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Interview with Peter Habberton 1975 - 1980 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000877
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview – Peter Habberton – Staff 1975 - 80
Peter grew up in Benoni, son of an Anglican minister who was forced to leave South Africa in

  1. As a consequence, Peter finished his schooling and university education in England
    returning to South Africa in 1974. As a member of the Wanderers cricket club at the time he
    learnt that Peter Stringer the current St David’s cricket coach was leaving. He went to see
    Brother Timothy and was subsequently employed as cricket coach and P.E. teacher in
    October 1975.
    Br Timothy gave Peter and his new wife Jackie 3 rooms upstairs overlooking the cricket fields
    in what is now the CEO’s house. Their daughter was born there in 1978. Peter had a dog
    called Shane who went with him everywhere and tracked down his son, aged 2 when he once
    went missing walking out through the school grounds to a nearby shopping centre.
    Peter taught Physical Education from the prep through to the high school having a PE degree
    from the UK. He then started to teach English and became part of the school’s management
    team together with Trudy Elliott, the then head of English. Peter coached the 1st team cricket
    and 1st team rugby and was in charge of athletics. Later on Peter started the Art department
    also painting the scenery and sets for the annual matric dance.
    There were still many brothers teaching including Br Timothy, Br Mario, Br Bernard, a keen
    photographer and artist, Br Aidan the bursar. Br Jude was the Brother Provincial. Br Anthony
    was no longer around but popped in occasionally. Other teachers were Ken Lipschitz, Maths;
    Tom Macfadden, History; John Vahey, Geography ; Heather Joseph taught in the prep school
    together with Willy Castle and Terry O’Mahoney both of whom joined as students whilst
    studying at JCE. Willy eventually took over the prep soccer. Terrry O’Mahoney, coming from a
    strong Marist family was a fellow student who went on to St John’s. In 1980 Peter Swanson
    was the assistant coach for rugby. Mrs Gilroy, Br Timothy’s secretary, ruled the roost in the
    admin block.
    In those days the school had fewer pupils and not many resources but managed to climb up to
    the A league and become competitive especially in the Catholic schools league. Peter
    remembered an occasion when Walter Cronje was victim of a dirty player on the Observatory
    side. The player had been sent off, was allowed to return to the field again and immediately
    homed in on Walter tackling him and rupturing his spleen in the process.
    The land was sold off where the Inandas now stand but it was believed that the money was
    used not only for St David’s but other Marist schools. However, there was a good spirit in the
    school with a very supportive parent community. There were on average 27 boys in a class
    and Br Timothy was a firm but understanding headmaster.
    Some of the boys he remembers are Mike Peel, a brilliant cricketer now living in the Nelspruit
    area who is now an environmental scientist. He was the first of Peter’s charges to get into the
    Transvaal Nuffield cricket team. Sasha Martinengo who now presents motor racing on Super
    Sport was in the prep school in those days
    JE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Ted Barale 1984 Standard 9

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000942
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview with Ted Barale – 1984 (Std 9)
Although Ted eventually matriculated at Damelin College he was a pupil at St David’s from
grade 1 until 1984. Ted’s family lived in Krugersdorp which entailed Ted and his brother
Anthony catching a train at 4.30am from Krugersdorp to Park Street and then taking 2 buses to
get to school, repeating the process on the way home. He was a day boy but had lunch at
school and most Fridays the brothers used to go and have dinner with his parents at their
hotel,the Lewisham Hotel. Ted got a lift there and back with the brothers so he was ready for
rugby on Saturday.
Ted remembers Brother Anthony, and Mr Manolios, Brothers Andrew, Bernard, Aquinias and
Timothy. He remembers that Br Anthony used to allow the boys to choose their cane for
punishment.Br Anthony was popular with the boys and parents. He recalled an occasion when
one of the brothers was writing on the board and one of the boys flicked his fountain pen and
the ink went down the brothers back. The following day he came in facing the class and
eventually the culprit owned up and was sent summarily to Br Anthony’s office
The Herbert Baker house consisted of classrooms and stables were where the present grade 00
block is.
Ted loved the sport, playing hooker in rugby and made the cricket B team but did not do well
academically and battled with English and reading but enjoyed Biology and the Art classes. Ted
hated exams and the English lessons.Ted was the rebel and his brother Anthony, who became
a doctor and is now living in Canada was the clever one. Ted’s father was Italian and his mother
Afrikaans which didn’t help. His mother was chairlady of the ladies committee together with
Moni’s mother.
When Ted left school he went into the family business and has always been in catering and now
runs his own restaurant Picolinos in Fourways.
Ted still sees some of friends from school and some of them visit him at his restaurant. Paul
Moni, Nicholas Erleigh, Kevin Peel, Sean Davidson, Mike Stanley.
JE July 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Sean Quinn 1963 -1968

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000725
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Br Sean Quinn – 1963 – 1968
Br Sean first came to St David’s in 1963 and initially taught a primary school class. He thinks that Patrick
Quarmby was in that class, also Ivan Bensimon and Ian Skinner who is now married to Patrick’s sister.
Other names were R Adair, Clive Schoombie, N Jarvis, T Tribe.
Through his involvement with sport coaching many other names came to mind: Terry Rosenberg; Terry
Lavery; Errol MaCauley; Lee McGregor; G. Simaan. The latter’s father Mr Nassey Simaan helped with
coaching rugby and Sean learnt a lot from him and became a fanatic of rugby. He also said that Br Jude
taught him a lot in Maritzburg too. It was a game Sean never played in Ireland where G
gaelic football and hurling were the sports. He took cricket teams and umpired, and took students out on
Saturdays and Sundays with the “Cycling Club”. He never managed to lose anybody, thank God, but when
he thinks of it now, it frightens him. They used to go a long way sometimes and once through the city to the
southern suburbs and beyond, unknown territory.
Sean thought that we would know that some of the names mentioned went on to play at a high level ; Terry
Lavery represented the Springboks and Sean met him briefly at White City athletics stadium in London. Lee
McGregor was a Springbok swimmer whose parents were good people who helped Sean in his transition to
“civvy life’.
Remembering the brothers was easier for Sean in many ways – Br Anthony, Br Aidan, Br Lewis, Br Neil, Br
Br Neil was the nephew of the Br Provincial, family name McGurk. He and Sean once cycled to Pretoria
and back, very tired and thirsty at the end as one could imagine.
Br Ignatius, Br Aidan Burns and Br Sean once walked to Post Shepstone from Hibberdene along the
railway line. They got a few rand from the bursar to buy some food and drinks which they lost on their way
to Port Shepstone. They went back down to the beach and retraced their steps to the shop and eventually
found the money on the ground next to the door. Lucky! They then hitched a lift back to Hibberdene and
two men in the car took them right up to the door. Lucky again!
Br Sean liked distance running, having run up World’ s View in Maritzburg many times but Br Ignatius (aka
Paddy Collins) took it to another level later running the Comrades many times and he is still running full
and half marathons in Ireland now about 74 – 75 years old!
Br Sean stopped playing rugby at 40 and took up running – he completed 2 marathons and numerous half
marathons, but not in the same league as Br Iggy! It might say something about their lives with the Marist
brothers, but what it says, he is not exactly sure.
Another person that Sean remembers with great affection was a Zulu man. Piet, a big man who was in
charge of the kitchen, he was always cheerful and tried to teach Sean a little of the Zulu language and
talked proudly of Dingaan, Cetswayo and Shaka. Sean looked him up many years later on Google. When
Sean went to the kitchen for coffee, Piet would always address him as nKhosaan and Sean regrets not
talking to him more.
One funny incident Sean recalled was when they tried to hear a world title fight from America on the radio.
They tried to get it by rigging up the aerial on the tennis court net at some ridiculous hour in the morning
and by the time they got the broadcast the fight was finished. He couldn’t quite remember who was fighting,
maybe Joe Louis or Floyd Patterson. There were, of course no replays in those days!
On a more personal level, Sean taught Geography in the secondary school from 1964. He can remember
threatening his students that he would cane them if they failed. He now thinks that was a stupid thing to do
but he had seen this in Ireland as par for the course. He had to cane about 4 or 5 students and was sick of
himself by the time he had done two. One student, Gabriel Simaan cried and was still crying when they
went to Ellis Park for an inter-school tennis match. Sean thought that Gabriel liked him as a teacher and
was friendly with Gabriel’s family and was disgusted with himself and his stupidity. He never used the cane
again in all his teaching life of over 30 years. They were a very good family and Sean still has regrets.
Sean finished his degree whilst working on a mine in Rhodesia and later did his HED again at UNISA. He
went down to Johannesburg to do some teaching practice for exam purposes and did it at St David’s in
familiar surroundings and all that went with it.
Sean has some fond memories and some questions he would like answers too, but the past is the past and
he thinks it is not good to dwell on it too much.
After Sean’s wife died in 1996, he was at a loss and very disorientated. He quit his teaching job in a Jesuit
school in the north of England where he had taught English and Geography to “A” level for 10 years. He
went to Southern Ethiopia with the VSO for 2 years to work as a teacher trainer. He then had work at the
University in Newcastle upon Tyne after which he took off with a backpack to SE Asia, Australia and New
Zealand - a bit old for it at 60 but he didn’t care. Sean loved Thailand, the people, the weather and food so
went back and stayed. Sean had a TESOL diploma and an MA in Linguistics from Leeds, studying whilst
working. He developed an interest in the English language but all he did was work doing seminars for
teachers helping them with their methodology and English.
Sean’s son (who was born in Rhodesia) and 3 grandchildren live in Melbourne, Australia and Sean visits
them fairly regularly.
Sean currently lives in Thailand and has done so for the past 11 years, about 350kms NE of Bangkok in a
very rural area with a good wife who looks after him very well. He did some voluntary work teaching for 3
years but then had enough and now reads, works on his wife’s small farm, cycles a bit and relaxes.
I gave Sean Gabriel Simaan’s email address and he got in touch with him. Gabriel had no recollection of
the incident and said he was caned on several occasions but it certainly didn’t do him any harm. (JLE)
JLE November 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Byron King 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000729
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Byron King – 2007
Byron came to St David’s mid-year 1998, grade 3. Byron’s family had relocated from Cape
Town, where he had attended a small government school, to Johannesburg. Debbi Zambon
was his teacher and he recalls that it quite an intense and overwhelming experience for him.
The sport was much more competitive, the buildings formidable and it was very cold.
Johannesburg was very different and he didn’t have as much freedom as he had in the
Cape. His mother Cheryl started working at the school and therefore, Byron spent most of
his time at the school.
Willy Castle ruled the prep with an iron fist, but Byron used to see him at school and
afterwards in a social capacity together with his parents. Byron’s passion was his guitar and
was encouraged and influenced greatly by Rick Wilson the prep school headmaster. He
participated in sport with swimming, soccer, and athletics but he never featured in any top
Byron though that Ron Thackwell, Mandy Everson and Craig Sinclair were excellent
teachers with Craig having an incredible general knowledge which he imparted to the boys.
Roger McIver was his grade 7 English teacher and although he loved English, he fought him
all the time but now they are the best of friends and Roger is one of his mentors. The prep
boys love to hear the story of how Mr King and Mr McIver didn’t get on. Byron remembers
well the grade 7 lunches with food from Steers when Rick Wilson made a speech and
mentioned every boy in grade 7.
Byron felt more integrated in the high school but wasn’t a member of the main groups. He
became friendly with Dino Zuccolo who was very driven, worked extremely hard and in spite
of that always came second. Boys grew up quickly in high school. In grade 7 you tend to
think you are invincible until the grade 8 camp with guys you had never seen or met before
and of course new teachers. The older boys seemed enormous and the entire grade 8’s
were scared of them. Initiation was fierce and the matrics were vicious with the grade 8’s in
Byron’s year, but the boys respected them. They had a great 1st team rugby and when they
mentored the boys one on one gave them guidance..
By grade 9 the boys became a bit cockier with hormones, girls, cell phones and the
accompaniments of the teenage youth. His class was a close knit group and became more
so after the death from cancer of Justin Bessler which brought them together again after
leaving school.
Byron took sport more seriously in high school and did well in swimming, water polo, and A
and B team rugby. He lived for sport and no longer played his guitar until he reached first
year at varsity. Byron was captain of the B swimming team and captain for one or two rugby
Special events, Byron recalled the New Zealand and Australian rugby tour in his matric year.
The team consisted of 25 boys including 5 from grade 11. Boys on tour generally become
very close and this tour was no exception. His fondest memory is of the 1st team rugby
beating St Stithians at home in 2007. The stands were packed Byron was on the bench the
atmosphere was electric. From a social point of view there was quite a bit of tension as
many of the St David’s boys were friendly with St Stithian’s girls. He also recalled the time in
grade 8 and 9 when St David’s beat KES.
Byron was line-up monitor, but didn’t receive a leadership scroll. Rod Smith told him it was
his sloppy dress and behavioural issues that let him down. Mr Smith was his favourite
teacher teaching English but also covered Life Skills. He always came late by 10 or 15
minutes to start a lesson, although he was very strict on discipline. He was housemaster of
Osmond house which always did well, the theory being that he selected the boys for his
house whilst they were at the grade 8 camp.
Byron also studied Art and found Anneke Carter to be a great teacher and made the subject
so interesting. Once, the boys went with her to the Carlton Centre to draw the Johannesburg
skyline. She allowed the boys some freedom for 40 minutes and many of them wandered off
with the result that they arrived back at school late and missed several other lessons. In his
matric Byron achieved a distinction in Art with several other boys, he didn’t struggle with the
history of Art and spent many Saturday afternoons doing pracs in the Art room.
Walter Thompson was the boys’ rugby coach from grade 8 to grade 10 and taught Maths.
The boys really enjoyed him, he treated them well but they understood the line they
shouldn’t cross. He treated the boys like adults on the rugby tour and they rewarded him with
the U16 rugby team winning all their matches. Then for some reason things changed and the
boys became demotivated and lost the drive to win.
Marius Buys was an interesting teacher coaching rugby and teaching Afrikaans and
Byron was awarded scrolls for U16A rugby, U14A rugby. He did help out with the SMILE
programme once but unfortunately didn’t have time to participate more than that. He
performed in house plays in grade 11, auditioned for the school play but wasn’t selected.
Byron respected the ethos of St David’s and realised it was a privilege to have received a
Marist education with its focus on modesty, humility and simplicity.
After Matric, Byron took a gap year and together with Cameron McLullich went to St
Augustine’s a Marist school in Cairns, Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. The school
uniform was different but the ethos was very similar. A top boy’s school it was run by Marist
brothers in their 40’s upwards, living on the premises. The head brother Michael was aged
about 55 and Byron enjoyed the Brothers innovative and modern approach to Marist
education, It influenced his eventual decision to become a teacher. He visited 3 Marist
schools whilst in Australia – St Josephine’s in Sydney, Marist Ashgrove in Brisbane. All, the
schools offered boarding and were absolutely phenomenal. Two Australian Brothers are
starting a Marist organisation and members will be recognised as an official Marist educator.
On his return to South Africa, Byron went to Stellenbosch to study for a BComm but
absolutely hated it and decided to return to Johannesburg and study to become a teacher.
He started working and studying through Unisa simultaneously and regards himself as
extremely fortunate to have Rick Wilson as his guide and mentor. Teaching is very different
now with the use of Ipads, laptops and smart boards etc.
Byron is currently an intern at St David’s and believes he is fortunate to have guidance from
Rick Wilson and other prep school teachers.
JLE August 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Paul Gerard 1992

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000873
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Paul Gerrard – 1992
Paul remembered his first day as he arrived a bit late two weeks into the first term of grade 1.
He sat next to Jaffrey Tsaksani and Ryan Lamberts, his teacher was Mrs Scaafsma who used
her ruler quite liberally on the boys hands.
As it was compulsory Paul played rugby and cricket and made all the matches unless he was
show jumping which took up a lot of his time. Due to his commitment to horse riding he didn’t
make the 1st teams. He enjoyed the team sports and felt that it really helps in understanding
people and it is good to work together. The camaraderie was great but not all the boys were
accepted and Paul felt that the boys who played hockey rather than rugby missed out. The
camps were amazing and the camaraderie and hierarchy of who sat where on the bus trips.
Paul participated in cross country usually coming 2nd or 3rd but didn’t put in too much effort and
was often caned for missing a run. He was strong in the distance events in athletics, 800m and
the high jump. Through his horse riding Paul became stronger as a person and very fit.
Paul didn’t enjoy being caned but believed that it was necessary. He recalled Mr Girdwood,
English teacher who got very angry about something and smacked him very hard at the back of
his head – at the recent reunion the boys remembered that incident well.
Of his teachers he remembered Lesley Henning an excellent Maths teacher who converted him
from average to being good in the subject. Finlayson was the cricket and rugby coach and Grant
Webster, Biology, had a bat called “Justice” which he wielded once if you admitted not doing
your homework and twice if you lied. There was a small, cheeky, Muslim boy called Mohammed
Ahmed who Webster grabbed by the ankles and held over the railings on the top floor.
He recalled being kicked out of a matric prize giving held at the pool. Together with some other
boys and girls that were around he was messing about creating a noise, a teacher came and
found them and told them to leave.
In the prep most of his best friends were black but in high school groups formed, and the black
pupils usually had their own group. The fact that the school was non-racial changed Paul’s
attitude. His uncle, Francis Gerrard and aunt were activists and in the late 70’s visited Mandela
in prison and Mbeki in exile. Paul’s friends who went to government schools had an entirely
different, prejudiced attitude to blacks. Paul was one of a group of boys who visited Alex
township taking food and clothing collected at St David’s.
Boys he remembers, the naughty crowd, are Garth Ramsay, a cattle farmer in the Midlands who
was a rebel rouser, Bobby French, Andreas Zanella, Jason Harmsen, Justin van Linden, Jason
Hallett’90 and Peter Batisch. From 1993 there were Andrew Harris, Andrew Botha and
Lawrence Azar.
There were initiation rituals where the younger boys had to blow up condoms and other silly
things, nothing too serious but good for one’s development. Paul, together with 3 other boys
opted out of becoming a prefect by walking out of a meeting.
At the recent reunion it was noticeable how many of the “cool guys” attended coming from the
UK and Cape Town but a number currently living in Johannesburg did not make the effort.
After matriculating, Paul studied through Unisa and Midrand Campus for a BComm Honours
which he completed in 5 years. In his final year of honours he was working as a property broker
letting industrial space south of Johannesburg. However interest rates climbed to 20 – 25% and
he lost out on a major deal which prompted his decision to go overseas .He had spent some
time coaching cricket at St David’s and played cricket after leaving school. He spent some time
mainly in the UK, France and the US as a professional ski bum and cricket coach and worked
for a season in the UK as a cricketer .The time away gave him a new perspective on life. He
had many jobs one as a security guard for various shows and events, ending up together with
his wife in the computer industry in the UK. Then in 2003 Flanagan & Gerrard asked him to join
them in South Africa. The company is involved in commercial property development specialising
in shopping centres. They organise christmas carols every year supporting various schools in
Rustenburg, children’s and old age homes.
Paul’s eldest son attends Redhill School as St David’s would not accommodate Adrian in grade
Paul’s father Peter donated a cricket scholarship to the school in 2008.
JLE January 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Jeetesh Kathawaroo 1992

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000811
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Jeetesh Kathawaroo – 1992
Jeetesh first came to St David’s in standard 1, 1983. He and his sister were pupils at Parktown
Convent, Jeetesh being in grade 1 and 2 before writing an entrance exam and being accepted
at St David’s. The family were living in Lenasia and had to get up early at 5.30am and travel to
their schools via Fordsburg where their parents ran a restaurant. Jeetesh was aware that his
parents sacrificed a lot for him and his sister to receive a private school education.
Mrs Orford was his first teacher and he made friends with Rowan Brewer and Mark Egan who
was originally from the UK and whose father was a teacher at the school
Jeetesh really enjoyed his time at St David’s meeting different kinds of people from all levels of
society, both black and white. He was also exposed to many things such as leadership and
development programmes, youth groups, other schools and was on the Sandton junior council
which he wouldn’t have experienced elsewhere. There were also the extra murals and more
opportunities in sport and academics and the teaching was better. However one rather took it
for granted whilst one was involved in it.
During his time in the high school there were a number of headmasters, Brother Anthony for a
short while then, Mr Freilich, Boswell and Paul Davies. Other teachers were a Brother who
taught Technical Drawing and who wore a white cassock with a western province T shirt
underneath. Br Julian who would, unsolicited, interrupt a class and talk about random things,
much to the annoyance of the other teachers. Mr Oliver, Maths was a great teacher if you were
good at the subject, Mrs Hughes, English, Mr Girdwood, English whom he enjoyed and who
helped him with his public speaking. He also remembers Mrs Marais with fondness. Mrs
Madison the librarian, he spent a lot of time in the library as he often had to stay late waiting to
be collected. He remembers her always saying put the books “on the table not the trolley”.
Jeetesh was not very good at sport and was a reluctant participant. He played hockey, cricket
and took part in athletics where he was reasonably good. He hated swimming and still does to
this day.
Academically he did well receiving various awards, an honours blazer, academic and oratory
scrolls. He enjoyed public speaking and was involved in national competitions and today speaks
professionally at conventions and conferences. He remembers making speeches for Mrs
Bowles and Mrs Anderson, he was good at it and enjoyed it. In standard 2 he had to make a
speech about his favourite TV programme and talked about Spider Man. He learnt that it was
better to speak about things you knew and were comfortable with. Jeetesh also was in a
number of school plays and Benedict house plays.
There were 37 pupils in his matric year and 250 in the high school.
After matriculating, Jeetesh went to Wits University and studied for a BComm Hons and is
currently doing his masters. He was first employed by Absolute Consulting Group, a small
company and is now working on his own as an independent management consultant. Having
worked for large organizations he prefers working on his own.
The first reunion held in November 2012 was great and he met up with Andrew Rose (UK) and
Kieran Roane (UK) who together with Mark Egan he often meets up with in the UK when he is
there. He is still in touch with Thabo Hermanus who he sees when he is in Cape Town. Jeetesh
is in contact with a number of boys through MOBS.
As to any sons he may have, Jeetesh would like them to have a private school education but
preferably at a school which didn’t have a strong religious influence. Being a Hindu he
sometimes was forced to participate whilst at St David’s which depended very much on who
was teaching Religious Education at the time.
Jeetesh chooses a different charity each year and either donates or contributes in some way
and does this in his private capacity.
Jeetesh would be very interested in participating in the 2016 celebrations.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gianni Mariano 2006 - 2020 Parent and Member of Board of Foundation

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000789
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Gianni Mariano – Parent - Foundation 2006 to date
Although Gianni was not a pupil at St David’s, he is a Marist old boy having attended Marist Brothers
Observatory Prep School before going on to Highlands North Boys High School. He loved the Marist
school but due to a question of economics and his parents’ wishes he joined Highlands North where after a
successful and rewarding school career, he matriculated in 1978.
Gianni has two sons who are St David’s pupils; Gianpaolo who matriculated in 2009 was house captain of
The Bishops, prefect and recipient of the Osmond trophy for academics, leadership and sport. His younger
son Francesco has just been elected head boy for 2014. His daughter attended St Theresa’s where she
was head girl, and is currently doing her internship at the Johannesburg General Hospital.
Gianni’s connections with the Marist education and ethos are very strong and he yearned for a Marist
education for his sons.
Gianni has been a member of the board of the St David’s Foundation’s since its inception in 2006, was
chairman of the development fund then the board of St Theresa’s for about 10 years. He also lectures at
Vega and is a trustee of the Mercy Sisters of South Africa.
Gianni acknowledged the changes St David’s has undergone over the years, in its physical structure and
various other aspects but believes the core essence of the school has remained and become possibly even
stronger. The Marceliin ethos is still relevant, real, and effective and of great value to many people even
though the school is no longer managed by the Brothers. His children have learnt about life in a very
relevant way and he feels that it has been a privilege for both himself and his children.
Gianni has found his involvement and the work he has done for the Foundation to be very rewarding and
After his son matriculates in 2014, Gianni intends to continue with his involvement in the School’s activities.
Gianni started his successful business – Mastrantonio, the restaurant and franchise business in 1966.
JLE December 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Setty Risi 1950

