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Interview with Sabelo Sithebe 2005

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000931
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Sabelo Sithebe – 2005
Sabelo’s mother was determined that Sabelo be a pupil at St David’s and went in everyday to
the admissions department with this objective in mind.
Sabelo remembers his first day at St David’s in the old grade 0 block. He watched Andrew Prior
and Kyle Burger playing cricket, the first time he had seen the game played and joined in. His
teacher was Mrs Tyack and he made life-long friends that day. The head of the prep was Greg
Royce followed by Rick Wilson who built on the merit system which motivated many of the
young prep school boys and changed the mind set of many. He was a father figure who
interacted with the boys well and was always fair. He remembers Mrs Hurley, Mrs Rose who
pushed him with his reading and to achieve, Mrs Geldenhuys whose approach to Maths was
In the high school Paul Edey was headmaster and the teachers he particularly remembers are
Mrs Marais, Mrs Roman, who struck a good balance, being caring and tender but also strong
enough to control a class. Mr Van Den Berg taught him to enjoy Accounting and the atmosphere
he created. Great teachers had good balance and knew which buttons to press at the right time.
Sabelo feels that it’s not the buildings at St David’s but the people who make the school.
The school grew enormously whilst he was a pupil with the building of the Champagnat hall,
high school pavilion and library.
For Sabelo, school was a huge part of his life and he participated in sport in all the three terms
playing tennis, cricket, football, rugby, athletics and swimming. He learnt to swim in grade 6, as
Willy Castle took no excuses and said “you will swim”. Willy Castle was a father figure to all the
boys who were initially afraid and in awe of him. Willy pushed you to be better than yourself and
had a great influence on many of the boys. Sabelo thought the sport was fantastic and the way
in which it helped develop ones character. He was a member of the 1st team football, 1st team
rugby and also did a lot of running. The rugby was tough in the beginning, building bonds,
relationships with fellow soldiers, and believes that’s why rugby is important at a boy’s school,
Sabelo said it wasn’t the same at university, at school every Saturday was special. He recalled
the Johnny Waite victory over schools such as St John’s and learning that even being a small
school they could still achieve a lot.
He felt that there was a lovely balance of academics and sport as school is also about people
development, building young men who participate in society using the Marcellin and Marist
ideals with modesty. Those traditions were instilled in the junior primary with highlights such as
the football tour to East London. The 1st team were in their special kit and everyone played hard
to ensure they upheld the tradition and values of the school. In the high school going to St
Andrews, Bloemfontein was always great.
The camps were sometimes controversial with his grade 9 and 10 year camps being held in
appalling conditions with particularly bad weather. However the grade 11 camp held under the
same conditions went very well. He really hated the camps but really enjoyed that one.
Sabelo participated in the SMILE programme, performed in three school musicals produced by
Mr Dry, and remembers Nelson Mandela coming to watch “West Side Story”. He was also a
member of the school choir in grade 11 and matric.
Sabelo looked up to some of the older boys such as Jason Simaan, Robert Smith, Gareth
Kolkenbeck-Ruh, Bevan Winderly, boys he saw achieving and wanted to emulate them. They
were setting the standard achieving not just for themselves but also for the school.
On becoming head boy, Sabelo knew he would be amongst a group of individuals who would
help him. It was a phenomenal experience and also quite overwhelming being one of a line of
leaders of men such as Mike Von Guilliame, Gareth Kolkenbek-Ruh and Robert Stuart.
Academically Sabelo did very well and was in the top 15 when he matriculated with 7
distinctions. His last day was surreal and emotional and he is very much a product of St David’s.
He went to Wits and studied for a BA Accounting Science until 2009 and then went onto
Investec to write his articles and, having passed the exams, being the first overall in the country
and will start practising as an accountant in November 2012.
JE 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Brother Timothy 1967 - 1981

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000726
  • Item
  • 2010

Interview: Timothy McCrindle (Br Timothy) 1967-1981
Br Timothy taught at St David’s for 6 months in 1963 and returned again in 1967. Initially he was junior
housemaster and in 1972 assistant senior housemaster when the boarding closed down because of the lack of
brothers to supervise.
Br Timothy taught Biology to std 8-10 and RE to std 8-10 and also taught Maths and Science. For extra-murals
he coached swimming and worked with Lee McGregor the Springbok swimmer; he was also the athletics
coach and Inanda won the Inter Catholic athletics for 6 years running. In addition he was the rugby coach for
the younger boys.
Br Timothy took over in 1975 from Br Anthony as headmaster. He maintains he was never an innovator but
highlights during his term of office were the building of the swimming pool, tennis courts and the development
of the sports fields. He also focused on academics and in 1981 Michael Urban was the first boy to achieve a
full house of distinctions in matric.
The one aspect of extra murals which he did not enjoy was cadets. He attended a cadet officer’s camp and in
the end Br Anthony asked him to take the cadets over. Mrs Moni was very pro-active and helped a great deal
as her sons were very prominent cadets. When he took over as head, Br Timothy decided to stop cadets at St
Some of the staff he fondly remembers are Trudy Elliott, a wonderful English teacher who had an excellent
way of teaching boys. Gavin Nefdt, Tom McFadden, Ken Lipshitz, Bill Carew, Wendy Schaafsma, Father
Plesters and George Manolios was the prep headmaster.
Reflecting on Br Anthony, Br Timothy felt that Br Anthony had a wonderful gift of inspiring confidence in young
people and was very good at handling difficult situations and parents. He had a wonderful way with people and
was the person who built St David’s up. Br Anthony was never overbearing and worked very well with young
brothers guiding them and giving them responsibilities. He always checked up to see how they were
progressing. Br Anthony was not a very orderly person but here Br Andrew, deputy headmaster, helped him.
During his time, Br Anthony introduced the advisory council which later became the board of governors
St David’s first headmaster was Br Urban, followed by Br Edwin, Br Benedict, Br Anthony and finally Br
Timothy. Br Andrew and Br Bosco (Mario) were prominent brothers.
Notable parents who went the extra mile were: Mrs Moni, the Kourie family, Nassie Simaan, Steve Muller, Vito
Rugani, Darko Vidas, the Allem family, the Reeves family, Slavens, v d Handel, Paizes, Marlowe and Marsay.
The sale of the Inanda’s land:
Br Michael was Br Superior at the time and was very friendly with the McGill Love’s who owned the land next
to the school. There was a fire which the boarders helped to put out and following that, the McGill Love’s had
an agreement with the brothers that they would have first option on the property when they decided to sell their
home. When the sale went through there was an agreement that should Mr McGill Love die first his wife could
continue to live in Maryknoll until her death. Mr McGill Love died first and his wife stayed on in the house but
eventually the brothers offered to pay for her to move into a retirement home and the property reverted to the
brothers. For the acquisition of the property an amount of R150 000 was required. The parents decided, under
the PTA Chairmanship of Mr Walker that they would pay the extra R150 000 needed in the form of a levy
however, in 1971, the Sandton council needed to widen Rivonia Road and the school was reimbursed (R50
000) for the land that was required which covered the shortfall on the land.
The brothers later decided to sell off a piece of ground because they felt that the school would not ever need
the land and they were in a tough situation financially. The land belonged to the brothers not the school. Mr
Tim Marneweck, a parent, who was involved in property helped with the sale of the land. Sadly the parents
and old boys were angry because they felt that the money should have come to the school.
(See Br Jude’s Interview and Finance Weeks articles – October 14-20, 1982 p.100; 30 October 30, 1982 p.4
and August 22 – 28, 1985 p.509)
The school reputedly had two ghosts. Peter Stringer, the cricket coach was given accommodation upstairs at
Maryknoll once Mrs McGill Love had left. He maintains that he saw the ghost of Mrs McGill Love at the foot of
the staircase. The second ghost was that of Br Pius who is said to have wandered around the house where
the sickbay was situated. The brothers used to live in this house but once the administration block was built
the brothers moved in there. If there were any boarders who had to stay overnight in the sickbay then one of
the brothers would have to go down and stay in the house. One of the brothers was in the house one night and
heard a strange noise and went from room to room looking to find the source of the noise. He eventually found
a coat hanger moving in a cupboard! But the brothers always maintained that it was Br Pius walking around.
Br Timothy felt that Br Andrew was a very strict disciplinarian and an excellent Maths teacher who got on well
with Willy Castle. Willy came back to complete his matric and fitted in very well with his new class while most
other boys didn’t mix with the class below them. Br Pius was an excellent gardener and because of him the
gardens at school were well laid out. Br Aquinas enjoyed his whiskey and every Sunday evening the brothers
used to get together and would have a drink. Br Aquinas always had a whiskey and one evening he was called
away and left his drink. The other brothers replaced his drink with diluted Coca Cola while hiding the whiskey
behind the chair. They watched as Br Aquinas returned and continued to drink the diluted Coca Cola without
noticing the change. The brothers were too ashamed to say anything and never told Br Aquinas about the
Br Timothy left St David’s at the end of 1981 after many happy years at the school. He was appointed
headmaster at St Owens on the Cape Flats. This school was a far cry from St David’s and he taught std 8 –
He later went on to help Br Anthony at Slough for a while, becoming Brother Provincial in 1989 until December

  1. He was then sent to the United States on a course and it was here that he met his future wife. After
    much soul searching he decided to leave the Marist Brothers and his future wife left her order as well. Timothy
    now works for the Catholic Schools Office who look after the affairs of the 10 schools run by the diocese in
    November 2010

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Max Leipold 1959

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000847
  • Item
  • 2010

Interview with Max Leipold - 1959
Max started as a boarder in Std 2 in 1951. His parents lived in Standerton and in Std 9 they
settled in Illovo and then became a day student. He was very unhappy and missed the
camaraderie of the boarding school so went back as a boarder in matric. Brian Nicol was head
boy and the Joint Matriculation Board exam was written.
Max played 1st team rugby and was in the team which beat Obs for the first time despite Obs
having future Springbok Sid Nomis in their team. A tour had been arranged for Obs to visit Port
Elizabeth and play against Marist Walmer in 1958. Due to the very poor season Obs were
experiencing it was decided that Inanda, who were having a good season, should travel in their
stead. Br Bonaventure and the boys travelled by train. The team lost to Victoria Park and Grey
College but beat Walmer 11-3.
Max enjoyed the boarding system and in those days there were two dorms with 44 beds in
each. Max enjoyed collecting the pictures of girls on the back page of the Sunday Times in
those days and made a scrapbook. On this occasion the boys were all sitting round looking at
the pictures when Br Ephrem came ‘gliding’ by. Not wanting to be caught they threw the book
out of the window but it fell near to Br Bonaventure’s window. His parents were called in to see
Br Benedict, the headmaster to discuss this.
Max was born in 1941 and retired at the age of 53 and moved to the house they had built in
Hermanus. He originally worked for IBM but then moved to Ellerman shipping company where
he was a director. Max’s hobby is photography and he and his wife travel extensively in pursuit
of this hobby.
Interview: 12 October 2010

Anderson, Glenda

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni 1966

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000769
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Eric Ambrosioni -1966 & Rohan Erleigh – 1967
Both Eric and Rohan were boarders. Eric’s two half brothers Edward Barale and Italo Barale
also boarded and Rohan had two brothers follow him. They knew each other through the
boarding and played in the same rugby, cricket and athletics teams. Goodenough, a kitchen
hand could outstrip every athlete and broke the school record running barefoot. The highpoint in
cricket was when professional, English cricketers came to the school, Ken Palmer and Peter
Stringer who lived at the school and Donald Wilson who got married here and lived above the
chapel. On Saturdays if any major cricket team was playing, the boys had to dress up in full
uniform and walk to Wanderers wearing straw bashers..
They recalled an American field scholar, Philp Marsden who could throw a tennis ball higher
than the tennis captain could with his racket. Julio Cesneros’s father was the Spanish
ambassador, who assisted in bringing the Spanish football team, Real Madrid to South Africa.
The Springbok, Ray Bischoff swam against the Dutch and broke a South African record. The
cycling team was started with Deon and Brett Sacks and Rohan remembers his bike breaking
down near Gilooley’s Farm. There was also a model airplane club, all the planes took off and
then crashed! A Tiger Moth was donated.
Cadets were also started in their time and Eric was one of the first five cadet student officers.
There was a Southern Transvaal Schools Drummer competition and the school won the bass
and tenor drums section beating 700 other schools – who weren’t there!!!
The drama society was initiated together with Parktown Convent and was oversubscribed!
There was a debating society with Dave Lyons, Pat Noble and Andrew Lindiker and debates
were always held on a Sunday at the convent. There was also a dark room where some of the
boys developed their photos.
Gertie the 3 ton utility truck used to convey pupils to various sports events and was eventually
sold and replaced with a new school bus that was painted blue and was involved in an accident
after the first three weeks, the driver being Zebron.
Mrs Buckley-Jones was the much loved matron who however made them write tests whilst in
the sick bay. Mr Drummon-Bell was the Music teacher who produced the “Pirates of Penzance”.
Eric remembered a teacher called Mrs Cane, at Marist Borthers Koch Street Johannesburg, (the
primary school to both Marist Brothers and Inanda) who used it (the cane) with gay abandon.
The first lay teachers in the high school were Mrs Buchan – English, very English, unattractive
but kind, Mrs Pretorius – Afrikaans, she was good looking but unfriendly, Mr Ward – Maths, Mr
Hewitson – Art. Eric remembered a pupil from Greece who chatted in class and when Mrs
Pretorius asked him what he had said Eric told him to say “Ek is jou lief”!
There was a Science lab but when they left it was replaced by a newer one and Eric’s two
brothers – Orcellis – donated two glass windows.
For two years during the mid 1960’s, the brothers hired a catering manager and his wife, the
Coopers. They had a corgi which started off thin but ended up as a blimp! The boys used to
regularly raid the kitchen. Flat bed trolleys were used to carry food, boxes etc and the boys used
to pile onto them and ride down the inclines resulting in quite a few stitches.
Eric was designated, together with George Da Matta to act as cinematographers for the film
every Saturday night. Someone had to collect the 16mm films and they were given pocket
money to get the bus, however George’s father would fetch them and take them to his café to
gorge on fish and chips etc and then after to collect the films in the centre of Johannesburg.
They then caught the bus back to Dunkeld and had to lug the box of 16mm films to school.
The first Spur restaurant opened in Rosebank and several boys were caught bunking in the
Spur and in Ken Rosewall’s snooker saloon. They recall that disputes were resolved between
the boys behind the games room next to the tennis courts.
To celebrate the 75th anniversary of Champagnat they made the great trek to Cape Town, all
the buses broke down and all the schools ended up at St Joseph’s.
They remember the land bought by the school and the boys of 1966 planted the grass on the
rugby field and cricket pitch.
There was no real communication then, only the telephone and radio. They had vague
memories of the assassination of Kennedy and the attempted and actual assassination of
Verwoed. They had a day off school due to the “Bay of Pigs”. They did remember the stance
taken by the Catholic schools with regard to admitting black children which wasn’t popular with
the government.
Both Eric and Rohan have been back to St David’s for a 40 year reunion and would be
interested in supporting the publication of the book.
Individual memories of Eric Ambrosioni:
Eric’s mother died then his father and in Standard 8 his step brothers came to an arrangement
with the school to enable him to stay there. He had no bad experiences although Brother
Ignatius would lash you for no treason.
Joe Mulaneu lived at the bottom of the bottom field and Eric lived opposite him. He remembers
fooling around with him and hitting him with a metal rod, subsequently their parents banned
them from seeing each other. They later became good buddies and Joe became a
After the Saturday cinema one night he raided the kitchen, realising a brother was there he tried
to get rid of the evidence and a paw paw rolled down the hall and he was caught by Brother
He also remembers going home in the first term and crying about being bullied. His brother
advised him to put a shoe in his pillowcase and wait until the bully fell asleep and then whack
him with it. The bullying stopped after he tried that out.
When he finished school he wanted to go to varsity but, having no family to support him, he
ended up in a bank and was then balloted into the army in which he stayed for three years. He
then went into the oil industry and was seconded to the UK and his company was bought out by
BP. He was repatriated and offered a package in 2004, bought a pasta machine and became a
pasta maker his wife having bought an Italian deli. He made pasta for the deli and sold to other
delis and shops in the Cape Peninsula. He sold the pasta machine at the beginning of the year
to his nephew, another Marist old boy Ted Barale who owns Piccolino in Fourways. He is
married to Louise and is the father to two daughters.
Eric’s brother Italo (1953) married Myrna Morgan whose brothers went to Inanda, Harold and
Ronny who became a Marist Brother.
Individual Memories of Rohan Erleigh:
His parents lost everything they had in business but insisted he went to a private school. They
had an old car, a 1947 Plymouth and he was so embarrassed he told them to meet him outside.
Rohan was an altar boy.
After finishing school Rohan went gold mining outside Sabi, gold was then at $25 per ounce. He
subsequently went into the navy for his national service and made a naval career. He studied
for a BSc at Stellenbosch, rose to the heights of naval captain becoming a military attaché and
retired in 2000 after a final posting as officer commanding the navy’s training base on the west
coast. He spent time on the maritime border during the war in Angola.
He married a Morgan girl and is father to two sons and a daughter. The Morgan boys all went to
St David’s and Ronnie Morgan became a Brother.
Old Boys they are still in contact with:
Jo Stravino, Dereck Schoombie, Peter Moni, Eddie Assad (orthodontist) Peter Struthers
(maxillofacial surgeon) Michael Ford, Clive Bergman (singer), Tony Walker brother of Jeff
Walker (Master of the John Ross), Strati Malamoglou (Dyna Chem), Steve Taylor (sub-ed
Times ltd), Charlie Platt, Patrick Nobe, Brian Jarvis, Kevin Peel, Terry O’Mahoney, Emilio
Iglauer, Anthony Barale (doctor in Canada).
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Willy Castle 1957 - 1968 Pupil; 1976 -2013 Teacher; Prep Headmaster 2014

