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Interview with Tyson Sithole 2077

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000955
  • Item
  • 2018

Interview with Tyson Sithole 2007
Tyson came to St David’s from Norwood Primary School into grade 8 in 2003. This followed
a visit to Norwood Primary by Mr Edey and Mr Williams when they were showcasing St
David’s and Tyson had a brief interaction with them. Tyson was subsequently awarded an
academic bursary which enabled him to attend St David’s.
Tyson recalls his first day as being so very different to his former co-ed school, with 100
boys in grade 8 and found the first month quite nerve wracking. However once he started
making friends he settled in and refers to it as a life changing experience. Tyson never felt
discriminated against and today many of his friends are former St David’s pupils. He
concentrated on his academics and consistently made it into the top ten academics for five
years. His family unfortunately didn’t get involved during his time at St David’s, however, his
mom and Dad were very supportive of his academic endeavours.
He participated in some sport just for the fun of it but his main focus was on maintaining a
high academic performance. He was involved with SMILE on Wednesdays for four years
which he thoroughly enjoyed and found it to be good fun and very rewarding and his way of
giving back. He played chess for five years, and helped out in the library as a media
assistant. Together with Mrs Voorendyk he made visits to an orphanage in Yeoville and in
his matric year was involved in the school spirit as a cheerleader.
Tyson suffers from an eye disorder known as Keratoconus, which was first picked up during
his time at St David’s
The highlights of his school career were receiving honours in 2007 for academics and
general: academics, leadership and service, being elected as a prefect and when St David’s
rugby team beat St Stithians on Champagnat day. Graham Gallow was the first team
captain. In his grade 8 year, he recalls that the 1st rugby team beat both Kes and Jeppe
which was awesome for such a small school as St David’s was then. Tyson was also deputy
head prefect of College house.
Tyson was initially resistant to some of the school’s traditions especially when he
accidentally put a foot on the matric grass! There was an element of bullying but the school
is being more proactive in that regard.
Teachers that had a huge influence on him especially in the way that the message was
delivered were Mrs Russell, Mr Fry, Mrs Pillay, Mrs King, and Mr Van Den Berg who was his
housemaster. Mrs Marais, Mrs Egenrieder and Mrs Voorendyk were members of staff he
could talk to and relate to on a more personal level.
Tyson believes that the overall perception of the high school has changed. The other week
he attended a rugby match and met up with several of his former colleagues, testament to
the current spirit of many of the old boys.
Tyson said that the five years he spent at St David’s were life changing, developing a
mindset which helped prepare him for his university career, he was awarded a scholarship at
UCT where he studied Bachelor of Business Science, graduating with Honours in Finance.
He is currently employed by Standard Bank in the investment banking division at their
headquarters in Rosebank.
Tyson also said that if he ever has a son he would not hesitate to enrol him at St David’s and
said that many of his colleagues would really like to send their sons too.
Tyson is a member of Marist old boys (MOBS) and also a member of the Temba Bavuma
Foundation which focuses on changing cricket development in South Africa and assisting
boys with talent. Tyson is currently a trustee of the St David’s Foundation and would like to
make a meaningful contribution to his Alma Mater.
JLE March 2018

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Temba Bavuma 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000943
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Temba Bavuma – 2007
Temba moved from Cape Town to Johannesburg with his parents in 2003 and first went to Fourways High
School joining St David’s in grade 10 when he was awarded a sports scholarship to play cricket. He was
spotted by Shane Gaffney and Roger Budd at a regional U15 cricket week.
At first he found the school rather intimidating and didn’t know quite what to expect as a co-ed school is run
somewhat differently. He made friends easily especially with his sporting background being involved with
rugby, soccer, cricket and cross-country.
Temba was awarded colours for soccer and cricket but didn’t play in an open year. He played for the A or
1st team in all the sports in which he participated and at one time soccer was his first love before cricket. He
struggled in the first few years but represented Gauteng U19 cricket. Initially he was going to study at UCT
having gained 3 distinctions in matric but he stayed on at St David’s and completed a post-matric year
which qualified him to play for SA Schools. It was a very tough year having to come back to school in
uniform and repeating matric subjects again. However, it did make him mentally stronger as an individual
and from a cricketing point of view.
Temba enjoyed the brotherhood at the school with a tight relationship amongst the guys especially in rugby
and cricket.
Temba did struggle with all the discipline and school regulations and those parameters but, with hindsight
he now appreciates it. He found all the teachers to be different and he could relate to them. Mr Ireland
didn’t show much emotion presenting a tough facade but Temba enjoyed him. Mrs Deetlefs had a vibrant
nature and always engaged with the students and Ms Cambitzis tried to break the student, teacher barrier.