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000933
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Setty Risi – 1950
This is more of a series of recollections by Setty Risi during his time at Inanda. He was initially
at Koch Street.
Setty joined St David’s or Marist Inanda as it was then known in 1947. That year saw the start of
a transformation the college firstly in the scholastic field with the first junior matric class and in
1948 the first senior matric class began. In 1950 the senior and junior matrics prepared for a
mid-winter exam which was introduced by Br Edwin together with the College of Education in
preparation for the final exams.
The boarding section was situated opposite the classrooms and consisted of four dormitories
with A and B on the top floor and C and D on the bottom. Each dorm housed plus, minus 60
boys. The boarders study and college chapel were located at the opposite end facing the junior
school; the former on the ground floor, and the latter upstairs. The boarders’ dining room and
kitchen faced the quadrangle. The college chef, Piet Tshabalala who retired in 1950, had been
with Marist Brothers for over 40 years and had been personally employed by Br Frederic at
Koch Street. Setty met Br Frederic when he was a boarder at Marist Brothers, Uitenhague. Br
Frederic sadly died 4 weeks before his 100th birthday.
The brothers had their own cottage, which has since been demolished situated directly opposite
the old swimming pool.
The principal of the junior school was Mrs Kempster and the senior school, Br Urban until he
passed away in 1949 and Br Edwin took his place. Br Urban, a strict but fair man, very proud of
the progress achieved during his term as principal, was loved and respected. He believed that
every Marist Inanda scholar should take heed of the college motto – Comfortare Esto Vir –
Strive to be a Man. He had planned a trip to his homeland Australia but died in the presence of
his colleague Br Justin.
Br Edwin was a South African and came from a well know SA family. This was his first post as
principal of a college and his passion was rugby. As a Science teacher many a lesson was
disrupted by his talks on rugby, showing the boys press cuttings from his scrapbook which
described him as an excellent rugby player and a magnificent centre. Whilst he was studying for
the brotherhood, he was being groomed for provincial honours but was seriously injured in a
match suffering severe back and neck injuries resulting in permanent paralysis of the neck. He
was unable to turn his neck to the left or right, nevertheless this did not deter him from
appointing himself as the 1st XV coach. He was nicknamed “Jack Bones” and proved his worth
by turning the 1st XV into a real mean machine. He perfected the scrummaging and backline
with the end result proved his point with the team playing 10 matches, winning 7, losing 2 and
drawing 1.
The staff were Br Bartholemew – cricket coach; Br Alban – rugby and cricket coach who was
transferred to St Henry’s in 1949; Br Thomas; Br John; Br Lewis; Mr B. Singleton; Mr R. Bishop;
Mrs A Basson – Music teacher. In 1948 Br Celestine (Caesar) joined the staff as Maths and
Latin teacher. He was the only teacher who wished to be called Caesar and made it a ritual
every time he started a lesson. The boys would all stand, right arms raised, fists clenched and
shout “Hail Caesar”.
In 1947, rugby was introduced as a sport, two tennis courts were erected and the grading and
making of a new sports field. The new sports field which was used mainly for rugby and cricket
events was called the bottom field of which the top portion is the swimming pool today. Top
fields had three soccer pitches with the main field adjoining Rivonia Road sloping to the second
field and the third field at the back on Boundary Road. In 1948, the grading and levelling of the
main and second soccer field commenced and a turf wicket laid. The main rugby field was
parallel to Rivonia Road, B field adjoined 1st Avenue and one soccer field remained at the back
on Boundary Road. Soccer was restricted to the junior school only and the cricket pitch was
named “The Urban Oval”.
Tennis was in its infancy and there was great competition amongst the boys to represent the
school. Eventually 3 teams were selected and the school had the good fortune to have Jaraslav
Drobny, ex Wimbledon champion as a coach for a week. In1949 the doubles team played 8
matches, winning 6 and the singles champion advanced to the last 8 participating in the U/18
Transvaal championships held at Ellis Park.
Boxing was another popular sport which was initially contested between the houses, Benedict,
Bishops, College and Osmond. In 1949 the only tournament arranged was against Observatory
at Obs. The popularity of boxing was however on the decline and was eventually discontinued.
Swimming was the weakest link in the sports curriculum with mediocre swimmers although the
school did compete in the high school gala at Ellis Park. What the Marist boys, together with
Jeppe High was the highlight was the destruction of the KES school mascot, a giant teddy bear.
This was brought on by sour grapes as KES won this gala year after year.
1948 was quite a year for athletics the highlight of which was the build up to the athletics
meeting against rival Marist Observatory held at Obs. Frank McGrath, against all odds pipped
the Observatory sprinter at the post receiving a replica of the Callixte shield. This shield was
named after Br Callixte and was contested by the junior schools from Marist Koch Street,
Observatory and Inanda. Early in 1949, the athletics track which circled the cricket oval was
completed, this coincided with a triangular meeting against CBC Boksburg and CBC Pretoria
held at the college. The school was fortunate enough to have members of the visiting US
olympic athletics team visit the college as a good will gesture. Their shot putt champion gave
the boys some valuable tips. A floating trophy for athletics was donated to the college by Mr
Julius Risi.
During 1941 – 46, cricket achieved first team status by competing against 1st X1 teams from
other schools ending the season having played 10 matches winning 4, losing3 and drawing 3. In
1948 the Australian cricket team, led by Lindsay Hasseti touring South Africa had a Marist touch
to it as three members of the team were Marist old boys. Amid much excitement they paid a visit
to Inanda and left a signed cricket bat as a memento to be presented to the batsman who
scored the most runs during the season. Sadly the bat went missing in 1949. During 1949 the
1st XI cricket team improved a great deal and 2 members were invited to attend Nuffield week
and, although they were not selected for the team they gained valuable experience..In 1950
there was a short but successful tour of Natal winning 1 and drawing 1 match.
In 1974, soccer had two divisions the U16 and U18. The standard of soccer was excellent with
both teams excelling during the season. The U16 finished second on the log to Mayfair Highland
and the open team, which proved to be one of the best school open teams, played in the U\20
league against such teams as Wanderers, Y.M.C.A., Rangers and Marist.
Rugby was introduced late in the season in 1947 and, due to the excellent coaching and
knowledge of Br Alban, and that many senior boys knew the fundamentals of the game, it took
little time for them to get into the swing of the game. Thirty boys were selected and the best
fifteen were given Ist team status. Setty was the first ever scrum half and played 1st team rugby
for 4 years. The school played 6 games winning 3, losing 2 and drawing 1. As the team was still
in the novice class, 3 of the matches played were against the 2nd XV from Marist Observatory,
Monument and Fakkel, winning the former and losing the latter. The members of the 1st XV of
1947 were reselected for the 1948 season as the college only obtained complete high school
status in 1948, the first senior matric class Marist Inanda was listed as a day scholar and
boarding school. What a season that was. Prior to its start, Br Alban informed the school that
the team would be given full 1st XV status, rugby scrolls would be awarded and the school
would only participate against 1st XV’s from other schools. As 90% other team were boarders
they started their training early in the season and in the evenings after study, talks were given
about rugby. Highlight of the season was the match against the unbeaten, star studded
Parktown Boys. Before the game Br Urban gave an inspirational talk to the team. A walkover by
Parktown was inevitable, however the team performed a David and Goliath act and beat them
11-8. After the match the team created the war cry which was accepted until 1950:-
Killamanaio! – Waa!- Killamanaio – Waa!
Zucka-Zucka-Zunka-Zinca-Zinca-Zaa! Zaa!
Chia-Chia-Chaa! Chaa!
Ina-Ina! Aah!
Marist Inanda
In 1949 the All Blacks toured South Africa and the 7 Marist members of the team were invited
as spectators to a home match with a combined 7 players from Marist Inanda together with 8
from Marist Observatory playing against a combined visiting Marist St Henry’s and St Charle’s
team. Some brilliant rugby was enjoyed by a large crowd with the home side winning 13-10 A
“combined Marist scroll was awarded to the 15 members of the local team by a member of the
All Blacks. The college team ended the rugby season having played 13 matches, winning 8,
losing 4 and drawing 1.The names of the players appear at the end of this document.
The rugby highlights of 1950 were versus Marist Observatory where, before a record crowd,
Inanda recorded their first draw against them, having lost the last 3 encounters. The next game
was against St Henry’s played at the Old Maristonian Club. Br Alban, their previous coach had
been transferred to St Henry’s the previous year, so it was a nostalgic match which Inanda won
5-3 and Br Alban said he was proud of them. The next highly competitive game was against St
Charles in Pietermarizburg. Br Edwin was determined that they should win although St Charles
were far superior with 5 members of their team representing Natal Schools. The team went into
vigorous training weeks before the event with Br Edwin teaching them coded moves which they
perfected. The team was accompanied by Br Matthew and on their arrival at Pietermaritzburg
station on the Saturday morning at 4.00am, after 12 hours travelling prior to the game that
afternoon, they were met by Br Ralph and the team captain. With jeers and laughter Br Matthew
was asked if this was Inanda’s U15 side. Then they were taken to St Charles and told to share
the 8 mattresses that had been prepared in the school hall. This and the negative comments by
their boys did not deter the Inanda team. There was a competition predicting the score which
had St Charles victorious by 60-0. At 2pm they were driven to the main rugby ground as the
game was a curtain raiser to a main fixture between a local side and the Old Marists from
Durban. In front of an enormous crowd of 5 – 6,000 supporters to Inanda’s total of 2, their
linesman and Br Matthew, it did seem as if it were Inanda’s U15 team compared to the weight,
strength and height of the St Charles boys. Five minutes into the game St Charles scored and
converted a try, 5-0. However Inanda’s defence was excellent and they held their own in the
scrum even though St Charles had a tremendous weight advantage. Inanda counteracted this
by packing very low which upset the opposition. After half –time, with the support of the large
crowd the team was fired with enthusiasm and their confidence increased as the game
progressed. A scrum on St Charles try line using a code move, wheeling left instead of right
allowed their flanker to barge over. The try was converted and the game ended in Inanda’s
favour 8-5. In appreciation, a portion of the crowd carried each team member off the field
shoulder high and at the station that evening to see them off, Br Matthew bade a sombre Br
Ralph farewell saying, “ Brother that was our U15 team luckily for you we did not bring our 1st
team”. Br Edwin was a happy man the mighty St Charles had been humiliated.
In 1948 the first matric dance was held in the boarders study.
There was some drama in 1949 with the murder of Bubbles Shroeder at Hlati-Kulu the
magnificent house with its entrance directly opposite the school gates. The police presence with
sirens wailing went on for months which was an exciting time for the boarders who were able to
witness the comings and goings in the evenings and Piet the chef kept the boys well informed
as he was friendly with the chef at Hlati-Kulu.
In 1950 there was an incident when some senior boarders hatched a scheme whereby they
planned to enter Br Florian’s room in the brothers’ cottage to peruse the exam papers, take
notes on the questions asked and give this to their colleagues. This was done without the
knowledge of the prefects or other senior boys. Saturday morning at 7am was selected as the
time when the boarders had their coffee break and all the brothers attended Vespers from 7 –
8am. All went well and the boys accomplished their mission but one of the boys involved
realised that his right glove was missing and he presumed he had left it in Br Florian’s room.
The boys concocted a story whereby they said they were playing with Spotty, Br Florian’s fox
terrier and the dog ran off towards Br Florian’s room with a glove. The boys said they were
wearing gloves because it was so cold. Br Florian said he would investigate and nothing more
was said until a few days later when the whole school was told to assemble in the quad. In
school hours this was most unusual. The culprit was told to repeat his story in front of the whole
school. Br Edwin was furious and accepted that the glove was found in Br Florian’s room,
however it was found not on the floor but under a pile of exam papers. The other boys owned up
and told the truth and fortunately for them Br Edwin believed that no-one else was involved. He
intended to expel them immediately but had a change of heart as they were senior matric pupils
and the final exams were only months away, nevertheless he cancelled all the exam papers.
During this period all the class and sports photos had been taken, colours blazers and scrolls
awarded and Br Edwin was adamant that he would have cancelled all these awards if this had
happened earlier. He decided that no photos, scholastic or sports activities would be included in
the school records for 1950 and would be deleted.
On matriculating, Setty left to join his father’s business in township development of areas such
as Risidale, Lynmeyer etc. The business was sold in 1979 and Setty who loved gardening
joined Kirchhoffs Seeds where he remained until his retirement in 2000.
The names of the players representing the 1st XV
1949 1950
H. Gearing Full Back C. Leon
F.McGrath Wing M. Rogers
M. Gonsalves Wing T.Kilgour
E. Hulse Centre D. Rethman (Capt)
L. Da Cruz Centre R. Gibson
R. Buffa Flyhalf J.Pacheco
S. Risi Scrumhalf S. Risi
K. Kannaugh 8th Man M. Forretti
C. Clarke Flank R. Perino
T. Smyhte Flank A. Zylstra
D. Smith Lock M. Madeyski
P. Spencer Lock B. Babaya
E. Barale (Capt) Front Row P. Cazales
J. Airoldi Front Row R. Kippen
L. Steyn Hooker I. Kealey
JLE April 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Tim Johnson 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000951
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Tim Johnson – 2003
Tim first came to St David’s from Buccleuch primary in grade 3. His sister was going to high school and the
timing was right for him to change. Tim thinks that St David’s was the only school that he and his parents
looked at. It was difficult at first as all the boys were a tightly knit group and had all started together
however he got to know Michael Thomas and he is currently still his closest friend and they have tendered
for the MOBS home together.
Tim was not really into sports but enjoyed the extra-curricular sport which helped him break the ice with the
other boys. He eventually dropped cricket and concentrated on swimming and played some soccer in the
winter. From grade 5 his swimming became full-time and he got to know Willy Castle well. The prep
swimming team was very successful and unbeaten in grades 5, 6,and 7. In grade7, Tim together with Kyle
Biller went to Germany with the Wanderers swimming club and swam in an international gala. It was a
great experience and they joined in some serious training sessions.
In the high school Tim also played rugby and thoroughly enjoyed it being a member of both A and B teams.
His main sport was still swimming which he took very seriously training both at school and after school and
made both Provincial and Senior National teams. He also was a member of the water polo team, qualified
for the Provincial team and was captain of the 1st team in matric. Sadly he missed out on the rugby tour to
Argentina having given up rugby for swimming.
Tim continued his water polo at Wits University and went to Australia representing Wits University at the
university games. He plays for MOBS and participated in the fund raiser in memory of Justin Bessler.
Of the teachers In the prep Willy Castle was an iconic figure and Tim believed that he helped push him
beyond his boundaries in terms of sport. Tim has remained close to Rick Wilson and found him to be a
genuine, sincere person. Mandy Everson was a particularly good teacher. In the high school, Rod Smith
was a real character; Debbi Cameron cared so much about the boys; Lizanne Nagy held her ground even
though the boys gave her such a hard time and Dave Smith was also a character with a good persona.
Father Brewer held Mass in the old chapel and Tim remembers kneeling on the hard wooden benches and
also that Father Brewer had a scottish terrier and Mr Van Der Merwe a border collie. Paul Edey stands out
as headmaster and as a very good History teacher. Tim thought it was his most interesting subject because
of Paul’s energy and enthusiasm. Tim left St David’s in grade 10 as he wanted to be independent; he went
to Kingswood in Grahamstown but didn’t last long. There were problems at the school but Paul accepted
him back unconditionally. After that experience Tim thought he was number one as headmaster and he
also had great respect for Malcolm Williams.
Academically Tim felt that he could have applied himself a bit more but his real passion and time was
dedicated to sport. However he was in the top class most of the time in high school with Art becoming his
favourite subject and loved the practical aspect of the subject. He was interested in and enjoyed Maths,
Annabel Cotton made Physics exciting and Dave Smith was always entertaining in Geography.
Tim became a prefect and was awarded an honours blazer, specific honours swimming and water polo and
general honours for sport, leadership and merit. He also received many awards for sport and at the annual
prize giving in 2003 was awarded the Reeves Trophy for senior swimmer of the year and the Clark Atwell
Trophy for water polo player of the year.
Special events that Tim remembers are when Marcellin Champagnat was canonised in 1999 and a huge
joint mass was held with all the other schools. His matric dance wasn’t that memorable but the fireworks
evening was, from the beginning on the most favourite evenings when the school took on a different
persona. Champagnat day was always good fun and he remembers the “tug of war” in the prep. Ash
Wednesday was also memorable and although Tim wasn’t Catholic he was exposed to religion and the
Catholic ways and tradition and found it interesting although it was never imposed upon him. Reverend
Bruce was also significant and Tim always enjoyed his lessons which always had a story or strong
The mixed swimming and inter-house night galas were always great fun especially with the girls around.
Tim enjoyed the inter-house plays and always played a minor role. Inter- house events were always fun.
After matriculating, Tim went to Wits University to study BA Architecture and won the People’s Award in his
2nd year for design of a Transvaal home using steel. At the end of the third year they had to do a Gap year
and Tim spent the 1st year in Johannesburg and then went onto London for a further year. He then studied
further for another 2 years doing his BA Hons and then Masters - MArch.Prof. and his thesis focused on
Joubert Park and the Johannesburg Art Gallery.
Tim’s current employer taught him at Wits and offered him a job at her practice, Sarah Calburn Architects.
He deals in mainly residential tailor made houses for specific clients. He has also started his own company
Greenspace Studio and his aim is to be involved in medium scale social and commercial buildings.
Tim is a member of MOBS and has participated in the matric rite of passage.
JLE December 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Richard Hartdegen 1961

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000889
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Richard Hartdegen – 1961
Richard came to St David’s as a boarder in standard 2 in the July. He had previously attended a
boarding school in Natal, Kings College, Nottingham Road in a group of only 32 children. His
mother had died in the early 50’s and his father worked for the Chamber of Mines in
Johannesburg. His sister visited St David’s coming to mass and met Brother Edwin and after
that it was decided that Richard should be a boarder there..
Of his teachers he remembers Mrs Batten, a tough Afrikaans teacher who took no nonsense
and much to the boys amusement lived on the property at Tara. Mrs Kempster taught him in
standard 4. She was well known for her pupils getting the most prizes each year. From standard
6 the brothers such as Bonaventurte and Timothy taught the boys. One of the brothers was
obsessed with wasting water and used to time the length of time the boys were in the shower.
Richard recalled that absolutely everyone had to play rugby unless they were unfit to play. The
school began to play open rugby with the matrics but couldn’t beat Observatory. In 1958, the
best rugby team of that time nearly beat Jeppe at a home game 9-8 but it was in 1959 that the
St David’s rugby team were the first to beat Observatory at Obs 8-6. In 1960 the team lost again
but redeemed themselves once more in 1961. Darko Vidas “The Bull” was a member of the
rugby team and once on a rainy day during a session of weight lifting in the dining room, strolled
in and coolly lifted some weights with total ease just to show how it should be done.
Richard didn’t play cricket or swim but he did take part in athletics. There were twins, the
McGurks one of whom was a good bowler and the other a good batsman which used to
thoroughly confuse the opposing teams. There was great competition to assist with the cricket
scoring at the Bric scoreboard on the weekends as the boys would then be invited to the lunch
which was always rather good. The food generally wasn’t too bad.
Richard recalled that, in standard 7 or 8 all the boarders crowded into the swimming pool area.
One of the boys upended a load of phosphorous into the pool from the diving board. There was
the most amazing bang and everyone scarpered. On another occasion a few boys were playing
with magnesium in the Science lab, there was a loud bang which was heard by Br Anthony who
was at the pool. He took off in a rush to see if anyone was injured and was not impressed.
Money was disappearing from the tuck shop and the culprit was eventually caught when, during
his return climb over the roof, down a drainpipe and into the tuckshop, he slipped and fell putting
his leg through a glass window.
Every morning all the Catholic boys went to mass and the non-Catholic’s went to study. Priests
came from Rosebank, one of whom was quick with the mass and the other slow which meant
that the boys used to miss out on the morning coffee and rusks.
Richard was head of the debating society. In standard 9 all the Marist schools wrote the same
exams country wide. Richard came 3rd in Maths and 3rd overall. Many of the St David’s boys
received medals and Richard still has his.
Richard thought it was an excellent idea that Brother Anthony took the view that if the boys were
doing well in their matric year they did not have to attend classes in the subjects in which they
excelled but could rather work alone in the study room. They still had to write the weekly and
termly exams and the teachers also had to agree to this. One of these boys, Hawkins was very
good at Maths, became a statistician and eventually was appointed to a professorship in the
Dudley Mandy was the head boy, Emil Iglauer the deputy. In his matric year Dudley announced
that he wanted to become a priest and halfway through the year was sent to Pietermaritzburg,
however after he matriculated he changed his mind and eventually went to work for Gary Player
at his stables.
Richard did well in his matric year was a prefect, was awarded an honours blazer the Brother
Edwin Bursary and achieved 4 distinctions in the JMB Matric..
Richard studied at Wits University and is now a dermatologist and Mohs surgeon specialising in
of the treatment skin cancer. He has two sons who went to Redhill and Bryanston as he and his
wife decided that a co-ed education would be more suitable for their sons as they didn’t have a
Richard keeps in touch with Dennis Adams but does not have any contact with any other of his
contemporaries. Richard would be very interested in the 75th anniversary in 2016.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Reg Titcombe 1954