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000960
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Willy Castle – June 2010
In the original letter requesting the enrolment of Willy as a pupil at St David’s written by his
father, his father said that he wanted any son of his to be a Marist boy. Willy began his
career at St David’s in 1957 beginning as a day boy in grade 1 with Mrs Brick as his first
teacher until grade 5 when, because of sport, Mrs Buckley-Jones recommended that he
become a boarder.
The school hours were 8am until 2.45pm followed by sport. During his first year as a boarder
he was told to go to the chapel, he thought he had done something wrong but, sadly was
told that his father had died.
Eventually, Br Timothy was the only brother teaching at the school. Willy remembers that
Brother Benedict (Beak) was the first headmaster and that Br Bosco changed his name to Br
The school was then considered to be out in the sticks, with no fence around it with people
taking short cuts across the school grounds. Willy used to ride his bicycle home on Sunday
with no cars around. He loved the weekends, just played sport and there was always
something on at Wanderers. A burger and a movie was the highlight of the week and it was
26 kms to Little Falls for a day out swimming.
Many boys came from all over Africa and there were 50 boarders allocated to one room –
with four dormitories A, B, C, and D. The food was magnificent with chef Piet, a huge, strong
man. The boarders had 3 meals a day with morning coffee and afternoon tea, and Sunday
roast with cold drinks and ice cream. They had to wear school uniform all the time but,
occasionally were allowed to wear a suit. Br Anthony allowed them access to the pantry but
they had to eat everything there. The boys used to climb out of the dormitories and take food
from the fridge until the brothers padlocked the fridge door, but the boys worked out a way to
lift the door off its hinges helping themselves to food during the night.
The school buildings stopped at the chapel and went down to Rivonia road which was the
Love’s farm. When the owner’s died, the school bought the land right down to the Inandas.
Maryknoll was the original farmhouse and Willy’s house was the family library. The old
workshop was originally the stables.
Because of the boarders, the school had powerful sports teams and the brothers used to
train them hard. The fields were where the current swimming pool and tennis courts are now.
Mrs Kempster, was headmistress of the prep (she retired in 1974). The current high school
library was the dining room and then the hall. The staff room and admin block was formerly a
rose garden.
Marist cricket week, which has since disappeared, was a great event. Rugby matches
against other Marist schools and rugby tours, like the 1967 tour to St Joseph’s when all the
boys were bussed down and back.
Willy recalled some incidents, In 1953 the matric exam papers were stolen, whilst on camp
at Happy Acres, Oliver Green slipped down the river bank and cut himself very badly. Willy
drove him immediately to Sandton Clinic, making the trip in 20 minutes!
There are also some sad stories. Paul Visser and his brother,who was deaf. Paul eventually
shot himself and the other brother got into an argument in a pub, ran outside and was
knocked down and killed.
Another sad event was when Keith Schafer died. Jason Giles, a naughty boy had been
caught smoking and Keith as senior housemaster had to reprimand him and he usually just
whacked the boys. Paul Davies, the then headmaster called Keith to his office and really
dumped on him. Later Keith was marking exams in the staff room and began to shake and
then fell off his chair. Someone ran to get matron who gave him oxygen; the paramedics
came too late as he had died. Keith had a son in grade 0 Andrew Schafer.
Willy also recalled a time when he offered a cash reward to any boys that told him who was
guilty of marking the bathroom tiles with his shoe every day. Willy couldn’t open his office
door because of the number of pieces of paper that had been pushed under it! Hamilton was
the guilty party.
Sean Sandie, grade 9 was walking with his girlfriend by the Braamfontein spruit when
someone grabbed his girlfriend’s handbag and stabbed him. He lost a lot of blood and had
visual damage. It was a miracle that he lived and three years later wrote matric.
Willy matriculated in 1968, came back in 1976 and 1977 as a student teacher and joined the
staff in 1978 for two terms then went off to St Stithians when Murphy was the headmaster. In
2014 Willy was appointed headmaster of the prep achieving a dream. He is currently
chairman of the Marist old boys.
The rest is history!
JE August 2011 – edited 2016

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with James Miller 1955

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000806
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with James Miller – 1955
James Attended Koch Street from 1944 until 1946 and became a boarder at Inanda from 1947.
Brother Urban was the headmaster followed by Brother Edwin – “Jack Bones, The Boss” and
Brother McGurk was a traffic cop. Although he was a non-catholic he made some great
friendships and is still in touch with Derek Stansfield who lives in New Zealand.
He remembers his first day, he was about 8 years old, when he was taken to school by his
mother in a taxi as the school was considered far out in those days. He sat at the gate crying his
heart out. A whistle blew and all the boys queued for their meals outside the dining hall. His two
sisters were in a convent at Boksburg.
He enjoyed being a boarder and went to a Marist school because of Brother Aquinas. The
family were living in Joubert Park, his father was killed during the war and Brother Aquinas was
instrumental into getting him into Koch Street and then Inanda.
He enjoyed sport the most and played U13 soccer, 1st and U14, U15 rugby, from 1954 in
standards 9 and 10 he played 1st team rugby and remembers the great rivalry with Obs –
Observatory. He was in the boxing team in standard 6 (when it was stopped) and in a match
against Observatory, boxed against Alan Zimmerman who was then in standard 9, all the boys
were all soundly beaten. He recalls a yearly athletics tournament against Germiston Boys High
and another school, maybe CBC Boksburg. There were no provincial or national colours for the
boys as all the other schools were Afrikaans we were never selected
He wrote matric but was not great academically. There were 40 in the matric class that year.
He was house captain of College house. Most of the Brothers were good teachers, Brothers
Aquinas, Bartholemew, Ralph (the rugby coach), Ephraim (matric teacher)but there were some
bad moments. Brother Joseph, who was killed in a plane crash, taught Latin and was very
unpleasant and always walked in with a strap and used it at every opportunity. He remembered
Mrs Kempster in standard 4 a very good teacher, then in standard 5 Mr Bishop. The boys used
to ask him questions from the encyclopaedia and he always answered correctly. In standard 6
there was Mr Hoar who was a bit deaf and the boys unkindly mocked him.
Boarding school food was ok but for the weevils in the porridge. New boarders wouldn’t want to
eat it and the other boarders ate it for them until they wised up. He looked forward to Sundays
when they had eggs and bacon. On Sundays they used to walk to St Martins in the Veld. There
were 176 boarders with each dorm having 44 boys in ABCD dorms. The toilets were in the quad
and when the school had a féte, the Brothers used to cover them in sacking and made them into
a temporary ladies cloakroom.
There was an annual dance. The last one they had was at Parktown Convent and, on the way
home, Nicki Tvrdeich asked him if he had a partner for the matric dance and promised to
organise someone for him. On the night of the dance his partner didn’t arrive and he never
forgave Nicki.
**He remembers Robbie Brunton who was head boy in 1955 and also cricket and rugby captain,
Fred Hoppert, Naldo Brocco the father of Renzo, Neville Kirschman and his brother Brian known
as “Kippie”, Dan Robinson now living in Durban North, went to the Northern Rhodesian police
and his father was killed in the war. He later joined the Hong Kong police force for about 20
years. Brian Jeffries living in Uvongo. Vito Rugani – 1954, John Venter 1954, John Livingstone
1954, James Tonetti 1954. Aubrey Chalmers 1955 Graham Talbot 1955 Jack Kamps 1955 Ron
At the end of his school career he had to spend a couple of days at school writing exams
before they broke up. He remembers all the boys signed a class photo. He can’t remember
where the matric dance was held but Pam Horwitz was his partner, the love of his love at the
After school he did his military service which was compulsory for one year. He then joined the
police force in Zambia (Northern Rhodesian police) then worked on the mines and came back to
South Africa in 1967. He worked in the industrial storage and equipment field for over 30 years.
He met his wife on a blind date when they went to see “The Odd Couple”. He had 3 daughters
and has 5 grandchildren the boys are at Grey College. He spent many years in the Eastern
Cape in E.L. and Port Elizabeth returning to Johannesburg in 1988. He was transferred to Cape
Town in 1997, the company was sold in 1998 and all staff were retrenched. He decided to go it
alone and eventually retired two years ago and now lives in Kommetjie and has a black belt in
Judo. He last visited the school about three years ago and would be interested to stay in touch.
JE October 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Father Michael 1999 - 2007 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000772
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Father Michael 1999 – 2007
At the end of 1998 Father Brewer had retired because of advancing lung cancer. Father Michael
had left Rivonia having completed a 10 year contract 1988 – 98 and was in London on long
leave in May 1998 staying at the Jesuit church, Farm Street when he was told that Father
Brewer had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. There were boys at St David’s whose families
were parishioners and he was sometimes invited to functions at the school. As he had always
liked the school, he offered his services and was accepted as chaplain.
He had taught in three Jesuit schools when younger and he prided himself that he never had to
use corporal punishment on the boys and always managed to subdue them with a look or a
tongue lashing. At St David’s he joined the RE department and taught RE to the matrics and
then to grade 8. It is difficult teaching a subject that is not counted for marks so this provided the
opportunity for some boys to misbehave. Also this teaching caused him to be regarded as a
teacher and member of staff rather than as chaplain and priest.
Father Michael considered that extra-curricular activities were important occasions to interact
with and get to know the boys, so he was involved with debating, public speaking and was time
keeper at the swimming galas and judged inter-house plays together with Julie Egenrieder. He
had a good relationship with Paul Edey.
After he had a knee replacement, he became rather unstable having no sideways movement
and boys like Greg Hammond would see him coming and clear a path for him. They were
spontaneous and protected him. He had a good relationship with a number of boys.
high school mass was held on Thursdays, before the chapel was built was celebrated in the
Champagnat hall on a table on the stage. There were volunteer teams to transfer the
requirements for mass to the hall and to return them to the sacristy afterwards. They were
faithful and utterly reliable.
He remembered Stuart Fould’s production of “Guards, Guards” by Terry Pratchett and felt
strongly that there really wasn’t any acting just a lot of shouting. Gareth Dry’s gift to the school
was instituting musicals of such a professional standard which revived interest and brought new
energy into the school. It was Paul Edey’s idea to get a musical component into the school and
the musical for 2006 was “West Side Story” with David Schneider taking the male lead role and
managing the aria when Maria is dying. It’s a very difficult aria and without, any musical
background, David pulled it off. Father Michael found it very emotional and was very involved.
In 2007, Gareth Dry approached him with the request to put on a musical “Jesus Christ
Superstar” and asked him if he would have any objection to such a controversial musical. Father
Michael said he would use the occasion to catechise on the gospel events to instruct the boys.
He and Gareth were on the same wavelength and at no stage did he have to say this is
inappropriate. However a former pupil, Deneys Williamson living in the States sent an email
complaining about the musical. Father Michael decided to ignore it and the irony was that his
younger brother Alex Williamson played one of the high priests in the show. Kylo Molefe played
Jesus Christ and found the part to be very emotional for him and for the cast. It was also difficult
for a boy like Kylo to be head boy but he had the support and the ability to handle it.
Father Michael is rather proud of the organ that was donated to the school for use in the new
Chapel of Mary. It is apparently one of the best organs in any school in Johannesburg if not in
the country. He thought it would be appropriate for it to be used for recitals and mentioned
Cameron Upchurch (St John’s) who is teaching a number of boys to play and also plays the
organ at the university church on a Sunday.
JE August 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gavin Muller 1987

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000783
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Gavin Muller – 1987
Gavin, Billy Forsmann, Jan van den Handel and Jeremy Carr were together in the first grade 0
class. Gavin remembers that on his first day he was very traumatised and cried, wanting to
escape but by the second day he had accepted school as the way it had to be. His classroom
was where the original swimming pool was and where the current after care is now located.
Miss Busschau was his teacher and a relative of his mother who was also a Busschau.
Gavin enjoyed the sport in junior school playing soccer, he was a member of the swimming
team and couldn’t wait to start playing rugby in standard 5.
Academically he was very much middle of the road and the classes were defined by marks but
fortunately for him he made it into the bottom tier of the clever class. He remembered the
pressure and fear every exam time and not wanting to fail and be relegated to the B class. On
the cultural front, Gavin was a member of the cast in the production of Hamlet.
There were only about 300 boys in the school at the time and Mr Manolius was head of the
junior school and Brothers Bernhard and Timothy (who left the brotherhood and married a nun)
were still at the school. A teacher who had a great impact on him was Tim Kotze who taught
English and Afrikaans, he had a particularly high standard with regard to spelling and if you got
less than 15 out of 20 you were caned. Gavin spells well to this day! In standard 6 Mrs
Bulterman was the French teacher, very attractive, quite gorgeous in fact and, before she came
to the school none of the boys chose French. Needless to say that situation changed and whilst
she was there all the boys signed up for French! Cedric Finlayson was a brutal, most violent
man who taught History and Physical Education and was the rugby coach. Gavin was physically
beaten up by him on more than one occasion but he still didn’t mind him that much. Gavin
enjoyed Trudy Elliott, English teacher and recalled that Tom Macfaden taught the wrong History
syllabus in matric and when this was discovered, all the boys had to cram for the last 3 to 4
weeks. There was no control over the teachers, they did what they wanted to and there was no
The teaching of Religious Education was split into Catholics and non-Catholics about 50/50.
There was a class every day, mass was held once a week and confessions regularly. The boys
used to make up confessions to check that Father Plestus was still awake. A big scandal at the
time was the non-catholic boys RE retreat to Hartbeespoort was a disaster when the boys
absconded and many were caught with alcohol.
Gavin played 1st team rugby, was captain of the swimming team and played water polo and is
still friends with his team members to this day. The best thing Gavin took from high school was
the camaraderie amongst the boys. They often used to play both A and B team rugby matches
back to back. The bonds were strong between the friends of that era due to the lack of adult
leadership. Gavin became a prefect and Billy Forsmann, head boy.
For the matric dance, which was great fun, the standard 9’s did all the art work and decorations
and were the waiters who used to make money by smuggling alcohol into the venue. On their
last day he recalls that the boys had a big party that night.
It was a disastrous and unstable time for the high school with leadership issues following the
appointment of Mr Murphy as headmaster of the high school followed shortly by Mr Freilick then
Mr Boswell.
Gavin matriculated with a university entrance and studied building science at Wits University.
He then did a post graduate course at the University of Pretoria followed by the UCT Graduate
School of Business but ended up working in the banking environment for 12 years. He then
went into property and has run his own business for the past 3 years.
He is the father of 3 daughters who attended Brescia House.
He hasn’t really kept in touch with the school at all although his father was a member of the
board of governors, and a member of MOBS as were his brothers Brian(80) and Graham (82)
who subsequently emigrated.
Gavin would buy a copy of the book and would be willing to pledge a contribution beforehand.
JLE May 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Ivor Bailey 1957

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000804
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Ivor Bailey – 1957
Ivor began his school career at Marist Brothers, Koch Street in 1948 with Br. Aquinias as
principal. His parents were not very well off but his mother was catholic. He then went onto
Observatory but didn’t do very well, and then in standard 8 he was getting straight E’s. The
family came into some money and was sent to Inanda in 1956, as a boarder. Br Edwin (nephew
of Neil McGurk) nicknamed “Jack” was principal and he believes that his entire life was changed
because of him. He was an incredible teacher who suffered from rheumatism but had a very
strong right arm with which he wielded a cane. Discipline was a way of life. Br Edwin taught
Maths and History and was especially good at Maths. Ivor achieved a distinction in Maths after
6 months of his teaching and managed to get a “B” for his matric. Br Edwin made him realise he
could do it and he was then able to go to university to study engineering and truly believes it is
all due to Br Edwin.
Another brother who influenced him was Br Ephraim and was the English teacher. He was a
gentle man, very well read and instilled in him a love for reading and languages.
There were no more than 30 in his matric class. He knew Peter Owen already and shared a
dining table with Peter Johnson and Douglas Karan. He didn’t do too well in sport but played
rugby and was scorer for the cricket team as he was pretty useless otherwise. There were such
a small number of boys at the school so they didn’t do too well in rugby. He remembers that
they were transported to and from games in an open Bedford truck. He remembers that some of
them used to smoke in the back of the truck, although not too many of them smoked.
Edith Owen did a lot for the tennis and was a legend. Her sons Peter and Patrick were good
tennis players.
There were 4 dormitories, he was in A dorm with 44 boys in all and Br Gerard was the boarding
master. The food in the boarding house was quite good and there was a waiter called Charlie
who used to give his table extras. Sunday lunch was chicken and chips followed by ice cream.
The highlight of boarding school was the Sunday walk, especially past Dairy Den, where the
Gautrain station is now. From there they would walk to the Klein Jukskei through what is now
Morningside to have a mud fight in the river. They also walked to the old boy’s club just off Louis
Botha not far from Barlow offices. Grayston Drive was Grayston stables. They were taught
ballroom dancing in the dining room and the boarders had to go to Rosebank Convent,
Immaculate Hall for socials. The nuns wore wimples and big habits and used to keep a beady
eye on them. They had to walk there and back.
He remembers the flu epidemic and how wonderful matron Buckley-Jones was.
When he first arrived at the school he was taken aback by the rigidity and was not used to
conforming to such strict discipline. However, one night he and Johnson broke out of the school,
Br Benedict was principal and Br Anthony was around, they went to a Rosebank hotel, were
collected and taken to Mayfair to a 18th birthday party. They returned in the early hours of the
morning undetected and they didn’t tell anyone until the end of matric.
His son Gordon went to De La Salle due to them living in the area. His son was the last head
boy before the school amalgamated.
He formed more lasting relationships at varsity as he was probably at St David’s for too short a
time. When the school bought the additional land, Ivor surveyed the fields for Br Anthony.
Coming for the interview was the first time he had been back to the school in years; however he
would be interested in the book and a possible commitment to purchase and in the Jubilee
JE July 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Batana Vundla 1996

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000709
  • Item
  • 2011

Interview with Batana Vundla -1996
Batana was a pupil at St David’s from grade 0 to matric and recalls there being at least 3 or 4
black pupils in his year during that time.
Mrs Walton was his grade 0 teacher and he remembers his first day, crying because his uniform
was uncomfortable but by the end of the day he didn’t want to go home.
Mr Royce had a big impact on him in the prep school, and had a steady hand. In the high school
there was Mr Brownlee,(who he understands helped him become a prefect in matric), Mrs
Marais, Mr Edey who enjoyed teaching and was always fair, inspiring but strong.
He has known Mike von Guilleaume since grade 0 and his was the first white person’s home
that he visited. At the time in the 80’s he somehow thought that white people had green blood.
So you can imagine he was a bit nervous sleeping over at his house. Other boys he remembers
are Murray White, the Chandler, Contardo and Fiaschanaro, families. There was a good school
spirit, Sifiso Ngwenya was St David’s first black head boy, the school was ahead of all the other
private schools in this regard. He was grateful for all the support he received and to get such a
good education at St David’s.
He was fortunate as his parents did well and his mother ran the family business. Although he
sometimes had to travel to school in civies (At the time attending school in white areas was
taboo) he always travelled in a private car which helped in getting around. His mother
developed cancer whilst he was in standard 7 and was ill until he matriculated. It was a very
stressful time for him and he didn’t handle it too well.
On the sporting front he played B team soccer, athletics, and cricket in the prep and then A
team rugby in the high school until matric as a wing. In 1995, year of the World Cup the rugby
side was the best St David’s ever had. Mike von Gulleaume was head boy and Johnathan
Kyriakakis, 1st rugby team captain. It was the year of the first overseas tour in which the team
won all of their games and they used to sing Sho Sholoza coming off the pitch. In the opening
game Batana scorred the winning try. He also remembers the game against Bryanston High,
the same day of the Rugby World Cup final, the stands were full, they played really well and St
David’s won. They felt that the Boks would win because they had. In this year Batana was
chosen for Transvaal U18 development team.
He was involved with plays for College house and had mainly bit parts but no major roles. He
was involved with debating and recalls Mrs Henderson who started a campaign asking for
peace in SA, she also taught Geography.
Batana never achieved academically, he admits to being a lazy student who underperformed.
He was relieved on his last day to be finishing school but was nervous and counting the days to
the results. He looked forward to going into the real world. He passed his matric and went to
Wits then onto UCT where he studied Drama.
Batana is currently a film producer working on a production dealing with the protection of
information and corruption in the ruling party. He is also involved in the film industry assisting
youngsters to get into the industry. He has also been on the MOBS committee for the past two
years and would like to send any sons, which he may father, to St David’s.
JE December 2011

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Ross Alcock 1986 . Board of Governors 2006 - 2012

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000899
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  • 2012

Interview with Ross Alcock – 1986
Ross began his career at St David’s in grade 1 in 1975. He had two older brothers at the school
and remembers being very excited on his first day. He was very familiar with the school as he
had already been there with his brothers on numerous occasions. His first teacher was Miss
He remembered Father Plesters, the Chaplain who later became Monsignor, Mrs Walton grade
2, Mrs Ansell who was a temporary teacher, Mrs Webb standard 1, Mrs Napier a rather
authoritarian figure, Mrs Joseph, standard 3 and Mrs Anderson. In standard 2 Ross caught a
virus, one boy died and Ross was lucky to come through it, didn’t attend school and was unable
to walk for quite some time. Mrs Napier and Mrs Aubrey helped him with extra work at home.
Ross really enjoyed the sport and recalls sports coach Terry O’Mahoney together with Tim
Coetze standard 5 and Willy Castle standard 4. Willy also coached the grade 1 soccer team.
Br Timothy was the headmaster followed by Mr Murphy who appeared to be very authoritarian
in the beginning until his demise when he was seen by all the boys on TV as a wrestler. Mr
Frielick who was too soft followed and then came Mr Boswell, the Afrikaans teacher who was
influenced by Mrs Elliot, many of the boys thought she really ran the school and that he was
merely a figurehead. There was an incident with the non-catholic retreat in 1985 led by the
Doyle brothers which showed a lack of leadership within the school. Ross felt that the
leadership in the high school was sadly lacking and that the boys needed a strong leader.
Father Brewer was the type of person who should have led the school. He was an incredible
man, unlike a conventional priest. He taught RE but loved sport. An eminently practical and
pragmatic man he could give the boys guidance in life and, even though he was extremely
religious he was neither distant nor removed from reality. He helped Ross with extra Latin
lessons whilst he was at university and had incredible patience. Father Brewer married Ross,
counselling him and his wife beforehand, he also blessed his son but sadly died shortly
In standard 5 a number of boys left to go to St John’s as St David’s was then going through a
bad patch, although it wasn’t a good time for the school, the boys got on well together and there
was great camaraderie through the sport .Some of his pals at the time were Greg Lambe;
Gordon Tonetti and Craig MacKay. He remembers a black pupil joining in grade 2 and that there
were a few black boys at the school including the Shongwe brothers and a number of them went
to their father’s funeral in standard 7 held in Atteridgeville, Soweto.
Ross played rugby in standard 4 and 5 against the high school’s U13C team. As many boys left
at the end of standard 5 it was a great loss to the rugby team. Ross played Transvaal Nuffield
cricket in 1986 and stayed at Hilton College. He was awarded colours for rugby in mtandard 9
and again in his Matric year and won trophies for leadership, cricket, rugby and the Osmond
Cup for sportsman of the year. He was vice head prefect and captained the 1st rugby and cricket
His favourite year was 1985 playing 1st team rugby and cricket and he went on cricket and rugby
tours to Cape Town. At the Marist schools’ festival they had a very good side and made up the
vast majority of a combined Marist schools team. They stayed in old dormitories at St Joseph’s
and for the cricket tour stayed at the Newlands Sun and being boys managed to get up to some
Ross was involved with inter-house plays in the primary school and remembers being in the
team that won the inter-house quiz in standard 5. However he didn’t last long playing one of the
guards in “Hamlet”, Trudie Elliott wasn’t his favourite person.
Ross loved his time at St David’s although he did have some regrets that he hadn’t gone to a
stronger school from sporting and other perspectives. He felt he would have further flourished
but only realised this later. After leaving school he played cricket for Old Eds and for Transvaal
and realised that had he been at another school he would have without doubt played Nuffield A
in 1985 and 6. He actually played for the B side and knew he was better player than many on
the A side. Because of this he didn’t return to St David’s for quite some time. Ross firmly
believes that when sport is poor the perception is that the school is poor. St David’s loses a lot
of focus on sport and does need to be more competitive.
Academically Ross was no star but did well enough to get one distinction in matric and went
into Law studying for a B Proc at Wits University and for his LLB through Unisa whilst doing his
articles. He missed the army by continuing to study and when he finished his LLB he went
overseas for a year, then did his articles at a small firm and joined Edward Nathan Sonnenberg
in 1997 and has been a partner since 2000.
Ross has two sons at St David’s and his eldest son will be going to Hilton for high school as a
Ross’ company is the only law firm that has dedicated offices in Alexandra and Mitchel’s Plain
and everyone on the staff has to complete a certain number of hours of pro bono work to
support these offices. They also work together with the Department of Justice and Small Claims
Court in Alex and the managing partners sit on these courts and supply advice.
JLE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Martin Lebos 1978

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000842
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Martin Lebos – 1978
Martin initially went to St Paul’s but came to St David’s in standard 1 and Mrs Watson was his
teacher. His class was in the house block (where the CEO’s house is now) where standard 1,
1A and 2 and 2A were taught. He remembers that, in the winter, they used to make up a fire in
each classroom. The following year he moved out of house block to a classroom just below the
old chapel and Mrs Napier was his teacher. There were still boarders at the school at that time
and, where the tuck-shop and library is now was the boarder’s dining room. He remembers
other teachers, standard 3, Mrs Geddes, standard 4, Mrs Sacks, standard, 6 Mrs Knesovitch
who was very strict, used the cane but was a very good teacher.
The headmaster was Brother Anthony and the other Brothers were Timothy, Andrew, Mario,
Aquinias who taught Maths in standard 6 and 7, Bernard who taught Latin and Brother Aidan
who was the bursar. He learnt in standard 5 that if he really studied he could do really well and
eventually was awarded Dux of the year. High school teachers were Afrikaans – Mr Klaasen,
English – Penelope ?, Maths – Br. Aquinias, Geography – Mr Maritz, Mrs Sally Saunders taught
Geography at a lower level in the high school – Mr Maritz, Biology and Science - Mr Karoo, they
all taught through to standard 8. Mr Zacharawitch taught History, was of Russian origin and had
been in a concentration camp, he left at the end of standard 9 followed by Mr Manolios and Mr
MacFadyen who was a very good teacher. For the higher standards there was Mrs Elliot for
English, Mr Lipschitz for Maths, Br Timothy who had wonderful hand writing and was brilliant for
Science, Br Bernard for Latin, and Mr Needt for Afrikaans. Mr Lipschitz was ahead of his time, in
matric he took Martin out of his class and made him do past papers in the hour and taught him
Ad Maths with the result that when he went to varsity he was already ahead of everyone in Ad
Maths. Mr Lipschitz also coached rugby, stayed in Fricker Rd and drove a lime green Volksie
The new Science block was opened, a new pool built and boarding came to an end. The library
was run by Mrs Zent was in the old Science room. The land the Inandas are on now was still
part of the school until it was sold off. Families living in Chiselhurston had a gate with access to
the school grounds.
Martin swam, was a member of the water-polo team, played 1st team rugby, participated in
debating and was a member of a good team which that year narrowly lost to St John’s in the
Colby Cup. The final decision was made by a judge with a bias towards St John’s. He also
remembered an inter-catholic schools athletics held at the Wanderers, Willy Castle was in
matric and Nolan Springer was a brilliant sprinter. At that time the prep playing field was the
Nassey Simaan was the rugby coach and in standard 1, his wife Aggie used to cook Martin
lunch. He remembers a rugby match where the school lost to KES by two points. In 1972 the
school had a really great rugby side. Martin’s matric class was small and could just about field a
second rugby team, the closing of the boarding gave the school a huge knock in this regard.
Boxing was withdrawn as a sport when someone got badly injured. The astro turf was where the
practise cricket nets were and the grade 00 block was the paddock.
Assembly was held every morning in the quad where the trees are now for the high school and
the junior school where they still line up now. The high school swimming gala was held in the
evening and the old boys used to come and compete. The boys used to go to the Beefeater
restaurant, where Giovannis is now, and have hamburgers after rugby and play pinball.
Champagnat day was really enjoyable. It started off with all the boys going in buses to mass at
the Catholic church in Keyes Avenue and he remembers the hymns they used to sing.
Boys he remembers are Jeffrey and Jerome Kourie, Patrick Riley, Oliver Setton, Desmond
Morgan, Fulton Allen, a top golfer who used to stay with the Kouries, George Nikas who was a
brilliant hurdler and good rugby player (owner of the ocean Basket) the Saad’s all went to the
school. Forsman, Martin’s sister’s son, Lawrence Kourie was in the same class and now lives in
San Diego. The head boy was Andrew Snyman and the vice head boy, Mike Peel who now lives
in Nelspruit and has done some amazing research into flora and fauna. Roy Zent is a top
nephrologist in the States and his brother is one of the top oncologists in the States. Marcel
John, Jimmy John, Michel, Costa, Raymond.
Martin went to a 30 year reunion but there was only one other old boy from 1978 there.
Martin loved the school and thought it was wonderful, the school was like a family with the
brothers who were an important part of the school. The school took a big knock when the
boarding facility closed down. His son Joseph is presently at St David’s in grade 8.
Martin is not a member of MOBS but is still passionate about his school. He likes the display of
all the matric photos in the Champagnat hall.
Martin is still very passionate about his school and thinks that the moral standard of the school
has never dropped, but feels strongly that no current parent should be on the board. There
should be a book of rules and regulations and the school authorities should be consistent with
upholding the same and not allow some boys to be relieved of punishment. He also believes
that the teaching staff should have more influence regarding the election of prefects, head boy
and the awarding of Champagnat medals.
NB Martin’s brother is married to Heather Joseph’s cousin.
NB No longer has his matric Yearbook
JE January 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Mike Stanley 1974

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000857
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  • 2012

Interview with Mike Stanley – 1974
Mike is the youngest of a family of five boys and when he joined St David’s in standard 6, two of
his older brothers were already there and all of them were boarders. He was called “Baby
Stanley or Little Stan” and he remembers his brother carrying his belongings to the dormitory
and his mother made his bed. Because he was the fifth child at the school his parents did not
have to pay fees for him.
Brother Anthony was still there and Mike thought he was a wonderful man, Br Aidan, an
amazing man was the bursar, Br Bosco, Br Timonthy “Tin Man” taught Science, Br Andrew
“Drac” was Spanish and drew blood when he caned the boys., Br Aquinas was an elderly
bulldog of a man who taught English and History. Br Bernard taught Latin and a younger brother
who was an unpleasant and vindictive man taught Art and was in charge of the junior boarding
house. Mr Zacharias – Mr Zac was a wonderful History teacher who had escaped from
Germany hiding underneath a train. There were some pretty female teachers Mavis Hartman,
English, Beverly Ballard (Tremeer) Science and her husband taught at KES’ Mrs Janusch
taught Latin, Mrs Culligan was from an Irish family and had a son Barry at the school. Mrs
Kempster was head of the prep school and Mrs Buckley-Jones the matron, Mrs Buchan taught
History and had a son at the school, Mrs Rudiker a Biology teacher who was very attractive and
wore miniskirts. There was an Afrikaans teacher “Bubo” who battled as there was zero interest
in the subject.
Mike remembers the boarders having to move the stands for sporting events. The boys were
allowed to spend one weekend per term with their families and there were some Sundays when
they were allowed to visit their sons. At weekends the boys were allowed to watch the cricket at
Wanderers. His brothers watched the match in 1967 when South Africa beat Australia in a test
series. It was compulsory for the boarders to support the 1st team in rugby. They watched reel to
reel movies on Saturday nights. At the end of each term the boys had “Beano” which was the
only time that they ate roast chicken and had a pudding the night before they went home.
During term time the boarders often used to break into the kitchen and raid the fridge. Piet was
the school cook. The sister school was Rosebank Convent.
Mike was a member of Benedict house, played cricket and was captain of the 2nd team, played
3 and 4th team rugby and was in the boarders hockey league. In 1972 they had the strongest,
unbeaten rugby team but in a heart breaking match they lost to KES. The captain was Terry van
Heerden from Zambia, other team members were Harry Curtis, Carl Eb, James Cronin - centre
was the only player to be sent off in a match against St John’s for straight arm tackling. Mike
recalls Br Andrew “Drac” telling Cronin “you’ve got to take out that Williams boy”. He recalled
rugby tours to Bloemfontein and other SA cities but never to exotic places like Australia.
Academically, Mike did reasonably well achieving a first class matric and went on to Wits
University to study a BSc as he wanted to go into medicine. Unfortunately he didn’t do too well
in his first year and went into the army for 2 years service and signed on for an extra year. In
1979 he finished his army service and signed up to do his articles with price Waterhouse
Cooper where there were a number of ex St David’s boys He is now involved with the concrete
flooring industry. Mike’s son didn’t attend St David’s as the family lived in Cape Town for a
number of years and when they came back to Johannesburg Mike and his wife divorced and
needed their son to attend a boarding school.
Mike thinks that the years he spent at St David’s was a beautiful time especially in the high
school. He still has many friends from those days and he and Michael Macfarlane have been
friends for 48 years.
Families he remembers having a number of boys at St David’s were Kourie’s, Saad’s, Deeb,
Sopas (Elias, Michael and Basil), Resek, Moni, Marsay, Macfarlane Other old boys such as
Fulton Allem, Lindsay Ralphs now at Bidvest whose nickname was “Pooch”, George Nichas,
Terence Lavery (1968) who unofficially equalled Paul Nash’s time for the 100m, Richard Stavro
Captain 1st Team rugby, Alan van den Handel, Kevin Peel, Rob Adair, Billy Colton, Angelo
Haggiyanis. There were a few ambassadors sons at the school such as the Greek Ambassador
to the Congo.
JE August 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Simon Franklin 1985 - Standard 7

