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Interview with George Lagoudis 1957

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000787
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with George Lagoudis – 1957
George was a boarder from 1949 until 1957 and enjoyed his time at the school. His cousin Theo
Ananiades from Lorenzo Marques in Mozambique was the head of College House. The Saheti
school did not exist in those days.
Brother Edwin was the headmaster who ruled with an iron fist and was extremely conservative.
He was appointed Brother Provincial in 1957 and Br Benedict succeeded him as headmaster.
Br Benedict was a good man, housemaster for the A & B dormitories, he coached rugby and
was involved with sport at the school. Br Benedict had a more reasonable and modern
approach which was not understood by the boys and often abused.
The Brothers were clever teachers such as Br Ephraim who understood a lot of things and
taught Maths, Science and Latin and caned a whole class on one occasion.Br Bonaventure
taught Latin at matric level, Br Bartholemew taught Geography using humour to make his
lessons more interesting, he later became the principal of Koch Street. Br Lawrence was a nice
man who spoke a little Greek. Br Ralph, a big man helped with sport and specifically 1st team
rugby and showed the boys a lot of techniques. Br Gerald was in charge of the dormitories. Br
Charles Andrew Cowen was from America, presented himself to Br Edwin in his Saturday
clothes and was sternly reprimanded and told to don his cassock immediately. He had an
America approach to education which was at odds with the blinkered, regimental South African
model. Mrs Kempster in the prep was very strict but always had the best results at the end of
the year. It was nothing for her to strap the whole class 2 or 3 times a day – 10 and 11 year old
boys don’t concentrate well for too long.
Br Anthony got his nickname “Oanges” when George was sitting outside the dining room one
day playing with oranges. Br Anthony commented on this, hence the nickname.
George recalled that in his time there were about 70 boys to a class housed in the old study
beneath the old Chapel. Students always rebelled against the teachers and there was an
incident when one of the boys got hold of a cassock and bib and displayed it high up near the
water tower.
George was a thin, sinewy little boy and there was a big chap who bullied him until, one day he
came out of the dining room and in response to some comment, George swung around and
gave him a crack on his jaw and both of them ended up with bloody noses but the bullying
stopped. It was a difficult time for George because of the timing of the Cypriot campaign and he
was often singled out being the only Greek, with is nickname being “Greekie”. Because of this
he and Buchman, a German who was also bullied became friends. Other friends were Anton
Zunkel (North Transvaal) and Brian Jeffries (Durban).
There wasn’t much in the way of cultural activities but Mr Drummond-Bell did organize the boys
to sing the “Ave Maria” at the city hall. There was also a production of the “Pirates of Penzance”
but George’s voice had broken by this time. George remembers one debate against Obs where
the topic of whether the radio was needed or not was discussed. There was also the occasional
debate against Parktown Girls at their school.
On a Sunday, the non-catholic boys used to walk to the Church of England church, St Martin’s
in the Fields escorted by Father Bannon in his car. The boarders used to get one weekend off at
month end and visiting Sunday was every other Sunday of the month from 2pm until 6pm. The
food wasn’t bad but there was a lot of competition for the day boys’ sandwiches.
The boarders had lockers, George’s was number 807. The locker rooms were next to each
dorm which had 44 beds in each with a sleeping area, washrooms and the area where the
Brothers slept. In the middle were the racks for towels and gowns. One day after tea he
changed to go to the rugby field and a boy threw an orange which splattered all over George’s
locker and took Br Bartholemew’s glasses off.
The boys also stored their tuck in their lockers, which were not locked. Brian Jeffries used to
raid George’s locker and George responded by placing brooklax which looked like smarties into
a smarties box. As a result Brian subsequently spent a lot of time in the toilet and thereafter no
longer raided George’s tuck!
George was a good athlete involved with long distance running and together with Brian Jeffries,
head boy, was awarded the victor ludorum . He also played rugby 3rds, did a little swimming
and played tennis. He recalled the cinder track where the prep playing fields now stand. The
track was used by the university and for school events. The school competed against Germiston
and Springs Boy’s High Schools both home and away.
There was no official matric dance in 1957 due to a misunderstanding between the boys and
the Brothers, however the boys saved the money themselves and had an evening dinner and
dance at a night club in Eloff Street instead.
There was an annual dance in June/July when the rubber floor in the boarders dining room was
used to facilitate the dancing. The Arthur Murray dance school taught the boys to dance.
A lot of emphasis was placed on sport and as a consequence, academic s suffered and George
had to repeat his matric at Damelin, a cram college. There were 30 -32 boys in his matric class.
On finishing his education, initially George worked behind the counter of Portas delicatessen
and found working with the public quite an education in itself. He worked as a representative for
Vaal Tobacco selling cigarettes and went into the air force, working during the day then putting
in his hours at Dunnotar air force base training school. Unfortunately he didn’t pass the exams
but then did a course in engineering drawing and spent several years as an engineering
draughtsman for EBS Metal which was the first company to produce lathes and small presses in
SA during the years of sanctions. Later he was offered a job with the Travena Group managing
a store in Springs and eventually bought his father’s business in 1970. His delicatessen Portas
– The Shunting Yard is now located in Sunninghil and he also sells model trains through a
German dealership.
George last visited St David’s about 30 years ago and his grandchildren attend the Saheti,
Greek school.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Vincent 1969, 1987 - 1990

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000727
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Brother Vincent – 1969 and 1987-90
Brother Vincent joined the brotherhood in 1965 at the age of 18, based at Hibberdene together with Br
Joseph who is now Brother Provincial.
His Postulancy and Novitiate years were spent close to Stellenbosch in 1967 and 1968 respectively. These
two years are set aside for his receiving the Habit and making First Vows.
In 1969 he came to St David’s and stayed there whilst undergoing a spirituality course called “Fons Vitae”
at the Good Shepherd Centre in Oaklands together with other brothers and nuns. He and Br Joseph went
daily from St David’s. At that stage Br Anthony was headmaster of the high school, V Kempster principal of
the junior school, and Willy Castle was in matric. Willy’s mother Dorothy taught Br Vincent piano. Br Vincent
taught the junior catechism to a standard 4 class. During the holidays he spent a lot of time planting grass
on the field and was involved with a lot of physical work at the school, cutting trees and grass, working
together with Aggie Simaan. He remembers the many regular teas, biscuits and chats with Aggie Simaan in
her little office near the cricket oval at the time when he helped in great measure planting the grass on the
newly-levelled oval and fields. He regularly cut the fields with the old red tractor, which is now in the preschool
His bedroom in the brothers’ House was upstairs and faced the inner quad above the then bursar’s office.
One of his duties was to ring the bell at 5am every morning to wake the brothers.
Again, whilst he was studying full-time at JCE from 1987 to 1990, he stayed at St David’s and became the
community superior. During this time became very friendly with Willem, the estate manager, whom he
frequently assisted during his holiday breaks. In his third year helped out by teaching Technical Drawing to
two grade 7 classes.
In 1991 he was the asked by the brothers to work in their mission outreach programme, and he went to
Slough in the Kalahari Desert. The St David’s Marist co-workers, run by Tom Oliver, used to come out once
a year bringing mostly clothing and blankets.
Br Vincent enjoyed his time at St David’s and still keeps in touch with many of the current and former staff
members. Past pupils and parents taught by Br Vincent in the other Marist schools and who are currently
associated with St Davids are Bruce Eyles, Franco Guiliardi, Dr Roger Gibson, Chris Elfick, Allan Young
and Marius Khoury.
Brother Vincent has been at Sacred Heart since 2007 and is currently the estates manager.
JE September 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Timothy 1967 - 1981

