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Interview with Batana Vundla 1996

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000709
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Batana Vundla -1996
Batana was a pupil at St David’s from grade 0 to matric and recalls there being at least 3 or 4
black pupils in his year during that time.
Mrs Walton was his grade 0 teacher and he remembers his first day, crying because his uniform
was uncomfortable but by the end of the day he didn’t want to go home.
Mr Royce had a big impact on him in the prep school, and had a steady hand. In the high school
there was Mr Brownlee,(who he understands helped him become a prefect in matric), Mrs
Marais, Mr Edey who enjoyed teaching and was always fair, inspiring but strong.
He has known Mike von Guilleaume since grade 0 and his was the first white person’s home
that he visited. At the time in the 80’s he somehow thought that white people had green blood.
So you can imagine he was a bit nervous sleeping over at his house. Other boys he remembers
are Murray White, the Chandler, Contardo and Fiaschanaro, families. There was a good school
spirit, Sifiso Ngwenya was St David’s first black head boy, the school was ahead of all the other
private schools in this regard. He was grateful for all the support he received and to get such a
good education at St David’s.
He was fortunate as his parents did well and his mother ran the family business. Although he
sometimes had to travel to school in civies (At the time attending school in white areas was
taboo) he always travelled in a private car which helped in getting around. His mother
developed cancer whilst he was in standard 7 and was ill until he matriculated. It was a very
stressful time for him and he didn’t handle it too well.
On the sporting front he played B team soccer, athletics, and cricket in the prep and then A
team rugby in the high school until matric as a wing. In 1995, year of the World Cup the rugby
side was the best St David’s ever had. Mike von Gulleaume was head boy and Johnathan
Kyriakakis, 1st rugby team captain. It was the year of the first overseas tour in which the team
won all of their games and they used to sing Sho Sholoza coming off the pitch. In the opening
game Batana scorred the winning try. He also remembers the game against Bryanston High,
the same day of the Rugby World Cup final, the stands were full, they played really well and St
David’s won. They felt that the Boks would win because they had. In this year Batana was
chosen for Transvaal U18 development team.
He was involved with plays for College house and had mainly bit parts but no major roles. He
was involved with debating and recalls Mrs Henderson who started a campaign asking for
peace in SA, she also taught Geography.
Batana never achieved academically, he admits to being a lazy student who underperformed.
He was relieved on his last day to be finishing school but was nervous and counting the days to
the results. He looked forward to going into the real world. He passed his matric and went to
Wits then onto UCT where he studied Drama.
Batana is currently a film producer working on a production dealing with the protection of
information and corruption in the ruling party. He is also involved in the film industry assisting
youngsters to get into the industry. He has also been on the MOBS committee for the past two
years and would like to send any sons, which he may father, to St David’s.
JE December 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Bart Dorrestein 1966

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000708
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Bart Dorrestein – 1966
At the very beginning of his school career, Bart remembers going to the school outfitters,
Markhams to get his new blazer; Cuthberts for the shoes and books from Hurleys in town. His
mother would then cover the books in brown paper!
Bart thinks of St David’s as having been a fantastic and incredible school and really enjoyed his
time there. He lived in Hurlingham, there were only about 3 houses then just off the Nicol
Highway. He would get a lift to school with the Vonk family and they would travel via a dirt road
past Tara.
The routine was good and he remembers it was exciting waiting for the report card to arrive,
especially in the lower classes. Checking the notice board to see who had been selected for
various teams.
The headmasters during his time were Br Benedict and Br Anthony. He recalled Mrs Brick his
grade 1 teacher, she wore sandals, had bunions and he was dead scared of her. She had a big
ruler with which she smacked the table. He was a left hander and had difficulty with writing and
found her to be a frightening character. The matron was Mrs Buckley-Jones and her son was
head boy for Bart’s matric year.
Other teachers were Mr Martin, grade 2, Mrs Kempster, standard 1, Mrs Humphries standard 2,
Mrs Janusch standard 3, she was a great teacher who also had a son at the school. There was
an incident with Mrs Humphries when she was mistakenly tackled by the boys. The boys used
to stand by the door and tackle other boys as they came in and one day they mistakenly tackled
Mrs Humphries!
Br Vincent taught standard 5 and was a great teacher, sportsman and coach. Br Declan taught
Latin. Br Andrew “Drac” was Maths teacher and soccer coach, a superb man. Bart was the
captain of the U10 soccer team and (Peter Gerard was the goalie). Br Andrew gave them a
good grounding and discipline in Maths and in the manner in which he taught theorems. He
gave Bart a high level of help and appreciation of Maths. He also moulded the boys into a super
soccer team. He took them to Vereeniging in the school bus “Gertie” for a match in a stadium
which they won. He recalls that they used to drive down Loch Avenue at a rate of knots. Br
Mario was a fantastic Science teacher, nicknamed “Boeing” because of his large ears, he nearly
convinced Bart to become a brother. Br Dennis, who used to insist that the boys kept their
hands above their blankets, and would check the boys during the night, he was a great teacher,
sportsman and coach for standard 5. Br Terence Boyle and Br Sean were given bicycles to
enable them to visit families; they both eventually left the order.
Bart received the academic prize in standard 5 and received a cup. Later, he had a good
Afrikaans teacher, Mrs Elsabe Pretorius and was a member of the debating team together with
Patrick Noble. The English pupils had to speak in Afrikaans and vice versa. Jannie Steyn, a
tennis player and Bart, who had Dutch parents spoke about love and won the competition.
During a woodworking class he and Mike Smith made crucifixes which didn’t quite work until
they swopped pieces and then their crucifixes fitted perfectly.
In Science classes they would, as a dare, fill up water bottles which had a pipe, someone would
distract a Brother and the other would squirt water down the side of the cassock where the cane
was kept.
The boys used to time each other when they went into the confessional. Bart was an altar boy
for two masses and was then thrown out, together with Strauss and De Matthaus as they were
caught laughing during the service. It was infectious one would start and everyone else would
join in involuntarily. Father Peter Haskins came to say mass on the first Friday on the month,
Bart managed to put the cloth in the water and when it came to communion he smacked
everyone on the Adams apple with the plate which didn’t go down too well.
Bart was a swimmer, vice-captain of the swimming team, together with Peter Moni, Mike
Beaumont, Alan Curtin, Peter Gerard (Frances’s brother). Leigh McGregor was a Springbok
swimmer and came from a dynasty of top rowers, his son Hank was a Springbok for rowing and
surf ski. Mrs McGregor was one of the mothers who manned the tea and cake stand after the
galas, together with Mrs Moni both of whom were both considered good looking. Bart took her
daughter to the matric dance.
Bart played 3rd team rugby, and participated in athletics. He was also in the U10 cricket team
together with Mike Smith and Mike Beaumont. He opened the batting and got 75 although the
ball was dropped 11 times! Sadly his coach wasn’t watching at the time.
He remembers entering the U12 race for the 220 yards and being placed in the A race and was
given the first lane. He was in the lead, then fell and collapsed onto the cinder track. He cried as
he had tried so hard and he remembers a guy called Milne who carried him off the track.
Chris Terreblanche (deceased) who matriculated in 1964) held the school 100 yard record and
ran against Paul Nash.
There was a very near tragic incident involving a player in the 1st rugby team, when the tackling
machine collapsed on his head. He had to have brain surgery but recovered and became a
There was a big scoreboard on the cricket pitch and during the holidays the boys used to try to
get inside and use it as a club house.
He remembers school colleagues such as Peter Gerard, Olaf Winkler (Omnia Fertilisers),
Frances Gerard, Brian Jarvis, second best friend Derek Schoombie. Boys above him – Rob
Fiore, Ellis, Slabbert, Hartman, Rudell, Nobbs, Ricki Valenti
After leaving school with a first class matric, Bart went to Wits studied for a BSc and went into
business. He is now the chairman of the Legacy Group. His late son also attended St David’s
from grade 1 until standard 5 and, as the school was going through a bad patch went onto St
Johns’ where he became a Junior Springbok water polo player.
Bart says that St David’s was a standard school with no airs and graces and gave the boys a
missionary zeal which is reflected in the boys of that time. It was a school that gave opportunity,
religious education and ethos. He feels that it is this that inspired him and the Legacy Group to
build the “Candle of Hope” which stands outside the Da Vinci hotel and is the beginning of
things to come.
JE November 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Aubrey Chalmers 1955

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000707
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Aubrey Chalmers – 1955
Aubrey’s grandfather attended MBC in Victoria, Australia in the late 1800’s and his father was a pupil at
MBC, Koch Street and his uncle was head boy of Marist Brothers Observatory in 1928.
Aubrey came to St David’s in 1949 in standard 4, his first teacher was Mrs Kempster and the headmaster
was Brother Edwin. Other brothers that he remembers who were at the school at the time were Bothers
Ernest, Benedict, Aquinas (head of Koch Street, “Bulldog”), Alban, Matthew, Pius, Br Gerald and Br Ralph
who taught Afrikaans was a brilliant rugby coach and was nicknamed “BeeGee”. Another brother who
taught Latin and Maths was nicknamed “Caesar”.
Br Edwin was a great disciplinarian but the boys loved and respected him – the atmosphere grew very quiet
when he was around and you could hear a pin drop. Aubrey respected Br Edwin and found him to be
straight forward. Although he was a sick man he had a good sense of humour and kept good control of the
Aubrey remembered when he received six of the best after an incident in the dining room during grace with
the usual competition to gain possession of the milk jug from another boy. Aubrey ended up suddenly
holding the jug as the other boy released his hold and the jug’s contents shot over his shoulder and Br
Benedict ended up totally white.
On his first day the boys were up at 6.00am, shower, breakfast followed by line up and they finished school
work by 2.45pm, had tea went to the dorms and changed into sports gear.
There were 4 dormitories accommodating 44 boys with a brother responsible for each dorm. There were
boys from all over including Mozambique, Zambia, Rhodesia and Angola. On Friday nights matron Mrs
Knight randomly selected boys for a dose of castor oil
Once the boys were playing mini cricket in the dorm with Br Alban using a golf ball which involved breaking
a window and a hapless, rather studious boy who read a lot ended up taking the blame.
Aubrey was a swimmer, age group champion and was a member of Malvern Swimming Club. He swam for
the Transvaal after leaving school. In athletics, Aubrey was mainly a hurdler, represented the school and
was champion until U15. Aubrey also played rugby. As a boarder the boys did everything. Because of the
school’s low numbers the school only had A and B teams. The rugby team played Obs, Jeppe, KES, CBC
Boksburg, Springs and Germiston Boys High, Forest High and Parktown Boys. Obs and Inanda combined
to swim in the high school galas at Ellis park and always came second with KES being the top school.
There were few tours in those days and in 1955 SACS came up from Cape Town with the 1st XV rugby
team with boys from their 6th form – who were already shaving!
Specific events that Aubrey remembers are the day Marcellin Champagnat was beatified, a special
occasion and Aubrey still has the key ring commemorating the day; beating KES at rugby, the annual
triangular with Germiston Boys High, Springs Boys High and Marist Brothers Inanda.
Aubrey was in the school choir and participated in “HMS Pinafore” directed by Mr Drummond-Bell.
Aubrey’s class of 24 was the largest matric class and the school’s total numbers were around 200 boys. In
a “Spotlight on the matrics of ‘55”, Aubrey was elected the Best Storyteller.
Boys at school with him were Graeme Talbot, Errol Goeller, Andrew Oakes, Richard Rowan Irwin (who
gained the highest marks in law that Wits University had ever seen), Robin Manners, Brunton was head
boy and another boy Michael Finger was nicknamed “Tom Thumb”.
Aubrey was never unhappy and enjoyed his schooldays it was a lovely environment to be in with a good
upbringing. Aubrey was upset when Br Urban died and another sad incident was when a young pupil
Barrenbrugg died in a motor accident outside the school.
Aubrey wasn’t awarded colours mainly because of the polio outbreak and sporting events were cancelled.
Ian Kirley who was also awarded the provincial blazer was head boy for two years – in 1952 colours were
taken away and several boys were demoted. Br Edwin appointed Kirley in standard 9, there was a big
shake up in the school.
In his matric year Aubrey had decided to become a brother but during the course of the year he decided
against it and went instead to Wits University and studied for a Higher Diploma in Clinical pathology. He
was initially going to study pharmacy but after a stint working in a pharmacy during the holidays decided
that he would be a glorified shop assistant. He eventually became a clinical pathologist involved with
medical research and was the head technologist at the Blood Transfusion Service from 1963 to 1983
producing albumen. Later he was employed by Millipool, a US company until 2000 and spent 4 months in
Boston. Aubrey has worked in Wadeville for the past 11 years with Clinx Waste Management.
Aubrey’s wife is a nursing sister and they had two sons who were unable to attend St David’s as they lived
in Germiston at the time and there was no longer a boarding facility.
JLE February 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Anthony Stanley 1968