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000934
  • Item
  • 2012

Interview with Simon Franklin – 1985 Standard 7
Simon and his brothers Adrian and Jeremy attended St David’s with Adrian (vice head boy)
matriculating in 1984 and Jeremy in 1985. Their father was chairman of the board during the
time they were there. Simon didn’t stay on to matric but left and went to St Andrews,
Grahamstown at the end of 1985 when Mr Boswell was headmaster. There are a couple of
reasons for this, Simon got into some arguments relating to his almost certain election as a
prefect simply because he was a Franklin, this did not go down well with him and the fact that
his brother lost his honours blazer due to the disastrous non-catholic retreat in 1985. St David’s
was going through a bad time without strong leadership and Simon felt it was time to leave.13
out of 15 boys in the U14A rugby side, a really good team losing only a couple of matches that
season, also left that year.
Simon began his career at St David’s in standard 3 in 1981 and cycled to school, the family
home being in !st Avenue. He and his brothers used to access the school through a hole in the
fence. Brian MacFadden lived on the school grounds and Simon used to hang out with him at
his house and the pair of them used to ride a motorbike around where the Inandas are today.
They were naughty and considered the school their playground. Willy Castle and his wife and
young children lived next door to Brian.
Having two older brothers at the school made a big difference with Jeremy being the prop for
the 1st team rugby for two years, he was a big strong boy but is now much slimmer and an artist
who exhibits at the Everard Read, Standard Bank, and Goodman Galleries. Adrian who was
vice head boy to Nick Pruims, head boy is now a successful businessman running one of the
Fortune 100 companies.
Simon was a great sportsman playing A team rugby, cricket, swimming, athletics and held the
high jump record. When his brothers were playing 1st team rugby, his father invited the rugby
team to Dullstroom for the weekend together with Mr Collier and Mr MacFadden.
The teachers he remembers are Heather Joseph, the art teacher, a Mr Kotze who looked like
Freddie Mercury, someone who taught technical drawing who was a stand up comic and was on
TV sometimes. Finlayson was the rugby coach, Isaak Cronje, Walter Cronje’s brother, the
Physical Education trainer and Mr MacFadden who taught History and French and whom the
boys liked.
He enjoyed the prep but the high school doesn’t really stand out apart from the time spent on
the sports field. Academically Simon’s performance was poor, he did enough to get by and his
friendships with his peers and sport were more important to him. He participated in a “Can Can”
production in standard 3 in the old hall with Heather Joseph as producer and his Gran made him
a black and red outfit with stockings.
Of his peers Grant Dykes left at the end of prep, others were Brian Steele, Paul Allen, Sean
Johnson and Greg Black with whom he is still in touch. He recalls Gary Beuthin breaking his leg,
with the whole leg in plaster which did not deter him from lying on his motor bike and riding to
school. Mike Erery, matric 1985 a huge guy who drove a really small car. Other names he
remembers are Michael Wood’88, Tonetti and Roland Retz.
Being an Anglican, the Religious Education was something Simon had to do and didn’t really
appreciate until later and especially at St Andrews where he was nicknamed “The Rev” because
of his knowledge. He felt he was given the tools to decide whether or not he wanted religion in
his life.
Simon was 17 when he matriculated and went into the army in the medical corp it was the last
year of intake and he finished in 1990 when he enrolled at the Cape Technikon to study
marketing and played ruby for Villagers rugby. His first project was the 1995 World Cup which
took him all over the world. He joined FIFA in 2006 until 2011 which gave him huge exposure,
travel and introduced him into a different way of thinking. He was then commercial director for
SAFA and is now with Megapro.
Simon has a son currently in grade 0 at St David’s. Simon is glad to see that St David’s has
adopted football and that a number of boys have been assigned to professional soccer league
teams. He feels that the sport has improved over the last few years and believes that academics
are crucial but that sport is very important and the school’s performance on the sports field.
JLE November 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with John Hazakis 1972 (Standard 7)

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000816
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  • 2012

Interview with John Hazakis – 1972 (Std 7)
John first came to St David’s as a boarder in 1968. Having come from Mozambique where his
home languages were Greek and Portuguese, he found it very difficult to integrate in the first
few months.
He recalls the boarders being given a single avocado for breakfast and often they would have to
escape from school to go downtown Johannesburg for a decent meal and a movie. In those
days it was quite safe to bunk out. The boys would squeeze through the dormitory windows,
take a bus into town and return to school after a night out. One couldn’t imagine doing that
The boy slept in open dormitories, 40 boys to a dorm with rows of beds and a small cupboard
separating the beds wherein the boys kept their few belongings. As a boarder he was quite
lonely. He recalls listening to his transistor radio after lights out, under the bed covers so the
radio would not be heard by the brothers doing their regular night patrolling. No ipods and
blackberries in those days.
He recalls how the school boys would dash for the cheese board after meals. On week-ends the
boys would make small braais at the lower-end rugby field, using bent metal coat hangers to
braai the boerewors.
Cinema evenings were held where the Science block now stands. These evenings were a treat
for the boys.
Br Timothy, house master, was in charge of their pocket money allowing them 5 cents a day to
purchase their tuck - a small frozen orange juice and a packet of chips.
Br Anthony was the headmaster, Br Bosco (Mario) taught Science, Br Bernard the artist and
sculptor taught the boys various artistic techniques. John recalls how he was taught to do wood
carving by Br. Benard.
There was strict discipline in the school. The Brothers would carry canes and deal with any
indiscipline by caning the boys. To avoid the pain the boys would tuck layers of toilet paper in
their pants. If discovered they would get a few extra “cuts” for cheating.
He recalls how at breaks the boy would play marbles, rolling the marbles from one end to the
other of the long corridors outside the dormitories.
There was a volley ball court where the quad is now. He recalls how the boys would wake up in
the cold winter mornings and make their way to the open quadrangle for a hot cup of coffee at
the start of the school day.
John left St. David’s at the end of 1972 when the boarding facility was discontinued. He moved
to St.John’s where he completed his schooling. Reflecting back on life of a boarder, he doesn’t
regret any of the experiences. In fact it taught him a lot about life and how to be independent.
After matriculating in 1977, John went to Wits Technikon, to study Mechanical Engineering. He
joined Siemens as a technician trainee in 1978. He has spent most of his career with Siemens
and is now business unit director for renewable energy. He finds his current job very stimulating
and interesting. He is very excited about being part of a motivated team that is introducing
renewable energy to South Africa. Siemens’ renewable energy portfolio includes wind, solar and
hydro power generation. In the past he was involved in the fossil and nuclear power generation
activities, however, considering the current global warming he is glad that he is contributing
towards a cleaner environment.
John is married with two children. His son is studying at Wits and his daughter is still at school
(Crawford Lonehill). This was the first time he had been back to the school in a long time but is
interested in keeping in touch.
Some of the boys John remembers are:
Fulton Allem, who became professional golfer and later went on to win the Sun City million
dollar, Evangelos Nichas who became a vet and now lives in Bloemfontein and Chris Darras a
very successful ophthalmologist,
JE July 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Mike Clarke 1951

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000852
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  • 2012

Interview with Mike Clarke – 1951
Mike attended St David’s from 1941 when it first opened and became a boarder in standard 7
when his mother decided that, as he was the youngest at home he should become a boarder.
His elder brother Christopher was sent to CBC, Kimberly he hated it and ran away and joined St
David’s in standard 9. Mike remembers the Dunkeld bus and the walk to St David’s from the
He remembers Br Pius well who taught him in standard 3 and because of him he still has
beautiful handwriting. Mrs Lindsten and Mrs Stirton taught the grades, the former owning a
Hudson Terraplane a large car which she drove to and from Marist from Troyville and collected
some boys on the way. Mrs Brophy taught standard 1 and Harry Best the PE teacher a boxer,
started boxing as a sport and brought a well known boxer, Alf Ramsay to the school. Carl
Vermeulen decided to become a boxer and won a bout at Observatory and then gave it up.
Br Osmond was the first headmaster followed by Br Edwin who was a marvellous teacher
whose subject was History and whom the boys called “Bones” as he had arthritis. Br Edwin told
Mike that he wouldn’t do very well, however Mike ended up with B’s in his matric and proved
him wrong. Br Urban was marvellous, Br Benedict was the cricket coach, Br Celestine an
Australian was wonderful and a real academic and taught Latin, Br Alban taught English, Br
Bartholemew didn’t have much of a chin and Mr Bishop was lay teacher.
The school at that time consisted only of the grades block and playground which ended by the
line of pine trees and road where the after care centre is now. There was a house at the bottom
of the road where the brothers lived.
Mike enjoyed his time at St David’s in spite of the tough discipline, he was a prefect together
with Carl Vermeulen, Ian Kerley and Alyson Zylstra enjoying the sport and the atmosphere of
the school. Some of the boys discovered where the communion wine was kept in the chapel
and helped themselves to some of it until Father Kunz noticed the level going down rapidly.
After matriculating, Mike first went to Wits University to study architecture but decided that was
not for him and looked at a career in accounting but then went to Natal University where he
studied English and History, decided he enjoyed the academic life and became a teacher. Mike
went to Zimbabwe after Sharpeville in 1960 and met his wife there. After 14years he returned to
South Africa with his family of 2 young children. He contacted Mark Henning and joined the staff
at St Stithians and taught Latin and English there for 23 years. He then retired and became
head of Bishop Bavin’s Prep and afterwards taught at St Peter’s part-time and in 2004 finally
retired for good and relocated to Knysna.
Mike has lost contact will all his colleagues but is still in touch with Carl Vermeulen and Alan
Mike’s three children, two boys and a girl did not go to St David’s but to St Stithian’s with him
being a teacher there and his eldest son Rick now teaches English and is a housemaster at
Wellington College in England.
Carl Vermeulen was a lawyer with Werkman’s.
JLE October 2012

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Gabriel Simaan 1986 (Standard 6)

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000777
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  • 2013

Interview with Gabriel Simaan – 1986 (Std 6)
Gaby began his school career at Boskop Primary and came to St David’s in standard 2. His first
teacher was Mrs Hurley. He enjoyed his time at St David’s and has very happy memories of his
time there and friends he made. It was a close family orientated type of school. You were made
to feel you were someone at St David’s and were made to feel part of the school.
Gaby enjoyed the sport and participated in soccer, cricket, tennis, cross country, athletics,
swimming and was in A team rugby in the high school. He was also involved in public speaking
and debating and in the inter-house plays in standard 6. Being a small school everyone got the
opportunity to try everything. The mix was also good with both rich and poor parents sending
their sons there. There was also a lot of involvement with MOBS and the sons of MOBS, an
important status.
One person he will never forget is Willy Castle who made him absolutely love sport.
Willy ran soccer clinics which he enjoyed even though all the boys were so scared of him.
By the time Gaby attended the school there were no longer any brothers teaching. Sadly, as the
school was going through a bad patch with several changes of headmaster, Gaby’s parents
decided to move him to St Stithians for a better infrastructure and academic tuition. Gaby
battled with the change and rebelled which affected both his sport and school work. He didn’t
have a good relationship with most of his teachers. There were 5 or 6 other boys from St
David’s at St Stithians at the time. Gaby only managed to get into the B team rugby and didn’t
participate in many of the things he had done at St David’s. The competition was tough and only
the best were accepted both for sport and public speaking and debating. He always regretted
leaving St David’s and his grandfather, Nassey showed his disappointment with Gaby’s parents
decision by no longer supporting him at any rugby matches. Gaby recalled a match between the
two schools where his father turned up wearing his St David’s honours blazer. St David’s won
the match as a former St David’s boy playing for St Stithians missed a kick by miles. Gaby’s
father ran onto the field and hugged him!
After matriculating, Gaby went to Wits University to study for a BComm and then started off in
the pharmaceutical industry and is now managing director of Trinity Pharmaceuticals. Gaby’s
father is a pharmacist.
Gaby still has close ties with the school and his son is enrolled to start in Gr00 in 2016.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Costa John 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000744
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  • 2013

Interview with Costa John – 1973
Costa remembers his first day with the fish pond at the entrance to the junior school which
seemed like a mystical treasure.
He enjoyed his school days, the structure and deep teacher engagement. As a day boy he
went home every day but felt that the boarders seemed to bond better.
Anne Buchan was a teacher who was caring, articulate, highly structured and inspirational.
He didn’t enjoy the corporal punishment which he felt was a troubling practice all the way to
He remembers an unhappy moment, confronting the school over incidents where his
brother’s poor Geography grade was made his problem, the next year, and later when his
younger brother was unfairly singled out for punishment.
A good memory was when he set a new school sprint record as an 11 year old when South
Africa went metric and all records were being set for the first time.
Costa enjoyed the sport and played soccer, cricket, rugby and was an athlete. There weren’t
any sports camps in those days. Costa was a member of C.L.G., the debating society,
Science club and 3rd team rugby.
The matric dance was a proud moment with beautiful decor, wonderful catering and was still
a black and white formal event. There was an all-night after party that ended the next
morning with many of the boys enjoying breakfast in Rosebank, still in tuxedos and evening
Costa was elected head prefect in his matric year, received his honours blazer and scrolls
for Merit, Studies, and Debating and was awarded the victor ludorum..
His last day was poignant and he realised he would sorely miss the rich mosaic of academic,
sport, faith-based activities and the maturing phase from a child to a young man in the army..
After matriculating, Costa went into the army for a year then studied for a BCom and MCom
at Wits University followed by a Phd in the USA.
He is currently CFO of a San Franciso software company. He is a member of the Red Cross
disaster response team with service at Ground Zero (Terror attack) 2001, Katrina
(Hurricane) 2005, Joplin (Tornado) 2011.
Costa last visited St David’s in 2013 when he addressed a high school assembly.
JLE July 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Franco Lambiase 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000773
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  • 2013

Interview with Franco Lambiase – 1976
Franco came to St David’s as a day boy in 1970 from Bramley Primary School after his family
had emigrated back to South Africa from 18 months in Italy. Arriving in standard 6 he found St
David’s to be a very strict school with mainly brothers teaching. Having come from a nonconformist
environment Franco found St David’s to be regimental and it was difficult for him to
Brother Anthony was the headmaster until 1975 when Brother Timothy took over. The brothers
he remembers include Br Bosco (Mario); Br Bernard; Br Aquinas, Br Timothy, Br Aidan the
bursar; Br Ronald and Br Andrew (Drac). Of the lay teachers he remembered Mr Saunders -
Afrikaans, Mrs Zent the librarian who gave him writing lessons and Heather Joseph was friendly
with William Carew (Bubbles), Trudy Elliott, - English with whom he kept in touch.
Franco wasn’t very sporty but played 3rd team rugby and hated swimming. He was there when
the new Science wing and auditorium were opened in 1972. Franco was quite artistic and was
awarded a trophy for Art and also did the decorations for the matric dance – a medieval theme.
Academically Franco did not excel but managed to pass his matric.
After matriculating, Franco went on to Wits University where he studied Pharmacy. He ran a
pharmacy until 1993 when he finally gave this up to become a confectioner and now runs his
own business making specialty cakes. He makes cakes for magazines, wedding expos and is a
member of the Cake Decorators Guild. He judges for Angela Day the mince pies, hot cross
buns and Christmas cakes.
Franco is not a member of MOBS but participated in last year’s St David’s Christmas market.
JLE February 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Rick Wilson 1996 - 2013 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000891
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  • 2013

Interview with Rick Wilson – Staff 1996 to date
Rick was appointed headmaster of the preparatory school in 1996, prior to this he had lived in
Botswana for 11 years and before that taught at St Stithians. The reason for leaving Botswana
was that his two young sons needed to go to high school and there was nothing suitable in
Rick didn’t warm to the architecture of St David’s, finding the face brick too Victorian but he
came to love it over the years and in every subsequent project a great deal of effort has been
made to match the existing style. His first assembly was held in the old hall where now the high
school library is. Fairly apprehensive, coming from a very rural and multi-racial environment he
introduced himself to the 350 boys, as they sat on the floor. He talked to them about himself and
his life and how he played in a rock band during his teens. He appeared to have broken the ice
and quickly won the boys over.
As St David’s lacked a suitable large facility, the first speech night was held down at the pool
with the lectern and dignitaries lined up by the baby pool and the boys and parents on the
grandstands. As Rick began his speech, three Egyptian geese flew in and landed in the pool –
Rick jokingly said that his reputation as a good speaker had gone before him and had even
attracted the geese to come and listen to him.
Rick recalls that he was handed the keys to his tiny office in the grade 1 block, now occupied by
a therapist. He saw a cricket clinic in progress on the playing fields and decided to take a look.
As he walked over he was conscious of fierce scrutiny by a short bearded man. He introduced
himself to a suspicious Willy Castle. It took Willy two to three weeks before he had weighed Rick
up and didn’t venture to offer anything in the way of help until he had accepted him as the
Over the years a strong friendship has developed between them. Rick originally lived in the
house next to Willem, the estate manager and one day he and Gerry, his wife were sitting
outside when they heard the most terrible noise which turned out to be Willy and his wife Linda
revving the engine of Willy’s pride and joy, a V6 combi. They had come to fetch them to go and
eat pizza at Panerotti’s which had a special every Tuesday. Both Rick and Willy love garlic so
their pizzas looked rather like a snowstorm of garlic had landed. Afterwards they would then go
and buy sweets at a local sweet shop with Willy buying a huge bag to satisfy his sweet tooth.
On another occasion Rick had decided to go and fetch a video but, on reaching the main gate
realised he had left his wallet behind, he turned around and went back home where he ran
inside leaving his car engine running. He returned to find his car had disappeared; He had
heard of the car theft in Johannesburg but couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He went
in search of his car only to find Willy and Linda sitting on the bonnet of his car grinning from ear
to ear. Another time his prepared Weber braie disappeared only to find it behind the library
where Willy had hidden it.
Rick recalled another rather sad occasion when late at night Willy came knocking on his door
begging Rick to confess that he had stolen his beloved combi. Willy had gone to mass at
Rosebank, parked the combi only to come back and find it gone. This time it had been stolen
and Rick was absolved of seeking revenge.
In 1996 Rick and Paul Edey in consultation with the then chairman of the board, Terence
Wilkinson, then CEO of the Lonhro Group, formulated a rigorous development plan . The school
needed to modernise if it was to become a leading role player in the northern suburbs. The
facilities needed to improve and technology needed to be embraced going forward. In 1997
together with Kevin Brewer and the board the development plan commenced with a grand plan
of all the things that were required to improve the school including a new hall, classrooms, D &
T and IT centres. First came the classroom block to the left of the hall followed by the hall which
was built on the site of the old basketball court. Rick and Paul visited many school halls in
Johannesburg before consulting with the architects. One thing Rick was determined to
incorporate was a steeped or sloping balcony which would afford everyone a view of the stage
together with underground storage. The IT department had been started by Steve Eilertson and
was originally located in a long thin corridor with 10 state of the art 486 machines, which were
totally inadequate. Aware of Rick’s desire to upgrade the technology, the parents started a
petition to the board in support of their headmaster. He undertook three feasibility and
justification studies which was accepted, Jean Rodell was appointed head of IT for the prep
school and the fibre optic backbone installed.
The grade 0 classrooms were where the current IT department is and their playground where
the after-care is now located. Rick’s plan was to initiate two grade 00 classes and house them
together with three grade 0’s in a separate building, The pre-school block eventually followed
and the grade 0 classrooms were converted into our current computer classrooms.
When Rick first arrived the high school pavilion was an asbestos shed with no change rooms
and the boys were forced to change in the open in full view of some admiring mothers!. Rick
had built a state of the art D&T and IT centre at his school in Botswana and was determined St
David’s should have the same. He put together a justification for a D & T centre which was
approved by the board. Darryl Webb, deputy prep headmaster was given the job of overseeing
the project together with the new Music centre and high school Art centre.
Parents at St David’s have been extraordinarily generous with their donations and Rick was
never afraid to approach parents on behalf of struggling families for financial assistance when
needed. One parent who was leaving the country gave a donation of R2 million which with his
approval was used to build and refurbish the prep and high school libraries. When the hall was
built there wasn’t enough funding for a clock or stained glass windows for the tower. Rick
requested help via the school newsletter and the money came pouring in. There have been
some extremely kind benefactors who wish to remain anonymous.
Rick’s relationship with Paul Edey was an exceptionally good one and they used to spark each
other off. He enjoyed working together with him on much of the early development. He found
Paul to be an inspirational influence in his life.
Rick also feels that he has been blessed during his seventeen years with a stable, happy and
settled staff. This has been a source of great strength in the prep school with teachers who have
bought into the Marist philosophy resulting in the grade 7 boys being fully prepared for the
challenges of high school. The power of Marist cannot be underestimated and Rick also
believes strongly in the circle of contentment whereby, if the teachers are happy - then so are
the boys and if the boys are happy then so are the parents. Usually about 8 to 12 grade 7 boys
leave the school. Some win scholarships to prestigious boarding schools whilst some boys are
victims of the “Spud effect”. Rick always follows up on these boys and they always do
exceptionally well in their new schools having been given the foundation by St David’s prep
Rick believes he has been the longest serving headmaster at St David’s and, when he retires at
the end of 2013 will have served the school for 17 years and he observes that with the
exception of one year he has seen a new building development each year.
One of the aspects of his time at the school, which he values highly, is the role he has played in
staff development especially with interns. Many teachers have gone on to be heads or deputies
of other schools of which he is justifiably proud.
JLE January 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Rowan Stafford 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000928
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  • 2013