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000726
  • Item
  • 2010

Interview: Timothy McCrindle (Br Timothy) 1967-1981
Br Timothy taught at St David’s for 6 months in 1963 and returned again in 1967. Initially he was junior
housemaster and in 1972 assistant senior housemaster when the boarding closed down because of the lack of
brothers to supervise.
Br Timothy taught Biology to std 8-10 and RE to std 8-10 and also taught Maths and Science. For extra-murals
he coached swimming and worked with Lee McGregor the Springbok swimmer; he was also the athletics
coach and Inanda won the Inter Catholic athletics for 6 years running. In addition he was the rugby coach for
the younger boys.
Br Timothy took over in 1975 from Br Anthony as headmaster. He maintains he was never an innovator but
highlights during his term of office were the building of the swimming pool, tennis courts and the development
of the sports fields. He also focused on academics and in 1981 Michael Urban was the first boy to achieve a
full house of distinctions in matric.
The one aspect of extra murals which he did not enjoy was cadets. He attended a cadet officer’s camp and in
the end Br Anthony asked him to take the cadets over. Mrs Moni was very pro-active and helped a great deal
as her sons were very prominent cadets. When he took over as head, Br Timothy decided to stop cadets at St
Some of the staff he fondly remembers are Trudy Elliott, a wonderful English teacher who had an excellent
way of teaching boys. Gavin Nefdt, Tom McFadden, Ken Lipshitz, Bill Carew, Wendy Schaafsma, Father
Plesters and George Manolios was the prep headmaster.
Reflecting on Br Anthony, Br Timothy felt that Br Anthony had a wonderful gift of inspiring confidence in young
people and was very good at handling difficult situations and parents. He had a wonderful way with people and
was the person who built St David’s up. Br Anthony was never overbearing and worked very well with young
brothers guiding them and giving them responsibilities. He always checked up to see how they were
progressing. Br Anthony was not a very orderly person but here Br Andrew, deputy headmaster, helped him.
During his time, Br Anthony introduced the advisory council which later became the board of governors
St David’s first headmaster was Br Urban, followed by Br Edwin, Br Benedict, Br Anthony and finally Br
Timothy. Br Andrew and Br Bosco (Mario) were prominent brothers.
Notable parents who went the extra mile were: Mrs Moni, the Kourie family, Nassie Simaan, Steve Muller, Vito
Rugani, Darko Vidas, the Allem family, the Reeves family, Slavens, v d Handel, Paizes, Marlowe and Marsay.
The sale of the Inanda’s land:
Br Michael was Br Superior at the time and was very friendly with the McGill Love’s who owned the land next
to the school. There was a fire which the boarders helped to put out and following that, the McGill Love’s had
an agreement with the brothers that they would have first option on the property when they decided to sell their
home. When the sale went through there was an agreement that should Mr McGill Love die first his wife could
continue to live in Maryknoll until her death. Mr McGill Love died first and his wife stayed on in the house but
eventually the brothers offered to pay for her to move into a retirement home and the property reverted to the
brothers. For the acquisition of the property an amount of R150 000 was required. The parents decided, under
the PTA Chairmanship of Mr Walker that they would pay the extra R150 000 needed in the form of a levy
however, in 1971, the Sandton council needed to widen Rivonia Road and the school was reimbursed (R50
000) for the land that was required which covered the shortfall on the land.
The brothers later decided to sell off a piece of ground because they felt that the school would not ever need
the land and they were in a tough situation financially. The land belonged to the brothers not the school. Mr
Tim Marneweck, a parent, who was involved in property helped with the sale of the land. Sadly the parents
and old boys were angry because they felt that the money should have come to the school.
(See Br Jude’s Interview and Finance Weeks articles – October 14-20, 1982 p.100; 30 October 30, 1982 p.4
and August 22 – 28, 1985 p.509)
The school reputedly had two ghosts. Peter Stringer, the cricket coach was given accommodation upstairs at
Maryknoll once Mrs McGill Love had left. He maintains that he saw the ghost of Mrs McGill Love at the foot of
the staircase. The second ghost was that of Br Pius who is said to have wandered around the house where
the sickbay was situated. The brothers used to live in this house but once the administration block was built
the brothers moved in there. If there were any boarders who had to stay overnight in the sickbay then one of
the brothers would have to go down and stay in the house. One of the brothers was in the house one night and
heard a strange noise and went from room to room looking to find the source of the noise. He eventually found
a coat hanger moving in a cupboard! But the brothers always maintained that it was Br Pius walking around.
Br Timothy felt that Br Andrew was a very strict disciplinarian and an excellent Maths teacher who got on well
with Willy Castle. Willy came back to complete his matric and fitted in very well with his new class while most
other boys didn’t mix with the class below them. Br Pius was an excellent gardener and because of him the
gardens at school were well laid out. Br Aquinas enjoyed his whiskey and every Sunday evening the brothers
used to get together and would have a drink. Br Aquinas always had a whiskey and one evening he was called
away and left his drink. The other brothers replaced his drink with diluted Coca Cola while hiding the whiskey
behind the chair. They watched as Br Aquinas returned and continued to drink the diluted Coca Cola without
noticing the change. The brothers were too ashamed to say anything and never told Br Aquinas about the
Br Timothy left St David’s at the end of 1981 after many happy years at the school. He was appointed
headmaster at St Owens on the Cape Flats. This school was a far cry from St David’s and he taught std 8 –
He later went on to help Br Anthony at Slough for a while, becoming Brother Provincial in 1989 until December

  1. He was then sent to the United States on a course and it was here that he met his future wife. After
    much soul searching he decided to leave the Marist Brothers and his future wife left her order as well. Timothy
    now works for the Catholic Schools Office who look after the affairs of the 10 schools run by the diocese in
    November 2010

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Mario 1963 - 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000724
  • Item
  • 2014