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000886
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Reg Titcombe – 1954
Reg came to St David’s in 1952 as a boarder. He attended Marist Brothers from grade 1 through to matric.
Firstly to Koch Street for 8 years until standard 6, then Observatory for a year.
He recalls being very impressed with his new school and enjoyed being a boarder as it was safe, he made
a lot of friends in pleasant surroundings with regulated study periods although he did miss home cooking,
the friends he grew up with and the freedom to do as he pleased.
He thought the teachers were great and he made some good friends. All the brothers who taught him were
very good teachers and he remembers them all, just not their names! The names he did recall in no special
order were Vidal, Phillip, Aquinas, Benedict, Ephrem, Bartholomew, Celestine and Edwin. Phillip a New
Zealander was a great influence in his life. He was inspirational teaching him how to organise his notes and
how to study. Celestine taught him Latin, which in turn taught him how to analyze problems. Br Ephrem
taught him Physics and Chemistry with great passion. These were the men who equipped him for the two
career paths he followed in his working years......Chemistry and Business.
About 10 days before the end of his matric year, Reg gave four of his classmates crew cuts for half-acrown
each. He needed the money, and they needed to look good the school dance was just around the
corner. Br Edwin walked into class, took one look at the four standouts, and screamed, “who did this?”. Reg
immediately put up his hand thinking he wanted to compliment him. He didn’t, he grabbed him by the scruff
of his neck, yanked him outside and thrashed him so many times, Reg eventually lost count. He also gated
Reg for the remainder of the school year. The incident was neither funny or amusing at the time, for Reg
anyway, but over the next few days, when everyone in the school was talking about it, he was able to see
the amusing side of the incident and he did not really want to go to the school dance and hockey pick up..
Reag played cricket, rugby, tennis, soccer and hockey. He was not particularly good at rugby or cricket but
did play U15A rugby and 2nd team cricket. He was very good at hockey and played for Natal University, but
hockey in 1954 was not a team sport at St David’s.
The only four boys he has seen since leaving St David’s were Jake de Lancey, David Reeves, Jimmy
Walker and John Livingstone. He has had n news of his other classmates but he did know that Ronnie
Columbic was a mercenary in the Congo, and was killed there in 1955. Jacques Kerwyn de Meeandre
committed suicide in the Belgian Congo in 1955, and he had heard but could not confirm, that Billy Hapker
fell off a tram and was killed in Brussels in 1955. John Livingstone who he saw in 1974 before he departed
for New York passed away a couple of years ago.
Thanks to the dedicated and unselfish brothers he was able to obtain, with ease, a BSc in Chemistry and
Geology and a BSC (Hons) in Chemistry from Natal University in Durban; and, after being transferred from
Cape Town to New York by Caltex in 1974, he went on to obtain an MBA from the University of Connecticut
in Stamford. Reg had an interesting and successful working life, thanks in large measure to the teachings
of three gifted brothers to whom he will always be grateful. He retired in 1999, and spent the last 5 years of
his working career based in Mexico City as vice president of business development, Fina Mexicana, S.A de
C.V. a subsidiary of Dallas, Texas based Petrofina Oil & Chemical Company, now Total Petrochemicals in
Houston, Texas. He and his wife Lynn now live at Lakewood Ranch just east of Sarasota, Florida.
Reg’s eldest son Michael was only 5 years old when he was transferred to New York in 1974 and his
youngest son Matthew was born in Stamford, Connecticut in 1978.
His two sons Michael and Matthew are attorneys in San Diego, California. Michael is a retired Commander
in the US Navy. He did four tours of duty to the Gulf. He and his wife Lisa had a little girl Rachel in 2000.
Mattehw is still a batchelor.
The last time he visited St David’s, was in 1985 or thereabouts, on a business\pleasure trip to South Africa.
He stopped off in Randburg for a dinner meeting with some executives from Sasol. The next day on his
way to the airport and had the cab driver drop him off at St David’s and he visited with Br Ephrem for an
hour or so. He really enjoyed seeing Br Ephrem again and the school looked very much as he had
remembered it.
JE September 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Sven Arp 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000940
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Sven Arp – 1980
Sven joined St David’s in 1978 going into standard 8. As his parents had divorced, Sven left St Albans as a
boarder to spend time with his mother and attend school as a day boy. He found the St David’s to be a
breath of fresh air, less regimented and the environment was more relaxed from a teacher pupil
Brother Timothy was the headmaster, he was tough but ok. Headmasters are never popular individuals.
Sven recalls that he did something “silly” and Br Timothy told him to “think about the consequences of what
he did in life” which has somehow stuck with him ever since.
Sven played 1st team rugby, was a B team swimmer with an occasional visit to the A team but he didn’t
ever play cricket. Overall Sven enjoyed his time at St David’s with rugby matches always being auspicious
occasions; the boys were under a lot of pressure especially playing centre. Tackles were not! to be missed.
Sven considered himself a decent sportsman but no superstar.
He recalled having a blind date for the matric dance he attended in standard 9, the night did not go that well
date wise. He is vague on his standard 10 matric dance but did have a regular girlfriend at the time.
Although St David’s was and still is a great school the boys learnt to be humble and not to expect to win all
the time, even today. He feels that intense pressure amongst schools to win (which seems even worse
today) is not entirely healthy.
Of the teachers, he remembers Mrs Natrass who came right at the end, she totally lacked self confidence
but could teach amazingly well. If you took the trouble to do past papers she would get them back to you
the next day, marked with full explanatory comments. Trudie Elliott taught English and was a character in
her own right. Mr Neft, Afrikaans also a character. As a non-Catholic, Sven received separate religious
instruction from the Catholic pupils.
Academically Sven did well and was in the top 5 most of the time. He was awarded an academic tie,
honours blazer, became a prefect and won a trophy for the Maths prize.
His Grade 11 results got him into Onderstepoort, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria
which was fortunate as his appendix burst midway during the matric exams and he had to write supps for 4
subjects. He eventually achieved 2 A’s but would have hoped for more.
After spending 5 half years qualifying at Onderstepoort, Sven went into the army and was based in
Kangwani, Badplaas in the Eastern Transvaal. He married whilst he was in the army and on completing his
army service went into small animal veterinary work and, in 1990 started at Olivedale clinic which now
operates with a compliment of 4 vets.
Sven has two sons Reinhardt who matriculated from St David’s in 2009 and Ronan who is currently in
grade 6 at St David’s. Although it’s quite a trip every day to and from the family home in Olivedale Sven
believes it is worth it for his son to be a St David’s boy and they spend some quality time on the drive to
and from the school.
Sven does a lot of pro bono work with feral cats in the area and for the Animals in Distress organisation.
Vets are also involved in the development of individual community clinics in the Eastern Cape which is
spreading. He has no direct involvement in those but feels they are a great initiative.
Sven hosted a MOBS event at his home earlier this year (2013) The “boys” had all just turned 50 or were
about to do so, nostalgia prevailed. Brian Muller and Trevor Christie-Taylor were visiting from Australia.
Fifteen of them got together with their wives and children including George Daras (head boy) and Alphonso
de Chaud (vice head boy) who together with Gavi McLaughlin made it all the way up from Cape Town. It
was a truly special day to catch up with mates some of whom had not seen each other since the last day of
school. School friendships are of the best.
JLE October 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Peter Gerard 1966

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000876
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Peter Gerard – 1966
Peter Gerard joined Marist Inanda in 1955 and his brother Francis in 1952 The school was then
quite small and didn’t have the reputation it has today, with a mixed bag of pupils from all walks
of life.
Peter and his family lived at 58 First Avenue, Inanda on the boundary of the school, Rudd Road
was then a dirt road and was only tarred up to where the Toyota garage now stands in the late
Peter was a rebel, a non-conformist and didn’t get along too well with Br Anthony who wanted
all the boys to conform and recalled Peter Tuffen who won a Maths olympiad and was a
favourite of Br Anthony. However Br Andrew tolerated his lack of conformity and also that of
Roger Phillimore and Olof Winkler.
He remembers teachers such as the young Heather Joseph who was a favourite with the boys
with her beehive hairdo. Mrs Brick who taught there in the 40’s and 50’s; Mrs Scaafsma used
her ruler to rap knuckles; Br Andrew used cuts with the cane to discipline the boys, during a
Science lesson something blew up into Br Mario’s face. There was one incident where a brother
was teaching and turned to write on the board and one of the boys threw a dart at his back,
needless to say they were all caned. An older pupil, Roy Hutton was a phenomenal swimmer
but rather conceited and became the target for some of the boys with pellet guns. Once again
they were severely reprimanded. The discipline was hard but the boys coped with it and were
generally outspoken and not intimidated when they did not agree with the brothers.
In matric 20 boys, including Peter were arrested and landed up in jail due to a
misunderstanding. They had been walking from the Kelvin Grove Hotel in Rosebank where a
bust up had occurred. The police thought they had been involved and arrested them.
Fortunately one of the boys Jannie Steyn, spoke Afrikaans and managed to convince the police
that they were innocent.
Peter recalled a controversy over the sale of the land where the Inandas now stand. Initially, the
owner of the farm “Three Trees” didn’t want to sell to Catholics but eventually his widow sold the
land to the school in 1963. In the late 1970’s The brothers apparently missed out on another
possible land purchase as Tony and Peter Wilson owned the land from the bottom playing fields
as far as the Inanda Club and would have been willing to sell it to the school. Possibly the
finances were a bit tight at this time.
Peter and some of the other boys planted all the grass on the fields during Br Anthony’s Maths
Peter was expelled during his second last year because of an incident at a 1st team rugby
match. Roland Walker or Br Anthony was exhorting the boys to shout “Come on St David’s” and
Peter shouted “Come on Marist Brothers Inanda” which didn’t go down too well as did his retort
to Roland Walker. In order to be reinstated,he had to apologise to Br Edwin who was the
Brother Provincial residing at Obs, Br Anthony and the head of the PTA, Mr Roland Walker
before he was allowed back at school. Ironically Peter ended up working for him when he was
offered a job by Alastair Barclay and was introduced to a senior partner – Roland Walker! He
recalled that he achieved honours in studies, swimming, athletics and rugby and that Br
Anthony did not particularly enjoy presenting him with his honours blazer.
Peter enjoyed the sport and played 1st team rugby, 2nd team cricket, tennis in the prep together
with Jannie Steyn and Terry Rosenberg. Willy Castle was 2 – 3 years behind him.
Peter thoroughly enjoyed his years at St David’s in spite of his rebelliousness. There were 48
boys in his matric year and between 4 and 500 pupils at the school. In 2006 there was a 40 year
reunion at the Michelangelo and 35 of the old boys got together many travelling from various
countries around the world. He recalled Charlie Platt, who had always been quite large
commenting on the fact that Gilroy who was always rather slim was now rather “fat”!
After matriculating Peter went on to Wits University where he studied for a BComm for four
years and then went into the property business although initially he was hoping for a career in
merchant banking. He is now involved in shopping centre development and investment.
Peter’s son Paul attended St David’s and his wife became very involved running the tuckshop
for 10 years. Peter donated a cricket scholarship to the school in 2008.
JLE January 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Terry van Heerden 1972

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000946
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Terry van Heerden – 1972
Terry started at St David’s as a boarder in standard 5 in 1967. On his first day he remembers his
mother crying, lots of other mothers crying, some boys crying, his father helped him carry his trunk
up to the dormitory, rows and rows of beds with military corners, emptying his trunk into his locker,
everything new and labeled with his name. Thomas Manko, whose locker was next to his, men
wearing dresses, big scary boys telling him what to do and where to go, dinner in the hall, loneliness,
homesick already.
The day boys didn’t get to play as much sport, and have endless opportunities to create mischief as
boarders, not that all the boarders considered that a con. In every other respect Terry would have
preferred to have been a day boy and live with his family, date girls, go to parties, wear cool clothing,
listen to music and so on. Terry also felt that boarding did not prepare you for a normal life and in his
first year at university he likened himself to an untrained dog that had been let off its leash. He
knows that the same thing happened to most of the boarders.
Terry most enjoyed the sport, comraderie, the “Boys Own sort of life” that they led and, in an odd
sort of way, the routine of the life. He also enjoyed learning. The habit has stayed with him all his life
and he owes it to the teaching he received at St David’s.
Terry doesn’t have memories of his last day but he is sure that he would have had mixed feelings;
relief that it was all over, excitement about the future, sadness to be leaving what had become, with
all its warts, home.
However he didn’t enjoy the hours of boredom (especially on visiting weekends when most of his
mates went home and he and other boys whose parents lived so far away were stuck at school with
no one to play with), the constant hunger and being homesick.
He has good memories of every rugby game that he ever played. Rugby was a big thing in his life
and Nassey Simaan had a lot to do with that. He lit the fire. Their loss to KES in 1972 still rankles to
this day. It was the only blemish on the “72 team’s record. Heplayed a lot of sport. Terry was in the
school’s swimming and athletics teams and held many records in both disciplines. And he was
captain of the 1972 1st XV rugby team which was the most successful team the school had had up
to that point. Lawrence Saad and Terry were the only two St David’s boys to have been invited to the
Transvaals schools rugby trials. Terry made it to the final 30 but on Br Anthony’s advice to his
parents he withdrew to concentrate on his studies. He later played a few games for the Western
Province U20 team.
Of the teachers, Brother Timothy was an influence. Like Mr Simaan, he had a passion for rugby and
it rubbed off onto him. He also taught him biology and that’s what he went on to study at university.
Another brother, whose name he won’t mention, brought some sanity into our boarding school lives
by supplying us with the occasional beer and cigarette.
Hunger was always with the boarders, and there was this story about earlier generations of
boarders raiding the kitchen at night. They didn’t know exactly how they did it, but they figured it
must have been by climbing out a dormitory window and crossing the roof, which is what they did,
him and Nichas and a couple of others whose names he’s forgotten. They never got caught. It was a
lot of fun. And while everyone else was losing weight, they started putting it on.
His closest mates were among the boarders: Harry Curtis (who, like him, was a Zambian), and
George Nichas and James Cronin (his equals, if not betters, when it came to getting up to no good).
But through sport and being the school’s vice-head prefect he got to know just about everyone.
Among the day boys he was close to Colin Rezek whose family graciously took him into their home
at weekends. Regrettably, he doesn’t keep in regular touch with anyone.
After matriculating, Terry studied for a BSc at UCT then gained a post graduate diploma from Wits
and an MBA from UCT. He is currently the managing director and major shareholder of a group of
companies in Australia – Salima |Holdings Pty Ltd..
Terry last visited St David’s in 1992 for a 20 years reunion.
JLE July 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Peter Moni 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000879
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Peter Moni – 1967
Peter came to St David’s as a boarder in grade 1 having spent the year before at CBC Kimberly
where he learnt a lot although CBC didn’t have the same facilities as St David’s. Peter thought
that the boarding school structure was good for him. His brothers Adrian ’69, John’ 70 and Paul
’80 were all pupils at St David’s and Peter’s father was also a Marist old boy from Koch Street
and was head boy of Marist Observatory.
Peter remembers teachers such as Mrs Brick, Mrs Green, Mrs Janusch and Mrs Kempster.
Peter enjoyed the prep school coming from a large family and enjoyed playing soccer and swam
but didn’t play cricket. He remembers having supper in the dining room and also playing
volleyball there.
In the high school, Peter participated in athletics, swimming and rugby, playing in 45 1st team
rugby games from standard 8. Peter enjoyed the tours such as the centenary rugby tour to
Cape Town where an open air mass was held at St Joseph’s. The rugby matches against
Observatory were also a phenomenal experience and Peter also ran and swam against Obs
although Inanda was better at cricket and hockey than was Observatory. In those days Jeppe,
Parktown Boys and Observatory were the big rugby schools.
In high school he remembered the Brothers Anthony; Timothy; Andrew (Drac); Liam; Ignatius;
Augustus; Bonaventure; Edmund; Bartholemew; Sean; Vincent; Aidan and McGurk. Br Andrew
was in charge of Peter’s dormitory. Of his classmates, Joe Strevino became a good cricketer,
and he is still in touch with Gabriel Simaan, Terry Lavery, now living in Seattle, Derek
Schoombie and Peter De Kock.
After matric Peter went into the family business, Fatti’s and Moni’s dealing with industrial
relations until it was sold in 1981. He now runs his own tour operations business – Firelight
Tours and often deals with groups of American students from Furman University, South
Carolina who come to South Africa to study aids and the inter-relationships between white and
black people. He enjoys his work and the different aspects of it.
Peter’s son John matriculated from St David’s in 2009 and is currently studying for a BSc Hons
in Finance at UJ. Peter believes that the quality of education at St David’s has improved
enormously over the years.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Sagar 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000746
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Craig Sagar – 1973
Craig doesn’t remember his first day at St David’s but enjoyed the sport and the interaction with the
teachers. Teachers who left a lasting impression were Mrs Schaafsma and Br Andrew (Drac) and in
particular his Maths lessons.
He played rugby, cricket and participated in the hurdles event in athletics. He also got a mention for
achieving Springbok Scout level and then the Chief Scout Award.
On leaving school he studied for an degree in agriculture at the University of Pietermaritzburg and then
went on to obtain a CA(SA) and qualified in 1985. He is married with two sons who attended St Charles
College a former Marist school. He is currently a partner with Deloitte & Touche, Audit, KZN living in
Craig last visited St David’s in 1975 to play tennis and is in touch with MOBS.
J.E. October 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Mario 1963 - 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000724
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Conversation with Br Mario at St Henry’s 2010
Br Bosco changed to Br Mario July 1973.
His 1st year at Inanda was in 1963. His qualifications were a BSc in Maths and Physics,
however he taught Latin in his first year at St David’s. He taught Latin in Matric and Maths in
1963 then later Science to standards 8 to 10, with Physics and Chemistry as separate subjects.
Latin was phased out in 1977.
Br Anthony finished his BA degree while headmaster. He was schooled in Ireland and he had to
get SA matric – Mario helped him with the Maths. He wrote his exam at Hibberdene and Mario
covered his Maths book in brown paper so no one could see the title of the book.
Br Mario remembers Br Michael Bailey, then the Provincial Bursar, throwing a miraculous medal
over the fence onto the land which they wanted so badly. Br Ephrem , Br Provincial at the time
only wanted to buy piece of land but the parents said that they should buy the whole piece @
R152 000,00. The M1 and the Brixton Tower were built at this time.
Incidentally there is a mistake in the Afrikaans foundation plaque.
Mrs Kempster was originally employed as a temporary teacher in 1943 for 6 months.
At the opening of McGregor Oval in 1970, the board wanted the Bishop to open the oval. Bishop
Boyle was not formally invited as no one took ownership of this item! The day dawned cloudy
with drizzle. When the Bishop finally arrived he read the blessing from a book which had
nothing to do with opening a cricket oval but once the blessing had taken place the rain stopped
and play could begin! Paul Edey found the plaque of the opening at his home Maryknoll.
Br Patrick Carrey was very into charity work and organized a big walk which was sponsored on
29/7/69 over a 20 mile course. The then mayor of Sandton started it and R7000 plus, minus was
raised. Three charities benefitted, one being Br Paul who was blind. The press was invited to
the presentation of money and arrived at school to find Paddy O’Byrne handing out notices to
the parents to object to the increase in school fees. A meeting was subsequently held in the
Sandown hall.
Political refugees hid at both St David’s and Sacred Heart during apartheid years. (Br Neil
McGurk knows more)
1966 when the silver jubilee was celebrated the crest was found to say 1940 so this had to be
changed to 1941.
Leo Theron made the stained glass windows in the auditorium. Original cost R150 per window
then increased to R250.
Conversation with Br Mario at School on Friday 14 May 2010
Terry O’Mahony playing cricket vs St Stithians, Wed pm 8 Mar 196. The Saints headmaster
arrived at St David’s at 14:45 to find St D’s batting with the score 10 runs for 0 wickets. The
head sat next to Br Anthony and remarked that St D’s were batting very slowly only to be told
that St Stithians were all out for 17 runs – Terry O’Mahony had taken 4 wickets off 4 successive
balls! Br Anthony announced the following day that the ball would be mounted and presented to
Terry later. At the end of 1974 when Br Anthony was packing up to leave, a ball was found in a
drawer, he realized that ball had never been mounted. The ball was duly mounted and given to
Mrs O’Mahony to give to Terry.
In late June 1964, there was a very heavy snowfall. Dracula (Br Andrew) and Br Mario went to
the top balcony for assembly and the boys started hurling snowballs at the two. Br Anthony told
the boys not to throw snowballs at brothers unless the brothers had started first!
Br Anthony did not like paperwork but preferred to walk around the school looking to see what
the boys were doing.
In 1962 young Irish Br Ignatius did not see eye to eye with one of the boys in standard 7.
Rumor was that the boy in question had a gun and one of the boys told Br Anthony. Br Anthony
went to the classroom walked around, put his hands into the boy’s jacket and found the gun,
then quietly took the boy out of the classroom and disarmed him.
There were 44 beds in each dorm and 4 dorms. The brothers then lived in Willem’s house.
A priest came every day to say mass for the brothers in the old chapel and once a week for
senior boarders at 6:30. School started at 8:30.The mass for silver jubilee was held outside on 6
June but it was unfortunately not a nice day.
Vatican 11 realised that the world had changed – up to then there was still a feudal culture in
the church. The church now began thinking of it as being a community..
Br Aidan was in charge of the junior boarders and taught Latin in standard 9. He then became
the bursar. Br Timothy taught Biology and RE from 1967. The first secretary to the headmaster
was appointed in 1963. There were no staff meetings Br Anthony told brothers at breakfast
what was due to happen that day. The timetable was the same every day in high school.
In the late 1960’s Beyers Naude was invited to give a lecture during a period of Lenten lectures
or talks for the boys and staff in the chapel. Beyers Naude, a member of the Broederbond made
a deep impression on Br Mario. The lectures were organized by Br Patrick Kearney who was
once detained and became a director of Koinonia.
In 1970 the 1st rugby team beat Obs and planning started for the Science wing with a R30 000,
00 grant from Anglo but the building eventually cost R188 000. Prof Fassler was the architect
and Joe Stravino was awarded the building contract with a R50 per day penalty clause and it
took much longer. In 1971 building started in 1st week of January and Br Mario planted trees in
the quad. The Science wing was opened in Aug 1972 with a Science expo. Br Anthony was very
good at delegating tasks and never wrote anything down, made appointments verbally and then
forgot about them. The auditorium was handed over before the rest of the building.
In April 1971, Br Anthony gave permission for a mixed cricket match to be played on the rugby
field at St David’s. There followed a controversy which raged on for a week with articles
appearing in many of the newspapers including Die Vaderland and issues were raised by a
white activist Kane-Berman. An article appeared in the Rand Daily Mail, the newspaper which
railed against apartheid questioning why sport could be played in the Homelands but not a
mixed team.
The boarding house closed in 1972 after a decision was taken at a brothers chapter meeting. It
was becoming too taxing to look after the boys. The brothers decided that one boarding house
should close in Johannesburg and Br Neil stated that Johannesburg did not need a boarding
Br Anthony went on leave in 1974 leaving two acting heads, Br Timothy in charge of boys and
Br Mario in charge of admin. Br Mario played a trick on Br Timothy when some parents applied
to have their child admitted to the school which had no discrimination; unfortunately the child
was a girl!
1972 was the 1st year that Champagnat mass was held at Rosebank Catholic Church initiated
by Br Mario who also instituted the collection for the poor and the Champagnat mass is still
going today.
The Rand Daily Mail had a competition to raise money for bursaries for children in Soweto at
R30 per child. Br Mario set this as project for Lent and the grade that brought in most money
would visit Soweto. The matrics brought in the most money and visited the Morris Issacson High
School in Soweto. Very cleverly the boys were paired off in 2’s and 3’s to walk around and in
this way the boys could get to know each other.
Br Mario spent 2 months at Berkley University in the USA on a Science teacher’s course which
cost 10 dollars per day because he was a brother and couldn’t afford the fees.
Br Ephrem, the Brother Provincial, gave the house the name of Maryknoll and used the house
as his office. The farm was originally called Zyferfontein.
The school was known as Marist Brothers Inanda but the PTA wanted to emphasize St David’s.
Br Anthony used the words St David’s Marist College at a swimming gala in 1963. The school
magazine was the Inanda Review until 1959, then became St David’s College Inanda 1960, St
David’s Marist College Review in 1989 and the school, was renamed St David’s Marist Inanda
in 2001.
Br Mario is currently acting as a personal secretary for Br Jo and is based at Sacred Heart in
JLE 2010 and November 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Jean-Paul Renouprez 1990