Temba feels he owes a lot to Shane Gaffney who gave him the opportunity to succeed and contributed
greatly to enable Temba to get to where he finds himself now. Shane was very strict but tried to get the
best out of him and the other boys.Temba also had a good relationship with Amarinda Binder who helped
him a lot.
One unfortunate incident which stands took place during his grade 11 year when Sello M........... lost his
soccer boots and assumed that Temba had them. Sello took Temba’s school and cricket bag in revenge
which meant that Temba couldn’t do his homework or attend cricket training. This was a disaster for
Temba went on school tours to Maritzburg and was involved in the St Albans tournament for cricket and
with soccer went to Kloof High and Durban, and played rugby in Bloemfontein at Gray’s College and St
Peter’s.Temba remembers that before his matric dance he was playing cricket all day and wondered if he
would ever make it.
The friendships he made at school he will always cherish and he remembers in particular Sabelo Sithebe,
head boy whom everyone respected, he was inspiring.
Temba matriculated in 2007 and 2008 with Accounting, Biology, Zulu, English, Business Economics and
Mathematics. He admits that his focus was not on marks but on cricket and was fortunate to play SA
Schools and for the SA U19 team, memories which he will cherish forever.
Temba appreciated the support he was given by being at St David’s, the way the school was run with its
systems and structure which enabled him to become the person he is today. It shaped him and encouraged
him. The values and principles the school instilled in him whilst he was there. The biggest thing wasn’t
about academics but how to be a man amongst other men. Comfortare Esto Vir: Take courage and be a
In 2009 Temba enrolled at University of Johannesburg to study for BComm Finance. He finished the first
year but dropped out in the second due to his cricket commitments, enrolled at Unisa and finished his
degree in June 2014. He found it difficult to study and play sport. It was hard to find the energy after a
tough days training to apply himself to his studies. At the moment he is focused on his cricketing career and
a coaching facility at St David’s which he hopes will start at the end of March. He will be touring India and
Bangladesh during the winter.
Temba is now receiving information from MOBS and hopes to get more involved in future.
JLE February 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with "Sbu"" Sibonelo Mbongwe 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000932
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with “Sbo” Sibonelo Mbongwe – 2011
Sbo first came to St David’s from Montrose Primary and joined grade 8. He remembers the grade 8 camp
and camping at the top of a big hill. Mr Rod Smith, Mr Lotter and Mr Williams were there with the boys and
Mr Williams joined the boys on a hike.
Sbo joined “The Bishops” house. His teachers, Mrs Russell - Maths in grade 8, very helpful and patient; Mr
Lotter – Accounts, Mrs Khanyile – isiZulu, a stern motherly figure, Mr Smith – English and Ms Cambitzis
who taught him in grade 11 and 12, he recalled that she gave them an insight into the life ahead of them
and continued to help him with his English when she moved to Kingsmead to teach there.
Sbo participated in sport, 2nd team water-polo; B team swimming and 2nd team rugby. He enjoyed drama
and was in the cast of “The Little Shop of Horrors” in 2008. He was very nervous on the opening night but
said it was a great experience. He participated in the house plays and wrote the script for the house play in
grade 11. Sbo was appointed head of culturals of The Bishops in his matric year and also received scrolls,
full colours for leadership and service, half colours for drama, a team award for music and was a peer
As a part of a community outreach project, Sbo and other boys went to Addo with Mr Fry and repainted a
school giving out beanies and scarves to the pupils. Sbo did this because he enjoyed it and it cemented the
need in him to give. The school motto is also very important to him “Comfortare Esto Vir” – take courage
and be a man.
Sbo remembered his matric dance and the before party with a couple of friends, the dance was held at the
Wanderers. Sbo was a member of the matric dance committee in grade 11 and assisted in the preparation
of a masked ball.
Sbo says that he enjoyed being so silly whilst at school, it was great fun with lots of laughter and jokes and
his grade are very close.
After matricualting, Sbo enrolled with UNISA and studied for a BA Accounting Sciences and is currently
attending lectures at the Edge Business School. He will complete his degree this year followed by a post
graduate year in 2016. He is a member of the MOBS committee and attended this year’s matric rite of
passage which he thought was perfect being held at St David’s. He would definitely send a son of his own
to St David’s.
JLE August 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Craig Wallington 2007

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000747
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Craig Wallington – 2007
Craig began his career at St David’s in 1995 at the age of 6 in grade 0. In his matric year, he
recalled that there were more boys than in previous years who had completed 13 years at
the school.