Conversation with Br Mario at St Henry’s 2010
Br Bosco changed to Br Mario July 1973.
His 1st year at Inanda was in 1963. His qualifications were a BSc in Maths and Physics,
however he taught Latin in his first year at St David’s. He taught Latin in Matric and Maths in
1963 then later Science to standards 8 to 10, with Physics and Chemistry as separate subjects.
Latin was phased out in 1977.
Br Anthony finished his BA degree while headmaster. He was schooled in Ireland and he had to
get SA matric – Mario helped him with the Maths. He wrote his exam at Hibberdene and Mario
covered his Maths book in brown paper so no one could see the title of the book.
Br Mario remembers Br Michael Bailey, then the Provincial Bursar, throwing a miraculous medal
over the fence onto the land which they wanted so badly. Br Ephrem , Br Provincial at the time
only wanted to buy piece of land but the parents said that they should buy the whole piece @
R152 000,00. The M1 and the Brixton Tower were built at this time.
Incidentally there is a mistake in the Afrikaans foundation plaque.
Mrs Kempster was originally employed as a temporary teacher in 1943 for 6 months.
At the opening of McGregor Oval in 1970, the board wanted the Bishop to open the oval. Bishop
Boyle was not formally invited as no one took ownership of this item! The day dawned cloudy
with drizzle. When the Bishop finally arrived he read the blessing from a book which had
nothing to do with opening a cricket oval but once the blessing had taken place the rain stopped
and play could begin! Paul Edey found the plaque of the opening at his home Maryknoll.
Br Patrick Carrey was very into charity work and organized a big walk which was sponsored on
29/7/69 over a 20 mile course. The then mayor of Sandton started it and R7000 plus, minus was
raised. Three charities benefitted, one being Br Paul who was blind. The press was invited to
the presentation of money and arrived at school to find Paddy O’Byrne handing out notices to
the parents to object to the increase in school fees. A meeting was subsequently held in the
Sandown hall.
Political refugees hid at both St David’s and Sacred Heart during apartheid years. (Br Neil
McGurk knows more)
1966 when the silver jubilee was celebrated the crest was found to say 1940 so this had to be
changed to 1941.
Leo Theron made the stained glass windows in the auditorium. Original cost R150 per window
then increased to R250.
Conversation with Br Mario at School on Friday 14 May 2010
Terry O’Mahony playing cricket vs St Stithians, Wed pm 8 Mar 196. The Saints headmaster
arrived at St David’s at 14:45 to find St D’s batting with the score 10 runs for 0 wickets. The
head sat next to Br Anthony and remarked that St D’s were batting very slowly only to be told
that St Stithians were all out for 17 runs – Terry O’Mahony had taken 4 wickets off 4 successive
balls! Br Anthony announced the following day that the ball would be mounted and presented to
Terry later. At the end of 1974 when Br Anthony was packing up to leave, a ball was found in a
drawer, he realized that ball had never been mounted. The ball was duly mounted and given to
Mrs O’Mahony to give to Terry.
In late June 1964, there was a very heavy snowfall. Dracula (Br Andrew) and Br Mario went to
the top balcony for assembly and the boys started hurling snowballs at the two. Br Anthony told
the boys not to throw snowballs at brothers unless the brothers had started first!
Br Anthony did not like paperwork but preferred to walk around the school looking to see what
the boys were doing.
In 1962 young Irish Br Ignatius did not see eye to eye with one of the boys in standard 7.
Rumor was that the boy in question had a gun and one of the boys told Br Anthony. Br Anthony
went to the classroom walked around, put his hands into the boy’s jacket and found the gun,
then quietly took the boy out of the classroom and disarmed him.
There were 44 beds in each dorm and 4 dorms. The brothers then lived in Willem’s house.
A priest came every day to say mass for the brothers in the old chapel and once a week for
senior boarders at 6:30. School started at 8:30.The mass for silver jubilee was held outside on 6
June but it was unfortunately not a nice day.
Vatican 11 realised that the world had changed – up to then there was still a feudal culture in
the church. The church now began thinking of it as being a community..
Br Aidan was in charge of the junior boarders and taught Latin in standard 9. He then became
the bursar. Br Timothy taught Biology and RE from 1967. The first secretary to the headmaster
was appointed in 1963. There were no staff meetings Br Anthony told brothers at breakfast
what was due to happen that day. The timetable was the same every day in high school.
In the late 1960’s Beyers Naude was invited to give a lecture during a period of Lenten lectures
or talks for the boys and staff in the chapel. Beyers Naude, a member of the Broederbond made
a deep impression on Br Mario. The lectures were organized by Br Patrick Kearney who was
once detained and became a director of Koinonia.
In 1970 the 1st rugby team beat Obs and planning started for the Science wing with a R30 000,
00 grant from Anglo but the building eventually cost R188 000. Prof Fassler was the architect
and Joe Stravino was awarded the building contract with a R50 per day penalty clause and it
took much longer. In 1971 building started in 1st week of January and Br Mario planted trees in
the quad. The Science wing was opened in Aug 1972 with a Science expo. Br Anthony was very
good at delegating tasks and never wrote anything down, made appointments verbally and then
forgot about them. The auditorium was handed over before the rest of the building.
In April 1971, Br Anthony gave permission for a mixed cricket match to be played on the rugby
field at St David’s. There followed a controversy which raged on for a week with articles
appearing in many of the newspapers including Die Vaderland and issues were raised by a
white activist Kane-Berman. An article appeared in the Rand Daily Mail, the newspaper which
railed against apartheid questioning why sport could be played in the Homelands but not a
mixed team.
The boarding house closed in 1972 after a decision was taken at a brothers chapter meeting. It
was becoming too taxing to look after the boys. The brothers decided that one boarding house
should close in Johannesburg and Br Neil stated that Johannesburg did not need a boarding
Br Anthony went on leave in 1974 leaving two acting heads, Br Timothy in charge of boys and
Br Mario in charge of admin. Br Mario played a trick on Br Timothy when some parents applied
to have their child admitted to the school which had no discrimination; unfortunately the child
was a girl!
1972 was the 1st year that Champagnat mass was held at Rosebank Catholic Church initiated
by Br Mario who also instituted the collection for the poor and the Champagnat mass is still
going today.
The Rand Daily Mail had a competition to raise money for bursaries for children in Soweto at
R30 per child. Br Mario set this as project for Lent and the grade that brought in most money
would visit Soweto. The matrics brought in the most money and visited the Morris Issacson High
School in Soweto. Very cleverly the boys were paired off in 2’s and 3’s to walk around and in
this way the boys could get to know each other.
Br Mario spent 2 months at Berkley University in the USA on a Science teacher’s course which
cost 10 dollars per day because he was a brother and couldn’t afford the fees.
Br Ephrem, the Brother Provincial, gave the house the name of Maryknoll and used the house
as his office. The farm was originally called Zyferfontein.
The school was known as Marist Brothers Inanda but the PTA wanted to emphasize St David’s.
Br Anthony used the words St David’s Marist College at a swimming gala in 1963. The school
magazine was the Inanda Review until 1959, then became St David’s College Inanda 1960, St
David’s Marist College Review in 1989 and the school, was renamed St David’s Marist Inanda
in 2001.
Br Mario is currently acting as a personal secretary for Br Jo and is based at Sacred Heart in
JLE 2010 and November 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Jude