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200706
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Anthony Stanley – 1968
Anthony was a boarder at St David’s from 1963, standard 6. He initially went to Bryanston
Primary and found it strange as a new boy jostling for position with boys who had known each
other for some time. After the first couple of weeks he really enjoyed it. He loved the boarding
even though the family home wasn’t far away in Shepherd Avenue, Bryanston. One thing that
really stands out in his memory was the early morning mass and going to the courtyard
afterwards for coffee and a slice of bread and butter with his breath steaming in the cold air.
Anthony participated in the sporting activities swimming, athletics, cross country, tennis and
hockey where the boys played against some girls schools! He was also in the 1st rugby and
cricket teams and also played chess. He played flank in the 1st team in 1968 and recalls there
was a photo in the “Southern Cross”. The matches against Observatory and Parktown Boys
were always great; there was a lot of competition between the schools which generated a lot of
enthusiasm. Anthony really enjoyed the rugby games in which his younger brother Tim played,
he was a full back and kicked well. He now lives in Australia. Anthony remembered how, in his
matric year he was so sick with a cold but was determined to play in the last rugby game
against Parktown Boys. Other members of the team were Demata and Stravino.
Anthony recalled the trips to matches in the old school bus and going over the humps at St
Stithians which threw the boys out of their seats. He was a prompt for a play which took place at
the Sandown Hall.
There was talent contest in which Curtin was the drummer and Tony Riviera played guitar.
Brother Anthony was quite a character and used to tell the boys that he would show them how
to kick and would demonstrate by hitching up his cassock and kicking the rugby ball soundly.
There were other brothers such as Br Andrew (Drac), Br Michael who left a year after Anthony,
Br Liam who used to get the boys to warm themselves up by jumping up and down and
thrashing their arms about in the freezing classroom. Br Edwin, who was very old, was still at
the school but no longer teaching. Mrs Janusch was a tyrant and used to hit the boys’ fingertips
with her cane. Mrs Pretorius was gorgeous and taught Afrikaans, he remembers her saying to
him “Stanley, I don’t know what you are going to do because you cannot speak Afrikaans”. The
brothers were not trained teachers but weren’t too bad and in particular Br Mario – Science,
made things interesting. Some boys built the first computer in the school during Anthony’s time
in his class.
The discipline was good and the boys respected the necessity for it and there was no bullying.
Academically Anthony did reasonable well, there was a carefree attitude in the JMB class but he
achieved his matric. Willy Castle was in his matric year but in the Transvaal matric class and
was an incredible sportsman.
He took Alex Le Vieux, Pierre’s sister to the matric dance and had a great evening in the
boarder’s dining room.
After leaving St David’s Anthony studied for a BSc and BSc Hons at Wits University and had
started his Masters when he decided to study Medicine. He then had to do his military service at
a mission hospital in Nongoma, Zululand and also did 6 months on the border. He was then a
registrar qualifying as a physician in 1984 and then went on to become a cardiologist in 1988
and is currently practising at Sunninghill Hospital. He has two stepsons who were already pupils
at St Stithians when he met his wife. His daughter is a psychologist and his son went to Hilton
and is studying neurology at UCT.
He remembers Frank Cattich and is still in touch with Joe Stravino and Patrick Quarmby.
JE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Anthony Reilly - Board of Governors 1997 - 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000705
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Anthony Reilly – board of governors 1997 – 2003
Terence Wilkinson the then chairman of the board of governors brought Tony onto the board in 1997. Tony
is Catholic, was educated at CBC, Kimberly and his son was a pupil in the prep school at the time. Terence
was also instrumental in finding Paul Edey for the position of Head master.
At the time the development plan was underway which involved the building of the Champagnat hall and
library with Kevin Brewer being the genius behind that project. They were completed on time and within
Tony was reluctantly appointed chairman of the board in 2001, Tony had just been promoted at Lonmin to
the position of director of corporate affairs which took up a lot of his time and he couldn’t get so involved
with St David’s. However he attended all the meetings and did what was required of him but Paul Edey and
his team were left very much to get on with it. The meetings of the board were often concerned with
financial issues, bad debtors, the building of the hall, high school pavilion; extensions to the prep school
and the prep and high school libraries, the latter however were fortunately funded by an anonymous donor.
During his tenure, Tony recalled the renewal of the lease of the land the school is on, when the rental had
been increased substantially by Rome. The Marist ethos has always had an emphasis on the poor and
needy communities and St David’s had unfortunately morphed into an exclusive enclave and now there is
an ongoing major issue of balance.
Tony asked Robin Smith to join the board in 2001 to be involved with fundraising and he is still active but
now with the Foundation. During Tony’s term on the board, the educational trust was formed which was the
basis of the current Foundation. In the early days the bursary boys were either indigent, good scholars or
good sportsmen and unfortunately there was a great deal of resentment that their school fees were
subsidised by a portion of the whole school fees. Many parents struggled financially to keep their boys at St
David’s and questioned why part of the school fees was used in this way. It became a major issue but now
it is no longer the case with the Foundation and Marist old boys paying the fees for the bursary boys. The
Foundation has made this more professional.
JLE March 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Anthony Chappel - Board of Governors 2001 -2007 Foundation 2006 - 2014

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000704
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Anthony Chappel – Board and Foundation 2001 to date
Tony has seen two of his sons matriculate at St David’s, Daniel in 2007 and Patrick in 2009 with both sons
starting their career at St David’s in Grade 0.
Tony is Catholic and was educated at CBC in Springs and his father at CBC Boksburg and is a director of
the law firm, Norton Rose Fulbright based in Sandton.
In 2001, Tony joined the board of governors of St David’s, proposed by Eric Annegarn, vice-chairman. At
the same time Robin Smith also joined the board and Tony Reilly was chairman. Tony was on the board for
7 years and retired as chairman of the board in 2007. Tony is currently a trustee of the St David’s
Tony asked the board for a mandate to establish a foundation and led an investigation into this, preparing
the constitution in 2004. Paul Edey’s wife Susan put Tony in touch with Chantal Ratcliff, an experienced
and very practical fund raiser. Chantal knew how foundations worked and how to make them successful.
Her advice was that the board must be really committed, embrace the concept and understand exactly how
it should work bearing in mind that there is not a culture of giving in South Africa. Chantal was appointed in
2005 and was involved in the development of the Foundation for 4 years. There is no doubt that she played
a significant role in the success of the Foundation which was established in 2005. Tony’s vision was that
the Foundation would endow the school adding value, assisting in transforming the school and that the
Foundation would be used to mobilize MOBS (Marist Old Boys). Tony believes that you cannot have a truly
great school without its old boys being involved and supportive of it.
Thierry Dalais was the first chairman of the Foundation in 2006 and Robin Smith the current chairman
being an ex officio trustee whilst he was chairman of the board of governors.
Following his appointment as executive head in 2002, and prior to his joining Gibbs, Paul Edey had
indicated to Tony that he needed to move on and suggested that a consultant would perhaps be better
suited to the role of executive head of the school. Paul had mentioned Mike Greeff, a businessman with a
passion for education, who had run some staff workshops. Tony, then chairman of the board, followed up
on this idea and Mike was eventually appointed as the chief executive in 2006.
JLE August 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Angelo Haggiyannes 1974

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000703
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Angelo Haggiyannes – 1974
Angelo was day boy, with a brother Paul who matriculated in 1970. Angelo acknowledged that
the boarding facility had held the school together with its team spirit and sport especially
suffered when the boarding closed, the numbers declined and the spirit wasn’t there. In 1974
there were 263 pupils in the high school and then 1 boy was expelled.
He recalled his first day in standard 4 in 1968, Mrs Kempster was the headmistress and he met
his first friend playing marbles in the area next to what is now the Chapel of Mary. He was
originally at H A Jack and then his father decided to send him and his brother to St David’s. His
brother went into standard 6.
He was captain of the B swimming team, captain of the athletics team and played rugby until
standard 7 when he was badly injured, his left arm still shows the results of that injury. He was
awarded an honours blazer which he still has. He wasn’t a great academic, but had an ability
with the written word and did take part in the debating society and drama. He played the lead
role of Thomas More in the play ”Man for All Seasons”. It was during rehearsals at Rosebank
Convent that he saw Rosemary, his wife for the first time and said to his friend “that’s the girl I
am going to marry”. Four of the boys in his year married girls from Rosebank Convent.
He was the second non-Catholic pupil to become head boy, the first was Buckley-Jones. He
was elated when made head boy, the competition was strong, but it was the first year that the
boys voted which was probably the reason he was elected. Alan Van Den Handel was vice
head boy and his brothers Rick Standard 8 and Theo followed.
During his time at St David’s there were no black pupils but in 1973 an exchange student came
from the USA, he was black, it caused quite a stir and the school came in for a lot of flak over
He knew Br Anthony and Br Timothy well. Other brothers were Br Mario (Boing) Br Andrew
(Drac) who was mean and drew blood; Br Bernard (he left the brotherhood); Br Aidan who was
involved with the boarders and controlled their purse strings; Father Plestus; Mrs Kempster.
He recalled the stables where the grade 00 block is now and “The Inandas” weren’t there.
Most of the boys in his time did well and went into the corporate environment; some such as
Thierry Dalais became brave and opened their own private financial institutions. Greg Boyes-
Varley, another old boy and Angelo’s surgeon, epitomises what the school stands for “Take
Courage and Be a Man”. Boyes-Varley had a cleft palate and a stutter for which he was
mocked, a humble man who became one of the country’s best maxilla facial surgeons.
His last day was rather a letdown and he remembers some of the boys went to his home for a
few beers. He was a people’s person and knew every boys name in the school. This principle
he took into the business world.
On leaving school he went to Wits and studied for a BA Law, went into the army for two years,
came back and did an LLB and was admitted as an attorney in 1986. He practised for five years
and then went into insurance.
MOBS put some money towards the bar in the College Pavillion including Mark Waner, Willy
Benson (DBN), Greg Hut (NZ), Alan Van Den Handel, John Koel (Dbn) became an actuary with
Liberty Life, Colin Richardson – senior partner, Mercedes Benz, Rivonia Rd.
JLE November 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Andy Simaan 1972 Standard 9