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000810
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Jean-Paul Renouprez – 1990
Jean-Paul came to St David’s in 1979 in grade 1 in Mrs Scaafsma’s class. Jean-Paul recalls she was a
combination of a battle axe and enforcer of the law being very strict with a good memory. Jean-Paul’s son
started his career at St David’s in grade 1 in the very same classroom.
As Jean-Paul suffered from bad asthma, he was not that good at sport and it wasn’t a big feature in his life
at that time, He played some soccer, was thrown into the baby pool and learnt to swim. There was he
recalls, a pecking order in the cricket practices which were held where the hockey field is now. He wasn’t
very competitive but remembers participating in the prep standard 5, inter-house general knowledge quiz.
He remembered Willy Castle and playing in an U7 D soccer match under threat. Mr Manolius was the prep
school headmaster, Mr Coetzee his standard 5 teacher who had a big, booming voice, Mrs Hurley taught
Music and organised the nativity plays in which Jean-Paul took part, Heather Joseph taught Art and Mr
Bronkhorst was the sports teacher for the C and D teams who took him under his wing, positioning him as
the goalkeeper.
Jean-Paul has memories of racing down to the tuck shop near the present D & T centre to buy some food
before it sold out.
On entering the high school, Jean-Paul had overcome his problem with asthma and made the 3rd team in
rugby, C and D teams for cricket and was a member of the swimming team.
Mr Olivier was a Maths teacher who made a difference; The Computer Science teacher and class teacher,
Mr Schafer died during his matric year; Mr Webster was the sports master and class master during
standard 6 and 7 and took great delight in holding water-polo practices in the unheated swimming pool
during August. Mr Finlayson was the History teacher and coached 1st team rugby, sport and PE, he was a
former Springbok, Zimbabwean squash player was absolutely feared in the high school and no-one wanted
to be in Benedict house. Jean-Paul enjoyed Religious Instruction which led the Brothers to, at one stage
believe that he may become a Brother. He enjoyed a trip to Slough meeting Br Anthony and used to help
make soup in the kitchen at St David’s .Mr Davies was the headmaster from 1989 until his matric but Mr
Murphy stands out as Jean-Paul was involved in a fund raising drive which entailed licking envelopes and
Mr Murphy told the boys that the resin was made from Camel’s hooves.
Richard Girdwood took over from Trudy Elliot in 1989 and Jean-Paul enjoyed helping with special effects
with various productions such as Hamlet and Julius Caesar and got in a lot of practice setting up lighting
and building sets in the area now occupied by the high school library. He was also involved with some
acting roles and put together a play for Osmond house for the inter-house plays competition. He also took
part in inter-house debating which he enjoyed. Apart from that he really enjoyed the war cries and attending
1st team rugby matches. A memorable and proud moment for Jean-Paul was when his uncle, a former
rugby Springbok and leading businessman, was asked to address the school at the prize giving ceremony.
A month into his matric year, Jean-Paul, together with Denis O’Regan was appointed a prefect and was
awarded a Champagnat Medal at the annual prize giving.
On their last day one of the boys went off in his car and brought back ciders which some of the boys drank
at the back of the pool. Jean-Paul went to the matric dances in standard 11 and in his matric year.
After matriculating Jean-Paul went on to study engineering at Wits University. Working for Altech he made
detonators for the mining industry, was active on the regulatory committee at Wits and in 1999 studied fulltime
for an MBA at UCT. He then spent 4 years with Dimension Data followed by a period in the
pharmaceutical industry and joined South African Breweries in 2007. He has four different roles within
operations and logistics management and is involved with packaging at the Newlands and Rosslyn
Jean-Paul felt that school was a good place, a safe place to be and gave him a special grounding. He
wasn’t particularly good at anything but would repeat his school career again. He is married and has a son
currently in Grade at St David’s, is a member of MOBS and is a member of the MOBS committee.
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Chris Marsay 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000739
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Chris Marsay – 2003
Chris joined St David’s in 1991 going into grade 0. He remembers a party that was held the year before he
came to the school with all the cool guys lying on the nets in the playground and Chris feeling quite
desperate as he was unable to find the toilets.
He will be forever grateful to Mrs Ansell, his grade 1 teacher who picked up that he had a squint. He was
very fortunate as he had to wear glasses for two weeks and then have an operation to correct the squint.
He has some good memories of the prep school one of them being the regular April holiday soccer clinics
run by Willy Castle. The East London train trip for the soccer tour was an annual highlight travelling
together with four of his best friends from grade 0 until matric, Sean Schoombie, Glynn Allen, Robert Smith
and Jason Simaan. Everyone had to particpate in the sport in the prep school and Chris joined in with the
swimming, athletics, cricket and soccer. As he was young for his year this put quite a bit of good pressure
on him.
Chris recalls Mrs Walton, his grade 0 teacher asking him when his birthday was, he wasn’t sure but said it
was on a date last year but he didn’t know when it would be this year – a lesson well learnt that his birthday
would always be on the same day every year. The infamous Mrs Scaafsma, his grade 2 teacher who drove
an orange beetle, Mrs Hurley, grade 3 who convinced all the boys that she was a witch and lived in a cave
on Northcliff hill. Dave Hosmer who came from St Vincent’s School for the Deaf and taught them all some
sign language. Mr Mitchley, the first male influence and Mandy Everson who was one of his favourite
teachers. The boys were all very sad when Greg Royce announced at assembly that he was leaving and
going to St Peter’s. Chris remembers him saying that St David’s is not a good school, it’s a great school.
Chris was friendly with Andrew Castle and often stayed over at their home and he remembers always being
very much in awe of Andrew’s father Willy Castle.
Chris had a unique entry into the high school with his older brother Michael being a prefect in matric. The
grade 8 camp to Glenmore was very different with all the new guys and the macho guys. Chris was a
member of The Bishops, a fun house to be in.
Chris played water polo in the high school, was vice captain of the 1st team, is still playing for MOBS and is
still friends with Kyle Biller who is in teaching for all the right reasons. He was selected to play for the
Gauteng U14 team but was dropped because of new quota requirements but nevertheless it was an
experience to remember.
There was also the Argentina rugby tour in 2003 with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh, which set the tone for rugby
that year. Rod Smith, Bradley Ireland and Graeme Mcmillan accompanied them together with Gary
Hodgson who co-ordinated the tour together with Clive Gladulich and got sponsorship from Microsoft.
There was a great group of parents with them and a Uruguayan exchange student Nick Rosenti. Everyone
wanted to host Nick or the two black members of the team.
Champagnat day was always a good day with cokes and donuts after mass at the pool, getting extra
pocket money for a free day from school and he was often part of the team playing soccer against the staff
or parents. He remembers the day Mandela came to St David’s in 2002 and the photo taken with him
together with the 2002 1st rugby team – very special.
Chris remembers Marius Buys with affection and recalls great school tours with him. He gave the boys lots
of responsibility and always said ”What goes on tour, stays on tour”. Marius started a Friday afternoon
activity “Power of the Pen” and all the boys who attended had to bring R10, wear a funny tie and go with
him to Sandton City and read poetry.
On a cultural level, Chris was involved in the production of “As You Like It” in conjunction with Brescia
House and directed by Mrs Wylde. Because of inclement weather, the unconventional production took
place in the hall performing from the entrance and not the stage.
Academically Chris did well and achieved 1 A, 2 B’s, 2 C’s and 1 D in matric, he was awarded general
honours and was appointed prefect. 2003 was a good year and the boys stood well together as a group.
Sport was particularly good with the Cricket team winning the Johnny Waite Trophy and the 1st team rugby
beating both Jeppe and KES at away matches.
After leaving St David’s Chris studied for a BCom at Wits for a year then moved to Varsity College, Cape
Town and completed two years sports management winning an award followed by a year at Damelin doing
a course in events management. He then applied to complete a post graduate degree in marketing
management at UCT and felt that he learnt more in that year than the preceding four years. He then
worked for Dream Lifestyles, owned by Gareth Simaan selling shares in a lodge and vacation lifestyle
products. In 2010 he joined the family business Marsay Equipment as marketing manager and hasn’t
looked back since.
Chris is a member of MOBS and of the MOBS water polo team. JLE
March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Frederick Barnard 1989

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000775
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Frederick Barnard – 1989
Frederick first came to St David’s in 1985, midway into standard 5 as his mother had moved to
Johannesburg from Cape Town. The religious aspect of a Catholic school was completely new to him
coming from SACHS, a large government school. The classes were much smaller, the boys had to line up
in the prep school quadrangle, it was mid-winter and very cold.
The teachers he recalled were Trudy Elliot, acting head between Boswell and Davies, she was a strong
teacher who Frederick liked and inspired him. She retired at the end of 1988. Also in the high school there
was Brian Webster who taught Science and Biology and who was the water-polo coach; Mr Hall; and
Father Brewer was very influential, everyone appreciated him as a fantastic human being. Frederick came
to his funeral in 1999. A number of the boys’ parents lived and worked on the school premises such as
Father Brewer, Brian Webster, Mr Finlayson, Mr Castle, the headmasters and the estate manager. Having
the teachers around was a good thing.
Another big influence in Frederick’s life was FatherTom Nicolson, based in Cape Town who led him through
his first holy communion, married him and has baptised Frederick’s children.
Frederick found that he thrived in a smaller community together with boys from different backgrounds which
included black children too. It was the first time that Frederick had encountered boys from other
backgrounds and different economic environments such as Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. The country
was not very stable during the late 80’s and some of the boys had problems getting to school and Fredrick
remembered offering Sophiso Ngwenya (the first black head boy) to stay with him. It was a family
community which was strong throughout his childhood years and even later on. It was such an influential
time in a child’s life and left a lasting impression on Frederick when he was trying to figure out who he was
and what he wanted in life. Frederick is still in close contact with many of the friends he made during this
In retrospect, the religious aspect of the school also influenced and affected Frederick in different ways.
Some teachers also had the ability to inspire and motivate him. Frederick’s parents were not very much
involved with the school and some of his teachers became role models, which is very important in a child’s
As the numbers were low, there were only two classes in matric, everyone participated no matter how good
they were. The school was very liberal in its approach and as to what was right and wrong. During the time
of the riots the school took the stance in what was believed to be fair and not along government lines.
In those days the school did retreats and socials at the Rosebank Convent and, whilst Frederick was in
standard 5, prefects’ tea still existed. There was huge respect for the older boys and all the boys underwent
an initiation in standard 6.
There were outreach activities in the prep school, in the high school, Frederick participated in debating, the
Stock Exchange Investment Game, was vice captain of Benedict house with Wayne Muller as captain, was
a member of the 1st team water-polo. He was awarded academic colours and received an Art prize in
standard 8, Heather Joseph was his Art teacher. In standard 9, Frederick remembers that receiving his
honours blazer from Trudy Elliott in assembly was very special and being made a prefect.
Frederick helped prepare for and attended the matric dance in standard 9 and again in his matric year. It
was a highlight and was held in the school hall which was decorated by the standard 9’s.
After matriculating, Frederick went to Wits University to study for a BComm Law and Business Finance. He
was also awarded a CFA – Chartered Financial Analyst (USA) which he did by correspondence. He then
went overseas and did an internship with UBS in Zurich and London. On his return to South Africa he
started to work in finance and now has offices in Switzerland and Johannesburg with his company Avance-
Suisse which was established in 2001.
All in all Frederick felt that the time he spent at St David’s was hugely influential and if he was living here he
would send his son to the school without any hesitation. Frederick instituted the MOBS water-polo team
first playing at the Wanderers and then St David’s.
JLE November 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Conor MacFadden 1991

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000743
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Conor MacFadden – 1991
Conor began his career at St David’s in grade 0 in 1979.His first classroom was where the old swimming
pool used to be and Mrs Walton was his teacher. He was also taught by current teachers Willy Castle,
Carol Ansell, Heather Joseph and Belinda Marais.
The clergy still played a major role in the school at the time with Father Plestus being exceptionally kind
and caring. Father Brewer was also very special, a mentor and very close to many of the boys. He stood up
for the boys and operated in his own area within the school which meant he wasn’t always popular with the
teaching staff.
Conor was a member of The Bishops and his housemaster, who taught History was Mr Howarth.
The most significant memory he has is of the soccer tour to Belgium in 1985 with two teams, the U10’s and
U12’s. South Africa, because of apartheid was a pariah country and it was unusual to play any sport with a
foreign country. It was an amazing experience touring Belgium for 2 to 3 weeks and a very significant one
for the boys. Because of the rarity of such tours at the time, the SABC decided to do an insert on one of its
programmes Video 2. Martin Bailey was the host and came on the tour with the boys. Conor has a copy of
the broadcasted footage.
Conor also participated in cricket and rugby as well as soccer. He was the junior school cricket captain and
played rugby in high school. Other pupils such as Ivor Rugani played provincial cricket and Brad Rains
provincial rubgy in 1991. They both have sons at St David’s as does Conor. Conor also played golf at the
Wanderers. There certainly wasn’t the variety of sports that are available to the boys today and everybody
had to participate. Hockey had been introduced but was quite contentious at the time.
Conor remembers being a co-worker and was part of a group who visited Brother Anthony’s mission in
The boys attended the matric dance from standard 9 and it was held in the school dining room. It was much
lower key than today with the boys decorating the venue themselves.
After matriculating, Conor studied law at Wits University and joined Bell Dewar and Hall which recently
merged with the Canadian firm of Faskin Martineau. Conor, a partner is involved with corporate and tax
Conor has a son Liam at St David’s who is currently in grade 1 and is happy to see the Marist tradition
being carried through to the next generation.
Conor is a trustee of the St David’s Foundation and is a member of MOBS.
JLE September 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Allan Wotherspoon 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000699
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Allan Wotherspoon – 1980
Allan came to St David’s in the junior school but then left and went to the UK for 4 years and on his return
went into the high school. In principle he was put into the same class as people he would have been with in
junior school such as George Daras who was his closest friend in junior school, but had a different group of
friends by senior school, so Allan joined a new group of friends at senior school. Three of those five friends
now live close enough in Australia that they keep in touch on a regular basis.
Allan lived close enough to the school to be a day boy and saw his close friends out of school on a regular
basis but still had his parents and sisters around him. As he was one of the youngest in his class he had to
play sport with guys from the year below for many years.
He recalled Mr McFadden as he enjoyed History and remembered his favourite quote of “A for away and O
for Go”.
Allan enjoyed the sport, athletics 100, 200, 400 and 800m, physical education and especially games like
gaining ground, the odd game of cricket when he scored 50 runs or took a hat trick for the 2nd 11 team, or
played a good game of rugby. In athletics one year Allan broke a couple of school records and was victor
ludorum of both track and field, ending up with quite a few trophies and his father was asked to donate one
of them. Allan also ran in inter schools competitions.
He didn’t enjoy Afrikaans as he never had a good grasp of the language and struggled to pass the exams.
He disliked the sadistic canings by the headmaster and brothers and the attempts at bullying himself and
his friends.
Some disappointments included not being able to compete in running for athletics and not getting an
athletics scroll or honours blazer. Allan also had an accident which meant that he had to write his matric
exams with the wrong hand.
In standard 9 the boys decorated the hall and he recalled the difficulty and shyness of getting a date. His
matric dance was a great night out, the hall looked good and it was fun dressing up smartly.
On his last day he recalls all of the boys signing their school shirts, sneaking back in the middle of the night
and putting toilet rolls to stream all over the place.
After matriculating, Allan went on to Wits University to study BSc Commerce and completed many courses
throughout his business career. He is currently employed as an IT manager. Allan is still in touch with Lloyd
Wilkins (who he has known for 33 years), Brian Muller and Geoff Slaven, all living in Australia and literally
bumped into Gavin McLauglin who used to live in the same housing estate as his parents and went running
with him on weekends whilst he was temporarily staying in SA.

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Anthony Chappel - Board of Governors 2001 -2007 Foundation 2006 - 2014

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000704
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Anthony Chappel – Board and Foundation 2001 to date
Tony has seen two of his sons matriculate at St David’s, Daniel in 2007 and Patrick in 2009 with both sons
starting their career at St David’s in Grade 0.
Tony is Catholic and was educated at CBC in Springs and his father at CBC Boksburg and is a director of
the law firm, Norton Rose Fulbright based in Sandton.
In 2001, Tony joined the board of governors of St David’s, proposed by Eric Annegarn, vice-chairman. At
the same time Robin Smith also joined the board and Tony Reilly was chairman. Tony was on the board for
7 years and retired as chairman of the board in 2007. Tony is currently a trustee of the St David’s
Tony asked the board for a mandate to establish a foundation and led an investigation into this, preparing
the constitution in 2004. Paul Edey’s wife Susan put Tony in touch with Chantal Ratcliff, an experienced
and very practical fund raiser. Chantal knew how foundations worked and how to make them successful.
Her advice was that the board must be really committed, embrace the concept and understand exactly how
it should work bearing in mind that there is not a culture of giving in South Africa. Chantal was appointed in
2005 and was involved in the development of the Foundation for 4 years. There is no doubt that she played
a significant role in the success of the Foundation which was established in 2005. Tony’s vision was that
the Foundation would endow the school adding value, assisting in transforming the school and that the
Foundation would be used to mobilize MOBS (Marist Old Boys). Tony believes that you cannot have a truly
great school without its old boys being involved and supportive of it.
Thierry Dalais was the first chairman of the Foundation in 2006 and Robin Smith the current chairman
being an ex officio trustee whilst he was chairman of the board of governors.
Following his appointment as executive head in 2002, and prior to his joining Gibbs, Paul Edey had
indicated to Tony that he needed to move on and suggested that a consultant would perhaps be better
suited to the role of executive head of the school. Paul had mentioned Mike Greeff, a businessman with a
passion for education, who had run some staff workshops. Tony, then chairman of the board, followed up
on this idea and Mike was eventually appointed as the chief executive in 2006.
JLE August 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Allan Schwarer 1941- 1945

  • ZA ZAR STDS 20200399
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Allan Schwarer – 1941 – 45
Allan and his brother Paul attended Saxonwold Primary until Marist Inanda opened in 1941 and
were pupils at the school until they were relocated to Kimberly.
Allan recalled that Br Urban was the headmaster and a Br Pius was the eldest brother and well
liked by the boys. Br Urban came from Australia and Allan’s father helped him with regard to
local regulations etc regarding building work. As far as he can remember the school started with
Allan’s family lived next to the Killarney golf course in West Street and he remembers playing in
a lane than ran alongside their property. To get to school they caught a bus as far as Dunkeld
and from there the school provided a taxi. All the roads to the north were dirt roads and Inanda
was very much in the country.
Other boys that he remembers being in his class were Michael Clarke, Steve Muller and Carl
Vermeulen. They used to play marbles in the quad and cricket although there was no soccer.
The school’s chapel was upstairs,
Allan currently undertakes legal work for the Catholic church.
JE July 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Timothy Marsay 1970

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000953
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Timothy Marsay – 1970
In the November of 1963 Tim moved with his 8 brothers and sisters from Leeds in the UK to South Africa,
as his father had been offered a position with Crossley Carpets as marketing manager.
Tim began his career at St David’s in 1964 aged 10 coming from a Catholic family. The family initially lived
in Fourways on a guest farm before moving to Houghton.
In those days there was an A and B stream and Tim was initially relegated to the B stream moving up to the
A stream in standard 5. It was a complete culture change with a different climate and he had to learn
another type of History and Geography plus another language, Afrikaans. Tim was third in line with six
brothers of whom 5 attended St David’s the younger one going elsewhere. Three of his brothers eventually
matriculated at De La Salle the family was then living in Ferndale.
Br Anthony (Oanges) was the headmaster and Tim remembers struggling to adapt through standard 4 until
standard 5. He participated in soccer and athletics and eventually made some friends which made life
much easier.
His teacher in standard 4 was Mrs Dunsford-White, standard 5, Mrs Kenesovich, a lovely lady but a battleaxe
and Mrs Kempster. Tim’s mother also taught at St David’s for a while. Willy Castle was age 11 in
standard 6, far too young for his class, however he had a strong personality and after his matric in 1968 he
went into the air force and repeated matric in 1970.
In the high school from standard 6 there were two classes for each standard. Tim got very involved with
running formerly a timid child in the prep school he became more confident as he achieved on the sports
field. There was a big race against Marist Observatory and although U13 he ran in the U15 mile and won
the race with his older brother Andrew coming in second. The following Monday, at assembly Br Anthony
announced his achievement which put Tim on the map. He was so successful with his running that he was
prevented from playing rugby in case he was injured. In standard 7 at an athletics meet at Jeppe wearing
borrowed spikes he was observed by a Springbok runner who advised him to rather run barefoot than in illfitting
shoes. Tim then started running at club athletics and inter-provincial events. He was bottom of the
league in club running but eventually represented the province from the age of 16 onwards and Southern
Transvaal in cross country.
He ran for Diggers an Afrikaans speaking club. This improved his Afrikaans but not quite in the way that his
teacher Mr Malan would have liked. He was called out and asked if he was mixing with Afrikaans boys and
it was pointed out to him that certain words were not quite the adjectives to be used in polite conversation!
In 1970 Tim broke the record for the 800m at 2 mins 02.3 secs and the 1500m at 4 mins 17.3 secs. These
records still stand today.
Tim didn’t enjoy cadets and used the excuse of his athletics training to get out of it.
Tim remembered that when he was in standard 6 in 1966 the boys were each given a medal by some
military persona to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Republic of South Africa. He also recalled President
Verwoed being stabbed that year.
In standard 8 a new young priest, Father Tony Bailey came to the Rosebank parish and decided to make a
facility available to the boys from St David’s and the girls from Rosebank Convent. A disco room with a
coffee bar was built as a venue. This was fantastic for the parents as well as the young people who were
dropped off on a Friday night at 6pm and collected at 10.30pm. They were in a safe and supervised
environment and many marriages subsequently followed as a result.
Academically Tim did well and achieved a first class matric he wasn’t a prefect but was vice-house captain
of The Bishops and captain of the athletics team. He was awarded an honours blazer for athletics and
studies, received scrolls for merit, studies and athletics, was a member of the senior Christian life group
and in standard 9 received a prize for Latin.
After matriculating, Tim went into the air force for a year and then went onto RAU where he received a
bursary for his first year. In his second year he was awarded a sports bursary, the first ever. He studied for
a BComm Industrial Psychology but joined his father as a holiday job and is still working for the same
company W Marsay & Sons now known as Marsay Equipment. Tim got on well with his father and enjoyed
working with him.
Tim has two sons, Michael who matriculated at St David’s in 1999 and Chris in 2003. When his son Chris
was in grade 11 and fund raising for the matric dance, Tim participated in an evening when the fathers got
together and put on a show performing stage acts including excerpts from Swan Lake, The Full Monty and
the Rocky Horror Show. They sold tables and made R70 000 in one evening. Everyone involved thoroughly
enjoyed the event and Tim recalls being thrown out of Swan Lake as he couldn’t learn the routine.
Tim is a member of MOBS and is still involved with the school.
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Nicholas Haralambous 2002

