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Willem Van der Merwe Farewell Speech by Willy Castle

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000958
  • Item
  • 2012

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, the Marist Brothers who are present here, Mr
Greeff, Mr Wilson, Mr Williams, members of the board and PTA, staff, Vaughan and
Matthew (Willem’s sons and other family members) and all the friends of Willem J van
der Merwe. In Marist school culture there is a Marist style based on presence,
simplicity, family spirit, love of work and Mary’s way. Willem’s love for the Marist
Brothers is evident with their presence here and he really appreciates you coming to
share this occasion with him. Willem was born in Cape Town and went to school at
Northlea in Rhodesia and he is the only South African citizen that I know that has two ID
books with different dates of birth and I leave it up to your imagination as to what he
uses them for.
How do you summarise a lifetime? Well, it will take a while so I suggest you make
yourselves comfortable and pay attention.
Willem arrived at St David’s 32 years ago and I still recall my first meeting with him
when Brother Anthony introduced me to a Texan smoking, ex-Zimbabwean soldier,
cement factory builder, farmer, handyman, steel worker, grass grower, builder, plumber,
welder and fixer of anything but unfortunately Willem couldn’t swim. Willem and I took
swimming lessons at the Eskom swimming pool and I had to pretend that I couldn’t
swim so as not to embarrass him as he was training for Iron Man.
When Willem first arrived at St David’s it was very simple, there was no tractor, there
was no bakkie, no tools and there was definitely no golf cart. There were no fences
around St David’s and keeping people off the property was a huge nightmare. Pupils on
motor bikes were the worst especially when they chose to ride on the cricket pitches.
One such person, who shall remain nameless proceeded to do a victory lap down
Rivonia Rd after destroying one of the pitches and with the help of Brother Aidan’s X-ray
vision, we got his number plate and the rest was history.
Years ago the school still owned the four bottom rugby fields and additional oval that
bordered on Rivonia Road and on one of our excursions down there to see what was
happening, we found a shebeen buried in the ground. On one cold morning we had to
remove a dead body. This person had obviously succumbed to the cold weather. The
police were called and order was restored.
One weekend, on a trip to the Rugani farm, we brought the old tractor back to St
David’s where Willem fixed up Rugani 1 and that is the red tractor that you still see
driving around the school nowadays.
I see Louis, Willem’s brother, John Williamson and Alex Chemaly and a few other
friends here who attended a bachelor party at John’s grandmother’s house where we
needed to bring in a full cleaning company to restore the house to it’s former glory, after
the party. I still think Louis and Willem are traumatised by that event as they had just
arrived from calm Zimbabwe.
We all remember Willem’s big foot Ford bakkie that was used for pulling the
lawnmower, carrying building supplies from the hardware, and giving kid’s rides on their
birthday parties. Willem loved custom made vehicles and fast bikes. Every three
months the latest, fastest motor bike was heard driving out of his house on Sunday
mornings to the breakfast run.
My first recollection of Willem’s sporting ability was when we were sitting in Willem’s
lounge in January 1980 and we were watching television and Willem said how great it
would be to run the Comrades marathon that was advertised on TV. My immediate
comment was to tell him that the first thing he needed to do was to stop smoking. He
then picked up the last pack of Texan Plain and threw it in the rubbish bin and the next
10 Comrades were history.
Willem has toured the world and been to places that we would only dream of. After
returning one holiday from a trip to Tokyo and having arrived at home at 2 in the
morning, he was rudely awakened by Tom McFadden and I as we had not yet qualified
for Comrades and had to run the Benoni Marathon that morning to qualify.
Willem’s claim to fame after Comrades races was that he was always dehydrated and
had to be taken every year to hospital to have drips put into him to rehydrate him. Two
incidents that really stand out were on one of our Comrades races, at 62km, I was going
to stop with ITB. Needless to say, on sitting down on the pavement, I received a quick
smack on the side of the head and was told to get my A into G and reminded that this
was my fault and he would be dragging me all the way to Durban.
Another incident I recall was on a flight to Two Oceans with George Ndlovu, Willem’s 2
IC on the support staff. There was a bomb scare over Bloemfontein. The plane
dropped out of the sky, the chutes came out, and Willem and George had to run from
the runway to the airport. He did have quite a job to get George back into the plane to
get down to Cape Town as George had never flown before.
I’m sure Willem remembers these trips to Cape Town where we used to sleep in the
sick bay at St Joseph’s and our long chats with Bro. Benedict and Brother Lawrence in
the evenings.
Willem has, apart from Comrades, Two Oceans and Iron Man also completed numerous
94.7 and Argus Cycle races, Fish Canoe Marathons and over 20 Duzi’s. I will never
forget the day when he asked me to second him on one of his Iron Man escapades.
Needless to say that, I was more broken than he was at the end of the event.
One night when Willem and I were on a training run down Fricker Rd. All the cars were
parked on the pavement for the cricket test at the Wanderers. On running past one of
the cars, we noticed someone lying on the front seat. We decided to turn back and see
what was happening. Someone was trying to steal a radio out of the car so we decided
to play policeman and immediately hauled the chap out of the car. We managed to get
some wire and tie him up to the door until the police arrived to take him away.
When Willem arrived at St David’s, his first workshop was part of the old stables which
also doubled up as a shebeen for Osborne, next to what today is the Astro. His love of
work was pushed to the limit as the area adjacent to his workshop, the present car park,
was a huge hole where parents would drop and fetch their kids. Willem went about
filling the hole turning it into a prep school playground with grass and irrigation. It took
over 200 loads of sand to level that area.
In his first few years at St David’s, Willem’s love for family was demonstrated by
extending his involvement in school activities. Willem used to help coach rugby and
accompanied tours especially our trips down to East London where he had a fine
reputation of dancing all night in the Numbers Discotheque. He then started the canoe
club which went from strength to strength and a number of boys that he coached have
represented the country and our boys have done exceptionally well in SA championship
races particularly our prep team who, for the last three years have won the South
African prep school championship sprint awards.
If it wasn’t for Willem, I would probably not still be at St David’s, so you can blame him
for me still being here. He built my house on the property from scratch and he also built
the swimming pool roof with help and prayers from Father Brewer that makes our pool
the best school pool in South Africa. Not many of you know that Willem laid out the
piping for the clinic in Slough that Brother Anthony was building. He assembled it on
the service road and then took it apart and took it to Slough to fit into the new clinic.
Our prep pavilion was also one of Willem’s building projects. When Mr Royce, Willem
and I decided to build this we had no permission from the brothers or school to build this
facility. We had trucks delivering in the middle of the night and laid the roof between 2
and 4 in the morning so when Brother Timothy saw this building going up, he
immediately challenged us and some very smooth talking took place to allow us to
complete this building. Willem also revamped his present house which was the old
brothers quarters and sick bay and was also our fourth pub on the property on our pub
crawls. At this point the usual procedure was to drink out of the ladies shoes before
heading off to the next house. No more will be said about these escapades.
The Roxy Rhythm Bar in Melville with Brother Vincent as our handbrake often turned
into very late nights and very quiet Friday mornings.
I remember having tickets for the Michael Jackson concert and the only one I could
force to come with me was Willem. What are friends for? Willem also went to see ZZ
Top but didn’t like them too much! He was jealous of their beards.
Willem loves animals and Socks and Megan were always part of the school and
everyone on campus knew who their boss was.
At the end of each term, we always used to have fantastic staff parties and on one of
these occasions, at Glenda Anderson’s house, Willem and I managed to put a huge
rock in the passenger side of Carol Ansell’s box Renault. The car immediately tilted to
the left. After the party, we all stood and watched Carol Ansell drive home sideways
without even noticing that her car was at an acute slant and how she got home we still
wonder to this day.
Willem and I used to have great fun on evenings when Mr Paul Davies, the then
headmaster, when he would entertain and we would sit in The prep school playground
with a six pack and keep switching the lights off in his house periodically. Needless to
say, Willem was called to his office the next morning to get an electrician in to sort out
these power surges.
Our fields, buildings, gardens, swimming pool, cricket pitches hold testament to Willem’s
huge contribution in maintaining our facilities which no other school can match.
We wish Willem good luck, good health and our thanks go with him in the next stage of
his life. We are really going to miss you.
Please charge your glasses as we propose a toast to the super man of St David’s
Marist Inanda.