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000702
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Andy Simaan – 1972 Std 9
Andy really enjoyed being at St David’s and wanted to write his matric here but, due to a
disagreement between his father and Brother Anthony, he was transferred to Marist Brothers
Observatory. He hated it there and was bullied by both boys and teachers. There was great
rivalry between the two schools and they hated each other. The dispute between Brother
Anthony and his father concerned a boy who was initially denied his colours and scroll for rugby
but was eventually awarded both. This taught Andy not to interfere with his children’s schooling.
Andy would have loved to have continued at St David’s and knew he would have become a
prefect and would have been awarded his honours blazer, however, maybe he would not have
met his wife who was also a pupil at Rand Tutorial.
Andy began his time at St David’s in grade 2 coming from St Paul’s. His first teacher was Mrs
Scaafsma, Brother Anthony was headmaster, and Brother Andrew vice-principal, who was
He believes he was fortunate to have had the brothers who were very dedicated and the
boarders who brought a special spirit to the school. He was very sad when the boarding was
closed down as he felt that the boarders held the school together. It was great to be brought up
a Catholic in a Catholic school, the boys were exposed to other religions and other cultures,
boys both rich and poor which made them much more tolerant. The boys were passionate about
the school.
Andy and his brothers used to have to milk the cows in the morning and bottle the milk which
they then delivered on the way to school. They lived on a farm in Buccleuch and times were
Andy was no academic but loved his sport. Andy’s father coached 1st team rugby. Andy was
selected for Craven rugby and was also a good tennis player.
The boys used to challenge each other at the end of the year as to how many cuts of the cane
they had received during the year. They used to line up for caning. He and John Jacob were
caned by Brother Andrew with his chain and they both bled. However he feels they were
brought up as gentlemen and had the right upbringing at school but were very naughty.
He missed 7 months of school, and eventually went to Rand Tutorial College for two years
where he wrote matric and became head boy. On leaving school, he went into the army in 1975
and 1976 which he loved because of the sport. Then he started working in a motor spares shop
and at the age of 27, married with two children, he decided to work for himself and opened up
Retail Management Services. He has been in the business for 30 years and now employs 1000
people; his company represents 12% of the total non-food business throughout South Africa
and neighbouring states. He opened an office in Dubai 4 years ago, is involved in property
development, game lodges and hotels. Another not so happy event was the jailing, 7 to 8 years
ago of another former St David’s pupil Gordon Ramsey who embezzled him out of R16 million.
Instead of giving clients gifts at Christmas he and his wife used that money to open an
orphanage catering for 30 children and adopted a little boy when he was 3 weeks old. He is now
7 and has brought a lot of joy into their lives. He has two other children and three grandchildren,
his daughter Samantha taught at St David’s for a year and his son Gareth runs his own hotel
Gareth was also a pupil at St David’s and Paul Edey supported him and because of that he
became a prefect. Paul saw in him what his parents did and Gareth idolised him. There is an
amusing story about him. He was the first Marist boy to win the Rotary award which he very
reluctantly accepted at a school assembly. He was reluctant as, on one occasion at the age of
16 whilst his parents were away, he “borrowed” his father’s Porche and, with a group of 4 other
boys, was caught in a police road block. They were locked up, some teachers bailed them out
and negotiated on their behalf, hence they were allowed to do community service instead of
being jailed, which is how he got the Rotary award. As he was the leader,he got all his mates to
help him and the other four to finish some of their projects. He didn’t want to admit to this and
only told his father much later when he was 21.
Another story which Andy told was very moving and occurred during the time when he and his
wife were recently married with no children and staying in a block of flats in Highlands North
Corner, Johannesburg. A cafe owned by Uncle Harry Nicolau was below the block of flats. At
the end of every month Uncle Harry noticed that Andy and his wife did not buy their usual loaf of
bread and bottle of milk. He then sent his young son, Stavros upstairs to deliver bread and milk
to them at no charge, at the end of each month. Andy questioned Uncle Harry on the first
occasion and said it was not needed. Harry knew that Sandy and his wife could not afford the
bread and milk and insisted that he wasn’t prepared to listen to any excuses and that young
Stavros would be bringing up bread and milk at no cost. Harry knew that one day Andy would
pay for it.
When Andy and his wife moved out of the flat it always bothered him that he had not thanked
Uncle Harry appropriately and made a mental note to do something for him to show his
appreciation. The bread and milk had been important to him and his wife when they had very
little else to eat. However, when he did go back to the cafe to see Harry it was to find out that he
had recently died.
During his later years in business, he and his brother interviewed many people for the position
of marketing director for their pharmaceutical company. Andy was adamant that an
inexperienced young man that they had interviewed was the only choice. Without knowing him
and recognising him they employed him and he proved to be a great success in their business.
One night at a conference, Andy related the story of Uncle Harry to his directors and clients and
made the point that everyone should ensure that they always thanked someone for assisting
them, no matter how small or large the contribution was and, that he had regretted all his life
that he was unable to thank Uncle Harry for the kindness he had shown towards his wife and
himself. He would never be able to pay him back as he had already passed away. The young
man they had employed responded and said that was not correct as he had paid him back, he
had employed his son. The young man’s name was Stavros Nicolau!
JE January 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Andrew Kirkland 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000701
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Andrew Kirkland – 2005
Andrew came to St David’s from Bryandale Primary in 2000, he was accompanied by three other boys
including Sean Howell; Curtis Montgomery. He had to jockey for position amongst the majority of boys who
had graduated from the prep school and who already knew each other, however he made friends quite
The Glenmore camp was a big introduction for him, helping him to settle down into the school and Osmond
He found it to be very different from a co-ed school, with a lot more direction and team building and with
hindsight the camp was pretty good.
The main reason he wanted to attend St David’s was because of the sport and his keen interest in cricket,
having played provincial cricket at primary school level. St David’s had a more personal side to its sporting
activities. Andrew played A team cricket all the way through high school. He was always the smallest boy in
the team and at the age of 15 and 16 he struggled. In another school Andrew believes he wouldn’t have
had the same opportunities. After grade 9, Andrew went through a slump in his cricket then picked up again
and did well. He was the top run scorer in the 2004 Beckwith week and subsequently got selected for the
U17A Gauteng team. He followed that up with the second leading run scorer in the 2-05 Beckwith week
and selected for the Gauteng U19B.
Highlights were the Australian Tour in 2003, when he was in grade 10 playing in the Marist Schools festival
in Bunbury in Perth, winning every game and beating St Josephs, the top Marist cricket school in Australia.
In the final game they played against St Gregory’s and lost by 1 run. The boys on the tour became very
close and still keep in touch. The highlight was winning the Beckwith week as leading run scorer and
achieving his specific honours for cricket in grade 11.
Andrew played B team rugby in grade 8, but it wasn’t the sport for him and in grade 9 he made the change
to hockey and played 1st team from grade 10. Through hockey he became friends with Kelsey Stewart and
Bryce Wray and attended provincial training camps in 2004. Alex Gitlin was very involved with the hockey
and was a good but very tough coach culminating in a successful Malaysian hockey tour and peaking at the
independent schools tournament at St Andrews in Grahamstown for their centenary anniversary where St
David’s won all their games. Andrew remains friends with Alex today.
Andrew was awarded an honours blazer, full colours for cricket and hockey, winning cricketer of the year in
2004 and 2005 and was sportsman of the year in 2005.
Andrew recalls his matric dance as being a bit of a disaster, he didn’t get the date he wanted and he was in
charge of the limo’s for the evening. They got there alright but the limo didn’t come to fetch them until the
early hours of the morning so they missed the after party.
Academically Andrew did alright but sport took first place and only when he reached varsity did he realise
what studying was all about.
The teachers he remembers most are Mr R Smith, housemaster and English –also taught the boys life
lessons; Mrs D. King another excellent English teacher; Mr D. Smith – Geography; Simon Holderness -
Maths, he organised the Malaysian hockey tour in 2004 and Mr Gitlin – hockey. Paul Edey was the most
well respected headmaster and an incredible guy, when he spoke the boys listened.
After matriculating, Andrew acquired enough points to be accepted to study for a BSc Construction and
BSc Hons at Wits University. Andrew also played cricket at Wits and originally wanted to play cricket for
Hampshire, England but there were many delays and he ended up studying at Wits for 5 years which
turned out to be better for him in the long run. During his first year there he felt he had a definite advantage
coming from St David’s as much of the work in the first year was covered, especially Maths that he had
done before. He did well in his thesis coming first. It was the first academic prize he had ever won and his
father teased him about it. It was quite hard going through university as he was also working for his father.
Andrew was involved with the organisation of old boys versus Ist team cricket eleven in August this year
with the old boys the victors. He also participated in the One Touch soccer events for the past two years.
Andrew currently works in the family business Spiral Engineering, specialising in structural steel
architectural steel and spiral staircases, winning the steel award for the Malapa Beetle Project in the Cradle
of Humankind in 2014 in conjunction with Wits University. Andrew is project manager having graduated
from small accounts to larger ones. He was involved with numerous steel projects such as Soccer City,
Wits building rejuvenation, Standard Bank, Rosebank but unfortunately, with the labour problems
experienced of late the company has been forced to limit their projects. The company is involved with
community projects such as the Cosmo City Creche, the Malapa Beetle Project in the Cradle of
Andrew is a Member of MOBS and any son of his would definitely come to St David’s.
JE October 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Allan Wotherspoon 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000699
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Allan Wotherspoon – 1980
Allan came to St David’s in the junior school but then left and went to the UK for 4 years and on his return
went into the high school. In principle he was put into the same class as people he would have been with in
junior school such as George Daras who was his closest friend in junior school, but had a different group of
friends by senior school, so Allan joined a new group of friends at senior school. Three of those five friends
now live close enough in Australia that they keep in touch on a regular basis.
Allan lived close enough to the school to be a day boy and saw his close friends out of school on a regular
basis but still had his parents and sisters around him. As he was one of the youngest in his class he had to
play sport with guys from the year below for many years.
He recalled Mr McFadden as he enjoyed History and remembered his favourite quote of “A for away and O
for Go”.
Allan enjoyed the sport, athletics 100, 200, 400 and 800m, physical education and especially games like
gaining ground, the odd game of cricket when he scored 50 runs or took a hat trick for the 2nd 11 team, or
played a good game of rugby. In athletics one year Allan broke a couple of school records and was victor
ludorum of both track and field, ending up with quite a few trophies and his father was asked to donate one
of them. Allan also ran in inter schools competitions.
He didn’t enjoy Afrikaans as he never had a good grasp of the language and struggled to pass the exams.
He disliked the sadistic canings by the headmaster and brothers and the attempts at bullying himself and
his friends.
Some disappointments included not being able to compete in running for athletics and not getting an
athletics scroll or honours blazer. Allan also had an accident which meant that he had to write his matric
exams with the wrong hand.
In standard 9 the boys decorated the hall and he recalled the difficulty and shyness of getting a date. His
matric dance was a great night out, the hall looked good and it was fun dressing up smartly.
On his last day he recalls all of the boys signing their school shirts, sneaking back in the middle of the night
and putting toilet rolls to stream all over the place.
After matriculating, Allan went on to Wits University to study BSc Commerce and completed many courses
throughout his business career. He is currently employed as an IT manager. Allan is still in touch with Lloyd
Wilkins (who he has known for 33 years), Brian Muller and Geoff Slaven, all living in Australia and literally
bumped into Gavin McLauglin who used to live in the same housing estate as his parents and went running
with him on weekends whilst he was temporarily staying in SA.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Allan Schwarer 1941- 1945

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200399
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Allan Schwarer – 1941 – 45
Allan and his brother Paul attended Saxonwold Primary until Marist Inanda opened in 1941 and
were pupils at the school until they were relocated to Kimberly.
Allan recalled that Br Urban was the headmaster and a Br Pius was the eldest brother and well
liked by the boys. Br Urban came from Australia and Allan’s father helped him with regard to
local regulations etc regarding building work. As far as he can remember the school started with
Allan’s family lived next to the Killarney golf course in West Street and he remembers playing in
a lane than ran alongside their property. To get to school they caught a bus as far as Dunkeld
and from there the school provided a taxi. All the roads to the north were dirt roads and Inanda
was very much in the country.
Other boys that he remembers being in his class were Michael Clarke, Steve Muller and Carl
Vermeulen. They used to play marbles in the quad and cricket although there was no soccer.
The school’s chapel was upstairs,
Allan currently undertakes legal work for the Catholic church.
JE July 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alison Smith - Parent

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000398
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Alison Smith – Parent
Alison has been associated with St David’s from 1997 until 2012 whilst her sons Alistair and Stuart were
pupils at the school. She also assisted with a number of projects and stood in as “Matron” on a number of
Alison helped behind the scenes in a number of ways believing that care and support stand out at St
David’s. A qualified nurse, she assisted Father Michael with special dressings when he contracted cellulitus
after his knee surgery and provided Monday evening meals for him and Father Chaka for some time.
Alison was on the line at rugby matches ready to assist if necessary and recalls meeting a rugby union
referee who she found impressive and particular in his requirements from medical support at matches.
Encouraged by Sharmani Pillay, the school’s child psychologist, she put together the manual for schools
writing the “Grief, Loss and Bereavement Policy for Schools”. Eric Annegarn’s company assisted in the
printing and publication of the manual.
Having the time, knowledge and connections with Hospice, Alison also arranged that Caren Marcus
undertake two workshops with teachers before the school term started covering other aspects of grief, loss
and bereavement in a school context. The workshops were entitled “Bereavment in Schools” and “Hot
Chocolate for the Teachers’ Soul”.
The Catholic School of Education also asked Alison and Sharmani to present a workshop for boys in
Catholic schools. This was a valuable experience and, judging by the feedback was worthwhile.
Alison is also closely involved with “Children of Fire” and St David’s has participated by the outreach
programme in community service with the organisation. Two boys Ruelle Jarvis and Joshua Jarvis are
currently being educated at St David’s with a bursary from the Foundation.
Some experiences have not been pleasant and Alison and her mother were hijacked at gunpoint whilst
waiting for the boys outside St David’s. The school was very supportive in helping them both to deal with
the trauma. Ten days later Judy Sexwale hit the headlines when she too was hijacked at gunpoint at the
same spot.
As Alison’s husband Robin has been a member and chairman of the board of governors and is the current
chairman of the Foundation, she is still very much involved with the school behind the scenes.
JLE September 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alfred Lamberti 1951

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000397
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Alfred Lamberti – 1951
Alf first came to St David’s in 1941 at the age of 9. He had been boarding at St Joseph’s Convent in
Krugersdorp from the age of 4 and, unfortunately he didn’t receive much in the way of basic education at
Joseph’s, his parents spoke Italian and he therefore found school rather difficult.
Alf admits that he was quite a naughty boy and was always up to all sorts of tricks. Alf had to repeat
standard 8 as the brothers advised his parents that he would fail his Matric as his Afrikaans was not good
enough, so Alf was sent to an Afrikaans family on a farm in the Krugersdorp area for 6 months to learn the
language. As Alf’s father was Italian he was interned during the war in Koffiefontein and was unable to pay
Alf’s school fees. The brothers allowed him to stay at the school as his father promised he would repay
them once he was released and could find employment. He was a shoemaker but then became a tailor,
together with his brothers, initially as a cutter then designer and worked for Stanger and Co. making air
hostess uniforms for a big contract.
Alf remembers that St David’s when he first came to the school had just opened, wasn’t really finished and
there were holes in the walls. Brother Alban was in charge of his dormitory which had a flat roof outside.
The boys were not allowed radios so they rigged up a copper wire aerial connected to a crystal set with ear
There was a line of pine trees separating the school from its neighbours by the swimming pool. Some of the
boys decided to make a hidey hole where they could go and smoke in peace, they dug a hole under the
fence and scattered the sand on the roadway. Br Alban spotted it but gave them a day to fill in the hole
thinking they wouldn’t manage it in time. The boys set to and filled the hole with pine needles and topped it
off with sand, however, after the first big storm the needles collapsed and the hole opened up again but Br
Alban didn’t pursue the matter any further. Sometimes Br Alban would have to punish the boys but noting
the marks from recent canings would hit a pillow with his cane and tell the boys to act as if they had been
The brothers were extremely strict disciplinarians and on one occasion, Br Thomas who taught Maths
asked Alf to write something on the board, Alf made a mistake, Br Thomas aimed for Alf’s head, missed
and his fist hit the board but then he caught Alf from behind.
Volunteers were asked to plant kikuyu grass on the rugby field and cricket oval and they became known as
the “Labour Gang”. One advantage was that on a Sunday the gang was told to sit at the big table next to
the kitchen and they were fed bacon, eggs, toast and marmalade whilst the other boys got the usual fair of
unappetising mealie meal porridge. During the war years there was no bread available and the boys were
given a type of biscuit that was full of weevils with which the boys set up races.
As the school did not have a projector or screen, on some Saturdays the boarders would form a line and
head for the shopping centre which housed the Odeon bioscope via Dunkeld. Unbeknown to the brothers,
the boys would steal items of food from the shops on the way. Eventually the school did acquire a projector
and screen and the “Labour Gang” was allowed to choose the movies but they weren’t very popular as they
preferred action and cowboy movies whilst some of the other boys would have liked movies with girls in
them. The “Labour Gang” under the guise of repairing fences would go into neighbouring orchards and
collect fruit which they then shared with the other boys.
Sport included rugby, although they couldn’t play much until the grass had grown, football, cricket, tennis
and swimming. The brothers had designed a canvas contraption with ropes attached with which they walk
along by the side of the pool dragging a boy along – swimming lessons! Everybody had to participate in
sport, Alf was very competitive and enjoyed running. He also tried his hand at boxing and lost a fight
against Norman Morgan managing three rounds loosing on points.
Alf remembers Br Edwin who was the headmaster in 1950, there was something wrong with his neck and
he had to learn to drive a car using the mirrors as he couldn’t turn his head to see. The brothers he
remembers are Br Alban, Br Edwin, Bartholemew, Clement and Thomas. There were new brothers coming
all the time as they were swopped around between the various schools – Koch Street, Observatory and
Inanda. Inanda and Obs were very competitive.
On Champagnat day a mass was held at St David’s.The boys had dancing lessons but girls were not
allowed! Of his contemporaries Setty Risi is his cousin, Steve Muller was his optometrist and Ray Metcalf
who was Rhodesian used to stay with Alf during the holidays and he remembers Charlie MacAdam,
Norman Morgan and Itoro Baroni.
Just across the road was the Polliack property with a beautiful and lavish garden with an amphitheatre and,
after Bubbles Schroeder was murdered there, a group of boys decided to assist the police and went to look
for the missing handbag and shoes. They turned the amphitheatre in the garden upside down but then Mr
Polliack must have let the dogs and out and they had to run for it over the split pole fence, they all made it
but for one unfortunate rather overweight boy who caused the fence to collapse under him.
Alf was lucky not to be expelled after all these exploits but there was one important rule – you didn’t squeal
on your pals.
Alf managed to get a third class Matric and went to Wits University to study engineering but battled with the
Maths and failed the first year. He then went and found a job and attended Technical Trade School
studying industrial chemistry. He qualified, was awarded a diploma and began his first job as a laboratory
assistant at African Glue Industries. There were quite a few houses on the property, tennis courts and a
pool and Alf and his wife moved in with their birds and rabbits. Eventually they found the smell too much
and moved back into town into Hillbrow and his wife, a qualified nurse worked in the hospital. Initially they
were going to adopt a child and bought a house to qualify but then had two children of their own – Pia and
Mario. Sadly Mario died at the age of seven in a car accident outside a noviciate in Germiston during a day
of prayer. Alf’s wife never got over the loss of her child and after 57 years of marriage died of cancer. Alf
remarried but sadly his second wife died of Aids which she contracted whilst treating patients at the
pharmacy where she worked. His daughter, Pia is a Doctor of Linguistics working at the University of
Johannesburg, she is a single mother to Sophia. Alf, a devout Catholic, he and his wife both visited
Lourdes, feels that his mission in life is now to ensure that his granddaughter becomes a Catholic.
JE October 2014
Maristonian 1949 p61
Maristonian 1949

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alf Smith 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000396
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview Alf Smith – 1962
082 441 7227 011 782 -7376 (Home)
Boundary Rd was a dirt road next to the golf course and Sandton consisted of small holdings
with lots of fruit trees. The boundary of the school was the old farm. Br Pius who taught his
father at Koch St, resided in a cottage in the school grounds and maintained the beautiful
gardens where the administration block was built. The prep playing fields consisted of sand
fields, an oval with grass and a cinder track for athletics. There were three fields below the
existing swimming pool which comprised a small soccer pitch and rugby fields. The acquisition
of additional grounds for the school was a big moment.
Alf started in grade 2 in 1952 and lived in the Wynberg/Bramley area. His first day at school was
not an easy one as, in grade 1 he had initially gone to St Paul’s, the school attached to
Maryvale Parish. He was very unhappy at St Paul’s and was taken out after 6 months. He then
had private teaching from one of the sisters from Alexander Convent. His first teacher at St
David’s was Miss Brick, grade 1, who was a very kind person. He was in her class for two
weeks and then Br Anthony advised his parents that he should be moved into grade 2. Miss
Martin was his teacher, a very good teacher.
Alf was a day boy and at the time the ratio of day boys to boarders was about 50/50.Because of
the boarding, boys came from far afield. His recollections were phenomenal in that he received
a good education. His father was a Marist old boy who went to Koch St in the late 1920’s and
then onto Observatory until the beginning of WW2.
He had a strong relationship, bond with the brothers themselves. It was a very religious school
but accommodated non-Catholics, although it was predominantly Catholic. Then brothers were
very dedicated and an enormous emphasis was placed on the Catholic faith. The first period on
Mondays was Catholicism and bible study for the non-Catholics. So the boys got a very solid
foundation in the Catholic faith. Retreats were a serious issue lasting a week and during school
work there were dedicated slots in the furtherance of the Catholic faith and teaching. He
remembered the impact Vatican 2, October 1962 had on the boys and the changes in mass
from Latin to the vernacular which was very significant to the pupils at the time. He wanted his
son Paul (matric 1999) to share the same experience but it wasn’t the same, the school was
battling and no longer had the brothers. However he still had a good education, developed a
love for his father’s school and made good friends. He started in grade O with Mrs Kerschoff
and completed 13 years until his matric in 1999. It was a sacrifice to send ones children to
private schools in the beginning and especially now. Not everyone was affluent, but the brothers
accommodated this and must have helped a lot of families. Alf’s family has always had a strong
bond with the Marist movement.
Alf cannot over emphasize the role the brothers played, there were a few gaps as some of the
brothers weren’t up to standard. There were women teachers in the grades including one of the
best, Mrs Kempster, grade 4, then from std 6 onwards only the brothers taught. The brothers
were teachers but more than that, they gave so much extra. The principals were Br Edwin (a
McGurk), who became Br Provincial, Br Benedict followed by Br Anthony for his last five years,
he thought Br Anthony was a wonderful man.
It was truly one school in those days with only 400 pupils. All white children, as segregation was
a big issue. Observatory had a few Chinese children. The brothers wrestled with these problems
and more is expected of children these days.
There was an influx of boys in standard 6 with plus/minus 60 boys, some left in standardd 7 and
by standard 10, matric there were only 17 boys left.
Alf regarded himself as an average pupil, but said the brothers identified potential in a boy and
encouraged that. He was a quiet, reserved pupil but achieved so much as the brothers gave him
every opportunity to blossom.
Alf played 1st team rugby and was a member of the team that beat Obs 8-6 in 1962. The full
school attended that match at Observatory. There was a lot of emphasis on athletics. There
were four terms, during the first they swam, played cricket, second term they played rugby and
the third term was devoted to athletics and the school competed in a lot of inter-school meets.
Debating also played an important role at the school. This was run by Br Gerard the English
teacher. Alf was persuaded to prepare a speech on the family business and he remembers
Doug Wickins being an excellent speaker. This was an important aspect of extra mural
activities. There was theatre and plays with a period of music once a week with MrDrummond-
Bell. They produced many Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. Darko was a very hands on pupil.
Their social life was more focused on the school, with families and parents being more
spontaneous without any expectations of the brothers. The inter-highs were invariably followed
by braais.
The worst thing a boy could probably do was to get caught trying to smoke a cigarette!
Sadly, Alf together with Alec Quail and Brian Austin didn’t get a 3rd scroll and therefore their
colours blazer in their final year.
His last day was a sad day for him; the last term was a panicked, stressful term. He wrote Italian
as his mother was Italian and had to wait another 10 days after all the others had finished their
matric. He had enjoyed his time and on leaving was sad that his school days had ended.
Incidentally, Willy Castle was age under 10 when Alf matriculated.
He then went to Wits University and studied for a BA Economics. Afterwards he went overseas
to England and the south of France working in floriculture. His family business is marketed
under the name E.C. Smith and is located in Hartebeespoort on the Hennops river. They
propagate cuttings and supply the flower markets. They have also supplied flowers to St David’s
and the Catholic church in Rivonia for many years. Neither his son or daughter got involved in
the business,with his daughter at Citibank and Paul at Investec and another company and is
now involved in a cleaning business with his brother-in-law.
Alf’s parents were on the PTA whilst he and his brother were at St David’s, and his mother was
on the original ladies catering committee.
He felt that Br Timothy struggled to fill the gap after Br Anthony left and felt that Paul Edey was
the first principal, after Br Anthony who brought stability, vision and structure to the school.
He remembers a tragic incident when Paul Barrenbrug, who came from a Dutch family and was
in the same class as Alf, grade 2 1952. The boys always used to wait for parents by the junior
block, by the little wall and the fountain. There was an ice cream seller by the main gate and a
car ploughed into the ice cream bicycle and cart, Paul was thrown into the road and killed
outright. It was an enormous shock to the whole school and especially the boys in his class. It
left a mark on Alf and some of the other boys.
Alf still keeps in touch with Darko, Alex and Doug, but married much later than the others, so his
children didn’t really get to know theirs. He did quite a bit of work for the old boys in the early
years. They were driven by the bond they had for each other and the school.
Alf is very interested in the book and the 75th anniversary and would like to be kept informed. He
doesn’t attend evening events because of his location. He did attend the opening of the new
chapel. His brother pupil Robert Smith, from 1956 – 1966,involved with old boys, also had a
son at St David’s, a good sportsman – cricket and rugby – matriculated in 2005? and became a
civil engineer like his father.
JE July 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alex Quail 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000395
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Alex Quail 1962
Alex started at St David’s in 1958, came into the high school straight from the bush –
Carltonville. There were no English high schools in the area at the time and Bishop Wheelan
helped him get into St David’s.
Johannesburg ended at the entrance to the school . A Dairy Den was about 1 kilometre down a
dirt road and Sandton City did not exist, the area was just veldt and the occasional farmhouse.
Alex was a boarder and remembers everyone being very competitive in sport and with each
other. There was a boxing ring and the “Beak” Br Benedict would organise the boys to sort out
their grievances in the boxing ring. The school was tough and there were very real fights
between the boys especially the Lebanese and the Jews. There was iron discipline and boys
were caned for any reasonable misdemeanour, however it did them no harm. The discipline was
fair and not vindictive, some old boys found it unfair and were very bitter about it. It was rather
like being in the army and the boarders became a band of brothers and those that saw it
through became very good friends often for the rest of their lives. On one weekend per term, the
parents were allowed to visit their sons on Sunday and they went home during the school
The boys were very cruel to Mr Bishop the only lay teacher, who was tormented by the boys.
There were 60 boys in a class which reduced to 17 by Matric. All the brothers taught,one
brother was Spanish, another Afrikaans, quite a good mixture. Brother Bonaventure, “Bonnie”
was a big tough guy who used to sit on his desk and fall asleep. He was very laid back teacher
and Alex can’t remember what he taught. Br Anthony taught Afrikaans and Maths but he was
always so busy so the clever boys in the class ended up teaching them. Br Edwin became too ill
to run the school in 1958 and Br Benedict “Beak” took over followed by Br Anthony.
In 1962 there were 17 matrics in the class and they beat Observatory in rugby. Those were
harsh days without the rules and regulations that protect the players now. There were 200 boys
in the high school competing against other schools with over 1000 pupils for example, KES,
Jeppe, CBC Boksburg, CBC Pretoria. One of the boys Chris Dempster, lost a kidney after he
was badly tackled and the teachers pumped his legs. Darko cracked his skull in one match. Alex
was too small to make the 1st rugby team but played in the 2nd. He played cricket and was
captain of the 1st hockey team. His father was captain of Transvaal in the late 30’s and got
together with the brothers to help develop hockey.
He could not swim but was dragged into the inter-high gala. The school pool is where the prep
playground is now. He was in Benedict house and was a prefect..
The cycling club was good for them and they were able to bring their bikes to school. The golf
club was formed and the first golf tournament held, Alex was involved and his brother Michael
was a good golf player. Unlike today he well remembers walking out to the cricket pitch without
a hat.
Alex feels strongly that the boys who became Springboks should be honoured with a school
honours board. The first Springbok was Ray Bischoff for swimming and Gavin Webster for
hockey. John Daley was a very good tennis player.
As far as academics went, St David’s was a seven subject school with three languages English,
Afrikaans, Latin, Geography, History, Science and Maths. He was an average pupil who wrote
the JMB matric. The clever boys did Add Maths.
There was an incident in the eary 60’s. NASA had just got going and the boys wanted to
develop a solid fuel rocket. Alex had a recipe and they used the Science lab on the second
floor, brewed some stuff up which then exploded! Br Anthony flew up the stairs to see what
damage had been done, but no-one was injured and Br Anthony was relieved. Eventually a
rocket was built by one of the geniuses of the school – Hawkins who is now Professor of
Applied Maths at Wits. Another pupil Bernard Haakman, seemed dopey, but became a vet.
David Sole, went on to study chemical engineering and worked for the government developing
rocket fuels or something similar.
He recalled an incident during study time in the standard 6 classroom that accommodated 60
boys. There was very little swearing in those days and debating was popular as the boys got to
get out of school occasionally. Doug Wickins stood up to make a speech and asked the
question “How can you call George that name, he is a boy”? (cunt). Br Dennis (Tickey) blushed
a deep purple, but Doug continued with his speech which was honest and full of integrity. He got
a round of applause and was not reprimanded by the brothers.
After matric he went to the Pretoria Technikon and did a National Diploma in Civil Engineering,
Land Surveying and remained mainly in Johannesburg.
He has no memories of his first day at the school but would have had to be there a few days
early as a boarder. On his last day he was so pleased to get out into the big wide world and was
very confident. He remembers walking into Barclays Bank, an uncle was a director, and asked
to open an account.
He says the boys were not prepared for the outside world due to the essentially classic
education they had received (No “life skills taught in those days”) but the fact was that they were
able to cope with whatever was thrown at them. Some did very well and most not too badly.
Once a year a Marist recruiter (crow catcher) used to come along and they all avoided him. He
was aware that Michael Heubeck, an American became a brother, he was with them until
standard 9.
Alex’s brother, Michael (deceased) was a really good cricketer and fast bowler. In those days
the cricketers wore boots. Michael played in a final and took 5 wickets against KES. A nonconformist,
he was presented with a cricket ball at assembly whereupon he promptly threw the
ball at Br Anthony. Needless to say, he was expelled but allowed to write his matric. He went on
to become a doctor.
Alex felt that the boarding was where the spirit of the school lay and that the character of the
school changed once the boarding facility was closed.
JE June 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alan Reeves 1977