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000863
  • Pièce
  • 2014

Interview with Nicholas Haralambous – 2002
Nicholas’s first memory of St David’s was the entrance exam which was held in what was a small theatre
by one of the science labs. He was 13 in grade 7 and had come from Crawford Prep where anything goes.
He had long hair, was shaving and wore civvies. All the other boys taking the exam were straight shooters.
School uniforms all done up and they knew each other. He was the only person from his school applying so
he kept himself to himself, wrote the exam, finished early and left.
When Nick was at S David’s there was no option but, given the choice he would have liked to board and
thought it would have been great. He spent so much time at school that maybe a bed was placed in one of
the classrooms. In any event he also remembered wanting to spend as much of his time messing around at
school as was possible.
Nick enjoyed the people most whilst he was at St David’s. At the time they were the best guys he could
have wanted to know and he enjoyed the well rounded nature of the school.
On the down side, Nick was always looking for more from St David’s in the way of choice – languages, arts,
drama and better coaching. There was always a bit more that could have been done. However it is good to
know that these things have been mostly addressed and that the school now offers a vast amount of
Nick will never forget the grade 8 camp at Glenmore, that year prefects attended a portion of the camp.
Nick played 1st team rugby in grade 11 and 12.
An occasion which stands out was when Nelson Mandela visited the school in Nick’s matric year. It meant
that he, as head boy had to give a speech to the school, guests and attendees. It was a daunting task at
the age of 18 to have to stand up and introduce an icon like Madiba. It was without doubt the most
memorable day that Nick had at St David’s.
Nick also had the pleasure of sitting close to Colin Powell, the US Secretary of State while he gave a
speech in the school’s amphitheatre and Bobby Skinstad was the guest speaker at the annual ruby dinner.
Nick couldn’t remember any “worst moments” but thought that it’s always rough dealing with school politics
and the most difficult period for him was grade 11 when prefects are announced. There was a lot of
pressure to be someone that you weren’t. Everyone has heard the PFP (pushing for prefect) taunts and for
whatever reason Nick felt a lot of stick for that in his year.
Mr Edey was without doubt the most memorable teaching figure Nick had ever encountered. He really
understood the school, its ethos and all the boys individually. He had it. Nick will never forget his booming
voice in the History classes and the empathetic assembly speeches. The most memorable speech he
recalled Mr Edey giving was in 2000 after a particularly bad week where St David’s boys were singled out
for something stupid. Mr Edey stood in front of the school and reminded the boys , as only he could, that it’s
the 5% of boys that let the other 95% down and they shouldn’t let them define who they were.
The matric dance was an interesting one. The dance Nick’s year threw in grade 11 was epic and was
hosted at the Sandton Sun Towers in Sandton City. They had an amazing Venetian theme and kitted
everything out in incredible style and they expected the same for their matric year but didn’t get it. Nick is
not sure whether the grade 11’s in 2002 were pranking them but the dance was hosted at the Wanderers
Club and the theme was “Aliens”. Nick felt it was cringe- worthy but in the end entirely memorable because
of how bad it was.
On his last day Nick remember being quite relieved to have made it through matric. It was difficult to
imagine a world without the other 90 or so guys in his class. They did what every matric does, the hazing
on their way out, the pranks and the traditional breakfast in the pavilion. Then it was over, just like that.
Nick was a prefect and head boy and was awarded a general honours blazer, the Old Boys Trophy for
Leadership and Promotion of the Marist Spirit and a Champagnat medal.
In Nick’s speech at the annual prize giving he said “Tradition has and will always have a place in our
school”. The single most moving experience of my life was walking down the 1st XV rugby steps in my
tracksuit with 400 boys sitting in front of me and cheering the first team on”.
After matriculating, Nick attended Rhodes University and received an undergraduate degree in journalism
and politics. Nick is currently a consultant and the owner of the men’s fashion brand Nic Harry.
Nick is a member of MOBS and last visited St David’s in 2012.
JE 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Duncan Hunter 2006

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000766
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with Duncan Hunter – 2006
Duncan’s first day at St David’s was in grade 4 and he remembers it as being completely different from his
previous school in that there was a feeling that excellence was important along with discipline. He found it
to be a rather overwhelming experience.
The best part of school for Duncan was having his mates with him most of the time, in class, during breaks
and then playing sport in the afternoons together. Duncan is still in contact with them and even now, almost
ten years later they all miss sitting on their specific bench in the quad during breaks. Other aspects he
enjoyed were all the sport on offer and the fact that his whole year was very much planned in advance by
somebody else. There was a lot less to worry about back then!
As with most boys, Duncan did not enjoy the homework and the studying for exams.
An occasion that stands out was the new boys “initiation” and prefects’ test that they did when they arrived
in the high school. Having to remember all the prefects’ names and various other random facts about the
school was, looking back, quite funny. Another weekly event the boys had when they were in matric was
the prefects’ assembly. Duncan can remember some of what was said being hysterical and probably not
repeatable! Another event which stood out was the time the boys travelled down to Durban for the Westville
gala over the Midmar weekend in 2002. They were quite out-classed at the time, but the schools’ swimming
went from strength to strength after they had seen the level they needed to be at to compete across the
One of the funniest things the boys used to do at break at one stage during high school was to play an
interesting variation of soccer. The person who scored used to have to try to run away from everyone as
the aim was to all “pile on” the scorer. It made no sense then and still doesn’t but most of the grade used to
get involved. They also played various other versions of rugby and soccer throughout their time, most of
which were banned very quickly.
There were many teachers over the years that made lasting impressions. That is one of the qualities of the
staff at St David’s; they take a genuine interest in the boys they are teaching. In the prep school, Mrs
Everson made a lasting impression in terms of her guidance and some of the perspectives she shared. In
high school, Mrs Kennedy taught Duncan’s Maths class for three years and he ended up in her matric
class. She got to know the boys over the years and on top of being an excellent teacher she supported
them and gave them guidance when needed. On a personal level, Duncan was involved in tutoring Maths
classes during university which he felt was due to Mrs Kennedy.
Duncan swam and was in the A team swimming throughout prep and high school. He played water polo for
the 2nd team, rugby for the 2nd team and thought that the annual Midmar trip with the swimming team was
always memorable. The Ken Short Shield under 14 water polo tournament played in East London was also
a great trip. On a provincial level, Duncan was selected for the Gauteng lifesaving team.
Duncan was a prefect and deputy head of College house in 2006 and his twin brother was also prefect, so
two out of twelve wasn’t bad going for the Hunter family. Duncan received specific honours for academics
as well as general honours and also won various academic subject prizes over the years, the last being the
Maths prize in matric. He also received team awards for swimming and water polo.
Duncan remembers the last day of school quite clearly. He and the matrics organised a braai in the
morning in the quad to celebrate. One of the guys ended up bringing a whole bunch of chickens with him
that they let run around during the day. This was a great source of entertainment for all the boys. The same
day his twin brother, Malcolm climbed out of the window of Mrs Kennedy’s 2nd storey Maths classroom and
climbed down the side of the building. Mrs Kennedy got quite a surprise when Malcolm came back up and
knocked on the door asking to be let in!
After matriculating, Duncan went on to study Bachelor of Accounting Science at Wits University and then
completed the requirements for CA (SA) in 2013. He is currently a manager at PWC London in the
assurance practice.
Duncan is a member of MOBS and visits the school when he can.
JLE March 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Kurt Morais 1993

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000832
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with Kurt Morais – 1993
Kurt remembers being interviewed by Brother Jude in 1980. He was kind and warm and asked Kurt what
he would do at school and Kurt responded by saying that he would play and learn. Initially Kurt found
everything very intimidating. Mr Davies was headmaster of the school at the time.
Whilst at St David’s both Kurt and his brother Earl (1989) grew up in two distinctly different environments.
During the day, at a predominantly white school and then returning home into a township environment. Kurt
was sensitive to race issues but was never made to feel any different by his teachers and other pupils, with
the exception of Mr Davies. In grade 2 a fellow pupil, Michael Fuchs went with him into the township. Kurt’s
father ran a shebeen in which both he and Earl worked from time to time whilst their mother was a bank
clerk and eventually became a bank manager.
In the prep school he remembers teachers such as Mrs Walton, Mrs Hildyard and Mrs Geldenhuys.
Another boy Zam Nkosi was with Kurt from grade 0 up until matric. Other teachers he remembers well were
Mrs Hurley, Mr Finlayson, Mr Kotze in standard 5 and he recalled that if a pupil got less than 15 he would
be caned for every mark lost. Mr Eagen was an English teacher with a lisp and boys being boys, mocked
him. Mr Girdwood was a good English teacher and most sought after. He captivated the boys’ imagination
with his stories and Kurt likened him to Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society”. Other teachers of note
were Miss Von Guilleaume who taught Zulu and Mr Lambe, Religious Instruction and Science.
Kurt said that he grew up with interesting characters, some highly educated and some with prison
backgrounds. Willy Castle taught him how to swim. He participated in soccer, rugby, swimming, basketball,
athletics and cricket but didn’t play tennis. However after a number of injuries his parents decided that he
should no longer play rugby.
He went with the athletics team to Potch University for training and found it to be an excellent way of
bonding with the team members. Kurt was also basketball captain in his matric year and excelled in
Kurt was a member of the school choir and participated in all the school plays.
Kurt was appointed a prefect but had to give it up due to an incident on the school bus returning from an
athletics event. Both Kurt and another coloured boy, Bushan Ravjee were unaware of the incident but were
in any event defrocked. Gary Norton spoke out against this decision.
Kurt admits to messing around a lot in class and was kicked out on numerous occasions but he excelled
after leaving school.
After matriculating, Kurt was awarded a Konrad Adenauer bursary. The Geldenhuys family assisted with
this and he initially studied for a degree in engineering at Wits but after 2 ½ years realised it wasn’t right for
him and went on to study politics and economics at RAU.
Kurt is marrie, has 3 sons and a baby daughter Milea. His eldest, a stepson aged 17 is currently studying
at the British International College and has Spanish as his second language, the other sons Alexander, 6 is
in grade1 at St David’s and Adam, 2 1/2 will probably start in grade 0.
Kurt spent 4 years in Washington working at the World Bank but returned to South Africa in 2015. Belinda
Marais visited him when she was attending a conference in Washington.
JLE December 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Anthony Reilly - Board of Governors 1997 - 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000705
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with Anthony Reilly – board of governors 1997 – 2003
Terence Wilkinson the then chairman of the board of governors brought Tony onto the board in 1997. Tony
is Catholic, was educated at CBC, Kimberly and his son was a pupil in the prep school at the time. Terence
was also instrumental in finding Paul Edey for the position of Head master.
At the time the development plan was underway which involved the building of the Champagnat hall and
library with Kevin Brewer being the genius behind that project. They were completed on time and within
Tony was reluctantly appointed chairman of the board in 2001, Tony had just been promoted at Lonmin to
the position of director of corporate affairs which took up a lot of his time and he couldn’t get so involved
with St David’s. However he attended all the meetings and did what was required of him but Paul Edey and
his team were left very much to get on with it. The meetings of the board were often concerned with
financial issues, bad debtors, the building of the hall, high school pavilion; extensions to the prep school
and the prep and high school libraries, the latter however were fortunately funded by an anonymous donor.
During his tenure, Tony recalled the renewal of the lease of the land the school is on, when the rental had
been increased substantially by Rome. The Marist ethos has always had an emphasis on the poor and
needy communities and St David’s had unfortunately morphed into an exclusive enclave and now there is
an ongoing major issue of balance.
Tony asked Robin Smith to join the board in 2001 to be involved with fundraising and he is still active but
now with the Foundation. During Tony’s term on the board, the educational trust was formed which was the
basis of the current Foundation. In the early days the bursary boys were either indigent, good scholars or
good sportsmen and unfortunately there was a great deal of resentment that their school fees were
subsidised by a portion of the whole school fees. Many parents struggled financially to keep their boys at St
David’s and questioned why part of the school fees was used in this way. It became a major issue but now
it is no longer the case with the Foundation and Marist old boys paying the fees for the bursary boys. The
Foundation has made this more professional.
JLE March 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Rod McLay 1975

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000896
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with Rod McLay – 1975
Rod came to St David’s from Marist Brothers in Bird Street, Port Elizabeth in 1966. His mother was a
teacher at the school and his brother Hamish matriculated in 1972. The family was not Catholic and his
father was a Scottish Protestant. Rod appreciates the fact that the religion of catholicism was not pushed
onto the non-Catholics and they didn’t have to attend mass.
He remembers Brothers Mario; Timothy; Andrew (Drac); Michael; Bernard who was a good photographer
but had a mean temper; Aidan, the bursar and Ezekiel who taught Maths. Of the lay teachers he recalled
Mr Lipschitz who taught Maths; Saunders – Afrikaans, Mrs Elliott – English; Mr Maritz and Mrs Kempster.
Rod played 1st team rugby and cricket in the high school and was captain of the athletics team. As far as
academics went he didn’t cover himself in glory and went on after matric to Damelin to repeat Maths and he
enjoyed his time there.
In those days there were only 24 of them in matric including the likes of Grant Ramsey (who was accused
of tax fraud in later years); the Melton twins; Kevin Prudence a biochemist now living in Guernsey; Mark
Meaker; Frank Soul who was a sportsman, placed third in Ironman and became a Springbok cyclist in the
80’s; John Morrison a chemical engineer; Kevin McGurk whose father was big in the printing industry and
head boy was Andre Dugas.
Rod was awarded an honours blazer, scrolls for athletics; rugby; merit became a prefect and was vicecaptain
of Osmond house.
After matriculating, Rod went into the army then to University of the Witwatersrand. He then became a
helicopter pilot in the air force, then the police and now flies for SA Express and is a police reservist.
Rod is married to Janine and has a son Matthew who is currently in grade2.
JLE June 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Derek Schoombie 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000763
  • Pièce
  • 2015

Interview with Derrick Schoombie – 1967
Derrick came to St David’s in grade 1 as a day boy living just down the road with his family. On his first day
he sat next to Gabriel Simaan and Peter Wright with whom he is still friends. Mrs Brick was their grade 1
teacher. He remembers Br Mario; Br Vincemt; Br Andrew “Drac” – all the boys were scared of him but
loved him and he drove the school bus to all the sporting events; Mrs Knesovitch who had three sons at the
school; Mrs Buckle who taught English and Mrs Hartmann who all the boys were in love with.
St David’s was a small school with about 300 pupils and Derrick knew everyone at the school. Br Anthony
was the headmaster for most of Derrick’s school life who was a strict but lovely man who really changed
the school for the better.
Derrick loved his sport and was an active sportsman playing 1st team rugby and cricket and hockey from
standard 8 and played for the Transvaal B and Sub Union rugby team once he left school. He participated
in three SA Marist school cricket tours and was chosen for the Marist side for two of the three years
attended. He knew Willy Castle who was also a member of the 1st team rugby and in a class below him. In
his final year, Derrick was captain of 1st rugby; vice-captain 1st cricket and vice-captain 1st hockey and a
member of the schools swimming team.
Derrick recalled the school musical “Pirates of Penzance” produced by Mr Drummond-Bell. Derrick
participated although he was not a good singer. He took Val Jackson as his partner to his matric dance.
Derrick was very happy at school, became a prefect with Peter De Kock as head boy in his matric year. He
was vice-captain of Benedict house, was awarded an honours blazer and received scrolls for prefect, rugby
and cricket and was awarded the Victor Ludorum in his final year at the school for study, sport and
After achieving a university pass for matric, Derrick spent 9 months in the army and then went on to Wits
University, where he studied for a BComm degree, and thereafter completed his CA and a Diploma in
Taxation. After completing his BComm he was articled to Vaughan, Key and Payne which is now Price
Waterhouse Coopers and after qualifying as a CA, Derrick and his wife travelled around the UK and Europe
in a VW combi for 16 months living on $10 per day. On his return to SA, Derrick and his brother Clive joined
their father in a small auditing practise until 1983 where after he and Gabe Simaan formed a small
pharmaceutical company called Garec (a combination of the names of Gabe and Derrick) which company
was later acquired by SA Druggists and now forms part f the Aspen stable. Derrick now works for Actavis
Inc, part of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. Derrick will retire in July this year.
Derrick is a member of MOBS but has no sons at the school having fathered three daughters (with one of
them now teaching at St David’s; however his two grandsons will become pupils at St David’s. Derrick’s
younger brother Clive matriculated in 1968 and died in 2011 having fathered three sons who all attended St
David’s for their entire school life.
JLE May 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Tim Forssman 2004

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000950
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview with Tim Forssman – 2004
According to his father Mark, Tim wasn’t very happy on his first day at St David’s and during the
second week jumped off the jungle gym by accident breaking his arm. Whilst in the junior school
Tim played soccer, cricket and was in the swimming team, water polo and cross country. He
was in the “A” swimming team and won some awards, notably for backstroke and freestyle and
was consistently in the top three swimmers in his age group.
When he was in grade 2, he and some other boys used to play in the area which is now the
astro turf and they were convinced that a dilapidated building, which housed a couple of ground
staff, was haunted and often used to get inside and explore. The deaths of two of the ground
staff had actually occurred in the building previously, which his father had told him about and
sent his imagination running wild.
In high school he also played rugby, was in the swimming and water polo team and again had to
participate in cross country. Tim also assisted with the SMILE programme and enjoyed Music.
He also really enjoyed Champagnat day and having a free non-academic day.
Tim remembers some of the teachers, Mr Mcmillan who used to use his cricket bat to jack boys
in trouble; Mr Van den Berg with his dry sense of humour; Mrs Kennedy; Miss Cambitzis; Mrs
Human; Mrs Marais. Mrs Roman; Mr Dave Smith; Mr Gaffney; Marius Buys; Mrs Cotton; Mrs
Snyman; Father Michael and Reverend Bruce.
Tim was academically average but managed to get 2 distinctions in matric. The turning point for
him was the cultural tour to Egypt in 2004 which influenced his eventual choice of archaeology
as a career.
During the time Tim was in the high school, a Chinese boy Mark Ma joined the school, he
couldn’t speak a word of English and was staying in a flat on his own. A request went out for
parents to accommodate him for a term and eventually after boarding with a couple of families,
the Forssman’s said he could stay with them and he ended up staying with them for 3 years in
standard 9, 10 and for his first year of varsity at Wits studying BSc Building. Mark’s father was
major of a district of Chong Ching which has a population of 32 million people. Tim and his
brother Chris visited him in China in 2009 with Warren and Justin Bessler and Jordan
Forssman. They spent 3 weeks travelling around China visiting some of the major cities and
attractions and spending much time with the Ma family.
Mark recalled another occasion when Tim was running up towards the high school quad
followed by his father, when Br Timothy, who was visiting the school shouted out “That boy must
be a Forssman”.
Tim remembered a time when he and some other matrics were up to a bit of mischief and
decided that it would be great fun to run across the swimming pool on the insulation mats. They
weren’t quite successful in their attempt to run the length of the pool but unintentionally were
tearing them apart and all the little blue balls that were encased in the mats started to come out
and spread across the pool. They were caught by an irate Mrs Snyman whilst vainly trying to
collect all the little balls. Fortunately for them they didn’t hear anymore about the incident.
Tim’s matric dance was held at the Wanderer’s Club and the theme was Studio 54 and the after
party was held at the Red Sun in Rivonia.
When Tim matriculated he went on to Wits University where he studied for a BA, then upgraded
to a BSc and in his honours year specialised in archaeology and geography. He completed his
Masters and PhD in Archaeology doing research in northern South Africa in the Limpopo area.
He is currently undertaking his PhD research at Oxford University and in Botswana. He has
recently completed a book on Bushman Rock Art which will be coming out in May.
JLE April 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

70th Anniversary dinner - main speaker Simi Tshabalala

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000964
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Speech at the 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner, St David’s Marist Inanda
Sim Tshabalala
No product of the Marist Brothers could fail to be beleaguered by tremendous feelings
of humility, privilege and gratification at a function such as tonight’s; humility for being in
the presence of luminaries of Catholic and Marist education as well as immensely
successful products of St David’s; privilege and gratification at the knowledge that one
is counted as a friend of St David’s.
I was lucky to have had parents who had the means to be able to send me to Marist
Observatory in 1978. I was fortunate to be nurtured by the Marist Brothers in joint
venture with the Holy Family sisters, the Ursuline sisters and the laity in an environment
of love, fairness, equality and care.
I have always been struck by the intensity of the Marist faith. The sheer power of this
faith reminds me of some famous lines of the great Catholic poet Gerard Manley
Hopkins. He wrote, ‘The World is charged with the grandeur of God, It will flame out, like
shining from shook foil.’ The Marist brothers in joint venture with the Holy Family sisters,
the Ursuline sisters and laity who taught me at Sacred Heart College did indeed seem lit
up from the inside by their faith; charged full of imagination, hope and energy. They
shone with an unshakable determination to side with the underdog in pursuit of equality
and fairness
I always felt at home at Sacred Heart. Though I was a little boy from Soweto, I always
remember how special I was made to feel. And there I was given gifts beyond price: an
excellent, fully rounded education and the skills and values I draw on every day as a
professional and as a citizen of South Africa.
My mentors from this community included Brother Mc Cartin. Memories of him talking to
me in the quad at Obs after school are indelible. I remember distinctly stories of his life
in Ireland, his journey to South Africa and his Marist work. Because of listening to him, I
even considered becoming a brother! How lovely that would have been instead of being
a member of one of the ten most hated professions: banking. I remember fondly Brother
Paul as he would walk to his room with his dog Susie, stop, and chat about this and
that. I remember well brother Raymond with his strong Irish accent. He was our under
13 rugby coach, and that was the only year my cohort beat Inanda during the ordinary
season – although, of course, we drew with them during the Inter Marist rugby
tournament which was held at St Josephs Rondebosch in our matric year. That draw
was sweet and it is unforgettable. I am on dangerous ground here, but I attribute our
string of losses to Inanda from under 13 to our final year entirely to the fact that we
became co-ed in 1980 whereas the Inanda leadership had the good sense to remain a
Single sex school, one of whose benefits was the preservation of a strong rugby
tradition. Neil Mc Gurk is unforgettable. I learned a huge amount from him: commitment
to community combined with a deep desire to transform it; the love of philosophy; and
an abiding adoration of St Thomas Aquinas’ work and natural law.
It seems to me that nothing has changed since I devoured Brother Mc Cartin's immortal
words, grappled with Brother Neil's incredibly complex ideas and got routinely trounced
by Walter Cronje's men. I have a tremendous love for the Marist tradition, and a
permanent admiration for St David’s.
Ladies and gentlemen, when I was asked to speak tonight on the topic: ‘Confortare esto
vir’ – ‘Take courage and be a man,’ I was immediately filled with trepidation. Was this
some kind of coded message about a resurgence of the global financial crisis? Were
the Marist Brothers trying to tell me something?
But once I had calmed down, I remembered that this isn’t actually a financial forecast.
As you know, it’s really the inspiring motto of this great school, founded seventy years
ago as an act of bravery and optimism in defiance of the surrounding horrors of the
Second World War.
The motto comes, in fact, from the First Book of Kings, Chapter 2. They are King
David’s dying words of advice to his son, Solomon, who was to become the wisest and
best of the biblical kings of Israel. David said, ‘Take courage and be a man. Observe
what the Lord your God requires. Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees.... Do
this so that you may prosper in all you do.’
What I find most interesting about this text is that it says that courageous, wise and
good people have to be observant and obedient. In a foreshadowing of the Marian
tradition of striving always to be consciously present in the world and to heed the call of
duty, these verses call upon us to look carefully around us; to work out what is required
of us by our religion and our values; and to take steps to fulfil those requirements.
What do we find when we look about us in South Africa? I think we find many good
things - including a democracy that has just reaffirmed both its vibrancy and its stability;
an economy that is clearly on its way to recovery; and this attractive and excellent
school. There’s much to be proud of, and certainly no need for gloom.
But we also observe a great deal of poverty and that we are the world’s most unequal
65% of the population live on less the R550 a month – less than a monthly satellite TV
subscription. 12% of South Africans are desperately poor, struggling somehow to
survive on R150 a month – less than the cost of a very modest lunch for two in Sandton.
In other words, those of us who are lucky enough to be celebrating this anniversary
here tonight live on a small island of prosperity in a sea of poverty.
South Africa is so unequal because we have one of the world’s highest unemployment
rates. The unemployment rate for black South Africans under 30 is over 50%. Twothirds
of 15-to-30 year olds who want work have never been able to find a job. The
reason why these millions of young people can’t find work - or create it for themselves -
is simple. They have been failed by our education system.
Admittedly, there are some bright spots in the education landscape, and last year’s
matric results may signal some improvement - but the overall picture remains extremely
bleak. Two facts I find particularly telling are that the average Grade 3 literacy teacher
can barely pass a Grade 6 test, and that the average South African maths teacher –
teacher, not student – scores 39% on a test of the material they are supposed to be
teaching. If the teacher can’t properly understand the work, how on earth are the pupils
supposed to learn?
Our educational deficiencies look even worse in the light of global standards. This year
the Global Competitiveness Report found that our inadequately educated workforce was
the second biggest constraint to doing business in South Africa. (Our inefficient
bureaucracy was first – and much of that inefficiency is also explained by poor
education.) South Africa ranks among the bottom 10% of countries on the quality of our
education system. We do far worse than many much poorer African countries, including
Mali, Tanzania and even Cote D’Ivoire, which is just emerging from a decade of civil
The abject failure of most of the education system is not merely tragic and wasteful– it’s
also very dangerous. This is because unemployment and inequality fuel crime and
instability, and create an enthusiastic audience for destructive populist politicians.
Our motto tells us that good and wise men observe, and then obey.
I believe that this means that we are called upon by our faith and by our ethics to take
active steps to improve South Africa’s education system. But what steps? I submit that
the answers have been given to us – very appropriately – by two great Catholic
educationalists: St Marcellin Champagnat and Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman.
St Marcellin founded the Marist Brothers nearly two hundred years ago in order to bring
education and religious enlightenment to poor children in remote rural areas of France,
and to ensure that they were taught with humility, modesty, simplicity and love. With the
passing of time, Marist Inanda now finds itself in what is probably the most affluent part
of South Africa’s little island of prosperity. The school therefore attracts most of its
pupils from prosperous and sophisticated families. Through no fault of your own, St
David’s is significantly less diverse in terms of both race and income than it could be.
I know that you are very aware of the tension this creates: How best can St David’s
reconcile its present affluence with the Marist mission to the poor? More generally, how
can those of us perched on the little island of prosperity respond with honour and
courage to the sea of poverty and inequality around us?
It is entirely right that St David’s should continue to stretch itself to reach and serve
disadvantaged pupils and badly trained teachers. I know that the boys at St David’s do
a lot of outreach work. I can only say to them, ‘Thank you – and do more!’ And, of
course, one of the main purposes of tonight’s event is to raise funds for the Marcellin
Champagnat Campaign to establish an endowment that will provide pupil bursaries and
the teacher learnerships here at St David’s. Again, I can only say, ‘Thank you – and be
even more generous!’
I hope you won’t mind if I make a banker’s suggestion? From my perspective, St
David’s Marist Inanda looks like a particularly successful ‘business unit.’ If we were
looking for resources to, say, expand our branch network into new territories, we would
have a debate about transferring some of the profits from the successful units to fund
the expansion as this would be in the interests of the entire enterprise. This would not
be an easy or a comfortable conversation. It would be necessary to avoid unfairness,
and to think carefully about how much money and other resources could be transferred
without damaging the profitability and sustainability of the successful business units. I
believe that St David’s is called upon by its Marist values to keep on having this
uncomfortable conversation. Please ask yourselves very regularly whether St David’s
can do more to cross-subsidise other Marist and Catholic education.
Cardinal Newman was a leading figure in the campaign to achieve social and political
equality for Catholics in Britain and Ireland in the 19th century. A former Anglican, he
was the prime mover behind the establishment of the Catholic University of Ireland,
which was to become the University College, Dublin, today, Ireland’s premier university. He
argued that one of the most important tasks for Catholics was to create centres of
unabashed educational excellence. At the time, almost all Catholics were very poor.
But, Newman argued, this did not mean that the community should focus exclusively on
immediate poverty relief and basic education. Instead, it should also aim to create
centres of unashamed educational excellence, which could produce a new Catholic elite
to lead the community and to influence society in general.
Newman was very interesting on what this new elite should be taught. He argued that a
significant proportion of their education should be in the liberal arts and humanities. His
view was that - even more than their specific professional training - leaders need the
ability to think critically and clearly and to argue logically and persuasively. This has
certainly been my experience, and I entirely agree with Newman that one of the
characteristics of an elite school like St David’s should be a concentration on literature,
history and debating – especially since the South African university system encourages
most students to specialise in professional subjects from their first day at university.
I would urge you, therefore, to follow the Blessed Cardinal Newman as well as St
Marcellin. As you stretch out to do more for the disadvantaged, do not lose focus on
your core mission of empowering every St David’s boy to develop all his talents, to
achieve all-round excellence, and to grow into men who are both wise and good. Also –
and this is very important too – I hope that the school continues to ensure that every
boy enjoys himself and is happy here.
On second thoughts, perhaps the boys shouldn’t enjoy their time here too much.... I’m
thinking here of one famous Marist Old Boy – he knows who he is – he is the
personification of the Marist way and the quintessence of the St David’s motto, he is a
carrier of this institution’s values and beliefs and he has motivated and inspired
thousands of boys in his long history with the school. He loved the school so much that
he found it necessary to do matric twice, and then to stay here for another 40 years. He
has given his name to a bursary which “is awarded to a boy who shows sporting
promise and who will be able to maintain the required academic standard.” He is loved
and revered and is prototypical of what St David’s boys ought to be, what they can be,
what they will be.
Finally – and I know Willy Castle will agree with me about this - I’d like to say
something about the merits of St David’s as a boys-only school. Certainly, there are
dangers to be avoided in a boys’ school and such dangers are avoided in co- ed
schools such as my alma mater, Sacred Heart College. These dangers include the risk
of becoming obsessed with sporting success to the exclusion of other achievements, or
of creating a culture which regards women as ‘a different species.’ But I know that St
David’s avoids these risks, thanks to its emphasis on all-round achievement and to its
thoroughly Catholic insistence on treating everyone with dignity and respect.
South Africa desperately needs more courageous and responsible men. At present,
only 36% of children are being raised in a home with a father. Far too much of our social
and political life is shaped by immature and irresponsible boy-men, whose paths to
fame, wealth and power are littered with broken promises, risky personal behaviour and
thoughtless or even cruel treatment of the poor, the weak, children and the elderly. St
David’s is performing an extremely valuable social service by fostering a brave, wise
and responsible masculinity that defies these trends and shows what being a man –
esto vir - truly means.
Long may you continue to do so!

Tshabalala, Simi

Farewell to Rick Wilson 1996 - 2013 by Willy Castle

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000892
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Rick Wilson – 2013– Farewell speech by Willy Castle
Mr Rick Wilson a summary of 18 years.
I am one of those(probably unusual) people whose favourite part of any function is the speeches.
Normal conversation ceases, times becomes momentarily suspended and people are joined together
to listen, laugh, cry and share in a personal story.
I have 3 goals for this speech
1 Not to cry
2 Make Mr Wilson cry
3 Make sure all of you know how important Mr Rick Wilson’s contribution of 18 years at St David’s
Marist Preparatory School has been.
How do you condense 18 years not easily so sit back and relax because it is going to take a while.
Mr Warwick BruceWilson was born in Zimbabwe......Married to Gerry and has two grown up sons,
Bruce and Andrew. We all know that Mr Wilson is a lover of dogs and now has two dogs, he loves
the Kruger Park and we have some great days in the park together, a brilliant golfer and now a keen
mountain bike fanatic. Oh yes and Pizza and chilli are Mr Wilson’s favourite food, just ask Col Chetio
at Blue Bird shopping centre.
Good evening to all you special guests who have gathered here to celebrate the life of a man who
has had a remarkable influence on all, our lives not to mention 18 years as headmaster of this
wonderful preparatory school which would equate to teaching approximately 1500 new pupils
entering St David’s.
To try and find out what Mr Wilson headmaster does all day we hired the heavies from Gr0 and
asked them what Mr Wilson does all day and here are some of the answers...
“He works on his computer all day and drinks tea”
“He’s ticking work”
“He watches the children on camera”
“He does gymnastics in his office”
Just before leaving my house this evening I phoned Linda who unfortunately cannot be here as she
is in America and said to her “Lin did you ever think in your wildest dreams that I’d be standing
before hundreds of people making a speech” and I could hear a giggle and she said “Wily you don’t
appear in my wildest dreams”
It was on a chilly day in August 1995 when we were busy with our annual inter-house cross country
on the College rugby fields when Mr Edey came down the dreaded First rugby team stairs with a
gentleman in tow wearing a green jacket. We all thought he was going to introduce us to the recent
winner of the Masters in Augusta but no such luck, we were introduced to Mr Rick Wilson our new
My first memory of Rick was on the side of the football flled in East London when he was teaching
and coaching St Stithian’s . Little did he know that he would still go on football tour to East London
for another 21 years and fall among thieves on and off the train. Mr Sinclair or Captain Morgan as he
was known on these trips will remember them as the highlight of the year. What happens on tour
stays on tour.
It is not widely known that on Saturdays Mr Wilson wears red underpants not in case he has a bad
golf game but o support his favourite football team which at the moment the name escapes me. Rick
also, unbeknown to most people won the “Cow and Gate Beautiful Baby Competition”, when he was
months old. I leave it to your imagination whether he looked like the cow or the gate! By the way it
was the girls’ category!
In no time at all we were as staff introduced to SWOT analysis, new strategies and the effective use
of technology in education. During this time we embraced technology, our teaching methods
changed and we came to understand that schools don’t in fact exist for the sake of teaching, but for
the sake of learning.
During this time Rick guided us through this most exciting phase of growth and development. Rick
has assembled a great team of professionals and sees hi srole as one of servant leadership where we
are rigorous, but not ruthless.
Rick’s own claim to technological fame is winning the staff technology award for shredding his tie in
the shredding machine while Mrs Donaldson and Mrs Mackenzie were overcome with emotion.
We all know how important assemblies are to Rick and how without fail, a dog comes into the story
– which reminds me of a story....
One evening after Mass a priest was just about to leave the church, noticed a man with a dog. He
went up to the man and asked him “What are you doing here with a dog?” The man replied “The
dog has come to pray”. “Dogs don’t pray” said the priest. “This one does” said Rick. “I don’t believe
you” said the priest, “It’s absolutely true” said Rick. “OK” said the priest, “Then show me what the
dog can do”. “OK” said Rick and the dog got into the pew, knelt down, took a Missal from under his
collar and started praying. The priest shocked listened for a full 15 minutes, speechless and so
impressed with the dog and the quality of the prayer. When he regained composure the priest said
to Rick “I have never seen anything like it; do you think your dog would consider joining the
seminary?” Rick, throwing his hands up in disgust said “You talk to him, he wants to be a doctor”.
We all know Mr Wilson is a prankster of some note – always interfering in equipment and switching
off sound systems and hiding diaries, keys and anything just to stir with someone.
He has however been caught out himself. A few weeks after Rick and Gerry had moved onto the
school property, Linda and I were walking past Rick’s driveway next to the back of the Music room.
They had just come back to the house because they had left something behind and needed to get it.
Their car was parked outside the gate with the keys in the ignition – what an opportunity! I climbed
into the car and drove it around the front of the now Music room. We waited until Rick came out of
the house and then it started: “Gerry the car is gone! I told you we are now living in Gauteng!! Beep,
beep, beep!” Rick ran up to the gate to speak to the guard to see if he had seen his car drive out. The
guard looked at Rick as if he were on drugs. By this time we could not be quiet and Rick heard us
laughing and discovered his car parked own by the tennis courts.
On another occasion Rick had just lit his Weber braai and put the meat on when I happened to pass
the gate. I saw that it was unattended and nipped in and wheeled his braai out to the road and
waited for him to go crazy when he came out to turn the meat.
When my Combi was stolen during Mass at Rosebank one Sunday, I walked back from church
straight to Rick’s house and said to him “Okay where’s my Combi?” I am still looking for it.
Gerry you took the pranks in your stride and also gave us Rick whenever we needed him at school
functions. We thank you for giving up your family time and sharing the many school occasions with
Rick and supporting all the different activities including feeding the geese, ducks and birds. We
would like you to accept this small token of appreciation from all of us.
We would also like to thank Rick’s school wife , tea girl, file finder, and someone who helped us on
many occasions into getting off campus when we needed to get him away. Mrs Coleen Donaldson,
please come and receive a gift on behalf of Rick and all of us. Good luck, for I believe the headmaster
for next year is quite a difficult pain in the neck!
We all know Rick enjoys a good party, loves his music and is very knowledgeable about different
genre of music. After one of our pub crawls through the property (we used to start at the pavilion
and then go to Mac’s flat, then Fr Brewer’s and a few other houses), on returning home after a pizza
fight at my house, Rick slipped and fell in his house. Gerry called me and off we went to Sandton
Clinic for Rick to have 38 stitches in his head. The next morning when Rick went into a Grade 5 class
one of the boys said “Good morning Sir, you look like a baseball”.
Rick is well known for his assemblies, Grade 7 luncheon speeches are legendary and each year the
boys look forward to him including all of them in his story.
Mr Wilson has given unselfishly of his time to support the boys and parents in all the activities in
which they participate, namely academics, cultural and sporting. Your presence has really been
appreciated by all of us.
On behalf of the pupils, parents and staff, we would like to thank you for your commitment and
dedication to St David’s Marist Inanda.
We all say thank you and wish you a fantastic retirement until you get bored and start the next stage
of your life. Our prayers go with you and Gerry. We are really going to miss you. Thank you.
Please will you all stand and join me in a toast to Rick and Gerry.
Willy Castle 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Ryan Roseveare 1990 Old Boys Assembly Speech 5 June 2015

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000929
  • Pièce
  • June 2015

Ryan Roseveare – Marist Old Boys – Speech – 05-06-2015
Thanks for having me here today,
The last speech I gave at this school was a “how to speech” its Title was “How to successfully Bunk school” – it was greeted with mixed reviews.
I will dispense with the normal formalities by greeting everything based of a social hierarchy, because I want to speak to you guys one on one in this massive gathering, so too all of you thanks for having me here today.
Who am I – Ryan Roseveare class of 1990 there were 29 of us - been married for 14 years to Gayle have 3 children Regan, Connor and Emma, no you can’t date any of my daughters.
What have I done, who is this guy!
I am famous for IT nerd but you have NEVER heard of me, work has made me well off but I dress like this, it’s given me choices and made me able to do things in life, but it all started right here !
When I was attending school our English teacher Mr Morgan gave us three pieces of critical advice, he said boys
 Rush – I did not follow that one
 Wife – I did not follow that one
 Speech is like a Cat – Let’s give it a Go!
I pass this advice onto you now, to do with it, what you want – Probably just ignore it
So faithfully following Mr Morgan’s advice - Why am I here? I am here to confess - It was me who threw the phosphorus in the pool ! But it was Gary’s idea and it had to be done !
I matriculated 25 years ago for those who can do basic maths, When I look back it seems far shorter more like 10 years’ time does fly so use your time wisely
I got my old school tie out last night and counted the number of jacks I got “elaborate” from Grade 6 to 12 it was the impressive number of 76 that’s one caning every 9.7657 repeating naturally - school days
So what’s changed? Well there are no more jacks and my record will stand into eternity – But in one word “everything” but actually “nothing”
 Apartheid,
 Tell Wing bus story,
 Internet it connects everyone,
 The power actually never went off,
 Tuck shop was under R 5 for a toasted ham and cheese, coke and packed of chips.
But what has not changed, is something all of us here have in common, we are all have attended this school and you know what - it makes us special !
But a quick story to demonstrate this – as fate would have it I was in a very high level meeting a few weeks back and during a break we got talking as you do about school, life, university and the like.
When one person asked me “Where did you go to school” and said St David’s and they said….
I knew it ! – It made me think…. Erm, why and I have been thinking about it for a while
We are DIFFERENT! – Use It !
You are right now part of a small social group or a community made up from people from different walks of life, in which you may have friends, Fren-A -me’s maybe, “guys you know”,
As the great MC Hammer once said “let’s stop”…. Look to you left… and right…. See these guys!
You will probably know them for the rest of your life, when you are half grey like me these guys around you will be in your life if you want it! How do I know… because that’s my experience!
You are all lucky to be here in this environment, IT makes you special in the race of life, you have a head start use it to make a difference in this world !
QingQile (Wing), Jean Paul (JP), Peter (Landdale), Gary (Gster), Adrian (The Lady), Brendan (OB), Chris (Wart)
I see these guys all the time, we are each other’s children’s god parents, we have walked log roads together, driven Bikes across Africa, walked across Europe, literally climbed mountains, drank too much, Raced fast cars across Europe - in the case of Wing and JP walked the road with serious things like cancer, Gary and Brendan virtually for every Springboks rugby game and many times travelled and watch games live, going to weddings and let’s not forget the bachelors in countries all over the world –
Keep these connections it’s what makes you great!
To get serious for a bit:
Look around at this place we are in… what has been given to you has been given to you for a reason, life if hard right… you will experience some pain and hardships will happen to you.
These things believe it or not happen to everyone, but it’s how you respond that makes you stand out, this school taught me to respond with power, passion, pride and energy!
Your times short, Matic’s soon you will be “free” some of you will be in university some might be going overseas, gap years, jobs, all of you
These people here right now (Your teachers) who are the people you should leverage from as much as possible.
People will pull down, but it’s in the getting up that you become a success, never giving in always pushing to the end this is something I learnt at this school ! – Writing lines for being a little naughty
All of you don’t forget – the lessons you have and will learn here! They will stand you in good stead and make your shine!
There are two types of people in this world when it comes to attitude and thought process
Now the first set of people – Wait for opportunities to come to them so they can “Quote un Quote” take them and they wait endlessly for some mirage or oasis to magically appear yet it never comes!
And they end up in some job they have no need to be in - doing some tinny task they have no desire doing
All because they were not willing to – Risk It or even Try
And the second set of people, these are the ones who find a way to create opportunities, these are the ones who make their own luck “so to speak”
 Live life on your terms
 Live life as you want to
 Live life as you envision
 Failure is a step forward, not backward
And what I have become to understand is the only difference is fear because those who are not afraid to go after something are the ones who turn out to be successful,
Success in life, school and relationships Whatever ! is often a result of not being afraid to accomplish Anything it’s going to be the guys you would never expect that make the biggest difference!
You are your own driving engine and your own break.
To the matric’s –
Make a statement to the universe I am capable and powerful, there are gifts you have in your life that only you can tap into - Use them.
Have a irrational, illogical, passion in what you do ! I don’t know what your passion is but believe in it
You have the strength and the passion inside of you NOW to change the world.
Soon you will be an Old Boy! Remember what you have learnt here apply it keep your connections.
Thank you for your time!
And in conclusion!
Remember! - 76!

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Derek Mandy 1963

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000762
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Derek Mandy – 1963
Derek thought that school was one of the best things that ever happened to him and enjoyed his
time as a boarder at Inanda. His parents lived in Brakpan, hence he was a boarder from
standard 5 but was at CBC Boksburg before. His parents wanted him to participate more at
school. He felt that it was all pro’s regarding boarding – companionship, structured study, food
wasn’t too bad, sport at weekends and he played rugby and was vice- captain first rugby,
hockey, soccer, volleyball, athletics and received the open 880yds trophy. The only con was
the dorms – 40 beds in each. In standard 8 his brother Dudley was prefect of Derek’s dorm. His
main complaint was that there was a total lack of privacy, they were noisy and no radio was
allowed after lights out. The brothers had a room in the corner.
He was reasonably good at sport and was generally in the A team.
Academically he achieved a second class JMB matric, he wasn’t a boff but didn’t struggle, with
the exception of Maths due to the brothers teaching and a university student eventually helped
him with the subject. He received the SA Marist award in 1963 and was head prefect and house
captain for Benedict, vice-captain first rugby, secretary of Sodality and chairman of the MDC.
Derek, as were many of the other boys, was unaware of what was happening in South Africa,
they were apolitical and had no knowledge of apartheid. It had no bearing on their lives. He
does however recall that the government were not too happy to allow new brothers into the
He remembers his first day or two and was initially homesick but soon settled in and it helped
having an older brother there. He remembers Brother Anthony, “Oranges” as being quite a
His older brother Dudley was head boy in 1961 and who is now living in Texas. One day he was
called out of class and in front of the school, with the matrics in a semi-circle, they were told that
his brother was going down to Natal to become a Brother, this was just prior to writing matric.
Having written matric, Dudley gave it all up and reunited with his girlfriend.
His last day was a happy one it was time to move on even though he was unsure whether he
had been accepted at university. He also had originally wanted to become an American field
student but he couldn’t do that and study in the US, he eventually went to UCT to study
psychology but ended up studying law. Derek is the father of two sons who went to Bishops and
a daughter who attended Herschel. Had he been living in Johannesburg he would have sent his
sons to St David’s. He served Bishops Council for 10 years and was chairman of the parents
association during this time. Derek has competed in 27 Cape Argus events and is a keen
mountain biker. He has recently retired and is looking into getting involved in some charity work.
Due to his location, he lost contact with his contemporaries. He did attend two reunions, one
after 25 years with a number of old boys from Johannesburg who had not seen each other since
matric. The next one after 30 years, he was the only old boy not living in Johannesburg who
attended. He felt that perhaps the reunions should be less structured with more time, not like the
dinners of the past. He would be interested in the book and would be prepared to pledge/buy a
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darryn Haltmann 2008

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000754
  • Pièce
  • 2013

Interview with Darryn Haltman – 2008
Darryn Haltmann came to St David’s in grade 4 and remembers the anxieties and excitement of
walking into the school leaving his mother and meeting his soon to be friends.
The teachers he remembers are Mr Rod Smith, Mrs Glanville, Mr Reichart, Mrs Fleming and
Mrs Marais.
He enjoyed the sport and played 1st team rugby and cricket and was involved with soccer and
He was most unhappy when they lost any of their sports fixtures, but thoroughly enjoyed the
rugby tour to New Zealand and Australia.
Darryn participated in the Advanced Maths programme and felt it was especially helpful for both
1st and 2nd year Maths and Stats at university.
He is still in touch with a number of his school friends and they are all members of MOBS.
He is currently studying for a Bachelor of Business Science: finance and accounting at UCT. He
was awarded a faculty scholarship and has appeared on the Dean’s list and received the
Kopano award for academic excellence.
JE May 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Sabelo Sithebe 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000931
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview with Sabelo Sithebe – 2005
Sabelo’s mother was determined that Sabelo be a pupil at St David’s and went in everyday to
the admissions department with this objective in mind.
Sabelo remembers his first day at St David’s in the old grade 0 block. He watched Andrew Prior
and Kyle Burger playing cricket, the first time he had seen the game played and joined in. His
teacher was Mrs Tyack and he made life-long friends that day. The head of the prep was Greg
Royce followed by Rick Wilson who built on the merit system which motivated many of the
young prep school boys and changed the mind set of many. He was a father figure who
interacted with the boys well and was always fair. He remembers Mrs Hurley, Mrs Rose who
pushed him with his reading and to achieve, Mrs Geldenhuys whose approach to Maths was
In the high school Paul Edey was headmaster and the teachers he particularly remembers are
Mrs Marais, Mrs Roman, who struck a good balance, being caring and tender but also strong
enough to control a class. Mr Van Den Berg taught him to enjoy Accounting and the atmosphere
he created. Great teachers had good balance and knew which buttons to press at the right time.
Sabelo feels that it’s not the buildings at St David’s but the people who make the school.
The school grew enormously whilst he was a pupil with the building of the Champagnat hall,
high school pavilion and library.
For Sabelo, school was a huge part of his life and he participated in sport in all the three terms
playing tennis, cricket, football, rugby, athletics and swimming. He learnt to swim in grade 6, as
Willy Castle took no excuses and said “you will swim”. Willy Castle was a father figure to all the
boys who were initially afraid and in awe of him. Willy pushed you to be better than yourself and
had a great influence on many of the boys. Sabelo thought the sport was fantastic and the way
in which it helped develop ones character. He was a member of the 1st team football, 1st team
rugby and also did a lot of running. The rugby was tough in the beginning, building bonds,
relationships with fellow soldiers, and believes that’s why rugby is important at a boy’s school,
Sabelo said it wasn’t the same at university, at school every Saturday was special. He recalled
the Johnny Waite victory over schools such as St John’s and learning that even being a small
school they could still achieve a lot.
He felt that there was a lovely balance of academics and sport as school is also about people
development, building young men who participate in society using the Marcellin and Marist
ideals with modesty. Those traditions were instilled in the junior primary with highlights such as
the football tour to East London. The 1st team were in their special kit and everyone played hard
to ensure they upheld the tradition and values of the school. In the high school going to St
Andrews, Bloemfontein was always great.
The camps were sometimes controversial with his grade 9 and 10 year camps being held in
appalling conditions with particularly bad weather. However the grade 11 camp held under the
same conditions went very well. He really hated the camps but really enjoyed that one.
Sabelo participated in the SMILE programme, performed in three school musicals produced by
Mr Dry, and remembers Nelson Mandela coming to watch “West Side Story”. He was also a
member of the school choir in grade 11 and matric.
Sabelo looked up to some of the older boys such as Jason Simaan, Robert Smith, Gareth
Kolkenbeck-Ruh, Bevan Winderly, boys he saw achieving and wanted to emulate them. They
were setting the standard achieving not just for themselves but also for the school.
On becoming head boy, Sabelo knew he would be amongst a group of individuals who would
help him. It was a phenomenal experience and also quite overwhelming being one of a line of
leaders of men such as Mike Von Guilliame, Gareth Kolkenbek-Ruh and Robert Stuart.
Academically Sabelo did very well and was in the top 15 when he matriculated with 7
distinctions. His last day was surreal and emotional and he is very much a product of St David’s.
He went to Wits and studied for a BA Accounting Science until 2009 and then went onto
Investec to write his articles and, having passed the exams, being the first overall in the country
and will start practising as an accountant in November 2012.
JE 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Anthony 1957 - 1975, 1982