Interview with Rowan Stafford – 2003
Rowan came to St David’s into grade 8 from St Peter’s Prep and after one month at St Peter’s College. He
and his good friend Matthew Alford both came from St Peter’s, their friendship goes back a long time.
Rowan arrived at St David’s on a Tuesday whilst assembly was in progress in the old hall, not knowing
where to go or what to do. James Barrow was assigned to show him around and then at first break he met
up with Matthew.
Rowan enjoyed the sport and was a member of 1st team hockey for 2 ½ years. He made it to the final trials
but didn’t make the provincial team. He was good at athletics and a keen cricketer but didn’t quite make it in
the larger school that was St David’s and played in the B team. He was injured in his first game of rugby
and didn’t play again. Rowan also enjoyed golf and got down to a 3 handicap playing after school at
As to the camps, Rowan thought himself fortunate to miss the grade 8 camp at Glenmore but thought the
grade 10 camps were more fun. The boys went to St Lucia where they had to camp out on the beach with
only their sleeping bags. Unfortunately there was an absolute deluge and the boys ended up sheltering in
some nearby toilets, cold, wet and shivering. There was a 1st team hockey tour to Cape Town instead of
Argentina where they got a hiding from the big schools down there. During another tour to St Albans with
Andrew Taylor as captain, the boys sneaked out to go to movies, were caught and did not play the next day
and Andrew was stripped of his captainship.
The teachers all had their individual ways of disciplining the boys – Mr Buys used a water polo ball, Mrs
Cameron her high heeled shoes and Mr McMillan his cricket bat. There were some bad moments with
Marius Buys with his strange stories and methods of teaching. He particularly liked Mrs Roman who had so
much patience and love for her pupils. He recalled an incident when she was writing on the board and
someone started throwing naartjies around. One naartjie narrowly missed Rowan and ended up splattering
the board next to Mrs Roman, she just sighed and carried on. Mrs Voorendyck was also popular but once
ended up sending the whole class out because none of the boys bar 3 had done their homework. Mr
Andrew was quite scary in that one could never tell what kind of mood he would be in. Paul Edey also
impacted as a teacher, having so much charisma and no one wanted to get a bad mark. Rowan felt he was
a major influence with a personal relationship with every boy in the high school.
Rowan together with Matthew Alford used to edit the school’s weekly newsletter working for Reverend
Bruce. They did this for 2 ½ years giving up the job before their matric exams. They had to get it ready for
printing on Thursday and there was always a rush to find a cartoon for the front page.
Rowan recalls bunking assembly and Afrikaans often using the newsletter as an excuse. Sometimes they
would join Jason Sturzenegger in his booth where he operated the sound. On one occasion they thought a
teacher was coming and had to climb up through the trap door to the bell tower and wait until assembly was
Jason remembers the matric ance and in particular the after party held at Melrose Arch when they were all
kicked out the venue and his father came and took him and Matthew home rather drunk.
Rowan received half colours for hockey and was a library prefect. He remembers that particular assembly
when his girlfriend from Kingsmead was there and Mr Williams made the announcement which came as a
complete surprise to him. Rowan also received a prize for Mathematics standard grade in 2003.
Rowan matriculated with distinctions in Art HG and Mathematics SG and went on to study at Rhodes which
he found to be a big wake up call. He studied a BComm and majored in three subjects going on to do an
LM in Trusts and is currently finishing off an LLM in tax through Unisa. He is currently employed by Mahons
as a commercial attorney dealing with general commercial law, mergers and acquisitions, trusts and tax.
Rowan didn’t feel strongly about the school when he left but after time realised how important it had been
and enjoyed the recent reunion and the MOBS reunions held at Rhodes. He would send any sons of his to
St David’s and is a member of MOBS. He would also be interested in participating in future matric rites of
Rowan recently played in the hockey tournament held in honour of Malcolm Williams and realised just how
fit he was when at school.
Rowan’s company participates in community development with one of the senior partners being a board
member of the Teddy Bear Clinic donating cash and legal services.
JLE December 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Raymond John 1977

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000885
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Raymond John – 1977
Raymond first came to St David’s in the early 1960’s as he had strong ties with the school
being the second youngest of 6 brothers and currently has a son Marco John in grade11. His
brothers were Jimmy (1964); Michel (1972); Costa (1973); Yango (1974); and Marcel (1978).
Raymond joined St David’s as a day boy in 1967, grade 2, the first year the grades were
introduced, he had attended Rosebank Convent for grade 1.
It was not unfamiliar territory for Raymond as had always been involved with his brothers
watching Rugby against KES and other schools. He remembered the bright red buses that
used to bring the KES boys, whole school to support at such big matches.
The teachers he recalls are Mrs Marsay grade 2, Mrs Elliott Std 1, Mrs Napier Std 2; Mrs
Geddes Std 3; Miss Cougan Std 4 and Mrs Kensovitch in Std 5 – she was very strict but
included a spiritual aspect in all that she taught and had a big influence on Raymond’s
spiritual upbringing. Of the Brothers there was Br Ronald, Br Bernard who taught Latin, Br
Mario, Br Aidan and of course Br Anthony.
Raymond enjoyed the sport and played cricket, rugby, soccer and participated in athletics
and played A team cricket until matric when he played a few games for the 1sts and was
captain of the 2nds. In 1970 the cricket oval was opened and top overseas cricketers were
there. He remembers bowling to Geoff Boycott who stayed at the school for a while. Don
Wilson who became the coach for the MCC and Peter Stringer who is the cricket coach at
Trinity College. Raymond was also captain of 2nd team rugby.
He recalled that the matches against Observatory were very intense and competitive
whether it was rugby or water polo and that in 1971 Obs boys came and defaced the school
with spray paint.
Raymond’s house “The Bishops” always came last in inter-house competitions but they
always won the Spirit Cup.
On the cultural side, Raymond was a member of the debating team and in the semi-final of
the Kobe Cup. He also played a role in “Hamlet” fencing with Marc John.
He recalled that St David’s in 1975 was the first school in South Africa to admit black pupils.
The apartheid government was establishing relations with other African countries and had to
accommodate the Malawian ambassador’s children as they couldn’t do that in the public
Something else that stands out in Raymond’s memory was that of Desmond Tutu coming to
the school and addressing the boys.
There were no camps as we know them today but Raymond remembered an outing to the
planetarium and a rugby camp in Std 9 when he was injured.
Raymond felt that, at the time, the school didn’t pay enough attention to academics and that
the prep school wasn’t as good as it should have been. However he remembered that Br
Ezekial was a really outstanding Maths teacher.
In 1972 the boarding facility, the back bone of the school closed which had a huge impact.
Many boys, sons of ambassadors, those from outlying areas of South Africa had to find other
boarding schools to accommodate them.
Raymond was awarded an honours blazer and had scrolls for studies, merit and debating of
which he was very proud. Raymond was the top student in grade 7 and also in his matric
His last day was a half day and a bit of a letdown. He then went into the army for 2 years to
do his national service it was the first year that the 2 year commitment started. Originally
Raymond wanted to study medicine but after his army service studied instead for a BComm.
at Wits University. He then worked at the JSE eventually ending up at Investec for 17 years
and now runs his own business.
Raymond’s late father was very involved with the school raising funds to buy extra land. The
brothers presented the school with the Costa John Memorial Trophy in his memory, for
excellence in swimming, academics and athletics.
Raymond is currently on the board of governors for the Lebanese Catholic School in the
south of Johannesburg which has now opened up to grade 2. He is also a trustee of the
Opus Securitatus which administers the priest’s pension fund. He is also a member of
MOBS. He was also fortunate to visit Br Anthony at Nazareth House before he died. He
remembered fondly that Br Anthony was the guest speaker at his brother Jimmy’s 21st
birthday celebration.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Kevin Moran 1985

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000828
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Kevin Moran – 1985
Kevin came to St David’s in 1974, grade 1 and remembers being quite nervous and not wanting
to go to school. He had his lunch box stolen by Warwick Dredge and he didn’t want to go back
to school. However he and Warwick became great friends and still keep in touch.
The teachers he remembers are Mrs Eliot, the best one, she was a long time English teacher
and instilled in Kevin a love of Shakespeare and he thought she was an excellent teacher. He
learnt so much in his last two years with her. Mr Collia was a good Maths teacher despite
Kevin’s personal dislike of him. Willy Castle, because he pushed him even though he hated it at
the time, however even though he was tough, he was always there to show support in his later
years playing rugby in the high school. Kevin thought Mr Boswell was an excellent teacher and
fair. He loved Mr McFadden as a funny unique character who knew how to teach for the final
exam, but Kevin wouldn’t have recommended his rote style of teaching. There was also a Br
Gerard was an amazing man who played in Craven week or its equivalent when he was in high
school. He was also spiritual and Kevin found him to be inspirational in his kindness. Many of
the teachers really inspired Kevin. He remembers taking an Ad Maths course which was
basically the same as the course (1st semester) he took at university which certainly helped him.
Kevin remembered Mr Murphy the school’s first lay headmaster who turned out to be a fraud
and a professional wrestler and there being a lot of embarrassment when he was found out.
Kevin recalled that In grade1 and 2, he loved playing marbles. The headmistress of the grades
was an elderly, very kind woman who would point her finger which was bent at the knuckle,
probably from arthritis. In the primary school, Willy Castle was his soccer coach and, as Kevin
didn’t like soccer, Willy went to fetch him a few times from the bus stop before he could get on
the bus. Kevin remembered kind Br Anthony leaving and the more intimidating Br Timothy
taking over. Kevin really enjoyed the History tour to Natal.
In high school sports became more important and rivalries with other schools became more
intense. He loved the swimming and rugby tours. Kevin played in the 1stXV rugby, A and B
team swimming, A team water polo and was on and off the athletics team. He was also a
member of the All Marist XV team in 1985. However some his worst moments were all sports
moments that had nothing to do with the school. Things like playing for the first time in the U12A
rugby team in a Currie Cup curtain raiser and being the reason why St David’s lost the game
because he could not hook or throw a straight line out. The team never had possession
because of him and lost by 24 points. He felt that the team was great and should have won by
20 plus. Another occasion that stands out was when he was playing 1stXV against Marist
Observatory when he tried to tackle their best player. He not only stiff armed him but grabbed
the back of his collar and dragged him probably 15 metres on his face, much to the delight of
Observatory’s entire school.
Kevin enjoyed the camaraderie with all his close friends with whom he is still close to this day
even though he moved to the USA to go to college and he sees them in South Africa or in the
US on a regular basis. Friends,such as Jason Goodall, Mathew Smith, Eugene Taylor and Paul
Johnston. He loved playing sports, particularly rugby and despite paying lip service to disliking
school, he enjoyed all of it, including the classroom for the most part.
What he didn’t enjoy was particularly in the junior school, he didn’t like some of the teachers and
how they treated the pupils. He was fine with caning and the like, but some of the more
sensitive children were not ok with it and some of the teachers were quite cruel. He now realises
that it was a different world back then. In high school Kevin had a personal run in with a Maths
teacher, they really disliked each other. The teacher later became the 1st team rugby coach
much to Kevin’s dismay. They continued to clash and Kevin didn’t get his rugby scroll..
All he remembers of his last day was that it was spent writing the last final and then all of the
matrics running out of school screaming and shouting. Later a group of them stood outside
planning their trip to Plett.
After matriculating Kevin studied for a Bachelors degree at University of California, Irvine and
Juris Doctor (law degree) from the University of the Pacific, McGregor School of law and is now
a practising attorney.
Nobody in his family went to university, there was no expectation to do so but he had some
incredible teachers at St David’s who made it clear that they expected everyone in his class to
go to university.
Kevin is married living in California with his wife and two daughters aged 6 and 8.
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Martin Rumpelt 1973

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000843
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Martin Rumpelt – 1973
Martin came to St David’s from the German School Johannesburg in standard 6. His parents were not too
happy with the lack of discipline at the German School and the fact that matric would have to be written in
English when all the teaching was given through the medium of German. Father Paulsen was a family friend
and he recommended St David’s as an alternative. Martin had an older brother Thomas who also attended St
David’s matriculating in 1972, he currently lives in Germany.
Martin had been given a tour of the school the year before he arrived and had met the brothers but was, none
the less nervous on his first day. He knew a couple of boys from Cubs and Scouts one of whom was Vincent
O’Mahoney which made life a little easier. Br Anthony was headmaster at the time and he remembered some
of the other Brothers – Br Andrew (Drac) so called because he drew blood when he caned the boys. He was
Spanish and regarded all the boys as spoilt brats and that he was the equaliser; Br Bernard- very artistic and
had a darkroom downstairs below the Science block; Br Mario who still visits Martin’s mother; Br Timothy (Tin
Man) who was the rugby coach for all the 1st teams and a super guy; Br Anthony – (Oaunges); Br Michael; Br
Aidan the bursar who impressed the boys no end with his visitors who came on motor bikes in leather gear; Br
Vincent; Br Paul who was blind; Br Aquinas and Br Patrick. He recalled Mrs Janusch who taught Latin and who
had long conversations with the brothers in Latin.
Martin really enjoyed the sport especially coming from a school where the main sports were swimming and
tennis and some soccer. He loved the swimming, water polo, tennis and rugby. He had never played rugby
before and, with the classes being so small everyone had to participate in either an A or B team. Nassey
Simaan was the rugby coach and he remembers his first rugby match when Mike Griffiths kicked the ball which
bounced off the bars straight into Martin’s hands, He didn’t know what to do and didn’t know the rules but
Nassey screamed at him to score a try –so he managed to score in his first game. He had a “deja vous”
moment recently when his son was playing rugby on the same field in exactly the same conditions – a
flashback to a moment in time. Martin was also a member of the Transvaal karate team which was an extramural
Discipline was good and all the boys accepted the caning when they had done wrong. Once Br Andrew caned
the whole school, there was a visiting team and someone had written derogatory graffiti on the walls in the
quad, when no-one owned up to this, he caned every boy.
Academically Martin was given every opportunity to do well but didn’t apply himself whereas his older brother
was always top of the class together with Alfred Ghodes. However he passed his matric and then went into he
army for two years in the 11th commando, Kimberly and did border duty for 17 months. After his final exams it
was a bit of an anti-climax and he then went on holiday with his family but with the call up papers for the army.
He was the only boy from St David’s going but fortunately he met up with someone on the train. On discharge
from the army he went on to study for a BSc Building at Wits University. He is involved in construction work,
building and civil engineering and the company he is with Aveng-Grinaker-LTA, built the first Soccer City and
the new Soccer City for the World Cup. Currently the company is looking more to Africa, Zambia, Namibia,
Botswana and Mozambique whereas South Africa and Zimbabwe are quiet in comparison. The newly elected
President of Zambia has stamped out corruption and a lot of development is taking place.
Martin’s two sons both attended St David’s,Nicholas having matriculated and Phillip is currently in grade 11.
His daughter Megan is a pupil at St Mary’s Waverly.
Martin is a member of MOBS

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Lloyd Wilkins 1980

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000835
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Lloyd Wilkins – 1980
Lloyd joined St David’s in January 1979, having just arrived in South Africa from Rhodesia, as it was then.
He had been a pupil at St George’s in Salisbury and arrived knowing nobody at the school. However the
boys were very welcoming and it didn’t take long before he felt at home.
Lloyd remembers with clarity that in his first few days at the school, he lost R100 which he had been given
by his parents to buy books. He was quite panicked as it was a lot of money, especially in the context of
having just emigrated. He made it known that he had lost the money and within a short time it was handed
to him, much to his relief. The temptation to keep the money must have been high but the integrity of his
peers was evident.
Lloyd really enjoyed the camaraderie and made lifelong friends, most of whom he is still in touch with on a
regular basis. A group of them in Australia meet at least once a quarter to spend a long weekend together
with their wives. One aspect of St David’s he didn’t enjoy was the caning.
In matric a group of the boys had found a small piece of wood which had broken off a desk lid and, during
lunch break, they were playing soccer with it in the corridor outside the first floor classrooms. Their ”ball”
was kicked down the stairs and Lloyd chase after it only to collide near the bottom of the stairs with their
headmaster Br Timothy who was coming up the stairs to investigate the noise. Lloyd’s momentum was
such that he bowled him over and landed on top of him at the bottom of the stairs. Fortunately the only
injury was to his pride and Lloyd was ordered to his office to receive a caning. He thinks he was the only
matric boy to be caned that year.
A teacher he remembers was Mr McFadden who ensured that all his pupils developed a love of history and
obtained good marks in matric, in part by teaching the boys under a tree on the side of the rugby field.
Lloyd played 3rd rugby XV, 2nd cricket XI, was in the athletics team and captain of the riding club,
participated in senior best speakers competition, was marketing director of the business game. Lloyd
played 2nd team rugby in standard 9 but broke his leg playing St John’s and broke it again at the start of
matric so he missed most of the season once again.
In 1979 Lloyd captained the St David’s riding team and with his younger brother Graham and Simon Bird,
went to England to compete in the All England Schools Show jumping competition at Hickstead. On
borrowed horses they competed against the best English schools and came third!
Lloyd was awarded a scroll for studies.
The matric dance had the theme space and they had as much fun decorating the hall with pictures of
spacecraft as they had at the actual event.
On their last day a large group of boys returned to the school after midnight, dressed in black and pushing
their cars so as not to raise the alarm. They proceeded to decorate the trees in the quad with large
amounts of toilet paper. They became more enthusiastic as they progressed and their stealth was soon
replaced by increasing hilarity, culminating in an epic water fight involving two groups of them, each
manning a fire hose in the corridors outside the first floor classrooms. As lights went on in the brothers’
sleeping quarters they made a hasty retreat.
He went on to study a BA(Law) at Wits University and is now chief operating officer of Barclays Bank in
Australia. He is also chairman of Street Work a charity that helps homeless youths in Sydney. Lloyd is
married and has two daughters studying at a university in Sydney.
Lloyd last visited St David’s in 2006 but attended an informal reunion organised by Sven Arp in August
JLE November 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with James Oberholzer 2003

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000807
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with James Oberholzer
James came to St David’s in grade O and, with 20 other boys, was a pupil up until he matriculated in 2003.
James remembers all his primary school teachers who made a big impact on his life in particular Mrs
Norton, Mrs Schaafsma, Mrs Ansell and Mrs Kirkenhofer. He recalled being “jacked” by Mr Castle which he
deserved and was almost grateful for. He used to go to after care, was very involved with sports and
academics, was a member of the choir and was awarded a major closed scholarship to the high school.
During his tenure the school went through a huge transformation with the building of high and prep school
pavilions, the swimming pool, tennis courts, Champagne hall, library and the parking lot and the main
entrance. The original entrance was not even tarred initially.
James has good memories of the teachers in high school and the relationship they had with the boys,
specifically Mr Buys, Mr Fry, Mrs Nagy who was his tutor, Mr Gaffney, Br Anthony, Father Brewer and
Reverend Bruce who was a fantastic teacher and really made you think.
James was involved with cricket, soccer, tennis and swimming but was particularly focused on his golf and
from standard 8. He played golf at provincial, level from standard 6 until matric and represented South
Africa at the Junior World Championships in San Diego, USA but was not awarded a Springbok blazer. He
did well academically but only learnt to really work when he went to university. He enjoyed debating but
preferred participating from the floor. He was also a member of high school parliament.
James enjoyed all the tours both sporting and cultural but didn’t go overseas. He misses the sport, the
rivalry and competiveness with other schools. The biggest rivals (on and off the field) were St John’s and St
Stithian’s but, on leaving school the boys became great friends with pupils from those schools.
In standard 9 he did a series of aptitude and career tests which indicated he should excel as a landscape
architect or stockbroker which is what he is now and he loves what he is doing.
James was a prefect and deputy head boy with Gareth Kolkenbeck-Ruh, head boy. He was head of house
Benedict, vice captain hockey and captain of the golf team. He was awarded an honours blazer for golf and
scrolls for academics, leadership and hockey.
James has Italian citizenship and, to avoid the compulsory army service had to show proof of registration at
After matriculating, James went on to UCT to study Business Science but eventually graduated with a
BComm Economics and Finance and graduated with Honours in Economics in 2008. He had a gap year
where he worked as an underwriter in the short term corporate insurance industry before going back to
finish his degree. He learnt that one had to be focused and motivated and was no longer spoon fed as one
was at school.
James is currently employed as a stockbroker, specialising as a research analyst for the mining industry for
Macquarie, a global investment bank headquartered in Sydney, Australia, its strengths being commodities
and infrastructure.
Although James hasn’t maintained contact with many of his contemporaries at St David’s he enjoyed the
reunion in November. Whilst at university, living away from home he established strong friendships with
other students.
If he was blessed with sons James would want to send them to St David’s and is a member of MOBS.
JLE December 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Svend Littauer1988

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000941
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Svend Littauer – 1988
Svend came to St David’s in 1984, standard 6, he had just returned from being a few years
in Denmark and started school during the mid-term. It is never easy to try and integrate
when everyone already has their group of friends but he was made welcome by having a
designated person to look after him who he proudly still can call a friend 30 years later.
He always generally enjoyed school as an opportunity to be social and if the curriculum was
engaging enough it ensured that he was interested. Unfortunately during his time at St
David’s there were some “scandals” relating to the headmaster which meant that there was
no strong leadership in place. The reputation of the school suffered and the loss of the
brothers took away the specialness of the school.
Svend did not enjoy prefects’ teas – the thought that someone 17 years old had the authority
over you and, depending on their character, what punishment they could inflict.
Svend played tennis, rugby, hockey and cannot recall which team but he was briefly in the
rugby team before injured knees meant he had to swap to hockey..
The teachers that he remembers are Ms Joseph who was a fun Art teacher, Mrs De Wit and
Mr De Souza; Svend enjoyed their commitment to teaching.
One year the matrics apparently bounced the mini belonging to the Biology teacher up to the
first floor but as Svend wasn’t a witness he was not sure whether this was an urban legend.
Of his last day Svend remembers that it was with an element of sadness as it was where he
had spent the past 5 years however with it being the final year before embarking on the next
journey it was fairly exciting. He was with a number of boys going to St John’s to complete
their A’levels, during the uncertain times when they weren’t sure what the future in SA held.
After matriculating Svend went on to St John’s to write A level’s then onto RAU where he
studied for a BCom Law from 1992 – 94 and then Economics Hons in 1995. He is a fellow of
ICSA and is currently head of corporate legal and HR, Goodwille Ltd., St James House, 13
Kensington Square, London W8 5HD.
Svend had no sons who attended St David’s and visited St David’s 10 years ago but is still in
contact with George Neville Griffin, Stephen Klein, Beau Nicholas White and Edric von
JLE July 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Robbie Crawford-Brunt Grade 2 to Standard 2 1945

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000894
  • Item
  • 2013

Interview with Robbie Crawford-Brunt – Grade 2 – Standard 2 1945
Robbie was only at Marist Brothers for three years and left at the end of standard 2. He started school in
1943 and completed grade 1 and 2 in one year.
Tony Sonnenveldt was in his class whose family were Robbie’s neighbours. Robbie’s parents built a house
on the corner of Main (now Rivonia Road) and Empire Place, Sandhurst a block away from today’s
Sandton City. In those days it was out in the sticks on the edge of a housing development. The
Sonnenveldts lived opposite in Empire Place and Tony sometimes rode to school on a horse. Gallos of the
record company lived opposite in Main Road.
Robbie still has all his school reports as well as receipts for school fees. He also has some exam papers
from that period and a copy of a proposal to establish a Marist old boys club.
Robbie was happy and contented at Marist Brothers and doesn’t recall any bad times or unpleasant
JLE June 2013

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Darryl Jago 2006

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000753
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Darryl Jago – 2006
Darryl came to St David’s from Montrose primary school in 2000 going into grade 6. His older brother was
already at St David’s.
Initially he found the classrooms were much bigger than the ones he had been used to and they had a
strange platform which the teachers used. His first class teacher was Mrs Whitfield. The tuck-shop had a
wider variety of food and he found it interesting to be in a monastic set-up as opposed to the co-educational
environment of Montrose.
Darryl found it easy to make friends especially as Sebastian Ridley and Karabo Mooki had been assigned
the task of looking after him. Church was a very big thing especially coming from a school with no strong
religious affiliations and it became quite interesting. Darryl’s father was Protestant and his mother came
from an Anglican background.
Darryl loved the sport and participated in cricket, soccer, athletics – the 1500m. He also tried swimming but
soon acquired the nickname “Rocky” as he always sank to the bottom!
In grade 8 all the boys had to wear massive name tags, carry a rock around with them and perform different
drills until they passed the new boys exam. On reaching high school Darryl became a keen hockey player
and was a member of the U14A - captain, U15A - captain, U16A and 1st teams. He currently plays premier
league hockey and coached 1st prep school hockey and 2nd team high hockey whilst at university and whilst
teaching at St David’s. He also played cricket. He recalled that Alex Gitlin, master in charge of hockey was
tough to get on with but once Darryl understood his purpose he then related well to him. He was an
incredible geography teacher and the best school boy hockey coach around. Darryl will always remember
the excitement of being the first year to play on the Astro turf and wearing the white scarf of the 1st team.
Darryl also enjoyed the cultural aspect of the school and participated in the inter-house plays and being
involved with the likes of Kalil, Schneider, Lambert and Roszinski. He also enjoyed debating, played a role
in the school parliament. Champagnat Day was always special, so too being able to walk on the grass in
Deanne King developed Darryl’s passion for English and he enjoyed her classes, Willy Castle was
fantastic, and made him pick up litter even when he had a broken toe and couldn’t participate in athletics.
Paul Edey had a huge persona; he was an incredible man teaching History and guidance with fire and
passion. He commanded respect from the boys with ease. Darryl remembered the night bus ride to the
grade 8 camp at Glenmore and getting to know everyone. On that camp were Rod Smith, Graeme
Mcmillan, and Phil Andrew who made all the boys line up in the pouring rain. Rod Smith was one of the
best teachers Darryl ever had and recalls his enthusiastic rendering of the “Best of Bosman”.
Academically Darryl did well in the prep school being a year younger than his peers having come from
Natal where schooling starts earlier. However in the high school he really only began to focus again in
matric. Darryl saw the teachers in a different light towards the end of his matric year.
The matric dance had a “Troy” theme and was held at the Wanderers with the traditional after party and
many stories followed. The last day the boys organised a goat and tried to create a zoo, they also stole the
doorknobs of the downstairs classrooms, there was toilet paper everywhere and the inevitable waterballoons.
After the shirt signing, they all met at Cobblestones at Montecasino to celebrate. The following
week many of the boys were back asking for revision lessons to help with the exams.
After matriculating, Darryl began studying a BComm but soon recognised that he had a passion for the law
and transfered to the University of South Africa where he completed his LLB. He was then unsure which
career path to take and, whilst he was coaching at the prep school, Rick Wilson encouraged him to become
a teacher. In 2012 he embarked on a teaching internship with Lisa Hatfield and taught Life Orientation,
History and coached various sports in the senior primary.
He was then approached by a representative of Total with an offer of a legal internship which he couldn’t
refuse. He is being retained for one year as an advisor in the legal department and currently provides direct
legal support to the head of legal and the expatriate office. He is dealing with competition law matters,
general litigation, compliance projects and contract management. He is now signed up to join a big law firm
next year to go into private practice with Hogan Lovells. Law is constantly changing and Darryl finds the
situation both challenging and competitive.
Darryl has completed two post-graduate qualifications at the University of the Witwatersrand and will
complete four more this year, eventually converting these into a Masters degree. He will be specialising in
competition law, company law and labour law respectively.
Darryl feels that the time he spent at St David’s teaching helped him mature, refine his interpersonal skills,
improve his command of the English language. Without this he doubts that he would have had this
opportunity and potential for the future.
Darryl is still involved with MOBS and is passionate about his school although he probably won’t be able to
devote as much time to it as he would like in the future.
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Glenda Anderson 1974 - 2009 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000791
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Glenda Anderson – Staff – 1974 – 2009
Glenda originally started teaching in Cape Town at Wynberg Boys Junior where she taught Gr 2’s for 6
years. She then met and married Trevor in 1973 and moved to Johannesburg with him. They celebrated
their fortieth wedding anniversary in 2013.
After an interview with Br Anthony, Glenda was appointed to take over from Ann Mc Cann and began
teaching grade 4 in October 1974. There were four terms in those days, Br Anthony went on leave and Br
Mario stood in for him and took Glenda for a walk around the school premises.
Glenda enjoyed St David’s, everyone was very friendly and on her first day the headmistress, Mrs
Kempster told her not to worry about playground duty but Glenda ended up having her duty week at the
end of term. As all the boys were hyped up it proved to be not the most pleasant of duties.
The staffroom was next to Carol Ansell’s old classroom. Mrs Kempster’s office desk was there and a long
table went against the window and everyone had their allocated seat. It was all quite formal. Unfortunately
Glenda was given a middle seat and at her “first break” everyone had to get out so that she could get in.
Needless to say she learnt to be on time in future.
Glenda was qualified to teach up to grade 7 and had also specialised in infant school methods and in 1978
she moved down to grade 3 as junior primary which was her first love.
Glenda produced several prep school plays including Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island and the nativity plays
at the year end. Her husband Trevor wrote the scripts and the plays were performed around the swimming
pool. The stage was the three steps by the baby swimming pool. The angels were comprised of grade 1’s
and 2’s and the main cast grades 6 -7 and the choir with other children.
On the sporting side Glenda was teacher in charge of the prep tennis from 1978 to 1995 and was also a
committee member of the Southern Transvaal Primary Schools Tennis Association.
Champagnat Day was always special and before the construction of the new chapel the whole school went
by bus to Rosebank Church. In the early days there were none of the festivities that currently occur so the
children received a bun and a cool drink with everyone cramming into the hall which is now the high school
In 1995 she assumed the responsibility for training the first holy communion candidates as well as the
junior altar servers and considers this one of the most rewarding tasks undertaken until her retirement.
Together with her close friend Ann Hayward they completed and donated tapestries to the new chapel
which can be seen in the entrance portal.
After Mrs Kempster left Mr Manolios became headmaster but left when Mr Murphy was appointed
headmaster of the high school. Following this there was no headmaster in the prep school for some time
while Br Anthony, followed by Br Timothy, Messers Murphy, Frielick and Boswell and then Mrs Elliott for 9
months was in the position in the high school. There was an uncomfortable imbalance between the prep
and the high school, Br Timothy having previously indicated that the high school teachers were not to
fraternise with those of the prep school. The prep staffs weren’t allowed into the high school staff room
having their own staff room in the grade 4-5 block or art room where the chapel is today.
Things changed when Mr Davies became high school headmaster and Mr Royce prep school headmaster
in 1989. Greg Royce was young, in his mid-thirties, from St Martin’s in the south of Johannesburg. He was
very dynamic with lots of ideas and was up to date with all things international. He introduced Kumon into
the syllabus, the first school to do so in South Africa. David Spence was the prep school deputy
headmaster and put Royce’s good ideas into action. Glenda was placed in charge of Kumon to administer it
and involved the parents without making it too onerous. The children worked with it quite well in the
beginning but it eventually had to be watered down and made more flexible with time. The new leader in
Japan told the SA agent that the children had to achieve the precise times and were only allowed to make
so many mistakes. In the end it didn’t work as SA children were not the same as the Japanese children and
could not be so rigid. Repetition was good but Glenda had to adapt the system to help but didn’t stick to the
time limits as she found that the children became frustrated and disheartened.
In 1995 Paul Edey arrived as the newly appointed high school headmaster and Greg Royce left at the end
of the first term to take up the position of headmaster of St Peter’s Prep. Mrs Schaafsma also left in August
1995 and Rick Wilson was appointed as headmaster of the prep. Glenda was promoted to head of the
junior primary department replacing Mrs Schaafsma, and was then appointed director in 2004. The building
of the grade 0 Block at the paddock commenced and Glenda introduced a bridging class for grades 1-2 and
2-3.The children came out of class for the first two hours of the school day until break. Glenda also started
the grade 00 in 2006 which comprised of only two classes of 18 children because there was also an entry
point in grade 0 for children.
During most of Glenda’s time, the board of governors were rather like a secret society that no-one knew
anything about. Willy Castle was always trying to introduce them to the staff but they weren’t even in the
yearbook and it was only when Paul Edey and Kevin Brewer came that they became more visible.
Glenda has some tremendous memories but was not prepared to single out any particular pupils, because
to her, each pupil was special in his own way. She and Trevor were involved with the 50 year celebrations
and she was chairman of the committee involved organising the events. Glenda and Trevor were on the
PTA committee helping with the fundraising and annual fireworks events from 1990 until she retired in

  1. From the beginning of 2010 Glenda was involved in the research for this book that is to be published
    in 2016 in conjunction with St David’s 75th anniversary; however, she and Trevor retired to Mossel Bay in
    March 2011 and she was no longer able to participate in this project.
    JLE January 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Rob Berti 1976

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000893
  • Item
  • 2014

Interview with Robert Berti - 1976
Rob was originally a pupil at Observatory having emigrated from Italy with his family in August 1972 at the
age of 14. He was initially a boarder in standard 6 but, when the family was more established and had a
home in Bryanston, he and his brother came to St David’s as day boys, Rob into standard 7 and his brother
into standard 6 . Rob believes that he learnt a lot of English whilst in boarding 24\7 with boys from many
other countries such as the Congo, Zambia and Angola.
Rob recalls that Brother Anthony was the headmaster until he left in 1975 and Brother Timothy “Tin Man”
took over. Br Anthony was a legend and when he snapped his fingers you jumped!
Rob’s first impression of St David’s was that he felt quite comfortable and didn’t have to struggle. However,
it was not easy dealing with a new language but after about 6 months Rob says he began to think in
English. He studied Italian in standard 7, 8 and 9 but gave it up in matric although he did write it as one of
his subjects.
Rob participated in sport playing rugby, athletics and tennis. He had never played rugby before but the
coach put him in the back line telling him he would learn quickly. Rob was quick on his feet which was an
Athletics was his main love the 100m, 200m, 100m Hurdles and 400m relay. Those were the days when
athletics was big with the inter-catholic schools and against schools such as Parktown Boys, KES and St
Stithians. Rob really enjoyed athletics and remembers a time when hundreds of boys were competing at
the Wanderers in a stadium that no longer exists. Athletics was compulsory when it came to inter-house
Rob played rugby 2nd team and was promoted to the 1st team in standard 8. He was awarded an honours
blazer for tennis. He has memories of playing in the U15 rugby team against St Stithians when a boy from
the opposing team kicked him in the face and concussed him. He came around swearing, and then only
realised that Br Anthony was standing over him. Br Anthony told him to “take it easy”. On another occasion
he was running the 400m against KES, a very competitive school. He was neck and neck with a boy from
KES who broke just before the finishing line with Rob then in first place. It was a highlight in Rob’s athletic
career. A similar thing happened during the 100m hurdles in an inter-Catholic athletics meeting when a boy
from CBC hit the last hurdle giving Rob the lead. Another major event was that In Rob’s matric year St
David’s beat KES’s water polo team.
Academically Rob never really struggled and was awarded colours for academics. Biology was his best
subject which he believes he owes to Mr Carew who had a different teaching approach and got the best out
of the boys. Rob just got pipped for the Biology prize. Rob auditioned for “The Merchant of Venice” and
remembers Mrs Eliott just laughing,he was not included in the play.
There were no camps in those days but Bill Carew organised trips with about 12 boys to Naboomspruit
when they would go into the bush. Teachers he remembers well are Bill Carew, Mr Lipschitz – Maths, and
Mr Maritz – Geography who used to wear steel tips on his shoes and didn’t take any nonsense from
anyone; Br Mario – Science, a nice guy; Mrs Elliott – English, who was a legend in her own right with a
broad Scottish accent like Br Anthony.
Rob was also awarded colours for merit and was a member of College house.
After matriculating Rob went to Wits University to study engineering. He survived one year before being
kicked out. He then went on to the Technicon where worked for his Higher National Diploma in
Engineering. He felt that the tech was more hands on in its approach with a wide syllabus and proved to be
more practical. He has been in engineering for the past 30 years and is involved with the family business,
his father having bought the business in 1976 and Rob joined in 1983. He wasn’t required to do army
service as he was an Italian citizen but he did volunteer for the air force and was a police reservist for 10
Rob has had 3 sons educated at St David’s, Nicolas (2005) and Michael (2007) with the last, Matthew
writing his matric this year. He also has nephews in Grade 0 and 00 and hopes his family will continue to be
connected with St David’s in the future. He is a member of MOBS and attends most of the rugby matches
including the recent notable math against St John’s when the boys asked him to please contribute with his
usual bellows!
JLE September 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Peter Wharton-Hood 1983

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000882
  • Item
  • 2014

Peter Wharton-Hood – 1983
In 1977 Peter came from Clifton Preparatory, Durban to St David’s into standard 4 as Peter’s father had
been transferred by Liberty Life to Johannesburg. Peter would never forget his first day being interviewed
by George Manolios and his impression of the school was of a pristine, big and beautiful place.
His first teachers included Mrs Kenesovitch; Heather Joseph who all the boys were in love with and of
course Willy Castle. Peter did well academically winning many subject prizes in the prep.
Other pupils he was friendly with at the time were Andrew Forsmann; Mark Forsmann; Mark Attieh; Garth
Ritchie; Duncan Senior and teachers in the high school were Mr Walsh who taught Maths; Tom
MacFadden a brilliant History teacher, there were 12 in his class and 10 got A’s in matric; Mr P Colia –
Maths; Mr Boswell – Afrikaans; Gavin Neft the Afrikaans teacher who had a great swing when hitting the
boys and Sven Retslaf.
Brother Anthony was around for a while in 1982 and Br Timothy (Tin Man) was headmaster until 1981.The
changes in the leadership of the school from 1982 with first Mr Murphy, then Mr Freilick as headmaster
created chaos in the school with Peter’s class became fragmented being in the epicentre.
The sport was brilliant and Peter was fortunate to play in the Transvaal schools cricket side and was
captain of the 1st XI in 1983. Peter also played 1st team rugby in 1982 and 1983 and was a member of the
Debating team in 1983, led by Mrs Trudie Elliot. Peter also went with a group of boys to assist at the
squatter camp in Slough, Kuruman which was run by Br Anthony.
Peter recalls many memorable school tours, among them the junior school cricket tour to the Eastern Cape
and the rugby tour to St Charles, Durban. He was a member of the provincial cricket team in the prep,
played in the Coca Cola week and Beckwith week with the U15’s but missed Nuffield.
Peter was awarded colours for cricket and rugby and received 6 A’s with distinction in matric. He was also
elected deputy head boy. Peter believes that he owes a huge debt to St David’s and couldn’t have had a
better start in life, it’s what shaped him as a person giving him a balanced , religious upbringing with a
strong academic base accompanied by the discipline to play sport as well. The school was ideally suited
to Peter and the times that the country was going through. Peter feels strongly that he was blessed to have
had the chance to attend such a school. St David’s also enabled him to discern the right choice of career
having undergone an aptitude test in standard 9, he was initially thinking of becoming a doctor or an
actuary but the test came out strongly in favour of accountancy.
It was a tough school to grow up in and getting caned was part of the deal. Some of the boys used to put
notches in their ties every time they were caned, a bit of a status symbol. There were many funny moments
but Peter won’t mention them in order to protect the guilty parties!
Peter believes that he was assisted through scholarships in some shape or form whilst he was at St David’s
and feels he repaid his debt by lecturing at Wits on a part-time basis from 1989 until 1999 and is currently a
trustee on the Chartered Accountants’ Eden Trust.
After matriculating, Peter went to Wits University to write a BComm then Hons, followed by a CTA and CA
(SA). He completed his articles with Price Waterhouse then, in 1987 he went to Harvard as part of the
advanced management programme. He then became the Edcon group financial executor and in 1997
moved on to Standard Bank as financial director of the Standard Corporate and Merchant Banking division
of Standard Bank and ended up as the group deputy chief executive and chief operating officer of the
Standard Bank Group and a member of the board of directors of Liberty Life and the Standard Bank Group.
In 2013 he was appointed chief executive of Deutsche Bank SA.
Peter was involved with corporate outreach activities through Standard Bank which was the biggest single
contributor to a broad based BBE company Tutuwa and Deutsche Bank is involved with the SA Foundation.
Peter is a member of MOBS, last visited the school in 2003 for the fireworks, is married to Sarah and has
two daughters, Emily born 1999 and Beatrice 2003. Had he had sons they would most certainly have
attended St David’s.
Peter is keen to become more involved with the school, business commitments allowing.
JE October 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Matthew Schneider 2002

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000846
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  • 2014

Interview with Mathew Schneider – 2002
Matthew came to St David’s from Grayston Preparatory in 2002 into grade 8. He was the first generation of
the Schneider family at St David’s.
He remembers lining up in the quad next to the smelly ablution block, the matrics seemed huge and he
knew only two other boys from Grayston. He knew no one in his class and his introduction to a boy’s school
was a fight which broke out between two boys during an English lesson.
Matthew went to the Grade 8 camp to Babanangu. It was an overnight trip with the boys sleeping on the
bus, some in the luggage racks and some on the floor.
Matthew enjoyed the sport immensely and was a member of College house with Yvette Snyman as
housemaster. In grade 8 and 9 he played cricket, rugby and athletics. At the end of grade 9 he moved from
cricket to water polo and was a member of the team up until matric. He was a member of 1st team rugby, A
team athletics, A team swimming and 1st team water polo. The U15 rugby team did really well and Matthew
recalled the first year that St David’s was invited to participate in the 10 Schools Gala which was held at
Wits University. He remembers the early morning training the friendship and camaraderie.
Academically Matthew was average as he was too busy on the sports field and didn’t enjoy studying. He
was awarded an honours blazer for leadership, sport and merit and was selected to be a prefect.
The teachers who really stood out were Phil Andrew, Yvette Snyman, Dianne Webb, Teresa Voorendyk,
Brad Ireland and Marius Buys.
Of all the camps that Matthew participated in the grade 11 camp at the “Spirit of Adventure Camp” in the
Magaliesburg was the most memorable. They were the first St David’s boys to go there and it has become
a regular camp ever since.
Matthew made some really good friends who he still sees on a regular basis, they are really deep seated
Matthew is passionate about St David’s and loves coaching. He enjoyed his high school career and thought
that Paul Edey was a great headmaster.
After matriculating, Matthew went to UJ and studied for a BComm Sports Management. He continued to
play rugby for Pirates for another 5 -6 years which he thoroughly enjoyed.
After graduating he went into sales for 2-3 years which he didn’t enjoy. He contacted Shane Gaffney and
started his internship at St David’s in 2010 studying for 2 years through Unisa for his post graduate
certificate in Education. He loves teaching and is happy at St David’s. He currently teaches Accountancy to
grades 8 and 9 and Business Studies to Grades 10 – 12. His mentors were Shane Gaffney, Alan Redfern
and Alex Gitlin all who have moved on to become deputy headmasters elsewhere.
Matthew is a member of MOBS and plays in their water polo team.
JLE February 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Charles Fontaine 1966 (Standard 8)

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000733
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  • 2014

Interview with Charles Fontaine – 1966 (Standard 8)
Charles first came to St David’s in 1953 into grade 1 at the age of 5. He was a day boy and was living in
temporary accommodation with his family in the Rondavels on the corner of Boundary and Fricker Roads.
Charles’s father was Catholic and his mother Anglican.
He recalled his first day walking with his mother to school and an hour and half later running back home.
Needless to say he had to return and was very happy after that initial hiccup. Miss Brick was his grade 1
teacher and was extremely strict. Charles also remembers Mrs Kempster who also taught him. Mrs
Janusch was a dragon who was also extremely strict and rapped the boys on the knuckles with a ruler if
they displeased her.
Charles has memories of Brother Pius who looked after the really beautiful and magnificent gardens. Br
Edwin was the headmaster and Br Anthony from 1960. Charles was also taught by Br Timothy and Br
Vincent. Charles enjoyed Arithmetic as it was made very interesting. He has fond memories of matron
Buckley-Jones who was so sympathetic and kind to all the boys.
In the prep, Charles enjoyed the sport playing cricket, soccer, was involved with athletics, swimming and
bicycle polo during the holidays! The boarders’ dormitories overlooked the school swimming pool and the
boarders sometimes jumped into the pool from the windows on the first floor.
Athletics meetings were sometimes embarrassing especially if you were running last in full view of all the
boys and their parents. On one occasion Charles was training for the hurdles, wearing Mike Larkin’s spikes,
hurdled the wrong way and broke his arm. Mike and John Larkin were also pupils at the school; Mike had
poor eyesight and couldn’t drive because of this. He was in the law faculty at Wits University at one stage
and thereafter at UCT. Sadly he was murdered in Cape Town in the vicinity of UCT.
Mass was held regularly and, on special occasions like Champagnat Day, in the chapel which was very
homely with beautiful statues. Charles was also part of the choir in the production of “HMS Pinafore”.
Most of the day boys parked their bikes at the large bicycle shed which was reconstructed in 1955.
Charles’s worst moment at the school when he was involved in a fight on the slope near the tennis courts
with other boys around egging them on. He had never been involved in any other fights and didn’t enjoy
this one.
Charles was amongst the boys of the first standard 6 class to occupy the new block of classrooms next to
the new chapel. He moved into the other wing where Br Anthony’s office was when he was promoted to
high school. He liked Br Anthony whom he regarded as an incredible person. Charles was very impressed
when, at the 20th anniversary reunion, Br Anthony remembered both himself and his brother by name..
Sadly, in 1962 Charles had to leave to go to St Aidan’s, Grahamstown as his father felt that there were too
many non-Catholics at St David’s. Charles didn’t want to leave but his father had made the decision and he
had to adhere to his father’s wishes.
After matriculating, Charles went into the Navy to complete his military service based with the Naval
Gymnasium at Saldhana Bay in 1967. In 1968 he enrolled for a BComm at Wits University and qualified as
a chartered accountant with a post-graduate diploma in Business Information Systems.. He is currently a
partner with Harris, Dowden and Fontaine, having previously been a partner at Price Waterhouse and
manages the audit for St David’s and a number of schools. Charles is married to Elizabeth and they have
three sons, James, Christopher and Peter.
Charles is a member of MOBS
JLE March 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with John Hilton 1997

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000818
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  • 2014

Interview with John Hilton – 1997
John joined St David’s in standard 6, 1993, coming from a government co-ed school, he was at first
overwhelmed by the discipline and having to wear a blazer. The Lacey brothers, Christopher and Alastair
also arrived at the same time.The first few days were interesting and he recalled meeting his best friend
Michael Muller at the pool.
The boys were taught to be men following the school’s motto “Comfortare esto Vir”: take courage and be a
Of the teachers John remembers Gary Norton as being a disciplinarian, Mrs Geldenhuys the Science
teacher, Mrs Marais, Afrikaans and Graeme McMillan who was a good hockey player, Rod Smith
ousemaster of Osmund, Richard Girdwoood, English who was a legend, Neil Mitchell, Religious Education.
John didn’t make life easy for himself, and together with Johnathan Nel wrote a couple of plays for
Osmund, parodies and satires which didn’t please Father Brewer or Paul Edey at all. In his matric year
they wrote “Snow White and the Seven Boers”. They wrote and produced the “SA Natiivity in grade 11 and
were awarded the best play and John the best producer.
The school was relatively small and John remembers the rugby matches against other bigger schools
which were great fun and St David’s always took a beating. Swimming was John’s summer sport and he
umpired cricket and played hockey in the winter. The trip on the train on alternate years to St Andrews,
Bloemfontein must have been a nightmare for the teachers to handle all the boys and the shenanigans they
got up to.
John enjoyed the cultural trip to Europe at the age of 17 with a bunch of his mates touring in a semi Kontiki
style trip.
John was made a prefect halfway through the year, together with Darryl Eames in 1997 and was captain of
1st team hockey in standard 9 and matric and played for the provincial C team. At that time there were only
41 boys in matric. John also participated in public speaking and debating and was a member of parliament
in 1996. He was awarded colours for hockey and a cultural tie for oratory and a scroll for drama. He was
part of a team which won the Microsoft Web Design Competition in 1996
After matriculating, John studied Informatics at RAU working afterwards as an IT consultant for a long time.
However, he is now working for a conservation trust, the Wild Bird Trust on a project in the Okavango,
Botswana. He is also very involved with an Eastern Cape project growing and planting indigenous fruit
trees together with the local population.
John joined the MOBS committee straight after leaving school. The committee didn’t have the full
endorsement of the school at the time but Adriano and John developed the MOBS data base. Darko Vidas
and Chris Busschau were also on the committee which didn’t even have a quorum so it is encouraging to
see the growth in MOBS.
John is still a member of MOBS and would send any son of his own to St David’s.
JLE November 2014

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Paul Edey 1995 - 2006 Staff

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000872
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  • 2016

Interview with Paul Edey 1995 – 2006
Paul Edey was appointed as college headmaster during 1994 to start in January 1995. He had
previously taught at St John’s College and King Edward VII School, where he was a viceprincipal.
The search for a new head to take over from P Davies was led by Tony Frost, head of
human resources at Lonhro,and a colleague of the chairman of the board,Terence Wilkinson.
1994 had been a difficult year for the school with the board conducting a survey which had
resulted in the headmaster, Paul Davies, stepping down. The deputy head, Gary Norton, acted
as head for eight months with Paul Davies continuing to live at Mary Knoll for 7 months and only
moving out in the December of 1994. The school was battling financially and had endured a
succession of lay headmasters in the college following the last Marist Brother, Brother Timothy
Mc Krindle ( (1967-81) South Africa was in a state of flux with the first free and democratic
elections resulting in Nelson Mandela coming to power in April 1994. The relationship between
the prep school , which was thriving and successful and the college which was battling for
numbers was poor
Paul’s biggest challenges were to win the confidence of the prep school and the parents to
encourage them to send their sons to the high school rather than local rivals St Stithians and St
John’s College. In 1995 sixty four boys were admitted into grade 8 and split into three classes.
Some of the top prep boys had been awarded scholarships to rival senior schools, but for the
first time in many years the numbers were up in the college. The school wrote the Transvaal
education department matriculation examination (TED) and the results were generally
undistinguished. There were 267 boys in the High School in 1995 with Michael von
Guilleaume,head boy and Jeremy Wickens, deputy, leading a small but very talented matric
Although Anglican, Paul made doubly sure that the Catholic ethos remained and strengthened.
The numbers picked up from 1996 with a small but stable staff of 18 with some very strong
teachers such as Lesley Henning (HOD Maths), Belinda Marais (HOD Afrikaans), Richard
Girdwood (English and senior housemaster) and Rod Smith, former headmaster of Sandown
High School. We were very fortunate to have a very successful rugby team in 1995 with the side
winning 18 out of 19 matches and going on a very rewarding tour of Australia to round off the
season. Of interest was the fact that the touring squad had 5 boys in it from Jabulani Technical
High School in Soweto whose tour was paid for through the fundraising efforts of the St David’s
community. 1996 was a very weak year academically but the numbers were increasing and
things were looking up.
Rick Wilson was appointed head of the prep at the beginning of 1996. He took over from the
very successful and charismatic Greg Royce, who had left in the middle of 1995 to become
headmaster of St Peter’s Preparatory. The senior school suffered a blow at the end of 1996
when the loyal and hardworking deputy headmaster Gary Norton left to take up the headship of
Oakhill School in Knysna. Pete Geldenhuys, Andrew Brownlee, Greg Lamb and Richard
Girdwood, all four housemasters left during the course of 1996. In one year the entire college
management team apart from the head and bursar had left. Malcolm Williams, an old friend and
colleague of Paul’s from Wits and King Edward’s, was appointed as the deputy head during

  1. A number of other colleagues from the King Edward’s days joined the staff with Simon Fry
    and Stuart Foulds coming in as the heads of department of History and English respectively.
    Teresa Vroom became the librarian.
    Critically, at this time Kevin Brewer became chairman of the board and together with the school
    management team and the support of the Marist Brothers an exciting development plan was put
    together for the school. Under the leadership of Bill Carter and Gerrit Wessels of the
    architectural firm Taljaard Carter, this was to result in the complete redevelopment of the school
    over the next decade. The development plan covered a 10 year period. In 1997 the grade O
    block was built and the high school pavilion replaced the long serving zozo hut from which tea at
    sports fixtures had been served. For years the long suffering mother’s committee, under the
    extremely capable leadership of Mary von Guilleaume, had complained how the cream scones
    and cakes had gone sour in the heat of the summer. These developments were followed by 6
    new classrooms, the redevelopment of the quadrangle, the amphitheatre and the Champagnat
    hall. Two new libraries, a music school and a design and technology centre were to follow in
    quick succession when the astroturf and the new car park were developed the school was
    almost unrecognisable from its rustic appearance of the mid 1990’s. The school borrowed R12m
    with an unsecured loan from Standard Bank after Br Jude and Kevin Brewer went to see Myles
    Ruck. It has to be noted that there was some uncertainty over tenure as the land and buildings
    belonged to the Marist Brothers and all major capital projects over R500 000 had to be
    approved by Rome.
    Over the next seven years the numbers in the senior school increased to 500 and there were
    now more applicants than places. Scholarships were offered to top children which culminated in
    2001 when Garth Horsten, Kyle Wales, Jean Paulo Peirera were in the top 50 IEB matrics for
    that year. The sport showed steady improvement under the leadership of Graeme McMillan with
    cricket in particular able to compete against the top state and independent schools. Hockey was
    driven by Malcolm Williams and the school had reasonably good rugby sides. The prep was
    also very strong in athletics, soccer and swimming., this began to have important spin –offs for
    the college.
    Father Brewer died in 1999, the boys adored him, he was always on the sports field or
    backstage providing support to the boys, but he hated authority and didn’t like headmasters!
    The school was now being headed up by non-Catholics and there was a lot of talk about ethos.
    The brothers started the pilgrimage to France and Rome in order to give lay school
    administrators and teachers a feel for, and understanding, of the Marist ethos and charism.
    It was comforting to have brothers at the school as a buffer against the board which became
    increasingly secular. The school was now being run in a far more business-like manner, but it
    was essential that the Marist ethos be maintained, something which was quite difficult given its
    location in the richest business centre on the african continent.
    Kevin Brewer had had the time and energy to really set the school development plan on its way
    and at the same time to keep a close eye on the finances. He was followed as chairman by
    Tony Reilly, Eric Annegarn, and Tony Chappel. Certainly the board and PTA had some very
    strong people like the Brocco’s, Emmanuels, O’Shea, Busschau, Van Linden families and
    Trevor and Glenda Anderson played a major role. The characters on the staff were Anderson,
    Ansell, Joseph, Castle and Marais.
    Paul was made executive head (CEO) in 2002 which was motivated by Kevin Brewer. Paul had
    been head for 7 years and had started looking around elsewhere to further his career. With
    numbers around 1,100 the school had to think about where it was going next with the building
    having largely been completed. Hence the idea of a super head to deal with the CIE, brothers,
    and JOCASCO and to build up the Foundation office. In the first year of the new headship there
    was no deputy, or clarity on Paul’s role. It was a difficult period for Paul and his great friend
    Malcolm Williams, who was appointed as head of the high school as the new roles were
    established. Malcolm was studying for his Master’s in Education and initially had no deputy until
    the appointment of David Smith to the role.
    Paul seldom interfered with the prep school and only when there was flack did he get involved.
    The prep probably got limited value from the new structure. The philosophy behind the
    appointment of a non teacher in the CEO role was that Mike Greeff brought experience of
    strategic planning, HR, and financial skills with him. He was adept at handling the non- teaching
    aspects of school administration.
    The admin staff Paul recalled were the bursar Malcom Smit, the charming and efficient pair of
    June Anderson (college secretary) and Lindsay Van Heerden, head’s secretary, Genny
    Carvalho, Audrey Williams, Mary von Guilleaume, Sister Mary Ryan and Willem van der Merwe
    and his great team on the grounds George Ndlovu, Big Julius Shivambu, Thomas Ramutsindela
    and of course the long serving Phineas Selima and Julius Shibambu (Zimbabwean) who had
    worked in the brothers dining room for years, deceased who worked for the school for 45 years.
    Paul mentioned that the book written by Margeurite Poland “The Boy in You” about the history
    of St Andrew’s College sold for R450 per copy when it was published in 2008 and a limited
    edition of 100 leather bound copies sold for R5000.
    Paul is currently headmaster of St John’s College.
    JE 2016

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Mike Greeff Staff 2006 - 2015

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000854
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Mike Greeff – Staff - 2006 to 2015
Before joining St David’s in 2006 as chief executive officer, Mike worked in the banking sector for 20 years
before running his own consulting company specialising in development finance mainly in South Africa,
Eastern Europe and Africa. Mike enjoyed his business which was very successful and identified NGO’s or
groupings that banks would not consider and, under the auspices of Shore Bank, (Chicago) would
guarantee loans with the backing of the US government.
Whilst in the banking sector, Mike ran leadership camps for grade 11 to matric boys through the auspices
of Rotary. As a matriculant and head prefect at Parktown Boys, Mike had attended one of these camps
himself and eventually his boss at the time asked him if he would get involved. Mike also saw this as a
form of outreach through his own company and also his old school. Some of the youngsters who attended
the camps asked him to come and speak at pupil development workshops such as the one he was involved
with at St David’s. Whilst running his own company he continued with this as a form of personal corporate
outreach. This extended to working with staff at schools and several strategic planning workshops.
In early 2000 Paul Edey and Kevin Brewer asked Mike if he would facilitate a staff planning session at St
David’s and look at a restructuring programme for the school management. In 2005 Paul Edey called him
again and asked him if he would do an intervention to assess the success of the restructuring programme
and at the same time told him he was resigning and suggested that perhaps Mike should consider applying
for the position of chief executive officer.
Mike then recused himself from the intervention process and recalls meeting with Tony Chappel, the then
chairman of the board on a Saturday in May 2006.
Mike was not a Marist pupil himself but was a practicing catholic and his grandparents had been managers
of the Maristonian club at Woodmead. Mike’s mother was brought up there and loved everything Marist.
Unfortunately Mike’s parents were not in a position to be able to send him to St David’s and he went the
public school route but always had a very strong association with the Marists. Hs mother sadly passed
away the day before Mike met with Tony Chappel and he regrets not being able to tell her about the
planned meeting. Mike then went through a set of interviews with Br Jude, Mrs Sealand and others and
eventually began his career at St David’s in September 2006 and has never regretted it.
Mike’s involvement with the Marist Brothers was key to his move into education and he qualified as a
teacher shortly after coming to St David’s; all his prior qualifications being commercial degrees. There were
many different issues he was tasked to deal with and, apart from the absolute strengthening of the Marist
link with the brothers and the rest of the Marist world; these included risk and governance; strategy and
ethos. St David’s was and still is a Marist catholic independent school. Mike’s dream is that boys currently
at the school will still have, in twenty years time a Marist school which is relevant to the times to which they
can send their children.
Shortly before he died Br Anthony expressed the opinion that St David’s was more Marist then than when
the brothers were running the school purely because the lay Marists running the schools are so acutely
aware of their responsibilities inherited from legions of Marist brothers who laid the foundations.
St David’s performance is being acknowledged in education and catholic education circles with many
members of staff being leaders in the educational environment having positions within the IEB, ISASA, the
Catholic Schools Office etc . Br Jude was instrumental and brave in his support and encouragement of lay
teachers and staff.
Mike is very proud of how vibrant MOBS has become with a combination of both younger and older MOBS
working together with Willy Castle in the chair.
The Foundation has grown with Chantal Ratcliffe being the right person at the right time followed now by
Lara Klement with whom the development has continued and flourished with a Marist perspective. Mike is
intimately involved with the running of the Foundation which is now far beyond where it started and has
moved to a different level of maturity. Lara has done an incredible job supported by Thierry Dalais, Rob
Smith, Tony Chappell, Gianni Mariano and with Br Jude at the very heart of it.
Mike is currently chairman of the African Law and Brothers Commission which covers the entire African
continent and he reports to Br Javier who in turn runs the secretariat of the laity in Rome. Br Joe originally
asked Mike to represent Southern Africa at the first meeting of this body.
Mike has set in place a good financial management structure with the school being run along business lines
but not as a business, with both schools being directed by the two headmasters and their staff. The school
is currently in a good place and Mike feels that Rod Smith summed it up well in his retirement speech when
he said, “On our day we will beat anyone but we are too small to be arrogant”. The school is in a healthy
space but that can change overnight, it has to be maintained and sustained. Its strength lies in the numbers
with people doing what they are good at, who are passionate about what they do and educating within the
Marist ethos.
Mike currently enjoys a little bit of teaching in guest slots with the grade 8’s through to matric, and is also
involved with staff development assisting with the induction of new staff and is fully involved on a pastoral
level with both headmasters.
2016, Willy Castle will be playing an active role and Mike is confident that what we celebrate in 2016 will be
celebrated in the same vein in another 25 years time with a golden thread running through it.
Mike feels that it has been a privilege for him to live at Maryknoll and to be part of the school for the past 10
Mike has, as from 1 March 2015 been appointed director of the Marist Schools Council.
JLE January 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Mark Reeves 1983

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000841
  • Item
  • 2016

Interview with Mark Reeves – 1983
Mark began his school career at St David’s in 1973, starting in standard 1, after moving from
Sandown Primary which was located where Sandton City now stands. At the age of 5, he
remembers being the swimming team mascot for College house at the inter-house gala,
dressed as a sword bearing sheik. The aftercare is now situated where this swimming pool once
was located.
He has fond memories of Miss Joseph, Miss Jamieson (Ansell), Mrs Anderson, Mrs Scaafsma
and Mrs Napier, all of whom taught him in junior school. Mrs Kempster was headmistress and
had a crooked index finger, causing confusion as to who she was actually pointing at, while you
were being scolded.
The brothers were still very active in teaching and coaching sport at this time. Mark remembers
being taught at some stage of his senior years by Brother’s Timothy, Bernard, Richard,
Christopher and Anthony. Senior school was where you gained your foundation and became
part of the Marist family.
Memorable advice came from Br Anthony when he said “Do not feel guilty for your privileged
lives, because if it wasn’t for compassionate and generous privileged people the poor would
have nothing”.
Strong teachers like Brother Anthony, Mr Collier, Mr Boswell, Mrs Elliot and Mr McFadden,
made a huge impact on those senior school years. Mark remembers Mr Collier, a remarkable
teacher and coach, who was very religious and well respected by all the boys, especially for his
caring attitude to all. He took them on retreat to Kuruman where Br Anthony and Br Christopher
hosted the boys during school holidays.
During the last two years of Mark’s schooling career at St David’s he had 3 Headmasters, Mr
Murphy, Br Anthony and Mr Frielick. Mr Murphy was a tower of a man and his wrestling career
was the best kept secret amongst the boys. Mark recalls lifting Mr Murphy above his head at
rugby trials in standard 9 and was rewarded with a place in the 1st rugby team for his effort. Tim
Marnewick was chairman of the school board of governors and a strong supporter of the Marist
Classmates who he remembers well are Peter Wharton-Hood, an intellectual genius, who often
assisted the teachers after proving them wrong and who also was a talented sportsman.
Duncan Senior, who mirrored these attributes. Andrew Forsmann, a great all rounder, and the
long line of Forsmann’s who attended St David’s and who owned Kyalami Ranch, a memorable
recreational facility for them all.
He remembers Karl Ortel, who during his matric year at St. David’s fought 20 fights in 21 days
to win the Golden Gloves World Boxing Tournament. Corado Annicello who achieved Springbok
colours in judo. Kamsisi Nyirenda, the Malawian ambassador’s son, who in the black & white
class photo, due to his dark complexion, blended into the background with only his white teeth,
the white of his eye’s and collar visible. Solly Maponya,who had a BMW in standard 6 and who
was a great driver, especially to parties. Other good friends who are now very successful
businessmen include Sven Retzlaff and Roy Perlman, property developers, Mark Atier a cellular
industry entrepreneur, Mark Rosewitz a top legal adviser and Jason Askew, who has become a
famous Anglo-Boer war artist. “There are so many success stories of individual classmates from
his year and he is very proud to have been associated with them all”..
Mark was honoured to have been elected as head prefect in 1983. He was captain of the school
swimming and water polo teams, and was captain of College House. He was awarded colours
for rugby, swimming and water polo, and received a merit scroll for leadership. He played 1st
team rugby and was a member of the athletics team, for field events, but banned from hurdles
for breaking multiple crossbars! He also received an academic scroll and a distinction for History
in matric
After leaving St David’s Mark studied a BA in Education and together with his brother, Alan, also
head prefect of St. David’s in 1977, started a well known photographic business. They have had
the good fortune of working together for over 33 years and are now involved in multiple building
hardware and paint retail outlets.
Mark served St. David’s on the board of governors, was chairman of the development
committee and an active member of the PTA. He still serves as a member of the old boys
committee. Mark is married to Carol-Anne and has a son Stephen and daughter Kirsty.
JLE May 2016

Egenrieder, Julie

Interview with Leonard O'Haughey 1967

  • ZA ZAR STDS 202000834
  • Item
  • 2015

Interview with Leonard O’Haughey – 1967
Len came from the Rosebank Convent, which he attended for grades 1 and 2, to St David’s in 1958 going
into standard 1. He, very soon after his arrival, earned the nickname “Chick” as within a couple of weeks
he came down with mumps but the boys thought he had chickenpox – hence the origins of his nickname
which has stayed with him ever since. Len was a day boy and cycled to and from school.
Of the teachers he remembers Mrs Kempster as being a battleaxe and the boys were terrified of her; Br
Andrew (Drac) who coached cricket and loved you if you played the game; Mrs Buchan who taught History
in matric; Br Andrew the acting headmaster whilst Br Anthony was away. The boys gave Mrs Buchan a
terrible time and one day she walked out of her class, Br Andrew then took over and made all the boys line
up with Rohan Erleigh being first in line to receive 4 whacks of the cane! There was Mrs Janusch; Mrs
Knesovitch who he didn’t get on with, Miss Owen who was young, blonde and beautiful then from standard
7 onwards there were a variety of teachers including Br Liam; Br Bosco (now Mario); Mrs Buckle; Mr
Pretorius; Br Andrew. Mr Drummond-Bell who used to constantly tell the boys to “Stand together boys” and
as a result Len and Derrick Schoombie are called the “Marist Boys” when playing golf together.
Len felt that the school was good for him. His parents had very little money and the brothers let his mother
pay whatever she could afford at the time. It was never an issue for him whilst he was at the school. The
families of his pals Derrick Schoombie and Anthony Rezek were also very good to him and he remains
friends with both of them to this day.
Len remembers spending a holiday helping with planting up the fields when the property next door was
Len played a lot of sport and never really worked at the academics but had a lot of fun. He was an altar boy
and commented that he never experienced anything untoward with any of the brothers in all the time he
was at the school. Len played one game of 1st team rugby but played mainly for the 2nd team; played
cricket from standard 8 to 10 and became involved with athletics as a runner. He was secretary of senior
soldality and a senior officer in the cadets, was made a prefect and was awarded scrolls for athletics and
cricket. He recalls partnering Ronnie Van t’Hof in the school’s tennis doubles championship against Colin
Dowdeswell and Mike Raymond who were very good tennis players. All Len could do was serve and leave
the rest to Ronnie. It was one of his greatest triumphs.
Len was always vying against authority and his son James followed in his footsteps. Both his sons James
(1996) and Deane (1998) came to St David’s from grade 0 until matric. Len won the cross country event in
1967 and his son won in 1995 but didn’t compete in matric and so didn’t carry on the family tradition. Whilst
Paul Edey was headmaster, James was captain 1st team rugby and always in trouble, a rebel and Len first
met Paul when he was about to expel his son.
Len took the girl who eventually married Mike Smith to the matric dance wearing white socks! He received
his prefects scroll that evening.
Len believes that St David’s was good to him coming as he did from a disjointed family and other families in
the St David’s community were very kind to him. He recalls that the high school went into a bit of a decline
and, when Paul Edey took over as headmaster in 1995 it started to turn around.
After matriculating, Len having come from an Irish Catholic family decided to become a priest and studied
for 6 months until he became churched out. He then studied to become a chartered accountant with
Deloittes and ended up living in Baltimore with his wife for 18 months where James was born. On his return
to South Africa, Len got involved with forestry from 1981 until 1994 with Hunt, Leuchars and Hepburn. He
became managing director of the timber facility and, when he was retrenched, he started up in opposition to
them in a mining support business called Trimrite. He built a chipping plant which is the first process in
making paper and developed export markets including the US and Japan. On his visits to Japan he often
met up with Marstao Ushimbubo a former St David’s pupil.
JLE June 2015

Egenrieder, Julie

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