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000394
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  • 2012

Interview with Alan Reeves – 1977
Alan began his career, as a day boy at St David’s in standard 1 (grade 3) in 1968. It was a
completely new school for him and he was very excited on his first day even though he really
didn’t know what to expect. He quickly made friends and remained friendly with the same guys
throughout his school career.
He remembers that as a day boy that it was good to go home each day but that a lot of time was
wasted travelling especially when school or sports functions finished late. The boarders created
a deep rooted spirit and tradition in the school and Alan felt it was a real shame when the
boarding school closed as that all vanished.
Alan really enjoyed being around friends every day, the sport, the spirit.
Some negative aspects were classes with Br Bernard who taught Latin and made all the boys
hate the language. Some amusing situations were in the class of Mr Sherman who was a
temporary History teacher. He had absolutely no control over the class, the boys initially gave
him some nonsense names. He was a disaster and, at the end of term when the parents met
the teachers there was always a long queue outside his classroom., He spent hours writing out
notes on the board and the boys would come into the class early and wipe them off. Colin
Anderson (vice head boy), who didn’t even take History shot a movie in the classroom hidden at
the back under all the blazers and Mr Sherman didn’t even notice.
Teachers he remembers well and who left a lasting impression on him were Br Timothy, who
showed him the meaning of leadership and empowerment as he guided him but let him make
his own decisions as head boy. Ken Lipschitz used very progressive teaching methods and Alan
thought that both he and Br Timothy changed a lot of aspects at the school in a subtle way to
more modern educational processes.
Alan remembers Nassey Simaan and his wife Agnes. Nassey was the rugby coach and
coached the 1972 rugby team which only lost one game..Agnes was a very kind person and all
the boys would go to her if they had problems.
Angelo Haggiyannis, head boy 1974 and Alan were both in the Wanderers Club athletics team
and used to take part in athletics competitons. Alan said that Angelo was a brilliant athlete and
they are still friends.
Alan enjoyed the leadership courses and in particular the one held at Queen’s College in 1977.
There was also a leadership course held at Hibberdene where, on the last night the boys put on
a show which included taking off the teachers!!
His most memorable moment at St David’s was when he was told he had been elected as head
boy for 1977, this was in the October 1976 and the day he was also informed he was to receive
the Marist Provincial Award. At his first matric dance in his grade 11 year he was partnered by
his girlfriend who is now his wife.
Academically Alan received a study scroll. He was part of the band playing guitar at the interhouse
plays held at Rosebank Convent.The press attended and a good write up followed. Alan
loved sport and was in the rugby 1st XV team, A team swimming, A team water polo and in the
athletics team. He represented the SA invitation team in the pentathlon and SA Defence in
pentathlon in 1981.Alan was head boy in his matric year. On his last day Alan recalled feeling
very sad as friends were going to different universities, military service and emigrating.
He went on to study for a BComm at Wits University. He has always owned his own businesses
together with his brother Mark and owned Foto First and Beyond IT for 25 years, sold out in
2004 and started DIY Depot in 2007.
JLE 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Adriano Iorio - Matric 1997

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000521
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  • May 2012

1 page A4 transcript in MS Word Pdf file
Interview with Adriano Iorio – 1997
Adriano started his career at St David’s in grade 0 and remembers coming for aptitude tests
with Mrs Kirchner before he was accepted. He was taught by Mrs Scaafsma who was a strict
disciplinarian but a good teacher. Mr Royce was the head of the prep school and was
outstanding and a great History teacher. In standard 5 he remembered someone organised an
event with the Foster brothers talking about their experiences working with the bushmen – the
bushmen believed that all are created different but equal.
Adriano was a general all rounder, was in the prep school soccer team and later went on to play
rugby in the high school from standard 6 until standard 9 and was in the water polo team but
didn’t participate in any sport during his matric year.
In the high school Darryl Boswell never made an impression on Adriano, he was then followed
by Paul Davies but the school turned around with the appointment of Paul Edey as headmaster
of the high school. There were no longer any brothers teaching at the school but teachers such
as Gary Norton made a big impact on him, he was a good leader and deputy head.
Adriano was involved in school plays, debating and public speaking, he directed a play for
College house. He also used to participate in the SMILE programme and made a contribution,
albeit small to the co-workers.
He recalled nothing memorable about either his last day or his matric dance. Adriano enjoyed
the overall ethos and founding principles of Champagnat and the spirit in the classroom and on
the sports field.
Academically Adriano did well receiving the Dux each year and acquired 6 distinctions for
matric, he went on to study engineering at UCT. He was on the Dean’s list and was awarded his
degree, Cum Laude after 4 years. He then worked off his bursary at Mintek, in the mining
industry,he then joined a group of friends starting up a mobile software company. Unfortunately
that folded in 2009 and he is now working for Blue Label Telecomms as an IT/software
specialist, specialising in product development and is also trying to develop a parallel path in the
property and development industry.
Adriano found school quite easy but his impression of first year at university was far more
humbling, away from the insularity of a Marist education, meeting other boys from Hilton,
Kearsney, St Stithians etc. getting a sense of where the bar was actually at. He admired the
boys from the boarding schools as they were generally more independent and adjusted to
university more easily. With hindsight, the internet has changed the landscape and, in an era
without the internet the general exposure to the rest of the world was far less than it is today.
School was insular; however some of his best friendships were made on leadership camps and
with boys from other schools.
Adriano was involved with MOBS when Paul Edey was still around in 2000 until 2003. He is still
in touch with other old boys, Raef Farinha; Craig Chandler; Keith Clover (his mother Mary was
the Librarian); Daniel Wright who is with Google.
Sadly Adriano would probably not send any sons of his to St David’s as it would be too
expensive and he envisages relocating to Cape Town in the future.
JLE May 2012

St David's Marist College

Gordon Tonetti - entries in school yearbooks 1975 - 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20220006
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  • 1987

Gordon Tonetti - 1986 - Entries in Yearbooks
1975 Sons of St David’s Old Boys – photo p.74
1976 First Communion Group - photo
Sons of St David’s Old Boys – photo p.88
Grade 2H – photo p.95
1977 Sons of St David’s old Boys – photo p.82
1978 Sons of St David’s Old Boys – photo p.85
Standard 2A Class – photo p.89
1979 Sons of St David’s Old Boys – photo p.70
Standard 3W Class – photo p.75
1980 Sons of St David’s Old Boys – photo p.68
Standard 4M Class – photo p.72
Cross Country Senior Team p.94
Rugby – mention – Lock p.99
U/11 Boys playing as the U/13B Rugby team – photo p.100
1981 Standard 5F Class – photo p.80
Cross Country Senior Team p.108
U/12A Rugby team – photo
1982 Standard 6A Class – photo p.27
Athletics team – photo p.49
1983 Standard 7A Class – photo p.22
U14 age group scroll p.34
Athletics team – photo p.34
U/14A Rugby team – photo p.52
B Swimming team – photo p.58
1984 Standard 8 Class – photo p.23
Athletics team – photo p.33
Inter-school meeting U15 age group scroll p.33
U15A Rugby team – photo p.49
B Swimming team – photo p.57
1985 Athletics scroll p.15
Standard 9 Class – photo p.20
New Records – Open Road Race p.33
Age group scroll – Open p.33
Athletics Team – photo p.33
2nd Rugby Team – photo p.44
B Swimming team – photo p.54
1986 Confirmation – photo p.12
Matric – photo p.18
Athletics Team – photo p.41
1st Rugby Team – photo
B Swimming Team - photo p.61
1987 Matric – passed without university exemption with a distinction
In Physical Science p.12

St David's Marist Inanda

Farewell to Rick Wilson 1996 - 2013 by Willy Castle

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  • 2013

Interview with Rick Wilson – 2013– Farewell speech by Willy Castle
Mr Rick Wilson a summary of 18 years.
I am one of those(probably unusual) people whose favourite part of any function is the speeches.
Normal conversation ceases, times becomes momentarily suspended and people are joined together
to listen, laugh, cry and share in a personal story.
I have 3 goals for this speech
1 Not to cry
2 Make Mr Wilson cry
3 Make sure all of you know how important Mr Rick Wilson’s contribution of 18 years at St David’s
Marist Preparatory School has been.
How do you condense 18 years not easily so sit back and relax because it is going to take a while.
Mr Warwick BruceWilson was born in Zimbabwe......Married to Gerry and has two grown up sons,
Bruce and Andrew. We all know that Mr Wilson is a lover of dogs and now has two dogs, he loves
the Kruger Park and we have some great days in the park together, a brilliant golfer and now a keen
mountain bike fanatic. Oh yes and Pizza and chilli are Mr Wilson’s favourite food, just ask Col Chetio
at Blue Bird shopping centre.
Good evening to all you special guests who have gathered here to celebrate the life of a man who
has had a remarkable influence on all, our lives not to mention 18 years as headmaster of this
wonderful preparatory school which would equate to teaching approximately 1500 new pupils
entering St David’s.
To try and find out what Mr Wilson headmaster does all day we hired the heavies from Gr0 and
asked them what Mr Wilson does all day and here are some of the answers...
“He works on his computer all day and drinks tea”
“He’s ticking work”
“He watches the children on camera”
“He does gymnastics in his office”
Just before leaving my house this evening I phoned Linda who unfortunately cannot be here as she
is in America and said to her “Lin did you ever think in your wildest dreams that I’d be standing
before hundreds of people making a speech” and I could hear a giggle and she said “Wily you don’t
appear in my wildest dreams”
It was on a chilly day in August 1995 when we were busy with our annual inter-house cross country
on the College rugby fields when Mr Edey came down the dreaded First rugby team stairs with a
gentleman in tow wearing a green jacket. We all thought he was going to introduce us to the recent
winner of the Masters in Augusta but no such luck, we were introduced to Mr Rick Wilson our new
My first memory of Rick was on the side of the football flled in East London when he was teaching
and coaching St Stithian’s . Little did he know that he would still go on football tour to East London
for another 21 years and fall among thieves on and off the train. Mr Sinclair or Captain Morgan as he
was known on these trips will remember them as the highlight of the year. What happens on tour
stays on tour.
It is not widely known that on Saturdays Mr Wilson wears red underpants not in case he has a bad
golf game but o support his favourite football team which at the moment the name escapes me. Rick
also, unbeknown to most people won the “Cow and Gate Beautiful Baby Competition”, when he was
months old. I leave it to your imagination whether he looked like the cow or the gate! By the way it
was the girls’ category!
In no time at all we were as staff introduced to SWOT analysis, new strategies and the effective use
of technology in education. During this time we embraced technology, our teaching methods
changed and we came to understand that schools don’t in fact exist for the sake of teaching, but for
the sake of learning.
During this time Rick guided us through this most exciting phase of growth and development. Rick
has assembled a great team of professionals and sees hi srole as one of servant leadership where we
are rigorous, but not ruthless.
Rick’s own claim to technological fame is winning the staff technology award for shredding his tie in
the shredding machine while Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Mackenzie were overcome with emotion.
We all know how important assemblies are to Rick and how without fail, a dog comes into the story
– which reminds me of a story....
One evening after Mass a priest was just about to leave the church, noticed a man with a dog. He
went up to the man and asked him “What are you doing here with a dog?” The man replied “The
dog has come to pray”. “Dogs don’t pray” said the priest. “This one does” said Rick. “I don’t believe
you” said the priest, “It’s absolutely true” said Rick. “OK” said the priest, “Then show me what the
dog can do”. “OK” said Rick and the dog got into the pew, knelt down, took a Missal from under his
collar and started praying. The priest shocked listened for a full 15 minutes, speechless and so
impressed with the dog and the quality of the prayer. When he regained composure the priest said
to Rick “I have never seen anything like it; do you think your dog would consider joining the
seminary?” Rick, throwing his hands up in disgust said “You talk to him, he wants to be a doctor”.
We all know Mr Wilson is a prankster of some note – always interfering in equipment and switching
off sound systems and hiding diaries, keys and anything just to stir with someone.
He has however been caught out himself. A few weeks after Rick and Gerry had moved onto the
school property, Linda and I were walking past Rick’s driveway next to the back of the Music room.
They had just come back to the house because they had left something behind and needed to get it.
Their car was parked outside the gate with the keys in the ignition – what an opportunity! I climbed
into the car and drove it around the front of the now Music room. We waited until Rick came out of
the house and then it started: “Gerry the car is gone! I told you we are now living in Gauteng!! Beep,
beep, beep!” Rick ran up to the gate to speak to the guard to see if he had seen his car drive out. The
guard looked at Rick as if he were on drugs. By this time we could not be quiet and Rick heard us
laughing and discovered his car parked own by the tennis courts.
On another occasion Rick had just lit his Weber braai and put the meat on when I happened to pass
the gate. I saw that it was unattended and nipped in and wheeled his braai out to the road and
waited for him to go crazy when he came out to turn the meat.
When my Combi was stolen during Mass at Rosebank one Sunday, I walked back from church
straight to Rick’s house and said to him “Okay where’s my Combi?” I am still looking for it.
Gerry you took the pranks in your stride and also gave us Rick whenever we needed him at school
functions. We thank you for giving up your family time and sharing the many school occasions with
Rick and supporting all the different activities including feeding the geese, ducks and birds. We
would like you to accept this small token of appreciation from all of us.
We would also like to thank Rick’s school wife , tea girl, file finder, and someone who helped us on
many occasions into getting off campus when we needed to get him away. Mrs Coleen Donaldson,
please come and receive a gift on behalf of Rick and all of us. Good luck, for I believe the headmaster
for next year is quite a difficult pain in the neck!
We all know Rick enjoys a good party, loves his music and is very knowledgeable about different
genre of music. After one of our pub crawls through the property (we used to start at the pavilion
and then go to Mac’s flat, then Fr Brewer’s and a few other houses), on returning home after a pizza
fight at my house, Rick slipped and fell in his house. Gerry called me and off we went to Sandton
Clinic for Rick to have 38 stitches in his head. The next morning when Rick went into a Grade 5 class
one of the boys said “Good morning Sir, you look like a baseball”.
Rick is well known for his assemblies, Grade 7 luncheon speeches are legendary and each year the
boys look forward to him including all of them in his story.
Mr Wilson has given unselfishly of his time to support the boys and parents in all the activities in
which they participate, namely academics, cultural and sporting. Your presence has really been
appreciated by all of us.
On behalf of the pupils, parents and staff, we would like to thank you for your commitment and
dedication to St David’s Marist Inanda.
We all say thank you and wish you a fantastic retirement until you get bored and start the next stage
of your life. Our prayers go with you and Gerry. We are really going to miss you. Thank you.
Please will you all stand and join me in a toast to Rick and Gerry.
Willy Castle 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Eulogy for Nassey Simaan 1922 - 2013?

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000859
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  • 2014