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000722
  • Pièce
  • 2009

Interview with Brother Anthony 1957 – 1975, 1982
When he first came to St David’s, Brother Anthony was in charge of the senior boarders
in the boarding school. He recalls that the boys used to go to the Jukskei River and have
mud fights over the weekends.In those days the Maristonian club was on the main road
to Pretoria.
Brother Anthony was particularly proud of the development of sports facilities at the
school. The 45 acres (18 hectares) where the cricket oval, rugby fields, astro turf and
CEO’s house now stand were originally owned by a Scotsman, Mr McGill Love. The
gendtleman in question owned a company, Haggie Rand, which sold cables to the mines
and he gave the school fist option to purchase the land. In 1963 the school bought the
land for R150 000. The municipality then wanted some of the land to widen Rivonia
Road. Ronnie Walker was chairman of the school committee and Watson, the mayor (he
had a son at St David’s). The municipality paid R127,000 the land, 10% of the property
purchased. The money made was used for building the Science laboratories. ater,
McGregor, Dowson and Dobson leveled the fields for R14,000 and in 1966 the grass
was laid. McGregor’s son won 7 gold medals in the SA championships the cricket oval
was named after McGregor.
There was some debate whether there was enough space for a full cricket oval, and
indeed there was. Pete Springer a professional cricketer for England came together with
the Bishop Hugh Boyle to officially open the oval. Brother Anthony recalled that the
Bishop’s opening prayer was for chastity!! A party followed in the dining room which now
houses the college library.
The current CEO’s house, a Herbert Baker house was used at that time to
accommodate the professional cricketers – Dickey Bird, Dobson and for boarders
upstairs. The remainder was used for storage and for an office for the PTA. Don Wilson
saw a ghost of a woman at the top of the stairs. What was the A Dormitory is now used
for the grade 6 classrooms.
The first black child was admitted to the school in 1976, the son of the Malawian trade
Headmaster Murphy only lasted 6 months and Brother Anthony came to the rescue as
the new head was having difficulties in adjusting, there was no prep headmaster as Mr
Monolias had left to go to a school in Benoni after coming to St David’s from Bryanston
High School. Br Anthony checked out the rumours of Murphy’s wrestling career whilst he
was in Cape Town. Using the public library Br Anthony finally came across an article in
the Durban press relating to the wrestling. Br Anthony had to step into the breach and
was headmaster from 1981 – 2. He then escaped once more to the desert in Slough.
Outstanding boys that Br Anthony remembered were Roberto Amato , matric 1960. His
father was Rhodes scholar, he was a wonderful boy and was instrumental in starting up
a school band. The matric class of 1961 was a small class, a group of six boys, three
became surgeons and one a professor. B Haakman, Malcolm Fenzman, Nigel Sloane.
Prince Ipsolante who was related to Prince Phillip.
American field scholars used to come to St David’s as exchange students in the 70’s.
Br Anthony remembered another mother who was particularly angry with him and it
reminded him of being back in Glasgow watching a Celtic/Rangers match.
Fulton a US golfer was a former pupil.
One boy came to school with a gun and wanted to shoot a couple of the teachers
however, the next day Br Anthony managed to confiscate the gun and called the boys
father. It turned out that the gun belonged to the father and had been acquired during the
war from the RAF.
Another rather funny incident was when Br Anthony caught a boy coming out of the cold
room in the kitchen with a rather large stomach. He was hiding a watermelon under his
In 1966 the first boy to become a drug addict was expelled after a debate with parents
on the issue.
There have been only three matrons in 70 years.
An amusing incident occurred when a teacher, Ms Janosch collapsed in the toilet, Br
Anthony went to her aid and managed to get her onto a carpeted area, whereupon she
grabbed his crucifix and pulled him down on top of her just as Br Andrew walked in!
There was a flourishing riding club with stables where the grade O block is now. Ken
Booth, the Queen’s chaplain was a keen rider and took teams of boys to the Hickstead
trials where they achieved first place in the second year of competing. Horses were on
the property and there was a riding club until 1980
There was a teacher named Zacharovitch, a former priest who Bro Anthony found
working in a local bottle store. Bro Anthony acquired the permission to employ him as a
teacher and he turned out to be a good one.
Br Anthony’s nickname was Oranges and Br Andrew – Drac. Br Irwin was the first head
after Br Wilson and only lasted 6 months – the auditorium was named after him.
Teachers – it was a priority that the school had to have good teachers but there will
always be those, a small percentage, who are no good.
The first board of governors included parents such as Moni, Herber and Paizes. School
fees were GBP4 per term in Bro Anthony’s time. They tried to keep the fees down but
the board of governors said that the fees needed to be adjusted. A proposition was
made to the regional council who gave the Ok to raise the fees. The local schools
followed suit. Subsequently there was a protest at the school gates and a Mr Emberton-
Smith and Mrs Hogg protested against the increase and handed out fliers.
Br Anthony coached rugby, there were 8 open teams and he preferred to teach the
weaker teams. He remembered the first time the school beat Jeppe (1000 pupils, St
David’s 238) the boys were enraged at being called Catholic Jews. There were quite a
number of Jewish pupils at the school during this time.
Br Anthony remembered two dogs, a female called Lola Brigida and a Doberman
Pincher called Dagwood. Dagwood was a very friendly dog who used his jaw to grab Br
Anthony by the hand but never bit him.
Brothers and Priests included Father Plestus, Br O’Brien who accidentally killed a
woman who ran out in front of him and was very upset also by the police comment “One
less” Br Anthony consoled him and gave him brandy but he was never the same after
that. They also had a Dominican priest for a while who had a nephew at the school.
The first chapel was next to the first classroom. Br Rowson, who was often “unwell”,
would light a candle to indicate his presence. Br Rowson only lasted 6 months.
The second chapel was in fact built as a library; the architect was Klench. The donation
for the current library was made by Mr Pinero now living overseas.
Vatican 11, 1967 was a significant and very disruptive time for all Catholics, there was
great upheaval in the church and many priests and nuns were looking for jobs. Some
priests were laicized and there was an exodus of brothers, Jesuits, Celesians etc. De La
Salle Brothers took in some of the priests.
Br Anthony remembered the school plays and one very good “Thomas More” in
conjunction with St Teresa’s. The schools didn’t have the numbers for big productions.
Musical evenings were held although there was no hall and the dining room, now the
high school library, was used. One production was held at the civic centre with Paddy
O’Byrne as MC.
There was a band competition which St David’s won and Peter Moni was the drum
A big walk was held to raise funds for the blind, St Teresa’s Guild for the Blind with Br
Paul coming across for this fundraiser.
JLE April 4, 2009

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Timothy 1967 - 1981

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000726
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview: Timothy McCrindle (Br Timothy) 1967-1981
Br Timothy taught at St David’s for 6 months in 1963 and returned again in 1967. Initially he was junior
housemaster and in 1972 assistant senior housemaster when the boarding closed down because of the lack of
brothers to supervise.
Br Timothy taught Biology to std 8-10 and RE to std 8-10 and also taught Maths and Science. For extra-murals
he coached swimming and worked with Lee McGregor the Springbok swimmer; he was also the athletics
coach and Inanda won the Inter Catholic athletics for 6 years running. In addition he was the rugby coach for
the younger boys.
Br Timothy took over in 1975 from Br Anthony as headmaster. He maintains he was never an innovator but
highlights during his term of office were the building of the swimming pool, tennis courts and the development
of the sports fields. He also focused on academics and in 1981 Michael Urban was the first boy to achieve a
full house of distinctions in matric.
The one aspect of extra murals which he did not enjoy was cadets. He attended a cadet officer’s camp and in
the end Br Anthony asked him to take the cadets over. Mrs Moni was very pro-active and helped a great deal
as her sons were very prominent cadets. When he took over as head, Br Timothy decided to stop cadets at St
Some of the staff he fondly remembers are Trudy Elliott, a wonderful English teacher who had an excellent
way of teaching boys. Gavin Nefdt, Tom McFadden, Ken Lipshitz, Bill Carew, Wendy Schaafsma, Father
Plesters and George Manolios was the prep headmaster.
Reflecting on Br Anthony, Br Timothy felt that Br Anthony had a wonderful gift of inspiring confidence in young
people and was very good at handling difficult situations and parents. He had a wonderful way with people and
was the person who built St David’s up. Br Anthony was never overbearing and worked very well with young
brothers guiding them and giving them responsibilities. He always checked up to see how they were
progressing. Br Anthony was not a very orderly person but here Br Andrew, deputy headmaster, helped him.
During his time, Br Anthony introduced the advisory council which later became the board of governors
St David’s first headmaster was Br Urban, followed by Br Edwin, Br Benedict, Br Anthony and finally Br
Timothy. Br Andrew and Br Bosco (Mario) were prominent brothers.
Notable parents who went the extra mile were: Mrs Moni, the Kourie family, Nassie Simaan, Steve Muller, Vito
Rugani, Darko Vidas, the Allem family, the Reeves family, Slavens, v d Handel, Paizes, Marlowe and Marsay.
The sale of the Inanda’s land:
Br Michael was Br Superior at the time and was very friendly with the McGill Love’s who owned the land next
to the school. There was a fire which the boarders helped to put out and following that, the McGill Love’s had
an agreement with the brothers that they would have first option on the property when they decided to sell their
home. When the sale went through there was an agreement that should Mr McGill Love die first his wife could
continue to live in Maryknoll until her death. Mr McGill Love died first and his wife stayed on in the house but
eventually the brothers offered to pay for her to move into a retirement home and the property reverted to the
brothers. For the acquisition of the property an amount of R150 000 was required. The parents decided, under
the PTA Chairmanship of Mr Walker that they would pay the extra R150 000 needed in the form of a levy
however, in 1971, the Sandton council needed to widen Rivonia Road and the school was reimbursed (R50
000) for the land that was required which covered the shortfall on the land.
The brothers later decided to sell off a piece of ground because they felt that the school would not ever need
the land and they were in a tough situation financially. The land belonged to the brothers not the school. Mr
Tim Marneweck, a parent, who was involved in property helped with the sale of the land. Sadly the parents
and old boys were angry because they felt that the money should have come to the school.
(See Br Jude’s Interview and Finance Weeks articles – October 14-20, 1982 p.100; 30 October 30, 1982 p.4
and August 22 – 28, 1985 p.509)
The school reputedly had two ghosts. Peter Stringer, the cricket coach was given accommodation upstairs at
Maryknoll once Mrs McGill Love had left. He maintains that he saw the ghost of Mrs McGill Love at the foot of
the staircase. The second ghost was that of Br Pius who is said to have wandered around the house where
the sickbay was situated. The brothers used to live in this house but once the administration block was built
the brothers moved in there. If there were any boarders who had to stay overnight in the sickbay then one of
the brothers would have to go down and stay in the house. One of the brothers was in the house one night and
heard a strange noise and went from room to room looking to find the source of the noise. He eventually found
a coat hanger moving in a cupboard! But the brothers always maintained that it was Br Pius walking around.
Br Timothy felt that Br Andrew was a very strict disciplinarian and an excellent Maths teacher who got on well
with Willy Castle. Willy came back to complete his matric and fitted in very well with his new class while most
other boys didn’t mix with the class below them. Br Pius was an excellent gardener and because of him the
gardens at school were well laid out. Br Aquinas enjoyed his whiskey and every Sunday evening the brothers
used to get together and would have a drink. Br Aquinas always had a whiskey and one evening he was called
away and left his drink. The other brothers replaced his drink with diluted Coca Cola while hiding the whiskey
behind the chair. They watched as Br Aquinas returned and continued to drink the diluted Coca Cola without
noticing the change. The brothers were too ashamed to say anything and never told Br Aquinas about the
Br Timothy left St David’s at the end of 1981 after many happy years at the school. He was appointed
headmaster at St Owens on the Cape Flats. This school was a far cry from St David’s and he taught std 8 –
He later went on to help Br Anthony at Slough for a while, becoming Brother Provincial in 1989 until December

  1. He was then sent to the United States on a course and it was here that he met his future wife. After
    much soul searching he decided to leave the Marist Brothers and his future wife left her order as well. Timothy
    now works for the Catholic Schools Office who look after the affairs of the 10 schools run by the diocese in
    November 2010

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Alex Quail 1962

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000395
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Alex Quail 1962
Alex started at St David’s in 1958, came into the high school straight from the bush –
Carltonville. There were no English high schools in the area at the time and Bishop Wheelan
helped him get into St David’s.
Johannesburg ended at the entrance to the school . A Dairy Den was about 1 kilometre down a
dirt road and Sandton City did not exist, the area was just veldt and the occasional farmhouse.
Alex was a boarder and remembers everyone being very competitive in sport and with each
other. There was a boxing ring and the “Beak” Br Benedict would organise the boys to sort out
their grievances in the boxing ring. The school was tough and there were very real fights
between the boys especially the Lebanese and the Jews. There was iron discipline and boys
were caned for any reasonable misdemeanour, however it did them no harm. The discipline was
fair and not vindictive, some old boys found it unfair and were very bitter about it. It was rather
like being in the army and the boarders became a band of brothers and those that saw it
through became very good friends often for the rest of their lives. On one weekend per term, the
parents were allowed to visit their sons on Sunday and they went home during the school
The boys were very cruel to Mr Bishop the only lay teacher, who was tormented by the boys.
There were 60 boys in a class which reduced to 17 by Matric. All the brothers taught,one
brother was Spanish, another Afrikaans, quite a good mixture. Brother Bonaventure, “Bonnie”
was a big tough guy who used to sit on his desk and fall asleep. He was very laid back teacher
and Alex can’t remember what he taught. Br Anthony taught Afrikaans and Maths but he was
always so busy so the clever boys in the class ended up teaching them. Br Edwin became too ill
to run the school in 1958 and Br Benedict “Beak” took over followed by Br Anthony.
In 1962 there were 17 matrics in the class and they beat Observatory in rugby. Those were
harsh days without the rules and regulations that protect the players now. There were 200 boys
in the high school competing against other schools with over 1000 pupils for example, KES,
Jeppe, CBC Boksburg, CBC Pretoria. One of the boys Chris Dempster, lost a kidney after he
was badly tackled and the teachers pumped his legs. Darko cracked his skull in one match. Alex
was too small to make the 1st rugby team but played in the 2nd. He played cricket and was
captain of the 1st hockey team. His father was captain of Transvaal in the late 30’s and got
together with the brothers to help develop hockey.
He could not swim but was dragged into the inter-high gala. The school pool is where the prep
playground is now. He was in Benedict house and was a prefect..
The cycling club was good for them and they were able to bring their bikes to school. The golf
club was formed and the first golf tournament held, Alex was involved and his brother Michael
was a good golf player. Unlike today he well remembers walking out to the cricket pitch without
a hat.
Alex feels strongly that the boys who became Springboks should be honoured with a school
honours board. The first Springbok was Ray Bischoff for swimming and Gavin Webster for
hockey. John Daley was a very good tennis player.
As far as academics went, St David’s was a seven subject school with three languages English,
Afrikaans, Latin, Geography, History, Science and Maths. He was an average pupil who wrote
the JMB matric. The clever boys did Add Maths.
There was an incident in the eary 60’s. NASA had just got going and the boys wanted to
develop a solid fuel rocket. Alex had a recipe and they used the Science lab on the second
floor, brewed some stuff up which then exploded! Br Anthony flew up the stairs to see what
damage had been done, but no-one was injured and Br Anthony was relieved. Eventually a
rocket was built by one of the geniuses of the school – Hawkins who is now Professor of
Applied Maths at Wits. Another pupil Bernard Haakman, seemed dopey, but became a vet.
David Sole, went on to study chemical engineering and worked for the government developing
rocket fuels or something similar.
He recalled an incident during study time in the standard 6 classroom that accommodated 60
boys. There was very little swearing in those days and debating was popular as the boys got to
get out of school occasionally. Doug Wickins stood up to make a speech and asked the
question “How can you call George that name, he is a boy”? (cunt). Br Dennis (Tickey) blushed
a deep purple, but Doug continued with his speech which was honest and full of integrity. He got
a round of applause and was not reprimanded by the brothers.
After matric he went to the Pretoria Technikon and did a National Diploma in Civil Engineering,
Land Surveying and remained mainly in Johannesburg.
He has no memories of his first day at the school but would have had to be there a few days
early as a boarder. On his last day he was so pleased to get out into the big wide world and was
very confident. He remembers walking into Barclays Bank, an uncle was a director, and asked
to open an account.
He says the boys were not prepared for the outside world due to the essentially classic
education they had received (No “life skills taught in those days”) but the fact was that they were
able to cope with whatever was thrown at them. Some did very well and most not too badly.
Once a year a Marist recruiter (crow catcher) used to come along and they all avoided him. He
was aware that Michael Heubeck, an American became a brother, he was with them until
standard 9.
Alex’s brother, Michael (deceased) was a really good cricketer and fast bowler. In those days
the cricketers wore boots. Michael played in a final and took 5 wickets against KES. A nonconformist,
he was presented with a cricket ball at assembly whereupon he promptly threw the
ball at Br Anthony. Needless to say, he was expelled but allowed to write his matric. He went on
to become a doctor.
Alex felt that the boarding was where the spirit of the school lay and that the character of the
school changed once the boarding facility was closed.
JE June 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Max Leipold 1959

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000847
  • Pièce
  • 2010

Interview with Max Leipold - 1959
Max started as a boarder in Std 2 in 1951. His parents lived in Standerton and in Std 9 they
settled in Illovo and then became a day student. He was very unhappy and missed the
camaraderie of the boarding school so went back as a boarder in matric. Brian Nicol was head
boy and the Joint Matriculation Board exam was written.
Max played 1st team rugby and was in the team which beat Obs for the first time despite Obs
having future Springbok Sid Nomis in their team. A tour had been arranged for Obs to visit Port
Elizabeth and play against Marist Walmer in 1958. Due to the very poor season Obs were
experiencing it was decided that Inanda, who were having a good season, should travel in their
stead. Br Bonaventure and the boys travelled by train. The team lost to Victoria Park and Grey
College but beat Walmer 11-3.
Max enjoyed the boarding system and in those days there were two dorms with 44 beds in
each. Max enjoyed collecting the pictures of girls on the back page of the Sunday Times in
those days and made a scrapbook. On this occasion the boys were all sitting round looking at
the pictures when Br Ephrem came ‘gliding’ by. Not wanting to be caught they threw the book
out of the window but it fell near to Br Bonaventure’s window. His parents were called in to see
Br Benedict, the headmaster to discuss this.
Max was born in 1941 and retired at the age of 53 and moved to the house they had built in
Hermanus. He originally worked for IBM but then moved to Ellerman shipping company where
he was a director. Max’s hobby is photography and he and his wife travel extensively in pursuit
of this hobby.
Interview: 12 October 2010