Castle, W J

Refugee Stories the spirit of the three 2 six school

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200048
  • Item
  • No date but project founded in 2008

Book of stories and images developed by refugee children between the ages of 10 and 14.Class representatives collected material from all learners in their age groups.

Three2Six School

Marist School

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200023
  • Item
  • no date

Prospectus compiled by Marist School, Atlanta, USA

Marist School

Jubilee Marcellin Champagnat Photo Composition

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000968
  • Item
  • 2016

Photo of the Marcellin Champagnat photo composition for the Jubilee Year. The original hangs above the entrance door in the Champagnat Hall Foyer.

St David's Marist Inanda

Interview with Willem Van der Merwe 1981 - 2012 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000957
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Willem Van Der Merwe – 1981 – 2012 Staff
Willem joined St David’s as estate manager in 1981 at the time when Br Timothy, the then
headmaster left followed by the first lay headmaster Mr Murphy in 1982. Willem supervised a
staff of 20 including, ground, kitchen and cleaning staff all living on the property. Currently only
10 members of the ground staff live on the property. His foreman was Julius and George
Ndlovu. It was the beginning of the mission in Kuruman and Willem found that helping Br
Anthony was very special in the early 80’s. They couldn’t get tradesman in that part of the
country and Willem did most of the plumbing. Br Anthony was one of the best men he had ever
met in his life and was very approachable.
Paul Edey came in 1995 as college headmaster and got the school going again together with
the new development plan which saw many changes in the building and development of the
school. When Willem first arrived at the school there was no fence around the property allowing
access to all and therefore there was a problem with theft so Willem started to fence the
property in. He also constructed the roof over the terraces of the swimming pool. The PTA
funded it and Willem completed it at a far lower cost than had been quoted by outside
companies. Willem was also very much involved with the school fetes, twenty-twenty cricket and
the fireworks with this year being the best controlled event so far.
Already a paddler and, at the request of Paul Edey, in 1995 Willem initiated canoeing as an
extra-mural activity at the school. Willem has trained seven or so SA paddlers during that time.
They competed all over the country with the Duzi, Fish River in Craddock, Cape Town, the
Breede Marathon, just about every river race there was. The SA Schools was held in a different
province each year and Willem encouraged some of the weaker boys and saw the boys grow.
Alex Roberts was one of the best paddlers and the best team he ever produced was with Adrian
Gebers who was the first ever St David’s paddler to make a B final overseas in the sprints.
Willem is grateful that through St David’s he was able to give his sons Vaughan and Matthew a
good education. Vaughan, the eldest studied for a BSc Hons Anthropolgy at Wits University and
was the first person to go as a Gap student to Campeltown in Australia and now runs his own
recruiting business after trying various other options beforehand. He also has a carwash
business and was married last year. Matthew was awarded a scholarship at Varsity College but
he is now at the Design School in Greenside and doing well.
JLE November 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Tristan Schafer 2010

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000954
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Tristan Schafer – 2010
Tristan came to St David’s in grade 0 in 1998, the year that grade 0 first started. A photo of himself and
Brendan Mitchell appeared in the local paper at the time.
On his first day he didn’t know anyone and Mrs Milne was his teacher. He remembers that Mrs Milne taught
the boys the alphabet with “Letter Land” and each week a new letter would appear on the chalk board and
one of the boys would be assigned to that letter. Tristan loved the twisty bread which he bought with
tokens and loved running around the playground and the jungle gym.
Mrs Nieman was his grade 1 teacher and he found all the teachers to be quite different, Mr Sinclair who
was extremely well read; Mrs McWilliams; Mr Thackwell an awesome English teacher; Gareth Dry who
brought a huge amount of professionalism and a completely different element to the school, Tristan was in
the choir and sang at the Linder auditorium in grade 6. He remembers the choir received a standing ovation
and also went on tour to the Drakensberg Boys Choir School. The headmaster, Rick Wilson used to come
and read to the boys regularly and his favourite story was that of “King Solomon’s Mines”.
Tristan was not a very good Soccer player but enjoyed the game and the Soccer clinics run by Willy Castle.
He got involved with Canoeing in Grade 5 and with other sport in Grade 7 and swam in the B team and A
team Water Polo until the age of 16 when he concentrated on paddling.
Tristan was an altar server for 5 years from grade 6 until grade 10, with Father Michael who was awesome
and also when Bishop Tigale came to the school. Tristan is not very religious but is a spiritual person.
Tristan connected more with the teachers in high school. In grade 9 he chose to do Business Studies but
hated it and then changed to Art with Anneke Carter, winning the Art prize 3 years in a row; Mohammed
Jena taught Maths and was an awesome teacher who gave a lot of his time and took the boys on a Maths
boot camp before matric; Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh was an old boy teaching English with whom you could
connect. Other teachers who stand out are Stephan Bauer and Bridget Fleming, Geography; Belinda
Marais who was kind hearted; Gareth Kolkenbek-Ruh and Gareth Dry with whom he did film study
“Shawshank Redemption“, “The Mission” and ”Tsotsi” incorporating visual arts, Music, and writing with all
art forms in one which was very creative.; Rod Smith was a cool guy, all the English teachers were good;
Simon Holderness was a great Maths teacher and rugby coach; Shane Lotter who took golf to a different
level; Will van den Berg; Dave Smith. The teachers were all there for the boys supporting a tradition which
holds the school together.
Tristan enjoyed the grade 8 camp, loved playing rugby and water polo and supported 1st team rugby. He
also enjoyed the weekly war cries practices. He still misses eating lunch at break with his pals, there was a
massive feeling of brotherhood and they all helped each other out. His best friends now are boys he got to
know in grade 0. A notable thing is that many of the boys in Tristan’s year went into diverse and
unconventional careers following their passion and included quite a few entrepreneurs. Brad Latilla-
Campbell went to Harvard, Barry Morisse studied Drama at Wits, Chaid White plays soccer for Jomo
Cosmos and Matthew Rigby studied Actuarial Science at Stellenbosch.
2010 was a great year for sport and gave something for the grade 8’s to aim for. The school needs that
kind of continuation. The negative thing that year for Tristan was that the prefects room and that privilege
was taken away and also that Chris Brown, climber who represented South Africa was not given an
honours blazer.
Canoeing or paddling was started at St David’s in 1995 by Willem van der Merwe a very kind hearted man
who helped many boys to find their niche in canoeing. Tristan went on prep and high school canoeing tours
which he found really cool and many of the boys became Springboks. In grade 10 Tristan was canoeing
captain with only 5 boys in the team but by the end of the year there were 25. Tristan firmly believes that
sport should be fun and is to be enjoyed.
Tristan became a prefect and was head of The Bishop’s with Gabriel Ally as head boy. Tristan was
awarded an honours blazer for canoeing and was a peer counsellor in grade 11. In 2010 for the first time,
all the prefects went on a camp with the grade 8’s and Francesco Mariano, head boy 2014, was Tristan’s
After Matriculating, Tristan went onto study at Afda Film School covering acting, film and TV. He continued
to coach the school canoeing team for 3 years until Willem left. Whilst studying, Tristan won a few awards
with other students including the Ster-Kinekor Vision Mission award creating an advertisement for
disadvantaged children which he directed and wrote. Whilst on an exchange at Chapman University in the
US, Tristan was involved with a graduation film group that won pretty much all the categories.
Tristan has now started his own company “Old Soul Films” and is adopting that approach to storytelling and
is hoping to get into web advertising and web series especially in the US, Europe and the East.
Tristan was also involved in some charity work with Absa making 3 short films going into communities and
uplifting them. This included a bakery in Westbury that feeds the local children; a young artist in Alexandra
who was abused as a child; a woman from Somalia documenting her story and how life in Johannesburg
compares favourably to Somalia. He was paid for doing these films but then followed up on his own. Tristan
is also doing some pro-bono work for a girls’ orphanage in Malawi where the girls are taught sewing skills.
He will be filming a short documentary and will be involved in the building and construction of the sewing
Tristan is a member of MOBS and would certainly send any sons he may father to St David’s.
JLE June 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Timothy Marsay 1970