As the oldest in my generation of cousins, my Judu would insist that I say a speech at
important family functions. If I did not meet my Judu’s high standards of public speaking, he
would not say a word to me. If I spoke well, he would walk up to me, give me a kiss on my
cheek and whisper in my ear, “you talk just like your Judu”. So Juds, here it goes. Once
again I will try talk just like you.
Good afternoon Reverend Fathers, and all of Nassey’s Humrees and Darlings.
My name is Gaby Simaan, Jnr, a grandson of an icon and legend of the South Africa
Lebanese community.
Nassey Simaan - The head of the Simaan family, husband to Agnes. Father and father in
law to Gabe and Jane, Antoine and Kathy, the late Linda Rose, Andy and Shirley, Marie Lou
and Saki. The grandfather of Gaby, Jeanine, Karen, Deirdre, Warren, Sean, Samantha,
Gareth, Candyce, Jason and Luke. The great grandfather of Nicholas, Gabriella, Cristina,
Connor, Mathew, Taylor, Daniel, Jessica, Meagan, Troy, Joshua and Jonathan. Sister to
Louise. Nephew to Aunty Isabel. Friend and mentor of hundreds . On behalf of Nassey’s
children – I have been honoured with the task to pay tribute to the great life of Nassey
Simaan and the impact that he has left behind.
Born on the 5th April 1922, in Bethal, Nassey was the oldest child of Gibran and Rosy
Simaan. Nassey grew up in Bethal, where his father owned the local Cafe. At the age of 16,
his father, who he always spoke so highly of, passed away. Nassey was sent to boarding
school in Uitenhage. That is when our family’s tradition with Marist Brothers schools began
and Nassey learnt to speak English. When he matriculated in 1939 he had been awarded his
school honours blazer, after receiving colours in athletics, rugby and for being a prefect. He
was also awarded the title of Victor Ludorum due to his athletic achievements. He
represented EP schools in athletics and rugby.
It was Nassey’s dream to go to university to study law. Unfortunately with his father’s
passing, the family was struggling financially and he needed to start working in order to
support his mother, sisters Dorothy and Louise, and his brother Ramsey. This was
something I only learnt this week from aunty Louise. With all the stories my grandfather told
us, not once did he mention, how he had to give up going to university for his family.
With the war breaking, Nassey joined the army and was deployed to Europe and Northern
Africa as a wireless operator. He took advantage of being sent to all the different countries
by visiting as many churches and religious sites as he could.
The first time my Gran met Judu was when she was working in the OK Bazaars as a cashier.
They were introduced by Judu's best friend at the time - Freddy Michael. Freddy was
actually going out with my Gran at the time and subsequently got engaged to Gran. Nassey
felt that he was far more deserving of this young Lebanese gem. He suddenly developed a
passion for shopping at OK. It was not long till my Gran gave into his relentless charm and
called off her engagement. As only Nassey could get right, he convinced Fred that it was
the right thing and God’s will. The 2 remained close friends. My grandparents were married
for 64 years!
My grandfather followed a career as a travelling salesman. He was known in the motor spare
industry as “King of the road” With a charm second to none; he had friends and contacts in
every town you can think of. The family originally lived in Mayfair and later moved to
Buccleuch, where my grandparents stayed for 35 years. My grandfather struggled
financially. Things were tough for the family. When they saw a strange car coming down the
long drive way, it was more than likely the sherriff. The sons would grab the family’s
precious belongings and run to hide them by the river so the sheriff could not reposess them.
Judo told us how, my dad would hide in the bushes and shoot the sherriff’s car with his pellet
gun to deter him from coming back. Sometimes there was no money for bus fare for the
children to get back from school. The boys would have to walk home - All the way from
Inanda to Buccleuch. Despite all these hardships, my grandfather made sure that money
was found for his children to receive a top class education at a catholic school. He kept his
family together, entrenching the highest morals and values in his children. The reason why
the Simaan family is so close and strong today is all because of our leader – My Judu.
One of Nassey’s greatest accomplishments was his role as the Marist Inanda’s first team
rugby coach. During his 3 year reign, the school enjoyed their greatest success with records
that still stand today. His players from this era all say how there were no superstars in their
team. They were a small bunch of very average rugby players. Nassey focused on the
weakest, smallest and scaredest players in the team. It was through the self confidence and
motivation that my grandfather instilled in them, together with his immense knowledge,
strategy and love for the game, that they were able to achieve what they did. Not only did
Nassey’s loud voice assist the boys in the matches as he marched up and down the
touchline, but his athletic abilities too. Apparently more than once, Nassey’s wing would get
the ball with a gap in the defence. Nassey would be in line with the wing. With a cigarette in
his mouth, Nassey would take off at the same time the wing broke, and sprint down the
touch line screaming instructions. By the time the wing made it to the try line, Nassey was
already there waiting for him. Last year, my grandfather’s most successful team had their 40
year school reunion. They invited him as their guest of honour. Nassey’s rugby talents and
passion for the game was passed onto my dad Gabe. Judo spoke with such pride of my
dad’s rugby achievements. His favourite story was about my dad kicking a penalty over from
the halfway line, into the torrential rain and howling Cape wind, to beat Marist Brothers
Rondebosch by 1 point. He loved telling me that my father would have been a Springbok, if
he did not discover women and put them before the game.
Nassey was a founding member of The Sandton Bird Club. He organised many trips away
for the club. The members have many fond memories of these well organised trips. Besides
the Birds, Nassey‘s entertainment was the main attraction of the trips. If he did not have
everyone listening to his stories and jokes, he would be singing for them in Arabic or
Afrikaans. Last year they celebrated their 25th anniversary. Nassey was invited as an
honouree member. Although he had not been active in club for some time, he insisted on
saying a speech and entertained his old and new members late into the evening.
We all know how religious my grandfather was. He was a true warrior and defender of our
catholic faith, the Maronite Church, the priests, and Our Lady. His love and commitment to
Holy Mary is unmeasurable. His knowledge of our faith and the bible was immense. It ever
we had a question about the bible; Judu would be the first and only person we needed to
ask. Once I even heard a priest ask Judu for clarification on a verse in the bible. Nassey was
on the original Maronite parish council that advocated for this church to be built. Despite the
criticism they endured, they stuck to their dream and after much perseverance, the
commission to build this church was granted. For many years after this church opened, Judu
occupied this exact space on this alter. While Father Mardi was giving his sermon, Nassey
would walk around the perimeter of the church to make sure everything was in order. At the
same time he would be counting the number of people so that he could monitor that the
church’s attendance numbers were growing. It stressed him out and he would call for an
urgent meeting with the priests if he picked up a negative trend in the numbers. When it was
time in the service for the announcements, there would be a sudden change in the mood of
the congregation as Nassey Simaan made his way onto the altar. Everyone sat up and the
silence grew even greater. You never knew what to expect, except that there would be no
mincing of words. Judu felt nothing to tell the people to stop being stingy and instead of
wasting their money at the casino to rather donate it to St Charbel’s Helping Hand. Judu
would often take the opportunity of this time on the alter to talk about how great our lady is
and share stories of miracles she performed in Lourdes, Fatima and the best village in
Lebanon, where his father was born – Maghdouche. Nassey was the greatest ambassador
of Our Lady. He had no mercy on anyone you dared to mention a negative word about her.
He would say : “how can you really love Jesus if you are not prepared to honour and praise
the person our Lord loved and was so close to when on earth – his holy mother?” The best
way that we can honour Nassey today is by glorifying Our Lady!
Judu tried to go to church every day. Even when on holiday in Mauritius, Marie Lou, Saki
and my Gran would travel an hour to get to the closest catholic church. They would sit
through the French service cramped in the small church, suffering with the December heat.
Nassey’s first words when he got back into the car.”What a lovely sermon!” Sakie would
pack up laughing, my Gran would look down and gently shake her head and Marie Lou
would explode “How can you say that! Since when did you learn to speak French?” Every
day at 3 pm, something on Judu would start ringing. It was his alarm to remind him to say his
Novena. Nassey was an apostle of the Divine Mercy. He is responsible for it being practiced
by so many in this parish and the Rivonia Catholic church. I could talk for hours on what
Nassey has done for our church and our Lady. Apparently there will be an article in the next
Arch Diocese newspaper, honouring Nassey and his role in the church. This article was
written and planned before his passing. It’s such a pity that he will not get to read how he
has been honoured and thanked by our Church, but I am sure he has now been thanked
directly by God, Jesus and Our Lady.
Judu was so proud off all his children’s success. He visited my dad and Andy’s offices daily.
He would make his way round the office, greeting and kissing all the ladies hello. It was not
enough to simply say hello. He had to ask them how their family’s were and then had tell
them a story, which typically was about Lebanon or the best travel agent in the country –
Marie Lou, the best importer of motor spares - Antoine or his grandchildren . Once Andy
called all his staff in due to his companies escalating phone bill. They were all warned with
their jobs to stop making so many personal calls which was costing company thousands.
When the bill was even higher the next month, Andy dug deeper to find the guilty person.
The culprit – Nassey... Calls to Lebanon!
Judo drove my poor uncle Antoine mad with his shopping list every time Antoine was going
to Europe or China for business. Eventually Antoine needed to book an extra day on every
trip to try and find Judu’s rare model trains or catholic books that were not available in SA.
With the amazing son that Antoine is, no matter how busy he was, he always did his best to
come home with what my Judo had asked for. If Judo heard someone could not find
something in the shops, he was quick to offer Antoine’s services – don’t worry, my son
Antoine will get it for you overseas. Marie Lou being the youngest was always her father’s
baby. They had an extraordinary bond. Judo would often say to Mars, God has taken my
beautiful daughter Linda away from me, but has blessed me by giving me you. Mars, you
proved just how true these words are with all that you did for Judo when he got sick.
Judu loved visiting his family in Lebanon. After his first trip, he returned with the title deeds of
the properties his father owned in Lebanon. We thought that the land had been lost and
taken over in the war. You can imagine the excitement of my family’s re found wealth in our
After his second trip, Judu returned with more documents. This time it was transfer papers.
My Judu had given all the land away to his cousins in Lebanon. He felt they needed it more
than we did. When Andy took his family to Lebanon a few years ago, his cousins took Andy
to see the properties. They felt so guilty they even offered to give some of it back. Such was
the massive charitable heart of Nassey Simaan.
On one of Nassey’s visits to Andy’s office, he asked Andy’s secretary where Andy was. She
explained to Judu that Andy was in the boardroom, trying to close a deal with the executives
of a leading financial institution and under no circumstances could be disturbed. Judu
ignored the instruction and walked into the Boardroom unannounced. He was wearing his
shorts, long socks and sandals. In his hand was a tray of Koeksisters. Hello everyone he
shouted. Shut up! I am his father. I am selling koeksisters for St Charbel’s helping hand.
Only 50c. Where’s your money? Is that all you have! My son said you are rich. Thank you
my Humree. Bless you. By bye dad! And out he walked with money for St Charbel.
On the 25th Aug 1985, my grandparent’s lives were shattered with the sudden death of their
daughter Linda Rose. After 28 years, Judu still mourned for her bitterly. And like my Gran,
never even got close to healing this wound and loss in their lives. When Judu was diagnosed
with Alzheimer a year ago, the only consolation I could find in this dreadful disease and turn
of events was that possibly this painful memory and loss could be wiped from Judu’s
memory. It never happened. At least now Judu is with aunty Linda. Not only is he with her in
heaven, but the urn with Linda’s ashes, has been placed next to Judu, in his coffin.
The last year has been very tough on my family. Watching a loved one getting so frail is
devastating. On behalf of my gran and family, thank you to all the people who were so kind
to him during this time. A very special thank you to Marie Lou, Sakie and my mom Jane.
They sacrificed so much of their time to help Judu in every way possible. Jane was Judu’s
nurse during the day while granny was at work. Her patience and kindness is remarkable
and a true reflection of her love for Nassey. Sakie, the family is totally in awe with what you
have done. You have been a pillar for Mars and granny. You could not do enough for Judu.
Whether it was taking him to the doctor, dressing him, or getting out of bed to go to Judu’s’
house when he could not turn on the TV, you did it with a smile and with such kindness.
When Judu was still well, Marie Lou and granny would prowl the shops in Sandton City
every Saturday afternoon. Sakie was left to watch sport with Judu. Although they were very
close, Judu and Sakie did not see eye to eye on which team to support. Judu was a die hard
lions and Man united supporter. Sakie – Sharks and Liverpool. When the Sharks were
playing the Lions, the common result was the Sharks would win. As soon as the Sharks
started leading, Judu would turn off the TV. Despite Sakie’s pleas, Judu refused to turn it
back on saying it was rubbish. Sakie then got his revenge with the soccer, as soon as
Liverpool went a goal down against Man U Sakie turned the TV off.
Judu, I can just imagine the chaos in heaven since you left us. You,walking around with
aunty Linda, greeting all your old friends and family. Hello my Humree! Come give me a kiss.
How’s mommy and daddy? Bless you darling, bless you..... Who was that Linda? We all
must expect our prayers to take a little longer to be answered as Jesus and Mary’s time has
been consumed by Judo in the last few days. Telling them all his stories, singing for them
and getting the answers and clarification to the questions he had planned for them.
Judu we are going to miss you so much! The Simaans are so grateful for the family that you
have created. The Lebanese community is so grateful for their legend, and I am sure God,
Jesus and Our Lady are so grateful for what you have done for our faith. We love you Juds.
Watch over us always.

Egenrieder, Julie

Development Plan Phase II

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200512
  • Item
  • 25/03/1999

9 Architectural Plans for the Electrical Installation in the Hall and Auditorium and plan for workshop

St David's Marist College

Development Plan 2000

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200513
  • Item
  • 21/04/1998

6 A1 Architectural Drawings relating to the Champagnat Hall

St David's Marist College

Brother Anthony Remembered by St David's Old Boys

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  • 2010

It was with great sadness that I received the news of Brother Anthony’s passing. Please convey my condolences
to the Marist Brothers’ community.
He was a wonderful headmaster who inspired great effort on the part of his students and he was central to the formation of the SDMOBA in 1964.
Clearly too, he was a very compassionate man and his work at Kuruman will, I believe, see him richly rewarded in Heaven.
God bless him and may his soul rest in peace while his memory lives on with those of us privileged to have been taught by him.
Yours sincerely,
Douglas Wickins
What sad news.
I've just seen your email and immediately guessed from the subject line that the news about 'Ornge' would not be good. As you say, he was a remarkable man, a superb headmaster and a wonderful human being. St David's owes him so much.
My memories of him are vivid between 1958, when I arrived at 'Inanda' as we knew it in those days, and 1962 when I matricu-lated. The name 'Ornge' is self-explanatory if one ever heard him say orange and, though probably not quite as well known, his invitations to all the parents to stay on for a 'bry flies' after Sports Day was almost his trademark too!
Orge will be greatly missed by those who were privileged to know him and especially those of us who were taught by him. If anyone made it easy to convert Fahrenheit into Centigrade (or Celsius as it is known now), he did! A wonderful man.
Please add my name to any book of condolences that you may set up.
Brian Austin '62.
Found on:
The students established practices
that have remained the same
for subsequent trips throughout the
past decade. We are guided by
Brother Anthony, a Scottish Marist
brother who has lived in the
Kalahari desert with the local population
for over 20 years. Anthony
was headmaster of St David’s
Inanda, one of the most prestigious
schools in Johannesberg, South
Africa. He is now 76 and serves as
a presence, a symbol that someone
cares for these people whose towns
are still not marked on most maps of
South Africa.
Best Regards
Antonio Senatore
I left St Davids in 1955 and I am trying to think back all those years about Brother Anthony.
There are many things that I don’t remember too much anymore, but it sad to loose him.
We cannot be at the funeral, but will say prayers at home here in New Zealand.
Kind regards,
Derek and Gail Stansfield
New Zealand
I am sorry to hear about this. A lot of my success is a result of the disciple he instilled in me. Please send my regards to Brother Aidan …
John Ryan Old boy 1957 1963
I was at St Davids in 1971-1973 along with my 2 brothers as we lived in RSA while my Dad was assigned to Jburg with an Ameri-can Corporation.
I am now a Catholic priest serving in Afghanistan with US and NATO forces. I will be sure to remember Br Anthony at the All Souls Mass that I will be celebrating within a few hours.
It was Br Anthony who met with my parents in Oct 1971 when we began our odyssey of life in a foreign country. His manner did a lot to console my Mother who was up to that time, very concerned about our education in what was a unique environ-ment for us.
Br Anthony, along with the Marist order will remain in my prayers.
Fr. Steven Brosk
LC, Chaplain, USAF
Had heard ...that Bro Anthony was not at all well so his passing away does not come as a surprise but is nevertheless a sad event. I have very fond recollections of the man -- his humour; his patience when unmercifully teased about his accent by some of the boys; his sense of fairness. He taught us much; much more than the three R's !
Max Leipold
Matric 1959
My thoughts and prayers with all involved at St Davids - Br. Anthony was a legend. On a light note I was disciplined by him when only in Std 4 for a schoolboy prank - cost me 3 of the best!!
Mike Peel (Nelspruit)
I was saddened to hear of the death of Br Anthony Docherty. Both my brother Michael and I studied at St David's during his time there. We respected him greatly, as did our parents. One of the fondest memories that I have is of Br Anthony appearing at prize giving with bright red hair! - It seems that Br Bosco (afterwards Br Mario) convinced Br Anthony that his gray (almost white) hair could do with a bit of brightening-up. Br Bosco prepared a potion of red hair dye. There was no problem with the idea of a red hair dye. - It seems that Br Anthony's hair was originally ginger, before it turned gray.
The problem was with the shade of red. - Bright, fire-engine red!!! Obviously a source of great amusement for all the school boys. It took many months for his hair to return to its natural colour. Rest in peace Br Anthony.
Larry Griffiths
(pupil at St David's Marist Inanda 1964-1972)

St David's Marist Inanda

Board Papers

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200519
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  • 1985 to 1997

A collection of A4 pages relating to the Board and Governing Body. Donated by Kevin Brewer

St David's Marist College

A Trip Down Memory Lane - 2020 Rugby Tour

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  • 2020

A trip down memory Lane by: Gus Garcia – Old Boys St David’s
It is 2020 and I’m feeling totally nostalgic to reflect back on my years at St David’s, which ended 31 years ago, but whose memories remain as vivid as though they were only yesterday. Perhaps this is because my son Kiko is in his Matric year and I have been fortunate enough to relive a second school experience through his journey at St David’s. I have been frequently struck by the similarities of the school, then and now, in terms of the fundamental ethos and values, which have not deviated nor been altered in any way. St Davids has steadfastly refused to change its core character in a fast changing environment and results orientated world. The School has suffered and faced many challenges over the years, only to re-emerge stronger, brighter and wiser for having withstood these headwinds.The Marist Brothers ethos of family, community, simplicity, humility and reflection through prayer and mass, are ubiquitous in all aspects of school life. Whilst these values are not always apparent in ones early years, these essential truths reveal themselves as one progresses in age and consciousness. How amazing was it to discover that my son was being taught by 4 teachers who taught me. How satisfying to watch the accepting demeanour of our boys, truly representing our cosmopolitan nation, roaming the school and the playground.Walking the corridors after so many years brought in a rush of memories both good and bad. The laughs, the tears and the shared hopes and fears of my fellow brothers. Some have passed on, others are in far away lands and yet others remain close at hand, but all are remembered and loved. St Davids was never considered a top sporting school and yet every age group punched well above their weight in all categories. In fact being the perennial underdog resulted in a tighter knit group and forged friendships and brotherhoods for life. Representing the St David’s first team for rugby was a cherished moment for me and one I could share joyfully with my son when he was asked to join the touring team in 2020. It has been 18 years of wonder and joy watching you develop into a wonderful young man. I am excited for Kiko and his band of brothers who will embark on a fantastic adventure, irrespective of whether they win, lose or draw, so long as they cherish the endeavour and the journey and most importantly take courage to be men of virtue and value.

Egenrieder, Julie

70th Anniversary Gala Dinner Speech by Sim Tshabalala

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  • 2011

Speech at the 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner, St David’s Marist Inanda
Sim Tshabalala
No product of the Marist Brothers could fail to be beleaguered by tremendous feelings of humility, privilege and gratification at a function such as tonight’s; humility for being in the presence of luminaries of Catholic and Marist education as well as immensely successful products of St David’s; privilege and gratification at the knowledge that one is counted as a friend of St David’s.

I was lucky to have had parents who had the means to be able to send me to Marist Observatory in 1978. I was fortunate to be nurtured by the Marist Brothers in joint venture with the Holy Family sisters, the Ursuline sisters and the laity in an environment of love, fairness, equality and care.

I have always been struck by the intensity of the Marist faith. The sheer power of this faith reminds me of some famous lines of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley Hopkins. He wrote, ‘The World is charged with the grandeur of God, It will flame out, like shining from shook foil.’ The Marist brothers in joint venture with the Holy Family sisters, the Ursuline sisters and laity who taught me at Sacred Heart College did indeed seem lit up from the inside by their faith; charged full of imagination, hope and energy. They shone with an unshakable determination to side with the underdog in pursuit of equality and fairness

I always felt at home at Sacred Heart. Though I was a little boy from Soweto, I always remember how special I was made to feel. And there I was given gifts beyond price: an excellent, fully rounded education and the skills and values I draw on every day as a professional and as a citizen of South Africa.

My mentors from this community included Brother Mc Cartin. Memories of him talking to me in the quad at Obs after school are indelible. I remember distinctly stories of his life in Ireland, his journey to South Africa and his Marist work. Because of listening to him, I even considered becoming a brother! How lovely that would have been instead of being a member of one of the ten most hated professions: banking. I remember fondly Brother Paul as he would walk to his room with his dog Susie, stop, and chat about this and that. I remember well brother Raymond with his strong Irish accent. He was our under 13 rugby coach, and that was the only year my cohort beat Inanda during the ordinary season – although, of course, we drew with them during the Inter Marist rugby tournament which was held at St Josephs Rondebosch in our matric year. That draw was sweet and it is unforgettable. I am on dangerous ground here, but I attribute our string of losses to Inanda from under 13 to our final year entirely to the fact that we became co-ed in 1980 whereas the Inanda leadership had the good sense to remain a Single sex school, one of whose benefits was the preservation of a strong rugby tradition. Neil Mc Gurk is unforgettable. I learned a huge amount from him: commitment to community combined with a deep desire to transform it; the love of philosophy; and an abiding adoration of St Thomas Aquinas’ work and natural law.

It seems to me that nothing has changed since I devoured Brother Mc Cartin's immortal words, grappled with Brother Neil's incredibly complex ideas and got routinely trounced by Walter Cronje's men. I have a tremendous love for the Marist tradition, and a permanent admiration for St David’s.

Ladies and gentlemen, when I was asked to speak tonight on the topic: ‘Confortare esto vir’ – ‘Take courage and be a man,’ I was immediately filled with trepidation. Was this some kind of coded message about a resurgence of the global financial crisis? Were the Marist Brothers trying to tell me something?
But once I had calmed down, I remembered that this isn’t actually a financial forecast. As you know, it’s really the inspiring motto of this great school, founded seventy years ago as an act of bravery and optimism in defiance of the surrounding horrors of the Second World War.
The motto comes, in fact, from the First Book of Kings, Chapter 2. They are King David’s dying words of advice to his son, Solomon, who was to become the wisest and best of the biblical kings of Israel. David said, ‘Take courage and be a man. Observe what the Lord your God requires. Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees.... Do this so that you may prosper in all you do.’
What I find most interesting about this text is that it says that courageous, wise and good people have to be observant and obedient. In a foreshadowing of the Marian tradition of striving always to be consciously present in the world and to heed the call of duty, these verses call upon us to look carefully around us; to work out what is required of us by our religion and our values; and to take steps to fulfil those requirements.
What do we find when we look about us in South Africa? I think we find many good things - including a democracy that has just reaffirmed both its vibrancy and its stability; an economy that is clearly on its way to recovery; and this attractive and excellent school. There’s much to be proud of, and certainly no need for gloom.
But we also observe a great deal of poverty and that we are the world’s most unequal country.
65% of the population live on less the R550 a month – less than a monthly satellite TV subscription. 12% of South Africans are desperately poor, struggling somehow to survive on R150 a month – less than the cost of a very modest lunch for two in Sandton. In other words, those of us who are lucky enough to be celebrating this anniversary here tonight live on a small island of prosperity in a sea of poverty.
South Africa is so unequal because we have one of the world’s highest unemployment rates. The unemployment rate for black South Africans under 30 is over 50%. Two-thirds of 15-to-30 year olds who want work have never been able to find a job. The reason why these millions of young people can’t find work - or create it for themselves - is simple. They have been failed by our education system.
Admittedly, there are some bright spots in the education landscape, and last year’s matric results may signal some improvement - but the overall picture remains extremely bleak. Two facts I find particularly telling are that the average Grade 3 literacy teacher can barely pass a Grade 6 test, and that the average South African maths teacher – teacher, not student – scores 39% on a test of the material they are supposed to be teaching. If the teacher can’t properly understand the work, how on earth are the pupils supposed to learn?
Our educational deficiencies look even worse in the light of global standards. This year the Global Competitiveness Report found that our inadequately educated workforce was the second biggest constraint to doing business in South Africa. (Our inefficient bureaucracy was first – and much of that inefficiency is also explained by poor education.) South Africa ranks among the bottom 10% of countries on the quality of our education system. We do far worse than many much poorer African countries, including Mali, Tanzania and even Cote D’Ivoire, which is just emerging from a decade of civil war.

The abject failure of most of the education system is not merely tragic and wasteful– it’s also very dangerous. This is because unemployment and inequality fuel crime and instability, and create an enthusiastic audience for destructive populist politicians.

Our motto tells us that good and wise men observe, and then obey.

I believe that this means that we are called upon by our faith and by our ethics to take active steps to improve South Africa’s education system. But what steps? I submit that the answers have been given to us – very appropriately – by two great Catholic educationalists: St Marcellin Champagnat and Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman.
St Marcellin founded the Marist Brothers nearly two hundred years ago in order to bring education and religious enlightenment to poor children in remote rural areas of France, and to ensure that they were taught with humility, modesty, simplicity and love. With the passing of time, Marist Inanda now finds itself in what is probably the most affluent part of South Africa’s little island of prosperity. The school therefore attracts most of its pupils from prosperous and sophisticated families. Through no fault of your own, St David’s is significantly less diverse in terms of both race and income than it could be.
I know that you are very aware of the tension this creates: How best can St David’s reconcile its present affluence with the Marist mission to the poor? More generally, how can those of us perched on the little island of prosperity respond with honour and courage to the sea of poverty and inequality around us?
It is entirely right that St David’s should continue to stretch itself to reach and serve disadvantaged pupils and badly trained teachers. I know that the boys at St David’s do a lot of outreach work. I can only say to them, ‘Thank you – and do more!’ And, of course, one of the main purposes of tonight’s event is to raise funds for the Marcellin Champagnat Campaign to establish an endowment that will provide pupil bursaries and the teacher learnerships here at St David’s. Again, I can only say, ‘Thank you – and be even more generous!’
I hope you won’t mind if I make a banker’s suggestion? From my perspective, St David’s Marist Inanda looks like a particularly successful ‘business unit.’ If we were looking for resources to, say, expand our branch network into new territories, we would have a debate about transferring some of the profits from the successful units to fund the expansion as this would be in the interests of the entire enterprise. This would not be an easy or a comfortable conversation. It would be necessary to avoid unfairness, and to think carefully about how much money and other resources could be transferred without damaging the profitability and sustainability of the successful business units. I believe that St David’s is called upon by its Marist values to keep on having this uncomfortable conversation. Please ask yourselves very regularly whether St David’s can do more to cross-subsidise other Marist and Catholic education.
Cardinal Newman was a leading figure in the campaign to achieve social and political equality for Catholics in Britain and Ireland in the 19th century. A former Anglican, he was the prime mover behind the establishment of the Catholic University of Ireland, which was to become the University College, Dublin, today, Ireland’s premier university. He argued that one of the most important tasks for Catholics was to create centres of unabashed educational excellence. At the time, almost all Catholics were very poor. But, Newman argued, this did not mean that the community should focus exclusively on immediate poverty relief and basic education. Instead, it should also aim to create centres of unashamed educational excellence, which could produce a new Catholic elite to lead the community and to influence society in general.
Newman was very interesting on what this new elite should be taught. He argued that a significant proportion of their education should be in the liberal arts and humanities. His view was that - even more than their specific professional training - leaders need the ability to think critically and clearly and to argue logically and persuasively. This has certainly been my experience, and I entirely agree with Newman that one of the characteristics of an elite school like St David’s should be a concentration on literature, history and debating – especially since the South African university system encourages most students to specialise in professional subjects from their first day at university.
I would urge you, therefore, to follow the Blessed Cardinal Newman as well as St Marcellin. As you stretch out to do more for the disadvantaged, do not lose focus on your core mission of empowering every St David’s boy to develop all his talents, to achieve all-round excellence, and to grow into men who are both wise and good. Also – and this is very important too – I hope that the school continues to ensure that every boy enjoys himself and is happy here.
On second thoughts, perhaps the boys shouldn’t enjoy their time here too much.... I’m thinking here of one famous Marist Old Boy – he knows who he is – he is the personification of the Marist way and the quintessence of the St David’s motto, he is a carrier of this institution’s values and beliefs and he has motivated and inspired thousands of boys in his long history with the school. He loved the school so much that he found it necessary to do matric twice, and then to stay here for another 40 years. He has given his name to a bursary which “is awarded to a boy who shows sporting promise and who will be able to maintain the required academic standard.” He is loved and revered and is prototypical of what St David’s boys ought to be, what they can be, what they will be.
Finally – and I know Willy Castle will agree with me about this - I’d like to say something about the merits of St David’s as a boys-only school. Certainly, there are dangers to be avoided in a boys’ school and such dangers are avoided in co- ed schools such as my alma mater, Sacred Heart College. These dangers include the risk of becoming obsessed with sporting success to the exclusion of other achievements, or of creating a culture which regards women as ‘a different species.’ But I know that St David’s avoids these risks, thanks to its emphasis on all-round achievement and to its thoroughly Catholic insistence on treating everyone with dignity and respect.
South Africa desperately needs more courageous and responsible men. At present, only 36% of children are being raised in a home with a father. Far too much of our social and political life is shaped by immature and irresponsible boy-men, whose paths to fame, wealth and power are littered with broken promises, risky personal behaviour and thoughtless or even cruel treatment of the poor, the weak, children and the elderly. St David’s is performing an extremely valuable social service by fostering a brave, wise and responsible masculinity that defies these trends and shows what being a man – esto vir¬ - truly means.
Long may you continue to do so!

St David's Marist Inanda

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