Anderson, Glenda

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni 1966

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000769
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni -1966 & Rohan Erleigh – 1967
Both Eric and Rohan were boarders. Eric’s two half brothers Edward Barale and Italo Barale
also boarded and Rohan had two brothers follow him. They knew each other through the
boarding and played in the same rugby, cricket and athletics teams. Goodenough, a kitchen
hand could outstrip every athlete and broke the school record running barefoot. The highpoint in
cricket was when professional, English cricketers came to the school, Ken Palmer and Peter
Stringer who lived at the school and Donald Wilson who got married here and lived above the
chapel. On Saturdays if any major cricket team was playing, the boys had to dress up in full
uniform and walk to Wanderers wearing straw bashers..
They recalled an American field scholar, Philp Marsden who could throw a tennis ball higher
than the tennis captain could with his racket. Julio Cesneros’s father was the Spanish
ambassador, who assisted in bringing the Spanish football team, Real Madrid to South Africa.
The Springbok, Ray Bischoff swam against the Dutch and broke a South African record. The
cycling team was started with Deon and Brett Sacks and Rohan remembers his bike breaking
down near Gilooley’s Farm. There was also a model airplane club, all the planes took off and
then crashed! A Tiger Moth was donated.
Cadets were also started in their time and Eric was one of the first five cadet student officers.
There was a Southern Transvaal Schools Drummer competition and the school won the bass
and tenor drums section beating 700 other schools – who weren’t there!!!
The drama society was initiated together with Parktown Convent and was oversubscribed!
There was a debating society with Dave Lyons, Pat Noble and Andrew Lindiker and debates
were always held on a Sunday at the convent. There was also a dark room where some of the
boys developed their photos.
Gertie the 3 ton utility truck used to convey pupils to various sports events and was eventually
sold and replaced with a new school bus that was painted blue and was involved in an accident
after the first three weeks, the driver being Zebron.
Mrs Buckley-Jones was the much loved matron who however made them write tests whilst in
the sick bay. Mr Drummon-Bell was the Music teacher who produced the “Pirates of Penzance”.
Eric remembered a teacher called Mrs Cane, at Marist Borthers Koch Street Johannesburg, (the
primary school to both Marist Brothers and Inanda) who used it (the cane) with gay abandon.
The first lay teachers in the high school were Mrs Buchan – English, very English, unattractive
but kind, Mrs Pretorius – Afrikaans, she was good looking but unfriendly, Mr Ward – Maths, Mr
Hewitson – Art. Eric remembered a pupil from Greece who chatted in class and when Mrs
Pretorius asked him what he had said Eric told him to say “Ek is jou lief”!
There was a Science lab but when they left it was replaced by a newer one and Eric’s two
brothers – Orcellis – donated two glass windows.
For two years during the mid 1960’s, the brothers hired a catering manager and his wife, the
Coopers. They had a corgi which started off thin but ended up as a blimp! The boys used to
regularly raid the kitchen. Flat bed trolleys were used to carry food, boxes etc and the boys used
to pile onto them and ride down the inclines resulting in quite a few stitches.
Eric was designated, together with George Da Matta to act as cinematographers for the film
every Saturday night. Someone had to collect the 16mm films and they were given pocket
money to get the bus, however George’s father would fetch them and take them to his café to
gorge on fish and chips etc and then after to collect the films in the centre of Johannesburg.
They then caught the bus back to Dunkeld and had to lug the box of 16mm films to school.
The first Spur restaurant opened in Rosebank and several boys were caught bunking in the
Spur and in Ken Rosewall’s snooker saloon. They recall that disputes were resolved between
the boys behind the games room next to the tennis courts.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Champagnat they made the great trek to Cape Town, all
the buses broke down and all the schools ended up at St Joseph’s.
They remember the land bought by the school and the boys of 1966 planted the grass on the
rugby field and cricket pitch.
There was no real communication then, only the telephone and radio. They had vague
memories of the assassination of Kennedy and the attempted and actual assassination of
Verwoed. They had a day off school due to the “Bay of Pigs”. They did remember the stance
taken by the Catholic schools with regard to admitting black children which wasn’t popular with
the government.
Both Eric and Rohan have been back to St David’s for a 40 year reunion and would be
interested in supporting the publication of the book.
Individual memories of Eric Ambrosioni:
Eric’s mother died then his father and in Standard 8 his step brothers came to an arrangement
with the school to enable him to stay there. He had no bad experiences although Brother
Ignatius would lash you for no treason.
Joe Mulaneu lived at the bottom of the bottom field and Eric lived opposite him. He remembers
fooling around with him and hitting him with a metal rod, subsequently their parents banned
them from seeing each other. They later became good buddies and Joe became a
After the Saturday cinema one night he raided the kitchen, realising a brother was there he tried
to get rid of the evidence and a paw paw rolled down the hall and he was caught by Brother
He also remembers going home in the first term and crying about being bullied. His brother
advised him to put a shoe in his pillowcase and wait until the bully fell asleep and then whack
him with it. The bullying stopped after he tried that out.
When he finished school he wanted to go to varsity but, having no family to support him, he
ended up in a bank and was then balloted into the army in which he stayed for three years. He
then went into the oil industry and was seconded to the UK and his company was bought out by
BP. He was repatriated and offered a package in 2004, bought a pasta machine and became a
pasta maker his wife having bought an Italian deli. He made pasta for the deli and sold to other
delis and shops in the Cape Peninsula. He sold the pasta machine at the beginning of the year
to his nephew, another Marist old boy Ted Barale who owns Piccolino in Fourways. He is
married to Louise and is the father to two daughters.
Eric’s brother Italo (1953) married Myrna Morgan whose brothers went to Inanda, Harold and
Ronny who became a Marist Brother.
Individual Memories of Rohan Erleigh:
His parents lost everything they had in business but insisted he went to a private school. They
had an old car, a 1947 Plymouth and he was so embarrassed he told them to meet him outside.
Rohan was an altar boy.
After finishing school Rohan went gold mining outside Sabi, gold was then at $25 per ounce. He
subsequently went into the navy for his national service and made a naval career. He studied
for a BSc at Stellenbosch, rose to the heights of naval captain becoming a military attaché and
retired in 2000 after a final posting as officer commanding the navy’s training base on the west
coast. He spent time on the maritime border during the war in Angola.
He married a Morgan girl and is father to two sons and a daughter. The Morgan boys all went to
St David’s and Ronnie Morgan became a Brother.
Old Boys they are still in contact with:
Jo Stravino, Dereck Schoombie, Peter Moni, Eddie Assad (orthodontist) Peter Struthers
(maxillofacial surgeon) Michael Ford, Clive Bergman (singer), Tony Walker brother of Jeff
Walker (Master of the John Ross), Strati Malamoglou (Dyna Chem), Steve Taylor (sub-ed
Times ltd), Charlie Platt, Patrick Nobe, Brian Jarvis, Kevin Peel, Terry O’Mahoney, Emilio
Iglauer, Anthony Barale (doctor in Canada).
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Willy Castle 1957 - 1968 Pupil; 1976 -2013 Teacher; Prep Headmaster 2014

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000960
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Willy Castle – June 2010
In the original letter requesting the enrolment of Willy as a pupil at St David’s written by his
father, his father said that he wanted any son of his to be a Marist boy. Willy began his
career at St David’s in 1957 beginning as a day boy in grade 1 with Mrs Brick as his first
teacher until grade 5 when, because of sport, Mrs Buckley-Jones recommended that he
become a boarder.
The school hours were 8am until 2.45pm followed by sport. During his first year as a boarder
he was told to go to the chapel, he thought he had done something wrong but, sadly was
told that his father had died.
Eventually, Br Timothy was the only brother teaching at the school. Willy remembers that
Brother Benedict (Beak) was the first headmaster and that Br Bosco changed his name to Br
The school was then considered to be out in the sticks, with no fence around it with people
taking short cuts across the school grounds. Willy used to ride his bicycle home on Sunday
with no cars around. He loved the weekends, just played sport and there was always
something on at Wanderers. A burger and a movie was the highlight of the week and it was
26 kms to Little Falls for a day out swimming.
Many boys came from all over Africa and there were 50 boarders allocated to one room –
with four dormitories A, B, C, and D. The food was magnificent with chef Piet, a huge, strong
man. The boarders had 3 meals a day with morning coffee and afternoon tea, and Sunday
roast with cold drinks and ice cream. They had to wear school uniform all the time but,
occasionally were allowed to wear a suit. Br Anthony allowed them access to the pantry but
they had to eat everything there. The boys used to climb out of the dormitories and take food
from the fridge until the brothers padlocked the fridge door, but the boys worked out a way to
lift the door off its hinges helping themselves to food during the night.
The school buildings stopped at the chapel and went down to Rivonia road which was the
Love’s farm. When the owner’s died, the school bought the land right down to the Inandas.
Maryknoll was the original farmhouse and Willy’s house was the family library. The old
workshop was originally the stables.
Because of the boarders, the school had powerful sports teams and the brothers used to
train them hard. The fields were where the current swimming pool and tennis courts are now.
Mrs Kempster, was headmistress of the prep (she retired in 1974). The current high school
library was the dining room and then the hall. The staff room and admin block was formerly a
rose garden.
Marist cricket week, which has since disappeared, was a great event. Rugby matches
against other Marist schools and rugby tours, like the 1967 tour to St Joseph’s when all the
boys were bussed down and back.
Willy recalled some incidents, In 1953 the matric exam papers were stolen, whilst on camp
at Happy Acres, Oliver Green slipped down the river bank and cut himself very badly. Willy
drove him immediately to Sandton Clinic, making the trip in 20 minutes!
There are also some sad stories. Paul Visser and his brother,who was deaf. Paul eventually
shot himself and the other brother got into an argument in a pub, ran outside and was
knocked down and killed.
Another sad event was when Keith Schafer died. Jason Giles, a naughty boy had been
caught smoking and Keith as senior housemaster had to reprimand him and he usually just
whacked the boys. Paul Davies, the then headmaster called Keith to his office and really
dumped on him. Later Keith was marking exams in the staff room and began to shake and
then fell off his chair. Someone ran to get matron who gave him oxygen; the paramedics
came too late as he had died. Keith had a son in grade 0 Andrew Schafer.
Willy also recalled a time when he offered a cash reward to any boys that told him who was
guilty of marking the bathroom tiles with his shoe every day. Willy couldn’t open his office
door because of the number of pieces of paper that had been pushed under it! Hamilton was
the guilty party.
Sean Sandie, grade 9 was walking with his girlfriend by the Braamfontein spruit when
someone grabbed his girlfriend’s handbag and stabbed him. He lost a lot of blood and had
visual damage. It was a miracle that he lived and three years later wrote matric.
Willy matriculated in 1968, came back in 1976 and 1977 as a student teacher and joined the
staff in 1978 for two terms then went off to St Stithians when Murphy was the headmaster. In
2014 Willy was appointed headmaster of the prep achieving a dream. He is currently
chairman of the Marist old boys.
The rest is history!
JE August 2011 – edited 2016

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with James Miller 1955

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000806
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with James Miller – 1955
James Attended Koch Street from 1944 until 1946 and became a boarder at Inanda from 1947.
Brother Urban was the headmaster followed by Brother Edwin – “Jack Bones, The Boss” and
Brother McGurk was a traffic cop. Although he was a non-catholic he made some great
friendships and is still in touch with Derek Stansfield who lives in New Zealand.
He remembers his first day, he was about 8 years old, when he was taken to school by his
mother in a taxi as the school was considered far out in those days. He sat at the gate crying his
heart out. A whistle blew and all the boys queued for their meals outside the dining hall. His two
sisters were in a convent at Boksburg.
He enjoyed being a boarder and went to a Marist school because of Brother Aquinas. The
family were living in Joubert Park, his father was killed during the war and Brother Aquinas was
instrumental into getting him into Koch Street and then Inanda.
He enjoyed sport the most and played U13 soccer, 1st and U14, U15 rugby, from 1954 in
standards 9 and 10 he played 1st team rugby and remembers the great rivalry with Obs –
Observatory. He was in the boxing team in standard 6 (when it was stopped) and in a match
against Observatory, boxed against Alan Zimmerman who was then in standard 9, all the boys
were all soundly beaten. He recalls a yearly athletics tournament against Germiston Boys High
and another school, maybe CBC Boksburg. There were no provincial or national colours for the
boys as all the other schools were Afrikaans we were never selected
He wrote matric but was not great academically. There were 40 in the matric class that year.
He was house captain of College house. Most of the Brothers were good teachers, Brothers
Aquinas, Bartholemew, Ralph (the rugby coach), Ephraim (matric teacher)but there were some
bad moments. Brother Joseph, who was killed in a plane crash, taught Latin and was very
unpleasant and always walked in with a strap and used it at every opportunity. He remembered
Mrs Kempster in standard 4 a very good teacher, then in standard 5 Mr Bishop. The boys used
to ask him questions from the encyclopaedia and he always answered correctly. In standard 6
there was Mr Hoar who was a bit deaf and the boys unkindly mocked him.
Boarding school food was ok but for the weevils in the porridge. New boarders wouldn’t want to
eat it and the other boarders ate it for them until they wised up. He looked forward to Sundays
when they had eggs and bacon. On Sundays they used to walk to St Martins in the Veld. There
were 176 boarders with each dorm having 44 boys in ABCD dorms. The toilets were in the quad
and when the school had a féte, the Brothers used to cover them in sacking and made them into
a temporary ladies cloakroom.
There was an annual dance. The last one they had was at Parktown Convent and, on the way
home, Nicki Tvrdeich asked him if he had a partner for the matric dance and promised to
organise someone for him. On the night of the dance his partner didn’t arrive and he never
forgave Nicki.
**He remembers Robbie Brunton who was head boy in 1955 and also cricket and rugby captain,
Fred Hoppert, Naldo Brocco the father of Renzo, Neville Kirschman and his brother Brian known
as “Kippie”, Dan Robinson now living in Durban North, went to the Northern Rhodesian police
and his father was killed in the war. He later joined the Hong Kong police force for about 20
years. Brian Jeffries living in Uvongo. Vito Rugani – 1954, John Venter 1954, John Livingstone
1954, James Tonetti 1954. Aubrey Chalmers 1955 Graham Talbot 1955 Jack Kamps 1955 Ron
At the end of his school career he had to spend a couple of days at school writing exams
before they broke up. He remembers all the boys signed a class photo. He can’t remember
where the matric dance was held but Pam Horwitz was his partner, the love of his love at the
After school he did his military service which was compulsory for one year. He then joined the
police force in Zambia (Northern Rhodesian police) then worked on the mines and came back to
South Africa in 1967. He worked in the industrial storage and equipment field for over 30 years.
He met his wife on a blind date when they went to see “The Odd Couple”. He had 3 daughters
and has 5 grandchildren the boys are at Grey College. He spent many years in the Eastern
Cape in E.L. and Port Elizabeth returning to Johannesburg in 1988. He was transferred to Cape
Town in 1997, the company was sold in 1998 and all staff were retrenched. He decided to go it
alone and eventually retired two years ago and now lives in Kommetjie and has a black belt in
Judo. He last visited the school about three years ago and would be interested to stay in touch.
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Renzo Brocco 1963

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000888
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Renzo Brocco – 1963
Renzo has an unusual family history and connection with Marist Inanda and it was for only one
year since its inception that a member of the family was not at the school. His father was a pupil
at Koch Street. (His aunt Myra Barale has a family tree) Renzo’s uncle, Stan Barale was the first
head boy and his brother Frank Barale was also a pupil at the school. Other uncles, Ronnie and
Cecil Morgan attended the school and the latter became a brother only to leave the brotherhood
Other relations who are old boys are Harold Morgan, Kevin, John and Michael Peel – first
cousins; Michael and Sean Hackner – his sister’s sons, Ricardo – Renzo’s son (2002) and
Truda with Paul Truda being on the PTA.
When Renzo came to St David’s, Brother Edwin was the head followed by Brother Anthony. It
was a marvellous period in the school’s history and he enjoyed boarding for the last 18 months
of his school career and regretted not being a boarder for all his school life. Religion played an
important role in school life.
One of his schoolmates, Francis Gerard, lived next to the school and, in standards 5 and 6
some of the boys would go to his house during break and play darts. One day they didn’t hear
the bell and were caught by Brother Anthony who gave six of the best and warned them that
they would never become prefects, even though some of them eventually did.
Another brother who took them for woodwork was deaf and the boys used the opportunity to
ignore the bell, were then late for class and all of them got a whacking.
He remembers his first day, his father took him to school in his builder’s truck. He had with him
a little suitcase which he still has. As he was always fetched late in the day, Renzo used to play
with the boarders after school. He lived in Highlands North and used to get a lift to school with
Mrs Brick.
On the academic front, he was a member of the debating society and passed his matric. He was
deputy head boy to Derek Mandy together with Gerrit Hartman.
He played 1st team rugby, cricket, tennis and hockey. In those days they had to go to Ellis Park
to play tennis and there were no rugby or other coaches, the brothers took them right through.
He was a champion in the high jump and a member of the swimming team. A highlight of school
life was to play in the Marist rugby and cricket festivals with all six Marist schools getting
together at a different school each year. From there a Marist side was selected. He was
fortunate enough to attend three cricket festivals in Cape Town, St Joseph’s, Walmer, PE and
St Charles in Natal.
The teachers he remembers were Mrs Martin, Mrs Brick, Mrs Kempster, Mr Bishop in the prep.
Old boys he is in touch with include John Keene (63) curator of the war museum, Gerrit
Hartman, Gordon Slabbert, Edo Foly who did a lot of advertising for the school and Brother
The matric dance was held in the dining room (now the Library) and they wore their school
blazers. He remembers his first dance in standard 8 when he didn’t have a partner and, instead
took his sister. The last matric dance was nowhere near the splendour and extravagance of
today and the canteen did the catering. It was an important occasion as all the scrolls were
handed out.
He cannot remember much about his last day but perhaps relief that it was all over not realising
that in six months he would be missing school like mad. He enjoyed school especially boarding,
the sport and the brothers (“Crows”) who he feared but loved towards the end.
It was the time of the “Beatles”. He went to Wits, studied for a BCom and started a band and
played at most of the school dances, they were called “The Visitors”. He opened a couple of
steak houses and “Thunder Gun” in Blackheath is still going strong. He eventually went into the
building business as his father needed him and has been involved ever since. He undertakes
work for Avis, Barlows, BP and is now also taking on smaller contracts.
Renzo’s son is now teaching at a school for autistic children in London. After completing his
studies at Rhodes he was offered a position at St Andrews the same year that Paul Edey
became headmaster there.
Renzo was chairman of the PTA and of the old boys association for a time, and every year they
used to organise dance, gaming and stag evenings. One year they had a stag evening with
Eddie Eckstein (Obs) and Deoz Richardson (Walmer) for about 350 people, but sadly all this
petered out. Many of the old boys used to play for the Maristonian club after leaving school
JE October 2011
Additional information –
Marist Brothers St David’s
Stan Barale first head boy in 1948
Harol Morgan started in 1942 – 1948
Ronal Morgan started in Std 1 1948 – 1958 – was a Brother 12 years including St David’s in
1970 as Bursar
Frank Barale started in 1944-1954
Lorenzo Brocco started in 1952-1963
Eric Ambrosioni 1954-1966
Kevin Peel 1954 – 1966 1st cousin to Renzo
John Peel 1967 – 1978 1st cousin to Renzo
Michael Peel 1967 –1978
Anton Barale 1981 – 1985
Sean Hackner 1985 – 1990
Ricardo Brocco 1989 – 2003
Sebastian Truda 2007 –
Leonardo Truda 2009 –
Nikola Truda 2011 –
William Biddulph 2015 -

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Father Michael 1999 - 2007 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000772
  • Pièce
  • 2011

Interview with Father Michael 1999 – 2007
At the end of 1998 Father Brewer had retired because of advancing lung cancer. Father Michael
had left Rivonia having completed a 10 year contract 1988 – 98 and was in London on long
leave in May 1998 staying at the Jesuit church, Farm Street when he was told that Father
Brewer had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. There were boys at St David’s whose families
were parishioners and he was sometimes invited to functions at the school. As he had always
liked the school, he offered his services and was accepted as chaplain.
He had taught in three Jesuit schools when younger and he prided himself that he never had to
use corporal punishment on the boys and always managed to subdue them with a look or a
tongue lashing. At St David’s he joined the RE department and taught RE to the matrics and
then to grade 8. It is difficult teaching a subject that is not counted for marks so this provided the
opportunity for some boys to misbehave. Also this teaching caused him to be regarded as a
teacher and member of staff rather than as chaplain and priest.
Father Michael considered that extra-curricular activities were important occasions to interact
with and get to know the boys, so he was involved with debating, public speaking and was time
keeper at the swimming galas and judged inter-house plays together with Julie Egenrieder. He
had a good relationship with Paul Edey.
After he had a knee replacement, he became rather unstable having no sideways movement
and boys like Greg Hammond would see him coming and clear a path for him. They were
spontaneous and protected him. He had a good relationship with a number of boys.
high school mass was held on Thursdays, before the chapel was built was celebrated in the
Champagnat hall on a table on the stage. There were volunteer teams to transfer the
requirements for mass to the hall and to return them to the sacristy afterwards. They were
faithful and utterly reliable.
He remembered Stuart Fould’s production of “Guards, Guards” by Terry Pratchett and felt
strongly that there really wasn’t any acting just a lot of shouting. Gareth Dry’s gift to the school
was instituting musicals of such a professional standard which revived interest and brought new
energy into the school. It was Paul Edey’s idea to get a musical component into the school and
the musical for 2006 was “West Side Story” with David Schneider taking the male lead role and
managing the aria when Maria is dying. It’s a very difficult aria and without, any musical
background, David pulled it off. Father Michael found it very emotional and was very involved.
In 2007, Gareth Dry approached him with the request to put on a musical “Jesus Christ
Superstar” and asked him if he would have any objection to such a controversial musical. Father
Michael said he would use the occasion to catechise on the gospel events to instruct the boys.
He and Gareth were on the same wavelength and at no stage did he have to say this is
inappropriate. However a former pupil, Deneys Williamson living in the States sent an email
complaining about the musical. Father Michael decided to ignore it and the irony was that his
younger brother Alex Williamson played one of the high priests in the show. Kylo Molefe played
Jesus Christ and found the part to be very emotional for him and for the cast. It was also difficult
for a boy like Kylo to be head boy but he had the support and the ability to handle it.
Father Michael is rather proud of the organ that was donated to the school for use in the new
Chapel of Mary. It is apparently one of the best organs in any school in Johannesburg if not in
the country. He thought it would be appropriate for it to be used for recitals and mentioned
Cameron Upchurch (St John’s) who is teaching a number of boys to play and also plays the
organ at the university church on a Sunday.
JE August 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gavin Muller 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000783
  • Pièce
  • 2012

Interview with Gavin Muller – 1987
Gavin, Billy Forsmann, Jan van den Handel and Jeremy Carr were together in the first grade 0
class. Gavin remembers that on his first day he was very traumatised and cried, wanting to
escape but by the second day he had accepted school as the way it had to be. His classroom
was where the original swimming pool was and where the current after care is now located.
Miss Busschau was his teacher and a relative of his mother who was also a Busschau.
Gavin enjoyed the sport in junior school playing soccer, he was a member of the swimming
team and couldn’t wait to start playing rugby in standard 5.
Academically he was very much middle of the road and the classes were defined by marks but
fortunately for him he made it into the bottom tier of the clever class. He remembered the
pressure and fear every exam time and not wanting to fail and be relegated to the B class. On
the cultural front, Gavin was a member of the cast in the production of Hamlet.
There were only about 300 boys in the school at the time and Mr Manolius was head of the
junior school and Brothers Bernhard and Timothy (who left the brotherhood and married a nun)
were still at the school. A teacher who had a great impact on him was Tim Kotze who taught
English and Afrikaans, he had a particularly high standard with regard to spelling and if you got
less than 15 out of 20 you were caned. Gavin spells well to this day! In standard 6 Mrs
Bulterman was the French teacher, very attractive, quite gorgeous in fact and, before she came
to the school none of the boys chose French. Needless to say that situation changed and whilst
she was there all the boys signed up for French! Cedric Finlayson was a brutal, most violent
man who taught History and Physical Education and was the rugby coach. Gavin was physically
beaten up by him on more than one occasion but he still didn’t mind him that much. Gavin
enjoyed Trudy Elliott, English teacher and recalled that Tom Macfaden taught the wrong History
syllabus in matric and when this was discovered, all the boys had to cram for the last 3 to 4
weeks. There was no control over the teachers, they did what they wanted to and there was no
The teaching of Religious Education was split into Catholics and non-Catholics about 50/50.
There was a class every day, mass was held once a week and confessions regularly. The boys
used to make up confessions to check that Father Plestus was still awake. A big scandal at the
time was the non-catholic boys RE retreat to Hartbeespoort was a disaster when the boys
absconded and many were caught with alcohol.
Gavin played 1st team rugby, was captain of the swimming team and played water polo and is
still friends with his team members to this day. The best thing Gavin took from high school was
the camaraderie amongst the boys. They often used to play both A and B team rugby matches
back to back. The bonds were strong between the friends of that era due to the lack of adult
leadership. Gavin became a prefect and Billy Forsmann, head boy.
For the matric dance, which was great fun, the standard 9’s did all the art work and decorations
and were the waiters who used to make money by smuggling alcohol into the venue. On their
last day he recalls that the boys had a big party that night.
It was a disastrous and unstable time for the high school with leadership issues following the
appointment of Mr Murphy as headmaster of the high school followed shortly by Mr Freilick then
Mr Boswell.
Gavin matriculated with a university entrance and studied building science at Wits University.
He then did a post graduate course at the University of Pretoria followed by the UCT Graduate
School of Business but ended up working in the banking environment for 12 years. He then
went into property and has run his own business for the past 3 years.
He is the father of 3 daughters who attended Brescia House.
He hasn’t really kept in touch with the school at all although his father was a member of the
board of governors, and a member of MOBS as were his brothers Brian(80) and Graham (82)
who subsequently emigrated.
Gavin would buy a copy of the book and would be willing to pledge a contribution beforehand.
JLE May 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

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