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000723
  • Item
  • 2015

Brother Jude
Br Jude started teaching at Marist Observatory in 1963 and subsequently from 1965 until 1974, he was
stationed at Walmer, Port Elizabeth. He was appointed Brother Provincial at the end of 1974, at a time
in when the brothers were grappling with a number of issues. Among others, there had been a drop in
the number of pupils attending the schools, a declining number of brothers and discussion about the
possible consolidation of some schools. Already in the second half of the sixties, to assist with the
running of the schools, advisory committees were introduced. These were followed in due course by
administrative boards and finally the board of governors
In the early 1970’s there was discussion among the congregations of sisters and brothers running the
Catholic schools in South Africa about the desegregation of “white” Catholic schools .While already in
1957 the Catholic Bishops Conference had declared that “Apartheid was intrinsically evil”, other than
attendance at Church services and gatherings, Catholic institutions had, by and large, remained racially
While a few schools had already admitted black children at the start of the 1975 academic year, ironically
it was the South African government itself which provided a catalyst. In the early 1970’s,the government
was desperately trying to establish diplomatic relations with other African countries and eventually
managed to do so with Malawi. This however presented a problem for the government when it came to
considering where the children of diplomatic staff were going to go to school. They could not be enrolled
at a “black state school” because of the dire standard of schooling in these schools nor at a “white state
school”, something which would have been completely contrary to state policy. The result was that the
government gave “permission” for the children to be enrolled at “white “Catholic schools. As a
consequence St David’s and St Theresa’s Convent School, Rosebank, were among those who admitted
the children of Malawian diplomatic officials in March 1975.
See article “Focus on the black child in search of education” by Linda Vergnani -Sunday Tribune, 16
March 1975.
Attempts to meet with the administrator of the Transvaal, Mr Sybrand van Niekerk, to discuss the
admission of local black pupils to “white” Catholic schools proved futile. This resulted in Catholic schools
in the Cape and the Transvaal quietly admitting black pupils.
Early in 1977 the media broke the story about the number of black children that were being educated in
“”white” Catholic schools in the country. This resulted in the administrators of the Transvaal and Cape
Provinces both issuing statements that all children admitted illegally should be removed immediately and
the schools would face deregistration. The then minister of national education, Piet Koornhof, intervened
and a series of meetings followed. These finally resulted in a cabinet decision in December 1977 that
while the government could not condone what Catholic schools had done, the children who had been
admitted illegally could remain in the schools but there would be no more admissions without the
express permission of the provinces. Application with full motivation had to be made for each and every
pupil. The Catholic schools were informed of the cabinet decision and were encouraged to submit their
applications before the beginning of the new academic year in January 1978. In the Cape all but one
application, due to reasons of age, were accepted. In Natal there were not many applications but all
submitted were accepted. In the Transvaal, by the day before schools were due to reopen, no response
had been received from the provincial authorities. At a hastily convened meeting of the provincials and
principals concerned a decision was taken to go ahead with the admission of all pupils whose names
had been submitted. On the day that schools reopened, school inspectors descended on the school to
check on admissions.
This resulted in further meetings with both the administrator and the minister with the Catholic schools
standing firm on their admission of children regardless of racial classification. These meetings continued
over the next few years with the Catholic schools continuing to admit pupils with ongoing opposition from
the Transvaal authorities. Finally, towards the end of 1982 legislation was passed which allowed the
admission of black pupils to schools registered with the provincial education departments.
For years the private schools in South Africa registered with the provincial education departments had
struggled with the government for school subsidies, these were finally granted in the early 1980’s. Not
long thereafter the government attempted unsuccessfully to use the subsidies to enforce a quota system
on the admission of black children.
From mid-1980 opposition to apartheid and its structures increased significantly resulting in the
declaration of two states of emergency. In an attempt to crush opposition the state security forces
targeted the Congress of South African Trade Unions, the South African Council of Churches and the
Catholic Bishops Conference. Within a space of months COSATU House, Khotso House, the
headquarters of the South African Council of Churches and Khanya House, the headquarters of the
Catholic Bishops Conference were destroyed.
The 70’ were tough times for the brothers and the Marist schools in South Africa, times requiring much
consultation and discernment. The brothers looked at their number and ages (at the end of 1974 there
were 68 Brothers in SA) and realised that the majority were likely to lose, through death, the majority of
the brothers in the province at the time within the twenty years or so. The situation was aggravated by
the small number of local vocations and the fact that there were no longer brothers coming to South
Africa from Europe. They were also faced with the fact that there were fewer brothers available to take
on positions of responsibility. Also of concern were the very significant discrepancies in facilities between
black and white Catholic schools. They were also conscious of the call of Vatican 2 for lay people to be
given their rightful place within the church and church structures and felt the need to honour it and allow
lay people to take on positions of authority within their schools. This eventually resulted in the first lay
headmaster being appointed to a Marist school in South Africa, Linmeyer in 1977. This proved to be very
controversial and took some years before the appointment of lay people to senior promotional posts was
accepted. Another move was that of withdrawing brothers from senior Marist school positions and
making them available to work within black Catholic schools where there a significantly greater need.
Thus Br Anthony left St David’s and together with Br Christopher, went to set up a mission in Slough, a
resettlement area on the edge of the Kalahari. Some people incorrectly interpreted these initiatives as
signs that the brothers were abandoning the “white” community.
The brothers also had to face two other significant challenges besides the matter of opening all
promotional posts to lay people and the withdrawal of brothers from the other schools to make brothers
available in areas of greater need, namely the issue of co-education and the desegregation of the
schools already referred to earlier. With the pending closure of several convent schools in the 1980’s
because of the declining numbers of religious sisters, the question arose whether the brothers would be
prepared to admit girls to what were at the time their “boys” only schools. The brothers were open to the
schools becoming co-educational institutions, a position not shared by all the members of the Marist
family. The first of the Marist schools in South Africa to become co-educational was Sacred Heart
College, Observatory. This followed decisions taken by the Ursuline Sisters and Holy Family Sisters to
close their schools and link up with what was at the time Marist Observatory. When the La Rochelle
Convent school was due to close there was some initial opposition from the board at Linmeyer but this
gave way and Marian College, Linmeyer, became co-ed as well. In the 1970’s and 80’s pupil numbers
dropped at both St David’s and Rosebank Convent and the respective school authorities looked into
integrating the two schools. For a variety of reasons this was not pursued.
Brother Jude was Brother Provincial from 1974 until 1983. In 1985 he was asked by the Catholic Bishops
Conference to set up the Catholic Institute of Education which thirty years on, continues to provide a
great service to the Catholic schools in the country. At the time he was a member of the St David’s
community. In 1988 he was asked to take over as Secretary General of the Bishop’s Conference of
Southern Africa, a position he held until 1995 when he was again appointed as Provincial of South
Africa. In 1998 a series of consultations took place within the Southern African region to form a single
Marist Province in Southern Africa. In April 1999 these resulted in the formation of the new Province of
Zambia and Zimbabwe. A year later Angola became the sixth country to be a member of the Province.
Br Jude served as Provincial of the new province from 1999 until 2004.
The issue of the sale of land where the “Inandas” now stand was in reality necessary as the brothers and
schools were experiencing a very tough financial situation at the time. The school was only using a
portion of the land available to it and the question was whether the school would actually need the corner
section in the future. The property was in fact zoned as agricultural at the time with its corresponding
property evaluation. The brothers looked at various ways of handling the sale. What was finally entered
into was an agreement with a developer which allowed for the brothers to benefit from the progressive
development of the property. In terms of the partnership arrangement that was entered into, the brothers
gained not just from the initial sale of the property as agricultural land but from each successive stage of
the whole development process as the land was rezoned and the units were finally sold.
July 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Anthony 1957 - 1975, 1982

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000722
  • Item
  • 2009

Interview with Brother Anthony 1957 – 1975, 1982
When he first came to St David’s, Brother Anthony was in charge of the senior boarders
in the boarding school. He recalls that the boys used to go to the Jukskei River and have
mud fights over the weekends.In those days the Maristonian club was on the main road
to Pretoria.
Brother Anthony was particularly proud of the development of sports facilities at the
school. The 45 acres (18 hectares) where the cricket oval, rugby fields, astro turf and
CEO’s house now stand were originally owned by a Scotsman, Mr McGill Love. The
gendtleman in question owned a company, Haggie Rand, which sold cables to the mines
and he gave the school fist option to purchase the land. In 1963 the school bought the
land for R150 000. The municipality then wanted some of the land to widen Rivonia
Road. Ronnie Walker was chairman of the school committee and Watson, the mayor (he
had a son at St David’s). The municipality paid R127,000 the land, 10% of the property
purchased. The money made was used for building the Science laboratories. ater,
McGregor, Dowson and Dobson leveled the fields for R14,000 and in 1966 the grass
was laid. McGregor’s son won 7 gold medals in the SA championships the cricket oval
was named after McGregor.
There was some debate whether there was enough space for a full cricket oval, and
indeed there was. Pete Springer a professional cricketer for England came together with
the Bishop Hugh Boyle to officially open the oval. Brother Anthony recalled that the
Bishop’s opening prayer was for chastity!! A party followed in the dining room which now
houses the college library.
The current CEO’s house, a Herbert Baker house was used at that time to
accommodate the professional cricketers – Dickey Bird, Dobson and for boarders
upstairs. The remainder was used for storage and for an office for the PTA. Don Wilson
saw a ghost of a woman at the top of the stairs. What was the A Dormitory is now used
for the grade 6 classrooms.
The first black child was admitted to the school in 1976, the son of the Malawian trade
Headmaster Murphy only lasted 6 months and Brother Anthony came to the rescue as
the new head was having difficulties in adjusting, there was no prep headmaster as Mr
Monolias had left to go to a school in Benoni after coming to St David’s from Bryanston
High School. Br Anthony checked out the rumours of Murphy’s wrestling career whilst he
was in Cape Town. Using the public library Br Anthony finally came across an article in
the Durban press relating to the wrestling. Br Anthony had to step into the breach and
was headmaster from 1981 – 2. He then escaped once more to the desert in Slough.
Outstanding boys that Br Anthony remembered were Roberto Amato , matric 1960. His
father was Rhodes scholar, he was a wonderful boy and was instrumental in starting up
a school band. The matric class of 1961 was a small class, a group of six boys, three
became surgeons and one a professor. B Haakman, Malcolm Fenzman, Nigel Sloane.
Prince Ipsolante who was related to Prince Phillip.
American field scholars used to come to St David’s as exchange students in the 70’s.
Br Anthony remembered another mother who was particularly angry with him and it
reminded him of being back in Glasgow watching a Celtic/Rangers match.
Fulton a US golfer was a former pupil.
One boy came to school with a gun and wanted to shoot a couple of the teachers
however, the next day Br Anthony managed to confiscate the gun and called the boys
father. It turned out that the gun belonged to the father and had been acquired during the
war from the RAF.
Another rather funny incident was when Br Anthony caught a boy coming out of the cold
room in the kitchen with a rather large stomach. He was hiding a watermelon under his
In 1966 the first boy to become a drug addict was expelled after a debate with parents
on the issue.
There have been only three matrons in 70 years.
An amusing incident occurred when a teacher, Ms Janosch collapsed in the toilet, Br
Anthony went to her aid and managed to get her onto a carpeted area, whereupon she
grabbed his crucifix and pulled him down on top of her just as Br Andrew walked in!
There was a flourishing riding club with stables where the grade O block is now. Ken
Booth, the Queen’s chaplain was a keen rider and took teams of boys to the Hickstead
trials where they achieved first place in the second year of competing. Horses were on
the property and there was a riding club until 1980
There was a teacher named Zacharovitch, a former priest who Bro Anthony found
working in a local bottle store. Bro Anthony acquired the permission to employ him as a
teacher and he turned out to be a good one.
Br Anthony’s nickname was Oranges and Br Andrew – Drac. Br Irwin was the first head
after Br Wilson and only lasted 6 months – the auditorium was named after him.
Teachers – it was a priority that the school had to have good teachers but there will
always be those, a small percentage, who are no good.
The first board of governors included parents such as Moni, Herber and Paizes. School
fees were GBP4 per term in Bro Anthony’s time. They tried to keep the fees down but
the board of governors said that the fees needed to be adjusted. A proposition was
made to the regional council who gave the Ok to raise the fees. The local schools
followed suit. Subsequently there was a protest at the school gates and a Mr Emberton-
Smith and Mrs Hogg protested against the increase and handed out fliers.
Br Anthony coached rugby, there were 8 open teams and he preferred to teach the
weaker teams. He remembered the first time the school beat Jeppe (1000 pupils, St
David’s 238) the boys were enraged at being called Catholic Jews. There were quite a
number of Jewish pupils at the school during this time.
Br Anthony remembered two dogs, a female called Lola Brigida and a Doberman
Pincher called Dagwood. Dagwood was a very friendly dog who used his jaw to grab Br
Anthony by the hand but never bit him.
Brothers and Priests included Father Plestus, Br O’Brien who accidentally killed a
woman who ran out in front of him and was very upset also by the police comment “One
less” Br Anthony consoled him and gave him brandy but he was never the same after
that. They also had a Dominican priest for a while who had a nephew at the school.
The first chapel was next to the first classroom. Br Rowson, who was often “unwell”,
would light a candle to indicate his presence. Br Rowson only lasted 6 months.
The second chapel was in fact built as a library; the architect was Klench. The donation
for the current library was made by Mr Pinero now living overseas.
Vatican 11, 1967 was a significant and very disruptive time for all Catholics, there was
great upheaval in the church and many priests and nuns were looking for jobs. Some
priests were laicized and there was an exodus of brothers, Jesuits, Celesians etc. De La
Salle Brothers took in some of the priests.
Br Anthony remembered the school plays and one very good “Thomas More” in
conjunction with St Teresa’s. The schools didn’t have the numbers for big productions.
Musical evenings were held although there was no hall and the dining room, now the
high school library, was used. One production was held at the civic centre with Paddy
O’Byrne as MC.
There was a band competition which St David’s won and Peter Moni was the drum
A big walk was held to raise funds for the blind, St Teresa’s Guild for the Blind with Br
Paul coming across for this fundraiser.
JLE April 4, 2009

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Aidan 1963 - 1984

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000720
  • Item
  • 2010

Brother Aidan 1963- 1984
Br Aidan attended St Aidan’s School where he matriculated in 1953 and then attended Wits University in 1954.
As Br Aidan’s main ambition was to teach he joined the Marist Brothers in Pietermaritzburg. He then went to
Australia to complete his novitiate and eventually returned to Port Elizabeth’s Walmer School to teachAt the
end of 1962 he received a letter from the Bishop in Johannesburg to take up the post as bursar at Observatory.
Br Michael, the incumbent bursar at St David’s, met Br Aidan at the train station and, when they arrived at St
David’s Br Michael informed him that the position had changed from Observatory to St David’s as he, Br
Michael, had been appointed Provincial and therefore had to vacate the position. The job had included looking
after the boaders and their food etc. Br Michael had looked after the tuckshop, worked only for the boarders
and had to supervise that every afternoon and evening. The job also covered the ground staff. With Piet the
cook for the boarders, the catering turned out to be quite easy, Charles was the brothers cook and second IC
in the kitchen. Apart from being ther bursar, Br Aidan had 4 periods of teaching Monday to Thursday after
break and on a Friday afternoon he had to do the shopping which was a heavy load.Br Aidan was very
reluctant re taking this position as he really wanted to teach. Before the Bishop sent the letter to Br Aidan the
Marist Brothers had spoken to Br Aidan’s father who was a bank manager and asked if he thought his son
would be able to cope with the job. All his father stated was that he was not in favour of his son joining the
The brothers at this stage moved into the admin block from the house near the swimming pool but the
configuration of the new ‘house’ was not really suitable as offices and living areas. Br Aidan had installed a
safe in the office but there were only two burglaries in all the years he was bursar and each time nothing of
value was taken. Br Anthony had a secretary, the first ever – Mrs Macfarlane? Br Aidan remembered Phineas
Selima who worked with him.
The first year was tough but the second year was even worse. The accounting system that was used came from
France as they had to report to the Mother House each year. In 1965 the Provincial moved him to Pietermaritzburg
and then on to Walmer, PE from 1966 to 1967 where he taught and looked after the boarders.
Br Ephrem, the new Provincial, recalled Br Aidan to pick up the pieces and he stayed at St David’s from 1968 to 1984.
Piet was the first cook in the kitchen,then the school had a series of cooks including a Scottish couple with the wife in
the kitchen and the husband as groundsman. This didn’t last long and they were followed by Mr and Mrs Erdis. Once
they left there was a gap of many years before Willem van der Merwe was appointed. To begin with there was conflict
between the work force and Willem. The ground staff were really left to their own devices because Brother was far too
busy with other matters. The problem was solved and they have become a cohesive unit now.
Br Anthony appointed some parents to form an advisory committee (first mentioned in 1968), they were the
forerunners to the board of governors. Messers N Herber, P Paizes and T Marneweck were the first parents selected.
The Marist Provincial Council took the decision that each school should be governed by an appointed board
comprising people of varying expertise due to the declining numbers of Brothers. The old boys, especially Alf Smit
were very involved and wanted St David’s to continue.
As time went on Br Aidan found that it was increasingly difficult to keep the books. He was not proficient in double
entry bookkeeping and therefore suggested that the books should be outsourced. This was done and Mr Viera came
in once a week but this process was too slow so his services were terminated. Towards the end of the 1970’s Mrs
Audrey Williams, a school secretary, was employed as a bookkeeper.
In the early 1980’s the Marist Provincial Council felt that employing a brother to be act as a bursar was counterproductive.
Mrs Anne Evans, the bookkeeping teacher, took over as bursar in 1984 with Br Aidan taking the year to
hand over the reins.
The financial position was not good as the fees were not very high. The Science lab had been built as well as the new
swimming pool. The board were not happy with the way in which the brothers allowed some children to attend the
school without paying. The brothers didn’t give cash bursaries only book entries.
A huge financial boost to the school finances was the expropriation of the land adjoining Rivonia Road. The money
from this should have gone to the Marist Brothers as they owned the land but instead Br Anthony used the money to
pay for the building of the Science lab (Opened in 1972 together with the Br Urban auditorium).
Br Ephrem moved into Maryknoll once Mrs McGill Love went to a retirement home.(The property was purchased in
1963) The McGill family were hoping that the will could be revoked and that they would get the land back. This of
course did not happen and the superiors put pressure on the school to sell some of the land as they felt the school
would have no need for it.
An embarrassing moment was when the school started accepting black children. Br Aidan was so used to seeing
people waiting in the passage applying for work so this one day he greeted this gentleman and asked him what job he
was being interviewed for only to be told that he was there to enroll his son in the school!
On another occasion Heather Joseph and Carol Ansell were talking outside Br Aidan’s office window not thinking that
their conversation could be overheard. It was just after the holidays and Heather was bringing Carol up to date with
the holiday. Heather had been to Port Alfred and said the surf was great but on one occasion she had lost her bikini
top in the surf and had to run back to the beach. Br Aidan decided to use this episode and told Heather that a lady had
arrived at school with a green bikini top which she felt belonged to someone on the staff. Of course this wasn’t true but
caused Heather much embarrassment.
After Br Aidan left St David’s he was sent to Holy Cross in Soweto run by the Holy Cross Sisters in 1986. Here he
taught which he thoroughly enjoyed, however the year was very disruptive due to the 10th anniversary of the Soweto
riots. The sisters felt that their work was not being done and they decided to close the school and the Bishop decided
that the diocese would take over the school. The opening in 1987 was slightly delayed but the school finally opened
with over 700 pupils and very few suitably trained teachers. Br Aidan wasis still at Holy Cross at the time of this
conversation and was slowly handing over to lay staff but unfortunately once they are suitably trained they leave for
greener pastures.
In conclusion Br Aidan felt that all the effort that was put into the school in the 60’s and 70’s has been worthwhile. The
area around the school and the catchment area changed dramatically but he felt very proud when he returned to the
November 2010

Egenrieder, Julie