Craig’s first teacher was Mrs Sternberg and she left at the end of his year as did his teachers
for grade1, 2 and 3 but he felt redeemed when Mrs Jones in grade 4 stayed on! He has fond
memories of his grade 0 class with prayers before lunch. One of the boys accused another
of having his eyes open during prayers to which Mrs Sternberg replied “How do you know”?
Craig particularly enjoyed grade 4 with Heather Joseph as his Art teacher. He enjoyed the
sport and was the vice captain of cricket in grade 5 and swimming in grade 7. He played
tennis and hockey. At St David’s you got to do everything and, although not a phenomenal
sports person, he played sport every term.
Craig was a member of “The Bishops” from grade 0 to grade 9 but when he chose to study
Zulu instead of Afrikaans he had to move to “Osmond”. Zulu was very new to St David’s with
Mrs Ntombeni the teacher. Eventually Craig decided to go back to Afrikaans at the beginning
of the third term in grade 10. He set his mind to mastering the subject and was awarded the
subject prize in matric.
Teachers who made an impression on him were Mr McIver in grade 5 and 6, Mr Midgley
who taught Maths in grade 7 and Mrs Everson, English. In the high school all the teachers
were really good and Craig couldn’t really point out anyone in particular but Ms D King was
very helpful, also Simon Holderness who taught Maths and was his tutor. Mrs Nagy was
brilliant and Craig believed that her class dynamics were really good. The standard was high
and Craig started study groups with the grade 8’s in the library for the final exams. Craig
achieved academically throughout his time at St David’s.
Craig was involved with public speaking, debating, chess- captain, junior city council where
he met his current girlfriend, annual book quizzes and study groups. Anything you wanted to
achieve was possible and even more so now with Music and Art. He was involved with the
SMILE programme which he found to be an amazing experience. Craig enjoyed St David’s
as there were so many different ways in which one could excel. He was recognised for his
achievements in an environment where academics are recognised and sport did not override
As for the school camps the only one he really enjoyed was the grade 4 Bush Pigs camp.
The grade 9 camp was also super with good leadership experience and a great spirit of
adventure. Craig learnt a lot about himself, although it was a terrifying experience most of
the time. In grade 10 they went hiking in the Drakensberg which he felt was madness and
ended up often hiking alone. The grade 11 camp he recalls was wet and very muddy, it
poured with rain the whole time. They had to cross a bridge to get into the camp and their
shoes were absolutely caked with mud.
Although most of his experiences at St David’s were generally good he does remember that
in grade 9, all the boys were punished when only a few didn’t attend the inter house Music
competition. The matric group that year wasn’t great.
His closest friends were also with him from grade 0, Gianluca Sacco, Connor Williams,
Duncan Otridge and Daniel Chappel, they are now even better friends than they were at
school. He also remembers Benjamin Ndimurukundu in grade 11 with whom he played
doubles, tennis and working together with Tyson Sithole,
Craig felt that St David’s fosters a learning attitude with the influences the teachers had, they
were so accommodating especial when Craig decided to take Accounts as an extra subject.
However a school cannot prepare you for everything and at university one had more
responsibility for one’s self.
Craig became a prefect was awarded honours for academics and (general academics,
cultural and leadership).
On a personal level Craig remembers bumping into Paul Edey when he was in grade 6, Paul
saying “I hear you are the next Daniel Wright”. Craig always studied since grade 8 and
always worked on something beyond his immediate objective and received continuous
positive reinforcement. His goal in matric was to come first in Afrikaans which he achieved,
winning the Buckley-Jones trophy for Afrikaans. Craig was always winning prizes throughout
his school career and in grade 12 was awarded the BR Hunt Trophy for Dux of the school
and the following trophies:
Walter Cronje Trophy for Additional Mathematics; the Phillimore Trophy for English; the
Matric 1991 Trophy for Biology; Thomas McFadden Trophy for History; Mayat Trophy for
Computer Studies; Ryder Bowl for Academic Achievement and the Gian-Paolo Pera
Accounting Prize.
The matric Dance was very special with the grade 11’s organising an amazing event “Cirque
De Soleil”. Marc Neto was head of the MDC and Graham Gallow gave his speech
acknowledging the fact that everyone was there and being a very close knit group.
On leaving St David’s Craig studied for a B Acc Science and was in the top twenty on four
occasions. He completed his honours and in his 2nd year Account articles but is in his first
year at PWC.
Craig is a member of MOBs and would definitely send any sons to St David’s.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie