evidence and a paw paw rolled down the hall and he was caught by Brother
He also remembers going home in the first term and crying about being bullied. His brother
advised him to put a shoe in his pillowcase and wait until the bully fell asleep and then whack
him with it. The bullying stopped after he tried that out.
When he finished school he wanted to go to varsity but, having no family to support him, he
ended up in a bank and was then balloted into the army in which he stayed for three years. He
then went into the oil industry and was seconded to the UK and his company was bought out by
BP. He was repatriated and offered a package in 2004, bought a pasta machine and became a
pasta maker his wife having bought an Italian deli. He made pasta for the deli and sold to other
delis and shops in the Cape Peninsula. He sold the pasta machine at the beginning of the year
to his nephew, another Marist old boy Ted Barale who owns Piccolino in Fourways. He is
married to Louise and is the father to two daughters.
Eric’s brother Italo (1953) married Myrna Morgan whose brothers went to Inanda, Harold and
Ronny who became a Marist Brother.
Individual Memories of Rohan Erleigh:
His parents lost everything they had in business but insisted he went to a private school. They
had an old car, a 1947 Plymouth and he was so embarrassed he told them to meet him outside.
Rohan was an altar boy.
After finishing school Rohan went gold mining outside Sabi, gold was then at $25 per ounce. He
subsequently went into the navy for his national service and made a naval career. He studied
for a BSc at Stellenbosch, rose to the heights of naval captain becoming a military attaché and
retired in 2000 after a final posting as officer commanding the navy’s training base on the west
coast. He spent time on the maritime border during the war in Angola.
He married a Morgan girl and is father to two sons and a daughter. The Morgan boys all went to
St David’s and Ronnie Morgan became a Brother.
Old Boys they are still in contact with:
Jo Stravino, Dereck Schoombie, Peter Moni, Eddie Assad (orthodontist) Peter Struthers
(maxillofacial surgeon) Michael Ford, Clive Bergman (singer), Tony Walker brother of Jeff
Walker (Master of the John Ross), Strati Malamoglou (Dyna Chem), Steve Taylor (sub-ed
Times ltd), Charlie Platt, Patrick Nobe, Brian Jarvis, Kevin Peel, Terry O’Mahoney, Emilio
Iglauer, Anthony Barale (doctor in Canada).
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dave Lyons 1965

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000756
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Dave Lyons – 1965
Dave was a boarder and his headmaster was Brother Anthony. Brother Aidan, the only South
African brother was the bursar and 50% of the teachers were lay teachers. Dave came from a
farming community in White River with Middleburg High being the only high school in the area.
He initially went to a primary school in White River and then came to Marist Inanda. His father
had been a pupil at Observatory and his grandfather, Koch Street.
There was only one other local boy, John Davis and he was aged 12 when he became a
boarder. He arrived not quite knowing what to expect of boarding school, he was confronted by
city boys who were street-wise and the discipline was quite extraordinary and extreme. In his
first year, Std 6, Brother Conrad was a very good teacher and empathic man but most of the
other brothers were quite hard and mean. He had Brother Vincent the following year,he recalls
Brother Liam and Brother Andrew was his boarding housemaster and Geography teacher. All
the brothers carried canes, some were quite vindictive and could victimise a pupil, and
remembers being caned in his pyjamas holding onto some taps. The biggest thing you could get
caught for was smoking a texan by the change rooms, aids, drugs were not around. There was
alcohol but none of them were really interested, the boarders made their own entertainment and
The study routine was very heavy and the programme was as follows: up at 6.00am; study 6.30
– 8.00; breakfast 8.00 – 8.30 followed by school and sport and then more study.
All the boarders used to latch onto day boys for sandwiches at break time and Peter Foden had
particularly nice sandwiches! Boarding school food was the norm and it was great to go home
for some good home cooking. There were 80 – 90 senior boarders and some juniors. They used
to sit 6 - 8 per table for army style food. A big thing was the pat of fresh butter in the mornings
and each boy took it in turn to cut it into equal amounts. The one who cut the butter was last in
line so he didn’t cheat. There was rice pudding and bread and butter pudding and on special
occasions (sports day, rugby match) they had a “beano” with roast beef, roast spuds and cool
He participated in rugby but due to chronic back problems he had to stop and then played
cricket, hockey and squash. He joined the debating society which he eventually headed up.
Naturally they chose only to debate against girl’s schools such as St Mary’s and Rosebank
A highlight in Std 8 was M’Frau Pretorius who was very well endowed and, needless to say he
loved Afrikaans and a glimpse of a genuine female figure. They had lay teachers for most
subjects but the boarding masters were all brothers, 13 – 14 of them and they all lived on site.
He recalls that the school had taken ownership of the property next door the year he left and
Dennis Tomacelli, head boy lived in a house with a swimming pool on the school boundary.
Dave failed matric but passed Latin, Geography and English, he was not an academic. He has
an indifferent memory of Brother Anthony although he thought he managed the school with a
He has no fond memories of the school and regards those years as an episode in his life which
he got through quite well. It was a type of schooling he didn’t respond well to, it was too
disciplined and regimental and the only real benefit was being taught to be self-disciplined.
Being at boarding school, meant that you grew away from home and were forced to become
independent. He finished his matric and moved on and is not involved with the school at all. He
was a small chap when he left but grew after leaving school.
Dave didn’t qualify for university and there were no jobs in White River or on the farm. He did
military training after school in 1966 and was a member of the Citizen Force until 1976, serving
in Angola where he became an officer and eventually finished in 1980 as a major. A
contemporary of his from St David’s,Fred Klippen servbd in the same regiment. They used to do
3 months camps and 3 months development training and he only started to become aware of
politics after P.W. Botha once came and addressed the troops and was unaware of apartheid
until in business in the 80’s.
He sold Callguard Security 10 years ago and is now known as Group 4. In the final years Rand
Merchant Bank had 20% stake in the company and only two people had degrees in the entire
company, being the financial director and the HR director. He employed 6000 staff and all his
managers and directors benefited from the sale of the company. He is now involved with Lupo
Bakery providing specialist bread to companies such as Mugg & Bean, Spur, Spar and Burger
King. He found in the mid 2000’s that he had a very quick and easy adaption to business, and
still enjoys sharing and mentoring staff believing that you should empower people on every
level. Recognition,respect and reward being his motto. Although Dave and his wife Janet are
not involved in any charity they do actively support a number of child orientated charities such
as the St Joseph’s Home and SOS Village. He and his wife travel extensively and his most
recent trip was motoring through Europe with his E-type Jaguar. His passion is motor sport and
he probably has one of the biggest specialist car collections in the world.
JLE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Norman Lazarus 1952

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000869
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview with Norman Lazarus 1944 - 1952
Norman’s parents lived in the Free State so he was sent as a boarder to St David’s in 1944 in
grade 2. Mrs Litson was his first teacher.The boarders had very little to do with the day scholars
except when they were given sandwiches which supplemented the boarding school food. When
Norman started at St David’s the war was still on and he can remember listening to the
announcement of the death of general Pienaar on the wireless with his family.
When he arrived at the school in 1944, the school was still in its infancy. The bus ran as far as
Rosebank and the school was in the ‘country’ surrounded by small holdings. The Polliack Estate
was situated to the West. South of the school the field was in two tiers and at the Northern
boundary was a farm and the rumor went around the that the lady who owned the farm would
bequeath it to the school (this was partly true as the school bought the farm at a good price in
the 1960’s).
Norman did not enjoy his school days as he likened the school to an aloe – the nearer you got
the more you were pricked. The school was run by brothers – that word usually means loving
and within a family- the brothers showed no love for the boys and were punitive in the
punishment. There were 4 dormitories- A to D. There were very strict rules – talking after lights
out and untidy lockers- were very serious offences. Prefects were in charge and they were very
cruel. They had to write home every Sunday and were allowed to listen to LM radio, to the hit
parade – he can remember Frankie Laine being at the top of the charts.
The boarders showered in the evening.There were only 2 baths.They were woken at 6am and
the Catholics went to mass. While he was at St David’s there were mostly Catholics with 2 or 3
Jewish children of which he was one. While the Catholics went to mass the non Catholics had
study period. Breakfast after mass was in the present college library where they sat at round
tables of 6. There was no shortage of food but the helpings were small and the meals were
rotated so you knew what you were having each week. Sago pudding was often served.
There were 2 breaks in the school day where they played hopscotch, marbles and bok-bok.
There was an infirmary and he enjoyed his time there when he had chicken pox as it was a very
caring place. Sport was compulsory and he played hockey, soccer, cricket and rugby – at this
stage there were no tennis courts. He played for the 1st fifteen in rugby and the team travelled
down to Durban by train to play against St Henry’s. The train journey was eventful and the boys
suffered defeat the next day after a sleepless night!
Punishment was metered out before dinner in front of the whole school. You had the whole day
to think about the impending punishment and the caning took place in front of everyone.
Norman’s experience was that the longer one was at school the less you were punished
because you became more adept. Boys were expelled for talking to girls over the fence and for
stealing fruit from the nearby orchards.
The brothers decided that the boys should learn how to dance and a dancing instructor from
Arthur Murray Studios came to school. They were taught without partners so, when in the end
girls from Parktown Convent (accompanied by the nuns) were selected to be their partners it
proved to be very unsuccessful as the boys just weren’t used to the girls and they didn’t know
what to say to each other!
The brothers took the boys to the nearest cinema on the corner of Tyrwhitt Ave and Jan Smuts.
The boys walked in a crocodile.This, however, did not last long as shopkeepers, who had fruit
displayed on the pavements, complained that there was no fruit left once the boys had walked
Norman was a day scholar in his matric year (1952). He got into trouble because the bus route
ended in Dunkeld and he and another boy accepted a lift from a motorist. The brothers got to
hear of this and it was said that they had brought the school into disrepute for ‘hitch hiking’. His
merit badge was taken away but this was reinstated after the brothers asked his fellow pupils to
vote on whether his badge should be handed back to him.
Norman did not find the teachers to be caring but in some cases quite eccentric. Mr Hoare
taught the non Catholics Scripture and he was always teaching them about George Elliott. He
also made them learn the psalms off by heart. The cleverest boys were always made to sit in
the front and the less bright ones at the back.
On obtaining a first class matric, Norman studied medicine at the University of the
Witwatersrand where he joined up with his school friend Peter Leigh, son of the school doctor.
Norman left South Africa for America after Sharpville and Peter emigrated to Australia.
Interview: Monday 1 February 2010

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Dr Theo van den Handel 1982

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000765
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Dr Theo van den Handel - 1982
Theo is one of 4 van den Handel brothers – Alan matriculated as deputy head boy in 1974, Rik
matriculated as head boy in 1976, Theo matriculated as head boy in 1982 and Jan Willem matriculated
as a prefect in 1987.
Theo remembers his early years at St David’s as great years, however, he was just an ordinary boy in the
prep taking part in all the sports but never really shining. But he blossomed in the high school and loved
school and being a member of St David’s.
Theo feels that St David’s has always been a good school because it was smaller in numbers and the
boys were treated as individuals. Sport was a huge factor at school as it served to bind the boys together.
St David’s did well on the sports field despite our small numbers and when we were defeated we knew
how to take the defeat. The boys always bounced back. Theo feels that although the school has grown in
numbers today the same still holds today whereby the boys still love their sport and give it their all.
Theo started at St David’s in 1971 in grade 1 and felt at home as his two older brothers were already at
school there. He remembers teachers like Mrs Hildyard, Ms Joseph, Mrs Knezovich, Mrs Anderson and
Mrs Walsh. In standard 7 he and Jan Willem left St David’s to live in Holland with their Mom. After just a
year there they returned to South Africa and the two youngest boys returned to St David’s.
He entered standard 8 on his return and felt as if he had never been away. He enjoyed his sport
especially athletics, swimming, water polo and rugby. Theo still maintains that sport being compulsory at
St David’s is an excellent idea and does give the school a wonderful spirit. Theo was appointed head boy
in 1982. This was a significant year in the school’s history as it was the first year that the school had a
lay headmaster. Mr G Murphy was the first lay headmaster and Theo remembers him well saying that the
boys liked Mr Murphy mainly because he was very into the sporting side of the school and encouraged
the boys especially in rugby. He says he got on well with Mr Murphy and followed his advice.
Theo enjoyed his years in the high school and felt that with teachers like Mrs Elliott, Mr Colia, Mr
McFadden and Mr Boswell the boys were given a good sound education.
As mentioned Theo is one of 4 boys in the van den Handel family. The eldest is Alan who runs his own
construction business in Plettenburg Bay. He is married and his son Nicholas now works with his dad in
the business. Rik lives in Dallas and is an chemical scientist. He is married and has a son Ryan. The
youngest brother is Jan Willem who is married and in the process of moving back to Johannesburg from
Cape Town for business reasons. He has a little daughter.
Theo is still in touch with Graham Muller who is a GP in the UK.
Theo and his wife Sian have moved to Plettenburg Bay where they have set up a practise together, Sian
as a dermatologist and Theo as a medical practioner. Theo has taken a great interest in HIV and while
living in Johannesburg he worked on a regular basis at Baragwanath Hospital. He is now is provincial
programme manager of the Western Cape branch of Right to Care which specialises in HIV and TB.
Theo has 37 doctors working under him and he himself travels to Beaufort West and the surrounding
area for 2 to 3 days each week running clinics and educating the public and also the people working in
this very important programme.
Mrs van den Handel has moved down to Plettenburg Bay to be near the family and they are now able to
spend quality time with their two sons Rhys and Luc, both of whom were at St David’s while living in
Johannesburg. Since the move both boys are enjoying their new school Oakhill in Knysna, but they still
miss their friends at St David’s
Interview: 13 May 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Angelo Haggiyannes 1974

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000703
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Angelo Haggiyannes – 1974
Angelo was day boy, with a brother Paul who matriculated in 1970. Angelo acknowledged that
the boarding facility had held the school together with its team spirit and sport especially
suffered when the boarding closed, the numbers declined and the spirit wasn’t there. In 1974
there were 263 pupils in the high school and then 1 boy was expelled.
He recalled his first day in standard 4 in 1968, Mrs Kempster was the headmistress and he met
his first friend playing marbles in the area next to what is now the Chapel of Mary. He was
originally at H A Jack and then his father decided to send him and his brother to St David’s. His
brother went into standard 6.
He was captain of the B swimming team, captain of the athletics team and played rugby until
standard 7 when he was badly injured, his left arm still shows the results of that injury. He was
awarded an honours blazer which he still has. He wasn’t a great academic, but had an ability
with the written word and did take part in the debating society and drama. He played the lead
role of Thomas More in the play ”Man for All Seasons”. It was during rehearsals at Rosebank
Convent that he saw Rosemary, his wife for the first time and said to his friend “that’s the girl I
am going to marry”. Four of the boys in his year married girls from Rosebank Convent.
He was the second non-Catholic pupil to become head boy, the first was Buckley-Jones. He
was elated when made head boy, the competition was strong, but it was the first year that the
boys voted which was probably the reason he was elected. Alan Van Den Handel was vice
head boy and his brothers Rick Standard 8 and Theo followed.
During his time at St David’s there were no black pupils but in 1973 an exchange student came
from the USA, he was black, it caused quite a stir and the school came in for a lot of flak over
He knew Br Anthony and Br Timothy well. Other brothers were Br Mario (Boing) Br Andrew
(Drac) who was mean and drew blood; Br Bernard (he left the brotherhood); Br Aidan who was
involved with the boarders and controlled their purse strings; Father Plestus; Mrs Kempster.
He recalled the stables where the grade 00 block is now and “The Inandas” weren’t there.
Most of the boys in his time did well and went into the corporate environment; some such as
Thierry Dalais became brave and opened their own private financial institutions. Greg Boyes-
Varley, another old boy and Angelo’s surgeon, epitomises what the school stands for “Take
Courage and Be a Man”. Boyes-Varley had a cleft palate and a stutter for which he was
mocked, a humble man who became one of the country’s best maxilla facial surgeons.
His last day was rather a letdown and he remembers some of the boys went to his home for a
few beers. He was a people’s person and knew every boys name in the school. This principle
he took into the business world.
On leaving school he went to Wits and studied for a BA Law, went into the army for two years,
came back and did an LLB and was admitted as an attorney in 1986. He practised for five years
and then went into insurance.
MOBS put some money towards the bar in the College Pavillion including Mark Waner, Willy
Benson (DBN), Greg Hut (NZ), Alan Van Den Handel, John Koel (Dbn) became an actuary with
Liberty Life, Colin Richardson – senior partner, Mercedes Benz, Rivonia Rd.
JLE November 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Kevin Ryan 1970

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000830
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview with Kevin Ryan – 1970
Kevin joined St David’s in 1961 and was a boarder. He enjoyed the boarding as there was good
camaraderie amongst the boarders and less time was spent travelling however the downside
was not spending as much time with family.
The teachers who made a lasting impression were Mrs Kemspter, Mr Summers and Br Bosco,
He also enjoyed photography with Br Bernard.
He enjoyed the sport and participated in swimming, water polo and 3rd team rugby.
His friends were Peter Daniels, Ken Sprenger, Peter Scott and Peter Elliott who he occasionally
sees and Peter Daniels is overseas.
The worst moments at school were when someone didn’t own up and he didn’t enjoy cadets.
He enjoyed the matric dance and remembers the boys skipping with their ties in the road in front
of the office on their last day.
On leaving St David’s he studied BSc Eng (Elec) and MSc Eng (Elec) at Wits University and an
MBL at Unisa.
His son William was also a pupil at St David’s and Kevin has visited the school for the fireworks
display and also played water polo at the school 2010

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Thabo Harmanus 1992

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000947
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Thabo Hermanus – 1992
When Thabo matriculated from St David’s, Paul Davies was headmaster, he had come from St
Albans. He remembers that he didn’t resonate with him and his parents only picked this up after
a while. People were pulling out of the school and a lot of black pupils left during Thabo’s high
school years. From standard 7 until his final year he was the only black boy in his class with
another joining in his matric year. One could see the degradation in the high school’s reputation
and what an impact a head has on a school and its teaching staff.
Thabo started school in Alexandra, passed top of the class in each year. When he completed
standard 2 at M.C. Weiller, instead of going to standard 3 remaining in Alexandra, he started at
St David’s going backwards to standard 1 and did marginally well. While at the time this was
difficult for him as he thought he would get left behind by his peers from Alexandra, over time
and, looking back he realised that most of the boys he was at school with in Alex didn’t even
make it to matric. It was a real sacrifice for his parents but it was so far sighted of them. His
mother was a teacher in Alex and his brothers also started at St David’s, although they
completed their matric at Wendywood High. His mother had said to him that if he failed one year
he would be out of St David’s. He worked hard and came third in standard 1 during his first year.
He felt being older helped with his confidence considering the jump in the standard of education
he had to contend with and he mentioned Gladwell’s: The Outliers in this context.. After a year
he had got used to the school and it exposed him to a whole new world. He wasn’t envious or
jealous of the lifestyle he saw that the white children had but it created ambition in terms of
defining what success was, the picture was bigger now and it was no longer necessarily out of
On his first day he was very nervous, he remembers his cap and thinking that all the boys
looked the same. Miss Keating was his teacher.
There were the odd incidents of naive questions and observations. His father drove an old
beetle and he recalls visiting Mark Pardini’s home and Mark’s little brother asking him why his
father drove a beetle. It was not malicious, just a boy who could not have been older than seven
years old being curious and noticing differences in material wealth. Bullying was normal and
part of the package. On one occasion he went to the tuck shop and bought a toasted sandwich,
another boy told him to give him a bite; he was a large boy, rugby type. Thabo broke a piece off,
gave him the smaller piece. The boy insisted on having the bigger piece and instinctively Thabo
stuffed the bigger piece into his own mouth. The boy punched Thabo for the “offence” which
Thabo could do nothing about given the David and Goliath scenario. He remembers thinking,
“Wait until I get to be your size”.
Even canings hurt but was what they all knew, so it was acceptable. Words can scar a lot more
as far as Thabo is concerned. The worst caning that Thabo remembers was with Mr Webster
and he knew rather to stand at the front of the queue and get it over and done with.
One of the most memorable classroom incidents he remembers involved seeing current in
action. There was a funny incident in the Science lab. Stuart Dickey had a pen set and he stuck
a pen in one plug and then the pencil, mistakenly creating a current, there was a loud bang,
Stuart got the fright of his life and his pen and pencil were welded together. Thabo chirped that
the bang made him feel at home coming from Alex and everyone packed up laughing which
calmed the air a bit from the shock.
He played rugby, basketball and was in the athletics squad in the high school while in the prep
he played soccer. He gained half colours for rugby and basketball.
He is still in touch with Justin van Linden, Yoav van der Heyden, Jeetesh Kathawaroo, Rowan
Brewer to name a few from his year and has contact with pupils from below and above and
recently got in touch with Mike von Guillaeume (2 -3 years behind him).
The teachers he remembers are Willy Castle – “Mr Fruitcake”. In the last soccer season in
standard 5, in a good team playing against a school who went on to win the championship that
year, they lost 1.0 by a silly mistake by Jeffrey Tsatsane. They played defence together and he
can still remember Willy Castle mumbling his disapproval calling out “Tsatsane”. In the high
school he recalled Mr Girdwood – an awesome English teacher, Mr Howarth – History, Mr
Finlayson – Sport and house master and Miss Von Guillaeume whom he is still in touch with
today. There wasn’t a teacher he disliked and he was taught how to think and not just
regurgitate answers, especially by Mr Howarth who spoke to them about the other side of the
story, not written in the matric History books.
He recalled a significant teacher in the prep, Mrs Hurley and a high impact moment whilst in her
class when she had a “throwing her toys” moment with him. He had got 60% for a spot History
test but she still kept him behind after school with boys who had failed. He was supposed to
have read something the day before but hadn’t and it showed. She reprimanded him in front of
his father, saying that his parents were spending all this money on him and he wasn’t working.
He never messed around after that, it was a turning point for him.
Academically he did well, receiving prizes in the prep school. It was a bit different in the high
school. In standard 5 Mr Kotze was the disciplinarian. In standard 6 he messed around a bit and
then in standard 7 he started working hard again.
He feels that a sense of worth helps but most of this comes from the home and parents should
not abdicate responsibility. He believes that boys coming from St David’s are more grounded,
His last day at school he remembers as being crazy, with everyone signing shirts and letting off
water balloons.
He struggled to get a bursary as he wanted to go to university away from Johannesburg. Justin
van Linden’s father was MD of Customs Plastics, a division of Nampak, had kept an eye on him
through the years unbeknown to him and offered him a bursary. He then went on to UCT, did a
BCom majoring in Accountancy and Economics. He planned to be a CA but hated auditing,
however he went to Nampak where he was a Management Accountant, helped his brothers
through school and university in terms of paying tuition. They are now both CA’s. He left
Nampak and went to Experiaen SA, primarily know as a credit bureau but he wanted to get into
the services industry. In 2008 he was co-founder of Nimble Collection Services and after setting
up the company they sold it. He has been in Cape Town for 4 years now and subsequent to
Nimble, together with his partner Suzanne Capper set up Find Inspired Talent (F.I.T.
Recruitment). Thabo is good with numbers but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what he
enjoys doing the most. People development and leadership are his strengths.
He is the father of two daughters aged 10 and 7, who attend the Waldorf School in Constantia,
he is on the school board and is also involved in setting up a trust to enable young black girls to
attend varsity (funding young girls from previously disadvantaged backgrounds).
He would like to keep in touch and would pledge or make a donation to the book. He would love
to participate in any celebration for the 75th. He owes a lot to his experience at the school.
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Doug Wickins 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000764
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Doug Wickins 1962
Doug started at St David’s in Std 3 in 1955. He originally went to St Peter’s in Merrivale and
moved to Parkhurst where he spent 1 year in Std 2 at the local primary school. His mother was
a devout Catholic with 3 sons, Doug being the eldest. He and Anthony started in 1955 and Barry
a year or two later. Doug was happy at Parkhurst and didn’t want to leave and his introduction to
the school was delayed, as he and his brothers contracted scarlet fever, and were quarantined
for 3 weeks. Br Edmond, the principal introduced him to Alf Smith and Michael Fine (“Savage”)
and took him to Mrs Batten – standard 3. Mrs Batten was a real toughie, told him to sit where
she could see him. She sat on the teaching platform, teachers had a leather strap and he can
remember her whacking all the boys in her class. In spite of this introduction he thoroughly
enjoyed his schooling. At the end of standard 6 his father died, his uncle came to stay in the
house; accommodation was limited so in standard 7 arrangements were made for him to go into
boarding. This he regards as the best thing that ever happened to him. He spent 4 years
boarding and really enjoyed it.
There were 16 brothers then, all quite young, many in their twenties and Br Anthony was about

  1. They played sport together. There were 60 pupils in a class but by matric the number had
    reduced to 17 with other pupils either failing or being expelled. One of the problems was that Br
    John was Spanish and Br Charles, French-Canadian and understanding them was rather
    difficult. The language was an issue and there was insufficient opportunity to interface with the
    brothers individually.
    Doug loved boarding and enjoyed school even more because of it and regards the school as his
    Alma Mater rather than university.
    Doug was in a very spirited class with 8 boarders, the remainder being day boys. Among them
    were Darko Vidas, Alex Quail, Alec Smith, John Dayley. Br Edwin (Jack Bones) was principal
    until 1956 and then Br Benedict (The Beak) until 1959 followed by Br Anthony in 1960. He was
    terrified of Br Edwin who was related to the MCGurk family, but revered and respected him, he
    had arthritis but in spite of this he trained boys in rugby. He was eventually promoted to Brother
    Provincial. Br Benedict loved rugby and cricket. Br Anthony was, in his opinion, the best
    principal the school ever had.
    Br Anthony’s nickname was Aungess – Oranges which he could never pronounce properly. His
    favourite sayings were”nothing without work” and “he who plays hard, works hard”. Initially he
    appeared arrogant because of his demeanour but once everyone got to know him, his popularity
    soared. He had a great sense of Christianity hence Slough, and was a teaching principal,
    teaching Science and Maths. There were 450 boys in the school at the time and, although there
    was a bursar, he ran the entire school.
    Mrs Kempster taught under Br Edwin Standard 4, she used the stick and became the first
    headmistress of the junior school succeeded by Mr Manolios, then Mrs Schaafsma. Mrs
    Janusch, a scot married to a Hungarian was an absolute tyrant. He remembers boys such as
    Congo Brian Roberts who came from the Belgian Congo, Doc Livingstone – Rhodesia, Chicken
    Venter, Brian Emerick. The school’s reputation was well established with 180 boarders with 4
    Doug once lead a boycott of sausages in the dining room, Br Dennis was on duty that particular
    evening and Br Michael wanted to kick him out but Br Anthony saved him. Four boys were
    expelled. Two brothers Peter and Jeremy Forder, Warrington and Hartman decided to run away.
    They got out and went to Sandton, however they were rounded up and expelled.
    A barber used to come to cut the boys hair, The boarders had lunch 12.45 to 1.15, then again
    out of class 2.45 for tea followed by sports practice, shower, study, 6.30 – 7.15 supper, study
    until 8.15 and lights and radios off by 9.15.
    Doug participated in all sport, played cricket but he preferred swimming, played rugby, hockey,
    and athletics and joined in debating. There was tremendous competition between St David’s
    and Observatory. The cinder track, now prep playing fields was regarded as the best in the
    country for the Catholic inter-high athletics. Doug was also made a prefect. Doug recalled an
    incident during an athletics event when Br Charles was measuring the distance that a javelin
    had been thrown when another landed immediately behind him fortunately just missing him.
    People often used to stop at the side of the road to watch the cricket. A sad incident occurred
    when Paul Barrenbrook was killed, in a freak accident whilst he was standing on the bicycle
    wheel of the ice cream cart which was hit by a passing car.
    The school had a good relationship with Parktown Convent rather than Rosebank and often had
    joint functions.
    He helped build a stage and got the wood. The stage was very, very heavy. Technical drawing
    was a subject and because of this they were allowed to use the workroom. There was very
    nearly a nasty accident when Darko got his tie caught up in the planing machine. It took all, his
    strength to keep his head away until someone could switch the machine off.
    Doug recalled President Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962 and listening to
    a radio that Darko had, as they all waited to find out if the world was going to be plunged into
    the first nuclear war.
    He remembers his last day at St David’s, it was in December and there were 4 or 5 boys left
    writing their last matric exam. His 17th birthday was on 29 November and he wrote his first
    matric paper, English 1. He felt that he never left the school and attended many rugby matches,
    swimming galas and athletics meetings. A number of them went to Wits and kept in touch. They
    always had the idea of forming MOBS. Tonetti, Mike von Guilleaume, Steve Muller, Trevor Blow
    (first chairman MOBS, a lawyer).
    He recalls the appointment of Murphy who was welcomed with open arms and was given a lot
    of support by the old boys. That was until he appeared on TV as a wrestler and then it was
    revealed that his credentials were not based on fact as they were presented. Steve Muller, Br
    Jude and Br Timothy originally interviewed him.
    He remembers Darryl Boswell as a good head and Gary Norton as deputy. He was also fond of
    Br Edwin, Quinas and Tometti.
    He studied for a Bachelor of Commerce at Wits and went into marketing and advertising. He
    was interested in investments and on retirement became more involved and now thoroughly
    enjoys it,
    Both Doug’s sons, Gregory and Michael, were pupils at St David’s and in class with Mike von
    Gulleaume’s children. His grandson Thomas Weedon has just joined the school. Greg’s
    youngest son is registered to come here. Vito Rugani founder member of MOBS had three sons
    Forming MOBS there was tremendous argument between them over what was then known as a
    federation of Marist old boys. St David’s was seen to be better, with young upstarts and elitist.
    Initially they set up the old boys for St David’s only and refused old boys from other
    Johannesburg Marist schools. Now anyone can join if they have been to a Marist school. There
    was a special badge for the federation emanating from St Charles Durban. A group of them
    went down to a number of conferences.
    Doug was chairman of the old boys, chairman of the PTA and vice-chairman of the board of
    governors. Steve Muller was the first chairman of the board of governors and MOBS was
    formed in 1965.He worked together with Kevin Brewer fighting to get subsidies from the
    government. St David’s was the first independent school to admit blacks.
    He remembers Darryl Boswell as a good head and Gary Norton as deputy.
    JE June 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with James Harrewyn 1971

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000805
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with James Harrewyn – 1971
Jame’s father came to SA from Antwerp in 1956. He knew a priest here who encouraged
him to come and start a new life here. His sons followed two years later in 1958 aged 5 and
7 and could not speak English, their languages being French and Flemish. James started at
St David’s in grade 1 until matric. He was a boarder from standard 6 for 4 years. He regards
himself as being a naughty boy but never with malicious intent. For his final matric year he
chose to be a day boy. His brother also attended St David’s and died in 2003His friends at
the time were Willy Castle, John Williams, Dimitri Constantinides, Vic Taueber; Kim Small
(rugby player), Alex Chemaly, Rupert Von Johnstone and he is still in contact with Alex
Chemaly, Johnny Stavro and Gavin Jansen. He feels that he can never find or replace the
friends he made whilst at high school.
He remembers his first days as being hard as he was discriminated against because of his
lack of English and was bullied initially, but stood his ground.
His last day – he worked hard for his matric and went to get his results from Br Timothy. He
was older than most of the boys, aged 18 as he stayed back a couple of years. He
remembers Br Timothy saying “You need to look happy!” He received a university pass and
his father took him to the Balalaika to celebrate!
He recalls Mrs Janusch, the Latin teacher, a sweet lady. Her classroom was on the second
floor, and James played a trick on her by climbing out of the window, down the gutter and
returned, knocking on the door. She was thoroughly confused as he did this several times
during a lesson, much to the amusement of the other boys. Brothers Anthony, Andrew
“Drac”, Timothy, Bosco “Boing” were at the school during his time. Many of the Brothers
smoked and when the boys smoked in the playground it was easier not to get caught by
those Brothers that did smoke as the smell was cancelled out. The boys used to raid the
fridge at night because the food was so awful. James also used to bunk out and see
girlfriends together with Gavin Jansen, but never got caught. He played in the marching
band which was sponsored by the Moni family. He was keen on athletics and was very
popular, but another boy always came first until one memorable sports day when James
beat him, coming first in front of all the girls! He also played 1st team rugby for 3 years, was a
member of the swimming team and played hockey. His academics were ok and the school
had a very good infrastructure with academics and sport.
The school was always cold and, in the morning ablutions he and other boys would linger
dangling their hands in the warm water to get warm. The boys were often punished by
having to “stand out” by the showers, bare foot, arms raised and it was very cold. Br Andrew
had a whistle on a chain with which he would hit the boys on the back of their legs. In Willy’s
office there is a cane which used to be used but was withdrawn in favour of the paddle, as it
used to draw blood. James however loved the school and feels that schooling was better
than it is now. His happiest moments were when he and his friends were naughty and didn’t
get caught. He remembers Br Anthony who was well respected by the boys, as he was fair,
and was called “Orange” because of his pronunciation of the word oranges and his red hair.
When he left school he served an apprenticeship with his father at first and then went to
Belgium to a culinary school. He then spent 5 years in Canada in hotels and then came back
to SA to help in the family business in Sandton. Sadly, the business initially did well but
because of sanctions and politics it failed. He then went to Houston, the Four Seasons Hotel
and eventually taught at a cooking school in Vermont and, 15 years ago, opened his own
business and 80 seat Café and Bistro. He and his wife, Pamela supply cakes, pastries,
wedding cakes and cater for private parties. In July 2011 he opened another restaurant and
is grateful to be in the right state where people enjoy the quality service and he is priced right
for the market. Vermont has survived the recession as most people don’t live above their
means but still enjoy their life.
He was back in SA as he was invited to an award dinner by Billy Gallagher. In 1984 and
1988 he was part of the national cooking team which went to Germany for the World
Cooking Olympics. They were very low key and rather under-cover because of apartheid,
however the team did quite well. For the award dinner the original members of the team:
Heinz Brunner, George Germann, Peter Klngman, Ryan MacMann, Martin Maphonga
created menus from the 80’s for 150 people. His sons Brent and Ashton, both
cinematographer majors specializing in film and photo, made a documentary of the occasion
and James received his Springbok blazer.
Jame’s wife’s family live in Cape Town and whilst he was here in January he had a reunion
with 25 boys from his time at St David’s.
JE August 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darrell Caister 1986

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000751
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview with Darrell Caister – 1986
Darrell remembers his first day at St David’s . He came from the Waldorf school and was placed
In grade 4 although unbeknown to his teacher, he couldn’t read or write, and didn’t know the
alphabet. He spent a week in his class before being caught out, he watched the other boys and
turned the correct pages etc but one day he was asked to read out loud by his History teacher,
Mrs Napier. He refused and was caned. He was then sent back to grade 1, the second term
grade 2 and eventually managed to get back into grade 4. Because of this he was bullied and
picked on, however in standard 3 he was awarded the highest marks for Maths. He will never
forget that History book or Mrs Napier who was eccentric and used to allow a group of 3 or 4
boys to jump on the bonnet of her car when she arrived in the morning. She would then scream
around the U turn (next to Mike Greeff’s house), then brake hard by the fence next to Rivonia
Road and all the boys would fall off. This was of course great fun.
Mr Manolios was loved by everyone. Mr Cotze the standard 5 teacher was feared by the boys
but he was always fair. Mr Findlayson taught History and during an incident in class he threw
the blackboard duster at one of the boys, missed and it hit another boy and cut his head. The
boy in question was enraged and big; he picked up Mr Findlayson and threw him out of the
classroom. Br Ephraim taught JP Maths, Br Timothy had just left – he used to click his fingers
loudly and pointed. When he jacked a boy he would put their head under his desk and when he
used the cane the boy would automatically bring his head up and thereby receive a double
whammy. Willy Castle was his class teacher in standard 4 and Darrell used to get caned for
being naughty.
Mr Murphy was one of the headmasters during his time and he was well liked and admired by
the boys. He built up camaraderie between the matrics and the sports teams; he was a strong
man and a leader.
There was a high turnover of teachers in the high school apart from Trudy Elliott and Mrs Collier
both head of department. The appointment of Darryl Boswell as headmaster was very
contentious as there was a lot of support for Trudy Elliott especially from the boys. The boys
nicknamed Mr Boswell “little Darryl” and during a photo shoot, Darrell was standing behind him
and nudged him causing his toupé to move! In spite of this he still became head boy. Despite of
the turnaround in the number of headmasters, there was a good spirit and, many of the boys he
was at school with then get together every Thursday.
Darrell was involved with water-polo, swimming, athletics, and rugby until standard 9 when he
was badly concussed. He was also a member of the junior town council. Darrell never needed
an alarm clock as he lived across the road from the school and every morning awoke to the
rugby team running past with Willy Castle singing war cries.
He remembers first becoming aware of apartheid and its implications when he and a group of
boys including Vusi Shongwe (whose boys are at St David’s now) went to the movies. Vusi was
refused admission because he was black and all the boys refused to go in. No government
school was multi-racial in those days and he thinks that one of the reasons he became a
conscientious objector and didn’t serve in the army was because he attended a multi-racial
His class in matric was small with about 40 boys as many boys had left. He recalled that that
was the year that hockey was first introduced as a sport. His last day was particularly sad as he
was suffering from meningitis and spent the day in Father Brewer’s bed trying to write an exam.
He was accepted by Natal University and studied law, then started his own business becoming
an entrepreneur. He ran 5 companies, sold them and went into something different again. When
he first moved back to Johannesburg he tried to get his son Dominic into St David’s but was told
he had applied too late. However Father Brewer, who was a delightful, compassionate man,
intervened and insisted that he be admitted. That was the catalyst for Darrell getting involved
with MOBS. He was chairman of MOBS for 4 years and remembers the building of the pub in
the pavilion when the PTA eventually had to bail MOBS out. His other son Grant is currently a
pupil at St David’s and he has a daughter, Bernice.
Darrell has a farm in Mpumalanga, near Pilgrims Rest which houses a school originally built by
German missionaries. He has helped to rebuild the school and supports it on an annual basis. It
is in an informal settlement and whereas before they had to rely on volunteer teachers they now
have 2 permanent teachers supplied by the government.
Darrell has in his possession a rugby jersey blessed by the Pope.
JE February 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

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