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000953
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Timothy Marsay – 1970
In the November of 1963 Tim moved with his 8 brothers and sisters from Leeds in the UK to South Africa,
as his father had been offered a position with Crossley Carpets as marketing manager.
Tim began his career at St David’s in 1964 aged 10 coming from a Catholic family. The family initially lived
in Fourways on a guest farm before moving to Houghton.
In those days there was an A and B stream and Tim was initially relegated to the B stream moving up to the
A stream in standard 5. It was a complete culture change with a different climate and he had to learn
another type of History and Geography plus another language, Afrikaans. Tim was third in line with six
brothers of whom 5 attended St David’s the younger one going elsewhere. Three of his brothers eventually
matriculated at De La Salle the family was then living in Ferndale.
Br Anthony (Oanges) was the headmaster and Tim remembers struggling to adapt through standard 4 until
standard 5. He participated in soccer and athletics and eventually made some friends which made life
much easier.
His teacher in standard 4 was Mrs Dunsford-White, standard 5, Mrs Kenesovich, a lovely lady but a battleaxe
and Mrs Kempster. Tim’s mother also taught at St David’s for a while. Willy Castle was age 11 in
standard 6, far too young for his class, however he had a strong personality and after his matric in 1968 he
went into the air force and repeated matric in 1970.
In the high school from standard 6 there were two classes for each standard. Tim got very involved with
running formerly a timid child in the prep school he became more confident as he achieved on the sports
field. There was a big race against Marist Observatory and although U13 he ran in the U15 mile and won
the race with his older brother Andrew coming in second. The following Monday, at assembly Br Anthony
announced his achievement which put Tim on the map. He was so successful with his running that he was
prevented from playing rugby in case he was injured. In standard 7 at an athletics meet at Jeppe wearing
borrowed spikes he was observed by a Springbok runner who advised him to rather run barefoot than in illfitting
shoes. Tim then started running at club athletics and inter-provincial events. He was bottom of the
league in club running but eventually represented the province from the age of 16 onwards and Southern
Transvaal in cross country.
He ran for Diggers an Afrikaans speaking club. This improved his Afrikaans but not quite in the way that his
teacher Mr Malan would have liked. He was called out and asked if he was mixing with Afrikaans boys and
it was pointed out to him that certain words were not quite the adjectives to be used in polite conversation!
In 1970 Tim broke the record for the 800m at 2 mins 02.3 secs and the 1500m at 4 mins 17.3 secs. These
records still stand today.
Tim didn’t enjoy cadets and used the excuse of his athletics training to get out of it.
Tim remembered that when he was in standard 6 in 1966 the boys were each given a medal by some
military persona to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Republic of South Africa. He also recalled President
Verwoed being stabbed that year.
In standard 8 a new young priest, Father Tony Bailey came to the Rosebank parish and decided to make a
facility available to the boys from St David’s and the girls from Rosebank Convent. A disco room with a
coffee bar was built as a venue. This was fantastic for the parents as well as the young people who were
dropped off on a Friday night at 6pm and collected at 10.30pm. They were in a safe and supervised
environment and many marriages subsequently followed as a result.
Academically Tim did well and achieved a first class matric he wasn’t a prefect but was vice-house captain
of The Bishops and captain of the athletics team. He was awarded an honours blazer for athletics and
studies, received scrolls for merit, studies and athletics, was a member of the senior Christian life group
and in standard 9 received a prize for Latin.
After matriculating, Tim went into the air force for a year and then went onto RAU where he received a
bursary for his first year. In his second year he was awarded a sports bursary, the first ever. He studied for
a BComm Industrial Psychology but joined his father as a holiday job and is still working for the same
company W Marsay & Sons now known as Marsay Equipment. Tim got on well with his father and enjoyed
working with him.
Tim has two sons, Michael who matriculated at St David’s in 1999 and Chris in 2003. When his son Chris
was in grade 11 and fund raising for the matric dance, Tim participated in an evening when the fathers got
together and put on a show performing stage acts including excerpts from Swan Lake, The Full Monty and
the Rocky Horror Show. They sold tables and made R70 000 in one evening. Everyone involved thoroughly
enjoyed the event and Tim recalls being thrown out of Swan Lake as he couldn’t learn the routine.
Tim is a member of MOBS and is still involved with the school.
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Tim Johnson 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000951
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Tim Johnson – 2003
Tim first came to St David’s from Buccleuch primary in grade 3. His sister was going to high school and the
timing was right for him to change. Tim thinks that St David’s was the only school that he and his parents
looked at. It was difficult at first as all the boys were a tightly knit group and had all started together
however he got to know Michael Thomas and he is currently still his closest friend and they have tendered
for the MOBS home together.
Tim was not really into sports but enjoyed the extra-curricular sport which helped him break the ice with the
other boys. He eventually dropped cricket and concentrated on swimming and played some soccer in the
winter. From grade 5 his swimming became full-time and he got to know Willy Castle well. The prep
swimming team was very successful and unbeaten in grades 5, 6,and 7. In grade7, Tim together with Kyle
Biller went to Germany with the Wanderers swimming club and swam in an international gala. It was a
great experience and they joined in some serious training sessions.
In the high school Tim also played rugby and thoroughly enjoyed it being a member of both A and B teams.
His main sport was still swimming which he took very seriously training both at school and after school and
made both Provincial and Senior National teams. He also was a member of the water polo team, qualified
for the Provincial team and was captain of the 1st team in matric. Sadly he missed out on the rugby tour to
Argentina having given up rugby for swimming.
Tim continued his water polo at Wits University and went to Australia representing Wits University at the
university games. He plays for MOBS and participated in the fund raiser in memory of Justin Bessler.
Of the teachers In the prep Willy Castle was an iconic figure and Tim believed that he helped push him
beyond his boundaries in terms of sport. Tim has remained close to Rick Wilson and found him to be a
genuine, sincere person. Mandy Everson was a particularly good teacher. In the high school, Rod Smith
was a real character; Debbi Cameron cared so much about the boys; Lizanne Nagy held her ground even
though the boys gave her such a hard time and Dave Smith was also a character with a good persona.
Father Brewer held Mass in the old chapel and Tim remembers kneeling on the hard wooden benches and
also that Father Brewer had a scottish terrier and Mr Van Der Merwe a border collie. Paul Edey stands out
as headmaster and as a very good History teacher. Tim thought it was his most interesting subject because
of Paul’s energy and enthusiasm. Tim left St David’s in grade 10 as he wanted to be independent; he went
to Kingswood in Grahamstown but didn’t last long. There were problems at the school but Paul accepted
him back unconditionally. After that experience Tim thought he was number one as headmaster and he
also had great respect for Malcolm Williams.
Academically Tim felt that he could have applied himself a bit more but his real passion and time was
dedicated to sport. However he was in the top class most of the time in high school with Art becoming his
favourite subject and loved the practical aspect of the subject. He was interested in and enjoyed Maths,
Annabel Cotton made Physics exciting and Dave Smith was always entertaining in Geography.
Tim became a prefect and was awarded an honours blazer, specific honours swimming and water polo and
general honours for sport, leadership and merit. He also received many awards for sport and at the annual
prize giving in 2003 was awarded the Reeves Trophy for senior swimmer of the year and the Clark Atwell
Trophy for water polo player of the year.
Special events that Tim remembers are when Marcellin Champagnat was canonised in 1999 and a huge
joint mass was held with all the other schools. His matric dance wasn’t that memorable but the fireworks
evening was, from the beginning on the most favourite evenings when the school took on a different
persona. Champagnat day was always good fun and he remembers the “tug of war” in the prep. Ash
Wednesday was also memorable and although Tim wasn’t Catholic he was exposed to religion and the
Catholic ways and tradition and found it interesting although it was never imposed upon him. Reverend
Bruce was also significant and Tim always enjoyed his lessons which always had a story or strong
The mixed swimming and inter-house night galas were always great fun especially with the girls around.
Tim enjoyed the inter-house plays and always played a minor role. Inter- house events were always fun.
After matriculating, Tim went to Wits University to study BA Architecture and won the People’s Award in his
2nd year for design of a Transvaal home using steel. At the end of the third year they had to do a Gap year
and Tim spent the 1st year in Johannesburg and then went onto London for a further year. He then studied
further for another 2 years doing his BA Hons and then Masters - MArch.Prof. and his thesis focused on
Joubert Park and the Johannesburg Art Gallery.
Tim’s current employer taught him at Wits and offered him a job at her practice, Sarah Calburn Architects.
He deals in mainly residential tailor made houses for specific clients. He has also started his own company
Greenspace Studio and his aim is to be involved in medium scale social and commercial buildings.
Tim is a member of MOBS and has participated in the matric rite of passage.
JLE December 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Tim Forssman 2004

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000950
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Tim Forssman – 2004
According to his father Mark, Tim wasn’t very happy on his first day at St David’s and during the
second week jumped off the jungle gym by accident breaking his arm. Whilst in the junior school
Tim played soccer, cricket and was in the swimming team, water polo and cross country. He
was in the “A” swimming team and won some awards, notably for backstroke and freestyle and
was consistently in the top three swimmers in his age group.
When he was in grade 2, he and some other boys used to play in the area which is now the
astro turf and they were convinced that a dilapidated building, which housed a couple of ground
staff, was haunted and often used to get inside and explore. The deaths of two of the ground
staff had actually occurred in the building previously, which his father had told him about and
sent his imagination running wild.
In high school he also played rugby, was in the swimming and water polo team and again had to
participate in cross country. Tim also assisted with the SMILE programme and enjoyed Music.
He also really enjoyed Champagnat day and having a free non-academic day.
Tim remembers some of the teachers, Mr Mcmillan who used to use his cricket bat to jack boys
in trouble; Mr Van den Berg with his dry sense of humour; Mrs Kennedy; Miss Cambitzis; Mrs
Human; Mrs Marais. Mrs Roman; Mr Dave Smith; Mr Gaffney; Marius Buys; Mrs Cotton; Mrs
Snyman; Father Michael and Reverend Bruce.
Tim was academically average but managed to get 2 distinctions in matric. The turning point for
him was the cultural tour to Egypt in 2004 which influenced his eventual choice of archaeology
as a career.
During the time Tim was in the high school, a Chinese boy Mark Ma joined the school, he
couldn’t speak a word of English and was staying in a flat on his own. A request went out for
parents to accommodate him for a term and eventually after boarding with a couple of families,
the Forssman’s said he could stay with them and he ended up staying with them for 3 years in
standard 9, 10 and for his first year of varsity at Wits studying BSc Building. Mark’s father was
major of a district of Chong Ching which has a population of 32 million people. Tim and his
brother Chris visited him in China in 2009 with Warren and Justin Bessler and Jordan
Forssman. They spent 3 weeks travelling around China visiting some of the major cities and
attractions and spending much time with the Ma family.
Mark recalled another occasion when Tim was running up towards the high school quad
followed by his father, when Br Timothy, who was visiting the school shouted out “That boy must
be a Forssman”.
Tim remembered a time when he and some other matrics were up to a bit of mischief and
decided that it would be great fun to run across the swimming pool on the insulation mats. They
weren’t quite successful in their attempt to run the length of the pool but unintentionally were
tearing them apart and all the little blue balls that were encased in the mats started to come out
and spread across the pool. They were caught by an irate Mrs Snyman whilst vainly trying to
collect all the little balls. Fortunately for them they didn’t hear anymore about the incident.
Tim’s matric dance was held at the Wanderer’s Club and the theme was Studio 54 and the after
party was held at the Red Sun in Rivonia.
When Tim matriculated he went on to Wits University where he studied for a BA, then upgraded
to a BSc and in his honours year specialised in archaeology and geography. He completed his
Masters and PhD in Archaeology doing research in northern South Africa in the Limpopo area.
He is currently undertaking his PhD research at Oxford University and in Botswana. He has
recently completed a book on Bushman Rock Art which will be coming out in May.
JLE April 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Thierry Dalais 1975; St David's Foundation 2006 - 2011

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000948
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Thierry Dalais – 1975
Thierry has had a long association with Marist Brothers. His father went to St Charles and he
himself went to St Charles as a boarder in 1973 at the age of 10, he loved the school and, on
moving to Johannesburg was introduced to St David’s in standard 8 whilst Br Anthony was still
On his first day, school had already started and Br Anthony took him to class 8A (Class 8 was
the smarter class!) and the chaps he then met are still his friends to this day.
Thierry was very involved with sport and played everything that he could including rugby,
athletics, swimming and was a good tennis player together with Michael Lipschitz and Victor
Lalieu (now in Brisbane, Australia). He was a member of the 1st tennis and rugby teams. Brother
Timothy coached the 1st rugby team and became headmaster of the school in 1975.
Academically Thierry did well and together with John Wallington achieved the studies scroll
requiring an average of 60%. He came in late to the school but was accepted and eventually
became a prefect.
Thierry remembers Brothers such as Br Timothy, Br Ezekiel, Br Andrew, Mr Sanders and Mrs
Trudy Elliott. His colleagues included boys such as John Wallington, Case Schilperoot, Marshall
Walford, John Swingler and Mike Black. He has fond memories of assemblies, prize giving,
competitions and big events, debating, swimming galas and water polo matches. Champagnat
day was however not such a big event. Of his last day he recalls nothing remarkable, he has
very fond memories of the school and is proud to have been a pupil and sent his sons to St
David’s although they wanted to go to boarding school, being a boy thing, and one son went
initially to St Andrews and then St David’s and the other two went firstly to St David’s and
afterwards to Michaelhouse.
Thierry recalls that there were issues involved with transition in the school with the boarding
closing and other mostly political issues. The Marist Brothers underwent a tough time and
Brother Jude was very involved with the major issues of the time and the accompanying
financial restraints. The brothers were very good at teaching the boys about what was
happening in the country at the time and were rumoured to have given shelter to members of
the ANC. However there were no more brothers coming in to the country and the schools began
to introduce lay headmasters and teachers.
On leaving St David’s Thierry was awarded a bursary by Anglo American and studied
accounting and commerce at Wits University but eventually served articles and worked as an
accountant with Deloittes. He is currently executive chairman and founder of the Metier Group
based in Johannesburg. The company gives investment advice to “Love Life” and runs their
investment programme, the company’s general social responsibility being currently quite strong.
Thierry is a member of MOBS and spent 5 years on the board of St David’s Foundation, was the
first chairman in 2006 and recalls that it was initially tough going. He thinks the school still has
good values and although it may now be run as a business it has good educational principles
and values. The school has close ties to the Vatican which owns the grounds that the school
Some ideas or projects he would like to see happening within the school:
Perhaps the boys could adopt a year tracing the old boys in that year and get in touch with them
with the idea of putting contemporaries in different decades in touch with each other.
He would like to see the school yearbooks on the school website.
JE February 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

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